Commit 4c90a51d authored by unknown's avatar unknown

WL#3072 Maria recovery

Progress reports on stderr if doing recovery from ha_maria;
don't do checkpoints if activity since last checkpoint < 2MB
(no change in fact as background thread is disabled for now);
recovery trace is only if EXTRA_DEBUG now (better for benchmarks).

  don't do checkpoints if activity (log writes plus page flushes)
  since last checkpoint was < 2MB.
  progress reports in recovery (10%, transactions left to rollback etc);
  that is only if from ha_maria and is displayed on stderr.
  Recovery trace is now created only if EXTRA_DEBUG.
  update (--debug gone)
  don't use --debug, as it can absent from binary
parent 751cdc41
......@@ -544,7 +544,9 @@ static int filter_flush_data_file_evenly(enum pagecache_page_type type,
pthread_handler_t ma_checkpoint_background(void *arg __attribute__((unused)))
const uint sleep_unit= 1 /* 1 second */,
time_between_checkpoints= 30; /* 30 sleep units */
time_between_checkpoints= 30, /* 30 sleep units */
/** @brief At least this of log/page bytes written between checkpoints */
checkpoint_min_activity= 2*1024*1024;
uint sleeps= 0;
......@@ -570,16 +572,17 @@ pthread_handler_t ma_checkpoint_background(void *arg __attribute__((unused)))
in the checkpoint.
No checkpoint if no work of interest for recovery was done
No checkpoint if little work of interest for recovery was done
since last checkpoint. Such work includes log writing (lengthens
recovery, checkpoint would shorten it), page flushing (checkpoint
would decrease the amount of read pages in recovery).
if ((translog_get_horizon() == log_horizon_at_last_checkpoint) &&
(pagecache_flushes_at_last_checkpoint ==
if (((translog_get_horizon() - log_horizon_at_last_checkpoint) +
(maria_pagecache->global_cache_write -
pagecache_flushes_at_last_checkpoint) *
maria_pagecache->block_size) < checkpoint_min_activity)
/* safety against errors during flush by this thread: */
/* don't take checkpoint, so don't know what to flush */
pages_to_flush_before_next_checkpoint= 0;
......@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ static int new_table(uint16 sid, const char *name,
static int new_page(File fileid, pgcache_page_no_t pageid, LSN rec_lsn,
struct st_dirty_page *dirty_page);
static int close_all_tables(void);
static void print_redo_phase_progress(TRANSLOG_ADDRESS addr);
/** @brief global [out] buffer for translog_read_record(); never shrinks */
static LEX_STRING log_record_buffer;
......@@ -118,23 +119,19 @@ static void enlarge_buffer(const TRANSLOG_HEADER_BUFFER *rec)
static my_bool recovery_message_printed;
static inline void print_recovery_message(void)
static my_bool redo_phase_message_printed;
/** @brief Prints to a trace file if it is not NULL */
void tprint(FILE *trace_file, const char *format, ...)
ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf, 2, 3);
void tprint(FILE *trace_file, const char *format, ...)
If we're really doing a recovery (reading REDOs or UNDOs), we print a
one-line message when we start it and when we end it. It goes to stderr,
not tracef, so that it is visible in the error log (soon we should maybe
use sql_print_error). We don't print if if tracef is stdout as stdout will
be seen by the user and thus convey sufficient info already.
