Commit b536adbf authored by Luuk van Dijk's avatar Luuk van Dijk

gc: changes to export format in preparation for inlining.

string literals used as package qualifiers are now prefixed with '@'
which obviates the need for the extra ':' before tags.

R=rsc, gri, lvd
parent bffadd6b
char *runtimeimport = char *runtimeimport =
"package runtime\n" "package runtime\n"
"import runtime \"runtime\"\n" "import runtime \"runtime\"\n"
"func \"\".new (? int32) *any\n" "func @\"\".new (? int32) *any\n"
"func \"\".panicindex ()\n" "func @\"\".panicindex ()\n"
"func \"\".panicslice ()\n" "func @\"\".panicslice ()\n"
"func \"\".throwreturn ()\n" "func @\"\".throwreturn ()\n"
"func \"\".throwinit ()\n" "func @\"\".throwinit ()\n"
"func \"\".panicwrap (? string, ? string, ? string)\n" "func @\"\".panicwrap (? string, ? string, ? string)\n"
"func \"\".panic (? interface { })\n" "func @\"\".panic (? interface { })\n"
"func \"\".recover (? *int32) interface { }\n" "func @\"\".recover (? *int32) interface { }\n"
"func \"\".printbool (? bool)\n" "func @\"\".printbool (? bool)\n"
"func \"\".printfloat (? float64)\n" "func @\"\".printfloat (? float64)\n"
"func \"\".printint (? int64)\n" "func @\"\".printint (? int64)\n"
"func \"\".printuint (? uint64)\n" "func @\"\".printuint (? uint64)\n"
"func \"\".printcomplex (? complex128)\n" "func @\"\".printcomplex (? complex128)\n"
"func \"\".printstring (? string)\n" "func @\"\".printstring (? string)\n"
"func \"\".printpointer (? any)\n" "func @\"\".printpointer (? any)\n"
"func \"\".printiface (? any)\n" "func @\"\".printiface (? any)\n"
"func \"\".printeface (? any)\n" "func @\"\".printeface (? any)\n"
"func \"\".printslice (? any)\n" "func @\"\".printslice (? any)\n"
"func \"\".printnl ()\n" "func @\"\".printnl ()\n"
"func \"\".printsp ()\n" "func @\"\".printsp ()\n"
"func \"\".goprintf ()\n" "func @\"\".goprintf ()\n"
"func \"\".concatstring ()\n" "func @\"\".concatstring ()\n"
"func \"\".append ()\n" "func @\"\".append ()\n"
"func \"\".appendslice (typ *uint8, x any, y []any) any\n" "func @\"\".appendslice (typ *uint8, x any, y []any) any\n"
"func \"\".cmpstring (? string, ? string) int\n" "func @\"\".cmpstring (? string, ? string) int\n"
"func \"\".slicestring (? string, ? int, ? int) string\n" "func @\"\".slicestring (? string, ? int, ? int) string\n"
"func \"\".slicestring1 (? string, ? int) string\n" "func @\"\".slicestring1 (? string, ? int) string\n"
"func \"\".intstring (? int64) string\n" "func @\"\".intstring (? int64) string\n"
"func \"\".slicebytetostring (? []uint8) string\n" "func @\"\".slicebytetostring (? []uint8) string\n"
"func \"\".sliceinttostring (? []int) string\n" "func @\"\".sliceinttostring (? []int) string\n"
"func \"\".stringtoslicebyte (? string) []uint8\n" "func @\"\".stringtoslicebyte (? string) []uint8\n"
"func \"\".stringtosliceint (? string) []int\n" "func @\"\".stringtosliceint (? string) []int\n"
"func \"\".stringiter (? string, ? int) int\n" "func @\"\".stringiter (? string, ? int) int\n"
"func \"\".stringiter2 (? string, ? int) (retk int, retv int)\n" "func @\"\".stringiter2 (? string, ? int) (retk int, retv int)\n"
"func \"\".slicecopy (to any, fr any, wid uint32) int\n" "func @\"\".slicecopy (to any, fr any, wid uint32) int\n"
"func \"\".slicestringcopy (to any, fr any) int\n" "func @\"\".slicestringcopy (to any, fr any) int\n"
"func \"\".convI2E (elem any) any\n" "func @\"\".convI2E (elem any) any\n"
"func \"\".convI2I (typ *uint8, elem any) any\n" "func @\"\".convI2I (typ *uint8, elem any) any\n"
"func \"\".convT2E (typ *uint8, elem any) any\n" "func @\"\".convT2E (typ *uint8, elem any) any\n"
"func \"\".convT2I (typ *uint8, typ2 *uint8, elem any) any\n" "func @\"\".convT2I (typ *uint8, typ2 *uint8, elem any) any\n"
"func \"\".assertE2E (typ *uint8, iface any) any\n" "func @\"\".assertE2E (typ *uint8, iface any) any\n"
"func \"\".assertE2E2 (typ *uint8, iface any) (ret any, ok bool)\n" "func @\"\".assertE2E2 (typ *uint8, iface any) (ret any, ok bool)\n"
"func \"\".assertE2I (typ *uint8, iface any) any\n" "func @\"\".assertE2I (typ *uint8, iface any) any\n"
"func \"\".assertE2I2 (typ *uint8, iface any) (ret any, ok bool)\n" "func @\"\".assertE2I2 (typ *uint8, iface any) (ret any, ok bool)\n"
"func \"\".assertE2T (typ *uint8, iface any) any\n" "func @\"\".assertE2T (typ *uint8, iface any) any\n"
"func \"\".assertE2T2 (typ *uint8, iface any) (ret any, ok bool)\n" "func @\"\".assertE2T2 (typ *uint8, iface any) (ret any, ok bool)\n"
"func \"\".assertI2E (typ *uint8, iface any) any\n" "func @\"\".assertI2E (typ *uint8, iface any) any\n"
"func \"\".assertI2E2 (typ *uint8, iface any) (ret any, ok bool)\n" "func @\"\".assertI2E2 (typ *uint8, iface any) (ret any, ok bool)\n"
"func \"\".assertI2I (typ *uint8, iface any) any\n" "func @\"\".assertI2I (typ *uint8, iface any) any\n"
"func \"\".assertI2I2 (typ *uint8, iface any) (ret any, ok bool)\n" "func @\"\".assertI2I2 (typ *uint8, iface any) (ret any, ok bool)\n"
"func \"\".assertI2T (typ *uint8, iface any) any\n" "func @\"\".assertI2T (typ *uint8, iface any) any\n"
"func \"\".assertI2T2 (typ *uint8, iface any) (ret any, ok bool)\n" "func @\"\".assertI2T2 (typ *uint8, iface any) (ret any, ok bool)\n"
"func \"\".ifaceeq (i1 any, i2 any) bool\n" "func @\"\".ifaceeq (i1 any, i2 any) bool\n"
"func \"\".efaceeq (i1 any, i2 any) bool\n" "func @\"\".efaceeq (i1 any, i2 any) bool\n"
"func \"\".ifacethash (i1 any) uint32\n" "func @\"\".ifacethash (i1 any) uint32\n"
"func \"\".efacethash (i1 any) uint32\n" "func @\"\".efacethash (i1 any) uint32\n"
"func \"\".makemap (mapType *uint8, hint int64) map[any] any\n" "func @\"\".makemap (mapType *uint8, hint int64) map[any] any\n"
"func \"\".mapaccess1 (mapType *uint8, hmap map[any] any, key any) any\n" "func @\"\".mapaccess1 (mapType *uint8, hmap map[any] any, key any) any\n"
"func \"\".mapaccess2 (mapType *uint8, hmap map[any] any, key any) (val any, pres bool)\n" "func @\"\".mapaccess2 (mapType *uint8, hmap map[any] any, key any) (val any, pres bool)\n"
"func \"\".mapassign1 (mapType *uint8, hmap map[any] any, key any, val any)\n" "func @\"\".mapassign1 (mapType *uint8, hmap map[any] any, key any, val any)\n"
"func \"\".mapassign2 (mapType *uint8, hmap map[any] any, key any, val any, pres bool)\n" "func @\"\".mapassign2 (mapType *uint8, hmap map[any] any, key any, val any, pres bool)\n"
"func \"\".mapiterinit (mapType *uint8, hmap map[any] any, hiter *any)\n" "func @\"\".mapiterinit (mapType *uint8, hmap map[any] any, hiter *any)\n"
"func \"\".mapiternext (hiter *any)\n" "func @\"\".mapiternext (hiter *any)\n"
"func \"\".mapiter1 (hiter *any) any\n" "func @\"\".mapiter1 (hiter *any) any\n"
"func \"\".mapiter2 (hiter *any) (key any, val any)\n" "func @\"\".mapiter2 (hiter *any) (key any, val any)\n"
"func \"\".makechan (chanType *uint8, hint int64) chan any\n" "func @\"\".makechan (chanType *uint8, hint int64) chan any\n"
"func \"\".chanrecv1 (chanType *uint8, hchan <-chan any) any\n" "func @\"\".chanrecv1 (chanType *uint8, hchan <-chan any) any\n"
"func \"\".chanrecv2 (chanType *uint8, hchan <-chan any) (elem any, received bool)\n" "func @\"\".chanrecv2 (chanType *uint8, hchan <-chan any) (elem any, received bool)\n"
"func \"\".chansend1 (chanType *uint8, hchan chan<- any, elem any)\n" "func @\"\".chansend1 (chanType *uint8, hchan chan<- any, elem any)\n"
"func \"\".closechan (hchan any)\n" "func @\"\".closechan (hchan any)\n"
"func \"\".selectnbsend (chanType *uint8, hchan chan<- any, elem any) bool\n" "func @\"\".selectnbsend (chanType *uint8, hchan chan<- any, elem any) bool\n"
"func \"\".selectnbrecv (chanType *uint8, elem *any, hchan <-chan any) bool\n" "func @\"\".selectnbrecv (chanType *uint8, elem *any, hchan <-chan any) bool\n"
"func \"\".selectnbrecv2 (chanType *uint8, elem *any, received *bool, hchan <-chan any) bool\n" "func @\"\".selectnbrecv2 (chanType *uint8, elem *any, received *bool, hchan <-chan any) bool\n"
"func \"\".newselect (size int) *uint8\n" "func @\"\".newselect (size int) *uint8\n"
"func \"\".selectsend (sel *uint8, hchan chan<- any, elem *any) bool\n" "func @\"\".selectsend (sel *uint8, hchan chan<- any, elem *any) bool\n"
