Commit faa7a7e8 authored by Austin Clements's avatar Austin Clements

runtime: implement GC stack barriers

This commit implements stack barriers to minimize the amount of
stack re-scanning that must be done during mark termination.

Currently the GC scans stacks of active goroutines twice during every
GC cycle: once at the beginning during root discovery and once at the
end during mark termination. The second scan happens while the world
is stopped and guarantees that we've seen all of the roots (since
there are no write barriers on writes to local stack
variables). However, this means pause time is proportional to stack
size. In particularly recursive programs, this can drive pause time up
past our 10ms goal (e.g., it takes about 150ms to scan a 50MB heap).

Re-scanning the entire stack is rarely necessary, especially for large
stacks, because usually most of the frames on the stack were not
active between the first and second scans and hence any changes to
these frames (via non-escaping pointers passed down the stack) were
tracked by write barriers.

To efficiently track how far a stack has been unwound since the first
scan (and, hence, how much needs to be re-scanned), this commit
introduces stack barriers. During the first scan, at exponentially
spaced points in each stack, the scan overwrites return PCs with the
PC of the stack barrier function. When "returned" to, the stack
barrier function records how far the stack has unwound and jumps to
the original return PC for that point in the stack. Then the second
scan only needs to proceed as far as the lowest barrier that hasn't
been hit.

For deeply recursive programs, this substantially reduces mark
termination time (and hence pause time). For the goscheme example
linked in issue #10898, prior to this change, mark termination times
were typically between 100 and 500ms; with this change, mark
termination times are typically between 10 and 20ms. As a result of
the reduced stack scanning work, this reduces overall execution time
of the goscheme example by 20%.

Fixes #10898.

The effect of this on programs that are not deeply recursive is

name                   old time/op    new time/op    delta
BinaryTree17              3.16s ± 2%     3.26s ± 1%  +3.31%  (p=0.000 n=19+19)
Fannkuch11                2.42s ± 1%     2.48s ± 1%  +2.24%  (p=0.000 n=17+19)
FmtFprintfEmpty          50.0ns ± 3%    49.8ns ± 1%    ~     (p=0.534 n=20+19)
FmtFprintfString          173ns ± 0%     175ns ± 0%  +1.49%  (p=0.000 n=16+19)
FmtFprintfInt             170ns ± 1%     175ns ± 1%  +2.97%  (p=0.000 n=20+19)
FmtFprintfIntInt          288ns ± 0%     295ns ± 0%  +2.73%  (p=0.000 n=16+19)
FmtFprintfPrefixedInt     242ns ± 1%     252ns ± 1%  +4.13%  (p=0.000 n=18+18)
FmtFprintfFloat           324ns ± 0%     323ns ± 0%  -0.36%  (p=0.000 n=20+19)
FmtManyArgs              1.14µs ± 0%    1.12µs ± 1%  -1.01%  (p=0.000 n=18+19)
GobDecode                8.88ms ± 1%    8.87ms ± 0%    ~     (p=0.480 n=19+18)
GobEncode                6.80ms ± 1%    6.85ms ± 0%  +0.82%  (p=0.000 n=20+18)
Gzip                      363ms ± 1%     363ms ± 1%    ~     (p=0.077 n=18+20)
Gunzip                   90.6ms ± 0%    90.0ms ± 1%  -0.71%  (p=0.000 n=17+18)
HTTPClientServer         51.5µs ± 1%    50.8µs ± 1%  -1.32%  (p=0.000 n=18+18)
JSONEncode               17.0ms ± 0%    17.1ms ± 0%  +0.40%  (p=0.000 n=18+17)
JSONDecode               61.8ms ± 0%    63.8ms ± 1%  +3.11%  (p=0.000 n=18+17)
Mandelbrot200            3.84ms ± 0%    3.84ms ± 1%    ~     (p=0.583 n=19+19)
GoParse                  3.71ms ± 1%    3.72ms ± 1%    ~     (p=0.159 n=18+19)
RegexpMatchEasy0_32       100ns ± 0%     100ns ± 1%  -0.19%  (p=0.033 n=17+19)
RegexpMatchEasy0_1K       342ns ± 1%     331ns ± 0%  -3.41%  (p=0.000 n=19+19)
RegexpMatchEasy1_32      82.5ns ± 0%    81.7ns ± 0%  -0.98%  (p=0.000 n=18+18)
RegexpMatchEasy1_1K       505ns ± 0%     494ns ± 1%  -2.16%  (p=0.000 n=18+18)
RegexpMatchMedium_32      137ns ± 1%     137ns ± 1%  -0.24%  (p=0.048 n=20+18)
RegexpMatchMedium_1K     41.6µs ± 0%    41.3µs ± 1%  -0.57%  (p=0.004 n=18+20)
RegexpMatchHard_32       2.11µs ± 0%    2.11µs ± 1%  +0.20%  (p=0.037 n=17+19)
RegexpMatchHard_1K       63.9µs ± 2%    63.3µs ± 0%  -0.99%  (p=0.000 n=20+17)
Revcomp                   560ms ± 1%     522ms ± 0%  -6.87%  (p=0.000 n=18+16)
Template                 75.0ms ± 0%    75.1ms ± 1%  +0.18%  (p=0.013 n=18+19)
TimeParse                 358ns ± 1%     364ns ± 0%  +1.74%  (p=0.000 n=20+15)
TimeFormat                360ns ± 0%     372ns ± 0%  +3.55%  (p=0.000 n=20+18)

Change-Id: If8a9bfae6c128d15a4f405e02bcfa50129df82a2
Reviewed-on: default avatarRuss Cox <>
Run-TryBot: Austin Clements <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
parent 724f8298
...@@ -341,6 +341,22 @@ TEXT runtime·morestack_noctxt(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 ...@@ -341,6 +341,22 @@ TEXT runtime·morestack_noctxt(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
JMP runtime·morestack(SB) JMP runtime·morestack(SB)
TEXT runtime·stackBarrier(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
// We came here via a RET to an overwritten return PC.