if (!recovery_message_printed && (tracef != stdout))
recovery_message_printed= TRUE;
/** @todo RECOVERY BUG all prints to stderr should go to error log */
fprintf(stderr, "Maria engine: starting recovery\n");
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
if (trace_file != NULL)
vfprintf(trace_file, format, args);
......@@ -160,15 +157,18 @@ int maria_recover(void)
maria_in_recovery= TRUE;
if ((trace_file= fopen("maria_recovery.trace", "w")))
fprintf(trace_file, "TRACE of the last MARIA recovery from mysqld\n");
#if !defined(DBUG_OFF) && defined(EXTRA_DEBUG)
trace_file= fopen("maria_recovery.trace", "w");
trace_file= NULL; /* no trace file for being fast */
tprint(trace_file, "TRACE of the last MARIA recovery from mysqld\n");
res= maria_apply_log(LSN_IMPOSSIBLE, TRUE, trace_file, TRUE, TRUE);
if (!res)
fprintf(trace_file, "SUCCESS\n");
tprint(trace_file, "SUCCESS\n");
if (trace_file)
maria_in_recovery= FALSE;
......@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ int maria_apply_log(LSN from_lsn, my_bool apply, FILE *trace_file,
if (!all_active_trans || !all_tables)
goto err;
recovery_message_printed= FALSE;
redo_phase_message_printed= FALSE;
tracef= trace_file;
if (!(skip_DDLs= skip_DDLs_arg))
......@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ int maria_apply_log(LSN from_lsn, my_bool apply, FILE *trace_file,
there was a crash during a DDL (see comment in execution of
fprintf(tracef, "WARNING: MySQL server currently disables log records"
tprint(tracef, "WARNING: MySQL server currently disables log records"
" about insertion of data by ALTER TABLE"
" (copy_data_between_tables()), applying of log records may"
" well not work. Additionally, applying of DDL records will"
......@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ int maria_apply_log(LSN from_lsn, my_bool apply, FILE *trace_file,
return 1;
else if (unfinished_trans > 0)
fprintf(tracef, "WARNING: %u unfinished transactions; some tables may be"
tprint(tracef, "WARNING: %u unfinished transactions; some tables may be"
" left inconsistent!\n", unfinished_trans);
......@@ -290,12 +290,10 @@ int maria_apply_log(LSN from_lsn, my_bool apply, FILE *trace_file,
goto err;
/* If inside ha_maria, a checkpoint will soon be taken and save our work */
if (recovery_message_printed && (tracef != stdout))
fprintf(stderr, "Maria engine: finished recovery\n");
goto end;
error= 1;
fprintf(tracef, "Recovery of tables with transaction logs FAILED\n");
tprint(tracef, "Recovery of tables with transaction logs FAILED\n");
bzero(&all_dirty_pages, sizeof(all_dirty_pages));
......@@ -308,6 +306,11 @@ end:
my_free(log_record_buffer.str, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR));
log_record_buffer.str= NULL;
log_record_buffer.length= 0;
if (tracef != stdout && redo_phase_message_printed)
/** @todo RECOVERY BUG all prints to stderr should go to error log */
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
/* we don't cleanly close tables if we hit some error (may corrupt them) */
......@@ -322,7 +325,7 @@ static void display_record_position(const LOG_DESC *log_desc,
if number==0, we're going over records which we had already seen and which
form a group, so we indent below the group's end record
fprintf(tracef, "%sRec#%u LSN (%lu,0x%lx) short_trid %u %s(num_type:%u) len %lu\n",
tprint(tracef, "%sRec#%u LSN (%lu,0x%lx) short_trid %u %s(num_type:%u) len %lu\n",
number ? "" : " ", number, LSN_IN_PARTS(rec->lsn),
rec->short_trid, log_desc->name, rec->type,
......@@ -340,7 +343,7 @@ static int display_and_apply_record(const LOG_DESC *log_desc,
return 1;
if ((error= (*log_desc->record_execute_in_redo_phase)(rec)))
fprintf(tracef, "Got error when executing redo on record\n");
tprint(tracef, "Got error when executing redo on record\n");
return error;
......@@ -353,7 +356,7 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(LONG_TRANSACTION_ID)
LSN gslsn= all_active_trans[sid].group_start_lsn;
if (gslsn != LSN_IMPOSSIBLE)
