Commit c409976b authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

semicolons, ifs, switches

DELTA=196  (118 added, 24 deleted, 54 changed)
parent d5537076
......@@ -349,50 +349,122 @@ or <code>mixedCaps</code> rather than underscores to write
multiword names.
<h2 id="semicolons">Semicolons</h2>
<h2 id="idioms">Idioms</h2>
Go needs fewer semicolons between statements than do other C variants.
Semicolons are never required at the top level.
Also they are separators, not terminators, so they
can be left off the last element of a statement or declaration list,
a convenience
for one-line <code>funcs</code> and the like:
<h3 id="struct-allocation">Allocate using literals</h3>
func CopyInBackground(src, dst chan Item) {
go func() { for { dst &lt;- &lt;-src } }()
A struct literal is an expression that creates a
new instance each time it is evaluated. The address of such
an expression points to a fresh instance each time.
Use such expressions to avoid the repetition of filling
out a data structure.
In fact, semicolons can omitted at the end of any "StatementList" in the
grammar, which includes things like cases in <code>switch</code>
length := Point{x, y}.Abs();
switch {
case a &lt; b:
return -1
case a == b:
return 0
case a &gt; b:
return 1
The grammar admits an empty statement after any statement list, which
means a terminal semicolon is always OK. As a result,
it's fine to put semicolons everywhere you'd put them in a
C program—they would be fine after those return statements,
for instance—but they can often be omitted.
By convention, they're always left off top-level declarations (for
instance, they don't appear after the closing brace of <code>struct</code>
declarations, or of <code>funcs</code> for that matter)
and often left off one-liners. But within functions, place them
as you see fit.
<h2 id="control-structures">Control structures</h2>
The control structures of Go are related to those of C but different
in important ways.
There is no <code>do</code> or <code>while</code> loop, only a
slightly generalized
<code>switch</code> is more flexible;
<code>if</code> and <code>switch</code> accept an optional
initialization statement like that of <code>for</code>;
and there are new control structures including a type switch and a
multiway communications multiplexer, <code>select</code>.
The syntax is also slightly different: parentheses are not part of the syntax
and the bodies must always be brace-delimited.
<h3 id="if">If</h3>
In Go a simple <code>if</code> looks like this:
// Prepare RPCMessage to send to server
rpc := &amp;RPCMessage {
Version: 1,
Header: &amp;RPCHeader {
Id: nextId(),
Signature: sign(body),
Method: method,
Body: body,
if x > 0 {
return y
<h3 id="buffer-slice">Use parallel assignment to slice a buffer</h3>
Mandatory braces encourage writing simple <code>if</code> statements
on multiple lines. It's good style to do so anyway,
especially when the body contains a control statement such as a
<code>return</code> or <code>break</code>.
Since <code>if</code> and <code>switch</code> accept an initialization
statement, it's common to see one used to set up a local variable:
header, body, checksum := buf[0:20], buf[20:n-4], buf[n-4:n];
if err := file.Chmod(0664); err != nil {
<h2 id="control-flow">Control Flow</h2>
<p id="else">
In the Go libraries, you'll find that
when an <code>if</code> statement doesn't flow into the next statement—that is,
the body ends in <code>break</code>, <code>continue</code>,
<code>goto</code>, or <code>return</code>—the unnecessary
<code>else</code> is omitted.
<h3 id="else">Omit needless else bodies</h3>
f, err := os.Open(name, os.O_RDONLY, 0);
if err != nil {
return err;
When an <code>if</code> statement doesn't flow into the next statement—that is,
the body ends in <code>break</code>, <code>continue</code>,
<code>goto</code>, or <code>return</code>—omit the <code>else</code>.
This is a example of a common situation where code must analyze a
sequence of error possibilities. The code reads well if the
successful flow of control runs down the page, eliminating error cases
as they arise. Since error cases tend to end in <code>return</code>
statements, the resulting code needs no <code>else</code> statements:
......@@ -400,20 +472,27 @@ f, err := os.Open(name, os.O_RDONLY, 0);
if err != nil {
return err;
d, err := f.Stat();
if err != nil {
return err;
codeUsing(f, d);
<h3 id="switch">Switch</h3>
Go's <code>switch</code> is more general than C's.
When an <code>if</code>-<code>else</code>-<code>if</code>-<code>else</code>
chain has three or more bodies,
or an <code>if</code> condition has a long list of alternatives,
it will be clearer if rewritten as a <code>switch</code>.
The expressions need not be constants or even integers,
the cases are evaluated top to bottom until a match is found,
and if the <code>switch</code> has no expression it switches on
It's therefore possible—and idiomatic—to write an
chain as a <code>switch</code>:
<a href="/src/pkg/http/url.go">go/src/pkg/http/url.go</a>:
func unhex(c byte) byte {
switch {
......@@ -428,7 +507,9 @@ func unhex(c byte) byte {
<a href="/src/pkg/http/url.go">go/src/pkg/http/url.go</a>:
There is no automatic fall through, but cases can be presented
in comma-separated lists:
func shouldEscape(c byte) bool {
switch c {
......@@ -439,11 +520,13 @@ func shouldEscape(c byte) bool {
<a href="/src/pkg/bytes/bytes.go">go/src/pkg/bytes/bytes.go</a>:
Here's a comparison routine for byte arrays that uses two
<code>switch</code> statements:
// Compare returns an integer comparing the two byte arrays
// lexicographically.
// The result will be 0 if a==b, -1 if a &lt; b, and +1 if a &gt; b
// The result will be 0 if a == b, -1 if a &lt; b, and +1 if a &gt; b
func Compare(a, b []byte) int {
for i := 0; i &lt; len(a) &amp;&amp; i &lt; len(b); i++ {
switch {
......@@ -486,6 +569,41 @@ do so directly.
There is no need to pass a pointer to a return value.
<h2 id="idioms">Idioms</h2>
<h3 id="struct-allocation">Allocate using literals</h3>
A struct literal is an expression that creates a
new instance each time it is evaluated. The address of such
an expression points to a fresh instance each time.
Use such expressions to avoid the repetition of filling
out a data structure.
length := Point{x, y}.Abs();
// Prepare RPCMessage to send to server
rpc := &amp;RPCMessage {
Version: 1,
Header: &amp;RPCHeader {
Id: nextId(),
Signature: sign(body),
Method: method,
Body: body,
<h3 id="buffer-slice">Use parallel assignment to slice a buffer</h3>
header, body, checksum := buf[0:20], buf[20:n-4], buf[n-4:n];
<h2 id="errors">Errors</h2>
<h3 id="error-returns">Return <code>os.Error</code>, not <code>bool</code></h3>
......@@ -498,30 +616,6 @@ Even if there is only one failure mode now,
there may be more later.
<h3 id="handle-errors-first">Handle errors first</h3>
Error cases tend to be simpler than non-error cases,
and it helps readability when the non-error flow
of control is always down the page.
Also, error cases tend to end in <code>return</code> statements,
so that there is <a href="#else">no need for an explicit else</a>.
if len(name) == 0 {
return os.EINVAL;
if IsDir(name) {
return os.EISDIR;
f, err := os.Open(name, os.O_RDONLY, 0);
if err != nil {
return err;
<h3 id="error-context">Return structured errors</h3>
Implementations of <code>os.Error</code> should
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