Commit df93283d authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

cmd/fix: delete pre-Go 1 fixes

Assume people who were going to update to Go 1 have done so.
Those with pre-Go 1 trees remaining will need to update first
to Go 1.0 (using its 'go fix') and then to Go 1.1.

Cuts the cmd/fix test time by 99% (3 seconds to 0.03 seconds).

R=golang-dev, bradfitz
parent 92cbf82f
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var errorFix = fix{
`Use error instead of os.Error.
This fix rewrites code using os.Error to use error:
os.Error -> error
os.NewError -> errors.New
os.EOF -> io.EOF
Seeing the old names above (os.Error and so on) triggers the following
heuristic rewrites. The heuristics can be forced using the -force=error flag.
A top-level function, variable, or constant named error is renamed error_.
Error implementations—those types used as os.Error or named
XxxError—have their String methods renamed to Error. Any existing
Error field or method is renamed to Err.
Error values—those with type os.Error or named e, err, error, err1,
and so on—have method calls and field references rewritten just
as the types do (String to Error, Error to Err). Also, a type assertion
of the form err.(*os.Waitmsg) becomes err.(*exec.ExitError).
// At minimum, this fix applies the following rewrites:
// os.Error -> error
// os.NewError -> errors.New
// os.EOF -> io.EOF
// However, if can apply any of those rewrites, it assumes that the
// file predates the error type and tries to update the code to use
// the new definition for error - an Error method, not a String method.
// This more heuristic procedure may not be 100% accurate, so it is
// only run when the file needs updating anyway. The heuristic can
// be forced to run using -force=error.
// First, we must identify the implementations of os.Error.
// These include the type of any value returned as or assigned to an os.Error.
// To that set we add any type whose name contains "Error" or "error".
// The heuristic helps for implementations that are not used as os.Error
// in the file in which they are defined.
// In any implementation of os.Error, we rename an existing struct field
// or method named Error to Err and rename the String method to Error.
// Second, we must identify the values of type os.Error.
// These include any value that obviously has type os.Error.
// To that set we add any variable whose name is e or err or error
// possibly followed by _ or a numeric or capitalized suffix.
// The heuristic helps for variables that are initialized using calls
// to functions in other packages. The type checker does not have
// information about those packages available, and in general cannot
// (because the packages may themselves not compile).
// For any value of type os.Error, we replace a call to String with a call to Error.
// We also replace type assertion err.(*os.Waitmsg) with err.(*exec.ExitError).
// Variables matching this regexp are assumed to have type os.Error.
var errVar = regexp.MustCompile(`^(e|err|error)_?([A-Z0-9].*)?$`)
// Types matching this regexp are assumed to be implementations of os.Error.
var errType = regexp.MustCompile(`^\*?([Ee]rror|.*Error)$`)
// Type-checking configuration: tell the type-checker this basic
// information about types, functions, and variables in external packages.
var errorTypeConfig = &TypeConfig{
Type: map[string]*Type{
"os.Error": {},
Func: map[string]string{
"fmt.Errorf": "os.Error",
"os.NewError": "os.Error",
Var: map[string]string{
"os.EPERM": "os.Error",
"os.ENOENT": "os.Error",
"os.ESRCH": "os.Error",
"os.EINTR": "os.Error",
"os.EIO": "os.Error",
"os.ENXIO": "os.Error",
"os.E2BIG": "os.Error",
"os.ENOEXEC": "os.Error",
"os.EBADF": "os.Error",
"os.ECHILD": "os.Error",
"os.EDEADLK": "os.Error",
"os.ENOMEM": "os.Error",
"os.EACCES": "os.Error",
"os.EFAULT": "os.Error",
"os.EBUSY": "os.Error",
"os.EEXIST": "os.Error",
"os.EXDEV": "os.Error",
"os.ENODEV": "os.Error",
"os.ENOTDIR": "os.Error",
"os.EISDIR": "os.Error",
"os.EINVAL": "os.Error",
"os.ENFILE": "os.Error",
"os.EMFILE": "os.Error",
"os.ENOTTY": "os.Error",
"os.EFBIG": "os.Error",
"os.ENOSPC": "os.Error",
"os.ESPIPE": "os.Error",
"os.EROFS": "os.Error",
"os.EMLINK": "os.Error",
"os.EPIPE": "os.Error",
"os.EAGAIN": "os.Error",
"os.EDOM": "os.Error",
"os.ERANGE": "os.Error",
"os.EADDRINUSE": "os.Error",
"os.ECONNREFUSED": "os.Error",
"os.ENAMETOOLONG": "os.Error",
"os.EAFNOSUPPORT": "os.Error",
"os.ETIMEDOUT": "os.Error",
"os.ENOTCONN": "os.Error",
func errorFn(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "os") && !force["error"] {
return false
// Fix gets called once to run the heuristics described above
// when we notice that this file definitely needs fixing
// (it mentions os.Error or something similar).
var fixed bool
var didHeuristic bool
heuristic := func() {
if didHeuristic {
didHeuristic = true
// We have identified a necessary fix (like os.Error -> error)
// but have not applied it or any others yet. Prepare the file
// for fixing and apply heuristic fixes.
// Rename error to error_ to make room for error.
fixed = renameTop(f, "error", "error_") || fixed
// Use type checker to build list of error implementations.
typeof, assign := typecheck(errorTypeConfig, f)
isError := map[string]bool{}
for _, val := range assign["os.Error"] {
t := typeof[val]
if strings.HasPrefix(t, "*") {
t = t[1:]
if t != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(t, "func(") {
isError[t] = true
// We use both the type check results and the "Error" name heuristic
// to identify implementations of os.Error.
isErrorImpl := func(typ string) bool {
return isError[typ] || errType.MatchString(typ)
isErrorVar := func(x ast.Expr) bool {
if typ := typeof[x]; typ != "" {
return isErrorImpl(typ) || typ == "os.Error"
if sel, ok := x.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
return sel.Sel.Name == "Error" || sel.Sel.Name == "Err"
if id, ok := x.(*ast.Ident); ok {
return errVar.MatchString(id.Name)
return false
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
// In method declaration on error implementation type,
// rename String() to Error() and Error() to Err().
fn, ok := n.(*ast.FuncDecl)
if ok &&
fn.Recv != nil &&
len(fn.Recv.List) == 1 &&
isErrorImpl(typeName(fn.Recv.List[0].Type)) {
// Rename.
switch fn.Name.Name {
case "String":
fn.Name.Name = "Error"
fixed = true
case "Error":
fn.Name.Name = "Err"
fixed = true
// In type definition of an error implementation type,
// rename Error field to Err to make room for method.
// Given type XxxError struct { ... Error T } rename field to Err.
d, ok := n.(*ast.GenDecl)
if ok {
for _, s := range d.Specs {
switch s := s.(type) {
case *ast.TypeSpec:
if isErrorImpl(typeName(s.Name)) {
st, ok := s.Type.(*ast.StructType)
if ok {
for _, f := range st.Fields.List {
for _, n := range f.Names {
if n.Name == "Error" {
n.Name = "Err"
fixed = true
// For values that are an error implementation type,
// rename .Error to .Err and .String to .Error
sel, selok := n.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if selok && isErrorImpl(typeof[sel.X]) {
switch sel.Sel.Name {
case "Error":
sel.Sel.Name = "Err"
fixed = true
case "String":
sel.Sel.Name = "Error"
fixed = true
// Assume x.Err is an error value and rename .String to .Error
// Children have been processed so the rewrite from Error to Err
// has already happened there.
if selok {
if subsel, ok := sel.X.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok && subsel.Sel.Name == "Err" && sel.Sel.Name == "String" {
sel.Sel.Name = "Error"
fixed = true
// For values that are an error variable, rename .String to .Error.
if selok && isErrorVar(sel.X) && sel.Sel.Name == "String" {
sel.Sel.Name = "Error"
fixed = true
// Rewrite composite literal of error type to turn Error: into Err:.
lit, ok := n.(*ast.CompositeLit)
if ok && isErrorImpl(typeof[lit]) {
for _, e := range lit.Elts {
if kv, ok := e.(*ast.KeyValueExpr); ok && isName(kv.Key, "Error") {
kv.Key.(*ast.Ident).Name = "Err"
fixed = true
// Rename os.Waitmsg to exec.ExitError
// when used in a type assertion on an error.
ta, ok := n.(*ast.TypeAssertExpr)
if ok && isErrorVar(ta.X) && isPtrPkgDot(ta.Type, "os", "Waitmsg") {
addImport(f, "exec")
sel := ta.Type.(*ast.StarExpr).X.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
sel.X.(*ast.Ident).Name = "exec"
sel.Sel.Name = "ExitError"
fixed = true
fix := func() {
if fixed {
fixed = true
if force["error"] {
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
p, ok := n.(*ast.Expr)
if !ok {
sel, ok := (*p).(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok {
switch {
case isPkgDot(sel, "os", "Error"):
*p = &ast.Ident{NamePos: sel.Pos(), Name: "error"}
case isPkgDot(sel, "os", "NewError"):
addImport(f, "errors")
sel.X.(*ast.Ident).Name = "errors"
sel.Sel.Name = "New"
case isPkgDot(sel, "os", "EOF"):
addImport(f, "io")
sel.X.(*ast.Ident).Name = "io"
if fixed && !usesImport(f, "os") {
deleteImport(f, "os")
return fixed
func typeName(typ ast.Expr) string {
if p, ok := typ.(*ast.StarExpr); ok {
typ = p.X
id, ok := typ.(*ast.Ident)
if ok {
return id.Name
sel, ok := typ.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if ok {
return typeName(sel.X) + "." + sel.Sel.Name
return ""
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(errorTests, errorFn)
var errorTests = []testCase{
Name: "error.0",
In: `package main
func error() {}
var error int
Out: `package main
func error() {}
var error int
Name: "error.1",
In: `package main
import "os"
func f() os.Error {
return os.EOF
func error() {}
var error int
func g() {
error := 1
_ = error
func h(os.Error) {}
func i(...os.Error) {}
Out: `package main
import "io"
func f() error {
return io.EOF
func error_() {}
var error_ int
func g() {
error := 1
_ = error
func h(error) {}
func i(...error) {}
Name: "error.2",
In: `package main
import "os"
func f() os.Error {
return os.EOF
func g() string {
// these all convert because f is known
if err := f(); err != nil {
return err.String()
if err1 := f(); err1 != nil {
return err1.String()
if e := f(); e != nil {
return e.String()
if x := f(); x != nil {
return x.String()
// only the error names (err, err1, e) convert; u is not known
if err := u(); err != nil {
return err.String()
if err1 := u(); err1 != nil {
return err1.String()
if e := u(); e != nil {
return e.String()
if x := u(); x != nil {
return x.String()
return ""
type T int
func (t T) String() string { return "t" }
type PT int
func (p *PT) String() string { return "pt" }
type MyError int
func (t MyError) String() string { return "myerror" }
type PMyError int
func (p *PMyError) String() string { return "pmyerror" }
func error() {}
var error int
Out: `package main
import "io"
func f() error {
return io.EOF
func g() string {
// these all convert because f is known
if err := f(); err != nil {
return err.Error()
if err1 := f(); err1 != nil {
return err1.Error()
if e := f(); e != nil {
return e.Error()
if x := f(); x != nil {
return x.Error()
// only the error names (err, err1, e) convert; u is not known
if err := u(); err != nil {
return err.Error()
if err1 := u(); err1 != nil {
return err1.Error()
if e := u(); e != nil {
return e.Error()
if x := u(); x != nil {
return x.String()
return ""
type T int
func (t T) String() string { return "t" }
type PT int
func (p *PT) String() string { return "pt" }
type MyError int
func (t MyError) Error() string { return "myerror" }
type PMyError int
func (p *PMyError) Error() string { return "pmyerror" }
func error_() {}
var error_ int
Name: "error.3",
In: `package main
import "os"
func f() os.Error {
return os.EOF
type PathError struct {
Name string
Error os.Error
func (p *PathError) String() string {
return p.Name + ": " + p.Error.String()
func (p *PathError) Error1() string {
p = &PathError{Error: nil}
return fmt.Sprint(p.Name, ": ", p.Error)
Out: `package main
import "io"
func f() error {
return io.EOF
type PathError struct {
Name string
Err error
func (p *PathError) Error() string {
return p.Name + ": " + p.Err.Error()
func (p *PathError) Error1() string {
p = &PathError{Err: nil}
return fmt.Sprint(p.Name, ": ", p.Err)
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var filepathFix = fix{
`Adapt code from filepath.[List]SeparatorString to string(filepath.[List]Separator).
func filepathFunc(f *ast.File) (fixed bool) {
if !imports(f, "path/filepath") {
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
e, ok := n.(*ast.Expr)
if !ok {
var ident string
switch {
case isPkgDot(*e, "filepath", "SeparatorString"):
ident = "filepath.Separator"
case isPkgDot(*e, "filepath", "ListSeparatorString"):
ident = "filepath.ListSeparator"
// string(filepath.[List]Separator)
*e = &ast.CallExpr{
Fun: ast.NewIdent("string"),
Args: []ast.Expr{ast.NewIdent(ident)},
fixed = true
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(filepathTests, filepathFunc)
var filepathTests = []testCase{
Name: "filepath.0",
In: `package main
import (
var _ = filepath.SeparatorString
var _ = filepath.ListSeparatorString
Out: `package main
import (
var _ = string(filepath.Separator)
var _ = string(filepath.ListSeparator)
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var go1pkgrenameFix = fix{
`Rewrite imports for packages moved during transition to Go 1.
var go1PackageRenames = []struct{ old, new string }{
{"asn1", "encoding/asn1"},
{"big", "math/big"},
{"cmath", "math/cmplx"},
{"csv", "encoding/csv"},
{"exec", "os/exec"},
{"exp/template/html", "html/template"},
{"gob", "encoding/gob"},
{"http", "net/http"},
{"http/cgi", "net/http/cgi"},
{"http/fcgi", "net/http/fcgi"},
{"http/httptest", "net/http/httptest"},
{"http/pprof", "net/http/pprof"},
{"json", "encoding/json"},
{"mail", "net/mail"},
{"rpc", "net/rpc"},
{"rpc/jsonrpc", "net/rpc/jsonrpc"},
{"scanner", "text/scanner"},
{"smtp", "net/smtp"},
{"syslog", "log/syslog"},
{"tabwriter", "text/tabwriter"},
{"template", "text/template"},
{"template/parse", "text/template/parse"},
{"rand", "math/rand"},
{"url", "net/url"},
{"utf16", "unicode/utf16"},
{"utf8", "unicode/utf8"},
{"xml", "encoding/xml"},
// go.crypto sub-repository
{"crypto/bcrypt", ""},
{"crypto/blowfish", ""},
{"crypto/cast5", ""},
{"crypto/md4", ""},
{"crypto/ocsp", ""},
{"crypto/openpgp", ""},
{"crypto/openpgp/armor", ""},
{"crypto/openpgp/elgamal", ""},
{"crypto/openpgp/errors", ""},
{"crypto/openpgp/packet", ""},
{"crypto/openpgp/s2k", ""},
{"crypto/ripemd160", ""},
{"crypto/twofish", ""},
{"crypto/xtea", ""},
{"exp/ssh", ""},
// go.image sub-repository
{"image/bmp", ""},
{"image/tiff", ""},
// sub-repository
{"net/dict", ""},
{"net/websocket", ""},
{"exp/spdy", ""},
{"http/spdy", ""},
// go.codereview sub-repository
{"encoding/git85", ""},
{"patch", ""},
// exp
{"ebnf", "exp/ebnf"},
{"go/types", "exp/types"},
// deleted
{"container/vector", ""},
{"exp/datafmt", ""},
{"go/typechecker", ""},
{"old/netchan", ""},
{"old/regexp", ""},
{"old/template", ""},
{"try", ""},
var go1PackageNameRenames = []struct{ newPath, old, new string }{
{"html/template", "html", "template"},
{"math/cmplx", "cmath", "cmplx"},
func go1pkgrename(f *ast.File) bool {
fixed := false
// First update the imports.
