Commit c3ddb970 authored by Shenghou Ma's avatar Shenghou Ma Committed by Minux Ma

api: update next.txt

Change-Id: Ibfb5a96995a954c8c1dc563c33bdddbdb4866425
Reviewed-on: default avatarBrad Fitzpatrick <>
parent 92eb9aea
pkg archive/zip, method (*Writer) SetOffset(int64)
pkg bufio, method (*Reader) Discard(int) (int, error)
pkg bufio, method (ReadWriter) Discard(int) (int, error)
pkg bytes, method (*Buffer) Cap() int
pkg bytes, method (*Reader) Size() int64
pkg crypto, type Decrypter interface { Decrypt, Public }
pkg crypto, type Decrypter interface, Decrypt(io.Reader, []uint8, DecrypterOpts) ([]uint8, error)
pkg crypto, type Decrypter interface, Public() PublicKey
pkg crypto, type DecrypterOpts interface {}
pkg crypto/elliptic, type CurveParams struct, Name string
pkg crypto/rsa, method (*PrivateKey) Decrypt(io.Reader, []uint8, crypto.DecrypterOpts) ([]uint8, error)
pkg crypto/rsa, type OAEPOptions struct
pkg crypto/rsa, type OAEPOptions struct, Hash crypto.Hash
pkg crypto/rsa, type OAEPOptions struct, Label []uint8
pkg crypto/rsa, type PKCS1v15DecryptOptions struct
pkg crypto/rsa, type PKCS1v15DecryptOptions struct, SessionKeyLen int
pkg crypto/tls, const TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 = 49196
pkg crypto/tls, const TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16
pkg crypto/tls, const TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 = 49200
pkg crypto/tls, const TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16
pkg crypto/x509/pkix, type Name struct, ExtraNames []AttributeTypeAndValue
pkg database/sql, method (*DB) Stats() DBStats
pkg database/sql, type DBStats struct
pkg database/sql, type DBStats struct, OpenConnections int
pkg debug/dwarf, method (*Data) LineReader(*Entry) (*LineReader, error)
pkg debug/dwarf, method (*LineReader) Next(*LineEntry) error
pkg debug/dwarf, method (*LineReader) Reset()
pkg debug/dwarf, method (*LineReader) Seek(LineReaderPos)
pkg debug/dwarf, method (*LineReader) SeekPC(uint64, *LineEntry) error
pkg debug/dwarf, method (*LineReader) Tell() LineReaderPos
pkg debug/dwarf, type LineEntry struct
pkg debug/dwarf, type LineEntry struct, Address uint64
pkg debug/dwarf, type LineEntry struct, BasicBlock bool
pkg debug/dwarf, type LineEntry struct, Column int
pkg debug/dwarf, type LineEntry struct, Discriminator int
pkg debug/dwarf, type LineEntry struct, EndSequence bool
pkg debug/dwarf, type LineEntry struct, EpilogueBegin bool
pkg debug/dwarf, type LineEntry struct, File *LineFile
pkg debug/dwarf, type LineEntry struct, ISA int
pkg debug/dwarf, type LineEntry struct, IsStmt bool
pkg debug/dwarf, type LineEntry struct, Line int
pkg debug/dwarf, type LineEntry struct, OpIndex int
pkg debug/dwarf, type LineEntry struct, PrologueEnd bool
pkg debug/dwarf, type LineFile struct
pkg debug/dwarf, type LineFile struct, Length int
pkg debug/dwarf, type LineFile struct, Mtime uint64
pkg debug/dwarf, type LineFile struct, Name string
pkg debug/dwarf, type LineReader struct
pkg debug/dwarf, type LineReaderPos struct
pkg debug/dwarf, var ErrUnknownPC error
pkg debug/elf, const R_PPC64_ADDR14 = 7 pkg debug/elf, const R_PPC64_ADDR14 = 7
pkg debug/elf, const R_PPC64_ADDR14 R_PPC64 pkg debug/elf, const R_PPC64_ADDR14 R_PPC64
pkg debug/elf, const R_PPC64_ADDR14_BRNTAKEN = 9 pkg debug/elf, const R_PPC64_ADDR14_BRNTAKEN = 9
...@@ -167,3 +217,649 @@ pkg debug/elf, const R_PPC64_TPREL64 R_PPC64 ...@@ -167,3 +217,649 @@ pkg debug/elf, const R_PPC64_TPREL64 R_PPC64
pkg debug/elf, method (R_PPC64) GoString() string pkg debug/elf, method (R_PPC64) GoString() string
pkg debug/elf, method (R_PPC64) String() string pkg debug/elf, method (R_PPC64) String() string
pkg debug/elf, type R_PPC64 int pkg debug/elf, type R_PPC64 int
pkg encoding/base64, const NoPadding = -1
pkg encoding/base64, const NoPadding int32
pkg encoding/base64, const StdPadding = 61
pkg encoding/base64, const StdPadding int32
pkg encoding/base64, method (Encoding) WithPadding(int32) *Encoding
pkg encoding/base64, var RawStdEncoding *Encoding
pkg encoding/base64, var RawURLEncoding *Encoding
pkg encoding/json, type UnmarshalTypeError struct, Offset int64
pkg flag, func UnquoteUsage(*Flag) (string, string)