// AX may be live. Other registers are available.
// Get the original return PC, g.stkbar[g.stkbarPos].savedLRVal.
MOVL (g_stkbar+slice_array)(CX), DX
MOVL g_stkbarPos(CX), BX
IMULL $stkbar__size, BX // Too big for SIB.
MOVL stkbar_savedLRVal(DX)(BX*1), BX
// Record that this stack barrier was hit.
ADDL $1, g_stkbarPos(CX)
// Jump to the original return PC.
// reflectcall: call a function with the given argument list // reflectcall: call a function with the given argument list
// func call(argtype *_type, f *FuncVal, arg *byte, argsize, retoffset uint32). // func call(argtype *_type, f *FuncVal, arg *byte, argsize, retoffset uint32).
// we don't have variable-sized frames, so we use a small number // we don't have variable-sized frames, so we use a small number
...@@ -860,17 +876,31 @@ TEXT runtime·stackcheck(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-0 ...@@ -860,17 +876,31 @@ TEXT runtime·stackcheck(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-0
INT $3 INT $3
TEXT runtime·getcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-8 TEXT runtime·getcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$4-8
MOVL argp+0(FP),AX // addr of first arg MOVL argp+0(FP),AX // addr of first arg
MOVL -4(AX),AX // get calling pc MOVL -4(AX),AX // get calling pc
CMPL AX, runtime·stackBarrierPC(SB)
JNE nobar
// Get original return PC.
CALL runtime·nextBarrierPC(SB)
MOVL AX, ret+4(FP) MOVL AX, ret+4(FP)
TEXT runtime·setcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-8 TEXT runtime·setcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$4-8
MOVL argp+0(FP),AX // addr of first arg MOVL argp+0(FP),AX // addr of first arg
MOVL pc+4(FP), BX MOVL pc+4(FP), BX
CMPL CX, runtime·stackBarrierPC(SB)
JEQ setbar
MOVL BX, -4(AX) // set calling pc MOVL BX, -4(AX) // set calling pc
// Set the stack barrier return PC.
CALL runtime·setNextBarrierPC(SB)
TEXT runtime·getcallersp(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-8 TEXT runtime·getcallersp(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-8
MOVL argp+0(FP), AX MOVL argp+0(FP), AX
...@@ -336,6 +336,22 @@ TEXT runtime·morestack_noctxt(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 ...@@ -336,6 +336,22 @@ TEXT runtime·morestack_noctxt(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
JMP runtime·morestack(SB) JMP runtime·morestack(SB)
TEXT runtime·stackBarrier(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
// We came here via a RET to an overwritten return PC.
// AX may be live. Other registers are available.
// Get the original return PC, g.stkbar[g.stkbarPos].savedLRVal.
MOVQ (g_stkbar+slice_array)(CX), DX
MOVQ g_stkbarPos(CX), BX
IMULQ $stkbar__size, BX // Too big for SIB.
MOVQ stkbar_savedLRVal(DX)(BX*1), BX
// Record that this stack barrier was hit.
ADDQ $1, g_stkbarPos(CX)
// Jump to the original return PC.
// reflectcall: call a function with the given argument list // reflectcall: call a function with the given argument list
// func call(argtype *_type, f *FuncVal, arg *byte, argsize, retoffset uint32). // func call(argtype *_type, f *FuncVal, arg *byte, argsize, retoffset uint32).
// we don't have variable-sized frames, so we use a small number // we don't have variable-sized frames, so we use a small number
...@@ -860,17 +876,31 @@ TEXT runtime·stackcheck(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-0 ...@@ -860,17 +876,31 @@ TEXT runtime·stackcheck(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-0
INT $3 INT $3
TEXT runtime·getcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-16 TEXT runtime·getcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$8-16
MOVQ argp+0(FP),AX // addr of first arg MOVQ argp+0(FP),AX // addr of first arg
MOVQ -8(AX),AX // get calling pc MOVQ -8(AX),AX // get calling pc
CMPQ AX, runtime·stackBarrierPC(SB)
JNE nobar
// Get original return PC.
