Commit fc768da8 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

cmd/vet: tighten printf format error messages

Every time I see an error that begins `missing argument for Fprintf("%s")`
my mental type-checker goes off, since obviously "%s" is not a valid first
argument to Fprintf. Writing Printf("%s") to report an error in Printf("hello %s")
is almost as confusing.

This CL rewords the errors reported by vet's printf check to be more
consistent with each other, avoid placing context like "in printf call"
in the middle of the message, and to avoid the imprecisions above by
not quoting the format string at all.


	bad.go:9: no formatting directive in Printf call
	bad.go:10: missing argument for Printf("%s"): format reads arg 1, have only 0 args
	bad.go:11: wrong number of args for format in Printf call: 1 needed but 2 args
	bad.go:12: bad syntax for printf argument index: [1]
	bad.go:13: index value [0] for Printf("%[0]s"); indexes start at 1
	bad.go:14: missing argument for Printf("%[2]s"): format reads arg 2, have only 1 args
	bad.go:15: bad syntax for printf argument index: [abc]
	bad.go:16: unrecognized printf verb 'z'
	bad.go:17: arg "hello" for * in printf format not of type int
	bad.go:18: arg fmt.Sprint in printf call is a function value, not a function call
	bad.go:19: arg fmt.Sprint in Print call is a function value, not a function call
	bad.go:20: arg "world" for printf verb %d of wrong type: string
	bad.go:21: missing argument for Printf("%q"): format reads arg 2, have only 1 args
	bad.go:22: first argument to Print is os.Stderr
	bad.go:23: Println call ends with newline
	bad.go:32: arg r in Sprint call causes recursive call to String method
	bad.go:34: arg r for printf causes recursive call to String method


	bad.go:9: Printf call has arguments but no formatting directives
	bad.go:10: Printf format %s reads arg #1, but have only 0 args
	bad.go:11: Printf call needs 1 args but has 2 args
	bad.go:12: Printf format %[1 is missing closing ]
	bad.go:13: Printf format has invalid argument index [0]
	bad.go:14: Printf format has invalid argument index [2]
	bad.go:15: Printf format has invalid argument index [abc]
	bad.go:16: Printf format %.234z has unknown verb z
	bad.go:17: Printf format %.*s uses non-int "hello" as argument of *
	bad.go:18: Printf format %s arg fmt.Sprint is a func value, not called
	bad.go:19: Print arg fmt.Sprint is a func value, not called
	bad.go:20: Printf format %d has arg "world" of wrong type string
	bad.go:21: Printf format %q reads arg #2, but have only 1 args
	bad.go:22: Print does not take io.Writer but has first arg os.Stderr
	bad.go:23: Println args end with redundant newline
	bad.go:32: Sprint arg r causes recursive call to String method
	bad.go:34: Sprintf format %s with arg r causes recursive String method call