pkg go/ast, type EmptyStmt struct, Implicit bool
pkg go/exact, const Bool = 1
pkg go/exact, const Bool Kind
pkg go/exact, const Complex = 5
pkg go/exact, const Complex Kind
pkg go/exact, const Float = 4
pkg go/exact, const Float Kind
pkg go/exact, const Int = 3
pkg go/exact, const Int Kind
pkg go/exact, const String = 2
pkg go/exact, const String Kind
pkg go/exact, const Unknown = 0
pkg go/exact, const Unknown Kind
pkg go/exact, func BinaryOp(Value, token.Token, Value) Value
pkg go/exact, func BitLen(Value) int
pkg go/exact, func BoolVal(Value) bool
pkg go/exact, func Bytes(Value) []uint8
pkg go/exact, func Compare(Value, token.Token, Value) bool
pkg go/exact, func Denom(Value) Value
pkg go/exact, func Float32Val(Value) (float32, bool)
pkg go/exact, func Float64Val(Value) (float64, bool)
pkg go/exact, func Imag(Value) Value
pkg go/exact, func Int64Val(Value) (int64, bool)
pkg go/exact, func MakeBool(bool) Value
pkg go/exact, func MakeFloat64(float64) Value
pkg go/exact, func MakeFromBytes([]uint8) Value
pkg go/exact, func MakeFromLiteral(string, token.Token) Value
pkg go/exact, func MakeImag(Value) Value
pkg go/exact, func MakeInt64(int64) Value
pkg go/exact, func MakeString(string) Value
pkg go/exact, func MakeUint64(uint64) Value
pkg go/exact, func MakeUnknown() Value
pkg go/exact, func Num(Value) Value
pkg go/exact, func Real(Value) Value
pkg go/exact, func Shift(Value, token.Token, uint) Value
pkg go/exact, func Sign(Value) int
pkg go/exact, func StringVal(Value) string
pkg go/exact, func Uint64Val(Value) (uint64, bool)
pkg go/exact, func UnaryOp(token.Token, Value, int) Value
pkg go/exact, type Kind int
pkg go/exact, type Value interface, Kind() Kind
pkg go/exact, type Value interface, String() string
pkg go/exact, type Value interface, unexported methods
pkg go/types, const Bool = 1
pkg go/types, const Bool BasicKind
pkg go/types, const Byte = 8
pkg go/types, const Byte BasicKind
pkg go/types, const Complex128 = 16
pkg go/types, const Complex128 BasicKind
pkg go/types, const Complex64 = 15
pkg go/types, const Complex64 BasicKind
pkg go/types, const FieldVal = 0
pkg go/types, const FieldVal SelectionKind
pkg go/types, const Float32 = 13
pkg go/types, const Float32 BasicKind
pkg go/types, const Float64 = 14
pkg go/types, const Float64 BasicKind
pkg go/types, const Int = 2
pkg go/types, const Int BasicKind
pkg go/types, const Int16 = 4
pkg go/types, const Int16 BasicKind
pkg go/types, const Int32 = 5
pkg go/types, const Int32 BasicKind
pkg go/types, const Int64 = 6
pkg go/types, const Int64 BasicKind
pkg go/types, const Int8 = 3
pkg go/types, const Int8 BasicKind
pkg go/types, const Invalid = 0
pkg go/types, const Invalid BasicKind
pkg go/types, const IsBoolean = 1
pkg go/types, const IsBoolean BasicInfo
pkg go/types, const IsComplex = 16
pkg go/types, const IsComplex BasicInfo
pkg go/types, const IsConstType = 59
pkg go/types, const IsConstType BasicInfo
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pkg go/types, const IsFloat BasicInfo
pkg go/types, const IsInteger = 2
pkg go/types, const IsInteger BasicInfo
pkg go/types, const IsNumeric = 26
pkg go/types, const IsNumeric BasicInfo
pkg go/types, const IsOrdered = 42
pkg go/types, const IsOrdered BasicInfo
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pkg go/types, const IsString BasicInfo
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pkg go/types, const IsUnsigned BasicInfo
pkg go/types, const IsUntyped = 64
pkg go/types, const IsUntyped BasicInfo
pkg go/types, const MethodExpr = 2
pkg go/types, const MethodExpr SelectionKind
pkg go/types, const MethodVal = 1
pkg go/types, const MethodVal SelectionKind
pkg go/types, const RecvOnly = 2
pkg go/types, const RecvOnly ChanDir
pkg go/types, const Rune = 5
pkg go/types, const Rune BasicKind
pkg go/types, const SendOnly = 1
pkg go/types, const SendOnly ChanDir
pkg go/types, const SendRecv = 0
pkg go/types, const SendRecv ChanDir
pkg go/types, const String = 17
pkg go/types, const String BasicKind
pkg go/types, const Uint = 7
pkg go/types, const Uint BasicKind
pkg go/types, const Uint16 = 9
pkg go/types, const Uint16 BasicKind
pkg go/types, const Uint32 = 10