"func \"\".selectrecv (sel *uint8, hchan <-chan any, elem *any) bool\n" "func @\"\".selectrecv (sel *uint8, hchan <-chan any, elem *any) bool\n"
"func \"\".selectrecv2 (sel *uint8, hchan <-chan any, elem *any, received *bool) bool\n" "func @\"\".selectrecv2 (sel *uint8, hchan <-chan any, elem *any, received *bool) bool\n"
"func \"\".selectdefault (sel *uint8) bool\n" "func @\"\".selectdefault (sel *uint8) bool\n"
"func \"\".selectgo (sel *uint8)\n" "func @\"\".selectgo (sel *uint8)\n"
"func \"\".block ()\n" "func @\"\".block ()\n"
"func \"\".makeslice (typ *uint8, nel int64, cap int64) []any\n" "func @\"\".makeslice (typ *uint8, nel int64, cap int64) []any\n"
"func \"\".growslice (typ *uint8, old []any, n int64) []any\n" "func @\"\".growslice (typ *uint8, old []any, n int64) []any\n"
"func \"\".sliceslice1 (old []any, lb uint64, width uint64) []any\n" "func @\"\".sliceslice1 (old []any, lb uint64, width uint64) []any\n"
"func \"\".sliceslice (old []any, lb uint64, hb uint64, width uint64) []any\n" "func @\"\".sliceslice (old []any, lb uint64, hb uint64, width uint64) []any\n"
"func \"\".slicearray (old *any, nel uint64, lb uint64, hb uint64, width uint64) []any\n" "func @\"\".slicearray (old *any, nel uint64, lb uint64, hb uint64, width uint64) []any\n"
"func \"\".closure ()\n" "func @\"\".closure ()\n"
"func \"\".int64div (? int64, ? int64) int64\n" "func @\"\".int64div (? int64, ? int64) int64\n"
"func \"\".uint64div (? uint64, ? uint64) uint64\n" "func @\"\".uint64div (? uint64, ? uint64) uint64\n"
"func \"\".int64mod (? int64, ? int64) int64\n" "func @\"\".int64mod (? int64, ? int64) int64\n"
"func \"\".uint64mod (? uint64, ? uint64) uint64\n" "func @\"\".uint64mod (? uint64, ? uint64) uint64\n"
"func \"\".float64toint64 (? float64) int64\n" "func @\"\".float64toint64 (? float64) int64\n"
"func \"\".float64touint64 (? float64) uint64\n" "func @\"\".float64touint64 (? float64) uint64\n"
"func \"\".int64tofloat64 (? int64) float64\n" "func @\"\".int64tofloat64 (? int64) float64\n"
"func \"\".uint64tofloat64 (? uint64) float64\n" "func @\"\".uint64tofloat64 (? uint64) float64\n"
"func \"\".complex128div (num complex128, den complex128) complex128\n" "func @\"\".complex128div (num complex128, den complex128) complex128\n"
"\n" "\n"
"$$\n"; "$$\n";
char *unsafeimport = char *unsafeimport =
"package unsafe\n" "package unsafe\n"
"import runtime \"runtime\"\n" "import runtime \"runtime\"\n"
"type \"\".Pointer uintptr\n" "type @\"\".Pointer uintptr\n"
"func \"\".Offsetof (? any) uintptr\n" "func @\"\".Offsetof (? any) uintptr\n"
"func \"\".Sizeof (? any) uintptr\n" "func @\"\".Sizeof (? any) uintptr\n"
"func \"\".Alignof (? any) uintptr\n" "func @\"\".Alignof (? any) uintptr\n"
"func \"\".Typeof (i interface { }) interface { }\n" "func @\"\".Typeof (i interface { }) interface { }\n"
"func \"\".Reflect (i interface { }) (typ interface { }, addr \"\".Pointer)\n" "func @\"\".Reflect (i interface { }) (typ interface { }, addr @\"\".Pointer)\n"
"func \"\".Unreflect (typ interface { }, addr \"\".Pointer) interface { }\n" "func @\"\".Unreflect (typ interface { }, addr @\"\".Pointer) interface { }\n"
"func \"\".New (typ interface { }) \"\".Pointer\n" "func @\"\".New (typ interface { }) @\"\".Pointer\n"
"func \"\".NewArray (typ interface { }, n int) \"\".Pointer\n" "func @\"\".NewArray (typ interface { }, n int) @\"\".Pointer\n"
"\n" "\n"
"$$\n"; "$$\n";
...@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ escapes(void) ...@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ escapes(void)
if(debug['m']) { if(debug['m']) {
for(l=noesc; l; l=l->next) for(l=noesc; l; l=l->next)
if(l->n->esc == EscNone) if(l->n->esc == EscNone)
warnl(l->n->lineno, "%S %#N does not escape", warnl(l->n->lineno, "%S %#hN does not escape",
(l->n->curfn && l->n->curfn->nname) ? l->n->curfn->nname->sym : S, (l->n->curfn && l->n->curfn->nname) ? l->n->curfn->nname->sym : S,
l->n); l->n);
} }
...@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ escwalk(int level, Node *dst, Node *src) ...@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ escwalk(int level, Node *dst, Node *src)
if(src->class == PPARAM && leaks && src->esc == EscNone) { if(src->class == PPARAM && leaks && src->esc == EscNone) {
src->esc = EscScope; src->esc = EscScope;
if(debug['m']) if(debug['m'])
warnl(src->lineno, "leaking param: %hN", src); warnl(src->lineno, "leaking param: %#hN", src);
} }
break; break;
...@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ escwalk(int level, Node *dst, Node *src) ...@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ escwalk(int level, Node *dst, Node *src)
src->esc = EscHeap; src->esc = EscHeap;
addrescapes(src->left); addrescapes(src->left);
if(debug['m']) if(debug['m'])
warnl(src->lineno, "%#N escapes to heap", src); warnl(src->lineno, "%#hN escapes to heap", src);
} }
escwalk(level-1, dst, src->left); escwalk(level-1, dst, src->left);
break; break;
...@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ escwalk(int level, Node *dst, Node *src) ...@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ escwalk(int level, Node *dst, Node *src)
if(leaks) { if(leaks) {
src->esc = EscHeap; src->esc = EscHeap;
if(debug['m']) if(debug['m'])
warnl(src->lineno, "%#N escapes to heap", src); warnl(src->lineno, "%#hN escapes to heap", src);
} }
break; break;
...@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ addrescapes(Node *n) ...@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ addrescapes(Node *n)
if(!debug['s']) if(!debug['s'])
n->esc = EscHeap; n->esc = EscHeap;
if(debug['m']) if(debug['m'])
print("%L: moved to heap: %hN\n", n->lineno, n); print("%L: moved to heap: %#hN\n", n->lineno, n);
curfn = oldfn; curfn = oldfn;
break; break;
} }
...@@ -375,10 +375,10 @@ EXTERN Sym* dclstack; ...@@ -375,10 +375,10 @@ EXTERN Sym* dclstack;
struct Pkg struct Pkg
{ {
char* name; char* name; // package name
Strlit* path; Strlit* path; // string literal used in import statement
Sym* pathsym; Sym* pathsym;
char* prefix; char* prefix; // escaped path for use in symbol table
Pkg* link; Pkg* link;
char exported; // import line written in export data char exported; // import line written in export data
char direct; // imported directly char direct; // imported directly
...@@ -1130,7 +1130,7 @@ int Nconv(Fmt *fp); ...@@ -1130,7 +1130,7 @@ int Nconv(Fmt *fp);
int Oconv(Fmt *fp); int Oconv(Fmt *fp);
int Sconv(Fmt *fp); int Sconv(Fmt *fp);
int Tconv(Fmt *fp); int Tconv(Fmt *fp);
int Tpretty(Fmt *fp, Type *t); int Vconv(Fmt *fp);
int Zconv(Fmt *fp); int Zconv(Fmt *fp);
Node* adddot(Node *n); Node* adddot(Node *n);
int adddot1(Sym *s, Type *t, int d, Type **save, int ignorecase); int adddot1(Sym *s, Type *t, int d, Type **save, int ignorecase);
...@@ -1348,5 +1348,6 @@ void zname(Biobuf *b, Sym *s, int t); ...@@ -1348,5 +1348,6 @@ void zname(Biobuf *b, Sym *s, int t);
#pragma varargck type "lS" Sym* #pragma varargck type "lS" Sym*
#pragma varargck type "T" Type* #pragma varargck type "T" Type*
#pragma varargck type "lT" Type* #pragma varargck type "lT" Type*
#pragma varargck type "V" Val*
#pragma varargck type "Y" char* #pragma varargck type "Y" char*
#pragma varargck type "Z" Strlit* #pragma varargck type "Z" Strlit*
...@@ -78,8 +78,6 @@ static void fixlbrace(int); ...@@ -78,8 +78,6 @@ static void fixlbrace(int);
%type <node> indcl interfacetype structtype ptrtype %type <node> indcl interfacetype structtype ptrtype
%type <node> recvchantype non_recvchantype othertype fnret_type fntype %type <node> recvchantype non_recvchantype othertype fnret_type fntype
%type <val> hidden_tag
%type <sym> hidden_importsym hidden_pkg_importsym %type <sym> hidden_importsym hidden_pkg_importsym
%type <node> hidden_constant hidden_literal hidden_dcl %type <node> hidden_constant hidden_literal hidden_dcl
...@@ -993,6 +991,16 @@ onew_name: ...@@ -993,6 +991,16 @@ onew_name:
sym: sym:
| hidden_importsym
if($2.u.sval->len == 0)
$$ = pkglookup($4->name, importpkg);
$$ = pkglookup($4->name, mkpkg($2.u.sval));
name: name:
sym %prec NotParen sym %prec NotParen
...@@ -1826,12 +1834,12 @@ hidden_opt_sym: ...@@ -1826,12 +1834,12 @@ hidden_opt_sym:
} }