for _, rename := range go1PackageRenames {
spec := importSpec(f, rename.old)
if spec == nil {
if == "" {
warn(spec.Pos(), "package %q has been deleted in Go 1", rename.old)
if rewriteImport(f, rename.old, {
fixed = true
if strings.HasPrefix(, "exp/") {
warn(spec.Pos(), "package %q is not part of Go 1",
if !fixed {
return false
// Now update the package names used by importers.
for _, rename := range go1PackageNameRenames {
// These are rare packages, so do the import test before walking.
if imports(f, rename.newPath) {
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
if sel, ok := n.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
if isTopName(sel.X, rename.old) {
// We know Sel.X is an Ident.
sel.X.(*ast.Ident).Name =
return fixed
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(go1pkgrenameTests, go1pkgrename)
var go1pkgrenameTests = []testCase{
Name: "go1rename.0",
In: `package main
import (
Out: `package main
import (
Name: "go1rename.1",
In: `package main
import "cmath"
import poot "exp/template/html"
import (
var _ = cmath.Sin
var _ = poot.Poot
Out: `package main
import "math/cmplx"
import poot "html/template"
import (
var _ = cmplx.Sin
var _ = poot.Poot
Name: "go1rename.2",
In: `package foo
import (
func main() {}
Out: `package foo
import (
func main() {}
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
var go1renameFix = fix{
`Rewrite package-level names that have been renamed in Go 1.
var go1renameReplace = []rename{
OldImport: "crypto/aes",
NewImport: "crypto/cipher",
Old: "*aes.Cipher",
New: "cipher.Block",
OldImport: "crypto/des",
NewImport: "crypto/cipher",
Old: "*des.Cipher",
New: "cipher.Block",
OldImport: "crypto/des",
NewImport: "crypto/cipher",
Old: "*des.TripleDESCipher",
New: "cipher.Block",
OldImport: "encoding/json",
NewImport: "",
Old: "json.MarshalForHTML",
New: "json.Marshal",
OldImport: "net/url",
NewImport: "",
Old: "url.ParseWithReference",
New: "url.Parse",
OldImport: "net/url",
NewImport: "",
Old: "url.ParseRequest",
New: "url.ParseRequestURI",
OldImport: "os",
NewImport: "syscall",
Old: "os.Exec",
New: "syscall.Exec",
OldImport: "runtime",
NewImport: "",
Old: "runtime.Cgocalls",
New: "runtime.NumCgoCall",
OldImport: "runtime",
NewImport: "",
Old: "runtime.Goroutines",
New: "runtime.NumGoroutine",
OldImport: "net/http",
NewImport: "net/http/httputil",
Old: "http.ErrPersistEOF",
New: "httputil.ErrPersistEOF",
OldImport: "net/http",
NewImport: "net/http/httputil",
Old: "http.ErrPipeline",
New: "httputil.ErrPipeline",
OldImport: "net/http",
NewImport: "net/http/httputil",
Old: "http.ErrClosed",
New: "httputil.ErrClosed",
OldImport: "net/http",
NewImport: "net/http/httputil",
Old: "http.ServerConn",
New: "httputil.ServerConn",
OldImport: "net/http",
NewImport: "net/http/httputil",
Old: "http.ClientConn",
New: "httputil.ClientConn",
OldImport: "net/http",
NewImport: "net/http/httputil",
Old: "http.NewChunkedReader",
New: "httputil.NewChunkedReader",
OldImport: "net/http",
NewImport: "net/http/httputil",
Old: "http.NewChunkedWriter",
New: "httputil.NewChunkedWriter",
OldImport: "net/http",
NewImport: "net/http/httputil",
Old: "http.ReverseProxy",
New: "httputil.ReverseProxy",
OldImport: "net/http",
NewImport: "net/http/httputil",
Old: "http.NewSingleHostReverseProxy",
New: "httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy",
OldImport: "net/http",
NewImport: "net/http/httputil",
Old: "http.DumpRequest",
New: "httputil.DumpRequest",
OldImport: "net/http",
NewImport: "net/http/httputil",
Old: "http.DumpRequestOut",
New: "httputil.DumpRequestOut",
OldImport: "net/http",
NewImport: "net/http/httputil",
Old: "http.DumpResponse",
New: "httputil.DumpResponse",
OldImport: "net/http",
NewImport: "net/http/httputil",
Old: "http.NewClientConn",
New: "httputil.NewClientConn",
OldImport: "net/http",
NewImport: "net/http/httputil",
Old: "http.NewServerConn",
New: "httputil.NewServerConn",
OldImport: "net/http",
NewImport: "net/http/httputil",
Old: "http.NewProxyClientConn",
New: "httputil.NewProxyClientConn",
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(go1renameTests, go1renameFix.f)
var go1renameTests = []testCase{
Name: "go1rename.0",
In: `package main
import (
var (
_ *aes.Cipher
_ *des.Cipher
_ *des.TripleDESCipher
_ = json.MarshalForHTML
_ = aes.New()
_ = url.Parse
_ = url.ParseWithReference
_ = url.ParseRequest
_ = os.Exec
_ = runtime.Cgocalls
_ = runtime.Goroutines
_ = http.ErrPersistEOF
_ = http.ErrPipeline
_ = http.ErrClosed
_ = http.NewSingleHostReverseProxy
_ = http.NewChunkedReader
_ = http.NewChunkedWriter
_ *http.ReverseProxy
_ *http.ClientConn
_ *http.ServerConn
Out: `package main
import (
var (
_ cipher.Block
_ cipher.Block
_ cipher.Block
_ = json.Marshal
_ = aes.New()
_ = url.Parse
_ = url.Parse
_ = url.ParseRequestURI
_ = syscall.Exec
_ = runtime.NumCgoCall
_ = runtime.NumGoroutine
_ = httputil.ErrPersistEOF
_ = httputil.ErrPipeline
_ = httputil.ErrClosed
_ = httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy
_ = httputil.NewChunkedReader
_ = httputil.NewChunkedWriter
_ *httputil.ReverseProxy
_ *httputil.ClientConn
_ *httputil.ServerConn
Name: "httputil.0",
In: `package main
import "net/http"
func f() {
http.DumpRequest(nil, false)
http.DumpRequestOut(nil, false)
http.DumpResponse(nil, false)
http.NewClientConn(nil, nil)
http.NewProxyClientConn(nil, nil)
http.NewServerConn(nil, nil)
Out: `package main
import "net/http/httputil"
func f() {
httputil.DumpRequest(nil, false)
httputil.DumpRequestOut(nil, false)
httputil.DumpResponse(nil, false)
httputil.NewClientConn(nil, nil)
httputil.NewProxyClientConn(nil, nil)
httputil.NewServerConn(nil, nil)
Name: "httputil.1",
In: `package main
import "net/http"
func f() {
http.DumpRequest(nil, false)
http.DumpRequestOut(nil, false)
http.DumpResponse(nil, false)
http.NewClientConn(nil, nil)
http.NewProxyClientConn(nil, nil)
http.NewServerConn(nil, nil)
Out: `package main
import "net/http/httputil"
func f() {
httputil.DumpRequest(nil, false)
httputil.DumpRequestOut(nil, false)
httputil.DumpResponse(nil, false)
httputil.NewClientConn(nil, nil)
httputil.NewProxyClientConn(nil, nil)
httputil.NewServerConn(nil, nil)
Name: "httputil.2",
In: `package main
import "net/http"
func f() {
http.DumpRequest(nil, false)
http.DumpRequestOut(nil, false)
http.DumpResponse(nil, false)
http.NewClientConn(nil, nil)
http.NewProxyClientConn(nil, nil)
http.NewServerConn(nil, nil)
Out: `package main
import (
func f() {
httputil.DumpRequest(nil, false)
httputil.DumpRequestOut(nil, false)
httputil.DumpResponse(nil, false)
httputil.NewClientConn(nil, nil)
httputil.NewProxyClientConn(nil, nil)
httputil.NewServerConn(nil, nil)
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var googlecodeFix = fix{
`Rewrite Google Code imports from the deprecated form
"" to "".
var googlecodeRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^([a-z0-9\-]+)\.googlecode\.com/(svn|git|hg)(/[a-z0-9A-Z_.\-/]+)?$`)
func googlecode(f *ast.File) bool {
fixed := false
for _, s := range f.Imports {
old := importPath(s)
if m := googlecodeRe.FindStringSubmatch(old); m != nil {
new := "" + m[1] + m[3]
if rewriteImport(f, old, new) {
fixed = true
return fixed
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(googlecodeTests, googlecode)
var googlecodeTests = []testCase{
Name: "googlecode.0",
In: `package main
import (
Out: `package main
import (
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var hashSumFix = fix{
`Pass a nil argument to calls to hash.Sum
This fix rewrites code so that it passes a nil argument to hash.Sum.
The additional argument will allow callers to avoid an
allocation in the future.
// Type-checking configuration: tell the type-checker this basic
// information about types, functions, and variables in external packages.
var hashSumTypeConfig = &TypeConfig{
Var: map[string]string{
"crypto.MD4": "crypto.Hash",
"crypto.MD5": "crypto.Hash",
"crypto.SHA1": "crypto.Hash",
"crypto.SHA224": "crypto.Hash",
"crypto.SHA256": "crypto.Hash",
"crypto.SHA384": "crypto.Hash",
"crypto.SHA512": "crypto.Hash",
"crypto.MD5SHA1": "crypto.Hash",
"crypto.RIPEMD160": "crypto.Hash",
Func: map[string]string{
"adler32.New": "hash.Hash",
"crc32.New": "hash.Hash",
"crc32.NewIEEE": "hash.Hash",
"crc64.New": "hash.Hash",
"fnv.New32a": "hash.Hash",
"fnv.New32": "hash.Hash",
"fnv.New64a": "hash.Hash",
"fnv.New64": "hash.Hash",
"hmac.New": "hash.Hash",
"hmac.NewMD5": "hash.Hash",
"hmac.NewSHA1": "hash.Hash",
"hmac.NewSHA256": "hash.Hash",
"md4.New": "hash.Hash",
"md5.New": "hash.Hash",
"ripemd160.New": "hash.Hash",
"sha1.New224": "hash.Hash",
"sha1.New": "hash.Hash",
"sha256.New224": "hash.Hash",
"sha256.New": "hash.Hash",
"sha512.New384": "hash.Hash",
"sha512.New": "hash.Hash",
Type: map[string]*Type{
"crypto.Hash": {
Method: map[string]string{
"New": "func() hash.Hash",
func hashSumFn(f *ast.File) bool {
typeof, _ := typecheck(hashSumTypeConfig, f)
fixed := false
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
call, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
if ok && len(call.Args) == 0 {
sel, ok := call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if ok && sel.Sel.Name == "Sum" && typeof[sel.X] == "hash.Hash" {
call.Args = append(call.Args, ast.NewIdent("nil"))
fixed = true
return fixed
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(hashSumTests, hashSumFn)
var hashSumTests = []testCase{
Name: "hashsum.0",
In: `package main
import "crypto/sha256"
func f() []byte {
h := sha256.New()
return h.Sum()
Out: `package main
import "crypto/sha256"
func f() []byte {
h := sha256.New()
return h.Sum(nil)
Name: "hashsum.1",
In: `package main
func f(h hash.Hash) []byte {
return h.Sum()
Out: `package main
func f(h hash.Hash) []byte {
return h.Sum(nil)
Name: "hashsum.0",
In: `package main
import "crypto/sha256"
func f() []byte {
h := sha256.New()
digest := h.Sum()
Out: `package main
import "crypto/sha256"
func f() []byte {
h := sha256.New()
digest := h.Sum(nil)
Name: "hashsum.0",
In: `package main
import _ "crypto/sha256"
import "crypto"
func f() []byte {
hashType := crypto.SHA256
h := hashType.New()
digest := h.Sum()
Out: `package main
import _ "crypto/sha256"
import "crypto"
func f() []byte {
hashType := crypto.SHA256
h := hashType.New()
digest := h.Sum(nil)
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import "go/ast"
func init() {
var hmacNewFix = fix{
`Deprecate hmac.NewMD5, hmac.NewSHA1 and hmac.NewSHA256.
This fix rewrites code using hmac.NewMD5, hmac.NewSHA1 and hmac.NewSHA256 to
use hmac.New:
hmac.NewMD5(key) -> hmac.New(md5.New, key)
hmac.NewSHA1(key) -> hmac.New(sha1.New, key)
hmac.NewSHA256(key) -> hmac.New(sha256.New, key)
func hmacnew(f *ast.File) (fixed bool) {
if !imports(f, "crypto/hmac") {
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
ce, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
if !ok {
var pkg string
switch {
case isPkgDot(ce.Fun, "hmac", "NewMD5"):
pkg = "md5"
case isPkgDot(ce.Fun, "hmac", "NewSHA1"):
pkg = "sha1"
case isPkgDot(ce.Fun, "hmac", "NewSHA256"):
pkg = "sha256"
addImport(f, "crypto/"+pkg)
ce.Fun = ast.NewIdent("hmac.New")
ce.Args = append([]ast.Expr{ast.NewIdent(pkg + ".New")}, ce.Args...)
fixed = true
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(hmacNewTests, hmacnew)
var hmacNewTests = []testCase{
Name: "hmacnew.0",
In: `package main
import "crypto/hmac"
var f = hmac.NewSHA1([]byte("some key"))
Out: `package main
import (
var f = hmac.New(sha1.New, []byte("some key"))
Name: "hmacnew.1",
In: `package main
import "crypto/hmac"
var key = make([]byte, 8)
var f = hmac.NewSHA1(key)
Out: `package main
import (
var key = make([]byte, 8)
var f = hmac.New(sha1.New, key)
Name: "hmacnew.2",
In: `package main
import "crypto/hmac"
var f = hmac.NewMD5([]byte("some key"))
Out: `package main
import (
var f = hmac.New(md5.New, []byte("some key"))
Name: "hmacnew.3",
In: `package main
import "crypto/hmac"
var f = hmac.NewSHA256([]byte("some key"))
Out: `package main
import (
var f = hmac.New(sha256.New, []byte("some key"))
Name: "hmacnew.4",
In: `package main
import (
var f = hmac.New(sha1.New, []byte("some key"))
Out: `package main
import (
var f = hmac.New(sha1.New, []byte("some key"))
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var htmlerrFix = fix{
`Rename html's Tokenizer.Error method to Err.
var htmlerrTypeConfig = &TypeConfig{
Func: map[string]string{
"html.NewTokenizer": "html.Tokenizer",
func htmlerr(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "html") {
return false
typeof, _ := typecheck(htmlerrTypeConfig, f)
fixed := false
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
s, ok := n.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if ok && typeof[s.X] == "html.Tokenizer" && s.Sel.Name == "Error" {
s.Sel.Name = "Err"
fixed = true
return fixed
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(htmlerrTests, htmlerr)
var htmlerrTests = []testCase{
Name: "htmlerr.0",
In: `package main
import (
func f() {
e := errors.New("")
t := html.NewTokenizer(r)
_, _ = e.Error(), t.Error()
Out: `package main
import (
func f() {
e := errors.New("")
t := html.NewTokenizer(r)
_, _ = e.Error(), t.Err()
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var httpFinalURLFix = fix{
`Adapt http Get calls to not have a finalURL result parameter.
func httpfinalurl(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "http") {
return false
fixed := false
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
// Fix up calls to http.Get.
