Commit da87772f authored by Quentin Monnet's avatar Quentin Monnet Committed by Andrii Nakryiko

selftests/bpf: Update bpftool's consistency script for checking options

Update the script responsible for checking that the different types used
at various places in bpftool are synchronised, and extend it to check
the consistency of options between the help messages in the source code
and the manual pages.
Signed-off-by: default avatarQuentin Monnet <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarAndrii Nakryiko <>
parent c07ba629
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ class FileExtractor(object):
@block_name: name of the blog to parse, 'TYPE' in the example
start_marker = re.compile(f'\*{block_name}\* := {{')
pattern = re.compile('\*\*([\w/]+)\*\*')
pattern = re.compile('\*\*([\w/-]+)\*\*')
end_marker = re.compile('}\n')
return self.__get_description_list(start_marker, pattern, end_marker)
......@@ -223,6 +223,31 @@ class FileExtractor(object):
end_marker = re.compile('}')
return self.__get_description_list(start_marker, pattern, end_marker)
def get_help_list_macro(self, macro):
Search for and parse a list of values from a help message starting with
a macro in bpftool, for example:
" {-f|--bpffs} | {-m|--mapcompat} | {-n|--nomount} }\\n"
Return a set containing all item names, for example:
{'-f', '--bpffs', '-m', '--mapcompat', '-n', '--nomount'}
@macro: macro starting the block, 'HELP_SPEC_OPTIONS' in the example
start_marker = re.compile(f'"\s*{macro}\s*" [|}}]')
pattern = re.compile('([\w-]+) ?(?:\||}[ }\]])')
end_marker = re.compile('}\\\\n')
return self.__get_description_list(start_marker, pattern, end_marker)
def default_options(self):
Return the default options contained in HELP_SPEC_OPTIONS
return { '-j', '--json', '-p', '--pretty', '-d', '--debug' }
def get_bashcomp_list(self, block_name):
Search for and parse a list of type names from a variable in bash
......@@ -242,7 +267,16 @@ class FileExtractor(object):
end_marker = re.compile('\'$')
return self.__get_description_list(start_marker, pattern, end_marker)
class ProgFileExtractor(FileExtractor):
class SourceFileExtractor(FileExtractor):
An abstract extractor for a source file with usage message.
This class does not offer a way to set a filename, which is expected to be
defined in children classes.
def get_options(self):
return self.default_options().union(self.get_help_list_macro('HELP_SPEC_OPTIONS'))
class ProgFileExtractor(SourceFileExtractor):
An extractor for bpftool's prog.c.
......@@ -257,7 +291,7 @@ class ProgFileExtractor(FileExtractor):
def get_prog_attach_help(self):
return self.get_help_list('ATTACH_TYPE')
class MapFileExtractor(FileExtractor):
class MapFileExtractor(SourceFileExtractor):
An extractor for bpftool's map.c.
......@@ -269,7 +303,7 @@ class MapFileExtractor(FileExtractor):
def get_map_help(self):
return self.get_help_list('TYPE')
class CgroupFileExtractor(FileExtractor):
class CgroupFileExtractor(SourceFileExtractor):
An extractor for bpftool's cgroup.c.
......@@ -278,7 +312,7 @@ class CgroupFileExtractor(FileExtractor):
def get_prog_attach_help(self):
return self.get_help_list('ATTACH_TYPE')
class CommonFileExtractor(FileExtractor):
class CommonFileExtractor(SourceFileExtractor):
An extractor for bpftool's common.c.
......@@ -302,6 +336,16 @@ class CommonFileExtractor(FileExtractor):
cgroup_types[key] = value
return cgroup_types
class GenericSourceExtractor(SourceFileExtractor):
An extractor for generic source code files.
filename = ""
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = os.path.join(BPFTOOL_DIR, filename)
class BpfHeaderExtractor(FileExtractor):
An extractor for the UAPI BPF header.
......@@ -317,7 +361,16 @@ class BpfHeaderExtractor(FileExtractor):
def get_attach_types(self):
return self.get_enum('bpf_attach_type')
class ManProgExtractor(FileExtractor):
class ManPageExtractor(FileExtractor):
An abstract extractor for an RST documentation page.
This class does not offer a way to set a filename, which is expected to be
defined in children classes.
def get_options(self):
return self.get_rst_list('OPTIONS')
class ManProgExtractor(ManPageExtractor):
An extractor for bpftool-prog.rst.
......@@ -326,7 +379,7 @@ class ManProgExtractor(FileExtractor):
def get_attach_types(self):
return self.get_rst_list('ATTACH_TYPE')
class ManMapExtractor(FileExtractor):
class ManMapExtractor(ManPageExtractor):
An extractor for bpftool-map.rst.
......@@ -335,7 +388,7 @@ class ManMapExtractor(FileExtractor):
def get_map_types(self):
return self.get_rst_list('TYPE')
class ManCgroupExtractor(FileExtractor):
class ManCgroupExtractor(ManPageExtractor):
An extractor for bpftool-cgroup.rst.
......@@ -344,6 +397,16 @@ class ManCgroupExtractor(FileExtractor):
def get_attach_types(self):
return self.get_rst_list('ATTACH_TYPE')
class ManGenericExtractor(ManPageExtractor):
An extractor for generic RST documentation pages.
filename = ""
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = os.path.join(BPFTOOL_DIR, filename)
class BashcompExtractor(FileExtractor):
An extractor for bpftool's bash completion file.