hidden_dcl: hidden_dcl:
hidden_opt_sym hidden_type hidden_tag hidden_opt_sym hidden_type oliteral
{ {
$$ = nod(ODCLFIELD, $1, typenod($2)); $$ = nod(ODCLFIELD, $1, typenod($2));
$$->val = $3; $$->val = $3;
} }
| hidden_opt_sym LDDD hidden_type hidden_tag | hidden_opt_sym LDDD hidden_type oliteral
{ {
Type *t; Type *t;
...@@ -1844,12 +1852,12 @@ hidden_dcl: ...@@ -1844,12 +1852,12 @@ hidden_dcl:
} }
hidden_structdcl: hidden_structdcl:
sym hidden_type hidden_tag sym hidden_type oliteral
{ {
$$ = nod(ODCLFIELD, newname($1), typenod($2)); $$ = nod(ODCLFIELD, newname($1), typenod($2));
$$->val = $3; $$->val = $3;
} }
| '?' hidden_type hidden_tag | '?' hidden_type oliteral
{ {
Sym *s; Sym *s;
...@@ -1863,24 +1871,11 @@ hidden_structdcl: ...@@ -1863,24 +1871,11 @@ hidden_structdcl:
$$->val = $3; $$->val = $3;
} }
$$.ctype = CTxxx;
| ':' LLITERAL // extra colon avoids conflict with "" looking like beginning of "".typename
$$ = $2;
hidden_interfacedcl: hidden_interfacedcl:
sym '(' ohidden_funarg_list ')' ohidden_funres sym '(' ohidden_funarg_list ')' ohidden_funres
{ {
$$ = nod(ODCLFIELD, newname($1), typenod(functype(fakethis(), $3, $5))); $$ = nod(ODCLFIELD, newname($1), typenod(functype(fakethis(), $3, $5)));
} }
| hidden_importsym '(' ohidden_funarg_list ')' ohidden_funres
$$ = nod(ODCLFIELD, newname($1), typenod(functype(fakethis(), $3, $5)));
ohidden_funres: ohidden_funres:
{ {
...@@ -1931,18 +1926,6 @@ hidden_constant: ...@@ -1931,18 +1926,6 @@ hidden_constant:
$$ = nodcplxlit($2->val, $4->val); $$ = nodcplxlit($2->val, $4->val);
} }
LLITERAL '.' sym
Pkg *p;
if($1.u.sval->len == 0)
p = importpkg;
p = mkpkg($1.u.sval);
$$ = pkglookup($3->name, p);
hidden_pkg_importsym: hidden_pkg_importsym:
hidden_importsym hidden_importsym
{ {
...@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[]) ...@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
fmtinstall('J', Jconv); // all the node flags fmtinstall('J', Jconv); // all the node flags
fmtinstall('S', Sconv); // sym pointer fmtinstall('S', Sconv); // sym pointer
fmtinstall('T', Tconv); // type pointer fmtinstall('T', Tconv); // type pointer
fmtinstall('V', Vconv); // Val pointer
fmtinstall('N', Nconv); // node pointer fmtinstall('N', Nconv); // node pointer
fmtinstall('Z', Zconv); // escaped string fmtinstall('Z', Zconv); // escaped string
fmtinstall('L', Lconv); // line number fmtinstall('L', Lconv); // line number
...@@ -21,11 +21,22 @@ exprlistfmt(Fmt *f, NodeList *l) ...@@ -21,11 +21,22 @@ exprlistfmt(Fmt *f, NodeList *l)
} }
} }
stmtlistfmt(Fmt *f, NodeList *l)
for(; l; l=l->next) {
fmtprint(f, " %#N", l->n);
fmtprint(f, ";");
void void
exprfmt(Fmt *f, Node *n, int prec) exprfmt(Fmt *f, Node *n, int prec)
{ {
int nprec; int nprec;
char *p; char *p;
NodeList *l;
nprec = 0; nprec = 0;
if(n == nil) { if(n == nil) {
...@@ -107,6 +118,7 @@ exprfmt(Fmt *f, Node *n, int prec) ...@@ -107,6 +118,7 @@ exprfmt(Fmt *f, Node *n, int prec)
case OGE: case OGE:
case OGT: case OGT:
case ONE: case ONE:
nprec = 4; nprec = 4;
break; break;
...@@ -269,6 +281,8 @@ exprfmt(Fmt *f, Node *n, int prec) ...@@ -269,6 +281,8 @@ exprfmt(Fmt *f, Node *n, int prec)
break; break;
case OADD: case OADD:
case OAND:
case ODIV: case ODIV:
...@@ -292,6 +306,12 @@ exprfmt(Fmt *f, Node *n, int prec) ...@@ -292,6 +306,12 @@ exprfmt(Fmt *f, Node *n, int prec)
exprfmt(f, n->right, nprec+1); exprfmt(f, n->right, nprec+1);
break; break;
exprfmt(f, n->left, nprec);
fmtprint(f, " %#O ", n->etype);
exprfmt(f, n->right, nprec+1);
case OADDR: case OADDR:
case OCOM: case OCOM:
case OIND: case OIND:
...@@ -306,7 +326,13 @@ exprfmt(Fmt *f, Node *n, int prec) ...@@ -306,7 +326,13 @@ exprfmt(Fmt *f, Node *n, int prec)
break; break;
fmtprint(f, "func literal"); if(f->flags & FmtShort) {
fmtprint(f, "func literal", n->type);
} else {
fmtprint(f, "func %hhT {", n->type);
stmtlistfmt(f, n->nbody);
fmtprint(f, " }");
break; break;
...@@ -314,18 +340,18 @@ exprfmt(Fmt *f, Node *n, int prec) ...@@ -314,18 +340,18 @@ exprfmt(Fmt *f, Node *n, int prec)
break; break;
fmtprint(f, "slice literal");
fmtprint(f, "array literal");
fmtprint(f, "map literal");
fmtprint(f, "struct literal"); if(f->flags & FmtShort) {
fmtprint(f, "%#hhT literal", n->type);
} else {
fmtprint(f, "%#hhT{", n->type);
for (l=n->list; l; l=l->next) {
fmtprint(f, " %#N:%#N", l->n->left, l->n->right);
if (l->next) fmtprint(f, ",");
fmtprint(f, " }");
break; break;
case OXDOT: case OXDOT:
...@@ -479,6 +505,119 @@ exprfmt(Fmt *f, Node *n, int prec) ...@@ -479,6 +505,119 @@ exprfmt(Fmt *f, Node *n, int prec)
case ODEFER: case ODEFER:
fmtprint(f, "defer %#N", n->left); fmtprint(f, "defer %#N", n->left);
break; break;
case OIF:
if (n->ninit && n->ninit->next) {
fmtprint(f, "{");
stmtlistfmt(f, n->ninit);
fmtprint(f, "; ");
fmtstrcpy(f, "if ");
if (n->ninit && !n->ninit->next)
fmtprint(f, "%#N; ", n->ninit->n);
fmtprint(f, "%#N {", n->ntest);
stmtlistfmt(f, n->nbody);
if (n->nelse) {
fmtprint(f, "} else {");
stmtlistfmt(f, n->nelse);
fmtprint(f, "}");
if (n->ninit && n->ninit->next)
fmtprint(f, "}");
case OFOR:
if (n->ninit && n->ninit->next) {
fmtprint(f, "{");
stmtlistfmt(f, n->ninit);
fmtprint(f, "; ");
fmtstrcpy(f, "for");
if (n->ninit && !n->ninit->next)
fmtprint(f, " %#N;", n->ninit->n);
else if (n->ntest || n->nincr)
fmtstrcpy(f, " ;");
if (n->ntest)
fmtprint(f, "%#N", n->ntest);
if (n->nincr)
fmtprint(f, "; %#N", n->nincr);
else if (n->ninit && !n->ninit->next)
fmtstrcpy(f, " ;");
fmtstrcpy(f, " {");
stmtlistfmt(f, n->nbody);
fmtprint(f, "}");
if (n->ninit && n->ninit->next)
fmtprint(f, "}");
case ORANGE:
if (n->ninit) {
fmtprint(f, "{");
stmtlistfmt(f, n->ninit);
fmtprint(f, "; ");
fmtprint(f, "for ");
exprlistfmt(f, n->list);
fmtprint(f, " = range %#N {", n->right);
stmtlistfmt(f, n->nbody);
fmtprint(f, "}");
if (n->ninit)
fmtprint(f, "}");
if (n->ninit && n->ninit->next) {
fmtprint(f, "{");
stmtlistfmt(f, n->ninit);
fmtprint(f, "; ");
fmtstrcpy(f, "select");
if (n->ninit && !n->ninit->next)
fmtprint(f, " %#N;", n->ninit->n);
if (n->ntest)
fmtprint(f, "%#N", n->ntest);
fmtstrcpy(f, " {");
for(l=n->list; l; l=l->next) {
if (l->n->list) {
fmtprint(f, " case ");
exprlistfmt(f, l->n->list);
} else {
fmtprint(f, " default");
fmtstrcpy(f, ":");
stmtlistfmt(f, l->n->nbody);
if (l->next)
fmtprint(f, ";");
fmtprint(f, " }");
if (n->ninit)
fmtprint(f, "}");
if (n->ninit) {
fmtprint(f, "{");
stmtlistfmt(f, n->ninit);
fmtprint(f, "; ");
fmtstrcpy(f, "select {");
for(l=n->list; l; l=l->next) {
if (l->n->list) {
fmtprint(f, " case ");
exprlistfmt(f, l->n->list);
} else {
fmtprint(f, " default");
fmtstrcpy(f, ":");
stmtlistfmt(f, l->n->nbody);
if (l->next)
fmtprint(f, ";");
fmtprint(f, " }");
if (n->ninit)
fmtprint(f, "}");
} }
if(prec > nprec) if(prec > nprec)
...@@ -768,6 +768,10 @@ dodump(Node *n, int dep) ...@@ -768,6 +768,10 @@ dodump(Node *n, int dep)
dodump(n->right, dep+1); dodump(n->right, dep+1);
break; break;
print("%N v(%V)\n", n, &n->val);
case OTYPE: case OTYPE:
print("%O %S type=%T\n", n->op, n->sym, n->type); print("%O %S type=%T\n", n->op, n->sym, n->type);
if(n->type == T && n->ntype) { if(n->type == T && n->ntype) {
...@@ -870,11 +874,38 @@ dump(char *s, Node *n) ...@@ -870,11 +874,38 @@ dump(char *s, Node *n)
dodump(n, 1); dodump(n, 1);
} }
Vconv(Fmt *fp)
Val *v;
v = va_arg(fp->args, Val*);
switch(v->ctype) {
case CTINT:
return fmtprint(fp, "%B", v->u.xval);
case CTFLT:
return fmtprint(fp, "%g", mpgetflt(v->u.fval));
case CTCPLX:
return fmtprint(fp, "(%g+%gi)",
case CTSTR:
return fmtprint(fp, "\"%Z\"", v->u.sval);
case CTBOOL:
return fmtprint(fp, "%d", v->u.bval);
case CTNIL:
return fmtprint(fp, "nil");
return fmtprint(fp, "<%d>", v->ctype);
static char* static char*
goopnames[] = goopnames[] =
{ {
[OADDR] = "&", [OADDR] = "&",
[OADD] = "+", [OADD] = "+",
[OADDSTR] = "+",
[OANDAND] = "&&", [OANDAND] = "&&",
[OANDNOT] = "&^", [OANDNOT] = "&^",
[OAND] = "&", [OAND] = "&",
...@@ -1165,44 +1196,42 @@ Jconv(Fmt *fp) ...@@ -1165,44 +1196,42 @@ Jconv(Fmt *fp)
return 0; return 0;
} }
// Flags for %S
// 'h' FmtShort -> just print the name
// '#' FmtSharp -> qualify with package prefix or @"path", depending on global flag packagequotes.