Change-Id: I5719f0fb9f2cd84df8ad4c7754ab9b79c691b060
Run-TryBot: Russ Cox <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarRob Pike <>
parent 9aa6f80e
......@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ func (t *tester) registerTests() {
osarch := k
t.tests = append(t.tests, distTest{
name: "vet/" + osarch,
heading: "go vet std cmd",
heading: "cmd/vet/all",
fn: func(dt *distTest) error {
t.addCmd(dt, "src/cmd/vet/all", "go", "run", "main.go", "-p="+osarch)
return nil
......@@ -2909,7 +2909,7 @@ func TestGoVetWithExternalTests(t *testing.T) {"install", "cmd/vet")
tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
tg.runFail("vet", "vetpkg")
tg.grepBoth("missing argument for Printf", "go vet vetpkg did not find missing argument for Printf")
tg.grepBoth("Printf", "go vet vetpkg did not find missing argument for Printf")
func TestGoVetWithTags(t *testing.T) {
......@@ -2919,7 +2919,7 @@ func TestGoVetWithTags(t *testing.T) {"install", "cmd/vet")
tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
tg.runFail("vet", "-tags", "tagtest", "vetpkg")
tg.grepBoth(`c\.go.*wrong number of args for format`, "go vet vetpkg did not run scan tagged file")
tg.grepBoth(`c\.go.*Printf`, "go vet vetpkg did not run scan tagged file")
func TestGoVetWithFlagsOn(t *testing.T) {
......@@ -2929,7 +2929,7 @@ func TestGoVetWithFlagsOn(t *testing.T) {"install", "cmd/vet")
tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))
tg.runFail("vet", "-printf", "vetpkg")
tg.grepBoth("missing argument for Printf", "go vet -printf vetpkg did not find missing argument for Printf")
tg.grepBoth("Printf", "go vet -printf vetpkg did not find missing argument for Printf")
func TestGoVetWithFlagsOff(t *testing.T) {
......@@ -3,7 +3,5 @@
// Issue 18609
crypto/x509/root_windows.go: unreachable code
path/filepath/path_windows_test.go: possible formatting directive in Fatal call
runtime/sys_windows_ARCHSUFF.s: [GOARCH] sigtramp: function sigtramp missing Go declaration
runtime/sys_windows_ARCHSUFF.s: [GOARCH] onosstack: unknown variable usec; offset 0 is fn+0(FP)
......@@ -9,10 +9,12 @@ package main
import (
......@@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ var isPrint = map[string]bool{
// if the call's signature cannot be determined.
// If it cannot find any format string parameter, it returns ("", -1).
func formatString(f *File, call *ast.CallExpr) (string, int) {
func formatString(f *File, call *ast.CallExpr) (format string, idx int) {
typ := f.pkg.types[call.Fun].Type
if typ != nil {
if sig, ok := typ.(*types.Signature); ok {
......@@ -228,7 +230,7 @@ func (f *File) checkPrintf(call *ast.CallExpr, name string) {
firstArg := idx + 1 // Arguments are immediately after format string.
if !strings.Contains(format, "%") {
if len(call.Args) > firstArg {
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "no formatting directive in %s call", name)
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "%s call has arguments but no formatting directives", name)
......@@ -266,7 +268,7 @@ func (f *File) checkPrintf(call *ast.CallExpr, name string) {
if maxArgNum != len(call.Args) {
expect := maxArgNum - firstArg
numArgs := len(call.Args) - firstArg
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "wrong number of args for format in %s call: %d needed but %d args", name, expect, numArgs)
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "%s call needs %v but has %v", name, count(expect, "arg"), count(numArgs, "arg"))
......@@ -302,17 +304,18 @@ func (s *formatState) parseIndex() bool {
s.nbytes++ // skip '['
start := s.nbytes
ok := true
if s.nbytes == len(s.format) || s.nbytes == start || s.format[s.nbytes] != ']' {
end := strings.Index(s.format, "]")
if end < 0 {
end = len(s.format)
s.file.Badf(, "bad syntax for printf argument index: [%s]", s.format[start:end])
ok = false
s.nbytes = strings.Index(s.format, "]")
if s.nbytes < 0 {
s.file.Badf(, "%s format %s is missing closing ]",, s.format)
return false
arg32, err := strconv.ParseInt(s.format[start:s.nbytes], 10, 32)
if err != nil {
s.file.Badf(, "bad syntax for printf argument index: %s", err)
if err != nil || !ok || arg32 <= 0 || arg32 > int64(len( {
s.file.Badf(, "%s format has invalid argument index [%s]",, s.format[start:s.nbytes])
return false
s.nbytes++ // skip ']'
......@@ -388,7 +391,7 @@ func (f *File) parsePrintfVerb(call *ast.CallExpr, name, format string, firstArg
return nil
if state.nbytes == len(state.format) {
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "missing verb at end of format string in %s call", name)
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "%s format %s is missing verb at end of string", name, state.format)
return nil
verb, w := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(state.format[state.nbytes:])
......@@ -481,12 +484,12 @@ func (f *File) okPrintfArg(call *ast.CallExpr, state *formatState) (ok bool) {
if !found && !formatter {
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "unrecognized printf verb %q", state.verb)
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "%s format %s has unknown verb %c",, state.format, state.verb)
return false
for _, flag := range state.flags {
if !strings.ContainsRune(v.flags, rune(flag)) {
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "unrecognized printf flag for verb %q: %q", state.verb, flag)
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "%s format %s has unrecognized flag %c",, state.format, flag)
return false
......@@ -504,7 +507,7 @@ func (f *File) okPrintfArg(call *ast.CallExpr, state *formatState) (ok bool) {
arg := call.Args[argNum]
if !f.matchArgType(argInt, nil, arg) {
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "arg %s for * in printf format not of type int", f.gofmt(arg))
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "%s format %s uses non-int %s as argument of *",, state.format, f.gofmt(arg))
return false
......@@ -517,7 +520,7 @@ func (f *File) okPrintfArg(call *ast.CallExpr, state *formatState) (ok bool) {