pkg go/types, const Uint32 BasicKind
pkg go/types, const Uint64 = 11
pkg go/types, const Uint64 BasicKind
pkg go/types, const Uint8 = 8
pkg go/types, const Uint8 BasicKind
pkg go/types, const Uintptr = 12
pkg go/types, const Uintptr BasicKind
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pkg go/types, const UnsafePointer BasicKind
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pkg go/types, const UntypedBool BasicKind
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pkg go/types, const UntypedComplex BasicKind
pkg go/types, const UntypedFloat = 22
pkg go/types, const UntypedFloat BasicKind
pkg go/types, const UntypedInt = 20
pkg go/types, const UntypedInt BasicKind
pkg go/types, const UntypedNil = 25
pkg go/types, const UntypedNil BasicKind
pkg go/types, const UntypedRune = 21
pkg go/types, const UntypedRune BasicKind
pkg go/types, const UntypedString = 24
pkg go/types, const UntypedString BasicKind
pkg go/types, func AssertableTo(*Interface, Type) bool
pkg go/types, func AssignableTo(Type, Type) bool
pkg go/types, func Check(string, *token.FileSet, []*ast.File) (*Package, error)
pkg go/types, func Comparable(Type) bool
pkg go/types, func ConvertibleTo(Type, Type) bool
pkg go/types, func DefPredeclaredTestFuncs()
pkg go/types, func Eval(string, *Package, *Scope) (TypeAndValue, error)
pkg go/types, func EvalNode(*token.FileSet, ast.Expr, *Package, *Scope) (TypeAndValue, error)
pkg go/types, func ExprString(ast.Expr) string
pkg go/types, func Id(*Package, string) string
pkg go/types, func Identical(Type, Type) bool
pkg go/types, func Implements(Type, *Interface) bool
pkg go/types, func IsInterface(Type) bool
pkg go/types, func LookupFieldOrMethod(Type, bool, *Package, string) (Object, []int, bool)
pkg go/types, func MissingMethod(Type, *Interface, bool) (*Func, bool)
pkg go/types, func New(string) Type
pkg go/types, func NewArray(Type, int64) *Array
pkg go/types, func NewChan(ChanDir, Type) *Chan
pkg go/types, func NewChecker(*Config, *token.FileSet, *Package, *Info) *Checker
pkg go/types, func NewConst(token.Pos, *Package, string, Type, exact.Value) *Const
pkg go/types, func NewField(token.Pos, *Package, string, Type, bool) *Var
pkg go/types, func NewFunc(token.Pos, *Package, string, *Signature) *Func
pkg go/types, func NewInterface([]*Func, []*Named) *Interface
pkg go/types, func NewLabel(token.Pos, *Package, string) *Label
pkg go/types, func NewMap(Type, Type) *Map
pkg go/types, func NewMethodSet(Type) *MethodSet
pkg go/types, func NewNamed(*TypeName, Type, []*Func) *Named
pkg go/types, func NewPackage(string, string) *Package
pkg go/types, func NewParam(token.Pos, *Package, string, Type) *Var
pkg go/types, func NewPkgName(token.Pos, *Package, string, *Package) *PkgName
pkg go/types, func NewPointer(Type) *Pointer
pkg go/types, func NewScope(*Scope, string) *Scope
pkg go/types, func NewSignature(*Scope, *Var, *Tuple, *Tuple, bool) *Signature
pkg go/types, func NewSlice(Type) *Slice
pkg go/types, func NewStruct([]*Var, []string) *Struct
pkg go/types, func NewTuple(...*Var) *Tuple
pkg go/types, func NewTypeName(token.Pos, *Package, string, Type) *TypeName
pkg go/types, func NewVar(token.Pos, *Package, string, Type) *Var
pkg go/types, func ObjectString(*Package, Object) string
pkg go/types, func SelectionString(*Package, *Selection) string
pkg go/types, func TypeString(*Package, Type) string
pkg go/types, func WriteExpr(*bytes.Buffer, ast.Expr)
pkg go/types, func WriteSignature(*bytes.Buffer, *Package, *Signature)
pkg go/types, func WriteType(*bytes.Buffer, *Package, Type)
pkg go/types, method (*Array) Elem() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Array) Len() int64
pkg go/types, method (*Array) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Array) Underlying() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Basic) Info() BasicInfo
pkg go/types, method (*Basic) Kind() BasicKind
pkg go/types, method (*Basic) Name() string
pkg go/types, method (*Basic) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Basic) Underlying() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Builtin) Exported() bool
pkg go/types, method (*Builtin) Id() string
