Commit cd9f417d authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

cmd/compile: document Node fields used by each Op

Change-Id: If969d7a06c83447ee38da30f1477a6cf4bfa1a03
Reviewed-on: default avatarJosh Bleecher Snyder <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarBrad Fitzpatrick <>
parent aefa6cd1
...@@ -188,129 +188,132 @@ const ( ...@@ -188,129 +188,132 @@ const (
OLITERAL // literal OLITERAL // literal
// expressions // expressions
OADD // x + y OADD // Left + Right
OSUB // x - y OSUB // Left - Right
OOR // x | y OOR // Left | Right
OXOR // x ^ y OXOR // Left ^ Right
OADDSTR // s + "foo" OADDSTR // Left + Right (string addition)
OADDR // &x OADDR // &Left
OANDAND // b0 && b1 OANDAND // Left && Right
OAPPEND // append OAPPEND // append(List)
OARRAYBYTESTR // string(bytes) OARRAYBYTESTR // Type(Left) (Type is string, Left is a []byte)
OARRAYBYTESTRTMP // string(bytes) ephemeral OARRAYBYTESTRTMP // Type(Left) (Type is string, Left is a []byte, ephemeral)
OARRAYRUNESTR // string(runes) OARRAYRUNESTR // Type(Left) (Type is string, Left is a []rune)
OSTRARRAYBYTE // []byte(s) OSTRARRAYBYTE // Type(Left) (Type is []byte, Left is a string)
OSTRARRAYBYTETMP // []byte(s) ephemeral OSTRARRAYBYTETMP // Type(Left) (Type is []byte, Left is a string, ephemeral)
OSTRARRAYRUNE // []rune(s) OSTRARRAYRUNE // Type(Left) (Type is []rune, Left is a string)
OAS // x = y or x := y OAS // Left = Right or (if Colas=true) Left := Right
OAS2 // x, y, z = xx, yy, zz OAS2 // List = Rlist (x, y, z = a, b, c)
OAS2FUNC // x, y = f() OAS2FUNC // List = Rlist (x, y = f())
OAS2RECV // x, ok = <-c OAS2RECV // List = Rlist (x, ok = <-c)
OAS2MAPR // x, ok = m["foo"] OAS2MAPR // List = Rlist (x, ok = m["foo"])
OAS2DOTTYPE // x, ok = I.(int) OAS2DOTTYPE // List = Rlist (x, ok = I.(int))
OASOP // x += y OASOP // Left Etype= Right (x += y)
OASWB // OAS but with write barrier OASWB // Left = Right (with write barrier)
OCALL // function call, method call or type conversion, possibly preceded by defer or go. OCALL // Left(List) (function call, method call or type conversion)
OCALLFUNC // f() OCALLFUNC // Left(List) (function call f(args))
OCALLMETH // t.Method() OCALLMETH // Left(List) (direct method call x.Method(args))
OCALLINTER // err.Error() OCALLINTER // Left(List) (interface method call x.Method(args))
OCALLPART // t.Method (without ()) OCALLPART // Left.Right (method expression x.Method, not called)
OCAP // cap OCAP // cap(Left)
OCLOSE // close OCLOSE // close(Left)
OCLOSURE // f = func() { etc } OCLOSURE // func Type { Body } (func literal)
OCMPIFACE // err1 == err2 OCMPIFACE // Left Etype Right (interface comparison, x == y or x != y)
OCMPSTR // s1 == s2 OCMPSTR // Left Etype Right (string comparison, x == y, x < y, etc)
OCOMPLIT // composite literal, typechecking may convert to a more specific OXXXLIT. OCOMPLIT // Right{List} (composite literal, not yet lowered to specific form)
OMAPLIT // M{"foo":3, "bar":4} OMAPLIT // Type{List} (composite literal, Type is map)
OSTRUCTLIT // T{x:3, y:4} OSTRUCTLIT // Type{List} (composite literal, Type is struct)
OARRAYLIT // [2]int{3, 4} OARRAYLIT // Type{List} (composite literal, Type is array or slice)
OPTRLIT // &T{x:3, y:4} OPTRLIT // &Left (left is composite literal)
OCONV // var i int; var u uint; i = int(u) OCONV // Type(Left) (type conversion)
OCONVIFACE // I(t) OCONVIFACE // Type(Left) (type conversion, to interface)
OCONVNOP // type Int int; var i int; var j Int; i = int(j) OCONVNOP // Type(Left) (type conversion, no effect)
OCOPY // copy OCOPY // copy(Left, Right)
ODCL // var x int ODCL // var Left (declares Left of type Left.Type)
ODCLFUNC // func f() or func (r) f()
ODCLFIELD // struct field, interface field, or func/method argument/return value. // Used during parsing but don't last.
ODCLCONST // const pi = 3.14 ODCLFUNC // func f() or func (r) f()
ODCLTYPE // type Int int ODCLFIELD // struct field, interface field, or func/method argument/return value.