// (automatic when global flag exporting is set)
// 'l' FmtLong -> qualify with package name or "path" (automatic when global flag
// longsymnames is set (by typehash) or sym is not in localpkg)
int int
Sconv(Fmt *fp) Sconv(Fmt *fp)
{ {
Sym *s; Sym *s;
s = va_arg(fp->args, Sym*); s = va_arg(fp->args, Sym*);
if(s == S) { if(s == S)
fmtstrcpy(fp, "<S>"); return fmtstrcpy(fp, "<S>");
return 0;
if(fp->flags & FmtShort) if(fp->flags & FmtShort)
goto shrt; goto shrt;
if(exporting || (fp->flags & FmtSharp)) { if(exporting || (fp->flags & FmtSharp)) {
if(packagequotes) if(packagequotes)
fmtprint(fp, "\"%Z\"", s->pkg->path); return fmtprint(fp, "@\"%Z\".%s", s->pkg->path, s->name);
else else
fmtprint(fp, "%s", s->pkg->prefix); return fmtprint(fp, "%s.%s", s->pkg->prefix, s->name);
fmtprint(fp, ".%s", s->name);
return 0;
} }
if(s->pkg && s->pkg != localpkg || longsymnames || (fp->flags & FmtLong)) { if(s->pkg && s->pkg != localpkg || longsymnames || (fp->flags & FmtLong)) {
// This one is for the user. If the package name // This one is for the user. If the package name
// was used by multiple packages, give the full // was used by multiple packages, give the full
// import path to disambiguate. // import path to disambiguate.
if(erroring && pkglookup(s->pkg->name, nil)->npkg > 1) { if(erroring && pkglookup(s->pkg->name, nil)->npkg > 1)
fmtprint(fp, "\"%Z\".%s", s->pkg->path, s->name); return fmtprint(fp, "\"%Z\".%s", s->pkg->path, s->name);
return 0; return fmtprint(fp, "%s.%s", s->pkg->name, s->name);
fmtprint(fp, "%s.%s", s->pkg->name, s->name);
return 0;
} }
shrt: shrt:
fmtstrcpy(fp, s->name); return fmtstrcpy(fp, s->name);
return 0;
} }
static char* static char*
...@@ -1231,7 +1260,11 @@ basicnames[] = ...@@ -1231,7 +1260,11 @@ basicnames[] =
[TBLANK] = "blank", [TBLANK] = "blank",
}; };
int // Global flag exporting
// Global flag noargnames
// 'h' FmtShort
// 'l' FmtLong
static int
Tpretty(Fmt *fp, Type *t) Tpretty(Fmt *fp, Type *t)
{ {
Type *t1; Type *t1;
...@@ -1255,9 +1288,7 @@ Tpretty(Fmt *fp, Type *t) ...@@ -1255,9 +1288,7 @@ Tpretty(Fmt *fp, Type *t)
fmtprint(fp, "%hS", s); fmtprint(fp, "%hS", s);
else else
fmtprint(fp, "%S", s); fmtprint(fp, "%S", s);
if(s->pkg != localpkg) if(s->pkg == localpkg && t->vargen)
return 0;
fmtprint(fp, "·%d", t->vargen); fmtprint(fp, "·%d", t->vargen);
return 0; return 0;
} }
...@@ -1401,8 +1432,6 @@ Tpretty(Fmt *fp, Type *t) ...@@ -1401,8 +1432,6 @@ Tpretty(Fmt *fp, Type *t)
fmtprint(fp, "%T", t->type); fmtprint(fp, "%T", t->type);
if(t->note) { if(t->note) {
fmtprint(fp, " "); fmtprint(fp, " ");
fmtprint(fp, ":");
fmtprint(fp, "\"%Z\"", t->note); fmtprint(fp, "\"%Z\"", t->note);
} }
return 0; return 0;
...@@ -1416,35 +1445,45 @@ Tpretty(Fmt *fp, Type *t) ...@@ -1416,35 +1445,45 @@ Tpretty(Fmt *fp, Type *t)
if(exporting) if(exporting)
return fmtprint(fp, "\"unsafe\".Pointer"); return fmtprint(fp, "@\"unsafe\".Pointer");
return fmtprint(fp, "unsafe.Pointer"); return fmtprint(fp, "unsafe.Pointer");
fatal("missing %E case during export", t->etype);
// Don't know how to handle - fall back to detailed prints.
return fmtprint(fp, "%E <%S> %T", t->etype, t->sym, t->type);
} }
// Don't know how to handle - fall back to detailed prints. fatal("not reached");
return -1; return -1;
} }
// %T flags:
// '#' FmtSharp -> 'exporting' mode global flag, affects Tpretty and Sconv
// '-' FmtLeft -> 'noargnames' global flag, affects Tpretty
// 'h' FmtShort -> handled by Tpretty
// 'l' FmtLong -> handled by Tpretty
int int
Tconv(Fmt *fp) Tconv(Fmt *fp)
{ {
Type *t, *t1; Type *t;
int r, et, sharp, minus; int r,sharp, minus, sf;
sharp = (fp->flags & FmtSharp);
minus = (fp->flags & FmtLeft);
fp->flags &= ~(FmtSharp|FmtLeft);
t = va_arg(fp->args, Type*); t = va_arg(fp->args, Type*);
if(t == T) if(t == T)
return fmtstrcpy(fp, "<T>"); return fmtstrcpy(fp, "<T>");
t->trecur++; if(t->trecur > 4) {
if(t->trecur > 5) { return fmtstrcpy(fp, "...");
fmtprint(fp, "...");
goto out;
} }
if(!debug['t']) { t->trecur++;
sharp = (fp->flags & FmtSharp);
minus = (fp->flags & FmtLeft);
sf = fp->flags;
fp->flags &= ~(FmtSharp|FmtLeft);
if(sharp) if(sharp)
exporting++; exporting++;
if(minus) if(minus)
...@@ -1454,77 +1493,10 @@ Tconv(Fmt *fp) ...@@ -1454,77 +1493,10 @@ Tconv(Fmt *fp)
exporting--; exporting--;
if(minus) if(minus)
noargnames--; noargnames--;
if(r >= 0) {
return 0;
if(sharp || exporting)
fatal("missing %E case during export", t->etype);
et = t->etype;
fmtprint(fp, "%E ", et);
if(t->sym != S)
fmtprint(fp, "<%S>", t->sym);
switch(et) { fp->flags = sf;
if(t->type != T)
fmtprint(fp, " %T", t->type);
case TFIELD:
fmtprint(fp, "%T", t->type);
case TFUNC:
if(fp->flags & FmtLong)
fmtprint(fp, "%d%d%d(%lT,%lT)%lT",
t->thistuple, t->intuple, t->outtuple,
t->type, t->type->down->down, t->type->down);
fmtprint(fp, "%d%d%d(%T,%T)%T",
t->thistuple, t->intuple, t->outtuple,
t->type, t->type->down->down, t->type->down);
case TINTER:
fmtprint(fp, "{");
if(fp->flags & FmtLong)
for(t1=t->type; t1!=T; t1=t1->down)
fmtprint(fp, "%lT;", t1);
fmtprint(fp, "}");
fmtprint(fp, "{");
if(fp->flags & FmtLong)
for(t1=t->type; t1!=T; t1=t1->down)
fmtprint(fp, "%lT;", t1);
fmtprint(fp, "}");
case TMAP:
fmtprint(fp, "[%T]%T", t->down, t->type);
case TARRAY:
if(t->bound >= 0)
fmtprint(fp, "[%d]%T", t->bound, t->type);
fmtprint(fp, "[]%T", t->type);
case TPTR32:
case TPTR64:
fmtprint(fp, "%T", t->type);
t->trecur--; t->trecur--;
return 0; return r;
} }
int int
...@@ -1541,11 +1513,11 @@ Nconv(Fmt *fp) ...@@ -1541,11 +1513,11 @@ Nconv(Fmt *fp)
if(fp->flags & FmtSign) { if(fp->flags & FmtSign) {
if(n->type == T) if(n->type == T)
fmtprint(fp, "%#N", n); fmtprint(fp, "%#hN", n);
else if(n->type->etype == TNIL) else if(n->type->etype == TNIL)
fmtprint(fp, "nil"); fmtprint(fp, "nil");
else else
fmtprint(fp, "%#N (type %T)", n, n->type); fmtprint(fp, "%#hN (type %T)", n, n->type);
goto out; goto out;
} }
...@@ -21,31 +21,19 @@ ...@@ -21,31 +21,19 @@
#include "fmtdef.h" #include "fmtdef.h"
/* /*
* format a string into the output buffer * Format a string into the output buffer.