CALL runtime·nextBarrierPC(SB)
MOVQ AX, ret+8(FP) MOVQ AX, ret+8(FP)
TEXT runtime·setcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-16 TEXT runtime·setcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$8-16
MOVQ argp+0(FP),AX // addr of first arg MOVQ argp+0(FP),AX // addr of first arg
MOVQ pc+8(FP), BX MOVQ pc+8(FP), BX
CMPQ CX, runtime·stackBarrierPC(SB)
JEQ setbar
MOVQ BX, -8(AX) // set calling pc MOVQ BX, -8(AX) // set calling pc
// Set the stack barrier return PC.
CALL runtime·setNextBarrierPC(SB)
TEXT runtime·getcallersp(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-16 TEXT runtime·getcallersp(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-16
MOVQ argp+0(FP), AX MOVQ argp+0(FP), AX
...@@ -289,6 +289,23 @@ TEXT runtime·morestack_noctxt(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 ...@@ -289,6 +289,23 @@ TEXT runtime·morestack_noctxt(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
JMP runtime·morestack(SB) JMP runtime·morestack(SB)
TEXT runtime·stackBarrier(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
// We came here via a RET to an overwritten return PC.
// AX may be live. Other registers are available.
// Get the original return PC, g.stkbar[g.stkbarPos].savedLRVal.
MOVL (g_stkbar+slice_array)(CX), DX
MOVL g_stkbarPos(CX), BX
IMULL $stkbar__size, BX // Too big for SIB.
MOVL stkbar_savedLRVal(BX), BX
// Record that this stack barrier was hit.
ADDL $1, g_stkbarPos(CX)
// Jump to the original return PC.
// reflectcall: call a function with the given argument list // reflectcall: call a function with the given argument list
// func call(argtype *_type, f *FuncVal, arg *byte, argsize, retoffset uint32). // func call(argtype *_type, f *FuncVal, arg *byte, argsize, retoffset uint32).
// we don't have variable-sized frames, so we use a small number // we don't have variable-sized frames, so we use a small number
...@@ -616,17 +633,31 @@ TEXT runtime·memclr(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-8 ...@@ -616,17 +633,31 @@ TEXT runtime·memclr(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-8
TEXT runtime·getcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-12 TEXT runtime·getcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$8-12
MOVL argp+0(FP),AX // addr of first arg MOVL argp+0(FP),AX // addr of first arg
MOVL -8(AX),AX // get calling pc MOVL -8(AX),AX // get calling pc
CMPL AX, runtime·stackBarrierPC(SB)
JNE nobar
// Get original return PC.
CALL runtime·nextBarrierPC(SB)
MOVL AX, ret+8(FP) MOVL AX, ret+8(FP)
TEXT runtime·setcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-8 TEXT runtime·setcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$8-8
MOVL argp+0(FP),AX // addr of first arg MOVL argp+0(FP),AX // addr of first arg
MOVL pc+4(FP), BX // pc to set MOVL pc+4(FP), BX // pc to set
CMPL CX, runtime·stackBarrierPC(SB)
JEQ setbar
MOVQ BX, -8(AX) // set calling pc MOVQ BX, -8(AX) // set calling pc
// Set the stack barrier return PC.
CALL runtime·setNextBarrierPC(SB)
TEXT runtime·getcallersp(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-12 TEXT runtime·getcallersp(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-12
MOVL argp+0(FP), AX MOVL argp+0(FP), AX
...@@ -309,6 +309,23 @@ TEXT runtime·morestack_noctxt(SB),NOSPLIT,$-4-0 ...@@ -309,6 +309,23 @@ TEXT runtime·morestack_noctxt(SB),NOSPLIT,$-4-0
MOVW $0, R7 MOVW $0, R7
B runtime·morestack(SB) B runtime·morestack(SB)
TEXT runtime·stackBarrier(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
// We came here via a RET to an overwritten LR.
// R0 may be live. Other registers are available.
// Get the original return PC, g.stkbar[g.stkbarPos].savedLRVal.
MOVW (g_stkbar+slice_array)(g), R4
MOVW g_stkbarPos(g), R5
MOVW $stkbar__size, R6
MUL R5, R6
ADD R4, R6
MOVW stkbar_savedLRVal(R6), R6
// Record that this stack barrier was hit.
ADD $1, R5
MOVW R5, g_stkbarPos(g)
// Jump to the original return PC.
B (R6)
// reflectcall: call a function with the given argument list // reflectcall: call a function with the given argument list
// func call(argtype *_type, f *FuncVal, arg *byte, argsize, retoffset uint32). // func call(argtype *_type, f *FuncVal, arg *byte, argsize, retoffset uint32).