fprintf(tracef, "Group at LSN (%lu,0x%lx) short_trid %u aborted\n",
tprint(tracef, "Group at LSN (%lu,0x%lx) short_trid %u aborted\n",
LSN_IN_PARTS(gslsn), sid);
all_active_trans[sid].group_start_lsn= LSN_IMPOSSIBLE;
......@@ -364,7 +367,7 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(LONG_TRANSACTION_ID)
char llbuf[22];
llstr(long_trid, llbuf);
fprintf(tracef, "Found an old transaction long_trid %s short_trid %u"
tprint(tracef, "Found an old transaction long_trid %s short_trid %u"
" with same short id as this new transaction, and has neither"
" committed nor rollback (undo_lsn: (%lu,0x%lx))\n", llbuf,
sid, LSN_IN_PARTS(ulsn));
......@@ -388,7 +391,7 @@ static void new_transaction(uint16 sid, TrID long_id, LSN undo_lsn,
char llbuf[22];
all_active_trans[sid].long_trid= long_id;
llstr(long_id, llbuf);
fprintf(tracef, "Transaction long_trid %s short_trid %u starts\n",
tprint(tracef, "Transaction long_trid %s short_trid %u starts\n",
llbuf, sid);
all_active_trans[sid].undo_lsn= undo_lsn;
all_active_trans[sid].first_undo_lsn= first_undo_lsn;
......@@ -414,7 +417,7 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_CREATE_TABLE)
if (skip_DDLs)
fprintf(tracef, "we skip DDLs\n");
tprint(tracef, "we skip DDLs\n");
return 0;
......@@ -423,11 +426,11 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_CREATE_TABLE)
log_record_buffer.str, NULL) !=
fprintf(tracef, "Failed to read record\n");
tprint(tracef, "Failed to read record\n");
goto end;
name= log_record_buffer.str;
fprintf(tracef, "Table '%s'", name);
tprint(tracef, "Table '%s'", name);
/* we try hard to get create_rename_lsn, to avoid mistakes if possible */
info= maria_open(name, O_RDONLY, HA_OPEN_FOR_REPAIR);
if (info)
......@@ -436,7 +439,7 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_CREATE_TABLE)
/* check that we're not already using it */
if (share->reopen != 1)
fprintf(tracef, ", is already open (reopen=%u)\n", share->reopen);
tprint(tracef, ", is already open (reopen=%u)\n", share->reopen);
goto end;
......@@ -448,14 +451,14 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_CREATE_TABLE)
one was renamed to its name, thus create_rename_lsn is 0 and should
not be trusted.
fprintf(tracef, ", is not transactional, ignoring creation\n");
tprint(tracef, ", is not transactional, ignoring creation\n");
error= 0;
goto end;
if (cmp_translog_addr(share->state.create_rename_lsn, rec->lsn) >= 0)
fprintf(tracef, ", has create_rename_lsn (%lu,0x%lx) more recent than"
tprint(tracef, ", has create_rename_lsn (%lu,0x%lx) more recent than"
" record, ignoring creation",
error= 0;
......@@ -463,7 +466,7 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_CREATE_TABLE)
if (maria_is_crashed(info))
fprintf(tracef, ", is crashed, can't recreate it");
tprint(tracef, ", is crashed, can't recreate it");
goto end;
......@@ -471,23 +474,23 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_CREATE_TABLE)
info= NULL;
else /* one or two files absent, or header corrupted... */
fprintf(tracef, "can't be opened, probably does not exist");
tprint(tracef, "can't be opened, probably does not exist");
/* if does not exist, or is older, overwrite it */
/** @todo symlinks */
ptr= name + strlen(name) + 1;
if ((flags= ptr[0] ? HA_DONT_TOUCH_DATA : 0))
fprintf(tracef, ", we will only touch index file");
tprint(tracef, ", we will only touch index file");
fn_format(filename, name, "", MARIA_NAME_IEXT,
linkname_ptr= NULL;
create_flag= MY_DELETE_OLD;
fprintf(tracef, ", creating as '%s'", filename);
tprint(tracef, ", creating as '%s'", filename);
if ((kfile= my_create_with_symlink(linkname_ptr, filename, 0, create_mode,
MYF(MY_WME|create_flag))) < 0)
fprintf(tracef, "Failed to create index file\n");
tprint(tracef, "Failed to create index file\n");
goto end;
......@@ -504,7 +507,7 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_CREATE_TABLE)
kfile_size_before_extension, 0, MYF(MY_NABP|MY_WME)) ||
my_chsize(kfile, keystart, 0, MYF(MY_WME)))
fprintf(tracef, "Failed to write to index file\n");
