Commit dd25450c authored by Aaron Jacobs's avatar Aaron Jacobs

Wrote a novel on mmap'd files.

parent a0d210e5
......@@ -242,12 +242,28 @@ type FileSystem interface {
// case of close(2), a flush error is returned to the user. For dup2(2), it
// is not.
// Note that one potentially significant case where this is *not* called is
// munmap(2) (cf. Even if users close(2) after writing
// to an mmap'd file, on OS X the contents are not immediately flushed (cf.
// On both Linux and OS X
// users can get safe behavior by calling msync(2), then munmap(2), then
// close(2).
// One potentially significant case where this may not be called is mmap'd
// files, where the behavior is complicated:
// * munmap(2) does not cause flushes (cf.
// * On OS X, if a user modifies a mapped file via the mapping before
// closing the file with close(2), the WriteFile calls for the
// modifications may not be received before the FlushFile request for the
// close(2) (cf.
// * However, even on OS X you can arrange for writes via a mapping to be
// either fsync'd or flush'd by calling msync(2) followed by close(2). On
// OS X msync(2) will cause a write to go through and close(2) will cause
// a flush as usual (cf. On Linux, msync(2) does
// nothing unless you set the MS_SYNC flag, in which case it causes an
// fsync (cf.
// In summary: if you make data durable in both FlushFile and SyncFile, then
// your users can get safe behavior from mapped files by calling msync(2)
// with MS_SYNC, followed by munmap(2), followed by close(2). On Linux, the
// msync(2) appears to be optional because close(2) implies dirty page
// writeback (cf.
// Because of cases like dup2(2), calls to FlushFile are not necessarily one
// to one with calls to OpenFile. They should not be used for reference
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