Commit b43ad96e authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

- filed a bug w/ constant evaluation

parent add9c8cc
// $G $D/$F.go
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
const c = 0 ^ 0
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -317,6 +317,20 @@ BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug062.go
BUG: known to succeed incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug063.go
bugs/bug063.go:4: illegal combination of literals XOR 7
bugs/bug063.go:4: expression must be a constant
bugs/bug063.go:4: expression must be a constant
bugs/bug063.go:4: expression must be a constant
bugs/bug063.go:4: expression must be a constant
bugs/bug063.go:4: expression must be a constant
bugs/bug063.go:4: expression must be a constant
bugs/bug063.go:4: expression must be a constant
bugs/bug063.go:4: expression must be a constant
bugs/bug063.go:4: expression must be a constant
bugs/bug063.go:4: fatal error: too many errors
BUG: should compile without problems
=========== fixedbugs/bug000.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug001.go
......@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ const (
COR = iota;
// keywords
BREAK = iota;
CASE = iota;
CONST = iota;
......@@ -97,6 +98,7 @@ const (
TRUE = iota;
TYPE = iota;
VAR = iota;
......@@ -108,96 +110,95 @@ var (
export TokenName
func TokenName(tok int) string {
switch (tok) {
case ILLEGAL: return "ILLEGAL";
case EOF: return "EOF";
case IDENT: return "IDENT";
case STRING: return "STRING";
case NUMBER: return "NUMBER";
case COMMA: return "COMMA";
case COLON: return "COLON";
case PERIOD: return "PERIOD";
case LPAREN: return "LPAREN";
case RPAREN: return "RPAREN";
case LBRACK: return "LBRACK";
case RBRACK: return "RBRACK";
case LBRACE: return "LBRACE";
case RBRACE: return "RBRACE";
case ASSIGN: return "ASSIGN";
case DEFINE: return "DEFINE";
case INC: return "INC";
case DEC: return "DEC";
case NOT: return "NOT";
case AND: return "AND";
case OR: return "OR";
case XOR: return "XOR";
case ADD: return "ADD";
case SUB: return "SUB";
case MUL: return "MUL";
case REM: return "REM";
case QUO: return "QUO";
case REM: return "REM";
case EQL: return "EQL";
case NEQ: return "NEQ";
case LSS: return "LSS";
case LEQ: return "LEQ";
case GTR: return "GTR";
case GEQ: return "GEQ";
case SHL: return SHL;
case SHR: return SHR;
case ADD_ASSIGN: return "ADD_ASSIGN";
case SUB_ASSIGN: return "SUB_ASSIGN";
case MUL_ASSIGN: return "MUL_ASSIGN";
case QUO_ASSIGN: return "QUO_ASSIGN";
case REM_ASSIGN: return "REM_ASSIGN";
case AND_ASSIGN: return "AND_ASSIGN";
case OR_ASSIGN: return "OR_ASSIGN";
case XOR_ASSIGN: return "XOR_ASSIGN";
case SHL_ASSIGN: return "SHL_ASSIGN";
case SHR_ASSIGN: return "SHR_ASSIGN";
case CAND: return "CAND";
case COR: return "COR";
case BREAK: return "BREAK";
case CASE: return "CASE";
case CONST: return "CONST";
case CONTINUE: return "CONTINUE";
case DEFAULT: return "DEFAULT";
case ELSE: return "ELSE";
case EXPORT: return "EXPORT";
case FALSE: return "FALSE";
case FOR: return "FOR";
case FUNC: return "FUNC";
case GO: return "GO";
case GOTO: return "GOTO";
case IF: return "IF";
case IMPORT: return "IMPORT";
case MAP: return "MAP";
case NEW: return "NEW";
case NIL: return "NIL";
case PACKAGE: return "PACKAGE";
case RANGE: return "RANGE";
case RETURN: return "RETURN";
case SELECT: return "SELECT";
case STRUCT: return "STRUCT";
case SWITCH: return "SWITCH";
case TRUE: return "TRUE";
case TYPE: return "TYPE";
case VAR: return "VAR";
case ILLEGAL: return "illegal";
case EOF: return "eof";
case IDENT: return "ident";
case STRING: return "string";
case NUMBER: return "number";
case COMMA: return ",";
case COLON: return ":";
case SEMICOLON: return ";";
case PERIOD: return ".";
case LPAREN: return "(";
case RPAREN: return ")";
case LBRACK: return "[";
case RBRACK: return "]";
case LBRACE: return "{";
case RBRACE: return "}";
case ASSIGN: return "=";
case DEFINE: return ":=";
case INC: return "++";
case DEC: return "--";
case NOT: return "!";
case AND: return "&";
case OR: return "|";
case XOR: return "^";
case ADD: return "+";
case SUB: return "-";