pkg go/types, method (*Builtin) Name() string
pkg go/types, method (*Builtin) Parent() *Scope
pkg go/types, method (*Builtin) Pkg() *Package
pkg go/types, method (*Builtin) Pos() token.Pos
pkg go/types, method (*Builtin) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Builtin) Type() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Chan) Dir() ChanDir
pkg go/types, method (*Chan) Elem() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Chan) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Chan) Underlying() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Checker) Files([]*ast.File) error
pkg go/types, method (*Config) Check(string, *token.FileSet, []*ast.File, *Info) (*Package, error)
pkg go/types, method (*Const) Exported() bool
pkg go/types, method (*Const) Id() string
pkg go/types, method (*Const) Name() string
pkg go/types, method (*Const) Parent() *Scope
pkg go/types, method (*Const) Pkg() *Package
pkg go/types, method (*Const) Pos() token.Pos
pkg go/types, method (*Const) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Const) Type() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Const) Val() exact.Value
pkg go/types, method (*Func) Exported() bool
pkg go/types, method (*Func) FullName() string
pkg go/types, method (*Func) Id() string
pkg go/types, method (*Func) Name() string
pkg go/types, method (*Func) Parent() *Scope
pkg go/types, method (*Func) Pkg() *Package
pkg go/types, method (*Func) Pos() token.Pos
pkg go/types, method (*Func) Scope() *Scope
pkg go/types, method (*Func) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Func) Type() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Info) ObjectOf(*ast.Ident) Object
pkg go/types, method (*Info) TypeOf(ast.Expr) Type
pkg go/types, method (*Initializer) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Interface) Complete() *Interface
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pkg go/types, method (*Interface) Empty() bool
pkg go/types, method (*Interface) ExplicitMethod(int) *Func
pkg go/types, method (*Interface) Method(int) *Func
pkg go/types, method (*Interface) NumEmbeddeds() int
pkg go/types, method (*Interface) NumExplicitMethods() int
pkg go/types, method (*Interface) NumMethods() int
pkg go/types, method (*Interface) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Interface) Underlying() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Label) Exported() bool
pkg go/types, method (*Label) Id() string
pkg go/types, method (*Label) Name() string
pkg go/types, method (*Label) Parent() *Scope
pkg go/types, method (*Label) Pkg() *Package
pkg go/types, method (*Label) Pos() token.Pos
pkg go/types, method (*Label) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Label) Type() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Map) Elem() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Map) Key() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Map) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Map) Underlying() Type
pkg go/types, method (*MethodSet) At(int) *Selection
pkg go/types, method (*MethodSet) Len() int
pkg go/types, method (*MethodSet) Lookup(*Package, string) *Selection
pkg go/types, method (*MethodSet) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*MethodSetCache) MethodSet(Type) *MethodSet
pkg go/types, method (*Named) AddMethod(*Func)
pkg go/types, method (*Named) Method(int) *Func
pkg go/types, method (*Named) NumMethods() int
pkg go/types, method (*Named) Obj() *TypeName
pkg go/types, method (*Named) SetUnderlying(Type)
pkg go/types, method (*Named) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Named) Underlying() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Nil) Exported() bool
pkg go/types, method (*Nil) Id() string
pkg go/types, method (*Nil) Name() string
pkg go/types, method (*Nil) Parent() *Scope
pkg go/types, method (*Nil) Pkg() *Package
pkg go/types, method (*Nil) Pos() token.Pos
pkg go/types, method (*Nil) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Nil) Type() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Package) Complete() bool
pkg go/types, method (*Package) Imports() []*Package
pkg go/types, method (*Package) MarkComplete()