tprint(tracef, "Failed to write to index file\n");
goto end;
if (!(flags & HA_DONT_TOUCH_DATA))
......@@ -518,7 +521,7 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_CREATE_TABLE)
MYF(MY_WME | create_flag))) < 0) ||
my_close(dfile, MYF(MY_WME)))
fprintf(tracef, "Failed to create data file\n");
tprint(tracef, "Failed to create data file\n");
goto end;
......@@ -530,13 +533,13 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_CREATE_TABLE)
if (((info= maria_open(name, O_RDONLY, 0)) == NULL) ||
_ma_initialize_data_file(info->s, info->dfile.file))
fprintf(tracef, "Failed to open new table or write to data file\n");
tprint(tracef, "Failed to open new table or write to data file\n");
goto end;
error= 0;
fprintf(tracef, "\n");
tprint(tracef, "\n");
if (kfile >= 0)
error|= my_close(kfile, MYF(MY_WME));
if (info != NULL)
......@@ -552,7 +555,7 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_RENAME_TABLE)
if (skip_DDLs)
fprintf(tracef, "we skip DDLs\n");
tprint(tracef, "we skip DDLs\n");
return 0;
......@@ -561,12 +564,12 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_RENAME_TABLE)
log_record_buffer.str, NULL) !=
fprintf(tracef, "Failed to read record\n");
tprint(tracef, "Failed to read record\n");
goto end;
old_name= log_record_buffer.str;
new_name= old_name + strlen(old_name) + 1;
fprintf(tracef, "Table '%s' to rename to '%s'; old-name table ", old_name,
tprint(tracef, "Table '%s' to rename to '%s'; old-name table ", old_name,
Here is why we skip CREATE/DROP/RENAME when doing a recovery from
......@@ -606,14 +609,14 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_RENAME_TABLE)
if (!share->base.born_transactional)
fprintf(tracef, ", is not transactional, ignoring renaming\n");
tprint(tracef, ", is not transactional, ignoring renaming\n");
error= 0;
goto end;
if (cmp_translog_addr(share->state.create_rename_lsn, rec->lsn) >= 0)
fprintf(tracef, ", has create_rename_lsn (%lu,0x%lx) more recent than"
tprint(tracef, ", has create_rename_lsn (%lu,0x%lx) more recent than"
" record, ignoring renaming",
error= 0;
......@@ -621,7 +624,7 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_RENAME_TABLE)
if (maria_is_crashed(info))
fprintf(tracef, ", is crashed, can't rename it");
tprint(tracef, ", is crashed, can't rename it");
goto end;
......@@ -634,11 +637,11 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_RENAME_TABLE)
goto end;
info= NULL;
fprintf(tracef, ", is ok for renaming; new-name table ");
tprint(tracef, ", is ok for renaming; new-name table ");
else /* one or two files absent, or header corrupted... */
fprintf(tracef, ", can't be opened, probably does not exist");
tprint(tracef, ", can't be opened, probably does not exist");
error= 0;
goto end;
......@@ -661,19 +664,19 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_RENAME_TABLE)
/* We should not have open instances on this table. */
if (share->reopen != 1)
fprintf(tracef, ", is already open (reopen=%u)\n", share->reopen);
tprint(tracef, ", is already open (reopen=%u)\n", share->reopen);
goto end;
if (!share->base.born_transactional)
fprintf(tracef, ", is not transactional, ignoring renaming\n");
tprint(tracef, ", is not transactional, ignoring renaming\n");
goto drop;
if (cmp_translog_addr(share->state.create_rename_lsn, rec->lsn) >= 0)
fprintf(tracef, ", has create_rename_lsn (%lu,0x%lx) more recent than"
tprint(tracef, ", has create_rename_lsn (%lu,0x%lx) more recent than"
" record, ignoring renaming",
......@@ -691,7 +694,7 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_RENAME_TABLE)
if (maria_is_crashed(info))
fprintf(tracef, ", is crashed, can't rename it");
tprint(tracef, ", is crashed, can't rename it");
goto end;
......@@ -699,21 +702,21 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_RENAME_TABLE)
goto end;
info= NULL;
/* abnormal situation */
fprintf(tracef, ", exists but is older than record, can't rename it");
tprint(tracef, ", exists but is older than record, can't rename it");