// If they have blank identifiers, remove them:
// resp, _, err := http.Get(url)
// -> resp, err := http.Get(url)
// But if they're using the finalURL parameter, warn:
// resp, finalURL, err := http.Get(url)
as, ok := n.(*ast.AssignStmt)
if !ok || len(as.Lhs) != 3 || len(as.Rhs) != 1 {
if !isCall(as.Rhs[0], "http", "Get") {
if isBlank(as.Lhs[1]) {
as.Lhs = []ast.Expr{as.Lhs[0], as.Lhs[2]}
fixed = true
} else {
warn(as.Pos(), "call to http.Get records final URL")
return fixed
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(httpfinalurlTests, httpfinalurl)
var httpfinalurlTests = []testCase{
Name: "finalurl.0",
In: `package main
import (
func f() {
resp, _, err := http.Get("")
_, _ = resp, err
Out: `package main
import (
func f() {
resp, err := http.Get("")
_, _ = resp, err
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var httpFileSystemFix = fix{
`Adapt http FileServer to take a FileSystem. http FileSystem interface
func httpfs(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "http") {
return false
fixed := false
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
call, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
if !ok || !isPkgDot(call.Fun, "http", "FileServer") {
if len(call.Args) != 2 {
dir, prefix := call.Args[0], call.Args[1]
call.Args = []ast.Expr{&ast.CallExpr{
Fun: &ast.SelectorExpr{
X: ast.NewIdent("http"),
Sel: ast.NewIdent("Dir"),
Args: []ast.Expr{dir},
wrapInStripHandler := true
if prefixLit, ok := prefix.(*ast.BasicLit); ok {
if prefixLit.Kind == token.STRING && (prefixLit.Value == `"/"` || prefixLit.Value == `""`) {
wrapInStripHandler = false
if wrapInStripHandler {
call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr).Sel = ast.NewIdent("StripPrefix")
call.Args = []ast.Expr{
Fun: &ast.SelectorExpr{
X: ast.NewIdent("http"),
Sel: ast.NewIdent("FileServer"),
Args: call.Args,
fixed = true
return fixed
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(httpFileSystemTests, httpfs)
var httpFileSystemTests = []testCase{
Name: "httpfs.0",
In: `package httpfs
import (
func f() {
_ = http.FileServer("/var/www/foo", "/")
_ = http.FileServer("/var/www/foo", "")
_ = http.FileServer("/var/www/foo/bar", "/bar")
s := "/foo"
_ = http.FileServer(s, "/")
prefix := "/p"
_ = http.FileServer(s, prefix)
Out: `package httpfs
import (
func f() {
_ = http.FileServer(http.Dir("/var/www/foo"))
_ = http.FileServer(http.Dir("/var/www/foo"))
_ = http.StripPrefix("/bar", http.FileServer(http.Dir("/var/www/foo/bar")))
s := "/foo"
_ = http.FileServer(http.Dir(s))
prefix := "/p"
_ = http.StripPrefix(prefix, http.FileServer(http.Dir(s)))
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var httpHeadersFix = fix{
`Rename http Referer, UserAgent, Cookie, SetCookie, which are now methods.
func httpheaders(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "http") {
return false
called := make(map[ast.Node]bool)
walk(f, func(ni interface{}) {
switch n := ni.(type) {
case *ast.CallExpr:
called[n.Fun] = true
fixed := false
typeof, _ := typecheck(headerTypeConfig, f)
walk(f, func(ni interface{}) {
switch n := ni.(type) {
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
if called[n] {
if t := typeof[n.X]; t != "*http.Request" && t != "*http.Response" {
switch n.Sel.Name {
case "Referer", "UserAgent":
n.Sel.Name += "()"
fixed = true
case "Cookie":
n.Sel.Name = "Cookies()"
fixed = true
return fixed
var headerTypeConfig = &TypeConfig{
Type: map[string]*Type{
"*http.Request": {},
"*http.Response": {},
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(httpHeadersTests, httpheaders)
var httpHeadersTests = []testCase{
Name: "httpheaders.0",
In: `package headertest
import (
type Other struct {
Referer string
UserAgent string
Cookie []*http.Cookie
func f(req *http.Request, res *http.Response, other *Other) {
_ = req.Referer
_ = req.UserAgent
_ = req.Cookie
_ = res.Cookie
_ = other.Referer
_ = other.UserAgent
_ = other.Cookie
_ = req.Referer()
_ = req.UserAgent()
_ = req.Cookies()
_ = res.Cookies()
Out: `package headertest
import (
type Other struct {
Referer string
UserAgent string
Cookie []*http.Cookie
func f(req *http.Request, res *http.Response, other *Other) {
_ = req.Referer()
_ = req.UserAgent()
_ = req.Cookies()
_ = res.Cookies()
_ = other.Referer
_ = other.UserAgent
_ = other.Cookie
_ = req.Referer()
_ = req.UserAgent()
_ = req.Cookies()
_ = res.Cookies()
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var httpserverFix = fix{
`Adapt http server methods and functions to changes
made to the http ResponseWriter interface. Hijacker Header Flusher RemoteAddr, UsingTLS
func httpserver(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "http") {
return false
fixed := false
for _, decl := range f.Decls {
fn, ok := decl.(*ast.FuncDecl)
if !ok {
w, req, ok := isServeHTTP(fn)
if !ok {
walk(fn.Body, func(n interface{}) {
// Want to replace expression sometimes,
// so record pointer to it for updating below.
ptr, ok := n.(*ast.Expr)
if ok {
n = *ptr
// Look for w.UsingTLS() and w.Remoteaddr().
call, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
if !ok || (len(call.Args) != 0 && len(call.Args) != 2) {
sel, ok := call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok {
if !refersTo(sel.X, w) {
switch sel.Sel.String() {
case "Hijack":
// replace w with w.(http.Hijacker)
sel.X = &ast.TypeAssertExpr{
X: sel.X,
Type: ast.NewIdent("http.Hijacker"),
fixed = true
case "Flush":
// replace w with w.(http.Flusher)
sel.X = &ast.TypeAssertExpr{
X: sel.X,
Type: ast.NewIdent("http.Flusher"),
fixed = true
case "UsingTLS":
if ptr == nil {
// can only replace expression if we have pointer to it
// replace with req.TLS != nil
*ptr = &ast.BinaryExpr{
X: &ast.SelectorExpr{
X: ast.NewIdent(req.String()),
Sel: ast.NewIdent("TLS"),
Op: token.NEQ,
Y: ast.NewIdent("nil"),
fixed = true
case "RemoteAddr":
if ptr == nil {
// can only replace expression if we have pointer to it
// replace with req.RemoteAddr
*ptr = &ast.SelectorExpr{
X: ast.NewIdent(req.String()),
Sel: ast.NewIdent("RemoteAddr"),
fixed = true
case "SetHeader":
// replace w.SetHeader with w.Header().Set
// or w.Header().Del if second argument is ""
sel.X = &ast.CallExpr{
Fun: &ast.SelectorExpr{
X: ast.NewIdent(w.String()),
Sel: ast.NewIdent("Header"),
sel.Sel = ast.NewIdent("Set")
if len(call.Args) == 2 && isEmptyString(call.Args[1]) {
sel.Sel = ast.NewIdent("Del")
call.Args = call.Args[:1]
fixed = true
return fixed
func isServeHTTP(fn *ast.FuncDecl) (w, req *ast.Ident, ok bool) {
for _, field := range fn.Type.Params.List {
if isPkgDot(field.Type, "http", "ResponseWriter") {
w = field.Names[0]
if isPtrPkgDot(field.Type, "http", "Request") {
req = field.Names[0]
ok = w != nil && req != nil
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(httpserverTests, httpserver)
var httpserverTests = []testCase{
Name: "httpserver.0",
In: `package main
import "http"
func f(xyz http.ResponseWriter, abc *http.Request, b string) {
xyz.SetHeader("foo", "bar")
xyz.SetHeader("baz", "")
go xyz.Hijack()
defer xyz.Flush()
_ = xyz.UsingTLS()
_ = true == xyz.UsingTLS()
_ = xyz.RemoteAddr()
_ = xyz.RemoteAddr() == "hello"
if xyz.UsingTLS() {
Out: `package main
import "http"
func f(xyz http.ResponseWriter, abc *http.Request, b string) {
xyz.Header().Set("foo", "bar")
go xyz.(http.Hijacker).Hijack()
defer xyz.(http.Flusher).Flush()
_ = abc.TLS != nil
_ = true == (abc.TLS != nil)
_ = abc.RemoteAddr
_ = abc.RemoteAddr == "hello"
if abc.TLS != nil {
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var imagecolorFix = fix{
`Adapt code to types moved from image to color.
var colorRenames = []struct{ in, out string }{
{"Color", "Color"},
{"ColorModel", "Model"},
{"ColorModelFunc", "ModelFunc"},
{"PalettedColorModel", "Palette"},
{"RGBAColor", "RGBA"},
{"RGBA64Color", "RGBA64"},
{"NRGBAColor", "NRGBA"},
{"NRGBA64Color", "NRGBA64"},
{"AlphaColor", "Alpha"},
{"Alpha16Color", "Alpha16"},
{"GrayColor", "Gray"},
{"Gray16Color", "Gray16"},
{"RGBAColorModel", "RGBAModel"},
{"RGBA64ColorModel", "RGBA64Model"},
{"NRGBAColorModel", "NRGBAModel"},
{"NRGBA64ColorModel", "NRGBA64Model"},
{"AlphaColorModel", "AlphaModel"},
{"Alpha16ColorModel", "Alpha16Model"},
{"GrayColorModel", "GrayModel"},
{"Gray16ColorModel", "Gray16Model"},
func imagecolor(f *ast.File) (fixed bool) {
if !imports(f, "image") {
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
s, ok := n.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok || !isTopName(s.X, "image") {
switch sel := s.Sel.String(); {
case sel == "ColorImage":
s.Sel = &ast.Ident{Name: "Uniform"}
fixed = true
case sel == "NewColorImage":
s.Sel = &ast.Ident{Name: "NewUniform"}
fixed = true
for _, rename := range colorRenames {
if sel == {
addImport(f, "image/color")
s.X.(*ast.Ident).Name = "color"
s.Sel.Name = rename.out
fixed = true
if fixed && !usesImport(f, "image") {
deleteImport(f, "image")
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(colorTests, imagecolor)
var colorTests = []testCase{
Name: "color.0",
In: `package main
import (
var (
_ image.Image
_ image.RGBA
_ image.Black
_ image.Color
_ image.ColorModel
_ image.ColorModelFunc
_ image.PalettedColorModel
_ image.RGBAColor
_ image.RGBA64Color
_ image.NRGBAColor
_ image.NRGBA64Color
_ image.AlphaColor
_ image.Alpha16Color
_ image.GrayColor
_ image.Gray16Color
func f() {
_ = image.RGBAColorModel
_ = image.RGBA64ColorModel
_ = image.NRGBAColorModel
_ = image.NRGBA64ColorModel
_ = image.AlphaColorModel
_ = image.Alpha16ColorModel
_ = image.GrayColorModel
_ = image.Gray16ColorModel
Out: `package main
import (
var (
_ image.Image
_ image.RGBA
_ image.Black
_ color.Color
_ color.Model
_ color.ModelFunc
_ color.Palette
_ color.RGBA
_ color.RGBA64
_ color.NRGBA
_ color.NRGBA64
_ color.Alpha
_ color.Alpha16
_ color.Gray
_ color.Gray16
func f() {
_ = color.RGBAModel
_ = color.RGBA64Model
_ = color.NRGBAModel
_ = color.NRGBA64Model
_ = color.AlphaModel
_ = color.Alpha16Model
_ = color.GrayModel
_ = color.Gray16Model
Name: "color.1",
In: `package main
import (
func f() {
fmt.Println(image.RGBAColor{1, 2, 3, 4}.RGBA())
Out: `package main
import (
func f() {
fmt.Println(color.RGBA{1, 2, 3, 4}.RGBA())
Name: "color.2",
In: `package main
import "image"
var c *image.ColorImage = image.NewColorImage(nil)
Out: `package main
import "image"
var c *image.Uniform = image.NewUniform(nil)
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var imagenewFix = fix{
`Adapt image.NewXxx calls to pass an image.Rectangle instead of (w, h int).
var imagenewFuncs = map[string]bool{
"NewRGBA": true,
"NewRGBA64": true,
"NewNRGBA": true,
"NewNRGBA64": true,
"NewAlpha": true,
"NewAlpha16": true,
"NewGray": true,
"NewGray16": true,
func imagenew(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "image") {
return false
fixed := false
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
call, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
if !ok {
isNewFunc := false
for newFunc := range imagenewFuncs {
if len(call.Args) == 2 && isPkgDot(call.Fun, "image", newFunc) {
isNewFunc = true
if len(call.Args) == 3 && isPkgDot(call.Fun, "image", "NewPaletted") {
isNewFunc = true
if !isNewFunc {
// Replace image.NewXxx(w, h) with image.NewXxx(image.Rect(0, 0, w, h)).
rectArgs := []ast.Expr{
&ast.BasicLit{Value: "0"},
&ast.BasicLit{Value: "0"},
rectArgs = append(rectArgs, call.Args[:2]...)
rect := []ast.Expr{
Fun: &ast.SelectorExpr{
X: &ast.Ident{
Name: "image",
Sel: &ast.Ident{
Name: "Rect",
Args: rectArgs,
call.Args = append(rect, call.Args[2:]...)
fixed = true
return fixed
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(imagenewTests, imagenew)
var imagenewTests = []testCase{
Name: "imagenew.0",
In: `package main
import (
func f() {
image.NewRGBA(1, 2)
image.NewRGBA64(1, 2)
image.NewNRGBA(1, 2)
image.NewNRGBA64(1, 2)
image.NewAlpha(1, 2)
image.NewAlpha16(1, 2)
image.NewGray(1, 2)
image.NewGray16(1, 2)
image.NewPaletted(1, 2, nil)
Out: `package main
import (
func f() {
image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 1, 2))
image.NewRGBA64(image.Rect(0, 0, 1, 2))
image.NewNRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 1, 2))
image.NewNRGBA64(image.Rect(0, 0, 1, 2))
image.NewAlpha(image.Rect(0, 0, 1, 2))
image.NewAlpha16(image.Rect(0, 0, 1, 2))
image.NewGray(image.Rect(0, 0, 1, 2))
image.NewGray16(image.Rect(0, 0, 1, 2))
image.NewPaletted(image.Rect(0, 0, 1, 2), nil)
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var imageycbcrFix = fix{
`Adapt code to types moved from image/ycbcr to image and image/color.