pkg go/types, method (*Package) Name() string
pkg go/types, method (*Package) Path() string
pkg go/types, method (*Package) Scope() *Scope
pkg go/types, method (*Package) SetImports([]*Package)
pkg go/types, method (*Package) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*PkgName) Exported() bool
pkg go/types, method (*PkgName) Id() string
pkg go/types, method (*PkgName) Imported() *Package
pkg go/types, method (*PkgName) Name() string
pkg go/types, method (*PkgName) Parent() *Scope
pkg go/types, method (*PkgName) Pkg() *Package
pkg go/types, method (*PkgName) Pos() token.Pos
pkg go/types, method (*PkgName) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*PkgName) Type() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Pointer) Elem() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Pointer) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Pointer) Underlying() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Scope) Child(int) *Scope
pkg go/types, method (*Scope) Insert(Object) Object
pkg go/types, method (*Scope) Len() int
pkg go/types, method (*Scope) Lookup(string) Object
pkg go/types, method (*Scope) LookupParent(string) (*Scope, Object)
pkg go/types, method (*Scope) Names() []string
pkg go/types, method (*Scope) NumChildren() int
pkg go/types, method (*Scope) Parent() *Scope
pkg go/types, method (*Scope) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Scope) WriteTo(io.Writer, int, bool)
pkg go/types, method (*Selection) Index() []int
pkg go/types, method (*Selection) Indirect() bool
pkg go/types, method (*Selection) Kind() SelectionKind
pkg go/types, method (*Selection) Obj() Object
pkg go/types, method (*Selection) Recv() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Selection) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Selection) Type() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Signature) Params() *Tuple
pkg go/types, method (*Signature) Recv() *Var
pkg go/types, method (*Signature) Results() *Tuple
pkg go/types, method (*Signature) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Signature) Underlying() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Signature) Variadic() bool
pkg go/types, method (*Slice) Elem() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Slice) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Slice) Underlying() Type
pkg go/types, method (*StdSizes) Alignof(Type) int64
pkg go/types, method (*StdSizes) Offsetsof([]*Var) []int64
pkg go/types, method (*StdSizes) Sizeof(Type) int64
pkg go/types, method (*Struct) Field(int) *Var
pkg go/types, method (*Struct) NumFields() int
pkg go/types, method (*Struct) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Struct) Tag(int) string
pkg go/types, method (*Struct) Underlying() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Tuple) At(int) *Var
pkg go/types, method (*Tuple) Len() int
pkg go/types, method (*Tuple) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Tuple) Underlying() Type
pkg go/types, method (*TypeName) Exported() bool
pkg go/types, method (*TypeName) Id() string
pkg go/types, method (*TypeName) Name() string
pkg go/types, method (*TypeName) Parent() *Scope
pkg go/types, method (*TypeName) Pkg() *Package
pkg go/types, method (*TypeName) Pos() token.Pos
pkg go/types, method (*TypeName) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*TypeName) Type() Type
pkg go/types, method (*Var) Anonymous() bool
pkg go/types, method (*Var) Exported() bool
pkg go/types, method (*Var) Id() string
pkg go/types, method (*Var) IsField() bool
pkg go/types, method (*Var) Name() string
pkg go/types, method (*Var) Parent() *Scope
pkg go/types, method (*Var) Pkg() *Package
pkg go/types, method (*Var) Pos() token.Pos
pkg go/types, method (*Var) String() string
pkg go/types, method (*Var) Type() Type
pkg go/types, method (Checker) ObjectOf(*ast.Ident) Object
pkg go/types, method (Checker) TypeOf(ast.Expr) Type
pkg go/types, method (Error) Error() string
pkg go/types, method (TypeAndValue) Addressable() bool
pkg go/types, method (TypeAndValue) Assignable() bool
pkg go/types, method (TypeAndValue) HasOk() bool
pkg go/types, method (TypeAndValue) IsBuiltin() bool
