Commit c8f2449e authored by Alan Donovan's avatar Alan Donovan

exp/ssa: (#5 of 5): the SSA interpreter and 'ssadump' tool.

R=gri, iant
parent 0a9f1ab8
package interp
// Emulated functions that we cannot interpret because they are
// external or because they use "unsafe" or "reflect" operations.
import (
type externalFn func(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value
// Key strings are from Function.FullName().
// That little dot ۰ is an Arabic zero numeral (U+06F0), categories [Nd].
var externals = map[string]externalFn{
"(reflect.Value).CanAddr": ext۰reflect۰Value۰CanAddr,
"(reflect.Value).CanInterface": ext۰reflect۰Value۰CanInterface,
"(reflect.Value).Elem": ext۰reflect۰Value۰Elem,
"(reflect.Value).Field": ext۰reflect۰Value۰Field,
"(reflect.Value).Index": ext۰reflect۰Value۰Index,
"(reflect.Value).Int": ext۰reflect۰Value۰Int,
"(reflect.Value).Interface": ext۰reflect۰Value۰Interface,
"(reflect.Value).IsNil": ext۰reflect۰Value۰IsNil,
"(reflect.Value).IsValid": ext۰reflect۰Value۰IsValid,
"(reflect.Value).Kind": ext۰reflect۰Value۰Kind,
"(reflect.Value).Len": ext۰reflect۰Value۰Len,
"(reflect.Value).NumField": ext۰reflect۰Value۰NumField,
"(reflect.Value).Pointer": ext۰reflect۰Value۰Pointer,
"(reflect.Value).Type": ext۰reflect۰Value۰Type,
"(reflect.rtype).Bits": ext۰reflect۰rtype۰Bits,
"(reflect.rtype).Elem": ext۰reflect۰rtype۰Elem,
"(reflect.rtype).Kind": ext۰reflect۰rtype۰Kind,
"(reflect.rtype).String": ext۰reflect۰rtype۰String,
"math.Float32bits": ext۰math۰Float32bits,
"math.Float32frombits": ext۰math۰Float32frombits,
"math.Float64bits": ext۰math۰Float64bits,
"math.Float64frombits": ext۰math۰Float64frombits,
"reflect.TypeOf": ext۰reflect۰TypeOf,
"reflect.ValueOf": ext۰reflect۰ValueOf,
"reflect.init": ext۰reflect۰Init,
"reflect.valueInterface": ext۰reflect۰valueInterface,
"runtime.Breakpoint": ext۰runtime۰Breakpoint,
"runtime.GC": ext۰runtime۰GC,
"runtime.GOMAXPROCS": ext۰runtime۰GOMAXPROCS,
"runtime.Gosched": ext۰runtime۰Gosched,
"runtime.ReadMemStats": ext۰runtime۰ReadMemStats,
"runtime.SetFinalizer": ext۰runtime۰SetFinalizer,
"runtime.getgoroot": ext۰runtime۰getgoroot,
"sync/atomic.AddInt32": ext۰atomic۰AddInt32,
"sync/atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32": ext۰atomic۰CompareAndSwapInt32,
"sync/atomic.LoadInt32": ext۰atomic۰LoadInt32,
"sync/atomic.LoadUint32": ext۰atomic۰LoadUint32,
"sync/atomic.StoreInt32": ext۰atomic۰StoreInt32,
"sync/atomic.StoreUint32": ext۰atomic۰StoreUint32,
"syscall.Exit": ext۰syscall۰Exit,
"syscall.Getpid": ext۰syscall۰Getpid,
"syscall.Kill": ext۰syscall۰Kill,
"syscall.Write": ext۰syscall۰Write,
"time.Sleep": ext۰time۰Sleep,
"": ext۰time۰now,
func ext۰math۰Float64frombits(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
return math.Float64frombits(args[0].(uint64))
func ext۰math۰Float64bits(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
return math.Float64bits(args[0].(float64))
func ext۰math۰Float32frombits(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
return math.Float32frombits(args[0].(uint32))
func ext۰math۰Float32bits(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
return math.Float32bits(args[0].(float32))
func ext۰runtime۰Breakpoint(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
return nil
func ext۰runtime۰getgoroot(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
return os.Getenv("GOROOT")
func ext۰runtime۰GOMAXPROCS(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
return runtime.GOMAXPROCS(args[0].(int))
func ext۰runtime۰GC(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
return nil
func ext۰runtime۰Gosched(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
return nil
func ext۰runtime۰ReadMemStats(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// TODO(adonovan): populate args[0].(Struct)
return nil
func ext۰atomic۰LoadUint32(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// TODO(adonovan): fix: not atomic!
return (*args[0].(*value)).(uint32)
func ext۰atomic۰StoreUint32(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// TODO(adonovan): fix: not atomic!
*args[0].(*value) = args[1].(uint32)
return nil
func ext۰atomic۰LoadInt32(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// TODO(adonovan): fix: not atomic!
return (*args[0].(*value)).(int32)
func ext۰atomic۰StoreInt32(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// TODO(adonovan): fix: not atomic!
*args[0].(*value) = args[1].(int32)
return nil
func ext۰atomic۰CompareAndSwapInt32(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// TODO(adonovan): fix: not atomic!
p := args[0].(*value)
if (*p).(int32) == args[1].(int32) {
*p = args[2].(int32)
return true
return false
func ext۰atomic۰AddInt32(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// TODO(adonovan): fix: not atomic!
p := args[0].(*value)
newv := (*p).(int32) + args[1].(int32)
*p = newv
return newv
func ext۰runtime۰SetFinalizer(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
return nil // ignore
func ext۰time۰now(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
nano := time.Now().UnixNano()
return tuple{int64(nano / 1e9), int32(nano % 1e9)}
func ext۰time۰Sleep(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
return nil
func ext۰syscall۰Exit(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// We could emulate syscall.Syscall but it's more effort.
return nil
func ext۰syscall۰Getpid(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// We could emulate syscall.Syscall but it's more effort.
return syscall.Getpid()
func ext۰syscall۰Kill(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// We could emulate syscall.Syscall but it's more effort.
err := syscall.Kill(args[0].(int), syscall.Signal(args[1].(int)))
err = err // TODO(adonovan): fix: adapt concrete err to interpreted iface (e.g. call interpreted errors.New)
return iface{}
func ext۰syscall۰Write(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// We could emulate syscall.Syscall but it's more effort.
p := args[1].([]value)
b := make([]byte, 0, len(p))
for i := range p {
b = append(b, p[i].(byte))
n, _ := syscall.Write(args[0].(int), b)
err := iface{} // TODO(adonovan): fix: adapt concrete err to interpreted iface.
return tuple{n, err}
// The set of remaining native functions we need to implement (as needed):
// bytes/bytes.go:42:func Equal(a, b []byte) bool
// bytes/bytes_decl.go:8:func IndexByte(s []byte, c byte) int // asm_$GOARCH.s
// crypto/aes/cipher_asm.go:10:func hasAsm() bool
// crypto/aes/cipher_asm.go:11:func encryptBlockAsm(nr int, xk *uint32, dst, src *byte)
// crypto/aes/cipher_asm.go:12:func decryptBlockAsm(nr int, xk *uint32, dst, src *byte)
// crypto/aes/cipher_asm.go:13:func expandKeyAsm(nr int, key *byte, enc *uint32, dec *uint32)
// hash/crc32/crc32_amd64.go:12:func haveSSE42() bool
// hash/crc32/crc32_amd64.go:16:func castagnoliSSE42(crc uint32, p []byte) uint32
// math/abs.go:12:func Abs(x float64) float64
// math/asin.go:19:func Asin(x float64) float64
// math/asin.go:51:func Acos(x float64) float64
// math/atan.go:95:func Atan(x float64) float64
// math/atan2.go:29:func Atan2(y, x float64) float64
// math/big/arith_decl.go:8:func mulWW(x, y Word) (z1, z0 Word)
// math/big/arith_decl.go:9:func divWW(x1, x0, y Word) (q, r Word)
// math/big/arith_decl.go:10:func addVV(z, x, y []Word) (c Word)
// math/big/arith_decl.go:11:func subVV(z, x, y []Word) (c Word)
// math/big/arith_decl.go:12:func addVW(z, x []Word, y Word) (c Word)
// math/big/arith_decl.go:13:func subVW(z, x []Word, y Word) (c Word)
// math/big/arith_decl.go:14:func shlVU(z, x []Word, s uint) (c Word)
// math/big/arith_decl.go:15:func shrVU(z, x []Word, s uint) (c Word)
// math/big/arith_decl.go:16:func mulAddVWW(z, x []Word, y, r Word) (c Word)
// math/big/arith_decl.go:17:func addMulVVW(z, x []Word, y Word) (c Word)
// math/big/arith_decl.go:18:func divWVW(z []Word, xn Word, x []Word, y Word) (r Word)
// math/big/arith_decl.go:19:func bitLen(x Word) (n int)
// math/dim.go:13:func Dim(x, y float64) float64
// math/dim.go:26:func Max(x, y float64) float64
// math/dim.go:53:func Min(x, y float64) float64
// math/exp.go:14:func Exp(x float64) float64
// math/exp.go:135:func Exp2(x float64) float64
// math/expm1.go:124:func Expm1(x float64) float64
// math/floor.go:13:func Floor(x float64) float64
// math/floor.go:36:func Ceil(x float64) float64
// math/floor.go:48:func Trunc(x float64) float64
// math/frexp.go:16:func Frexp(f float64) (frac float64, exp int)
// math/hypot.go:17:func Hypot(p, q float64) float64
// math/ldexp.go:14:func Ldexp(frac float64, exp int) float64
// math/log.go:80:func Log(x float64) float64
// math/log10.go:9:func Log10(x float64) float64
// math/log10.go:17:func Log2(x float64) float64
// math/log1p.go:95:func Log1p(x float64) float64
// math/mod.go:21:func Mod(x, y float64) float64
// math/modf.go:13:func Modf(f float64) (int float64, frac float64)
// math/remainder.go:37:func Remainder(x, y float64) float64
// math/sin.go:117:func Cos(x float64) float64
// math/sin.go:174:func Sin(x float64) float64
// math/sincos.go:15:func Sincos(x float64) (sin, cos float64)
// math/sqrt.go:14:func Sqrt(x float64) float64
// math/tan.go:82:func Tan(x float64) float64
// os/file_posix.go:14:func sigpipe() // implemented in package runtime
// os/signal/signal_unix.go:15:func signal_enable(uint32)
// os/signal/signal_unix.go:16:func signal_recv() uint32
// runtime/debug.go:13:func LockOSThread()
// runtime/debug.go:17:func UnlockOSThread()
// runtime/debug.go:27:func NumCPU() int
// runtime/debug.go:30:func NumCgoCall() int64
// runtime/debug.go:33:func NumGoroutine() int
// runtime/debug.go:90:func MemProfile(p []MemProfileRecord, inuseZero bool) (n int, ok bool)
// runtime/debug.go:114:func ThreadCreateProfile(p []StackRecord) (n int, ok bool)
// runtime/debug.go:122:func GoroutineProfile(p []StackRecord) (n int, ok bool)
// runtime/debug.go:132:func CPUProfile() []byte
// runtime/debug.go:141:func SetCPUProfileRate(hz int)
// runtime/debug.go:149:func SetBlockProfileRate(rate int)
// runtime/debug.go:166:func BlockProfile(p []BlockProfileRecord) (n int, ok bool)
// runtime/debug.go:172:func Stack(buf []byte, all bool) int
// runtime/error.go:81:func typestring(interface{}) string
// runtime/extern.go:19:func Goexit()
// runtime/extern.go:27:func Caller(skip int) (pc uintptr, file string, line int, ok bool)
// runtime/extern.go:34:func Callers(skip int, pc []uintptr) int
// runtime/extern.go:51:func FuncForPC(pc uintptr) *Func
// runtime/extern.go:68:func funcline_go(*Func, uintptr) (string, int)
// runtime/extern.go:71:func mid() uint32
// runtime/pprof/pprof.go:667:func runtime_cyclesPerSecond() int64
// runtime/race.go:16:func RaceDisable()