goto end;
else /* one or two files absent, or header corrupted... */
fprintf(tracef, ", can't be opened, probably does not exist");
fprintf(tracef, ", renaming '%s'", old_name);
tprint(tracef, ", can't be opened, probably does not exist");
tprint(tracef, ", renaming '%s'", old_name);
if (maria_rename(old_name, new_name))
fprintf(tracef, "Failed to rename table\n");
tprint(tracef, "Failed to rename table\n");
goto end;
info= maria_open(new_name, O_RDONLY, 0);
if (info == NULL)
fprintf(tracef, "Failed to open renamed table\n");
tprint(tracef, "Failed to open renamed table\n");
goto end;
if (_ma_update_create_rename_lsn(info->s, rec->lsn, TRUE))
......@@ -724,16 +727,16 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_RENAME_TABLE)
error= 0;
goto end;
fprintf(tracef, ", only dropping '%s'", old_name);
tprint(tracef, ", only dropping '%s'", old_name);
if (maria_delete_table(old_name))
fprintf(tracef, "Failed to drop table\n");
tprint(tracef, "Failed to drop table\n");
goto end;
error= 0;
goto end;
fprintf(tracef, "\n");
tprint(tracef, "\n");
if (info != NULL)
error|= maria_close(info);
return error;
......@@ -753,7 +756,7 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_REPAIR_TABLE)
REPAIR is not exactly a DDL, but it manipulates files without logging
insertions into them.
fprintf(tracef, "we skip DDLs\n");
tprint(tracef, "we skip DDLs\n");
return 0;
if ((info= get_MARIA_HA_from_REDO_record(rec)) == NULL)
......@@ -762,7 +765,7 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_REPAIR_TABLE)
Otherwise, the mapping is newer than the table, and our record is newer
than the mapping, so we can repair.
fprintf(tracef, " repairing...\n");
tprint(tracef, " repairing...\n");
@todo RECOVERY BUG fix this:
the maria_chk_init() call causes a heap of linker errors in!
......@@ -794,7 +797,7 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_DROP_TABLE)
if (skip_DDLs)
fprintf(tracef, "we skip DDLs\n");
tprint(tracef, "we skip DDLs\n");
return 0;
......@@ -803,11 +806,11 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_DROP_TABLE)
log_record_buffer.str, NULL) !=
fprintf(tracef, "Failed to read record\n");
tprint(tracef, "Failed to read record\n");
goto end;
name= log_record_buffer.str;
fprintf(tracef, "Table '%s'", name);
tprint(tracef, "Table '%s'", name);
info= maria_open(name, O_RDONLY, HA_OPEN_FOR_REPAIR);
if (info)
......@@ -818,14 +821,14 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_DROP_TABLE)
if (!share->base.born_transactional)
fprintf(tracef, ", is not transactional, ignoring removal\n");
tprint(tracef, ", is not transactional, ignoring removal\n");
error= 0;
goto end;
if (cmp_translog_addr(share->state.create_rename_lsn, rec->lsn) >= 0)
fprintf(tracef, ", has create_rename_lsn (%lu,0x%lx) more recent than"
tprint(tracef, ", has create_rename_lsn (%lu,0x%lx) more recent than"
" record, ignoring removal",
error= 0;
......@@ -833,7 +836,7 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_DROP_TABLE)
if (maria_is_crashed(info))
fprintf(tracef, ", is crashed, can't drop it");
tprint(tracef, ", is crashed, can't drop it");
goto end;
......@@ -847,18 +850,18 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_DROP_TABLE)
goto end;
info= NULL;
/* if it is older, or its header is corrupted, drop it */
fprintf(tracef, ", dropping '%s'", name);
tprint(tracef, ", dropping '%s'", name);
if (maria_delete_table(name))
fprintf(tracef, "Failed to drop table\n");
tprint(tracef, "Failed to drop table\n");
goto end;
else /* one or two files absent, or header corrupted... */
fprintf(tracef,", can't be opened, probably does not exist");
tprint(tracef,", can't be opened, probably does not exist");
error= 0;
fprintf(tracef, "\n");
tprint(tracef, "\n");
if (info != NULL)
error|= maria_close(info);
return error;
......@@ -880,7 +883,7 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(FILE_ID)
checkpoint time (table was closed or repaired), a flush and force
happened and so mapping is not needed.