pkg go/types, method (TypeAndValue) IsNil() bool
pkg go/types, method (TypeAndValue) IsType() bool
pkg go/types, method (TypeAndValue) IsValue() bool
pkg go/types, method (TypeAndValue) IsVoid() bool
pkg go/types, type Array struct
pkg go/types, type Basic struct
pkg go/types, type BasicInfo int
pkg go/types, type BasicKind int
pkg go/types, type Builtin struct
pkg go/types, type Chan struct
pkg go/types, type ChanDir int
pkg go/types, type Checker struct
pkg go/types, type Checker struct, embedded *Info
pkg go/types, type Config struct
pkg go/types, type Config struct, DisableUnusedImportCheck bool
pkg go/types, type Config struct, Error func(error)
pkg go/types, type Config struct, FakeImportC bool
pkg go/types, type Config struct, IgnoreFuncBodies bool
pkg go/types, type Config struct, Import Importer
pkg go/types, type Config struct, Packages map[string]*Package
pkg go/types, type Config struct, Sizes Sizes
pkg go/types, type Const struct
pkg go/types, type Error struct
pkg go/types, type Error struct, Fset *token.FileSet
pkg go/types, type Error struct, Msg string
pkg go/types, type Error struct, Pos token.Pos
pkg go/types, type Error struct, Soft bool
pkg go/types, type Func struct
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pkg go/types, type Info struct
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pkg go/types, type Info struct, Implicits map[ast.Node]Object
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pkg go/types, type Info struct, Selections map[*ast.SelectorExpr]*Selection
pkg go/types, type Info struct, Types map[ast.Expr]TypeAndValue
pkg go/types, type Info struct, Uses map[*ast.Ident]Object
pkg go/types, type Initializer struct
pkg go/types, type Initializer struct, Lhs []*Var
pkg go/types, type Initializer struct, Rhs ast.Expr
pkg go/types, type Interface struct
pkg go/types, type Label struct
pkg go/types, type Map struct
pkg go/types, type MethodSet struct
pkg go/types, type MethodSetCache struct
pkg go/types, type Named struct
pkg go/types, type Nil struct
pkg go/types, type Object interface, Exported() bool
pkg go/types, type Object interface, Id() string
pkg go/types, type Object interface, Name() string
pkg go/types, type Object interface, Parent() *Scope
pkg go/types, type Object interface, Pkg() *Package
pkg go/types, type Object interface, Pos() token.Pos
pkg go/types, type Object interface, String() string
pkg go/types, type Object interface, Type() Type
pkg go/types, type Object interface, unexported methods
pkg go/types, type Package struct
pkg go/types, type PkgName struct
pkg go/types, type Pointer struct
pkg go/types, type Scope struct
pkg go/types, type Selection struct
pkg go/types, type SelectionKind int
pkg go/types, type Signature struct
pkg go/types, type Sizes interface { Alignof, Offsetsof, Sizeof }
pkg go/types, type Sizes interface, Alignof(Type) int64
pkg go/types, type Sizes interface, Offsetsof([]*Var) []int64
pkg go/types, type Sizes interface, Sizeof(Type) int64
pkg go/types, type Slice struct
pkg go/types, type StdSizes struct
pkg go/types, type StdSizes struct, MaxAlign int64
pkg go/types, type StdSizes struct, WordSize int64
pkg go/types, type Struct struct
pkg go/types, type Tuple struct
pkg go/types, type Type interface { String, Underlying }
pkg go/types, type Type interface, String() string
pkg go/types, type Type interface, Underlying() Type
pkg go/types, type TypeAndValue struct
pkg go/types, type TypeAndValue struct, Type Type
pkg go/types, type TypeAndValue struct, Value exact.Value
pkg go/types, type TypeName struct
pkg go/types, type Var struct
pkg go/types, var DefaultImport Importer
pkg go/types, var GcCompatibilityMode bool
pkg go/types, var Typ [26]*Basic
pkg go/types, var Universe *Scope
pkg go/types, var UniverseByte *Basic
pkg go/types, var UniverseRune *Basic
pkg go/types, var Unsafe *Package
pkg html/template, method (*Template) Option(...string) *Template
pkg image, const YCbCrSubsampleRatio410 = 5
pkg image, const YCbCrSubsampleRatio410 YCbCrSubsampleRatio
pkg image, const YCbCrSubsampleRatio411 = 4
pkg image, const YCbCrSubsampleRatio411 YCbCrSubsampleRatio
pkg image, func NewCMYK(Rectangle) *CMYK