// runtime/race.go:19:func RaceEnable()
// runtime/race.go:21:func RaceAcquire(addr unsafe.Pointer)
// runtime/race.go:22:func RaceRelease(addr unsafe.Pointer)
// runtime/race.go:23:func RaceReleaseMerge(addr unsafe.Pointer)
// runtime/race.go:25:func RaceRead(addr unsafe.Pointer)
// runtime/race.go:26:func RaceWrite(addr unsafe.Pointer)
// runtime/race.go:28:func RaceSemacquire(s *uint32)
// runtime/race.go:29:func RaceSemrelease(s *uint32)
// sync/atomic/doc.go:49:func CompareAndSwapInt64(addr *int64, old, new int64) (swapped bool)
// sync/atomic/doc.go:52:func CompareAndSwapUint32(addr *uint32, old, new uint32) (swapped bool)
// sync/atomic/doc.go:55:func CompareAndSwapUint64(addr *uint64, old, new uint64) (swapped bool)
// sync/atomic/doc.go:58:func CompareAndSwapUintptr(addr *uintptr, old, new uintptr) (swapped bool)
// sync/atomic/doc.go:61:func CompareAndSwapPointer(addr *unsafe.Pointer, old, new unsafe.Pointer) (swapped bool)
// sync/atomic/doc.go:67:func AddUint32(addr *uint32, delta uint32) (new uint32)
// sync/atomic/doc.go:70:func AddInt64(addr *int64, delta int64) (new int64)
// sync/atomic/doc.go:73:func AddUint64(addr *uint64, delta uint64) (new uint64)
// sync/atomic/doc.go:76:func AddUintptr(addr *uintptr, delta uintptr) (new uintptr)
// sync/atomic/doc.go:82:func LoadInt64(addr *int64) (val int64)
// sync/atomic/doc.go:88:func LoadUint64(addr *uint64) (val uint64)
// sync/atomic/doc.go:91:func LoadUintptr(addr *uintptr) (val uintptr)
// sync/atomic/doc.go:94:func LoadPointer(addr *unsafe.Pointer) (val unsafe.Pointer)
// sync/atomic/doc.go:100:func StoreInt64(addr *int64, val int64)
// sync/atomic/doc.go:106:func StoreUint64(addr *uint64, val uint64)
// sync/atomic/doc.go:109:func StoreUintptr(addr *uintptr, val uintptr)
// sync/atomic/doc.go:112:func StorePointer(addr *unsafe.Pointer, val unsafe.Pointer)
// sync/runtime.go:12:func runtime_Semacquire(s *uint32)
// sync/runtime.go:18:func runtime_Semrelease(s *uint32)
// syscall/env_unix.go:30:func setenv_c(k, v string)
// syscall/syscall_linux_amd64.go:60:func Gettimeofday(tv *Timeval) (err error)
// syscall/syscall_linux_amd64.go:61:func Time(t *Time_t) (tt Time_t, err error)
// syscall/syscall_linux_arm.go:28:func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error)
// syscall/syscall_unix.go:23:func Syscall(trap, a1, a2, a3 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno)
// syscall/syscall_unix.go:24:func Syscall6(trap, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno)
// syscall/syscall_unix.go:25:func RawSyscall(trap, a1, a2, a3 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno)
// syscall/syscall_unix.go:26:func RawSyscall6(trap, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno)
// time/sleep.go:25:func startTimer(*runtimeTimer)
// time/sleep.go:26:func stopTimer(*runtimeTimer) bool
// time/time.go:758:func now() (sec int64, nsec int32)
// unsafe/unsafe.go:27:func Sizeof(v ArbitraryType) uintptr
// unsafe/unsafe.go:32:func Offsetof(v ArbitraryType) uintptr
// unsafe/unsafe.go:37:func Alignof(v ArbitraryType) uintptr
// Package exp/ssa/interp defines an interpreter for the SSA
// representation of Go programs.
// This interpreter is provided as an adjunct for testing the SSA
// construction algorithm. Its purpose is to provide a minimal
// metacircular implementation of the dynamic semantics of each SSA
// instruction. It is not, and will never be, a production-quality Go
// interpreter.
// The following is a partial list of Go features that are currently
// unsupported or incomplete in the interpreter.
// * Unsafe operations, including all uses of unsafe.Pointer, are
// impossible to support given the "boxed" value representation we
// have chosen.
// * The reflect package is only partially implemented.
// * "sync/atomic" operations are not currently atomic due to the
// "boxed" value representation: it is not possible to read, modify
// and write an interface value atomically. As a consequence, Mutexes
// are currently broken. TODO(adonovan): provide a metacircular
// implementation of Mutex avoiding the broken atomic primitives.
// * recover is only partially implemented. Also, the interpreter
// makes no attempt to distinguish target panics from interpreter
// crashes.
// * map iteration is asymptotically inefficient.
// * the equivalence relation for structs doesn't skip over blank
// fields.
// * the sizes of the int, uint and uintptr types in the target
// program are assumed to be the same as those of the interpreter
// itself.
package interp
import (
type status int
const (
stRunning status = iota
type continuation int
const (
kNext continuation = iota
// Mode is a bitmask of options affecting the interpreter.
type Mode uint
const (
DisableRecover Mode = 1 << iota // Disable recover() in target programs; show interpreter crash instead.
EnableTracing // Print a trace of all instructions as they are interpreted.
// State shared between all interpreted goroutines.
type interpreter struct {
prog *ssa.Program // the SSA program
globals map[ssa.Value]*value // addresses of global variables (immutable)
mode Mode // interpreter options
reflectPackage *ssa.Package // the fake reflect package
rtypeMethods ssa.MethodSet // the method set of rtype, which implements the reflect.Type interface.
type frame struct {
i *interpreter
caller *frame
fn *ssa.Function
block, prevBlock *ssa.BasicBlock
env map[ssa.Value]value // dynamic values of SSA variables
locals []value
defers []func()
result value
status status
panic interface{}
func (fr *frame) get(key ssa.Value) value {
switch key := key.(type) {
case nil:
return nil
case *ssa.Function, *ssa.Builtin:
return key
case *ssa.Literal:
return literalValue(key)
case *ssa.Global:
if r, ok := fr.i.globals[key]; ok {
return r
if r, ok := fr.env[key]; ok {
return r
panic(fmt.Sprintf("get: unexpected type %T", key))
// findMethodSet returns the method set for type typ, which may be one
// of the interpreter's fake types.
func findMethodSet(i *interpreter, typ types.Type) ssa.MethodSet {
if typ == rtypeType {
return i.rtypeMethods
return i.prog.MethodSet(typ)
// visitInstr interprets a single ssa.Instruction within the activation
// record frame. It returns a continuation value indicating where to
// read the next instruction from.
func visitInstr(fr *frame, instr ssa.Instruction) continuation {
switch instr := instr.(type) {
case *ssa.UnOp:
fr.env[instr] = unop(instr, fr.get(instr.X))
case *ssa.BinOp:
fr.env[instr] = binop(instr.Op, fr.get(instr.X), fr.get(instr.Y))
case *ssa.Call:
fn, args := prepareCall(fr, &instr.CallCommon)
fr.env[instr] = call(fr.i, fr, instr.Pos, fn, args)
case *ssa.Conv:
fr.env[instr] = conv(instr.Type(), instr.X.Type(), fr.get(instr.X))
case *ssa.ChangeInterface:
x := fr.get(instr.X)
if err := checkInterface(fr.i, instr.Type(), x.(iface)); err != "" {
fr.env[instr] = x
case *ssa.MakeInterface:
fr.env[instr] = iface{t: instr.X.Type(), v: fr.get(instr.X)}
case *ssa.Extract:
fr.env[instr] = fr.get(instr.Tuple).(tuple)[instr.Index]
case *ssa.Slice:
fr.env[instr] = slice(fr.get(instr.X), fr.get(instr.Low), fr.get(instr.High))
case *ssa.Ret:
switch len(instr.Results) {
case 0:
case 1:
fr.result = fr.get(instr.Results[0])
var res []value
for _, r := range instr.Results {
res = append(res, copyVal(fr.get(r)))
fr.result = tuple(res)
return kReturn
case *ssa.Send:
fr.get(instr.Chan).(chan value) <- copyVal(fr.get(instr.X))
case *ssa.Store:
*fr.get(instr.Addr).(*value) = copyVal(fr.get(instr.Val))
case *ssa.If:
succ := 1
if fr.get(instr.Cond).(bool) {
succ = 0
fr.prevBlock, fr.block = fr.block, fr.block.Succs[succ]
return kJump
case *ssa.Jump:
fr.prevBlock, fr.block = fr.block, fr.block.Succs[0]
return kJump
case *ssa.Defer:
fn, args := prepareCall(fr, &instr.CallCommon)
fr.defers = append(fr.defers, func() { call(fr.i, fr, instr.Pos, fn, args) })
case *ssa.Go:
fn, args := prepareCall(fr, &instr.CallCommon)
go call(fr.i, nil, instr.Pos, fn, args)
case *ssa.MakeChan:
fr.env[instr] = make(chan value, asInt(fr.get(instr.Size)))
case *ssa.Alloc:
var addr *value
if instr.Heap {
// new
addr = new(value)
fr.env[instr] = addr
} else {
// local
addr = fr.env[instr].(*value)
*addr = zero(indirectType(instr.Type()))
case *ssa.MakeSlice:
slice := make([]value, asInt(fr.get(instr.Cap)))
tElt := underlyingType(instr.Type()).(*types.Slice).Elt
for i := range slice {
slice[i] = zero(tElt)
fr.env[instr] = slice[:asInt(fr.get(instr.Len))]
case *ssa.MakeMap:
reserve := 0
if instr.Reserve != nil {
reserve = asInt(fr.get(instr.Reserve))
fr.env[instr] = makeMap(underlyingType(instr.Type()).(*types.Map).Key, reserve)
case *ssa.Range:
fr.env[instr] = rangeIter(fr.get(instr.X), instr.X.Type())
case *ssa.Next:
fr.env[instr] = fr.get(instr.Iter).(iter).next()
case *ssa.FieldAddr:
x := fr.get(instr.X)
fr.env[instr] = &(*x.(*value)).(structure)[instr.Field]
case *ssa.Field:
fr.env[instr] = copyVal(fr.get(instr.X).(structure)[instr.Field])
case *ssa.IndexAddr:
x := fr.get(instr.X)
idx := fr.get(instr.Index)
switch x := x.(type) {
case []value:
fr.env[instr] = &x[asInt(idx)]
case *value: // *array
fr.env[instr] = &(*x).(array)[asInt(idx)]
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected x type in IndexAddr: %T", x))
case *ssa.Index:
fr.env[instr] = copyVal(fr.get(instr.X).(array)[asInt(fr.get(instr.Index))])
case *ssa.Lookup:
fr.env[instr] = lookup(instr, fr.get(instr.X), fr.get(instr.Index))
case *ssa.MapUpdate:
m := fr.get(instr.Map)
key := fr.get(instr.Key)
v := fr.get(instr.Value)
switch m := m.(type) {
case map[value]value:
m[key] = v
case *hashmap:
m.insert(key.(hashable), v)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("illegal map type: %T", m))
case *ssa.TypeAssert:
fr.env[instr] = typeAssert(fr.i, instr, fr.get(instr.X).(iface))
case *ssa.MakeClosure:
var bindings []value
for _, binding := range instr.Bindings {
bindings = append(bindings, fr.get(binding))
fr.env[instr] = &closure{instr.Fn, bindings}
case *ssa.Phi:
for i, pred := range instr.Block_.Preds {
if fr.prevBlock == pred {
fr.env[instr] = fr.get(instr.Edges[i])
case *ssa.Select:
var cases []reflect.SelectCase
if !instr.Blocking {
cases = append(cases, reflect.SelectCase{
Dir: reflect.SelectDefault,
for _, state := range instr.States {
var dir reflect.SelectDir
if state.Dir == ast.RECV {
dir = reflect.SelectRecv
} else {
dir = reflect.SelectSend
var send reflect.Value
if state.Send != nil {
send = reflect.ValueOf(fr.get(state.Send))
cases = append(cases, reflect.SelectCase{
Dir: dir,
Chan: reflect.ValueOf(fr.get(state.Chan)),
Send: send,
chosen, recv, recvOk := reflect.Select(cases)
if !instr.Blocking {
chosen-- // default case should have index -1.
