Commit e86afaf4 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

Don't emit line tags when source code is printed as part of

package documentation using templates. The line tag interferes
with the anchor tag introduces by the template.

This fixes an an issue where some headers lost their ability
to link to the respective source code.

parent affcfe5a
......@@ -470,16 +470,23 @@ func parse(path string, mode uint) (*ast.File, *parseErrors) {
// Styler implements a printer.Styler.
type Styler struct {
linetags bool;
highlight string;
// Use the defaultStyler when there is no specific styler.
// The defaultStyler does not emit line tags since they may
// interfere with tags emitted by templates.
// TODO(gri): Should emit line tags at the beginning of a line;
// never in the middle of code.
var defaultStyler Styler
func (s *Styler) LineTag(line int) (text []byte, tag printer.HTMLTag) {
tag = printer.HTMLTag{fmt.Sprintf(`<a id="L%d">`, line), "</a>"};
if s.linetags {
tag = printer.HTMLTag{fmt.Sprintf(`<a id="L%d">`, line), "</a>"}
......@@ -932,7 +939,7 @@ func serveFile(c *http.Conn, r *http.Request) {
case ext == ".go":
serveGoSource(c, r, path, &Styler{highlight: r.FormValue("h")});
serveGoSource(c, r, path, &Styler{linetags: true, highlight: r.FormValue("h")});
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