* designed for formats which themselves call fmt, * Designed for formats which themselves call fmt.
* but ignore any width flags * Flags, precision and width are preserved.
*/ */
int int
fmtprint(Fmt *f, char *fmt, ...) fmtprint(Fmt *f, char *fmt, ...)
{ {
va_list va;
int n; int n;
va_list va;
f->flags = 0; va_start(va, fmt);
f->width = 0; n = fmtvprint(f, fmt, va);
f->prec = 0; va_end(va);
VA_COPY(va, f->args);
va_start(f->args, fmt);
n = dofmt(f, fmt);
f->flags = 0;
f->width = 0;
f->prec = 0;
if(n >= 0)
return 0;
return n; return n;
} }
...@@ -22,31 +22,31 @@ ...@@ -22,31 +22,31 @@
/* /*
* format a string into the output buffer * Format a string into the output buffer.
* designed for formats which themselves call fmt, * Designed for formats which themselves call fmt.
* but ignore any width flags * Flags, precision and width are preserved.
*/ */
int int
fmtvprint(Fmt *f, char *fmt, va_list args) fmtvprint(Fmt *f, char *fmt, va_list args)
{ {
va_list va; va_list va;
int n; int n, w, p;
unsigned long fl;
f->flags = 0; w = f->width;
f->width = 0; p = f->prec;
f->prec = 0; fl = f->flags;
VA_COPY(va,f->args); VA_COPY(va, f->args);
VA_END(f->args); VA_END(f->args);
VA_COPY(f->args,args); VA_COPY(f->args, args);
n = dofmt(f, fmt); n = dofmt(f, fmt);
f->flags = 0;
f->width = 0;
f->prec = 0;
VA_END(f->args); VA_END(f->args);
VA_COPY(f->args,va); VA_COPY(f->args, va);
VA_END(va); VA_END(va);
f->width = w;
f->prec = p;
f->flags = fl;
if(n >= 0) if(n >= 0)
return 0; return 0;
return n; return n;
} }
...@@ -142,6 +142,34 @@ func GcImporter(imports map[string]*ast.Object, path string) (pkg *ast.Object, e ...@@ -142,6 +142,34 @@ func GcImporter(imports map[string]*ast.Object, path string) (pkg *ast.Object, e
return return
} }
// Declare inserts a named object of the given kind in scope.
func (p *gcParser) declare(scope *ast.Scope, kind ast.ObjKind, name string) *ast.Object {
// a type may have been declared before - if it exists
// already in the respective package scope, return that
// type
if kind == ast.Typ {
if obj := scope.Lookup(name); obj != nil {
assert(obj.Kind == ast.Typ)
return obj
// any other object must be a newly declared object -
// create it and insert it into the package scope
obj := ast.NewObj(kind, name)
if scope.Insert(obj) != nil {
p.errorf("already declared: %v %s", kind, obj.Name)
// a new type object is a named type and may be referred
// to before the underlying type is known - set it up
if kind == ast.Typ {
obj.Type = &Name{Obj: obj}
return obj
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Error handling // Error handling
...@@ -245,38 +273,14 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseDotIdent() string { ...@@ -245,38 +273,14 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseDotIdent() string {
return ident return ident
} }
// ExportedName = ImportPath "." dotIdentifier . // ExportedName = "@" ImportPath "." dotIdentifier .
// //
func (p *gcParser) parseExportedName(kind ast.ObjKind) *ast.Object { func (p *gcParser) parseExportedName() (*ast.Object, string) {
pkg := p.parsePkgId() pkg := p.parsePkgId()
p.expect('.') p.expect('.')
name := p.parseDotIdent() name := p.parseDotIdent()
return pkg, name
// a type may have been declared before - if it exists
// already in the respective package scope, return that
// type
scope := pkg.Data.(*ast.Scope)
if kind == ast.Typ {
if obj := scope.Lookup(name); obj != nil {
assert(obj.Kind == ast.Typ)
return obj
// any other object must be a newly declared object -
// create it and insert it into the package scope
obj := ast.NewObj(kind, name)
if scope.Insert(obj) != nil {
p.errorf("already declared: %s", obj.Name)
// a new type object is a named type and may be referred
// to before the underlying type is known - set it up
if kind == ast.Typ {
obj.Type = &Name{Obj: obj}
return obj
} }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
...@@ -333,7 +337,7 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseName() (name string) { ...@@ -333,7 +337,7 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseName() (name string) {
return return
} }
// Field = Name Type [ ":" string_lit ] . // Field = Name Type [ string_lit ] .
// //
func (p *gcParser) parseField() (fld *ast.Object, tag string) { func (p *gcParser) parseField() (fld *ast.Object, tag string) {
name := p.parseName() name := p.parseName()
...@@ -344,8 +348,7 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseField() (fld *ast.Object, tag string) { ...@@ -344,8 +348,7 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseField() (fld *ast.Object, tag string) {
p.errorf("anonymous field expected") p.errorf("anonymous field expected")
} }
} }
if p.tok == ':' { if p.tok == scanner.String {
tag = p.expect(scanner.String) tag = p.expect(scanner.String)
} }
fld = ast.NewObj(ast.Var, name) fld = ast.NewObj(ast.Var, name)
...@@ -380,7 +383,7 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseStructType() Type { ...@@ -380,7 +383,7 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseStructType() Type {
return &Struct{Fields: fields, Tags: tags} return &Struct{Fields: fields, Tags: tags}
} }
// Parameter = ( identifier | "?" ) [ "..." ] Type [ ":" string_lit ] . // Parameter = ( identifier | "?" ) [ "..." ] Type [ string_lit ] .
// //
func (p *gcParser) parseParameter() (par *ast.Object, isVariadic bool) { func (p *gcParser) parseParameter() (par *ast.Object, isVariadic bool) {
name := p.parseName() name := p.parseName()
...@@ -393,8 +396,7 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseParameter() (par *ast.Object, isVariadic bool) { ...@@ -393,8 +396,7 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseParameter() (par *ast.Object, isVariadic bool) {
} }
ptyp := p.parseType() ptyp := p.parseType()
// ignore argument tag // ignore argument tag
if p.tok == ':' { if p.tok == scanner.String {
p.expect(scanner.String) p.expect(scanner.String)
} }
par = ast.NewObj(ast.Var, name) par = ast.NewObj(ast.Var, name)
...@@ -439,7 +441,7 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseSignature() *Func { ...@@ -439,7 +441,7 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseSignature() *Func {
// optional result type // optional result type
var results []*ast.Object var results []*ast.Object
switch p.tok { switch p.tok {
case scanner.Ident, scanner.String, '[', '*', '<': case scanner.Ident, '[', '*', '<', '@':
// single, unnamed result // single, unnamed result
result := ast.NewObj(ast.Var, "_") result := ast.NewObj(ast.Var, "_")
result.Type = p.parseType() result.Type = p.parseType()
...@@ -456,16 +458,13 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseSignature() *Func { ...@@ -456,16 +458,13 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseSignature() *Func {
return &Func{Params: params, Results: results, IsVariadic: isVariadic} return &Func{Params: params, Results: results, IsVariadic: isVariadic}
} }
// MethodSpec = identifier Signature . // MethodSpec = ( identifier | ExportedName ) Signature .
// //
func (p *gcParser) parseMethodSpec() *ast.Object { func (p *gcParser) parseMethodSpec() *ast.Object {
if p.tok == scanner.Ident { if p.tok == scanner.Ident {
p.expect(scanner.Ident) p.expect(scanner.Ident)
} else { } else {
// TODO(gri) should this be parseExportedName here? p.parseExportedName()
} }
p.parseSignature() p.parseSignature()
...@@ -547,9 +546,10 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseType() Type { ...@@ -547,9 +546,10 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseType() Type {
case "chan": case "chan":
return p.parseChanType() return p.parseChanType()
} }
case scanner.String: case '@':
// TypeName // TypeName
return p.parseExportedName(ast.Typ).Type.(Type) pkg, name := p.parseExportedName()
return p.declare(pkg.Data.(*ast.Scope), ast.Typ, name).Type.(Type)
case '[': case '[': // look ahead // look ahead
if p.tok == ']' { if p.tok == ']' {
...@@ -643,7 +643,8 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseNumber() Const { ...@@ -643,7 +643,8 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseNumber() Const {
// //
func (p *gcParser) parseConstDecl() { func (p *gcParser) parseConstDecl() {
p.expectKeyword("const") p.expectKeyword("const")
obj := p.parseExportedName(ast.Con) pkg, name := p.parseExportedName()
obj := p.declare(pkg.Data.(*ast.Scope), ast.Con, name)
var x Const var x Const
var typ Type var typ Type
if p.tok != '=' { if p.tok != '=' {
...@@ -693,7 +694,8 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseConstDecl() { ...@@ -693,7 +694,8 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseConstDecl() {
// //
func (p *gcParser) parseTypeDecl() { func (p *gcParser) parseTypeDecl() {
p.expectKeyword("type") p.expectKeyword("type")
obj := p.parseExportedName(ast.Typ) pkg, name := p.parseExportedName()
obj := p.declare(pkg.Data.(*ast.Scope), ast.Typ, name)
// The type object may have been imported before and thus already // The type object may have been imported before and thus already
// have a type associated with it. We still need to parse the type // have a type associated with it. We still need to parse the type
...@@ -712,20 +714,39 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseTypeDecl() { ...@@ -712,20 +714,39 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseTypeDecl() {
// //
func (p *gcParser) parseVarDecl() { func (p *gcParser) parseVarDecl() {
p.expectKeyword("var") p.expectKeyword("var")
obj := p.parseExportedName(ast.Var) pkg, name := p.parseExportedName()
obj := p.declare(pkg.Data.(*ast.Scope), ast.Var, name)
obj.Type = p.parseType() obj.Type = p.parseType()
} }
// FuncDecl = "func" ExportedName Signature . // FuncBody = "{" ... "}" .
func (p *gcParser) parseFuncBody() {
for i := 1; i > 0; {
switch p.tok {
case '{':
case '}':
// FuncDecl = "func" ExportedName Signature [ FuncBody ] .