var recvV value
if recvOk {
// No need to copy since send makes an unaliased copy.
recvV = recv.Interface().(value)
} else if chosen != -1 {
// Ensure we provide a type-appropriate zero value.
recvV = zero(underlyingType(instr.States[chosen].Chan.Type()).(*types.Chan).Elt)
fr.env[instr] = tuple{chosen, recvV, recvOk}
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected instruction: %T", instr))
// if val, ok := instr.(ssa.Value); ok {
// fmt.Println(toString(fr.env[val])) // debugging
// }
return kNext
// prepareCall determines the function value and argument values for a
// function call in a Call, Go or Defer instruction, peforming
// interface method lookup if needed.
func prepareCall(fr *frame, call *ssa.CallCommon) (fn value, args []value) {
if call.Func != nil {
// Function call.
fn = fr.get(call.Func)
} else {
// Interface method invocation.
recv := fr.get(call.Recv).(iface)
if recv.t == nil {
panic("method invoked on nil interface")
meth := underlyingType(call.Recv.Type()).(*types.Interface).Methods[call.Method]
id := ssa.IdFromQualifiedName(meth.QualifiedName)
m := findMethodSet(fr.i, recv.t)[id]
if m == nil {
// Unreachable in well-typed programs.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("method set for dynamic type %v does not contain %s", recv.t, id))
_, aptr := recv.v.(*value) // actual pointerness
_, fptr := m.Signature.Recv.Type.(*types.Pointer) // formal pointerness
switch {
case aptr == fptr:
args = append(args, copyVal(recv.v))
case aptr:
// Calling func(T) with a *T receiver: make a copy.
args = append(args, copyVal(*recv.v.(*value)))
case fptr:
panic("illegal call of *T method with T receiver")
fn = m
for _, arg := range call.Args {
args = append(args, fr.get(arg))
// call interprets a call to a function (function, builtin or closure)
// fn with arguments args, returning its result.
// callpos is the position of the callsite.
func call(i *interpreter, caller *frame, callpos token.Pos, fn value, args []value) value {
switch fn := fn.(type) {
case *ssa.Function:
if fn == nil {
panic("call of nil function") // nil of func type
return callSSA(i, caller, callpos, fn, args, nil)
case *closure:
return callSSA(i, caller, callpos, fn.Fn, args, fn.Env)
case *ssa.Builtin:
return callBuiltin(caller, callpos, fn, args)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot call %T", fn))
func loc(fset *token.FileSet, pos token.Pos) string {
if pos == token.NoPos {
return ""
return " at " + fset.Position(pos).String()
// callSSA interprets a call to function fn with arguments args,
// and lexical environment env, returning its result.
// callpos is the position of the callsite.
func callSSA(i *interpreter, caller *frame, callpos token.Pos, fn *ssa.Function, args []value, env []value) value {
if i.mode&EnableTracing != 0 {
fset := fn.Prog.Files
// TODO(adonovan): fix: loc() lies for external functions.
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Entering %s%s.\n", fn.FullName(), loc(fset, fn.Pos))
suffix := ""
if caller != nil {
suffix = ", resuming " + caller.fn.FullName() + loc(fset, callpos)
defer fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Leaving %s%s.\n", fn.FullName(), suffix)
if fn.Enclosing == nil {
name := fn.FullName()
if ext := externals[name]; ext != nil {
if i.mode&EnableTracing != 0 {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "\t(external)")
return ext(fn, args, env)
if fn.Blocks == nil {
panic("no code for function: " + name)
fr := &frame{
i: i,
caller: caller, // currently unused; for unwinding.
fn: fn,
env: make(map[ssa.Value]value),
block: fn.Blocks[0],
locals: make([]value, len(fn.Locals)),
for i, l := range fn.Locals {
fr.locals[i] = zero(indirectType(l.Type()))
fr.env[l] = &fr.locals[i]
for i, p := range fn.Params {
fr.env[p] = args[i]
for i, fv := range fn.FreeVars {
fr.env[fv] = env[i]
var instr ssa.Instruction
defer func() {
if fr.status != stComplete {
if fr.i.mode&DisableRecover != 0 {
return // let interpreter crash
fr.status, fr.panic = stPanic, recover()
for i := range fr.defers {
if fr.i.mode&EnableTracing != 0 {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Invoking deferred function", i)
// Destroy the locals to avoid accidental use after return.
for i := range fn.Locals {
fr.locals[i] = bad{}
if fr.status == stPanic {
panic(fr.panic) // panic stack is not entirely clean
for {
if i.mode&EnableTracing != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, ".%s:\n", fr.block.Name)
for _, instr = range fr.block.Instrs {
if i.mode&EnableTracing != 0 {
if v, ok := instr.(ssa.Value); ok {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "\t", v.Name(), "=", instr)
} else {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "\t", instr)
switch visitInstr(fr, instr) {
case kReturn:
fr.status = stComplete
return fr.result
case kNext:
// no-op
case kJump:
break block
// setGlobal sets the value of a system-initialized global variable.
func setGlobal(i *interpreter, pkg *ssa.Package, name string, v value) {
if g, ok := i.globals[pkg.Var(name)]; ok {
*g = v
panic("no global variable: " + pkg.Name() + "." + name)
// Interpret interprets the Go program whose main package is mainpkg.
// mode specifies various interpreter options. filename and args are
// the initial values of os.Args for the target program.
func Interpret(mainpkg *ssa.Package, mode Mode, filename string, args []string) {
i := &interpreter{
prog: mainpkg.Prog,
globals: make(map[ssa.Value]*value),
mode: mode,
for importPath, pkg := range i.prog.Packages {
// Initialize global storage.
for _, m := range pkg.Members {
switch v := m.(type) {
case *ssa.Global:
cell := zero(indirectType(v.Type()))
i.globals[v] = &cell
// Ad-hoc initialization for magic system variables.
switch importPath {
case "syscall":
var envs []value
for _, s := range os.Environ() {
envs = append(envs, s)
setGlobal(i, pkg, "envs", envs)
case "runtime":
// TODO(gri): expose go/types.sizeof so we can
// avoid this fragile magic number;
// unsafe.Sizeof(memStats) won't work since gc
// and go/types have different sizeof
// functions.
setGlobal(i, pkg, "sizeof_C_MStats", uintptr(3450))
case "os":
Args := []value{filename}
for _, s := range args {
Args = append(Args, s)
setGlobal(i, pkg, "Args", Args)
// Top-level error handler.
complete := false
defer func() {
if complete || i.mode&DisableRecover != 0 {
// TODO(adonovan): stop the world and dump goroutines.
switch p := recover().(type) {
case targetPanic:
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "panic:", toString(p.v))
case runtime.Error:
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "panic:", p.Error())
case string:
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "panic:", p)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected panic type: %T", p))
// Run!
call(i, nil, token.NoPos, mainpkg.Init, nil)
if mainFn := mainpkg.Func("main"); mainFn != nil {
call(i, nil, token.NoPos, mainFn, nil)
} else {
log.Fatalf("no main function")
complete = true
package interp
// Custom hashtable atop map.
// For use when the key's equivalence relation is not consistent with ==.
// The Go specification doesn't address the atomicity of map operations.