// we don't have variable-sized frames, so we use a small number // we don't have variable-sized frames, so we use a small number
...@@ -645,14 +662,30 @@ TEXT setg<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$-4-0 ...@@ -645,14 +662,30 @@ TEXT setg<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$-4-0
MOVW g, R0 MOVW g, R0
TEXT runtime·getcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$-4-8 TEXT runtime·getcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$4-8
MOVW 0(R13), R0 MOVW 8(R13), R0 // LR saved by caller
MOVW runtime·stackBarrierPC(SB), R1
CMP R0, R1
BNE nobar
// Get original return PC.
BL runtime·nextBarrierPC(SB)
MOVW 4(R13), R0
MOVW R0, ret+4(FP) MOVW R0, ret+4(FP)
TEXT runtime·setcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$-4-8 TEXT runtime·setcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$4-8
MOVW pc+4(FP), R0 MOVW pc+4(FP), R0
MOVW R0, 0(R13) MOVW 8(R13), R1
MOVW runtime·stackBarrierPC(SB), R2
CMP R1, R2
BEQ setbar
MOVW R0, 8(R13) // set LR in caller
// Set the stack barrier return PC.
MOVW R0, 4(R13)
BL runtime·setNextBarrierPC(SB)
TEXT runtime·getcallersp(SB),NOSPLIT,$-4-8 TEXT runtime·getcallersp(SB),NOSPLIT,$-4-8
...@@ -307,6 +307,23 @@ TEXT runtime·morestack_noctxt(SB),NOSPLIT,$-4-0 ...@@ -307,6 +307,23 @@ TEXT runtime·morestack_noctxt(SB),NOSPLIT,$-4-0
MOVW $0, R26 MOVW $0, R26
B runtime·morestack(SB) B runtime·morestack(SB)
TEXT runtime·stackBarrier(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
// We came here via a RET to an overwritten LR.
// R0 may be live (see return0). Other registers are available.
// Get the original return PC, g.stkbar[g.stkbarPos].savedLRVal.
MOVD (g_stkbar+slice_array)(g), R4
MOVD g_stkbarPos(g), R5
MOVD $stkbar__size, R6
MUL R5, R6
ADD R4, R6
MOVD stkbar_savedLRVal(R6), R6
// Record that this stack barrier was hit.
ADD $1, R5
MOVD R5, g_stkbarPos(g)
// Jump to the original return PC.
B (R6)
// reflectcall: call a function with the given argument list // reflectcall: call a function with the given argument list
// func call(argtype *_type, f *FuncVal, arg *byte, argsize, retoffset uint32). // func call(argtype *_type, f *FuncVal, arg *byte, argsize, retoffset uint32).
// we don't have variable-sized frames, so we use a small number // we don't have variable-sized frames, so we use a small number
...@@ -743,14 +760,30 @@ TEXT setg_gcc<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$8 ...@@ -743,14 +760,30 @@ TEXT setg_gcc<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$8
MOVD savedR27-8(SP), R27 MOVD savedR27-8(SP), R27
TEXT runtime·getcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$-8-16 TEXT runtime·getcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$8-16
MOVD 0(RSP), R0 MOVD 16(RSP), R0 // LR saved by caller
MOVD runtime·stackBarrierPC(SB), R1
CMP R0, R1
BNE nobar
// Get original return PC.
BL runtime·nextBarrierPC(SB)
MOVD R0, ret+8(FP) MOVD R0, ret+8(FP)
TEXT runtime·setcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$-8-16 TEXT runtime·setcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$8-16
MOVD pc+8(FP), R0 MOVD pc+8(FP), R0
MOVD R0, 0(RSP) // set calling pc MOVD 16(RSP), R1
MOVD runtime·stackBarrierPC(SB), R2
CMP R1, R2
BEQ setbar
MOVD R0, 16(RSP) // set LR in caller
// Set the stack barrier return PC.
BL runtime·setNextBarrierPC(SB)
TEXT runtime·getcallersp(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-16 TEXT runtime·getcallersp(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-16
...@@ -304,6 +304,24 @@ TEXT runtime·morestack_noctxt(SB),NOSPLIT,$-8-0 ...@@ -304,6 +304,24 @@ TEXT runtime·morestack_noctxt(SB),NOSPLIT,$-8-0
MOVD R0, R11 MOVD R0, R11
BR runtime·morestack(SB) BR runtime·morestack(SB)
TEXT runtime·stackBarrier(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
// We came here via a RET to an overwritten LR.
// R3 may be live. Other registers are available.
// Get the original return PC, g.stkbar[g.stkbarPos].savedLRVal.
MOVD (g_stkbar+slice_array)(g), R4
MOVD g_stkbarPos(g), R5
MOVD $stkbar__size, R6
ADD R4, R6
MOVD stkbar_savedLRVal(R6), R6
// Record that this stack barrier was hit.
ADD $1, R5
MOVD R5, g_stkbarPos(g)
// Jump to the original return PC.