func imageycbcr(f *ast.File) (fixed bool) {
if !imports(f, "image/ycbcr") {
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
s, ok := n.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok || !isTopName(s.X, "ycbcr") {
switch s.Sel.String() {
case "RGBToYCbCr", "YCbCrToRGB":
addImport(f, "image/color")
s.X.(*ast.Ident).Name = "color"
case "YCbCrColor":
addImport(f, "image/color")
s.X.(*ast.Ident).Name = "color"
s.Sel.Name = "YCbCr"
case "YCbCrColorModel":
addImport(f, "image/color")
s.X.(*ast.Ident).Name = "color"
s.Sel.Name = "YCbCrModel"
case "SubsampleRatio", "SubsampleRatio444", "SubsampleRatio422", "SubsampleRatio420":
addImport(f, "image")
s.X.(*ast.Ident).Name = "image"
s.Sel.Name = "YCbCr" + s.Sel.Name
case "YCbCr":
addImport(f, "image")
s.X.(*ast.Ident).Name = "image"
fixed = true
deleteImport(f, "image/ycbcr")
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(ycbcrTests, imageycbcr)
var ycbcrTests = []testCase{
Name: "ycbcr.0",
In: `package main
import (
func f() {
_ = ycbcr.RGBToYCbCr
_ = ycbcr.YCbCrToRGB
_ = ycbcr.YCbCrColorModel
var _ ycbcr.YCbCrColor
var _ ycbcr.YCbCr
var (
_ ycbcr.SubsampleRatio = ycbcr.SubsampleRatio444
_ ycbcr.SubsampleRatio = ycbcr.SubsampleRatio422
_ ycbcr.SubsampleRatio = ycbcr.SubsampleRatio420
Out: `package main
import (
func f() {
_ = color.RGBToYCbCr
_ = color.YCbCrToRGB
_ = color.YCbCrModel
var _ color.YCbCr
var _ image.YCbCr
var (
_ image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio = image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio444
_ image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio = image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio422
_ image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio = image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio420
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var ioCopyNFix = fix{
`Rename io.Copyn to io.CopyN.
func ioCopyN(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "io") {
return false
fixed := false
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
if expr, ok := n.(ast.Expr); ok {
if isPkgDot(expr, "io", "Copyn") {
expr.(*ast.SelectorExpr).Sel.Name = "CopyN"
fixed = true
return fixed
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(ioCopyNTests, ioCopyN)
var ioCopyNTests = []testCase{
Name: "io.CopyN.0",
In: `package main
import (
func f() {
io.Copyn(dst, src)
foo.Copyn(dst, src)
Out: `package main
import (
func f() {
io.CopyN(dst, src)
foo.Copyn(dst, src)
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import "go/ast"
func init() {
var mapdeleteFix = fix{
`Use delete(m, k) instead of m[k] = 0, false.
func mapdelete(f *ast.File) bool {
fixed := false
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
stmt, ok := n.(*ast.Stmt)
if !ok {
as, ok := (*stmt).(*ast.AssignStmt)
if !ok || len(as.Lhs) != 1 || len(as.Rhs) != 2 {
ix, ok := as.Lhs[0].(*ast.IndexExpr)
if !ok {
if !isTopName(as.Rhs[1], "false") {
warn(as.Pos(), "two-element map assignment with non-false second value")
if !canDrop(as.Rhs[0]) {
warn(as.Pos(), "two-element map assignment with non-trivial first value")
*stmt = &ast.ExprStmt{
X: &ast.CallExpr{
Fun: &ast.Ident{
NamePos: as.Pos(),
Name: "delete",
Args: []ast.Expr{ix.X, ix.Index},
fixed = true
return fixed
// canDrop reports whether it is safe to drop the
// evaluation of n from the program.
// It is very conservative.
func canDrop(n ast.Expr) bool {
switch n := n.(type) {
case *ast.Ident, *ast.BasicLit:
return true
case *ast.ParenExpr:
return canDrop(n.X)
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
return canDrop(n.X)
case *ast.CompositeLit:
if !canDrop(n.Type) {
return false
for _, e := range n.Elts {
if !canDrop(e) {
return false
return true
case *ast.StarExpr:
// Dropping *x is questionable,
// but we have to be able to drop (*T)(nil).
return canDrop(n.X)
case *ast.ArrayType, *ast.ChanType, *ast.FuncType, *ast.InterfaceType, *ast.MapType, *ast.StructType:
return true
return false
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(mapdeleteTests, mapdelete)
var mapdeleteTests = []testCase{
Name: "mapdelete.0",
In: `package main
func f() {
m[x] = 0, false
m[x] = g(), false
m[x] = 1
delete(m, x)
m[x] = 0, b
func g(false bool) {
m[x] = 0, false
Out: `package main
func f() {
delete(m, x)
m[x] = g(), false
m[x] = 1
delete(m, x)
m[x] = 0, b
func g(false bool) {
m[x] = 0, false
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import "go/ast"
func init() {
var mathFix = fix{
`Remove the leading F from math functions such as Fabs.
var mathRenames = []struct{ in, out string }{
{"Fabs", "Abs"},
{"Fdim", "Dim"},
{"Fmax", "Max"},
{"Fmin", "Min"},
{"Fmod", "Mod"},
func math(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "math") {
return false
fixed := false
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
// Rename functions.
if expr, ok := n.(ast.Expr); ok {
for _, s := range mathRenames {
if isPkgDot(expr, "math", {
expr.(*ast.SelectorExpr).Sel.Name = s.out
fixed = true
return fixed
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(mathTests, math)
var mathTests = []testCase{
Name: "math.0",
In: `package main
import (
func f() {
Out: `package main
import (
func f() {
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var netdialFix = fix{
`Adapt 3-argument calls of net.Dial to use 2-argument form.
var tlsdialFix = fix{
`Adapt 4-argument calls of tls.Dial to use 3-argument form.
var netlookupFix = fix{
`Adapt 3-result calls to net.LookupHost to use 2-result form.
func netdial(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "net") {
return false
fixed := false
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
call, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
if !ok || !isPkgDot(call.Fun, "net", "Dial") || len(call.Args) != 3 {
// net.Dial(a, "", b) -> net.Dial(a, b)
if !isEmptyString(call.Args[1]) {
warn(call.Pos(), "call to net.Dial with non-empty second argument")
call.Args[1] = call.Args[2]
call.Args = call.Args[:2]
fixed = true
return fixed
func tlsdial(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "crypto/tls") {
return false
fixed := false
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
call, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
if !ok || !isPkgDot(call.Fun, "tls", "Dial") || len(call.Args) != 4 {
// tls.Dial(a, "", b, c) -> tls.Dial(a, b, c)
if !isEmptyString(call.Args[1]) {
warn(call.Pos(), "call to tls.Dial with non-empty second argument")
call.Args[1] = call.Args[2]
call.Args[2] = call.Args[3]
call.Args = call.Args[:3]
fixed = true
return fixed
func netlookup(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "net") {
return false
fixed := false
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
as, ok := n.(*ast.AssignStmt)
if !ok || len(as.Lhs) != 3 || len(as.Rhs) != 1 {
call, ok := as.Rhs[0].(*ast.CallExpr)
if !ok || !isPkgDot(call.Fun, "net", "LookupHost") {
if !isBlank(as.Lhs[2]) {
warn(as.Pos(), "call to net.LookupHost expecting cname; use net.LookupCNAME")
as.Lhs = as.Lhs[:2]
fixed = true
return fixed
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(netdialTests, nil)
var netdialTests = []testCase{
Name: "netdial.0",
Fn: netdial,
In: `package main
import "net"
func f() {
c, err := net.Dial(net, "", addr)
c, err = net.Dial(net, "", addr)
Out: `package main
import "net"
func f() {
c, err := net.Dial(net, addr)
c, err = net.Dial(net, addr)
Name: "netlookup.0",
Fn: netlookup,
In: `package main
import "net"
func f() {
foo, bar, _ := net.LookupHost(host)
foo, bar, _ = net.LookupHost(host)
Out: `package main
import "net"
func f() {
foo, bar := net.LookupHost(host)
foo, bar = net.LookupHost(host)
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var netudpgroupFix = fix{
`Adapt 1-argument calls of net.(*UDPConn).JoinGroup, LeaveGroup to use 2-argument form.
func netudpgroup(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "net") {
return false
fixed := false
for _, d := range f.Decls {
fd, ok := d.(*ast.FuncDecl)
if !ok || fd.Body == nil {
walk(fd.Body, func(n interface{}) {
ce, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
if !ok {
se, ok := ce.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok || len(ce.Args) != 1 {
switch se.Sel.String() {
case "JoinGroup", "LeaveGroup":
// c.JoinGroup(a) -> c.JoinGroup(nil, a)
// c.LeaveGroup(a) -> c.LeaveGroup(nil, a)
arg := ce.Args[0]
ce.Args = make([]ast.Expr, 2)
ce.Args[0] = ast.NewIdent("nil")
ce.Args[1] = arg
fixed = true
return fixed
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(netudpgroupTests, netudpgroup)
var netudpgroupTests = []testCase{
Name: "netudpgroup.0",
In: `package main
import "net"
func f() {
err := x.JoinGroup(gaddr)
err = y.LeaveGroup(gaddr)
Out: `package main
import "net"
func f() {
err := x.JoinGroup(nil, gaddr)
err = y.LeaveGroup(nil, gaddr)
// Innocent function with no body.
Name: "netudpgroup.1",
In: `package main
import "net"
func f()
var _ net.IP
Out: `package main
import "net"
func f()
var _ net.IP
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var newWriterFix = fix{
`Adapt bufio, gzip and zlib NewWriterXxx calls for whether they return errors.
Also rename gzip.Compressor and gzip.Decompressor to gzip.Writer and gzip.Reader. and
func newWriter(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "bufio") && !imports(f, "compress/gzip") && !imports(f, "compress/zlib") {
return false
fixed := false
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
switch n := n.(type) {
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
if isTopName(n.X, "gzip") {
switch n.Sel.String() {
case "Compressor":
n.Sel = &ast.Ident{Name: "Writer"}
fixed = true
case "Decompressor":
n.Sel = &ast.Ident{Name: "Reader"}
fixed = true
} else if isTopName(n.X, "zlib") {
if n.Sel.String() == "NewWriterDict" {
n.Sel = &ast.Ident{Name: "NewWriterLevelDict"}
fixed = true
case *ast.AssignStmt:
// Drop the ", _" in assignments of the form:
// w0, _ = gzip.NewWriter(w1)
if len(n.Lhs) != 2 || len(n.Rhs) != 1 {
i, ok := n.Lhs[1].(*ast.Ident)
if !ok {
if i.String() != "_" {
c, ok := n.Rhs[0].(*ast.CallExpr)
if !ok {
s, ok := c.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok {
sel := s.Sel.String()
switch {
case isTopName(s.X, "bufio") && (sel == "NewReaderSize" || sel == "NewWriterSize"):
// No-op.
case isTopName(s.X, "gzip") && sel == "NewWriter":
// No-op.
case isTopName(s.X, "zlib") && sel == "NewWriter":
// No-op.
n.Lhs = n.Lhs[:1]
fixed = true
return fixed
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(newWriterTests, newWriter)
var newWriterTests = []testCase{
Name: "newWriter.0",
In: `package main
import (
func f() *gzip.Compressor {
var (
_ gzip.Compressor
_ *gzip.Decompressor
_ struct {
W *gzip.Compressor
R gzip.Decompressor
var w io.Writer
br := bufio.NewReader(nil)
br, _ = bufio.NewReaderSize(nil, 256)
bw, err := bufio.NewWriterSize(w, 256) // Unfixable, as it declares an err variable.
bw, _ = bufio.NewWriterSize(w, 256)
fw, _ := foo.NewWriter(w)
gw, _ := gzip.NewWriter(w)
gw, _ = gzip.NewWriter(w)
zw, _ := zlib.NewWriter(w)
_ = zlib.NewWriterDict(zw, 0, nil)
return gw
Out: `package main
import (
func f() *gzip.Writer {
var (
_ gzip.Writer
_ *gzip.Reader
_ struct {
W *gzip.Writer
R gzip.Reader
var w io.Writer
br := bufio.NewReader(nil)
br = bufio.NewReaderSize(nil, 256)
bw, err := bufio.NewWriterSize(w, 256) // Unfixable, as it declares an err variable.
bw = bufio.NewWriterSize(w, 256)
fw, _ := foo.NewWriter(w)
gw := gzip.NewWriter(w)
gw = gzip.NewWriter(w)
zw := zlib.NewWriter(w)
_ = zlib.NewWriterLevelDict(zw, 0, nil)
return gw
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var oserrorstringFix = fix{
`Replace os.ErrorString() conversions with calls to os.NewError().
func oserrorstring(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "os") {
return false
fixed := false
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
// The conversion os.ErrorString(x) looks like a call
// of os.ErrorString with one argument.
if call := callExpr(n, "os", "ErrorString"); call != nil {
// os.ErrorString(args) -> os.NewError(args)
call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr).Sel.Name = "NewError"
// os.ErrorString(args) -> os.NewError(args)
call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr).Sel.Name = "NewError"
fixed = true
// Remove os.Error type from variable declarations initialized
// with an os.NewError.