// The FAQ states that an implementation is permitted to crash on
// concurrent map access.
import (
type hashable interface {
hash() int
eq(x interface{}) bool
type entry struct {
key hashable
value value
next *entry
// A hashtable atop the built-in map. Since each bucket contains
// exactly one hash value, there's no need to perform hash-equality
// tests when walking the linked list. Rehashing is done by the
// underlying map.
type hashmap struct {
table map[int]*entry
length int // number of entries in map
// makeMap returns an empty initialized map of key type kt,
// preallocating space for reserve elements.
func makeMap(kt types.Type, reserve int) value {
if usesBuiltinMap(kt) {
return make(map[value]value, reserve)
return &hashmap{table: make(map[int]*entry, reserve)}
// delete removes the association for key k, if any.
func (m *hashmap) delete(k hashable) {
hash := k.hash()
head := m.table[hash]
if head != nil {
if k.eq(head.key) {
m.table[hash] =
prev := head
for e :=; e != nil; e = {
if k.eq(e.key) { =
prev = e
// lookup returns the value associated with key k, if present, or
// value(nil) otherwise.
func (m *hashmap) lookup(k hashable) value {
hash := k.hash()
for e := m.table[hash]; e != nil; e = {
if k.eq(e.key) {
return e.value
return nil
// insert updates the map to associate key k with value v. If there
// was already an association for an eq() (though not necessarily ==)
// k, the previous key remains in the map and its associated value is
// updated.
func (m *hashmap) insert(k hashable, v value) {
hash := k.hash()
head := m.table[hash]
for e := head; e != nil; e = {
if k.eq(e.key) {
e.value = v
m.table[hash] = &entry{
key: k,
value: v,
next: head,
// len returns the number of key/value associations in the map.
func (m *hashmap) len() int {
return m.length
package interp
import (
// If the target program panics, the interpreter panics with this type.
type targetPanic struct {
v value
// literalValue returns the value of the literal with the
// dynamic type tag appropriate for l.Type().
func literalValue(l *ssa.Literal) value {
if l.IsNil() {
return zero(l.Type()) // typed nil
// By destination type:
switch t := underlyingType(l.Type()).(type) {
case *types.Basic:
switch t.Kind {
case types.Bool, types.UntypedBool:
return l.Value.(bool)
case types.Int, types.UntypedInt:
// Assume sizeof(int) is same on host and target.
return int(l.Int64())
case types.Int8:
return int8(l.Int64())
case types.Int16:
return int16(l.Int64())
case types.Int32, types.UntypedRune:
return int32(l.Int64())
case types.Int64:
return l.Int64()
case types.Uint:
// Assume sizeof(uint) is same on host and target.
return uint(l.Uint64())
case types.Uint8:
return uint8(l.Uint64())
case types.Uint16:
return uint16(l.Uint64())
case types.Uint32:
return uint32(l.Uint64())
case types.Uint64:
return l.Uint64()
case types.Uintptr:
// Assume sizeof(uintptr) is same on host and target.
return uintptr(l.Uint64())
case types.Float32:
return float32(l.Float64())
case types.Float64, types.UntypedFloat:
return l.Float64()
case types.Complex64:
return complex64(l.Complex128())
case types.Complex128, types.UntypedComplex:
return l.Complex128()
case types.String, types.UntypedString:
if v, ok := l.Value.(string); ok {
return v
return string(rune(l.Int64()))
case types.UnsafePointer:
panic("unsafe.Pointer literal") // not possible
case types.UntypedNil:
// nil was handled above.
case *types.Slice:
switch et := underlyingType(t.Elt).(type) {
case *types.Basic:
switch et.Kind {
case types.Byte: // string -> []byte
var v []value
for _, b := range []byte(l.Value.(string)) {
v = append(v, b)
return v
case types.Rune: // string -> []rune
var v []value
for _, r := range []rune(l.Value.(string)) {
v = append(v, r)
return v
panic(fmt.Sprintf("literalValue: Value.(type)=%T Type()=%s", l.Value, l.Type()))
// asInt converts x, which must be an integer, to an int suitable for
// use as a slice or array index or operand to make().
func asInt(x value) int {
switch x := x.(type) {
case int:
return x
case int8:
return int(x)
case int16:
return int(x)
case int32:
return int(x)
case int64:
return int(x)
case uint:
return int(x)
case uint8:
return int(x)
case uint16:
return int(x)
case uint32:
return int(x)
case uint64:
return int(x)
case uintptr:
return int(x)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot convert %T to int", x))
// asUint64 converts x, which must be an unsigned integer, to a uint64
// suitable for use as a bitwise shift count.
func asUint64(x value) uint64 {
switch x := x.(type) {
case uint:
return uint64(x)
case uint8:
return uint64(x)
case uint16:
return uint64(x)
case uint32:
return uint64(x)
case uint64:
return x
case uintptr:
return uint64(x)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot convert %T to uint64", x))
// zero returns a new "zero" value of the specified type.
func zero(t types.Type) value {
switch t := t.(type) {
case *types.Basic:
if t.Kind == types.UntypedNil {
panic("untyped nil has no zero value")
if t.Info&types.IsUntyped != 0 {
t = ssa.DefaultType(t).(*types.Basic)
switch t.Kind {
case types.Bool:
return false
case types.Int:
return int(0)
case types.Int8:
return int8(0)
case types.Int16:
return int16(0)
case types.Int32:
return int32(0)
case types.Int64:
return int64(0)
case types.Uint:
return uint(0)
case types.Uint8:
return uint8(0)
case types.Uint16:
return uint16(0)
case types.Uint32:
return uint32(0)
case types.Uint64:
return uint64(0)
case types.Uintptr:
return uintptr(0)
case types.Float32:
return float32(0)
case types.Float64:
return float64(0)
case types.Complex64:
return complex64(0)
case types.Complex128:
return complex128(0)
case types.String:
return ""
case types.UnsafePointer:
return unsafe.Pointer(nil)
panic(fmt.Sprint("zero for unexpected type:", t))
case *types.Pointer:
return (*value)(nil)
case *types.Array:
a := make(array, t.Len)
for i := range a {
a[i] = zero(t.Elt)
return a
case *types.NamedType:
return zero(t.Underlying)
case *types.Interface:
return iface{} // nil type, methodset and value
case *types.Slice:
return []value(nil)
case *types.Struct:
s := make(structure, len(t.Fields))
for i := range s {
s[i] = zero(t.Fields[i].Type)
return s
case *types.Chan:
return chan value(nil)
case *types.Map:
if usesBuiltinMap(t.Key) {
return map[value]value(nil)
return (*hashmap)(nil)
case *types.Signature:
return (*ssa.Function)(nil)
panic(fmt.Sprint("zero: unexpected ", t))
// slice returns x[lo:hi]. Either or both of lo and hi may be nil.
func slice(x, lo, hi value) value {
l := 0
if lo != nil {
l = asInt(lo)
switch x := x.(type) {
case string:
if hi != nil {
return x[l:asInt(hi)]
return x[l:]
case []value:
if hi != nil {
return x[l:asInt(hi)]
return x[l:]
case *value: // *array
a := (*x).(array)
if hi != nil {
return []value(a)[l:asInt(hi)]
return []value(a)[l:]
panic(fmt.Sprintf("slice: unexpected X type: %T", x))
// lookup returns x[idx] where x is a map or string.
func lookup(instr *ssa.Lookup, x, idx value) value {
switch x := x.(type) { // map or string
case map[value]value, *hashmap:
var v value
var ok bool
switch x := x.(type) {
case map[value]value:
v, ok = x[idx]
case *hashmap:
v = x.lookup(idx.(hashable))
ok = v != nil
if ok {
v = copyVal(v)
} else {
v = zero(underlyingType(instr.X.Type()).(*types.Map).Elt)
if instr.CommaOk {
v = tuple{v, ok}
return v
case string:
return x[asInt(idx)]
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected x type in Lookup: %T", x))
// binop implements all arithmetic and logical binary operators for
// numeric datatypes and strings. Both operands must have identical
// dynamic type.
func binop(op token.Token, x, y value) value {
switch op {
case token.ADD:
switch x.(type) {
case int:
return x.(int) + y.(int)
case int8:
return x.(int8) + y.(int8)
case int16:
return x.(int16) + y.(int16)
case int32:
return x.(int32) + y.(int32)
case int64:
return x.(int64) + y.(int64)
case uint:
return x.(uint) + y.(uint)
case uint8:
return x.(uint8) + y.(uint8)
case uint16:
return x.(uint16) + y.(uint16)
case uint32:
return x.(uint32) + y.(uint32)
case uint64:
return x.(uint64) + y.(uint64)
case uintptr:
return x.(uintptr) + y.(uintptr)
case float32:
return x.(float32) + y.(float32)
case float64:
return x.(float64) + y.(float64)
case complex64:
return x.(complex64) + y.(complex64)
case complex128:
return x.(complex128) + y.(complex128)
case string:
return x.(string) + y.(string)
case token.SUB:
switch x.(type) {
case int:
return x.(int) - y.(int)
case int8:
return x.(int8) - y.(int8)
case int16:
return x.(int16) - y.(int16)
case int32:
return x.(int32) - y.(int32)
case int64:
return x.(int64) - y.(int64)
case uint:
return x.(uint) - y.(uint)
case uint8:
return x.(uint8) - y.(uint8)
case uint16:
return x.(uint16) - y.(uint16)
case uint32:
return x.(uint32) - y.(uint32)
case uint64:
return x.(uint64) - y.(uint64)
case uintptr:
return x.(uintptr) - y.(uintptr)
case float32:
return x.(float32) - y.(float32)
case float64:
return x.(float64) - y.(float64)
case complex64:
return x.(complex64) - y.(complex64)
case complex128:
return x.(complex128) - y.(complex128)
case token.MUL:
switch x.(type) {
case int:
return x.(int) * y.(int)
case int8:
return x.(int8) * y.(int8)
case int16:
return x.(int16) * y.(int16)
case int32:
return x.(int32) * y.(int32)
case int64:
return x.(int64) * y.(int64)
case uint:
return x.(uint) * y.(uint)
case uint8:
return x.(uint8) * y.(uint8)
case uint16:
return x.(uint16) * y.(uint16)
case uint32:
return x.(uint32) * y.(uint32)
case uint64:
return x.(uint64) * y.(uint64)
case uintptr:
return x.(uintptr) * y.(uintptr)
case float32:
return x.(float32) * y.(float32)
case float64:
return x.(float64) * y.(float64)
case complex64:
return x.(complex64) * y.(complex64)
case complex128:
return x.(complex128) * y.(complex128)
case token.QUO:
switch x.(type) {
case int:
return x.(int) / y.(int)
case int8:
return x.(int8) / y.(int8)
case int16:
return x.(int16) / y.(int16)
case int32:
return x.(int32) / y.(int32)
case int64:
return x.(int64) / y.(int64)
case uint:
return x.(uint) / y.(uint)
case uint8:
return x.(uint8) / y.(uint8)
case uint16:
return x.(uint16) / y.(uint16)
case uint32:
return x.(uint32) / y.(uint32)
case uint64:
return x.(uint64) / y.(uint64)
case uintptr:
return x.(uintptr) / y.(uintptr)
case float32:
return x.(float32) / y.(float32)
case float64:
return x.(float64) / y.(float64)
case complex64:
return x.(complex64) / y.(complex64)