// //
func (p *gcParser) parseFuncDecl() { func (p *gcParser) parseFuncDecl() {
// "func" already consumed // "func" already consumed
obj := p.parseExportedName(ast.Fun) pkg, name := p.parseExportedName()
obj := p.declare(pkg.Data.(*ast.Scope), ast.Fun, name)
obj.Type = p.parseSignature() obj.Type = p.parseSignature()
if p.tok == '{' {
} }
// MethodDecl = "func" Receiver identifier Signature . // MethodDecl = "func" Receiver identifier Signature .
// Receiver = "(" ( identifier | "?" ) [ "*" ] ExportedName ")" . // Receiver = "(" ( identifier | "?" ) [ "*" ] ExportedName ")" [ FuncBody ].
// //
func (p *gcParser) parseMethodDecl() { func (p *gcParser) parseMethodDecl() {
// "func" already consumed // "func" already consumed
...@@ -734,6 +755,9 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseMethodDecl() { ...@@ -734,6 +755,9 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseMethodDecl() {
p.expect(')') p.expect(')')
p.expect(scanner.Ident) p.expect(scanner.Ident)
p.parseSignature() p.parseSignature()
if p.tok == '{' {
} }
// Decl = [ ImportDecl | ConstDecl | TypeDecl | VarDecl | FuncDecl | MethodDecl ] "\n" . // Decl = [ ImportDecl | ConstDecl | TypeDecl | VarDecl | FuncDecl | MethodDecl ] "\n" .
...@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ var ( ...@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ var (
_ = sum() _ = sum()
_ = sum(1.0, 2.0) _ = sum(1.0, 2.0)
_ = sum(1.5) // ERROR "integer" _ = sum(1.5) // ERROR "integer"
_ = sum("hello") // ERROR "string.*as type int|incompatible" _ = sum("hello") // ERROR ".hello. .type string. as type int|incompatible"
_ = sum([]int{1}) // ERROR "slice literal.*as type int|incompatible" _ = sum([]int{1}) // ERROR "\[\]int literal.*as type int|incompatible"
) )
type T []T type T []T
...@@ -10,21 +10,21 @@ import "unsafe" ...@@ -10,21 +10,21 @@ import "unsafe"
var gxx *int var gxx *int
func foo1(x int) { // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-x" func foo1(x int) { // ERROR "moved to heap: x"
gxx = &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap" gxx = &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap"
} }
func foo2(yy *int) { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-yy" func foo2(yy *int) { // ERROR "leaking param: yy"
gxx = yy gxx = yy
} }
func foo3(x int) *int { // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-x" func foo3(x int) *int { // ERROR "moved to heap: x"
return &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap" return &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap"
} }
type T *T type T *T
func foo3b(t T) { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-t" func foo3b(t T) { // ERROR "leaking param: t"
*t = t *t = t
} }
...@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ func foo5(xx **int, yy *int) { // ERROR "xx does not escape" "yy does not escape ...@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ func foo5(xx **int, yy *int) { // ERROR "xx does not escape" "yy does not escape
xx = &yy // ERROR "&yy does not escape" xx = &yy // ERROR "&yy does not escape"
} }
func foo6(xx **int, yy *int) { // ERROR "xx does not escape" "leaking param: NAME-yy" func foo6(xx **int, yy *int) { // ERROR "xx does not escape" "leaking param: yy"
*xx = yy *xx = yy
} }
...@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ func foo8(xx, yy *int) int { // ERROR "xx does not escape" "yy does not escape" ...@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ func foo8(xx, yy *int) int { // ERROR "xx does not escape" "yy does not escape"
return *xx return *xx
} }
func foo9(xx, yy *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-xx" "leaking param: NAME-yy" func foo9(xx, yy *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: xx" "leaking param: yy"
xx = yy xx = yy
return xx return xx
} }
...@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ func foo11() int { ...@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ func foo11() int {
var xxx **int var xxx **int
func foo12(yyy **int) { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-yyy" func foo12(yyy **int) { // ERROR "leaking param: yyy"
xxx = yyy xxx = yyy
} }
...@@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ func foo14(yyy **int) { // ERROR "yyy does not escape" ...@@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ func foo14(yyy **int) { // ERROR "yyy does not escape"
**xxx = **yyy **xxx = **yyy
} }
func foo15(yy *int) { // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-yy" func foo15(yy *int) { // ERROR "moved to heap: yy"
xxx = &yy // ERROR "&yy escapes to heap" xxx = &yy // ERROR "&yy escapes to heap"
} }
func foo16(yy *int) { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-yy" func foo16(yy *int) { // ERROR "leaking param: yy"
*xxx = yy *xxx = yy
} }
...@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ func foo17(yy *int) { // ERROR "yy does not escape" ...@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ func foo17(yy *int) { // ERROR "yy does not escape"
**xxx = *yy **xxx = *yy
} }
func foo18(y int) { // ERROR "moved to heap: "NAME-y" func foo18(y int) { // ERROR "moved to heap: "y"
*xxx = &y // ERROR "&y escapes to heap" *xxx = &y // ERROR "&y escapes to heap"
} }
...@@ -108,15 +108,15 @@ type Bar struct { ...@@ -108,15 +108,15 @@ type Bar struct {
} }
func NewBar() *Bar { func NewBar() *Bar {
return &Bar{42, nil} // ERROR "&struct literal escapes to heap" return &Bar{42, nil} // ERROR "&Bar literal escapes to heap"
} }
func NewBarp(x *int) *Bar { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-x" func NewBarp(x *int) *Bar { // ERROR "leaking param: x"
return &Bar{42, x} // ERROR "&struct literal escapes to heap" return &Bar{42, x} // ERROR "&Bar literal escapes to heap"
} }
func NewBarp2(x *int) *Bar { // ERROR "x does not escape" func NewBarp2(x *int) *Bar { // ERROR "x does not escape"
return &Bar{*x, nil} // ERROR "&struct literal escapes to heap" return &Bar{*x, nil} // ERROR "&Bar literal escapes to heap"
} }
func (b *Bar) NoLeak() int { // ERROR "b does not escape" func (b *Bar) NoLeak() int { // ERROR "b does not escape"
...@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ func (b *Bar) AlsoNoLeak() *int { // ERROR "b does not escape" ...@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ func (b *Bar) AlsoNoLeak() *int { // ERROR "b does not escape"
return b.ii return b.ii
} }
func goLeak(b *Bar) { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-b" func goLeak(b *Bar) { // ERROR "leaking param: b"
go b.NoLeak() go b.NoLeak()
} }
...@@ -137,14 +137,14 @@ type Bar2 struct { ...@@ -137,14 +137,14 @@ type Bar2 struct {
} }
func NewBar2() *Bar2 { func NewBar2() *Bar2 {
return &Bar2{[12]int{42}, nil} // ERROR "&struct literal escapes to heap" return &Bar2{[12]int{42}, nil} // ERROR "&Bar2 literal escapes to heap"
} }
func (b *Bar2) NoLeak() int { // ERROR "b does not escape" func (b *Bar2) NoLeak() int { // ERROR "b does not escape"
return b.i[0] return b.i[0]
} }
func (b *Bar2) Leak() []int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-b" func (b *Bar2) Leak() []int { // ERROR "leaking param: b"
return b.i[:] // ERROR "&b.i escapes to heap" return b.i[:] // ERROR "&b.i escapes to heap"
} }
...@@ -152,18 +152,18 @@ func (b *Bar2) AlsoNoLeak() []int { // ERROR "b does not escape" ...@@ -152,18 +152,18 @@ func (b *Bar2) AlsoNoLeak() []int { // ERROR "b does not escape"
return b.ii[0:1] return b.ii[0:1]
} }
func (b *Bar2) LeakSelf() { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-b" func (b *Bar2) LeakSelf() { // ERROR "leaking param: b"
b.ii = b.i[0:4] // ERROR "&b.i escapes to heap" b.ii = b.i[0:4] // ERROR "&b.i escapes to heap"
} }
func (b *Bar2) LeakSelf2() { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-b" func (b *Bar2) LeakSelf2() { // ERROR "leaking param: b"
var buf []int var buf []int
buf = b.i[0:] // ERROR "&b.i escapes to heap" buf = b.i[0:] // ERROR "&b.i escapes to heap"
b.ii = buf b.ii = buf
} }
func foo21() func() int { func foo21() func() int {
x := 42 // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-x" x := 42 // ERROR "moved to heap: x"
return func() int { // ERROR "func literal escapes to heap" return func() int { // ERROR "func literal escapes to heap"
return x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap" return x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap"
} }
...@@ -176,21 +176,21 @@ func foo22() int { ...@@ -176,21 +176,21 @@ func foo22() int {
}() }()
} }
func foo23(x int) func() int { // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-x" func foo23(x int) func() int { // ERROR "moved to heap: x"
return func() int { // ERROR "func literal escapes to heap" return func() int { // ERROR "func literal escapes to heap"
return x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap" return x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap"
} }
} }
func foo23a(x int) func() int { // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-x" func foo23a(x int) func() int { // ERROR "moved to heap: x"
f := func() int { // ERROR "func literal escapes to heap" f := func() int { // ERROR "func literal escapes to heap"
return x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap" return x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap"
} }
return f return f
} }
func foo23b(x int) *(func() int) { // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-x" func foo23b(x int) *(func() int) { // ERROR "moved to heap: x"
f := func() int { return x } // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-f" "func literal escapes to heap" "&x escapes to heap" f := func() int { return x } // ERROR "moved to heap: f" "func literal escapes to heap" "&x escapes to heap"
return &f // ERROR "&f escapes to heap" return &f // ERROR "&f escapes to heap"
} }
...@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ func foo24(x int) int { ...@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ func foo24(x int) int {
var x *int var x *int
func fooleak(xx *int) int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-xx" func fooleak(xx *int) int { // ERROR "leaking param: xx"
x = xx x = xx
return *x return *x
} }
...@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ func foonoleak(xx *int) int { // ERROR "xx does not escape" ...@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ func foonoleak(xx *int) int { // ERROR "xx does not escape"
return *x + *xx return *x + *xx
} }
func foo31(x int) int { // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-x" func foo31(x int) int { // ERROR "moved to heap: x"
return fooleak(&x) // ERROR "&x escapes to heap" return fooleak(&x) // ERROR "&x escapes to heap"
} }
...@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ type Foo struct { ...@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ type Foo struct {
var F Foo var F Foo
var pf *Foo var pf *Foo
func (f *Foo) fooleak() { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-f" func (f *Foo) fooleak() { // ERROR "leaking param: f"
pf = f pf = f
} }
...@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ func (f *Foo) foonoleak() { // ERROR "f does not escape" ...@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ func (f *Foo) foonoleak() { // ERROR "f does not escape"
F.x = f.x F.x = f.x
} }
func (f *Foo) Leak() { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-f" func (f *Foo) Leak() { // ERROR "leaking param: f"
f.fooleak() f.fooleak()
} }
...@@ -243,19 +243,19 @@ func (f *Foo) NoLeak() { // ERROR "f does not escape" ...@@ -243,19 +243,19 @@ func (f *Foo) NoLeak() { // ERROR "f does not escape"
f.foonoleak() f.foonoleak()
} }
func foo41(x int) { // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-x" func foo41(x int) { // ERROR "moved to heap: x"
F.xx = &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap" F.xx = &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap"
} }
func (f *Foo) foo42(x int) { // ERROR "f does not escape" "moved to heap: NAME-x" func (f *Foo) foo42(x int) { // ERROR "f does not escape" "moved to heap: x"
f.xx = &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap" f.xx = &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap"
} }
func foo43(f *Foo, x int) { // ERROR "f does not escape" "moved to heap: NAME-x" func foo43(f *Foo, x int) { // ERROR "f does not escape" "moved to heap: x"