fprintf(tracef, "ignoring because before checkpoint\n");
tprint(tracef, "ignoring because before checkpoint\n");
return 0;
......@@ -890,18 +893,18 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(FILE_ID)
log_record_buffer.str, NULL) !=
fprintf(tracef, "Failed to read record\n");
tprint(tracef, "Failed to read record\n");
goto end;
sid= fileid_korr(log_record_buffer.str);
info= all_tables[sid].info;
if (info != NULL)
fprintf(tracef, " Closing table '%s'\n", info->s->open_file_name);
tprint(tracef, " Closing table '%s'\n", info->s->open_file_name);
prepare_table_for_close(info, rec->lsn);
if (maria_close(info))
fprintf(tracef, "Failed to close table\n");
tprint(tracef, "Failed to close table\n");
goto end;
all_tables[sid].info= NULL;
......@@ -926,11 +929,11 @@ static int new_table(uint16 sid, const char *name,
int error= 1;
fprintf(tracef, "Table '%s', id %u", name, sid);
tprint(tracef, "Table '%s', id %u", name, sid);
MARIA_HA *info= maria_open(name, O_RDWR, HA_OPEN_FOR_REPAIR);
if (info == NULL)
fprintf(tracef, ", is absent (must have been dropped later?)"
tprint(tracef, ", is absent (must have been dropped later?)"
" or its header is so corrupted that we cannot open it;"
" we skip it\n");
error= 0;
......@@ -938,28 +941,28 @@ static int new_table(uint16 sid, const char *name,
if (maria_is_crashed(info))
fprintf(tracef, "Table is crashed, can't apply log records to it\n");
tprint(tracef, "Table is crashed, can't apply log records to it\n");
goto end;
MARIA_SHARE *share= info->s;
/* check that we're not already using it */
if (share->reopen != 1)
fprintf(tracef, ", is already open (reopen=%u)\n", share->reopen);
tprint(tracef, ", is already open (reopen=%u)\n", share->reopen);
goto end;
DBUG_ASSERT(share->now_transactional == share->base.born_transactional);
if (!share->base.born_transactional)
fprintf(tracef, ", is not transactional\n");
tprint(tracef, ", is not transactional\n");
error= -1;
goto end;
if (cmp_translog_addr(lsn_of_file_id, share->state.create_rename_lsn) <= 0)
fprintf(tracef, ", has create_rename_lsn (%lu,0x%lx) more recent than"
tprint(tracef, ", has create_rename_lsn (%lu,0x%lx) more recent than"
" LOGREC_FILE_ID's LSN (%lu,0x%lx), ignoring open request",
......@@ -974,14 +977,14 @@ static int new_table(uint16 sid, const char *name,
if ((dfile_len == MY_FILEPOS_ERROR) ||
(kfile_len == MY_FILEPOS_ERROR))
fprintf(tracef, ", length unknown\n");
tprint(tracef, ", length unknown\n");
goto end;
share->state.state.data_file_length= dfile_len;
share->state.state.key_file_length= kfile_len;
if ((dfile_len % share->block_size) > 0)
fprintf(tracef, ", has too short last page\n");
tprint(tracef, ", has too short last page\n");
/* Recovery will fix this, no error */
......@@ -1003,10 +1006,10 @@ static int new_table(uint16 sid, const char *name,
if you change that, know that some records in REDO phase call
_ma_update_create_rename_lsn() which resets info->s->id.