case complex128:
return x.(complex128) / y.(complex128)
case token.REM:
switch x.(type) {
case int:
return x.(int) % y.(int)
case int8:
return x.(int8) % y.(int8)
case int16:
return x.(int16) % y.(int16)
case int32:
return x.(int32) % y.(int32)
case int64:
return x.(int64) % y.(int64)
case uint:
return x.(uint) % y.(uint)
case uint8:
return x.(uint8) % y.(uint8)
case uint16:
return x.(uint16) % y.(uint16)
case uint32:
return x.(uint32) % y.(uint32)
case uint64:
return x.(uint64) % y.(uint64)
case uintptr:
return x.(uintptr) % y.(uintptr)
case token.AND:
switch x.(type) {
case int:
return x.(int) & y.(int)
case int8:
return x.(int8) & y.(int8)
case int16:
return x.(int16) & y.(int16)
case int32:
return x.(int32) & y.(int32)
case int64:
return x.(int64) & y.(int64)
case uint:
return x.(uint) & y.(uint)
case uint8:
return x.(uint8) & y.(uint8)
case uint16:
return x.(uint16) & y.(uint16)
case uint32:
return x.(uint32) & y.(uint32)
case uint64:
return x.(uint64) & y.(uint64)
case uintptr:
return x.(uintptr) & y.(uintptr)
case token.OR:
switch x.(type) {
case int:
return x.(int) | y.(int)
case int8:
return x.(int8) | y.(int8)
case int16:
return x.(int16) | y.(int16)
case int32:
return x.(int32) | y.(int32)
case int64:
return x.(int64) | y.(int64)
case uint:
return x.(uint) | y.(uint)
case uint8:
return x.(uint8) | y.(uint8)
case uint16:
return x.(uint16) | y.(uint16)
case uint32:
return x.(uint32) | y.(uint32)
case uint64:
return x.(uint64) | y.(uint64)
case uintptr:
return x.(uintptr) | y.(uintptr)
case token.XOR:
switch x.(type) {
case int:
return x.(int) ^ y.(int)
case int8:
return x.(int8) ^ y.(int8)
case int16:
return x.(int16) ^ y.(int16)
case int32:
return x.(int32) ^ y.(int32)
case int64:
return x.(int64) ^ y.(int64)
case uint:
return x.(uint) ^ y.(uint)
case uint8:
return x.(uint8) ^ y.(uint8)
case uint16:
return x.(uint16) ^ y.(uint16)
case uint32:
return x.(uint32) ^ y.(uint32)
case uint64:
return x.(uint64) ^ y.(uint64)
case uintptr:
return x.(uintptr) ^ y.(uintptr)
case token.AND_NOT:
switch x.(type) {
case int:
return x.(int) &^ y.(int)
case int8:
return x.(int8) &^ y.(int8)
case int16:
return x.(int16) &^ y.(int16)
case int32:
return x.(int32) &^ y.(int32)
case int64:
return x.(int64) &^ y.(int64)
case uint:
return x.(uint) &^ y.(uint)
case uint8:
return x.(uint8) &^ y.(uint8)
case uint16:
return x.(uint16) &^ y.(uint16)
case uint32:
return x.(uint32) &^ y.(uint32)
case uint64:
return x.(uint64) &^ y.(uint64)
case uintptr:
return x.(uintptr) &^ y.(uintptr)
case token.SHL:
y := asUint64(y)
switch x.(type) {
case int:
return x.(int) << y
case int8:
return x.(int8) << y
case int16:
return x.(int16) << y
case int32:
return x.(int32) << y
case int64:
return x.(int64) << y
case uint:
return x.(uint) << y
case uint8:
return x.(uint8) << y
case uint16:
return x.(uint16) << y
case uint32:
return x.(uint32) << y
case uint64:
return x.(uint64) << y
case uintptr:
return x.(uintptr) << y
case token.SHR:
y := asUint64(y)
switch x.(type) {
case int:
return x.(int) >> y
case int8:
return x.(int8) >> y
case int16:
return x.(int16) >> y
case int32:
return x.(int32) >> y
case int64:
return x.(int64) >> y
case uint:
return x.(uint) >> y
case uint8:
return x.(uint8) >> y
case uint16:
return x.(uint16) >> y
case uint32:
return x.(uint32) >> y
case uint64:
return x.(uint64) >> y
case uintptr:
return x.(uintptr) >> y
case token.LSS:
switch x.(type) {
case int:
return x.(int) < y.(int)
case int8:
return x.(int8) < y.(int8)
case int16:
return x.(int16) < y.(int16)
case int32:
return x.(int32) < y.(int32)
case int64:
return x.(int64) < y.(int64)
case uint:
return x.(uint) < y.(uint)
case uint8:
return x.(uint8) < y.(uint8)
case uint16:
return x.(uint16) < y.(uint16)
case uint32:
return x.(uint32) < y.(uint32)
case uint64:
return x.(uint64) < y.(uint64)
case uintptr:
return x.(uintptr) < y.(uintptr)
case float32:
return x.(float32) < y.(float32)
case float64:
return x.(float64) < y.(float64)
case string:
return x.(string) < y.(string)
case token.LEQ:
switch x.(type) {
case int:
return x.(int) <= y.(int)
case int8:
return x.(int8) <= y.(int8)
case int16:
return x.(int16) <= y.(int16)
case int32:
return x.(int32) <= y.(int32)
case int64:
return x.(int64) <= y.(int64)
case uint:
return x.(uint) <= y.(uint)
case uint8:
return x.(uint8) <= y.(uint8)
case uint16:
return x.(uint16) <= y.(uint16)
case uint32:
return x.(uint32) <= y.(uint32)
case uint64:
return x.(uint64) <= y.(uint64)
case uintptr:
return x.(uintptr) <= y.(uintptr)
case float32:
return x.(float32) <= y.(float32)
case float64:
return x.(float64) <= y.(float64)
case string:
return x.(string) <= y.(string)
case token.EQL:
return equals(x, y)
case token.NEQ:
return !equals(x, y)
case token.GTR:
switch x.(type) {
case int:
return x.(int) > y.(int)
case int8:
return x.(int8) > y.(int8)
case int16:
return x.(int16) > y.(int16)
case int32:
return x.(int32) > y.(int32)
case int64:
return x.(int64) > y.(int64)
case uint:
return x.(uint) > y.(uint)
case uint8:
return x.(uint8) > y.(uint8)
case uint16:
return x.(uint16) > y.(uint16)
case uint32:
return x.(uint32) > y.(uint32)
case uint64:
return x.(uint64) > y.(uint64)
case uintptr:
return x.(uintptr) > y.(uintptr)
case float32:
return x.(float32) > y.(float32)
case float64:
return x.(float64) > y.(float64)
case string:
return x.(string) > y.(string)
case token.GEQ:
switch x.(type) {
case int:
return x.(int) >= y.(int)
case int8:
return x.(int8) >= y.(int8)
case int16:
return x.(int16) >= y.(int16)
case int32:
return x.(int32) >= y.(int32)
case int64:
return x.(int64) >= y.(int64)
case uint:
return x.(uint) >= y.(uint)
case uint8:
return x.(uint8) >= y.(uint8)
case uint16:
return x.(uint16) >= y.(uint16)
case uint32:
return x.(uint32) >= y.(uint32)
case uint64:
return x.(uint64) >= y.(uint64)
case uintptr:
return x.(uintptr) >= y.(uintptr)
case float32:
return x.(float32) >= y.(float32)
case float64:
return x.(float64) >= y.(float64)
case string:
return x.(string) >= y.(string)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid binary op: %T %s %T", x, op, y))
func unop(instr *ssa.UnOp, x value) value {
switch instr.Op {
case token.ARROW: // receive
v, ok := <-x.(chan value)
if !ok {
v = zero(underlyingType(instr.X.Type()).(*types.Chan).Elt)
if instr.CommaOk {
v = tuple{v, ok}
return v
case token.SUB:
switch x := x.(type) {
case int:
return -x
case int8:
return -x
case int16:
return -x
case int32:
return -x
case int64:
return -x
case uint:
return -x
case uint8:
return -x
case uint16:
return -x
case uint32:
return -x
case uint64:
return -x
case uintptr:
return -x
case float32:
return -x
case float64:
return -x
case token.MUL:
return copyVal(*x.(*value)) // load
case token.NOT:
return !x.(bool)
case token.XOR:
switch x := x.(type) {
case int:
return ^x
case int8:
return ^x
case int16:
return ^x
case int32:
return ^x
case int64:
return ^x
case uint:
return ^x
case uint8:
return ^x
case uint16:
return ^x
case uint32:
return ^x
case uint64:
return ^x
case uintptr:
return ^x
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid unary op %s %T", instr.Op, x))
// typeAssert checks whether dynamic type of itf is instr.AssertedType.
// It returns the extracted value on success, and panics on failure,
// unless instr.CommaOk, in which case it always returns a "value,ok" tuple.
func typeAssert(i *interpreter, instr *ssa.TypeAssert, itf iface) value {
var v value
err := ""
if idst, ok := underlyingType(instr.AssertedType).(*types.Interface); ok {
v = itf
err = checkInterface(i, idst, itf)
} else if types.IsIdentical(itf.t, instr.AssertedType) {
v = copyVal(itf.v) // extract value
} else {
err = fmt.Sprintf("type assert failed: expected %s, got %s", instr.AssertedType, itf.t)
if err != "" {
if !instr.CommaOk {
return tuple{zero(instr.AssertedType), false}
if instr.CommaOk {
return tuple{v, true}
return v
// callBuiltin interprets a call to builtin fn with arguments args,
// returning its result.
func callBuiltin(caller *frame, callpos token.Pos, fn *ssa.Builtin, args []value) value {
switch fn.Name() {
case "append":
if len(args) == 1 {
return args[0]
if s, ok := args[1].(string); ok {
// append([]byte, ...string) []byte
arg0 := args[0].([]value)
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
arg0 = append(arg0, s[i])
return arg0
// append([]T, ...[]T) []T
return append(args[0].([]value), args[1].([]value)...)
case "copy": // copy([]T, []T) int
if _, ok := args[1].(string); ok {
panic("copy([]byte, string) not yet implemented")
return copy(args[0].([]value), args[1].([]value))
case "close": // close(chan T)
close(args[0].(chan value))
return nil
case "delete": // delete(map[K]value, K)
switch m := args[0].(type) {
case map[value]value:
delete(m, args[1])
case *hashmap:
panic(fmt.Sprintf("illegal map type: %T", m))
return nil
case "print", "println": // print(interface{}, ...interface{})
ln := fn.Name() == "println"
if len(args) == 2 {
for _, arg := range args[1].([]value) {
if ln {
fmt.Print(" ")
if ln {
return nil
case "len":
switch x := args[0].(type) {
case string:
return len(x)
case array:
return len(x)
case *value:
return len((*x).(array))
case []value:
return len(x)
case map[value]value:
return len(x)
case *hashmap:
return x.len()
case chan value:
return len(x)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("len: illegal operand: %T", x))
case "cap":
switch x := args[0].(type) {
case array:
return cap(x)
case *value:
return cap((*x).(array))
case []value:
return cap(x)
case chan value:
return cap(x)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cap: illegal operand: %T", x))
case "real":
switch c := args[0].(type) {
case complex64:
return real(c)
case complex128:
return real(c)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("real: illegal operand: %T", c))
case "imag":
switch c := args[0].(type) {
case complex64:
return imag(c)
case complex128:
return imag(c)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("imag: illegal operand: %T", c))
case "complex":
switch f := args[0].(type) {
case float32:
return complex(f, args[1].(float32))
case float64:
return complex(f, args[1].(float64))
panic(fmt.Sprintf("complex: illegal operand: %T", f))
case "panic":
case "recover":
// recover() must be exactly one level beneath the
// deferred function (two levels beneath the panicking
// function) to have any effect. Thus we ignore both
// "defer recover()" and "defer f() -> g() ->
// recover()".