......@@ -375,9 +438,9 @@ def verify(first_set, second_set, message):
def main():
# No arguments supported at this time, but print usage for -h|--help
argParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""
Verify that bpftool's code, help messages, documentation and bash completion
are all in sync on program types, map types and attach types. Also check that
bpftool is in sync with the UAPI BPF header.
Verify that bpftool's code, help messages, documentation and bash
completion are all in sync on program types, map types, attach types, and
options. Also check that bpftool is in sync with the UAPI BPF header.
args = argParser.parse_args()
......@@ -399,9 +462,11 @@ def main():
help_map_types = map_info.get_map_help()
help_map_options = map_info.get_options()
man_map_info = ManMapExtractor()
man_map_options = man_map_info.get_options()
man_map_types = man_map_info.get_map_types()
......@@ -412,6 +477,8 @@ def main():
f'Comparing {MapFileExtractor.filename} (map_type_name) and {MapFileExtractor.filename} (do_help() TYPE):')
verify(source_map_types, man_map_types,
f'Comparing {MapFileExtractor.filename} (map_type_name) and {ManMapExtractor.filename} (TYPE):')
verify(help_map_options, man_map_options,
f'Comparing {MapFileExtractor.filename} (do_help() OPTIONS) and {ManMapExtractor.filename} (OPTIONS):')
verify(source_map_types, bashcomp_map_types,
f'Comparing {MapFileExtractor.filename} (map_type_name) and {BashcompExtractor.filename} (BPFTOOL_MAP_CREATE_TYPES):')
......@@ -441,9 +508,11 @@ def main():
source_prog_attach_types = set(prog_info.get_attach_types().values())
help_prog_attach_types = prog_info.get_prog_attach_help()
help_prog_options = prog_info.get_options()
man_prog_info = ManProgExtractor()
man_prog_options = man_prog_info.get_options()
man_prog_attach_types = man_prog_info.get_attach_types()
......@@ -454,6 +523,8 @@ def main():
f'Comparing {ProgFileExtractor.filename} (attach_type_strings) and {ProgFileExtractor.filename} (do_help() ATTACH_TYPE):')
verify(source_prog_attach_types, man_prog_attach_types,
f'Comparing {ProgFileExtractor.filename} (attach_type_strings) and {ManProgExtractor.filename} (ATTACH_TYPE):')
verify(help_prog_options, man_prog_options,
f'Comparing {ProgFileExtractor.filename} (do_help() OPTIONS) and {ManProgExtractor.filename} (OPTIONS):')
verify(source_prog_attach_types, bashcomp_prog_attach_types,
f'Comparing {ProgFileExtractor.filename} (attach_type_strings) and {BashcompExtractor.filename} (BPFTOOL_PROG_ATTACH_TYPES):')
......@@ -464,9 +535,11 @@ def main():
cgroup_info = CgroupFileExtractor()
help_cgroup_attach_types = cgroup_info.get_prog_attach_help()
help_cgroup_options = cgroup_info.get_options()
man_cgroup_info = ManCgroupExtractor()
man_cgroup_options = man_cgroup_info.get_options()
man_cgroup_attach_types = man_cgroup_info.get_attach_types()
......@@ -477,9 +550,36 @@ def main():
f'Comparing {CommonFileExtractor.filename} (attach_type_strings) and {CgroupFileExtractor.filename} (do_help() ATTACH_TYPE):')
verify(source_cgroup_attach_types, man_cgroup_attach_types,
f'Comparing {CommonFileExtractor.filename} (attach_type_strings) and {ManCgroupExtractor.filename} (ATTACH_TYPE):')
verify(help_cgroup_options, man_cgroup_options,
f'Comparing {CgroupFileExtractor.filename} (do_help() OPTIONS) and {ManCgroupExtractor.filename} (OPTIONS):')
verify(source_cgroup_attach_types, bashcomp_cgroup_attach_types,
f'Comparing {CommonFileExtractor.filename} (attach_type_strings) and {BashcompExtractor.filename} (BPFTOOL_CGROUP_ATTACH_TYPES):')
# Options for remaining commands
for cmd in [ 'btf', 'feature', 'gen', 'iter', 'link', 'net', 'perf', 'struct_ops', ]:
source_info = GenericSourceExtractor(cmd + '.c')
help_cmd_options = source_info.get_options()
man_cmd_info = ManGenericExtractor(os.path.join('Documentation', 'bpftool-' + cmd + '.rst'))
man_cmd_options = man_cmd_info.get_options()
verify(help_cmd_options, man_cmd_options,
f'Comparing {source_info.filename} (do_help() OPTIONS) and {man_cmd_info.filename} (OPTIONS):')
source_main_info = GenericSourceExtractor('main.c')
help_main_options = source_main_info.get_options()
man_main_info = ManGenericExtractor(os.path.join('Documentation', 'bpftool.rst'))
man_main_options = man_main_info.get_options()
verify(help_main_options, man_main_options,
f'Comparing {source_main_info.filename} (do_help() OPTIONS) and {man_main_info.filename} (OPTIONS):')
if __name__ == "__main__":
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