f.xx = &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap" f.xx = &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap"
} }
func foo44(yy *int) { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-yy" func foo44(yy *int) { // ERROR "leaking param: yy"
F.xx = yy F.xx = yy
} }
...@@ -267,31 +267,31 @@ func (f *Foo) foo46() { // ERROR "f does not escape" ...@@ -267,31 +267,31 @@ func (f *Foo) foo46() { // ERROR "f does not escape"
F.xx = f.xx F.xx = f.xx
} }
func (f *Foo) foo47() { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-f" func (f *Foo) foo47() { // ERROR "leaking param: f"
f.xx = &f.x // ERROR "&f.x escapes to heap" f.xx = &f.x // ERROR "&f.x escapes to heap"
} }
var ptrSlice []*int var ptrSlice []*int
func foo50(i *int) { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-i" func foo50(i *int) { // ERROR "leaking param: i"
ptrSlice[0] = i ptrSlice[0] = i
} }
var ptrMap map[*int]*int var ptrMap map[*int]*int
func foo51(i *int) { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-i" func foo51(i *int) { // ERROR "leaking param: i"
ptrMap[i] = i ptrMap[i] = i
} }
func indaddr1(x int) *int { // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-x" func indaddr1(x int) *int { // ERROR "moved to heap: x"
return &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap" return &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap"
} }
func indaddr2(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-x" func indaddr2(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x"
return *&x // ERROR "&x does not escape" return *&x // ERROR "&x does not escape"
} }
func indaddr3(x *int32) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-x" func indaddr3(x *int32) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x"
return *(**int)(unsafe.Pointer(&x)) // ERROR "&x does not escape" return *(**int)(unsafe.Pointer(&x)) // ERROR "&x does not escape"
} }
...@@ -314,26 +314,26 @@ func Float64frombits(b uint64) float64 { ...@@ -314,26 +314,26 @@ func Float64frombits(b uint64) float64 {
} }
// contrast with // contrast with
func float64bitsptr(f float64) *uint64 { // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-f" func float64bitsptr(f float64) *uint64 { // ERROR "moved to heap: f"
return (*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&f)) // ERROR "&f escapes to heap" return (*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&f)) // ERROR "&f escapes to heap"
} }
func float64ptrbitsptr(f *float64) *uint64 { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-f" func float64ptrbitsptr(f *float64) *uint64 { // ERROR "leaking param: f"
return (*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(f)) return (*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(f))
} }
func typesw(i interface{}) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-i" func typesw(i interface{}) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: i"
switch val := i.(type) { switch val := i.(type) {
case *int: case *int:
return val return val
case *int8: case *int8:
v := int(*val) // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-v" v := int(*val) // ERROR "moved to heap: v"
return &v // ERROR "&v escapes to heap" return &v // ERROR "&v escapes to heap"
} }
return nil return nil
} }
func exprsw(i *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-i" func exprsw(i *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: i"
switch j := i; *j + 110 { switch j := i; *j + 110 {
case 12: case 12:
return j return j
...@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ func exprsw(i *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-i" ...@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ func exprsw(i *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-i"
} }
// assigning to an array element is like assigning to the array // assigning to an array element is like assigning to the array
func foo60(i *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-i" func foo60(i *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: i"
var a [12]*int var a [12]*int
a[0] = i a[0] = i
return a[1] return a[1]
...@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ func foo60a(i *int) *int { // ERROR "i does not escape" ...@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ func foo60a(i *int) *int { // ERROR "i does not escape"
} }
// assigning to a struct field is like assigning to the struct // assigning to a struct field is like assigning to the struct
func foo61(i *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-i" func foo61(i *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: i"
type S struct { type S struct {
a, b *int a, b *int
} }
...@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ func foo61a(i *int) *int { // ERROR "i does not escape" ...@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ func foo61a(i *int) *int { // ERROR "i does not escape"
// assigning to a struct field is like assigning to the struct but // assigning to a struct field is like assigning to the struct but
// here this subtlety is lost, since s.a counts as an assignment to a // here this subtlety is lost, since s.a counts as an assignment to a
// track-losing dereference. // track-losing dereference.
func foo62(i *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-i" func foo62(i *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: i"
type S struct { type S struct {
a, b *int a, b *int
} }
...@@ -395,11 +395,11 @@ type M interface { ...@@ -395,11 +395,11 @@ type M interface {
func foo63(m M) { // ERROR "m does not escape" func foo63(m M) { // ERROR "m does not escape"
} }
func foo64(m M) { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-m" func foo64(m M) { // ERROR "leaking param: m"
m.M() m.M()
} }
func foo64b(m M) { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-m" func foo64b(m M) { // ERROR "leaking param: m"
defer m.M() defer m.M()
} }
...@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ func foo65() { ...@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ func foo65() {
} }
func foo66() { func foo66() {
var mv MV // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-mv" var mv MV // ERROR "moved to heap: mv"
foo64(&mv) // ERROR "&mv escapes to heap" foo64(&mv) // ERROR "&mv escapes to heap"
} }
...@@ -427,22 +427,22 @@ func foo68() { ...@@ -427,22 +427,22 @@ func foo68() {
foo64(mv) // escapes but it's an int so irrelevant foo64(mv) // escapes but it's an int so irrelevant
} }
func foo69(m M) { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-m" func foo69(m M) { // ERROR "leaking param: m"
foo64(m) foo64(m)
} }
func foo70(mv1 *MV, m M) { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-mv1" "leaking param: NAME-m" func foo70(mv1 *MV, m M) { // ERROR "leaking param: mv1" "leaking param: m"
m = mv1 m = mv1
foo64(m) foo64(m)
} }
func foo71(x *int) []*int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-x" func foo71(x *int) []*int { // ERROR "leaking param: x"
var y []*int var y []*int
y = append(y, x) y = append(y, x)
return y return y
} }
func foo71a(x int) []*int { // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-x" func foo71a(x int) []*int { // ERROR "moved to heap: x"
var y []*int var y []*int
y = append(y, &x) // ERROR "&x escapes to heap" y = append(y, &x) // ERROR "&x escapes to heap"
return y return y
...@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ func foo72() { ...@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ func foo72() {
} }
func foo72aa() [10]*int { func foo72aa() [10]*int {
var x int // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-x" var x int // ERROR "moved to heap: x"
var y [10]*int var y [10]*int
y[0] = &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap" y[0] = &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap"
return y return y
...@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ func foo72a() { ...@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ func foo72a() {
var y [10]*int var y [10]*int
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
// escapes its scope // escapes its scope
x := i // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-x" x := i // ERROR "moved to heap: x"
y[i] = &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap" y[i] = &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap"
} }
return return
...@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ func foo72a() { ...@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ func foo72a() {
func foo72b() [10]*int { func foo72b() [10]*int {
var y [10]*int var y [10]*int
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
x := i // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-x" x := i // ERROR "moved to heap: x"
y[i] = &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap" y[i] = &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap"
} }
return y return y
...@@ -482,9 +482,9 @@ func foo72b() [10]*int { ...@@ -482,9 +482,9 @@ func foo72b() [10]*int {
// issue 2145 // issue 2145
func foo73() { func foo73() {
s := []int{3, 2, 1} // ERROR "slice literal does not escape" s := []int{3, 2, 1} // ERROR "\[\]int literal does not escape"
for _, v := range s { for _, v := range s {
vv := v // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-vv" vv := v // ERROR "moved to heap: vv"
// actually just escapes its scope // actually just escapes its scope
defer func() { // ERROR "func literal escapes to heap" defer func() { // ERROR "func literal escapes to heap"
println(vv) // ERROR "&vv escapes to heap" println(vv) // ERROR "&vv escapes to heap"
...@@ -493,9 +493,9 @@ func foo73() { ...@@ -493,9 +493,9 @@ func foo73() {
} }
func foo74() { func foo74() {
s := []int{3, 2, 1} // ERROR "slice literal does not escape" s := []int{3, 2, 1} // ERROR "\[\]int literal does not escape"
for _, v := range s { for _, v := range s {
vv := v // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-vv" vv := v // ERROR "moved to heap: vv"
// actually just escapes its scope // actually just escapes its scope
fn := func() { // ERROR "func literal escapes to heap" fn := func() { // ERROR "func literal escapes to heap"
println(vv) // ERROR "&vv escapes to heap" println(vv) // ERROR "&vv escapes to heap"
...@@ -504,15 +504,15 @@ func foo74() { ...@@ -504,15 +504,15 @@ func foo74() {
} }
} }
func myprint(y *int, x ...interface{}) *int { // ERROR "x does not escape" "leaking param: NAME-y" func myprint(y *int, x ...interface{}) *int { // ERROR "x does not escape" "leaking param: y"
return y return y
} }
func myprint1(y *int, x ...interface{}) *interface{} { // ERROR "y does not escape" "leaking param: NAME-x" func myprint1(y *int, x ...interface{}) *interface{} { // ERROR "y does not escape" "leaking param: x"
return &x[0] // ERROR "&x.0. escapes to heap" return &x[0] // ERROR "&x.0. escapes to heap"
} }
func foo75(z *int) { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-z" func foo75(z *int) { // ERROR "leaking param: z"
myprint(z, 1, 2, 3) // ERROR "[.][.][.] argument does not escape" myprint(z, 1, 2, 3) // ERROR "[.][.][.] argument does not escape"
} }
...@@ -520,11 +520,11 @@ func foo75a(z *int) { // ERROR "z does not escape" ...@@ -520,11 +520,11 @@ func foo75a(z *int) { // ERROR "z does not escape"
myprint1(z, 1, 2, 3) // ERROR "[.][.][.] argument escapes to heap" myprint1(z, 1, 2, 3) // ERROR "[.][.][.] argument escapes to heap"
} }
func foo76(z *int) { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-z" func foo76(z *int) { // ERROR "leaking param: z"
myprint(nil, z) // ERROR "[.][.][.] argument does not escape" myprint(nil, z) // ERROR "[.][.][.] argument does not escape"
} }
func foo76a(z *int) { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-z" func foo76a(z *int) { // ERROR "leaking param: z"
myprint1(nil, z) // ERROR "[.][.][.] argument escapes to heap" myprint1(nil, z) // ERROR "[.][.][.] argument escapes to heap"
} }
...@@ -561,15 +561,15 @@ func foo77(z []interface{}) { // ERROR "z does not escape" ...@@ -561,15 +561,15 @@ func foo77(z []interface{}) { // ERROR "z does not escape"
myprint(nil, z...) // z does not escape myprint(nil, z...) // z does not escape
} }
func foo77a(z []interface{}) { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-z" func foo77a(z []interface{}) { // ERROR "leaking param: z"
myprint1(nil, z...) myprint1(nil, z...)