if caller.i.mode&DisableRecover == 0 &&
caller != nil && caller.status == stRunning &&
caller.caller != nil && caller.caller.status == stPanic {
caller.caller.status = stComplete
p := caller.caller.panic
caller.caller.panic = nil
switch p := p.(type) {
case targetPanic:
return p.v
case runtime.Error:
// TODO(adonovan): must box this up
// inside instance of interface 'error'.
return iface{types.Typ[types.String], p.Error()}
case string:
return iface{types.Typ[types.String], p}
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected panic type %T in target call to recover()", p))
return iface{}
panic("unknown built-in: " + fn.Name())
func rangeIter(x value, t types.Type) iter {
switch x := x.(type) {
case nil:
panic("range of nil")
case map[value]value:
// TODO(adonovan): fix: leaks goroutines and channels
// on each incomplete map iteration. We need to open
// up an iteration interface using the
// reflect.(Value).MapKeys machinery.
it := make(mapIter)
go func() {
for k, v := range x {
it <- [2]value{k, v}
return it
case *hashmap:
// TODO(adonovan): fix: leaks goroutines and channels
// on each incomplete map iteration. We need to open
// up an iteration interface using the
// reflect.(Value).MapKeys machinery.
it := make(mapIter)
go func() {
for _, e := range x.table {
for e != nil {
it <- [2]value{e.key, e.value}
e =
return it
case *value: // non-nil *array
return &arrayIter{a: (*x).(array)}
case array:
return &arrayIter{a: x}
case []value:
return &arrayIter{a: array(x)}
case string:
return &stringIter{Reader: strings.NewReader(x)}
case chan value:
return chanIter(x)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot range over %T", x))
// widen widens a basic typed value x to the widest type of its
// category, one of:
// bool, int64, uint64, float64, complex128, string.
// This is inefficient but reduces the size of the cross-product of
// cases we have to consider.
func widen(x value) value {
switch y := x.(type) {
case bool, int64, uint64, float64, complex128, string, unsafe.Pointer:
return x
case int:
return int64(y)
case int8:
return int64(y)
case int16:
return int64(y)
case int32:
return int64(y)
case uint:
return uint64(y)
case uint8:
return uint64(y)
case uint16:
return uint64(y)
case uint32:
return uint64(y)
case uintptr:
return uint64(y)
case float32:
return float64(y)
case complex64:
return complex128(y)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot widen %T", x))
// conv converts the value x of type t_src to type t_dst and returns
// the result. Possible cases are described with the ssa.Conv
// operator. Panics if the dynamic conversion fails.
func conv(t_dst, t_src types.Type, x value) value {
ut_src := underlyingType(t_src)
ut_dst := underlyingType(t_dst)
// Same underlying types?
// TODO(adonovan): consider a dedicated ssa.ChangeType instruction.
if types.IsIdentical(ut_dst, ut_src) {
return x
// Destination type is not an "untyped" type.
if b, ok := ut_dst.(*types.Basic); ok && b.Info&types.IsUntyped != 0 {
panic("conversion to 'untyped' type: " + b.String())
// Nor is it an interface type.
if _, ok := ut_dst.(*types.Interface); ok {
if _, ok := ut_src.(*types.Interface); ok {
panic("oops: Conv should be ChangeInterface")
} else {
panic("oops: Conv should be MakeInterface")
// Remaining conversions:
// + untyped string/number/bool constant to a specific
// representation.
// + conversions between non-complex numeric types.
// + conversions between complex numeric types.
// + integer/[]byte/[]rune -> string.
// + string -> []byte/[]rune.
// All are treated the same: first we extract the value to the
// widest representation (bool, int64, uint64, float64,
// complex128, or string), then we convert it to the desired
// type.
switch ut_src := ut_src.(type) {
case *types.Signature:
// TODO(adonovan): fix: this is a hacky workaround for the
// unsound conversion of Signature types from
// func(T)() to func()(T), i.e. arg0 <-> receiver
// conversion. Talk to gri about correct approach.
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Warning: unsound Signature conversion")
return x
case *types.Pointer:
// *value to unsafe.Pointer?
if ut_dst, ok := ut_dst.(*types.Basic); ok {
if ut_dst.Kind == types.UnsafePointer {
return unsafe.Pointer(x.(*value))
case *types.Slice:
// []byte or []rune -> string
// TODO(adonovan): fix: type B byte; conv([]B -> string).
switch ut_src.Elt.(*types.Basic).Kind {
case types.Byte:
x := x.([]value)
b := make([]byte, 0, len(x))
for i := range x {
b = append(b, x[i].(byte))
return string(b)
case types.Rune:
x := x.([]value)
r := make([]rune, 0, len(x))
for i := range x {
r = append(r, x[i].(rune))
return string(r)
case *types.Basic:
x = widen(x)
// bool?
if _, ok := x.(bool); ok {
return x
// integer -> string?
// TODO(adonovan): fix: test integer -> named alias of string.
if ut_src.Info&types.IsInteger != 0 {
if ut_dst, ok := ut_dst.(*types.Basic); ok && ut_dst.Kind == types.String {
return string(asInt(x))
// string -> []rune, []byte or string?
if s, ok := x.(string); ok {
switch ut_dst := ut_dst.(type) {
case *types.Slice:
var res []value
// TODO(adonovan): fix: test named alias of rune, byte.
switch ut_dst.Elt.(*types.Basic).Kind {
case types.Rune:
for _, r := range []rune(s) {
res = append(res, r)
return res
case types.Byte:
for _, b := range []byte(s) {
res = append(res, b)
return res
case *types.Basic:
if ut_dst.Kind == types.String {
return x.(string)
break // fail: no other conversions for string
// unsafe.Pointer -> *value
if ut_src.Kind == types.UnsafePointer {
// TODO(adonovan): this is wrong and cannot
// really be fixed with the current design.
// It creates a new pointer of a different
// type but the underlying interface value
// knows its "true" type and so cannot be
// meaningfully used through the new pointer.
// To make this work, the interpreter needs to
// simulate the memory layout of a real
// compiled implementation.
return (*value)(x.(unsafe.Pointer))
// Conversions between complex numeric types?
if ut_src.Info&types.IsComplex != 0 {
switch ut_dst.(*types.Basic).Kind {
case types.Complex64:
return complex64(x.(complex128))
case types.Complex128:
return x.(complex128)
break // fail: no other conversions for complex
// Conversions between non-complex numeric types?
if ut_src.Info&types.IsNumeric != 0 {
kind := ut_dst.(*types.Basic).Kind
switch x := x.(type) {
case int64: // signed integer -> numeric?
switch kind {
case types.Int:
return int(x)
case types.Int8:
return int8(x)
case types.Int16:
return int16(x)
case types.Int32:
return int32(x)
case types.Int64:
return int64(x)
case types.Uint:
return uint(x)
case types.Uint8:
return uint8(x)
case types.Uint16:
return uint16(x)
case types.Uint32:
return uint32(x)
case types.Uint64:
return uint64(x)
case types.Uintptr:
return uintptr(x)
case types.Float32:
return float32(x)
case types.Float64:
return float64(x)
case uint64: // unsigned integer -> numeric?
switch kind {
case types.Int:
return int(x)
case types.Int8:
return int8(x)
case types.Int16:
return int16(x)
case types.Int32:
return int32(x)
case types.Int64:
return int64(x)
case types.Uint:
return uint(x)
case types.Uint8:
return uint8(x)
case types.Uint16:
return uint16(x)
case types.Uint32:
return uint32(x)
case types.Uint64:
return uint64(x)
case types.Uintptr:
return uintptr(x)
case types.Float32:
return float32(x)
case types.Float64:
return float64(x)
case float64: // floating point -> numeric?
switch kind {
case types.Int:
return int(x)
case types.Int8:
return int8(x)
case types.Int16:
return int16(x)
case types.Int32:
return int32(x)
case types.Int64:
return int64(x)
case types.Uint:
return uint(x)
case types.Uint8:
return uint8(x)
case types.Uint16:
return uint16(x)
case types.Uint32:
return uint32(x)
case types.Uint64:
return uint64(x)
case types.Uintptr:
return uintptr(x)
case types.Float32:
return float32(x)
case types.Float64:
return float64(x)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported conversion: %s -> %s, dynamic type %T", t_src, t_dst, x))
// checkInterface checks that the method set of x implements the
// interface itype.
// On success it returns "", on failure, an error message.
func checkInterface(i *interpreter, itype types.Type, x iface) string {
mset := findMethodSet(i, x.t)
for _, m := range underlyingType(itype).(*types.Interface).Methods {
id := ssa.IdFromQualifiedName(m.QualifiedName)
if mset[id] == nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("interface conversion: %v is not %v: missing method %v", x.t, itype, id)
return "" // ok
// underlyingType returns the underlying type of typ.
// Copied from go/types.underlying.
func underlyingType(typ types.Type) types.Type {
if typ, ok := typ.(*types.NamedType); ok {
return typ.Underlying
return typ
// indirectType(typ) assumes that typ is a pointer type,
// or named alias thereof, and returns its base type.
// Panic ensues if it is not a pointer.
// Copied from exp/ssa.indirectType.
func indirectType(ptr types.Type) types.Type {
return underlyingType(ptr).(*types.Pointer).Base
package interp
// Emulated "reflect" package.
// We completely replace the built-in "reflect" package.
// The only thing clients can depend upon are that reflect.Type is an
// interface and reflect.Value is an (opaque) struct.
import (
// rtype is the concrete type the interpreter uses to implement the
// reflect.Type interface. Since its type is opaque to the target
// language, we use a types.Basic.
// type rtype <opaque>
var rtypeType = makeNamedType("rtype", &types.Basic{Name: "rtype"})
// Value is the interpreter's version of reflect.Value.
// Since it has no public fields and we control all the functions in
// the reflect package, it doesn't matter that it is not the same as
// the real Value struct.
// A reflect.Value contains the same two fields as the interpreter's
// iface struct.