// reflectcall: call a function with the given argument list // reflectcall: call a function with the given argument list
// func call(argtype *_type, f *FuncVal, arg *byte, argsize, retoffset uint32). // func call(argtype *_type, f *FuncVal, arg *byte, argsize, retoffset uint32).
// we don't have variable-sized frames, so we use a small number // we don't have variable-sized frames, so we use a small number
...@@ -883,15 +901,31 @@ TEXT setg_gcc<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$-8-0 ...@@ -883,15 +901,31 @@ TEXT setg_gcc<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$-8-0
TEXT runtime·getcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$-8-16 TEXT runtime·getcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$8-16
MOVD 0(R1), R3 MOVD 16(R1), R3 // LR saved by caller
MOVD runtime·stackBarrierPC(SB), R4
CMP R3, R4
BNE nobar
// Get original return PC.
BL runtime·nextBarrierPC(SB)
MOVD 8(R1), R3
MOVD R3, ret+8(FP) MOVD R3, ret+8(FP)
TEXT runtime·setcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$-8-16 TEXT runtime·setcallerpc(SB),NOSPLIT,$8-16
MOVD pc+8(FP), R3 MOVD pc+8(FP), R3
MOVD R3, 0(R1) // set calling pc MOVD 16(R1), R4
MOVD runtime·stackBarrierPC(SB), R5
CMP R4, R5
BEQ setbar
MOVD R3, 16(R1) // set LR in caller
// Set the stack barrier return PC.
MOVD R3, 8(R1)
BL runtime·setNextBarrierPC(SB)
TEXT runtime·getcallersp(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-16 TEXT runtime·getcallersp(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-16
MOVD argp+0(FP), R3 MOVD argp+0(FP), R3
...@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ import "unsafe" ...@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ import "unsafe"
// slot is the destination (dst) in go code // slot is the destination (dst) in go code
// ptr is the value that goes into the slot (src) in the go code // ptr is the value that goes into the slot (src) in the go code
// //
// Dealing with memory ordering:
// Dijkstra pointed out that maintaining the no black to white // Dijkstra pointed out that maintaining the no black to white
// pointers means that white to white pointers not need // pointers means that white to white pointers not need
// to be noted by the write barrier. Furthermore if either // to be noted by the write barrier. Furthermore if either
...@@ -54,7 +57,20 @@ import "unsafe" ...@@ -54,7 +57,20 @@ import "unsafe"
// Peterson/Dekker algorithms for mutual exclusion). Rather than require memory // Peterson/Dekker algorithms for mutual exclusion). Rather than require memory
// barriers, which will slow down both the mutator and the GC, we always grey // barriers, which will slow down both the mutator and the GC, we always grey
// the ptr object regardless of the slot's color. // the ptr object regardless of the slot's color.
//go:nowritebarrier //
// Stack writes:
// The compiler omits write barriers for writes to the current frame,
// but if a stack pointer has been passed down the call stack, the
// compiler will generate a write barrier for writes through that
// pointer (because it doesn't know it's not a heap pointer).
// One might be tempted to ignore the write barrier if slot points
// into to the stack. Don't do it! Mark termination only re-scans
// frames that have potentially been active since the concurrent scan,
// so it depends on write barriers to track changes to pointers in
// stack frames that have not been active. go:nowritebarrier
func gcmarkwb_m(slot *uintptr, ptr uintptr) { func gcmarkwb_m(slot *uintptr, ptr uintptr) {
switch gcphase { switch gcphase {
default: default:
...@@ -283,6 +283,9 @@ func gcphasework(gp *g) { ...@@ -283,6 +283,9 @@ func gcphasework(gp *g) {
//go:nowritebarrier //go:nowritebarrier
func scanstack(gp *g) { func scanstack(gp *g) {
if gp.gcscanvalid { if gp.gcscanvalid {
if gcphase == _GCmarktermination {
return return
} }
...@@ -312,11 +315,66 @@ func scanstack(gp *g) { ...@@ -312,11 +315,66 @@ func scanstack(gp *g) {
throw("can't scan gchelper stack") throw("can't scan gchelper stack")
} }
var barrierOffset, nextBarrier uintptr
switch gcphase {
case _GCscan:
// Install stack barriers during stack scan.
barrierOffset = firstStackBarrierOffset
nextBarrier = gp.sched.sp + barrierOffset
if gp.stkbarPos != 0 || len(gp.stkbar) != 0 {
// If this happens, it's probably because we
// scanned a stack twice in the same phase.
print("stkbarPos=", gp.stkbarPos, " len(stkbar)=", len(gp.stkbar), " goid=", gp.goid, " gcphase=", gcphase, "\n")
throw("g already has stack barriers")
case _GCmarktermination:
if int(gp.stkbarPos) == len(gp.stkbar) {
// gp hit all of the stack barriers (or there
// were none). Re-scan the whole stack.
nextBarrier = ^uintptr(0)
} else {
// Only re-scan up to the lowest un-hit
// barrier. Any frames above this have not
// executed since the _GCscan scan of gp and
// any writes through up-pointers to above
// this barrier had write barriers.