// (An *ast.ValueSpec may also be used in a const declaration
// but those won't be initialized with a call to os.NewError.)
if spec, ok := n.(*ast.ValueSpec); ok &&
len(spec.Names) == 1 &&
isPkgDot(spec.Type, "os", "Error") &&
len(spec.Values) == 1 &&
callExpr(spec.Values[0], "os", "NewError") != nil {
// var name os.Error = os.NewError(x) ->
// var name = os.NewError(x)
spec.Type = nil
fixed = true
// Other occurrences of os.ErrorString are not fixed
// but they are rare.
return fixed
// callExpr returns the call expression if x is a call to with one argument;
// otherwise it returns nil.
func callExpr(x interface{}, pkg, name string) *ast.CallExpr {
if call, ok := x.(*ast.CallExpr); ok &&
len(call.Args) == 1 &&
isPkgDot(call.Fun, pkg, name) {
return call
return nil
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(oserrorstringTests, oserrorstring)
var oserrorstringTests = []testCase{
Name: "oserrorstring.0",
In: `package main
import "os"
var _ = os.ErrorString("foo")
var _ os.Error = os.ErrorString("bar1")
var _ os.Error = os.NewError("bar2")
var _ os.Error = MyError("bal") // don't rewrite this one
var (
_ = os.ErrorString("foo")
_ os.Error = os.ErrorString("bar1")
_ os.Error = os.NewError("bar2")
_ os.Error = MyError("bal") // don't rewrite this one
func _() (err os.Error) {
err = os.ErrorString("foo")
return os.ErrorString("foo")
Out: `package main
import "os"
var _ = os.NewError("foo")
var _ = os.NewError("bar1")
var _ = os.NewError("bar2")
var _ os.Error = MyError("bal") // don't rewrite this one
var (
_ = os.NewError("foo")
_ = os.NewError("bar1")
_ = os.NewError("bar2")
_ os.Error = MyError("bal") // don't rewrite this one
func _() (err os.Error) {
err = os.NewError("foo")
return os.NewError("foo")
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var osopenFix = fix{
`Adapt os.Open calls to new, easier API and rename O_CREAT O_CREATE.
func osopen(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "os") {
return false
fixed := false
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
// Rename O_CREAT to O_CREATE.
if expr, ok := n.(ast.Expr); ok && isPkgDot(expr, "os", "O_CREAT") {
expr.(*ast.SelectorExpr).Sel.Name = "O_CREATE"
fixed = true
// Fix up calls to Open.
call, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
if !ok || len(call.Args) != 3 {
if !isPkgDot(call.Fun, "os", "Open") {
sel := call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
args := call.Args
// os.Open(a, os.O_RDONLY, c) -> os.Open(a)
if isPkgDot(args[1], "os", "O_RDONLY") || isPkgDot(args[1], "syscall", "O_RDONLY") {
call.Args = call.Args[0:1]
fixed = true
// os.Open(a, createlike_flags, c) -> os.Create(a, c)
if isCreateFlag(args[1]) {
sel.Sel.Name = "Create"
if !isSimplePerm(args[2]) {
warn(sel.Pos(), "rewrote os.Open to os.Create with permission not 0666")
call.Args = args[0:1]
fixed = true
// Fallback: os.Open(a, b, c) -> os.OpenFile(a, b, c)
sel.Sel.Name = "OpenFile"
fixed = true
return fixed
func isCreateFlag(flag ast.Expr) bool {
foundCreate := false
foundTrunc := false
// OR'ing of flags: is O_CREATE on? + or | would be fine; we just look for os.O_CREATE
// and don't worry about the actual operator.
p := flag.Pos()
for {
lhs := flag
expr, isBinary := flag.(*ast.BinaryExpr)
if isBinary {
lhs = expr.Y
sel, ok := lhs.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok || !isTopName(sel.X, "os") {
return false
switch sel.Sel.Name {
case "O_CREATE":
foundCreate = true
case "O_TRUNC":
foundTrunc = true
case "O_RDONLY", "O_WRONLY", "O_RDWR":
// okay
// Unexpected flag, like O_APPEND or O_EXCL.
// Be conservative and do not rewrite.
return false
if !isBinary {
flag = expr.X
if !foundCreate {
return false
if !foundTrunc {
warn(p, "rewrote os.Open with O_CREATE but not O_TRUNC to os.Create")
return foundCreate
func isSimplePerm(perm ast.Expr) bool {
basicLit, ok := perm.(*ast.BasicLit)
if !ok {
return false
switch basicLit.Value {
case "0666":
return true
return false
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(osopenTests, osopen)
var osopenTests = []testCase{
Name: "osopen.0",
In: `package main
import (
func f() {
os.OpenFile(a, b, c)
os.Open(a, os.O_RDONLY, 0)
os.Open(a, os.O_RDONLY, 0666)
os.Open(a, os.O_RDWR, 0)
os.Open(a, os.O_CREAT, 0666)
os.Open(a, os.O_CREAT|os.O_TRUNC, 0664)
os.Open(a, os.O_CREATE, 0666)
os.Open(a, os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0664)
os.Open(a, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0666)
os.Open(a, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
os.Open(a, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, 0666)
os.Open(a, os.O_SURPRISE|os.O_CREATE, 0666)
_ = os.O_CREAT
Out: `package main
import (
func f() {
os.OpenFile(a, b, c)
os.OpenFile(a, os.O_RDWR, 0)
os.OpenFile(a, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
os.OpenFile(a, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, 0666)
os.OpenFile(a, os.O_SURPRISE|os.O_CREATE, 0666)
_ = os.O_CREATE
Name: "osopen.1",
In: `package main
import (
func f() {
_ = os.O_CREAT
Out: `package main
import (
func f() {
_ = os.O_CREATE
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var procattrFix = fix{
`Adapt calls to os.StartProcess to use new ProcAttr type.
func procattr(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "os") && !imports(f, "syscall") {
return false
fixed := false
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
call, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
if !ok || len(call.Args) != 5 {
var pkg string
if isPkgDot(call.Fun, "os", "StartProcess") {
pkg = "os"
} else if isPkgDot(call.Fun, "syscall", "StartProcess") {
pkg = "syscall"
} else {
// os.StartProcess(a, b, c, d, e) -> os.StartProcess(a, b, &os.ProcAttr{Env: c, Dir: d, Files: e})
lit := &ast.CompositeLit{Type: ast.NewIdent(pkg + ".ProcAttr")}
env, dir, files := call.Args[2], call.Args[3], call.Args[4]
if !isName(env, "nil") && !isCall(env, "os", "Environ") {
lit.Elts = append(lit.Elts, &ast.KeyValueExpr{Key: ast.NewIdent("Env"), Value: env})
if !isEmptyString(dir) {
lit.Elts = append(lit.Elts, &ast.KeyValueExpr{Key: ast.NewIdent("Dir"), Value: dir})
if !isName(files, "nil") {
lit.Elts = append(lit.Elts, &ast.KeyValueExpr{Key: ast.NewIdent("Files"), Value: files})
call.Args[2] = &ast.UnaryExpr{Op: token.AND, X: lit}
call.Args = call.Args[:3]
fixed = true
return fixed
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(procattrTests, procattr)
var procattrTests = []testCase{
Name: "procattr.0",
In: `package main
import (
func f() {
os.StartProcess(a, b, c, d, e)
os.StartProcess(a, b, os.Environ(), d, e)
os.StartProcess(a, b, nil, d, e)
os.StartProcess(a, b, c, "", e)
os.StartProcess(a, b, c, d, nil)
os.StartProcess(a, b, nil, "", nil)
syscall.StartProcess(a, b, c, d, e)
syscall.StartProcess(a, b, os.Environ(), d, e)
syscall.StartProcess(a, b, nil, d, e)
syscall.StartProcess(a, b, c, "", e)
syscall.StartProcess(a, b, c, d, nil)
syscall.StartProcess(a, b, nil, "", nil)
Out: `package main
import (
func f() {
os.StartProcess(a, b, &os.ProcAttr{Env: c, Dir: d, Files: e})
os.StartProcess(a, b, &os.ProcAttr{Dir: d, Files: e})
os.StartProcess(a, b, &os.ProcAttr{Dir: d, Files: e})
os.StartProcess(a, b, &os.ProcAttr{Env: c, Files: e})
os.StartProcess(a, b, &os.ProcAttr{Env: c, Dir: d})
os.StartProcess(a, b, &os.ProcAttr{})
b, &os.ProcAttr{Env: c, Dir: d, Files: e},
syscall.StartProcess(a, b, &syscall.ProcAttr{Env: c, Dir: d, Files: e})
syscall.StartProcess(a, b, &syscall.ProcAttr{Dir: d, Files: e})
syscall.StartProcess(a, b, &syscall.ProcAttr{Dir: d, Files: e})
syscall.StartProcess(a, b, &syscall.ProcAttr{Env: c, Files: e})
syscall.StartProcess(a, b, &syscall.ProcAttr{Env: c, Dir: d})
syscall.StartProcess(a, b, &syscall.ProcAttr{})
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(rsc): Once there is better support for writing
// multi-package commands, this should really be in
// its own package, and then we can drop all the "reflect"
// prefixes on the global variables and functions.
package main
import (
func init() {
var reflectFix = fix{
`Adapt code to new reflect API.
// The reflect API change dropped the concrete types *reflect.ArrayType etc.
// Any type assertions prior to method calls can be deleted:
// x.(*reflect.ArrayType).Len() -> x.Len()
// Any type checks can be replaced by assignment and check of Kind:
// x, y := z.(*reflect.ArrayType)
// ->
// x := z
// y := x.Kind() == reflect.Array
// If z is an ordinary variable name and x is not subsequently assigned to,
// references to x can be replaced by z and the assignment deleted.
// We only bother if x and z are the same name.
// If y is not subsequently assigned to and neither is x, references to
// y can be replaced by its expression. We only bother when there is
// just one use or when the use appears in an if clause.
// Not all type checks result in a single Kind check. The rewrite of the type check for
// reflect.ArrayOrSliceType checks x.Kind() against reflect.Array and reflect.Slice.
// The rewrite for *reflect.IntType checks against Int, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64.
// The rewrite for *reflect.UintType adds Uintptr.
// A type switch turns into an assignment and a switch on Kind:
// switch x := y.(type) {
// case reflect.ArrayOrSliceType:
// ...
// case *reflect.ChanType:
// ...
// case *reflect.IntType:
// ...
// }
// ->
// switch x := y; x.Kind() {
// case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
// ...
// case reflect.Chan:
// ...
// case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
// ...
// }
// The same simplification applies: we drop x := x if x is not assigned
// to in the switch cases.
// Because the type check assignment includes a type assertion in its
// syntax and the rewrite traversal is bottom up, we must do a pass to
// rewrite the type check assignments and then a separate pass to
// rewrite the type assertions.
// The same process applies to the API changes for reflect.Value.
// For both cases, but especially Value, the code needs to be aware
// of the type of a receiver when rewriting a method call. For example,
// x.(*reflect.ArrayValue).Elem(i) becomes x.Index(i) while
// x.(*reflect.MapValue).Elem(v) becomes x.MapIndex(v).
// In general, reflectFn needs to know the type of the receiver expression.
// In most cases (and in all the cases in the Go source tree), the toy
// type checker in typecheck.go provides enough information for fix
// to make the rewrite. If fix misses a rewrite, the code that is left over
// will not compile, so it will be noticed immediately.
func reflectFn(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "reflect") {
return false
fixed := false
// Rewrite names in method calls.
// Needs basic type information (see above).
typeof, _ := typecheck(reflectTypeConfig, f)
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
switch n := n.(type) {
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
typ := typeof[n.X]
if m := reflectRewriteMethod[typ]; m != nil {
if replace := m[n.Sel.Name]; replace != "" {
n.Sel.Name = replace
fixed = true
// For all reflect Values, replace SetValue with Set.
if isReflectValue[typ] && n.Sel.Name == "SetValue" {
n.Sel.Name = "Set"
fixed = true
// Replace reflect.MakeZero with reflect.Zero.
if isPkgDot(n, "reflect", "MakeZero") {
n.Sel.Name = "Zero"
fixed = true
// Replace PtrValue's PointTo(x) with Set(x.Addr()).
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
call, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
if !ok || len(call.Args) != 1 {
sel, ok := call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok || sel.Sel.Name != "PointTo" {
typ := typeof[sel.X]
if typ != "*reflect.PtrValue" {
sel.Sel.Name = "Set"
if !isTopName(call.Args[0], "nil") {
call.Args[0] = &ast.SelectorExpr{
X: call.Args[0],
Sel: ast.NewIdent("Addr()"),
fixed = true
// Fix type switches.
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
if reflectFixSwitch(n) {
fixed = true
// Fix type assertion checks (multiple assignment statements).
// Have to work on the statement context (statement list or if statement)
// so that we can insert an extra statement occasionally.
// Ignoring for and switch because they don't come up in
// typical code.
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
switch n := n.(type) {
case *[]ast.Stmt:
// v is the replacement statement list.
var v []ast.Stmt
insert := func(x ast.Stmt) {
v = append(v, x)
for i, x := range *n {
// Tentatively append to v; if we rewrite x
// we'll have to update the entry, so remember
// the index.
j := len(v)
v = append(v, x)
if reflectFixTypecheck(&x, insert, (*n)[i+1:]) {
// reflectFixTypecheck may have overwritten x.
// Update the entry we appended just before the call.
v[j] = x
fixed = true
*n = v
case *ast.IfStmt:
x := &ast.ExprStmt{X: n.Cond}
if reflectFixTypecheck(&n.Init, nil, []ast.Stmt{x, n.Body, n.Else}) {
n.Cond = x.X
fixed = true
// Warn about any typecheck statements that we missed.
walk(f, reflectWarnTypecheckStmt)
// Now that those are gone, fix remaining type assertions.
// Delayed because the type checks have
// type assertions as part of their syntax.
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
if reflectFixAssert(n) {
fixed = true
// Now that the type assertions are gone, rewrite remaining
// references to specific reflect types to use the general ones.
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
ptr, ok := n.(*ast.Expr)
if !ok {
nn := *ptr
typ := reflectType(nn)
if typ == "" {
if strings.HasSuffix(typ, "Type") {
*ptr = newPkgDot(nn.Pos(), "reflect", "Type")
} else {
*ptr = newPkgDot(nn.Pos(), "reflect", "Value")
fixed = true
// Rewrite v.Set(nil) to v.Set(reflect.MakeZero(v.Type())).
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
call, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
if !ok || len(call.Args) != 1 || !isTopName(call.Args[0], "nil") {
sel, ok := call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok || !isReflectValue[typeof[sel.X]] || sel.Sel.Name != "Set" {
call.Args[0] = &ast.CallExpr{
Fun: newPkgDot(call.Args[0].Pos(), "reflect", "Zero"),
Args: []ast.Expr{
Fun: &ast.SelectorExpr{
X: sel.X,
Sel: &ast.Ident{Name: "Type"},
fixed = true
// Rewrite v != nil to v.IsValid().
// Rewrite nil used as reflect.Value (in function argument or return) to reflect.Value{}.
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
ptr, ok := n.(*ast.Expr)
if !ok {
if isTopName(*ptr, "nil") && isReflectValue[typeof[*ptr]] {
*ptr = ast.NewIdent("reflect.Value{}")
fixed = true
nn, ok := (*ptr).(*ast.BinaryExpr)
if !ok || (nn.Op != token.EQL && nn.Op != token.NEQ) || !isTopName(nn.Y, "nil") || !isReflectValue[typeof[nn.X]] {
var call ast.Expr = &ast.CallExpr{
Fun: &ast.SelectorExpr{
X: nn.X,
Sel: &ast.Ident{Name: "IsValid"},
if nn.Op == token.EQL {
call = &ast.UnaryExpr{Op: token.NOT, X: call}
*ptr = call
fixed = true
// Rewrite
// reflect.Typeof -> reflect.TypeOf,
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
sel, ok := n.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok {
if isTopName(sel.X, "reflect") && sel.Sel.Name == "Typeof" {
sel.Sel.Name = "TypeOf"
fixed = true
if isTopName(sel.X, "reflect") && sel.Sel.Name == "NewValue" {
sel.Sel.Name = "ValueOf"
fixed = true
return fixed
// reflectFixSwitch rewrites *n (if n is an *ast.Stmt) corresponding
// to a type switch.
func reflectFixSwitch(n interface{}) bool {
ptr, ok := n.(*ast.Stmt)
if !ok {
return false
n = *ptr
ts, ok := n.(*ast.TypeSwitchStmt)
if !ok {
return false
// Are any switch cases referring to reflect types?
// (That is, is this an old reflect type switch?)
for _, cas := range ts.Body.List {
for _, typ := range cas.(*ast.CaseClause).List {
if reflectType(typ) != "" {
goto haveReflect
return false
// Now we know it's an old reflect type switch. Prepare the new version,
// but don't replace or edit the original until we're sure of success.