pkg image, method (*CMYK) At(int, int) color.Color
pkg image, method (*CMYK) Bounds() Rectangle
pkg image, method (*CMYK) CMYKAt(int, int) color.CMYK
pkg image, method (*CMYK) ColorModel() color.Model
pkg image, method (*CMYK) Opaque() bool
pkg image, method (*CMYK) PixOffset(int, int) int
pkg image, method (*CMYK) Set(int, int, color.Color)
pkg image, method (*CMYK) SetCMYK(int, int, color.CMYK)
pkg image, method (*CMYK) SubImage(Rectangle) Image
pkg image, method (Rectangle) At(int, int) color.Color
pkg image, method (Rectangle) Bounds() Rectangle
pkg image, method (Rectangle) ColorModel() color.Model
pkg image, type CMYK struct
pkg image, type CMYK struct, Pix []uint8
pkg image, type CMYK struct, Rect Rectangle
pkg image, type CMYK struct, Stride int
pkg image/color, func CMYKToRGB(uint8, uint8, uint8, uint8) (uint8, uint8, uint8)
pkg image/color, func RGBToCMYK(uint8, uint8, uint8) (uint8, uint8, uint8, uint8)
pkg image/color, method (CMYK) RGBA() (uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32)
pkg image/color, type CMYK struct
pkg image/color, type CMYK struct, C uint8
pkg image/color, type CMYK struct, K uint8
pkg image/color, type CMYK struct, M uint8
pkg image/color, type CMYK struct, Y uint8
pkg image/color, var CMYKModel Model
pkg log, func Output(int, string) error
pkg log, method (*Logger) SetOutput(io.Writer)
pkg math/big, const Above = 1
pkg math/big, const Above Accuracy
pkg math/big, const AwayFromZero = 3
pkg math/big, const AwayFromZero RoundingMode
pkg math/big, const Below = -1
pkg math/big, const Below Accuracy
pkg math/big, const Exact = 0
pkg math/big, const Exact Accuracy
pkg math/big, const MaxExp = 2147483647
pkg math/big, const MaxExp ideal-int
pkg math/big, const MaxPrec = 4294967295
pkg math/big, const MaxPrec ideal-int
pkg math/big, const MinExp = -2147483648
pkg math/big, const MinExp ideal-int
pkg math/big, const ToNearestAway = 1
pkg math/big, const ToNearestAway RoundingMode
pkg math/big, const ToNearestEven = 0
pkg math/big, const ToNearestEven RoundingMode
pkg math/big, const ToNegativeInf = 4
pkg math/big, const ToNegativeInf RoundingMode
pkg math/big, const ToPositiveInf = 5
pkg math/big, const ToPositiveInf RoundingMode
pkg math/big, const ToZero = 2
pkg math/big, const ToZero RoundingMode
pkg math/big, func NewFloat(float64) *Float
pkg math/big, func ParseFloat(string, int, uint, RoundingMode) (*Float, int, error)
pkg math/big, func ScanFloat(io.ByteScanner, int, uint, RoundingMode) (*Float, int, error)
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Abs(*Float) *Float
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Acc() Accuracy
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Add(*Float, *Float) *Float
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Append([]uint8, uint8, int) []uint8
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Cmp(*Float) int
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Copy(*Float) *Float
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Float32() (float32, Accuracy)
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Float64() (float64, Accuracy)
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Format(uint8, int) string
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Int(*Int) (*Int, Accuracy)
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Int64() (int64, Accuracy)
pkg math/big, method (*Float) IsInf() bool
pkg math/big, method (*Float) IsInt() bool
pkg math/big, method (*Float) MantExp(*Float) int
pkg math/big, method (*Float) MinPrec() uint
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Mode() RoundingMode
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Mul(*Float, *Float) *Float
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Neg(*Float) *Float
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Parse(string, int) (*Float, int, error)
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Prec() uint
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Quo(*Float, *Float) *Float
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Rat(*Rat) (*Rat, Accuracy)
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Scan(io.ByteScanner, int) (*Float, int, error)