nextBarrier = gp.stkbar[gp.stkbarPos].savedLRPtr
if debugStackBarrier {
print("rescan below ", hex(nextBarrier), " in [", hex(gp.sched.sp), ",", hex(gp.stack.hi), ") goid=", gp.goid, "\n")
throw("scanstack in wrong phase")
gcw := &getg().m.p.ptr().gcw gcw := &getg().m.p.ptr().gcw
n := 0
scanframe := func(frame *stkframe, unused unsafe.Pointer) bool { scanframe := func(frame *stkframe, unused unsafe.Pointer) bool {
// Pick up gcw as free variable so gentraceback and friends can
// keep the same signature.
scanframeworker(frame, unused, gcw) scanframeworker(frame, unused, gcw)
if frame.fp > nextBarrier {
// We skip installing a barrier on bottom-most
// frame because on LR machines this LR is not
// on the stack.
if gcphase == _GCscan && n != 0 {
gcInstallStackBarrier(gp, frame)
barrierOffset *= 2
nextBarrier = gp.sched.sp + barrierOffset
} else if gcphase == _GCmarktermination {
// We just scanned a frame containing
// a return to a stack barrier. Since
// this frame never returned, we can
// stop scanning.
return false
return true return true
} }
gentraceback(^uintptr(0), ^uintptr(0), 0, gp, 0, nil, 0x7fffffff, scanframe, nil, 0) gentraceback(^uintptr(0), ^uintptr(0), 0, gp, 0, nil, 0x7fffffff, scanframe, nil, 0)
...@@ -423,6 +481,122 @@ func gcMaxStackBarriers(stackSize int) (n int) { ...@@ -423,6 +481,122 @@ func gcMaxStackBarriers(stackSize int) (n int) {
return n + 1 return n + 1
} }
// gcInstallStackBarrier installs a stack barrier over the return PC of frame.
func gcInstallStackBarrier(gp *g, frame *stkframe) {
if == 0 {
if debugStackBarrier {
print("not installing stack barrier with no LR, goid=", gp.goid, "\n")
// Save the return PC and overwrite it with stackBarrier.
var lrUintptr uintptr
if usesLR {
lrUintptr = frame.sp
} else {
lrUintptr = frame.fp - regSize
lrPtr := (*uintreg)(unsafe.Pointer(lrUintptr))
if debugStackBarrier {
print("install stack barrier at ", hex(lrUintptr), " over ", hex(*lrPtr), ", goid=", gp.goid, "\n")
if uintptr(*lrPtr) != {
print("", hex(
throw(" differs from stack LR")
gp.stkbar = gp.stkbar[:len(gp.stkbar)+1]
stkbar := &gp.stkbar[len(gp.stkbar)-1]
stkbar.savedLRPtr = lrUintptr
stkbar.savedLRVal = uintptr(*lrPtr)
*lrPtr = uintreg(stackBarrierPC)
// gcRemoveStackBarriers removes all stack barriers installed in gp's stack.
func gcRemoveStackBarriers(gp *g) {
if debugStackBarrier && gp.stkbarPos != 0 {
print("hit ", gp.stkbarPos, " stack barriers, goid=", gp.goid, "\n")
// Remove stack barriers that we didn't hit.
for _, stkbar := range gp.stkbar[gp.stkbarPos:] {
gcRemoveStackBarrier(gp, stkbar)
// Clear recorded stack barriers so copystack doesn't try to
// adjust them.
gp.stkbarPos = 0
gp.stkbar = gp.stkbar[:0]
// gcRemoveStackBarrier removes a single stack barrier. It is the
// inverse operation of gcInstallStackBarrier.
func gcRemoveStackBarrier(gp *g, stkbar stkbar) {
if debugStackBarrier {
print("remove stack barrier at ", hex(stkbar.savedLRPtr), " with ", hex(stkbar.savedLRVal), ", goid=", gp.goid, "\n")
lrPtr := (*uintreg)(unsafe.Pointer(stkbar.savedLRPtr))
if val := *lrPtr; val != uintreg(stackBarrierPC) {
print("at *", hex(stkbar.savedLRPtr), " expected stack barrier PC ", hex(stackBarrierPC), ", found ", hex(val), ", goid=", gp.goid, "\n")
print(", gp.stkbarPos=", gp.stkbarPos, ", gp.stack=[", hex(gp.stack.lo), ",", hex(gp.stack.hi), ")\n")
throw("stack barrier lost")
*lrPtr = uintreg(stkbar.savedLRVal)
// gcPrintStkbars prints a []stkbar for debugging.
func gcPrintStkbars(stkbar []stkbar) {
for i, s := range stkbar {
if i > 0 {
print(" ")
print("*", hex(s.savedLRPtr), "=", hex(s.savedLRVal))
// gcSkipBarriers marks all stack barriers up to sp as hit. This is
// used during stack unwinding for panic/recover. This must run on the
// system stack to ensure gp's stack does not get copied.
func gcSkipBarriers(gp *g, sp uintptr) {
// On LR machines, if there is a stack barrier on the return
// from the frame containing sp, this will mark it as hit even
// though it isn't, but it's okay to be conservative.
before := gp.stkbarPos
for int(gp.stkbarPos) < len(gp.stkbar) && gp.stkbar[gp.stkbarPos].savedLRPtr < sp {
if debugStackBarrier && gp.stkbarPos != before {
print("skip barriers below ", hex(sp), " in goid=", gp.goid, ": ")
// nextBarrierPC returns the original return PC of the next stack barrier.
