Commit 2d7be507 authored by Jakub Kicinski's avatar Jakub Kicinski Committed by David S. Miller

tools: ynl: generate code for the ethtool family

Generate the protocol code for ethtool. Skip the stats
for now, they are the only outlier in terms of complexity.
Stats are a sort-of semi-polymorphic (attr space of a nest
depends on value of another attr) or a type-value-scalar,
depending on how one wants to look at it...
A challenge for another time.
Signed-off-by: default avatarJakub Kicinski <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid S. Miller <>
parent 68335713
......@@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ ifeq ("$(DEBUG)","1")
CFLAGS += -g -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=leak -static-libasan
YNL_GEN_ARG_ethtool:=--user-header linux/ethtool_netlink.h \
--exclude-op stats-get
GENS:=devlink handshake fou netdev
GENS:=ethtool devlink handshake fou netdev
SRCS=$(patsubst %,%-user.c,${GENS})
HDRS=$(patsubst %,%-user.h,${GENS})
OBJS=$(patsubst %,%-user.o,${GENS})
......@@ -22,11 +25,11 @@ protos.a: $(OBJS)
%-user.h: ../../../../Documentation/netlink/specs/%.yaml $(TOOL)
@echo -e "\tGEN $@"
@$(TOOL) --mode user --header --spec $< > $@
@$(TOOL) --mode user --header --spec $< $(YNL_GEN_ARG_$*) > $@
%-user.c: ../../../../Documentation/netlink/specs/%.yaml $(TOOL)
@echo -e "\tGEN $@"
@$(TOOL) --mode user --source --spec $< > $@
@$(TOOL) --mode user --source --spec $< $(YNL_GEN_ARG_$*) > $@
%-user.o: %-user.c %-user.h
@echo -e "\tCC $@"
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