} }
func foo78(z int) *int { // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-z" func foo78(z int) *int { // ERROR "moved to heap: z"
return &z // ERROR "&z escapes to heap" return &z // ERROR "&z escapes to heap"
} }
func foo78a(z int) *int { // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-z" func foo78a(z int) *int { // ERROR "moved to heap: z"
y := &z // ERROR "&z escapes to heap" y := &z // ERROR "&z escapes to heap"
x := &y // ERROR "&y does not escape" x := &y // ERROR "&y does not escape"
return *x // really return y return *x // really return y
...@@ -606,19 +606,19 @@ type LimitedFooer struct { ...@@ -606,19 +606,19 @@ type LimitedFooer struct {
N int64 N int64
} }
func LimitFooer(r Fooer, n int64) Fooer { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-r" func LimitFooer(r Fooer, n int64) Fooer { // ERROR "leaking param: r"
return &LimitedFooer{r, n} // ERROR "&struct literal escapes to heap" return &LimitedFooer{r, n} // ERROR "&LimitedFooer literal escapes to heap"
} }
func foo90(x *int) map[*int]*int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-x" func foo90(x *int) map[*int]*int { // ERROR "leaking param: x"
return map[*int]*int{nil: x} // ERROR "map literal escapes to heap" return map[*int]*int{nil: x} // ERROR "map\[\*int\] \*int literal escapes to heap"
} }
func foo91(x *int) map[*int]*int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-x" func foo91(x *int) map[*int]*int { // ERROR "leaking param: x"
return map[*int]*int{x: nil} // ERROR "map literal escapes to heap" return map[*int]*int{x: nil} // ERROR "map\[\*int\] \*int literal escapes to heap"
} }
func foo92(x *int) [2]*int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-x" func foo92(x *int) [2]*int { // ERROR "leaking param: x"
return [2]*int{x, nil} return [2]*int{x, nil}
} }
...@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ func foo94(m map[*int]*int, b bool) *int { // ERROR "m does not escape" ...@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ func foo94(m map[*int]*int, b bool) *int { // ERROR "m does not escape"
} }
// does leak x // does leak x
func foo95(m map[*int]*int, x *int) { // ERROR "m does not escape" "leaking param: NAME-x" func foo95(m map[*int]*int, x *int) { // ERROR "m does not escape" "leaking param: x"
m[x] = x m[x] = x
} }
...@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ func foo96(m []*int) *int { // ERROR "m does not escape" ...@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ func foo96(m []*int) *int { // ERROR "m does not escape"
} }
// does leak m // does leak m
func foo97(m [1]*int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-m" func foo97(m [1]*int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: m"
return m[0] return m[0]
} }
...@@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ func foo98(m map[int]*int) *int { // ERROR "m does not escape" ...@@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ func foo98(m map[int]*int) *int { // ERROR "m does not escape"
} }
// does leak m // does leak m
func foo99(m *[1]*int) []*int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-m" func foo99(m *[1]*int) []*int { // ERROR "leaking param: m"
return m[:] return m[:]
} }
...@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ func foo100(m []*int) *int { // ERROR "m does not escape" ...@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ func foo100(m []*int) *int { // ERROR "m does not escape"
} }
// does leak m // does leak m
func foo101(m [1]*int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-m" func foo101(m [1]*int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: m"
for _, v := range m { for _, v := range m {
return v return v
} }
...@@ -684,14 +684,14 @@ func foo101(m [1]*int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-m" ...@@ -684,14 +684,14 @@ func foo101(m [1]*int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-m"
// does not leak m // does not leak m
func foo101a(m [1]*int) *int { // ERROR "m does not escape" func foo101a(m [1]*int) *int { // ERROR "m does not escape"
for i := range m { // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-i" for i := range m { // ERROR "moved to heap: i"
return &i // ERROR "&i escapes to heap" return &i // ERROR "&i escapes to heap"
} }
return nil return nil
} }
// does leak x // does leak x
func foo102(m []*int, x *int) { // ERROR "m does not escape" "leaking param: NAME-x" func foo102(m []*int, x *int) { // ERROR "m does not escape" "leaking param: x"
m[0] = x m[0] = x
} }
...@@ -713,79 +713,79 @@ func foo105(x []*int) { // ERROR "x does not escape" ...@@ -713,79 +713,79 @@ func foo105(x []*int) { // ERROR "x does not escape"
} }
// does leak x // does leak x
func foo106(x *int) { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-x" func foo106(x *int) { // ERROR "leaking param: x"
_ = append(y, x) _ = append(y, x)
} }
func foo107(x *int) map[*int]*int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-x" func foo107(x *int) map[*int]*int { // ERROR "leaking param: x"
return map[*int]*int{x: nil} // ERROR "map literal escapes to heap" return map[*int]*int{x: nil} // ERROR "map.* literal escapes to heap"
} }
func foo108(x *int) map[*int]*int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-x" func foo108(x *int) map[*int]*int { // ERROR "leaking param: x"
return map[*int]*int{nil: x} // ERROR "map literal escapes to heap" return map[*int]*int{nil: x} // ERROR "map.* literal escapes to heap"
} }
func foo109(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-x" func foo109(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x"
m := map[*int]*int{x: nil} // ERROR "map literal does not escape" m := map[*int]*int{x: nil} // ERROR "map.* literal does not escape"
for k, _ := range m { for k, _ := range m {
return k return k
} }
return nil return nil
} }
func foo110(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-x" func foo110(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x"
m := map[*int]*int{nil: x} // ERROR "map literal does not escape" m := map[*int]*int{nil: x} // ERROR "map.* literal does not escape"
return m[nil] return m[nil]
} }
func foo111(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-x" func foo111(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x"
m := []*int{x} // ERROR "slice literal does not escape" m := []*int{x} // ERROR "\[\]\*int literal does not escape"
return m[0] return m[0]
} }
func foo112(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-x" func foo112(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x"
m := [1]*int{x} m := [1]*int{x}
return m[0] return m[0]
} }
func foo113(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-x" func foo113(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x"
m := Bar{ii: x} m := Bar{ii: x}
return m.ii return m.ii
} }
func foo114(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-x" func foo114(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x"
m := &Bar{ii: x} // ERROR "&struct literal does not escape" m := &Bar{ii: x} // ERROR "&Bar literal does not escape"
return m.ii return m.ii
} }
func foo115(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-x" func foo115(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x"
return (*int)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(x)) + 1)) return (*int)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(x)) + 1))
} }
func foo116(b bool) *int { func foo116(b bool) *int {
if b { if b {
x := 1 // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-x" x := 1 // ERROR "moved to heap: x"
return &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap" return &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap"
} else { } else {
y := 1 // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-y" y := 1 // ERROR "moved to heap: y"
return &y // ERROR "&y escapes to heap" return &y // ERROR "&y escapes to heap"
} }
return nil return nil
} }
func foo117(unknown func(interface{})) { // ERROR "unknown does not escape" func foo117(unknown func(interface{})) { // ERROR "unknown does not escape"
x := 1 // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-x" x := 1 // ERROR "moved to heap: x"
unknown(&x) // ERROR "&x escapes to heap" unknown(&x) // ERROR "&x escapes to heap"
} }
func foo118(unknown func(*int)) { // ERROR "unknown does not escape" func foo118(unknown func(*int)) { // ERROR "unknown does not escape"
x := 1 // ERROR "moved to heap: NAME-x" x := 1 // ERROR "moved to heap: x"
unknown(&x) // ERROR "&x escapes to heap" unknown(&x) // ERROR "&x escapes to heap"
} }
func external(*int) func external(*int)
func foo119(x *int) { // ERROR "leaking param: NAME-x" func foo119(x *int) { // ERROR "leaking param: x"
external(x) external(x)
} }
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