// Figure out the initializer statement, if any, and the receiver for the Kind call.
var init ast.Stmt
var rcvr ast.Expr
init = ts.Init
switch n := ts.Assign.(type) {
warn(ts.Pos(), "unexpected form in type switch")
return false
case *ast.AssignStmt:
as := n
ta := as.Rhs[0].(*ast.TypeAssertExpr)
x := isIdent(as.Lhs[0])
z := isIdent(ta.X)
if isBlank(x) || x != nil && z != nil && x.Name == z.Name && !assignsTo(x, ts.Body.List) {
// Can drop the variable creation.
rcvr = ta.X
} else {
// Need to use initialization statement.
if init != nil {
warn(ts.Pos(), "cannot rewrite reflect type switch with initializing statement")
return false
init = &ast.AssignStmt{
Lhs: []ast.Expr{as.Lhs[0]},
TokPos: as.TokPos,
Tok: token.DEFINE,
Rhs: []ast.Expr{ta.X},
rcvr = as.Lhs[0]
case *ast.ExprStmt:
rcvr = n.X.(*ast.TypeAssertExpr).X
// Prepare rewritten type switch (see large comment above for form).
sw := &ast.SwitchStmt{
Switch: ts.Switch,
Init: init,
Tag: &ast.CallExpr{
Fun: &ast.SelectorExpr{
X: rcvr,
Sel: &ast.Ident{
NamePos: rcvr.End(),
Name: "Kind",
Obj: nil,
Lparen: rcvr.End(),
Rparen: rcvr.End(),
Body: &ast.BlockStmt{
Lbrace: ts.Body.Lbrace,
List: nil, // to be filled in
Rbrace: ts.Body.Rbrace,
// Translate cases.
for _, tcas := range ts.Body.List {
tcas := tcas.(*ast.CaseClause)
cas := &ast.CaseClause{
Case: tcas.Case,
Colon: tcas.Colon,
Body: tcas.Body,
for _, t := range tcas.List {
if isTopName(t, "nil") {
cas.List = append(cas.List, newPkgDot(t.Pos(), "reflect", "Invalid"))
typ := reflectType(t)
if typ == "" {
warn(t.Pos(), "cannot rewrite reflect type switch case with non-reflect type %s", gofmt(t))
cas.List = append(cas.List, t)
for _, k := range reflectKind[typ] {
cas.List = append(cas.List, newPkgDot(t.Pos(), "reflect", k))
sw.Body.List = append(sw.Body.List, cas)
// Everything worked. Rewrite AST.
*ptr = sw
return true
// Rewrite x, y = z.(T) into
// x = z
// y = x.Kind() == K
// as described in the long comment above.
// If insert != nil, it can be called to insert a statement after *ptr in its block.
// If insert == nil, insertion is not possible.
// At most one call to insert is allowed.
// Scope gives the statements for which a declaration
// in *ptr would be in scope.
// The result is true of the statement was rewritten.
func reflectFixTypecheck(ptr *ast.Stmt, insert func(ast.Stmt), scope []ast.Stmt) bool {
st := *ptr
as, ok := st.(*ast.AssignStmt)
if !ok || len(as.Lhs) != 2 || len(as.Rhs) != 1 {
return false
ta, ok := as.Rhs[0].(*ast.TypeAssertExpr)
if !ok {
return false
typ := reflectType(ta.Type)
if typ == "" {
return false
// Have x, y := z.(t).
x := isIdent(as.Lhs[0])
y := isIdent(as.Lhs[1])
z := isIdent(ta.X)
// First step is x := z, unless it's x := x and the resulting x is never reassigned.
// rcvr is the x in x.Kind().
var rcvr ast.Expr
if isBlank(x) ||
as.Tok == token.DEFINE && x != nil && z != nil && x.Name == z.Name && !assignsTo(x, scope) {
// Can drop the statement.
// If we need to insert a statement later, now we have a slot.
*ptr = &ast.EmptyStmt{}
insert = func(x ast.Stmt) { *ptr = x }
rcvr = ta.X
} else {
*ptr = &ast.AssignStmt{
Lhs: []ast.Expr{as.Lhs[0]},
TokPos: as.TokPos,
Tok: as.Tok,
Rhs: []ast.Expr{ta.X},
rcvr = as.Lhs[0]
// Prepare x.Kind() == T expression appropriate to t.
// If x is not a simple identifier, warn that we might be
// reevaluating x.
if x == nil {
warn(as.Pos(), "rewrite reevaluates expr with possible side effects: %s", gofmt(as.Lhs[0]))
yExpr, yNotExpr := reflectKindEq(rcvr, reflectKind[typ])
// Second step is y := x.Kind() == T, unless it's only used once
// or we have no way to insert that statement.
var yStmt *ast.AssignStmt
if as.Tok == token.DEFINE && countUses(y, scope) <= 1 || insert == nil {
// Can drop the statement and use the expression directly.
func(token.Pos) ast.Expr { return yExpr },
func(token.Pos) ast.Expr { return yNotExpr },
} else {
yStmt = &ast.AssignStmt{
Lhs: []ast.Expr{as.Lhs[1]},
TokPos: as.End(),
Tok: as.Tok,
Rhs: []ast.Expr{yExpr},
return true
// reflectKindEq returns the expression z.Kind() == kinds[0] || z.Kind() == kinds[1] || ...
// and its negation.
// The qualifier "reflect." is inserted before each kinds[i] expression.
func reflectKindEq(z ast.Expr, kinds []string) (ast.Expr, ast.Expr) {
n := len(kinds)
if n == 1 {
y := &ast.BinaryExpr{
X: &ast.CallExpr{
Fun: &ast.SelectorExpr{
X: z,
Sel: ast.NewIdent("Kind"),
Op: token.EQL,
Y: newPkgDot(token.NoPos, "reflect", kinds[0]),
ynot := &ast.BinaryExpr{
X: &ast.CallExpr{
Fun: &ast.SelectorExpr{
X: z,
Sel: ast.NewIdent("Kind"),
Op: token.NEQ,
Y: newPkgDot(token.NoPos, "reflect", kinds[0]),
return y, ynot
x, xnot := reflectKindEq(z, kinds[0:n-1])
y, ynot := reflectKindEq(z, kinds[n-1:])
or := &ast.BinaryExpr{
X: x,
Op: token.LOR,
Y: y,
andnot := &ast.BinaryExpr{
X: xnot,
Op: token.LAND,
Y: ynot,
return or, andnot
// if x represents a known old reflect type/value like *reflect.PtrType or reflect.ArrayOrSliceValue,
// reflectType returns the string form of that type.
func reflectType(x ast.Expr) string {
ptr, ok := x.(*ast.StarExpr)
if ok {
x = ptr.X
sel, ok := x.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok || !isName(sel.X, "reflect") {
return ""
var s = "reflect."
if ptr != nil {
s = "*reflect."
s += sel.Sel.Name
if reflectKind[s] != nil {
return s
return ""
// reflectWarnTypecheckStmt warns about statements
// of the form x, y = z.(T) for any old reflect type T.
// The last pass should have gotten them all, and if it didn't,
// the next pass is going to turn them into x, y = z.
func reflectWarnTypecheckStmt(n interface{}) {
as, ok := n.(*ast.AssignStmt)
if !ok || len(as.Lhs) != 2 || len(as.Rhs) != 1 {
ta, ok := as.Rhs[0].(*ast.TypeAssertExpr)
if !ok || reflectType(ta.Type) == "" {
warn(n.(ast.Node).Pos(), "unfixed reflect type check")
// reflectFixAssert rewrites x.(T) to x for any old reflect type T.
func reflectFixAssert(n interface{}) bool {
ptr, ok := n.(*ast.Expr)
if ok {
ta, ok := (*ptr).(*ast.TypeAssertExpr)
if ok && reflectType(ta.Type) != "" {
*ptr = ta.X
return true
return false
// Tables describing the transformations.
// Description of old reflect API for partial type checking.
// We pretend the Elem method is on Type and Value instead
// of enumerating all the types it is actually on.
// Also, we pretend that ArrayType etc embeds Type for the
// purposes of describing the API. (In fact they embed commonType,
// which implements Type.)
var reflectTypeConfig = &TypeConfig{
Type: map[string]*Type{
"reflect.ArrayOrSliceType": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Type"}},
"reflect.ArrayOrSliceValue": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Value"}},
"reflect.ArrayType": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Type"}},
"reflect.ArrayValue": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Value"}},
"reflect.BoolType": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Type"}},
"reflect.BoolValue": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Value"}},
"reflect.ChanType": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Type"}},
"reflect.ChanValue": {
Method: map[string]string{
"Recv": "func() (reflect.Value, bool)",
"TryRecv": "func() (reflect.Value, bool)",
Embed: []string{"reflect.Value"},
"reflect.ComplexType": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Type"}},
"reflect.ComplexValue": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Value"}},
"reflect.FloatType": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Type"}},
"reflect.FloatValue": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Value"}},
"reflect.FuncType": {
Method: map[string]string{
"In": "func(int) reflect.Type",
"Out": "func(int) reflect.Type",
Embed: []string{"reflect.Type"},
"reflect.FuncValue": {
Method: map[string]string{
"Call": "func([]reflect.Value) []reflect.Value",
"reflect.IntType": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Type"}},
"reflect.IntValue": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Value"}},
"reflect.InterfaceType": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Type"}},
"reflect.InterfaceValue": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Value"}},
"reflect.MapType": {
Method: map[string]string{
"Key": "func() reflect.Type",
Embed: []string{"reflect.Type"},
"reflect.MapValue": {
Method: map[string]string{
"Keys": "func() []reflect.Value",
Embed: []string{"reflect.Value"},
"reflect.Method": {
Field: map[string]string{
"Type": "*reflect.FuncType",
"Func": "*reflect.FuncValue",
"reflect.PtrType": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Type"}},
"reflect.PtrValue": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Value"}},
"reflect.SliceType": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Type"}},
"reflect.SliceValue": {
Method: map[string]string{
"Slice": "func(int, int) *reflect.SliceValue",
Embed: []string{"reflect.Value"},
"reflect.StringType": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Type"}},
"reflect.StringValue": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Value"}},
"reflect.StructField": {
Field: map[string]string{
"Type": "reflect.Type",
"reflect.StructType": {
Method: map[string]string{
"Field": "func() reflect.StructField",
"FieldByIndex": "func() reflect.StructField",
"FieldByName": "func() reflect.StructField,bool",
"FieldByNameFunc": "func() reflect.StructField,bool",
Embed: []string{"reflect.Type"},
"reflect.StructValue": {
Method: map[string]string{
"Field": "func() reflect.Value",
"FieldByIndex": "func() reflect.Value",
"FieldByName": "func() reflect.Value",
"FieldByNameFunc": "func() reflect.Value",
Embed: []string{"reflect.Value"},
"reflect.Type": {
Method: map[string]string{
"Elem": "func() reflect.Type",
"Method": "func() reflect.Method",
"reflect.UintType": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Type"}},
"reflect.UintValue": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Value"}},
"reflect.UnsafePointerType": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Type"}},
"reflect.UnsafePointerValue": {Embed: []string{"reflect.Value"}},
"reflect.Value": {
Method: map[string]string{
"Addr": "func() *reflect.PtrValue",
"Elem": "func() reflect.Value",
"Method": "func() *reflect.FuncValue",
"SetValue": "func(reflect.Value)",
Func: map[string]string{
"reflect.Append": "*reflect.SliceValue",
"reflect.AppendSlice": "*reflect.SliceValue",
"reflect.Indirect": "reflect.Value",
"reflect.MakeSlice": "*reflect.SliceValue",
"reflect.MakeChan": "*reflect.ChanValue",
"reflect.MakeMap": "*reflect.MapValue",
"reflect.MakeZero": "reflect.Value",
"reflect.NewValue": "reflect.Value",
"reflect.PtrTo": "*reflect.PtrType",
"reflect.Typeof": "reflect.Type",
var reflectRewriteMethod = map[string]map[string]string{
// The type API didn't change much.
"*reflect.ChanType": {"Dir": "ChanDir"},
"*reflect.FuncType": {"DotDotDot": "IsVariadic"},
// The value API has longer names to disambiguate
// methods with different signatures.
"reflect.ArrayOrSliceValue": { // interface, not pointer
"Elem": "Index",
"*reflect.ArrayValue": {
"Elem": "Index",
"*reflect.BoolValue": {
"Get": "Bool",
"Set": "SetBool",
"*reflect.ChanValue": {
"Get": "Pointer",
"*reflect.ComplexValue": {
"Get": "Complex",
"Set": "SetComplex",
"Overflow": "OverflowComplex",
"*reflect.FloatValue": {
"Get": "Float",
"Set": "SetFloat",
"Overflow": "OverflowFloat",
"*reflect.FuncValue": {
"Get": "Pointer",
"*reflect.IntValue": {
"Get": "Int",
"Set": "SetInt",
"Overflow": "OverflowInt",
"*reflect.InterfaceValue": {
"Get": "InterfaceData",
"*reflect.MapValue": {
"Elem": "MapIndex",
"Get": "Pointer",
"Keys": "MapKeys",
"SetElem": "SetMapIndex",
"*reflect.PtrValue": {
"Get": "Pointer",
"*reflect.SliceValue": {
"Elem": "Index",
"Get": "Pointer",
"*reflect.StringValue": {
"Get": "String",
"Set": "SetString",
"*reflect.UintValue": {
"Get": "Uint",
"Set": "SetUint",
"Overflow": "OverflowUint",
"*reflect.UnsafePointerValue": {
"Get": "Pointer",
"Set": "SetPointer",
var reflectKind = map[string][]string{
"reflect.ArrayOrSliceType": {"Array", "Slice"}, // interface, not pointer
"*reflect.ArrayType": {"Array"},
"*reflect.BoolType": {"Bool"},
"*reflect.ChanType": {"Chan"},
"*reflect.ComplexType": {"Complex64", "Complex128"},
"*reflect.FloatType": {"Float32", "Float64"},
"*reflect.FuncType": {"Func"},
"*reflect.IntType": {"Int", "Int8", "Int16", "Int32", "Int64"},
"*reflect.InterfaceType": {"Interface"},
"*reflect.MapType": {"Map"},
"*reflect.PtrType": {"Ptr"},
"*reflect.SliceType": {"Slice"},
"*reflect.StringType": {"String"},
"*reflect.StructType": {"Struct"},
"*reflect.UintType": {"Uint", "Uint8", "Uint16", "Uint32", "Uint64", "Uintptr"},
"*reflect.UnsafePointerType": {"UnsafePointer"},
"reflect.ArrayOrSliceValue": {"Array", "Slice"}, // interface, not pointer
"*reflect.ArrayValue": {"Array"},
"*reflect.BoolValue": {"Bool"},
"*reflect.ChanValue": {"Chan"},
"*reflect.ComplexValue": {"Complex64", "Complex128"},
"*reflect.FloatValue": {"Float32", "Float64"},
"*reflect.FuncValue": {"Func"},
"*reflect.IntValue": {"Int", "Int8", "Int16", "Int32", "Int64"},
"*reflect.InterfaceValue": {"Interface"},
"*reflect.MapValue": {"Map"},
"*reflect.PtrValue": {"Ptr"},
"*reflect.SliceValue": {"Slice"},
"*reflect.StringValue": {"String"},
"*reflect.StructValue": {"Struct"},
"*reflect.UintValue": {"Uint", "Uint8", "Uint16", "Uint32", "Uint64", "Uintptr"},
"*reflect.UnsafePointerValue": {"UnsafePointer"},
var isReflectValue = map[string]bool{
"reflect.ArrayOrSliceValue": true, // interface, not pointer
"*reflect.ArrayValue": true,
"*reflect.BoolValue": true,
"*reflect.ChanValue": true,
"*reflect.ComplexValue": true,
"*reflect.FloatValue": true,
"*reflect.FuncValue": true,
"*reflect.IntValue": true,
"*reflect.InterfaceValue": true,
"*reflect.MapValue": true,
"*reflect.PtrValue": true,
"*reflect.SliceValue": true,
"*reflect.StringValue": true,
"*reflect.StructValue": true,
"*reflect.UintValue": true,
"*reflect.UnsafePointerValue": true,
"reflect.Value": true, // interface, not pointer
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file
// Too slow under race detector.