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Set(*Float) *Float
pkg math/big, method (*Float) SetFloat64(float64) *Float
pkg math/big, method (*Float) SetInf(bool) *Float
pkg math/big, method (*Float) SetInt(*Int) *Float
pkg math/big, method (*Float) SetInt64(int64) *Float
pkg math/big, method (*Float) SetMantExp(*Float, int) *Float
pkg math/big, method (*Float) SetMode(RoundingMode) *Float
pkg math/big, method (*Float) SetPrec(uint) *Float
pkg math/big, method (*Float) SetRat(*Rat) *Float
pkg math/big, method (*Float) SetString(string) (*Float, bool)
pkg math/big, method (*Float) SetUint64(uint64) *Float
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Sign() int
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Signbit() bool
pkg math/big, method (*Float) String() string
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Sub(*Float, *Float) *Float
pkg math/big, method (*Float) Uint64() (uint64, Accuracy)
pkg math/big, method (Accuracy) String() string
pkg math/big, method (ErrNaN) Error() string
pkg math/big, method (RoundingMode) String() string
pkg math/big, type Accuracy int8
pkg math/big, type ErrNaN struct
pkg math/big, type Float struct
pkg math/big, type RoundingMode uint8
pkg mime, func ExtensionsByType(string) ([]string, error)
pkg mime/quotedprintable, func NewReader(io.Reader) io.Reader
pkg mime/quotedprintable, func NewWriter(io.Writer) *Writer
pkg mime/quotedprintable, method (*Writer) Close() error
pkg mime/quotedprintable, method (*Writer) Write([]uint8) (int, error)
pkg mime/quotedprintable, type Writer struct
pkg mime/quotedprintable, type Writer struct, Binary bool
pkg net/http/fcgi, var ErrConnClosed error
pkg net/http/fcgi, var ErrRequestAborted error
pkg net/http/pprof, func Trace(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)
pkg net/smtp, method (*Client) TLSConnectionState() (tls.ConnectionState, bool)
pkg os/signal, func Ignore(...os.Signal)
pkg os/signal, func Reset(...os.Signal)
pkg runtime, func GCendtimes()
pkg runtime, func GCprinttimes()
pkg runtime, func GCstarttimes(int64)
pkg runtime, func ReadTrace() []uint8
pkg runtime, func StartTrace() error
pkg runtime, func StopTrace()
pkg runtime/pprof, func StartTrace(io.Writer) error
pkg runtime/pprof, func StopTrace()
pkg strings, func Compare(string, string) int
pkg strings, method (*Reader) Size() int64
pkg syscall (darwin-386), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (darwin-386), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (darwin-386), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (darwin-386-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (darwin-386-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (darwin-386-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (linux-386), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (linux-386), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (linux-amd64), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (linux-amd64), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (linux-amd64-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (linux-amd64-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (linux-arm), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (linux-arm-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (linux-arm-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (netbsd-386), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (netbsd-386), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (netbsd-386), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (openbsd-386), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (openbsd-386), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (openbsd-386), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Ctty int
pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Foreground bool
pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), type SysProcAttr struct, Pgid int
pkg text/template, method (*Template) DefinedTemplates() string
pkg text/template, method (*Template) Option(...string) *Template
pkg time, method (Time) AppendFormat([]uint8, string) []uint8
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