// Used by getcallerpc, so it must be nosplit.
func nextBarrierPC() uintptr {
gp := getg()
return gp.stkbar[gp.stkbarPos].savedLRVal
// setNextBarrierPC sets the return PC of the next stack barrier.
// Used by setcallerpc, so it must be nosplit.
func setNextBarrierPC(pc uintptr) {
gp := getg()
gp.stkbar[gp.stkbarPos].savedLRVal = pc
// TODO(austin): Can we consolidate the gcDrain* functions? // TODO(austin): Can we consolidate the gcDrain* functions?
// gcDrain scans objects in work buffers, blackening grey // gcDrain scans objects in work buffers, blackening grey
...@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ func recovery(gp *g) { ...@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ func recovery(gp *g) {
// Make the deferproc for this d return again, // Make the deferproc for this d return again,
// this time returning 1. The calling function will // this time returning 1. The calling function will
// jump to the standard return epilogue. // jump to the standard return epilogue.
gcSkipBarriers(gp, sp)
gp.sched.sp = sp gp.sched.sp = sp
gp.sched.pc = pc gp.sched.pc = pc = 0 = 0
...@@ -545,6 +545,12 @@ func adjustsudogs(gp *g, adjinfo *adjustinfo) { ...@@ -545,6 +545,12 @@ func adjustsudogs(gp *g, adjinfo *adjustinfo) {
} }
} }
func adjuststkbar(gp *g, adjinfo *adjustinfo) {
for i := int(gp.stkbarPos); i < len(gp.stkbar); i++ {
adjustpointer(adjinfo, (unsafe.Pointer)(&gp.stkbar[i].savedLRPtr))
func fillstack(stk stack, b byte) { func fillstack(stk stack, b byte) {
for p := stk.lo; p < stk.hi; p++ { for p := stk.lo; p < stk.hi; p++ {
*(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(p)) = b *(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(p)) = b
...@@ -583,6 +589,7 @@ func copystack(gp *g, newsize uintptr) { ...@@ -583,6 +589,7 @@ func copystack(gp *g, newsize uintptr) {
adjustdefers(gp, &adjinfo) adjustdefers(gp, &adjinfo)
adjustpanics(gp, &adjinfo) adjustpanics(gp, &adjinfo)
adjustsudogs(gp, &adjinfo) adjustsudogs(gp, &adjinfo)
adjuststkbar(gp, &adjinfo)
// copy the stack to the new location // copy the stack to the new location
if stackPoisonCopy != 0 { if stackPoisonCopy != 0 {
...@@ -309,6 +309,39 @@ func TestPanicUseStack(t *testing.T) { ...@@ -309,6 +309,39 @@ func TestPanicUseStack(t *testing.T) {
panic(1) panic(1)
} }
func TestPanicFar(t *testing.T) {
var xtree *xtreeNode
pc := make([]uintptr, 10000)
defer func() {
// At this point we created a large stack and unwound
// it via recovery. Force a stack walk, which will
// check the consistency of stack barriers.
Callers(0, pc)
defer func() {
useStackAndCall(100, func() {
// Kick off the GC and make it do something nontrivial
// to keep stack barriers installed for a while.
xtree = makeTree(18)
// Give the GC time to install stack barriers.
type xtreeNode struct {
l, r *xtreeNode
func makeTree(d int) *xtreeNode {
if d == 0 {
return new(xtreeNode)
return &xtreeNode{makeTree(d - 1), makeTree(d - 1)}
// use about n KB of stack and call f // use about n KB of stack and call f
func useStackAndCall(n int, f func()) { func useStackAndCall(n int, f func()) {
if n == 0 { if n == 0 {
...@@ -216,6 +216,13 @@ const _NoArgs = ^uintptr(0) ...@@ -216,6 +216,13 @@ const _NoArgs = ^uintptr(0)
func morestack() func morestack()
func rt0_go() func rt0_go()
// stackBarrier records that the stack has been unwound past a certain
// point. It is installed over a return PC on the stack. It must
// retrieve the original return PC from g.stkbuf, increment
// g.stkbufPos to record that the barrier was hit, and jump to the
// original return PC.
func stackBarrier()
// return0 is a stub used to return 0 from deferproc. // return0 is a stub used to return 0 from deferproc.