// +build !race
package main
import (
func init() {
addTestCases(reflectTests(), reflectFn)
func reflectTests() []testCase {
var tests []testCase
names, _ := filepath.Glob("testdata/reflect.*.in")
for _, in := range names {
out := in[:len(in)-len(".in")] + ".out"
inb, err := ioutil.ReadFile(in)
if err != nil {
outb, err := ioutil.ReadFile(out)
if err != nil {
tests = append(tests, testCase{Name: in, In: string(inb), Out: string(outb)})
return tests
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var signalFix = fix{
`Adapt code to types moved from os/signal to signal.
func signal(f *ast.File) (fixed bool) {
if !imports(f, "os/signal") {
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
s, ok := n.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok || !isTopName(s.X, "signal") {
sel := s.Sel.String()
if sel == "Signal" || sel == "UnixSignal" || strings.HasPrefix(sel, "SIG") {
addImport(f, "os")
s.X = &ast.Ident{Name: "os"}
fixed = true
if fixed && !usesImport(f, "os/signal") {
deleteImport(f, "os/signal")
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(signalTests, signal)
var signalTests = []testCase{
Name: "signal.0",
In: `package main
import (
_ "a"
_ "z"
type T1 signal.UnixSignal
type T2 signal.Signal
func f() {
_ = signal.SIGHUP
_ = signal.Incoming
Out: `package main
import (
_ "a"
_ "z"
type T1 os.UnixSignal
type T2 os.Signal
func f() {
_ = os.SIGHUP
_ = signal.Incoming
Name: "signal.1",
In: `package main
import (
func f() {
var _ os.Error
_ = signal.SIGHUP
Out: `package main
import "os"
func f() {
var _ os.Error
_ = os.SIGHUP
Name: "signal.2",
In: `package main
import "os"
import "os/signal"
func f() {
var _ os.Error
_ = signal.SIGHUP
Out: `package main
import "os"
func f() {
var _ os.Error
_ = os.SIGHUP
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var sorthelpersFix = fix{
`Adapt code from sort.Sort[Ints|Float64s|Strings] to sort.[Ints|Float64s|Strings].
func sorthelpers(f *ast.File) (fixed bool) {
if !imports(f, "sort") {
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
s, ok := n.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok || !isTopName(s.X, "sort") {
switch s.Sel.String() {
case "SortFloat64s":
s.Sel.Name = "Float64s"
case "SortInts":
s.Sel.Name = "Ints"
case "SortStrings":
s.Sel.Name = "Strings"
fixed = true
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(sorthelpersTests, sorthelpers)
var sorthelpersTests = []testCase{
Name: "sortslice.0",
In: `package main
import (
func main() {
var s []string
var i []ints
var f []float64
Out: `package main
import (
func main() {
var s []string
var i []ints
var f []float64
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var sortsliceFix = fix{
`Adapt code from sort.[Float64|Int|String]Array to sort.[Float64|Int|String]Slice.
func sortslice(f *ast.File) (fixed bool) {
if !imports(f, "sort") {
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
s, ok := n.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok || !isTopName(s.X, "sort") {
switch s.Sel.String() {
case "Float64Array":
s.Sel.Name = "Float64Slice"
case "IntArray":
s.Sel.Name = "IntSlice"
case "StringArray":
s.Sel.Name = "StringSlice"
fixed = true
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(sortsliceTests, sortslice)
var sortsliceTests = []testCase{
Name: "sortslice.0",
In: `package main
import (
var _ = sort.Float64Array
var _ = sort.IntArray
var _ = sort.StringArray
Out: `package main
import (
var _ = sort.Float64Slice
var _ = sort.IntSlice
var _ = sort.StringSlice
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import "go/ast"
func init() {
var strconvFix = fix{
`Convert to new strconv API.
func strconvFn(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "strconv") {
return false
fixed := false
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
// Rename functions.
call, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
if !ok || len(call.Args) < 1 {
sel, ok := call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok || !isTopName(sel.X, "strconv") {
change := func(name string) {
fixed = true
sel.Sel.Name = name
add := func(s string) {
call.Args = append(call.Args, expr(s))
switch sel.Sel.Name {
case "Atob":
case "Atof32":
add("32") // bitSize
warn(call.Pos(), "rewrote strconv.Atof32(_) to strconv.ParseFloat(_, 32) but return value must be converted to float32")
case "Atof64":
add("64") // bitSize
case "AtofN":
case "Atoi":
// Atoi stayed as a convenience wrapper.
case "Atoi64":
add("10") // base
add("64") // bitSize
case "Atoui":
add("10") // base
add("0") // bitSize
warn(call.Pos(), "rewrote strconv.Atoui(_) to strconv.ParseUint(_, 10, 0) but return value must be converted to uint")
case "Atoui64":
add("10") // base
add("64") // bitSize
case "Btoa":
case "Btoi64":
add("64") // bitSize
case "Btoui64":
add("64") // bitSize
case "Ftoa32":
call.Args[0] = strconvRewrite("float32", "float64", call.Args[0])
add("32") // bitSize
case "Ftoa64":
add("64") // bitSize
case "FtoaN":
case "Itoa":
// Itoa stayed as a convenience wrapper.
case "Itoa64":
add("10") // base
case "Itob":
call.Args[0] = strconvRewrite("int", "int64", call.Args[0])
case "Itob64":
case "Uitoa":
call.Args[0] = strconvRewrite("uint", "uint64", call.Args[0])
add("10") // base
case "Uitoa64":
add("10") // base
case "Uitob":
call.Args[0] = strconvRewrite("uint", "uint64", call.Args[0])
case "Uitob64":
return fixed
// rewrite from type t1 to type t2
// If the expression x is of the form t1(_), use t2(_). Otherwise use t2(x).
func strconvRewrite(t1, t2 string, x ast.Expr) ast.Expr {
if call, ok := x.(*ast.CallExpr); ok && isTopName(call.Fun, t1) {
call.Fun.(*ast.Ident).Name = t2
return x
return &ast.CallExpr{Fun: ast.NewIdent(t2), Args: []ast.Expr{x}}
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(strconvTests, strconvFn)
var strconvTests = []testCase{
Name: "strconv.0",
In: `package main
import "strconv"
func f() {
strconv.AtofN("1.2", 64)
strconv.Ftoa32(1.2, 'g', 17)
strconv.Ftoa64(1.2, 'g', 17)
strconv.FtoaN(1.2, 'g', 17, 64)
strconv.Btoi64("1234", 5)
strconv.Btoui64("1234", 5)
strconv.Itob(123, 5)
strconv.Itob64(1234, 5)
strconv.Uitob(123, 5)
strconv.Uitob64(1234, 5)
Out: `package main
import "strconv"
func f() {
strconv.ParseFloat("1.2", 32)
strconv.ParseFloat("1.2", 64)
strconv.ParseFloat("1.2", 64)
strconv.FormatFloat(float64(1.2), 'g', 17, 32)
strconv.FormatFloat(1.2, 'g', 17, 64)
strconv.FormatFloat(1.2, 'g', 17, 64)
strconv.ParseInt("3", 10, 64)
strconv.ParseInt("1234", 5, 64)
strconv.ParseUint("3", 10, 0)
strconv.ParseUint("3", 10, 64)
strconv.ParseUint("1234", 5, 64)
strconv.FormatInt(1234, 10)
strconv.FormatInt(int64(123), 5)
strconv.FormatInt(1234, 5)
strconv.FormatUint(uint64(123), 10)
strconv.FormatUint(1234, 10)
strconv.FormatUint(uint64(123), 5)
strconv.FormatUint(1234, 5)
strconv.FormatUint(uint64(x), 10)
strconv.FormatUint(uint64(f(x)), 10)
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var stringssplitFix = fix{
`Restore strings.Split to its original meaning and add strings.SplitN. Bytes too.
func stringssplit(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "bytes") && !imports(f, "strings") {
return false
fixed := false
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
call, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
// func Split(s, sep string, n int) []string
// func SplitAfter(s, sep string, n int) []string
if !ok || len(call.Args) != 3 {
// Is this our function?
switch {
case isPkgDot(call.Fun, "bytes", "Split"):
case isPkgDot(call.Fun, "bytes", "SplitAfter"):
case isPkgDot(call.Fun, "strings", "Split"):
case isPkgDot(call.Fun, "strings", "SplitAfter"):
sel := call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
args := call.Args
fixed = true // We're committed.
// Is the last argument -1? If so, drop the arg.
// (Actually we just look for a negative integer literal.)
// Otherwise, Split->SplitN and keep the arg.
final := args[2]
if unary, ok := final.(*ast.UnaryExpr); ok && unary.Op == token.SUB {
if lit, ok := unary.X.(*ast.BasicLit); ok {
// Is it an integer? If so, it's a negative integer and that's what we're after.
if lit.Kind == token.INT {
// drop the last arg.
call.Args = args[0:2]
// If not, rename and keep the argument list.
sel.Sel.Name += "N"
return fixed
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(stringssplitTests, stringssplit)
var stringssplitTests = []testCase{
Name: "stringssplit.0",
In: `package main
import (
func f() {
bytes.Split(a, b, c)
bytes.Split(a, b, -1)
bytes.SplitAfter(a, b, c)
bytes.SplitAfter(a, b, -1)
strings.Split(a, b, c)
strings.Split(a, b, -1)
strings.SplitAfter(a, b, c)
strings.SplitAfter(a, b, -1)
Out: `package main
import (
func f() {
bytes.SplitN(a, b, c)
bytes.Split(a, b)
bytes.SplitAfterN(a, b, c)
bytes.SplitAfter(a, b)
strings.SplitN(a, b, c)
strings.Split(a, b)
strings.SplitAfterN(a, b, c)
strings.SplitAfter(a, b)
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var templateFix = fix{
`Rewrite calls to template.ParseFile to template.ParseFiles
var templateSetGlobals = []string{
var templateSetMethods = []string{
var templateTypeConfig = &TypeConfig{
Type: map[string]*Type{
"template.Template": {
Method: map[string]string{
"Funcs": "func() *template.Template",
"Delims": "func() *template.Template",
"Parse": "func() (*template.Template, error)",
"ParseFile": "func() (*template.Template, error)",
"ParseInSet": "func() (*template.Template, error)",
"template.Set": {
Method: map[string]string{
"ParseSetFiles": "func() (*template.Set, error)",
"ParseSetGlob": "func() (*template.Set, error)",
"ParseTemplateFiles": "func() (*template.Set, error)",
"ParseTemplateGlob": "func() (*template.Set, error)",
Func: map[string]string{
"template.New": "*template.Template",
"template.Must": "(*template.Template, error)",
"template.SetMust": "(*template.Set, error)",
func template(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "text/template") && !imports(f, "html/template") {
return false
fixed := false
typeof, _ := typecheck(templateTypeConfig, f)
// Now update the names used by importers.
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
if sel, ok := n.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
// Reference to top-level function ParseFile.
if isPkgDot(sel, "template", "ParseFile") {
sel.Sel.Name = "ParseFiles"
fixed = true
// Reference to ParseFiles method.
if typeof[sel.X] == "*template.Template" && sel.Sel.Name == "ParseFile" {
sel.Sel.Name = "ParseFiles"
fixed = true
// The Set type and its functions are now gone.
for _, name := range templateSetGlobals {
if isPkgDot(sel, "template", name) {
warn(sel.Pos(), "reference to template.%s must be fixed manually", name)
// The methods of Set are now gone.
for _, name := range templateSetMethods {
if typeof[sel.X] == "*template.Set" && sel.Sel.Name == name {
warn(sel.Pos(), "reference to template.*Set.%s must be fixed manually", name)
return fixed
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(templateTests, template)
var templateTests = []testCase{
Name: "template.0",
In: `package main
import (
func f() {
var t template.Template
x, y := template.ParseFile()
template.New("x").Funcs(m).ParseFile(a) // chained method
// Output should complain about these as functions or methods.
var s *template.Set
x := template.SetMust(a())
Out: `package main
import (
func f() {
var t template.Template
x, y := template.ParseFiles()
template.New("x").Funcs(m).ParseFiles(a) // chained method
// Output should complain about these as functions or methods.
var s *template.Set
x := template.SetMust(a())
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var timefileinfoFix = fix{
`Rewrite for new time and os.FileInfo APIs.
This fix applies some of the more mechanical changes,
but most code will still need manual cleanup.
var timefileinfoTypeConfig = &TypeConfig{
Type: map[string]*Type{
"os.File": {
Method: map[string]string{
"Readdir": "func() []*os.FileInfo",
"Stat": "func() (*os.FileInfo, error)",
"time.Time": {
Method: map[string]string{
"Seconds": "time.raw",
"Nanoseconds": "time.raw",
Func: map[string]string{
"ioutil.ReadDir": "([]*os.FileInfo, error)",
"os.Stat": "(*os.FileInfo, error)",
"os.Lstat": "(*os.FileInfo, error)",
"time.LocalTime": "*time.Time",
"time.UTC": "*time.Time",
"time.SecondsToLocalTime": "*time.Time",
"time.SecondsToUTC": "*time.Time",
"time.NanosecondsToLocalTime": "*time.Time",
"time.NanosecondsToUTC": "*time.Time",
"time.Parse": "(*time.Time, error)",
"time.Nanoseconds": "time.raw",
"time.Seconds": "time.raw",
// timefileinfoIsOld reports whether f has evidence of being
// "old code", from before the API changes. Evidence means:
// a mention of *os.FileInfo (the pointer)
// a mention of *time.Time (the pointer)
// a mention of old functions from package time
// an attempt to call time.UTC
func timefileinfoIsOld(f *ast.File, typeof map[interface{}]string) bool {
old := false
// called records the expressions that appear as
// the function part of a function call, so that
// we can distinguish a ref to the possibly new time.UTC
// from the definitely old time.UTC() function call.
called := make(map[interface{}]bool)
before := func(n interface{}) {
if old {
if star, ok := n.(*ast.StarExpr); ok {
if isPkgDot(star.X, "os", "FileInfo") || isPkgDot(star.X, "time", "Time") {
old = true
if sel, ok := n.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
if isTopName(sel.X, "time") {
if timefileinfoOldTimeFunc[sel.Sel.Name] {
old = true
if typeof[sel.X] == "os.FileInfo" || typeof[sel.X] == "*os.FileInfo" {
switch sel.Sel.Name {
case "Mtime_ns", "IsDirectory", "IsRegular":
old = true
case "Name", "Mode", "Size":
if !called[sel] {
old = true
call, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
if ok && isPkgDot(call.Fun, "time", "UTC") {
old = true
if ok {
called[call.Fun] = true
walkBeforeAfter(f, before, nop)
return old
var timefileinfoOldTimeFunc = map[string]bool{
"LocalTime": true,
"SecondsToLocalTime": true,
"SecondsToUTC": true,
"NanosecondsToLocalTime": true,
"NanosecondsToUTC": true,
"Seconds": true,
"Nanoseconds": true,
var isTimeNow = map[string]bool{
"LocalTime": true,
"UTC": true,
"Seconds": true,
"Nanoseconds": true,
func timefileinfo(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "os") && !imports(f, "time") && !imports(f, "io/ioutil") {
return false
typeof, _ := typecheck(timefileinfoTypeConfig, f)
if !timefileinfoIsOld(f, typeof) {
return false
fixed := false
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
p, ok := n.(*ast.Expr)
if !ok {
nn := *p
// Rewrite *os.FileInfo and *time.Time to drop the pointer.
if star, ok := nn.(*ast.StarExpr); ok {
if isPkgDot(star.X, "os", "FileInfo") || isPkgDot(star.X, "time", "Time") {
fixed = true
*p = star.X
// Rewrite old time API calls to new calls.