arg := call.Args[argNum]
if f.isFunctionValue(arg) && state.verb != 'p' && state.verb != 'T' {
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "arg %s in printf call is a function value, not a function call", f.gofmt(arg))
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "%s format %s arg %s is a func value, not called",, state.format, f.gofmt(arg))
return false
if !f.matchArgType(v.typ, nil, arg) {
......@@ -525,11 +528,11 @@ func (f *File) okPrintfArg(call *ast.CallExpr, state *formatState) (ok bool) {
if typ := f.pkg.types[arg].Type; typ != nil {
typeString = typ.String()
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "arg %s for printf verb %%%c of wrong type: %s", f.gofmt(arg), state.verb, typeString)
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "%s format %s has arg %s of wrong type %s",, state.format, f.gofmt(arg), typeString)
return false
if v.typ&argString != 0 && v.verb != 'T' && !bytes.Contains(state.flags, []byte{'#'}) && f.recursiveStringer(arg) {
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "arg %s for printf causes recursive call to String method", f.gofmt(arg))
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "%s format %s with arg %s causes recursive String method call",, state.format, f.gofmt(arg))
return false
return true
......@@ -580,14 +583,10 @@ func (f *File) isFunctionValue(e ast.Expr) bool {
// means we can't see it.
func (f *File) argCanBeChecked(call *ast.CallExpr, formatArg int, state *formatState) bool {
argNum := state.argNums[formatArg]
if argNum < 0 {
if argNum <= 0 {
// Shouldn't happen, so catch it with prejudice.
panic("negative arg num")
if argNum == 0 {
f.Badf(call.Pos(), `index value [0] for %s("%s"); indexes start at 1`,, state.format)
return false
if argNum < len(call.Args)-1 {
return true // Always OK.
......@@ -600,10 +599,22 @@ func (f *File) argCanBeChecked(call *ast.CallExpr, formatArg int, state *formatS
// There are bad indexes in the format or there are fewer arguments than the format needs.
// This is the argument number relative to the format: Printf("%s", "hi") will give 1 for the "hi".
arg := argNum - state.firstArg + 1 // People think of arguments as 1-indexed.
f.Badf(call.Pos(), `missing argument for %s("%s"): format reads arg %d, have only %d args`,, state.format, arg, len(call.Args)-state.firstArg)
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "%s format %s reads arg #%d, but call has only %v",, state.format, arg, count(len(call.Args)-state.firstArg, "arg"))
return false
// printFormatRE is the regexp we match and report as a possible format string
// in the first argument to unformatted prints like fmt.Print.
// We exclude the space flag, so that printing a string like "x % y" is not reported as a format.
var printFormatRE = regexp.MustCompile(`%` + flagsRE + numOptRE + `\.?` + numOptRE + indexOptRE + verbRE)
const (
flagsRE = `[+\-#]*`
indexOptRE = `(\[[0-9]+\])?`
numOptRE = `([0-9]+|` + indexOptRE + `\*)?`
verbRE = `[bcdefgopqstxEFGUX]`
// checkPrint checks a call to an unformatted print routine such as Println.
func (f *File) checkPrint(call *ast.CallExpr, name string) {
firstArg := 0
......@@ -635,23 +646,26 @@ func (f *File) checkPrint(call *ast.CallExpr, name string) {
args = args[firstArg:]
// check for Println(os.Stderr, ...)
if firstArg == 0 {
if sel, ok := args[0].(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
if sel, ok := call.Args[0].(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
if x, ok := sel.X.(*ast.Ident); ok {
if x.Name == "os" && strings.HasPrefix(sel.Sel.Name, "Std") {
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "first argument to %s is %s.%s", name, x.Name, sel.Sel.Name)
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "%s does not take io.Writer but has first arg %s", name, f.gofmt(call.Args[0]))
arg := args[0]
if lit, ok := arg.(*ast.BasicLit); ok && lit.Kind == token.STRING {
// Ignore trailing % character in lit.Value.
// The % in "abc 0.0%" couldn't be a formatting directive.
s := strings.TrimSuffix(lit.Value, `%"`)
if strings.Contains(s, "%") {
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "possible formatting directive in %s call", name)
m := printFormatRE.FindStringSubmatch(s)
if m != nil {
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "%s call has possible formatting directive %s", name, m[0])
if strings.HasSuffix(name, "ln") {
......@@ -659,16 +673,25 @@ func (f *File) checkPrint(call *ast.CallExpr, name string) {
arg = args[len(args)-1]
if lit, ok := arg.(*ast.BasicLit); ok && lit.Kind == token.STRING {
if strings.HasSuffix(lit.Value, `\n"`) {
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "%s call ends with newline", name)
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "%s args end with redundant newline", name)
for _, arg := range args {
if f.isFunctionValue(arg) {
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "arg %s in %s call is a function value, not a function call", f.gofmt(arg), name)
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "%s arg %s is a func value, not called", name, f.gofmt(arg))
if f.recursiveStringer(arg) {
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "arg %s in %s call causes recursive call to String method", f.gofmt(arg), name)
f.Badf(call.Pos(), "%s arg %s causes recursive call to String method", name, f.gofmt(arg))
// count(n, what) returns "1 what" or "N whats"
// (assuming the plural of what is whats).
func count(n int, what string) string {
if n == 1 {
return "1 " + what
return fmt.Sprintf("%d %ss", n, what)
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
package testdata
import "unsafe"
import (
func ShiftTest() {
var i8 int8
......@@ -154,6 +157,6 @@ func ShiftDeadCode() {
// Make sure other vet checks work in dead code.
if iBits == 1024 {
_ = i << 512 // OK
fmt.Printf("foo %s bar", 123) // ERROR "arg 123 for printf verb %s of wrong type: untyped int"
fmt.Printf("foo %s bar", 123) // ERROR "Printf"
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