// It is called at the very end of deferproc to signal // It is called at the very end of deferproc to signal
// the calling Go function that it should not jump // the calling Go function that it should not jump
...@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ var ( ...@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ var (
gcBgMarkWorkerPC uintptr gcBgMarkWorkerPC uintptr
systemstack_switchPC uintptr systemstack_switchPC uintptr
systemstackPC uintptr systemstackPC uintptr
stackBarrierPC uintptr
gogoPC uintptr gogoPC uintptr
...@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ func tracebackinit() { ...@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ func tracebackinit() {
gcBgMarkWorkerPC = funcPC(gcBgMarkWorker) gcBgMarkWorkerPC = funcPC(gcBgMarkWorker)
systemstack_switchPC = funcPC(systemstack_switch) systemstack_switchPC = funcPC(systemstack_switch)
systemstackPC = funcPC(systemstack) systemstackPC = funcPC(systemstack)
stackBarrierPC = funcPC(stackBarrier)
// used by sigprof handler // used by sigprof handler
gogoPC = funcPC(gogo) gogoPC = funcPC(gogo)
...@@ -135,6 +137,11 @@ func gentraceback(pc0, sp0, lr0 uintptr, gp *g, skip int, pcbuf *uintptr, max in ...@@ -135,6 +137,11 @@ func gentraceback(pc0, sp0, lr0 uintptr, gp *g, skip int, pcbuf *uintptr, max in
throw("gentraceback cannot trace user goroutine on its own stack") throw("gentraceback cannot trace user goroutine on its own stack")
} }
gotraceback := gotraceback(nil) gotraceback := gotraceback(nil)
// Fix up returns to the stack barrier by fetching the
// original return PC from gp.stkbar.
stkbar := gp.stkbar[gp.stkbarPos:]
if pc0 == ^uintptr(0) && sp0 == ^uintptr(0) { // Signal to fetch saved values from gp. if pc0 == ^uintptr(0) && sp0 == ^uintptr(0) { // Signal to fetch saved values from gp.
if gp.syscallsp != 0 { if gp.syscallsp != 0 {
pc0 = gp.syscallpc pc0 = gp.syscallpc
...@@ -207,6 +214,7 @@ func gentraceback(pc0, sp0, lr0 uintptr, gp *g, skip int, pcbuf *uintptr, max in ...@@ -207,6 +214,7 @@ func gentraceback(pc0, sp0, lr0 uintptr, gp *g, skip int, pcbuf *uintptr, max in
sp := frame.sp sp := frame.sp
if flags&_TraceJumpStack != 0 && f.entry == systemstackPC && gp == g.m.g0 && gp.m.curg != nil { if flags&_TraceJumpStack != 0 && f.entry == systemstackPC && gp == g.m.g0 && gp.m.curg != nil {
sp = gp.m.curg.sched.sp sp = gp.m.curg.sched.sp
stkbar = gp.m.curg.stkbar[gp.m.curg.stkbarPos:]
} }
frame.fp = sp + uintptr(funcspdelta(f, frame.pc)) frame.fp = sp + uintptr(funcspdelta(f, frame.pc))
if !usesLR { if !usesLR {
...@@ -230,14 +238,28 @@ func gentraceback(pc0, sp0, lr0 uintptr, gp *g, skip int, pcbuf *uintptr, max in ...@@ -230,14 +238,28 @@ func gentraceback(pc0, sp0, lr0 uintptr, gp *g, skip int, pcbuf *uintptr, max in
} } = 0 = 0
} else { } else {
var lrPtr uintptr
if usesLR { if usesLR {
if n == 0 && frame.sp < frame.fp || == 0 { if n == 0 && frame.sp < frame.fp || == 0 { = *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(frame.sp)) lrPtr = frame.sp = *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(lrPtr))
} }
} else { } else {
if == 0 { if == 0 { = uintptr(*(*uintreg)(unsafe.Pointer(frame.fp - regSize))) lrPtr = frame.fp - regSize = uintptr(*(*uintreg)(unsafe.Pointer(lrPtr)))
if == stackBarrierPC {
// Recover original PC.
if stkbar[0].savedLRPtr != lrPtr {
print("found next stack barrier at ", hex(lrPtr), "; expected ")
throw("missed stack barrier")
} } = stkbar[0].savedLRVal
stkbar = stkbar[1:]
} }
flr = findfunc( flr = findfunc(
if flr == nil { if flr == nil {
...@@ -450,6 +472,13 @@ func gentraceback(pc0, sp0, lr0 uintptr, gp *g, skip int, pcbuf *uintptr, max in ...@@ -450,6 +472,13 @@ func gentraceback(pc0, sp0, lr0 uintptr, gp *g, skip int, pcbuf *uintptr, max in
throw("traceback has leftover defers") throw("traceback has leftover defers")
} }
if callback != nil && n < max && len(stkbar) > 0 {
print("runtime: g", gp.goid, ": leftover stack barriers ")
throw("traceback has leftover stack barriers")
return n return n
} }
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