// The code will still not compile after this edit,
// but the compiler will catch that, and the replacement
// code will be the correct functions to use in the new API.
if sel, ok := nn.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok && isTopName(sel.X, "time") {
fn := sel.Sel.Name
if fn == "LocalTime" || fn == "Seconds" || fn == "Nanoseconds" {
fixed = true
sel.Sel.Name = "Now"
if call, ok := nn.(*ast.CallExpr); ok {
if sel, ok := call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
// Rewrite time.UTC but only when called (there's a new time.UTC var now).
if isPkgDot(sel, "time", "UTC") {
fixed = true
sel.Sel.Name = "Now"
// rewrite time.Now() into time.Now().UTC()
*p = &ast.CallExpr{
Fun: &ast.SelectorExpr{
X: call,
Sel: ast.NewIdent("UTC"),
// Rewrite conversions.
if ok && isTopName(sel.X, "time") && len(call.Args) == 1 {
fn := sel.Sel.Name
switch fn {
case "SecondsToLocalTime", "SecondsToUTC",
"NanosecondsToLocalTime", "NanosecondsToUTC":
fixed = true
sel.Sel.Name = "Unix"
call.Args = append(call.Args, nil)
if strings.HasPrefix(fn, "Seconds") {
// Unix(sec, 0)
call.Args[1] = ast.NewIdent("0")
} else {
// Unix(0, nsec)
call.Args[1] = call.Args[0]
call.Args[0] = ast.NewIdent("0")
if strings.HasSuffix(fn, "ToUTC") {
// rewrite call into call.UTC()
*p = &ast.CallExpr{
Fun: &ast.SelectorExpr{
X: call,
Sel: ast.NewIdent("UTC"),
// Rewrite method calls.
switch typeof[sel.X] {
case "*time.Time", "time.Time":
switch sel.Sel.Name {
case "Seconds":
fixed = true
sel.Sel.Name = "Unix"
case "Nanoseconds":
fixed = true
sel.Sel.Name = "UnixNano"
case "*os.FileInfo", "os.FileInfo":
switch sel.Sel.Name {
case "IsDirectory":
fixed = true
sel.Sel.Name = "IsDir"
case "IsRegular":
fixed = true
sel.Sel.Name = "IsDir"
*p = &ast.UnaryExpr{
Op: token.NOT,
X: call,
// Rewrite subtraction of two times.
// Cannot handle +=/-=.
if bin, ok := nn.(*ast.BinaryExpr); ok &&
bin.Op == token.SUB &&
(typeof[bin.X] == "time.raw" || typeof[bin.Y] == "time.raw") {
fixed = true
*p = &ast.CallExpr{
Fun: &ast.SelectorExpr{
X: bin.X,
Sel: ast.NewIdent("Sub"),
Args: []ast.Expr{bin.Y},
// Rewrite field references for os.FileInfo.
if sel, ok := nn.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
if typ := typeof[sel.X]; typ == "*os.FileInfo" || typ == "os.FileInfo" {
addCall := false
switch sel.Sel.Name {
case "Name", "Size", "Mode":
fixed = true
addCall = true
case "Mtime_ns":
fixed = true
sel.Sel.Name = "ModTime"
addCall = true
if addCall {
*p = &ast.CallExpr{
Fun: sel,
return true
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(timefileinfoTests, timefileinfo)
var timefileinfoTests = []testCase{
Name: "timefileinfo.0",
In: `package main
import "os"
func main() {
st, _ := os.Stat("/etc/passwd")
_ = st.Name
Out: `package main
import "os"
func main() {
st, _ := os.Stat("/etc/passwd")
_ = st.Name()
Name: "timefileinfo.1",
In: `package main
import "os"
func main() {
st, _ := os.Stat("/etc/passwd")
_ = st.Size
_ = st.Mode
_ = st.Mtime_ns
_ = st.IsDirectory()
_ = st.IsRegular()
Out: `package main
import "os"
func main() {
st, _ := os.Stat("/etc/passwd")
_ = st.Size()
_ = st.Mode()
_ = st.ModTime()
_ = st.IsDir()
_ = !st.IsDir()
Name: "timefileinfo.2",
In: `package main
import "os"
func f(st *os.FileInfo) {
_ = st.Name
_ = st.Size
_ = st.Mode
_ = st.Mtime_ns
_ = st.IsDirectory()
_ = st.IsRegular()
Out: `package main
import "os"
func f(st os.FileInfo) {
_ = st.Name()
_ = st.Size()
_ = st.Mode()
_ = st.ModTime()
_ = st.IsDir()
_ = !st.IsDir()
Name: "timefileinfo.3",
In: `package main
import "time"
func main() {
_ = time.Seconds()
_ = time.Nanoseconds()
_ = time.LocalTime()
_ = time.UTC()
_ = time.SecondsToLocalTime(sec)
_ = time.SecondsToUTC(sec)
_ = time.NanosecondsToLocalTime(nsec)
_ = time.NanosecondsToUTC(nsec)
Out: `package main
import "time"
func main() {
_ = time.Now()
_ = time.Now()
_ = time.Now()
_ = time.Now().UTC()
_ = time.Unix(sec, 0)
_ = time.Unix(sec, 0).UTC()
_ = time.Unix(0, nsec)
_ = time.Unix(0, nsec).UTC()
Name: "timefileinfo.4",
In: `package main
import "time"
func f(*time.Time)
func main() {
t := time.LocalTime()
_ = t.Seconds()
_ = t.Nanoseconds()
t1 := time.Nanoseconds()
t2 := time.Nanoseconds()
dt := t2 - t1
Out: `package main
import "time"
func f(time.Time)
func main() {
t := time.Now()
_ = t.Unix()
_ = t.UnixNano()
t1 := time.Now()
t2 := time.Now()
dt := t2.Sub(t1)
Name: "timefileinfo.5", // test for issues 1505, 2636
In: `package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println(time.SecondsToUTC(now)) // this comment must not introduce an illegal linebreak
Out: `package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println(time.Unix(now, 0).UTC( // this comment must not introduce an illegal linebreak
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import "go/ast"
func init() {
var urlFix = fix{
`Move the URL pieces of package http into a new package, url.
var urlRenames = []struct{ in, out string }{
{"URL", "URL"},
{"ParseURL", "Parse"},
{"ParseURLReference", "ParseWithReference"},
{"ParseQuery", "ParseQuery"},
{"Values", "Values"},
{"URLEscape", "QueryEscape"},
{"URLUnescape", "QueryUnescape"},
{"URLError", "Error"},
{"URLEscapeError", "EscapeError"},
func url(f *ast.File) bool {
if imports(f, "url") || !imports(f, "http") {
return false
fixed := false
// Update URL code.
urlWalk := func(n interface{}) {
// Is it an identifier?
if ident, ok := n.(*ast.Ident); ok && ident.Name == "url" {
ident.Name = "url_"
// Parameter and result names.
if fn, ok := n.(*ast.FuncType); ok {
fixed = urlDoFields(fn.Params) || fixed
fixed = urlDoFields(fn.Results) || fixed
// Fix up URL code and add import, at most once.
fix := func() {
if fixed {
addImport(f, "url")
walkBeforeAfter(f, urlWalk, nop)
fixed = true
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
// Rename functions and methods.
if expr, ok := n.(ast.Expr); ok {
for _, s := range urlRenames {
if isPkgDot(expr, "http", {
expr.(*ast.SelectorExpr).X.(*ast.Ident).Name = "url"
expr.(*ast.SelectorExpr).Sel.Name = s.out
// Remove the http import if no longer needed.
if fixed && !usesImport(f, "http") {
deleteImport(f, "http")
return fixed
func urlDoFields(list *ast.FieldList) (fixed bool) {
if list == nil {
for _, field := range list.List {
for _, ident := range field.Names {
if ident.Name == "url" {
fixed = true
ident.Name = "url_"
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import "go/ast"
func init() {
var url2Fix = fix{
`Rename some functions in net/url.
func url2(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "net/url") {
return false
fixed := false
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
// Rename functions and methods.
sel, ok := n.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok {
if !isTopName(sel.X, "url") {
if sel.Sel.Name == "ParseWithReference" {
sel.Sel.Name = "ParseWithFragment"
fixed = true
return fixed
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(url2Tests, url2)
var url2Tests = []testCase{
Name: "url2.0",
In: `package main
import "net/url"
func f() {
Out: `package main
import "net/url"
func f() {
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(urlTests, url)
var urlTests = []testCase{
Name: "url.0",
In: `package main
import (
func f() {
var _ http.URL
m := http.Values{a: b}
var x http.URLError
var y http.URLEscapeError
Out: `package main
import "url"
func f() {
var _ url.URL
m := url.Values{a: b}
var x url.Error
var y url.EscapeError
Name: "url.1",
In: `package main
import (
func f() {
var x http.Request
Out: `package main
import (
func f() {
var x http.Request
Name: "url.2",
In: `package main
import (
type U struct{ url int }
type M map[int]int
func f() {
var url = 23
url, x := 45, y
_ = U{url: url}
_ = M{url + 1: url}
func g(url string) string {
return url
func h() (url string) {
return url
Out: `package main
import "url"
type U struct{ url_ int }
type M map[int]int
func f() {
var url_ = 23
url_, x := 45, y
_ = U{url_: url_}
_ = M{url_ + 1: url_}
func g(url_ string) string {
return url_
func h() (url_ string) {
return url_
Name: "url.3",
In: `package main
import "http"
type U struct{ url string }
func f() {
var u U
u.url = "x"
func (url *T) m() string {
return url
Out: `package main
import "http"
type U struct{ url string }
func f() {
var u U
u.url = "x"
func (url *T) m() string {
return url
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func init() {
var xmlapiFix = fix{
Make encoding/xml's API look more like the rest of the encoding packages.
var xmlapiTypeConfig = &TypeConfig{
Func: map[string]string{
"xml.NewParser": "*xml.Parser",
"os.Open": "*os.File",
"os.OpenFile": "*os.File",
"bytes.NewBuffer": "*bytes.Buffer",
"bytes.NewBufferString": "*bytes.Buffer",
"bufio.NewReader": "*bufio.Reader",
"bufio.NewReadWriter": "*bufio.ReadWriter",
var isReader = map[string]bool{
"*os.File": true,
"*bytes.Buffer": true,
"*bufio.Reader": true,
"*bufio.ReadWriter": true,
"io.Reader": true,
func xmlapi(f *ast.File) bool {
if !imports(f, "encoding/xml") {
return false
typeof, _ := typecheck(xmlapiTypeConfig, f)
fixed := false
walk(f, func(n interface{}) {
s, ok := n.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if ok && typeof[s.X] == "*xml.Parser" && s.Sel.Name == "Unmarshal" {
s.Sel.Name = "DecodeElement"
fixed = true
if ok && isPkgDot(s, "xml", "Parser") {
s.Sel.Name = "Decoder"
fixed = true
call, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
if !ok {
switch {
case len(call.Args) == 2 && isPkgDot(call.Fun, "xml", "Marshal"):
*call = xmlMarshal(call.Args)
fixed = true
case len(call.Args) == 2 && isPkgDot(call.Fun, "xml", "Unmarshal"):
if isReader[typeof[call.Args[0]]] {
*call = xmlUnmarshal(call.Args)
fixed = true
case len(call.Args) == 1 && isPkgDot(call.Fun, "xml", "NewParser"):
sel := call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr).Sel
sel.Name = "NewDecoder"
fixed = true
return fixed
func xmlMarshal(args []ast.Expr) ast.CallExpr {
return xmlCallChain("NewEncoder", "Encode", args)
func xmlUnmarshal(args []ast.Expr) ast.CallExpr {
return xmlCallChain("NewDecoder", "Decode", args)
func xmlCallChain(first, second string, args []ast.Expr) ast.CallExpr {
return ast.CallExpr{
Fun: &ast.SelectorExpr{
X: &ast.CallExpr{
Fun: &ast.SelectorExpr{
X: ast.NewIdent("xml"),
Sel: ast.NewIdent(first),
Args: args[:1],
Sel: ast.NewIdent(second),
Args: args[1:2],
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func init() {
addTestCases(xmlapiTests, xmlapi)
var xmlapiTests = []testCase{
Name: "xmlapi.0",
In: `package main
import "encoding/xml"
func f() {
xml.Marshal(a, b)
xml.Unmarshal(a, b)
var buf1 bytes.Buffer
buf2 := &bytes.Buffer{}
buf3 := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
buf4 := bytes.NewBufferString(data)
buf5 := bufio.NewReader(r)
xml.Unmarshal(&buf1, v)
xml.Unmarshal(buf2, v)
xml.Unmarshal(buf3, v)
xml.Unmarshal(buf4, v)
xml.Unmarshal(buf5, v)
f := os.Open("foo.xml")
xml.Unmarshal(f, v)
p1 := xml.NewParser(stream)
p1.Unmarshal(v, start)
var p2 *xml.Parser
p2.Unmarshal(v, start)
func g(r io.Reader, f *os.File, b []byte) {
xml.Unmarshal(r, v)
xml.Unmarshal(f, v)
xml.Unmarshal(b, v)
Out: `package main
import "encoding/xml"
func f() {
xml.Unmarshal(a, b)
var buf1 bytes.Buffer
buf2 := &bytes.Buffer{}
buf3 := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
buf4 := bytes.NewBufferString(data)
buf5 := bufio.NewReader(r)
f := os.Open("foo.xml")
p1 := xml.NewDecoder(stream)
p1.DecodeElement(v, start)
var p2 *xml.Decoder
p2.DecodeElement(v, start)
func g(r io.Reader, f *os.File, b []byte) {
xml.Unmarshal(b, v)
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