ODELETE // delete ODCLCONST // const pi = 3.14
ODOT // t.x ODCLTYPE // type Int int
ODOTPTR // p.x that is implicitly (*p).x
ODOTMETH // t.Method ODELETE // delete(Left, Right)
ODOTINTER // err.Error ODOT // Left.Right (Left is of struct type)
OXDOT // t.x, typechecking may convert to a more specific ODOTXXX. ODOTPTR // Left.Right (Left is of pointer to struct type)
ODOTTYPE // e = err.(MyErr) ODOTMETH // Left.Right (Left is non-interface, Right is method name)
ODOTTYPE2 // e, ok = err.(MyErr) ODOTINTER // Left.Right (Left is interface, Right is method name)
OEQ // x == y OXDOT // Left.Right (before rewrite to one of the preceding)
ONE // x != y ODOTTYPE // Left.Right or Left.Type (.Right during parsing, .Type once resolved)
OLT // x < y ODOTTYPE2 // Left.Right or Left.Type (.Right during parsing, .Type once resolved; on rhs of OAS2DOTTYPE)
OLE // x <= y OEQ // Left == Right
OGE // x >= y ONE // Left != Right
OGT // x > y OLT // Left < Right
OIND // *p OLE // Left <= Right
OINDEX // a[i] OGE // Left >= Right
OINDEXMAP // m[s] OGT // Left > Right
OKEY // The x:3 in t{x:3, y:4}, the 1:2 in a[1:2], the 2:20 in [3]int{2:20}, etc. OIND // *Left
OPARAM // The on-stack copy of a parameter or return value that escapes. OINDEX // Left[Right] (index of array or slice)
OLEN // len OINDEXMAP // Left[Right] (index of map)
OMAKE // make, typechecking may convert to a more specific OMAKEXXX. OKEY // Left:Right (key:value in struct/array/map literal, or slice index pair)
OMAKECHAN // make(chan int) OPARAM // variant of ONAME for on-stack copy of a parameter or return value that escapes.
OMAKEMAP // make(map[string]int) OLEN // len(Left)
OMAKESLICE // make([]int, 0) OMAKE // make(List) (before type checking converts to one of the following)
OMUL // * OMAKECHAN // make(Type, Left) (type is chan)
ODIV // x / y OMAKEMAP // make(Type, Left) (type is map)
OMOD // x % y OMAKESLICE // make(Type, Left, Right) (type is slice)
OLSH // x << u OMUL // Left * Right
ORSH // x >> u ODIV // Left / Right
OAND // x & y OMOD // Left % Right
OANDNOT // x &^ y OLSH // Left << Right
ONEW // new ORSH // Left >> Right
ONOT // !b OAND // Left & Right
OCOM // ^x OANDNOT // Left &^ Right
OPLUS // +x ONEW // new(Left)
OMINUS // -y ONOT // !Left
OOROR // b1 || b2 OCOM // ^Left
OPANIC // panic OPLUS // +Left
OPRINT // print OMINUS // -Left
OPRINTN // println OOROR // Left || Right
OPAREN // (x) OPANIC // panic(Left)
OSEND // c <- x OPRINT // print(List)
OSLICE // v[1:2], typechecking may convert to a more specific OSLICEXXX. OPRINTN // println(List)
OSLICEARR // a[1:2] OPAREN // (Left)
OSLICESTR // s[1:2] OSEND // Left <- Right
OSLICE3 // v[1:2:3], typechecking may convert to OSLICE3ARR. OSLICE // Left[Right.Left : Right.Right] (Left is untypechecked or slice; Right.Op==OKEY)
OSLICE3ARR // a[1:2:3] OSLICEARR // Left[Right.Left : Right.Right] (Left is array)
ORECOVER // recover OSLICESTR // Left[Right.Left : Right.Right] (Left is string)
ORECV // <-c OSLICE3 // Left[R.Left : R.R.Left : R.R.R] (R=Right; Left is untypedchecked or slice; R.Op and R.R.Op==OKEY)
ORUNESTR // string(i) OSLICE3ARR // Left[R.Left : R.R.Left : R.R.R] (R=Right; Left is array; R.Op and R.R.Op==OKEY)
OSELRECV // case x = <-c: ORECOVER // recover()
OSELRECV2 // case x, ok = <-c: ORECV // <-Left
OIOTA // iota ORUNESTR // Type(Left) (Type is string, Left is rune)
OREAL // real OSELRECV // Left = <-Right.Left: (appears as .Left of OCASE; Right.Op == ORECV)
OIMAG // imag OSELRECV2 // List = <-Right.Left: (apperas as .Left of OCASE; count(List) == 2, Right.Op == ORECV)
OCOMPLEX // complex OIOTA // iota
OREAL // real(Left)
OIMAG // imag(Left)
OCOMPLEX // complex(Left, Right)
// statements // statements
OBLOCK // block of code OBLOCK // { List } (block of code)
OBREAK // break OBREAK // break
OCASE // case, after being verified by swt.c's casebody. OCASE // case List: Nbody (select case after processing; List==nil means default)
OXCASE // case, before verification. OXCASE // case List: Nbody (select case before processing; List==nil means default)
OCONTINUE // continue OCONTINUE // continue
ODEFER // defer ODEFER // defer Left (Left must be call)
OEMPTY // no-op OEMPTY // no-op (empty statement)
OFALL // fallthrough, after being verified by swt.c's casebody. OFALL // fallthrough (after processing)
OXFALL // fallthrough, before verification. OXFALL // fallthrough (before processing)
OFOR // for OFOR // for Ninit; Left; Right { Nbody }
OGOTO // goto OGOTO // goto Left
OIF // if OIF // if Ninit; Left { Nbody } else { Rlist }
OLABEL // label: OLABEL // Left:
OPROC // go OPROC // go Left (Left must be call)
ORANGE // range ORANGE // for List = range Right { Nbody }
ORETURN // return ORETURN // return List
OSELECT // select OSELECT // select { List } (List is list of OXCASE or OCASE)
OSWITCH // switch x OSWITCH // switch Ninit; Left { List } (List is a list of OXCASE or OCASE)
OTYPESW // switch err.(type) OTYPESW // List = Left.(type) (appears as .Left of OSWITCH)
// types // types
OTCHAN // chan int OTCHAN // chan int
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