// type Value struct {
// t rtype
// v Value
// }
// Even though it's a struct, we use a types.Basic since no-one cares.
var reflectValueType = makeNamedType("Value", &types.Basic{Name: "Value"})
func makeNamedType(name string, underlying types.Type) *types.NamedType {
nt := &types.NamedType{Underlying: underlying}
nt.Obj = &types.TypeName{Name: name, Type: nt}
return nt
func makeReflectValue(t types.Type, v value) value {
return structure{rtype{t}, v}
// Given a reflect.Value, returns its rtype.
func rV2T(v value) rtype {
return v.(structure)[0].(rtype)
// Given a reflect.Value, returns the underlying interpreter value.
func rV2V(v value) value {
return v.(structure)[1]
// makeReflectType boxes up an rtype in a reflect.Type interface.
func makeReflectType(rt rtype) value {
return iface{rtypeType, rt}
func ext۰reflect۰Init(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// Signature: func()
return nil
func ext۰reflect۰rtype۰Bits(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// Signature: func (t reflect.rtype) int
rt := args[0].(rtype).t
basic, ok := underlyingType(rt).(*types.Basic)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("reflect.Type.Bits(%T): non-basic type", rt))
switch basic.Kind {
case types.Int8, types.Uint8:
return 8
case types.Int16, types.Uint16:
return 16
case types.Int, types.UntypedInt:
// Assume sizeof(int) is same on host and target; ditto uint.
return reflect.TypeOf(int(0)).Bits()
case types.Uintptr:
// Assume sizeof(uintptr) is same on host and target.
return reflect.TypeOf(uintptr(0)).Bits()
case types.Int32, types.Uint32:
return 32
case types.Int64, types.Uint64:
return 64
case types.Float32:
return 32
case types.Float64, types.UntypedFloat:
return 64
case types.Complex64:
return 64
case types.Complex128, types.UntypedComplex:
return 128
panic(fmt.Sprintf("reflect.Type.Bits(%s)", basic))
return nil
func ext۰reflect۰rtype۰Elem(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// Signature: func (t reflect.rtype) reflect.Type
var elem types.Type
switch rt := underlyingType(args[0].(rtype).t).(type) {
case *types.Array:
elem = rt.Elt
case *types.Chan:
elem = rt.Elt
case *types.Map:
elem = rt.Elt
case *types.Pointer:
elem = rt.Base
case *types.Slice:
elem = rt.Elt
panic(fmt.Sprintf("reflect.Type.Elem(%T)", rt))
return makeReflectType(rtype{elem})
func ext۰reflect۰rtype۰Kind(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// Signature: func (t reflect.rtype) uint
return uint(reflectKind(args[0].(rtype).t))
func ext۰reflect۰rtype۰String(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// Signature: func (t reflect.rtype) string
return args[0].(rtype).t.String()
func ext۰reflect۰TypeOf(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// Signature: func (t reflect.rtype) string
return makeReflectType(rtype{args[0].(iface).t})
func ext۰reflect۰ValueOf(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// Signature: func (interface{}) reflect.Value
itf := args[0].(iface)
return makeReflectValue(itf.t, itf.v)
func reflectKind(t types.Type) reflect.Kind {
switch t := t.(type) {
case *types.NamedType:
return reflectKind(t.Underlying)
case *types.Basic:
switch t.Kind {
case types.Bool:
return reflect.Bool
case types.Int:
return reflect.Int
case types.Int8:
return reflect.Int8
case types.Int16:
return reflect.Int16
case types.Int32:
return reflect.Int32
case types.Int64:
return reflect.Int64
case types.Uint:
return reflect.Uint
case types.Uint8:
return reflect.Uint8
case types.Uint16:
return reflect.Uint16
case types.Uint32:
return reflect.Uint32
case types.Uint64:
return reflect.Uint64
case types.Uintptr:
return reflect.Uintptr
case types.Float32:
return reflect.Float32
case types.Float64:
return reflect.Float64
case types.Complex64:
return reflect.Complex64
case types.Complex128:
return reflect.Complex128
case types.String:
return reflect.String
case types.UnsafePointer:
return reflect.UnsafePointer
case *types.Array:
return reflect.Array
case *types.Chan:
return reflect.Chan
case *types.Signature:
return reflect.Func
case *types.Interface:
return reflect.Interface
case *types.Map:
return reflect.Map
case *types.Pointer:
return reflect.Ptr
case *types.Slice:
return reflect.Slice
case *types.Struct:
return reflect.Struct
panic(fmt.Sprint("unexpected type: ", t))
func ext۰reflect۰Value۰Kind(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// Signature: func (reflect.Value) uint
return uint(reflectKind(rV2T(args[0]).t))
func ext۰reflect۰Value۰Type(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// Signature: func (reflect.Value) reflect.Type
return makeReflectType(rV2T(args[0]))
func ext۰reflect۰Value۰Len(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// Signature: func (reflect.Value) int
switch v := rV2V(args[0]).(type) {
case string:
return len(v)
case array:
return len(v)
case chan value:
return cap(v)
case []value:
return len(v)
case *hashmap:
return v.len()
case map[value]value:
return len(v)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("reflect.(Value).Len(%V)", v))
return nil // unreachable
func ext۰reflect۰Value۰NumField(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// Signature: func (reflect.Value) int
return len(rV2V(args[0]).(structure))
func ext۰reflect۰Value۰Pointer(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// Signature: func (v reflect.Value) uintptr
switch v := rV2V(args[0]).(type) {
case *value:
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(v))
case chan value:
return reflect.ValueOf(v).Pointer()
case []value:
return reflect.ValueOf(v).Pointer()
case *hashmap:
return reflect.ValueOf(v.table).Pointer()
case map[value]value:
return reflect.ValueOf(v).Pointer()
case *ssa.Function:
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(v))
panic(fmt.Sprintf("reflect.(Value).Pointer(%T)", v))
return nil // unreachable
func ext۰reflect۰Value۰Index(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// Signature: func (v reflect.Value, i int) Value
i := args[1].(int)
t := underlyingType(rV2T(args[0]).t)
switch v := rV2V(args[0]).(type) {
case array:
return makeReflectValue(t.(*types.Array).Elt, v[i])
case []value:
return makeReflectValue(t.(*types.Slice).Elt, v[i])
panic(fmt.Sprintf("reflect.(Value).Index(%T)", v))
return nil // unreachable
func ext۰reflect۰Value۰CanAddr(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// Signature: func (v reflect.Value) bool
// Always false for our representation.
return false
func ext۰reflect۰Value۰CanInterface(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// Signature: func (v reflect.Value) bool
// Always true for our representation.
return true
func ext۰reflect۰Value۰Elem(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// Signature: func (v reflect.Value) reflect.Value
switch x := rV2V(args[0]).(type) {
case iface:
return makeReflectValue(x.t, x.v)
case *value:
return makeReflectValue(underlyingType(rV2T(args[0]).t).(*types.Pointer).Base, *x)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("reflect.(Value).Elem(%T)", x))
return nil // unreachable
func ext۰reflect۰Value۰Field(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// Signature: func (v reflect.Value, i int) reflect.Value
v := args[0]
i := args[1].(int)
return makeReflectValue(underlyingType(rV2T(v).t).(*types.Struct).Fields[i].Type, rV2V(v).(structure)[i])
func ext۰reflect۰Value۰Interface(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// Signature: func (v reflect.Value) interface{}
return ext۰reflect۰valueInterface(fn, args, slots)
func ext۰reflect۰Value۰Int(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// Signature: func (reflect.Value) int64
switch x := rV2V(args[0]).(type) {
case int:
return int64(x)
case int8:
return int64(x)
case int16:
return int64(x)
case int32:
return int64(x)
case int64:
return x
panic(fmt.Sprintf("reflect.(Value).Int(%T)", x))
return nil // unreachable
func ext۰reflect۰Value۰IsNil(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// Signature: func (reflect.Value) bool
switch x := rV2V(args[0]).(type) {
case *value:
return x == nil
case chan value:
return x == nil
case map[value]value:
return x == nil
case *hashmap:
return x == nil
case iface:
return x.t == nil
case []value:
return x == nil
case *ssa.Function:
return x == nil
case *ssa.Builtin:
return x == nil
case *closure:
return x == nil
panic(fmt.Sprintf("reflect.(Value).IsNil(%T)", x))
return nil // unreachable
func ext۰reflect۰Value۰IsValid(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// Signature: func (reflect.Value) bool
return rV2V(args[0]) != nil
func ext۰reflect۰valueInterface(fn *ssa.Function, args []value, slots []value) value {
// Signature: func (v reflect.Value, safe bool) interface{}
v := args[0].(structure)
return iface{rV2T(v).t, rV2V(v)}
// newMethod creates a new method of the specified name, package and receiver type.
func newMethod(pkg *ssa.Package, recvType types.Type, name string) *ssa.Function {
fn := &ssa.Function{
Name_: name,
Pkg: pkg,
Prog: pkg.Prog,
// TODO(adonovan): fix: hack: currently the only part of Signature
// that is needed is the "pointerness" of Recv.Type, and for
// now, we'll set it to always be false since we're only
// concerned with rtype. Encapsulate this better.
fn.Signature = &types.Signature{Recv: &types.Var{
Name: "recv",
Type: recvType,
return fn
func initReflect(i *interpreter) {
i.reflectPackage = &ssa.Package{
Prog: i.prog,
Types: &types.Package{
Name: "reflect",
Path: "reflect",
Complete: true,
ImportPath: "reflect",
Members: make(map[string]ssa.Member),
i.rtypeMethods = ssa.MethodSet{
ssa.Id{nil, "Bits"}: newMethod(i.reflectPackage, rtypeType, "Bits"),
ssa.Id{nil, "Elem"}: newMethod(i.reflectPackage, rtypeType, "Elem"),
ssa.Id{nil, "Kind"}: newMethod(i.reflectPackage, rtypeType, "Kind"),
ssa.Id{nil, "String"}: newMethod(i.reflectPackage, rtypeType, "String"),
package interp
// Values
// All interpreter values are "boxed" in the empty interface, value.
// The range of possible dynamic types within value are:
// - bool
// - numbers (all built-in int/float/complex types are distinguished)
// - string
// - map[value]value --- maps for which usesBuiltinMap(keyType)
// *hashmap --- maps for which !usesBuiltinMap(keyType)
// - chan value
// - []value --- slices
// - iface --- interfaces.
// - structure --- structs. Fields are ordered and accessed by numeric indices.
// - array --- arrays.
// - *value --- pointers. Careful: *value is a distinct type from *array etc.
// - *ssa.Function \
// *ssa.Builtin } --- functions.
// *closure /
// - tuple --- as returned by Ret, Next, "value,ok" modes, etc.
// - iter --- iterators from 'range'.
// - bad --- a poison pill for locals that have gone out of scope.
// - rtype -- the interpreter's concrete implementation of reflect.Type
// Note that nil is not on this list.
// Pay close attention to whether or not the dynamic type is a pointer.
// The compiler cannot help you since value is an empty interface.
import (
type value interface{}
type tuple []value
type array []value
type iface struct {
t types.Type // never an "untyped" type
v value
type structure []value
// For map, array, *array, slice, string or channel.
type iter interface {
// next returns a Tuple (key, value, ok).
