Commit b70563aa authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

- store trailing comments after top-level declarations in ast

- remove a test case w/ syntax errors from test suite

DELTA=104  (44 added, 5 deleted, 55 changed)
parent 77baac11
......@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ apply1() {
# the following have semantic errors: bug039.go | bug040.go
test_errors.go | calc.go | method1.go | selftest1.go | func3.go | const2.go | \
bug014.go | bug025.go | bug029.go | bug032.go | bug039.go | bug040.go | bug050.go | bug068.go | \
bug088.go | bug083.go | bug106.go | bug121.go | bug125.go | bug126.go | bug132.go | bug133.go | bug134.go | bug160.go ) ;;
bug088.go | bug083.go | bug106.go | bug121.go | bug125.go | bug126.go | bug132.go | bug133.go | \
bug134.go | bug160.go | bug166.go ) ;;
* ) $1 $2; count $F;;
......@@ -303,11 +303,11 @@ func (p *parser) expect(tok token.Token) token.Position {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Common productions
func (p *parser) tryType() ast.Expr;
func (p *parser) tryType() ast.Expr
func (p *parser) parseStringList(x *ast.StringLit) []*ast.StringLit
func (p *parser) parseExpression() ast.Expr;
func (p *parser) parseStatement() ast.Stmt;
func (p *parser) parseDeclaration() ast.Decl;
func (p *parser) parseExpression() ast.Expr
func (p *parser) parseStatement() ast.Stmt
func (p *parser) parseDeclaration(getSemi bool) (decl ast.Decl, gotSemi bool)
func (p *parser) parseIdent() *ast.Ident {
......@@ -1654,7 +1654,8 @@ func (p *parser) parseStatement() ast.Stmt {
switch p.tok {
case token.CONST, token.TYPE, token.VAR:
return &ast.DeclStmt{p.parseDeclaration()};
decl, _ := p.parseDeclaration(false); // do not consume trailing semicolon
return &ast.DeclStmt{decl};
// tokens that may start a top-level expression
token.IDENT, token.INT, token.FLOAT, token.CHAR, token.STRING, token.FUNC, token.LPAREN, // operand
......@@ -1694,9 +1695,22 @@ func (p *parser) parseStatement() ast.Stmt {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Declarations
type parseSpecFunction func(p *parser, doc ast.Comments) ast.Spec
type parseSpecFunction func(p *parser, doc ast.Comments, getSemi bool) (spec ast.Spec, gotSemi bool)
func parseImportSpec(p *parser, doc ast.Comments) ast.Spec {
// Consume semicolon if there is one and getSemi is set, and get any trailing comment.
// Return the comment if any and indicate if a semicolon was consumed.
func (p *parser) parseComment(getSemi bool) (comment *ast.Comment, gotSemi bool) {
if getSemi && p.tok == token.SEMICOLON {;
gotSemi = true;
return p.getComment(), gotSemi;
func parseImportSpec(p *parser, doc ast.Comments, getSemi bool) (spec ast.Spec, gotSemi bool) {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "ImportSpec"));
......@@ -1716,11 +1730,13 @@ func parseImportSpec(p *parser, doc ast.Comments) ast.Spec {
p.expect(token.STRING); // use expect() error handling
return &ast.ImportSpec{doc, ident, path, nil};
comment, gotSemi := p.parseComment(getSemi);
return &ast.ImportSpec{doc, ident, path, comment}, gotSemi;
func parseConstSpec(p *parser, doc ast.Comments) ast.Spec {
func parseConstSpec(p *parser, doc ast.Comments, getSemi bool) (spec ast.Spec, gotSemi bool) {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "ConstSpec"));
......@@ -1732,26 +1748,26 @@ func parseConstSpec(p *parser, doc ast.Comments) ast.Spec {
values = p.parseExpressionList();
comment, gotSemi := p.parseComment(getSemi);
// TODO get trailing comments
return &ast.ValueSpec{doc, idents, typ, values, nil};
return &ast.ValueSpec{doc, idents, typ, values, comment}, gotSemi;
func parseTypeSpec(p *parser, doc ast.Comments) ast.Spec {