case MUL: return "*";
case QUO: return "/";
case REM: return "%";
case EQL: return "==";
case NEQ: return "!=";
case LSS: return "<";
case LEQ: return "<=";
case GTR: return ">";
case GEQ: return ">=";
case SHL: return "<<";
case SHR: return ">>";
case ADD_ASSIGN: return "+=";
case SUB_ASSIGN: return "-=";
case MUL_ASSIGN: return "+=";
case QUO_ASSIGN: return "/=";
case REM_ASSIGN: return "%=";
case AND_ASSIGN: return "&=";
case OR_ASSIGN: return "|=";
case XOR_ASSIGN: return "^=";
case SHL_ASSIGN: return "<<=";
case SHR_ASSIGN: return ">>=";
case CAND: return "&&";
case COR: return "||";
case BREAK: return "break";
case CASE: return "case";
case CONST: return "const";
case CONTINUE: return "continue";
case DEFAULT: return "default";
case ELSE: return "else";
case EXPORT: return "export";
case FALLTHROUGH: return "fallthrough";
case FALSE: return "false";
case FOR: return "for";
case FUNC: return "func";
case GO: return "go";
case GOTO: return "goto";
case IF: return "if";
case IMPORT: return "import";
case INTERFACE: return "interface";
case MAP: return "map";
case NEW: return "new";
case NIL: return "nil";
case PACKAGE: return "package";
case RANGE: return "range";
case RETURN: return "return";
case SELECT: return "select";
case STRUCT: return "struct";
case SWITCH: return "switch";
case TRUE: return "true";
case TYPE: return "type";
case VAR: return "var";
return "???";
......@@ -238,50 +239,104 @@ type Scanner struct {
func (S *Scanner) Next () {
const (
Bit1 = 7;
Bitx = 6;
Bit2 = 5;
Bit3 = 4;
Bit4 = 3;
T1 = 0x00; // (1 << (Bit1 + 1) - 1) ^ 0xFF; // 0000 0000
Tx = 0x80; // (1 << (Bitx + 1) - 1) ^ 0xFF; // 1000 0000
T2 = 0xC0; // (1 << (Bit2 + 1) - 1) ^ 0xFF; // 1100 0000
T3 = 0xE0; // (1 << (Bit3 + 1) - 1) ^ 0xFF; // 1110 0000
T4 = 0xF0; // (1 << (Bit4 + 1) - 1) ^ 0xFF; // 1111 0000
Rune1 = 1 << (Bit1 + 0*Bitx) - 1; // 0000 0000 0111 1111
Rune2 = 1 << (Bit2 + 1*Bitx) - 1; // 0000 0111 1111 1111
Rune3 = 1 << (Bit3 + 2*Bitx) - 1; // 1111 1111 1111 1111
Maskx = 0x3F; // 1 << Bitx - 1; // 0011 1111
Testx = 0xC0; // Maskx ^ 0xFF; // 1100 0000
Bad = 0xFFFD; // Runeerror
src := S.src; // TODO only needed because of 6g bug
if S.pos < len(src) { = int(S.src[S.pos]);
if ( >= 128) {
panic "UTF-8 not handled"
lim := len(src);
pos := S.pos;
// 1-byte sequence
// 0000-007F => T1
if pos >= lim {
goto eof;
c0 := int(src[pos + 0]);
if c0 < Tx { = c0;
S.pos = pos + 1;
} else { = -1;
// 2-byte sequence
// 0080-07FF => T2 Tx
if pos + 1 >= lim {
goto eof;
c1 := int(src[pos + 1]) ^ Tx;
if c1 & Testx != 0 {
goto bad;
if c0 < T3 {
if c0 < T2 {
goto bad;
r := (c0 << Bitx | c1) & Rune2;
if r <= Rune1 {
goto bad;
} = r;
S.pos = pos + 2;
// 3-byte encoding
// 0800-FFFF => T3 Tx Tx
if pos + 2 >= lim {
goto eof;
c2 := int(src[pos + 2]) ^ Tx;
if c2 & Testx != 0 {
goto bad;
if c0 < T4 {
r := (((c0 << Bitx | c1) << Bitx) | c2) & Rune3;
if r <= Rune2 {
goto bad;
} = r;
S.pos = pos + 3;
// bad encoding
bad: = Bad;
S.pos += 1;
// end of file
eof: = -1;
func Init () {
Keywords = new(map [string] int);
Keywords["break"] = BREAK;
Keywords["case"] = CASE;
Keywords["const"] = CONST;
Keywords["continue"] = CONTINUE;
Keywords["default"] = DEFAULT;
Keywords["else"] = ELSE;
Keywords["export"] = EXPORT;
Keywords["fallthrough"] = FALLTHROUGH;
Keywords["false"] = FALSE;
Keywords["for"] = FOR;
Keywords["func"] = FUNC;
Keywords["go"] = GO;
Keywords["goto"] = GOTO;
Keywords["if"] = IF;
Keywords["import"] = IMPORT;
Keywords["interface"] = INTERFACE;
Keywords["map"] = MAP;
Keywords["new"] = NEW;
Keywords["nil"] = NIL;
Keywords["package"] = PACKAGE;
Keywords["range"] = RANGE;
Keywords["return"] = RETURN;
Keywords["select"] = SELECT;
Keywords["struct"] = STRUCT;
Keywords["switch"] = SWITCH;
Keywords["true"] = TRUE;
Keywords["type"] = TYPE;
Keywords["var"] = VAR;
for i := KEYWORDS_BEG; i <= KEYWORDS_END; i++ {
Keywords[TokenName(i)] = i;
......@@ -552,7 +607,6 @@ func (S *Scanner) Scan () (tok, beg, end int) {
case '&': tok = S.Select3(AND, AND_ASSIGN, '&', CAND);
case '|': tok = S.Select3(OR, OR_ASSIGN, '|', COR);
default: tok = ILLEGAL;
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