// key and value are unaliased, e.g. copies of the sequence element.
next() tuple
type closure struct {
Fn *ssa.Function
Env []value
type bad struct{}
type rtype struct {
t types.Type
// Hash functions and equivalence relation:
// hashString computes the FNV hash of s.
func hashString(s string) int {
var h uint32
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
h ^= uint32(s[i])
h *= 16777619
return int(h)
// hashType returns a hash for t such that
// types.IsIdentical(x, y) => hashType(x) == hashType(y).
func hashType(t types.Type) int {
return hashString(t.String()) // TODO(gri): provide a better hash
// usesBuiltinMap returns true if the built-in hash function and
// equivalence relation for type t are consistent with those of the
// interpreter's representation of type t. Such types are: all basic
// types (bool, numbers, string), pointers and channels.
// usesBuiltinMap returns false for types that require a custom map
// implementation: interfaces, arrays and structs.
// Panic ensues if t is an invalid map key type: function, map or slice.
func usesBuiltinMap(t types.Type) bool {
switch t := t.(type) {
case *types.Basic, *types.Chan, *types.Pointer:
return true
case *types.NamedType:
return usesBuiltinMap(t.Underlying)
case *types.Interface, *types.Array, *types.Struct:
return false
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid map key type: %T", t))
func (x array) eq(_y interface{}) bool {
y := _y.(array)
for i, xi := range x {
if !equals(xi, y[i]) {
return false
return true
func (x array) hash() int {
h := 0
for _, xi := range x {
h += hash(xi)
return h
func (x structure) eq(_y interface{}) bool {
y := _y.(structure)
// TODO(adonovan): fix: only non-blank fields should be
// compared. This requires that we have type information
// available from the enclosing == operation or map access;
// the value is not sufficient.
for i, xi := range x {
if !equals(xi, y[i]) {
return false
return true
func (x structure) hash() int {
h := 0
for _, xi := range x {
h += hash(xi)
return h
func (x iface) eq(_y interface{}) bool {
y := _y.(iface)
return types.IsIdentical(x.t, y.t) && (x.t == nil || equals(x.v, y.v))
func (x iface) hash() int {
return hashType(x.t)*8581 + hash(x.v)
func (x rtype) hash() int {
return hashType(x.t)
func (x rtype) eq(y interface{}) bool {
return types.IsIdentical(x.t, y.(rtype).t)
// equals returns true iff x and y are equal according to Go's
// linguistic equivalence relation. In a well-typed program, the
// types of x and y are guaranteed equal.
func equals(x, y value) bool {
switch x := x.(type) {
case bool:
return x == y.(bool)
case int:
return x == y.(int)
case int8:
return x == y.(int8)
case int16:
return x == y.(int16)
case int32:
return x == y.(int32)
case int64:
return x == y.(int64)
case uint:
return x == y.(uint)
case uint8:
return x == y.(uint8)
case uint16:
return x == y.(uint16)
case uint32:
return x == y.(uint32)
case uint64:
return x == y.(uint64)
case uintptr:
return x == y.(uintptr)
case float32:
return x == y.(float32)
case float64:
return x == y.(float64)
case complex64:
return x == y.(complex64)
case complex128:
return x == y.(complex128)
case string:
return x == y.(string)
case *value:
return x == y.(*value)
case chan value:
return x == y.(chan value)
case structure:
return x.eq(y)
case array:
return x.eq(y)
case iface:
return x.eq(y)
case rtype:
return x.eq(y)
// Since the following types don't support comparison,
// these cases are only reachable if one of x or y is
// (literally) nil.
case *hashmap:
return x == y.(*hashmap)
case map[value]value:
return (x != nil) == (y.(map[value]value) != nil)
case *ssa.Function:
return x == y.(*ssa.Function)
case *closure:
return x == y.(*closure)
case []value:
return (x != nil) == (y.([]value) != nil)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("comparing incomparable type %T", x))
// Returns an integer hash of x such that equals(x, y) => hash(x) == hash(y).
func hash(x value) int {
switch x := x.(type) {
case bool:
if x {
return 1
return 0
case int:
return x
case int8:
return int(x)
case int16:
return int(x)
case int32:
return int(x)
case int64:
return int(x)
case uint:
return int(x)
case uint8:
return int(x)
case uint16:
return int(x)
case uint32:
return int(x)
case uint64:
return int(x)
case uintptr:
return int(x)
case float32:
return int(x)
case float64:
return int(x)
case complex64:
return int(real(x))
case complex128:
return int(real(x))
case string:
return hashString(x)
case *value:
return int(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(x)))
case chan value:
return int(uintptr(reflect.ValueOf(x).Pointer()))
case structure:
return x.hash()
case array:
return x.hash()
case iface:
return x.hash()
case rtype:
return x.hash()
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%T is unhashable", x))
// copyVal returns a copy of value v.
// TODO(adonovan): add tests of aliasing and mutation.
func copyVal(v value) value {
if v == nil {
switch v := v.(type) {
case bool, int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uintptr, float32, float64, complex64, complex128, string, unsafe.Pointer:
return v
case map[value]value:
return v
case *hashmap:
return v
case chan value:
return v
case *value:
return v
case *ssa.Function, *ssa.Builtin, *closure:
return v
case iface:
return v
case []value:
return v
case structure:
a := make(structure, len(v))
copy(a, v)
return a
case array:
a := make(array, len(v))
copy(a, v)
return a
case tuple:
case rtype:
return v
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot copy %T", v))
// Prints in the style of built-in println.
// (More or less; in gc println is actually a compiler intrinsic and
// can distinguish println(1) from println(interface{}(1)).)
func toWriter(w io.Writer, v value) {
switch v := v.(type) {
case nil, bool, int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uintptr, float32, float64, complex64, complex128, string:
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%v", v)
case map[value]value:
io.WriteString(w, "map[")
sep := " "
for k, e := range v {
io.WriteString(w, sep)
sep = " "
toWriter(w, k)
io.WriteString(w, ":")
toWriter(w, e)
io.WriteString(w, "]")
case *hashmap:
io.WriteString(w, "map[")
sep := " "
for _, e := range v.table {
for e != nil {
io.WriteString(w, sep)
sep = " "
toWriter(w, e.key)
io.WriteString(w, ":")
toWriter(w, e.value)
e =
io.WriteString(w, "]")
case chan value:
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%v", v) // (an address)
case *value:
if v == nil {
io.WriteString(w, "<nil>")
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%p", v)
case iface:
toWriter(w, v.v)
case structure:
io.WriteString(w, "{")
for i, e := range v {
if i > 0 {
io.WriteString(w, " ")
toWriter(w, e)
io.WriteString(w, "}")
case array:
io.WriteString(w, "[")
for i, e := range v {
if i > 0 {
io.WriteString(w, " ")
toWriter(w, e)
io.WriteString(w, "]")
case []value:
io.WriteString(w, "[")
for i, e := range v {
if i > 0 {
io.WriteString(w, " ")
toWriter(w, e)
io.WriteString(w, "]")
case *ssa.Function, *ssa.Builtin, *closure:
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%p", v) // (an address)
case rtype:
io.WriteString(w, v.t.String())
case tuple:
// Unreachable in well-formed Go programs
io.WriteString(w, "(")
for i, e := range v {
if i > 0 {
io.WriteString(w, ", ")
toWriter(w, e)
io.WriteString(w, ")")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "<%T>", v)
// Implements printing of Go values in the style of built-in println.
func toString(v value) string {
var b bytes.Buffer
toWriter(&b, v)
return b.String()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Iterators
type arrayIter struct {
a array
i int
func (it *arrayIter) next() tuple {
okv := make(tuple, 3)
ok := it.i < len(it.a)
okv[0] = ok
if ok {
okv[1] = it.i
okv[2] = copyVal(it.a[it.i])
return okv
type chanIter chan value
func (it chanIter) next() tuple {
okv := make(tuple, 3)
okv[1], okv[0] = <-it
return okv
type stringIter struct {
i int
func (it *stringIter) next() tuple {
okv := make(tuple, 3)
ch, n, err := it.ReadRune()
ok := err != io.EOF
okv[0] = ok
if ok {
okv[1] = it.i
okv[2] = ch
it.i += n
return okv
type mapIter chan [2]value
func (it mapIter) next() tuple {
kv, ok := <-it
return tuple{ok, kv[0], kv[1]}
// +build ignore
package main
// ssadump: a tool for displaying and interpreting the SSA form of Go programs.
import (
// TODO(adonovan): perhaps these should each be separate flags?
var buildFlag = flag.String("build", "", `Options controlling the SSA builder.
The value is a sequence of zero or more of these letters:
C perform sanity [C]hecking of the SSA form.
P log [P]ackage inventory.
F log [F]unction SSA code.
S log [S]ource locations as SSA builder progresses.
G use binary object files from gc to provide imports (no code).
var runFlag = flag.Bool("run", false, "Invokes the SSA interpreter on the program.")
var interpFlag = flag.String("interp", "", `Options controlling the SSA test interpreter.
The value is a sequence of zero or more more of these letters:
R disable [R]ecover() from panic; show interpreter crash instead.
T [T]race execution of the program. Best for single-threaded programs!
const usage = `SSA builder and interpreter.
Usage: ssadump [<flag> ...] <file.go> ...
Use -help flag to display options.
% ssadump -run -interp=T hello.go # interpret a program, with tracing
% ssadump -build=FPG hello.go # quickly dump SSA form of a single package
func main() {
args := flag.Args()
// TODO(adonovan): perhaps we need a more extensible option
// API than a bitset, e.g. a struct with a sane zero value?
var mode ssa.BuilderMode
for _, c := range *buildFlag {
switch c {
case 'P':
mode |= ssa.LogPackages
case 'F':
mode |= ssa.LogFunctions
case 'S':
mode |= ssa.LogSource
case 'C':
mode |= ssa.SanityCheckFunctions
case 'G':
mode |= ssa.UseGCImporter
log.Fatalf("Unknown -build option: '%c'.", c)
var interpMode interp.Mode
for _, c := range *interpFlag {
switch c {
case 'T':
interpMode |= interp.EnableTracing
case 'R':
interpMode |= interp.DisableRecover
log.Fatalf("Unknown -interp option: '%c'.", c)
if len(args) == 0 {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, usage)
// Treat all leading consecutive "*.go" arguments as a single package.
// TODO(gri): make it a typechecker error for there to be
// duplicate (e.g.) main functions in the same package.
var gofiles []string
for len(args) > 0 && strings.HasSuffix(args[0], ".go") {
gofiles = append(gofiles, args[0])
args = args[1:]
if gofiles == nil {
log.Fatal("No *.go source files specified.")
// TODO(adonovan): permit naming a package directly instead of
// a list of .go files.
// TODO(adonovan/gri): the cascade of errors is confusing due
// to reentrant control flow. Disable for now and re-think.
var errh func(error)
// errh = func(err error) { fmt.Println(err.Error()) }
b := ssa.NewBuilder(mode, ssa.GorootLoader, errh)
files, err := ssa.ParseFiles(b.Prog.Files, ".", gofiles...)
if err != nil {
mainpkg, err := b.CreatePackage("main", files)
if err != nil {
b = nil // discard Builder
if *runFlag {
interp.Interpret(mainpkg, interpMode, gofiles[0], args)
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