func parseTypeSpec(p *parser, doc ast.Comments, getSemi bool) (spec ast.Spec, gotSemi bool) {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "TypeSpec"));
ident := p.parseIdent();
typ := p.parseType();
comment, gotSemi := p.parseComment(getSemi);
// TODO get trailing comments
return &ast.TypeSpec{doc, ident, typ, nil};
return &ast.TypeSpec{doc, ident, typ, comment}, gotSemi;
func parseVarSpec(p *parser, doc ast.Comments) ast.Spec {
func parseVarSpec(p *parser, doc ast.Comments, getSemi bool) (spec ast.Spec, gotSemi bool) {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "VarSpec"));
......@@ -1763,13 +1779,13 @@ func parseVarSpec(p *parser, doc ast.Comments) ast.Spec {
values = p.parseExpressionList();
comment, gotSemi := p.parseComment(getSemi);
// TODO get trailing comments
return &ast.ValueSpec{doc, idents, typ, values, nil};
return &ast.ValueSpec{doc, idents, typ, values, comment}, gotSemi;
func (p *parser) parseGenDecl(keyword token.Token, f parseSpecFunction) *ast.GenDecl {
func (p *parser) parseGenDecl(keyword token.Token, f parseSpecFunction, getSemi bool) (decl *ast.GenDecl, gotSemi bool) {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, keyword.String() + "Decl"));
......@@ -1783,17 +1799,24 @@ func (p *parser) parseGenDecl(keyword token.Token, f parseSpecFunction) *ast.Gen;
for p.tok != token.RPAREN && p.tok != token.EOF {
doc := p.getDoc();
list.Push(f(p, doc));
if p.tok == token.SEMICOLON {;
} else {
spec, semi := f(p, doc, true); // consume semicolon if any
if !semi {
rparen = p.expect(token.RPAREN);
if getSemi && p.tok == token.SEMICOLON {;
gotSemi = true;
} else {
p.optSemi = true;
} else {
list.Push(f(p, doc));
spec, semi := f(p, doc, getSemi);
gotSemi = semi;
// convert vector
......@@ -1801,7 +1824,8 @@ func (p *parser) parseGenDecl(keyword token.Token, f parseSpecFunction) *ast.Gen
for i := 0; i < list.Len(); i++ {
specs[i] = list.At(i);
return &ast.GenDecl{doc, pos, keyword, lparen, specs, rparen};
return &ast.GenDecl{doc, pos, keyword, lparen, specs, rparen}, gotSemi;
......@@ -1859,26 +1883,44 @@ func (p *parser) parseFunctionDecl() *ast.FuncDecl {
func (p *parser) parseDeclaration() ast.Decl {
func (p *parser) parseDeclaration(getSemi bool) (decl ast.Decl, gotSemi bool) {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "Declaration"));
var f parseSpecFunction;
switch p.tok {
case token.CONST: f = parseConstSpec;
case token.TYPE: f = parseTypeSpec;
case token.VAR: f = parseVarSpec;
case token.CONST:
f = parseConstSpec;
case token.TYPE:
f = parseTypeSpec;
case token.VAR:
f = parseVarSpec;
case token.FUNC:
return p.parseFunctionDecl();
decl = p.parseFunctionDecl();
// Do not use parseComment here to consume a semicolon
// because we don't want to remove a trailing comment
// from the list of unassociated comments.
if getSemi && p.tok == token.SEMICOLON {;
gotSemi = true;
return decl, gotSemi;
pos := p.pos;
p.errorExpected(pos, "declaration");; // make progress
return &ast.BadDecl{pos};
decl = &ast.BadDecl{pos};
gotSemi = getSemi && p.tok == token.SEMICOLON;; // make progress in any case
return decl, gotSemi;
return p.parseGenDecl(p.tok, f);
decl, gotSemi = p.parseGenDecl(p.tok, f, getSemi); // TODO 6g/spec issue
......@@ -1915,19 +1957,15 @@ func (p *parser) parsePackage() *ast.Program {
// import decls
list := vector.New(0);
for p.tok == token.IMPORT {
list.Push(p.parseGenDecl(token.IMPORT, parseImportSpec));
if p.tok == token.SEMICOLON {;
decl, _ := p.parseGenDecl(token.IMPORT, parseImportSpec, true); // consume optional semicolon
if p.mode & ImportsOnly == 0 {
// rest of package body
for p.tok != token.EOF {
if p.tok == token.SEMICOLON {;
decl, _ := p.parseDeclaration(true); // consume optional semicolon
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