fprintf(tracef, ", opened");
tprint(tracef, ", opened");
error= 0;
fprintf(tracef, "\n");
tprint(tracef, "\n");
if (error)
if (info != NULL)
......@@ -1043,12 +1046,16 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_INSERT_ROW_HEAD)
differences. So we use the UNDO's LSN which is current_group_end_lsn.
if (log_record_buffer.str == NULL ||
translog_read_record(rec->lsn, 0, rec->record_length,
if (log_record_buffer.str == NULL)
tprint(tracef, "Failed to read allocate buffer for record\n");
goto end;
if (translog_read_record(rec->lsn, 0, rec->record_length,
log_record_buffer.str, NULL) !=
fprintf(tracef, "Failed to read record\n");
tprint(tracef, "Failed to read record\n");
goto end;
buff= log_record_buffer.str;
......@@ -1083,7 +1090,7 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_INSERT_ROW_TAIL)
log_record_buffer.str, NULL) !=
fprintf(tracef, "Failed to read record\n");
tprint(tracef, "Failed to read record\n");
goto end;
buff= log_record_buffer.str;
......@@ -1152,7 +1159,7 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_PURGE_BLOCKS)
log_record_buffer.str, NULL) !=
fprintf(tracef, "Failed to read record\n");
tprint(tracef, "Failed to read record\n");
goto end;
......@@ -1172,7 +1179,7 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(REDO_DELETE_ALL)
MARIA_HA *info= get_MARIA_HA_from_REDO_record(rec);
if (info == NULL)
return 0;
fprintf(tracef, " deleting all %lu rows\n",
tprint(tracef, " deleting all %lu rows\n",
if (maria_delete_all_rows(info))
goto end;
......@@ -1195,7 +1202,7 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(UNDO_ROW_INSERT)
set_undo_lsn_for_active_trans(rec->short_trid, rec->lsn);
if (cmp_translog_addr(rec->lsn, info->s->state.is_of_horizon) >= 0)
fprintf(tracef, " state older than record, updating rows' count\n");
tprint(tracef, " state older than record, updating rows' count\n");
/** @todo RECOVERY BUG Also update the table's checksum */
......@@ -1205,7 +1212,7 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(UNDO_ROW_INSERT)
info->s->state.changed|= STATE_CHANGED | STATE_NOT_ANALYZED |
fprintf(tracef, " rows' count %lu\n", (ulong)info->s->state.state.records);
tprint(tracef, " rows' count %lu\n", (ulong)info->s->state.state.records);
return 0;
......@@ -1218,12 +1225,12 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(UNDO_ROW_DELETE)
set_undo_lsn_for_active_trans(rec->short_trid, rec->lsn);
if (cmp_translog_addr(rec->lsn, info->s->state.is_of_horizon) >= 0)
fprintf(tracef, " state older than record, updating rows' count\n");
tprint(tracef, " state older than record, updating rows' count\n");
info->s->state.changed|= STATE_CHANGED | STATE_NOT_ANALYZED |
fprintf(tracef, " rows' count %lu\n", (ulong)info->s->state.state.records);
tprint(tracef, " rows' count %lu\n", (ulong)info->s->state.state.records);
return 0;
......@@ -1251,24 +1258,24 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(COMMIT)
char llbuf[22];
if (long_trid == 0)
fprintf(tracef, "We don't know about transaction with short_trid %u;"
tprint(tracef, "We don't know about transaction with short_trid %u;"
"it probably committed long ago, forget it\n", sid);
return 0;
llstr(long_trid, llbuf);
fprintf(tracef, "Transaction long_trid %s short_trid %u committed", llbuf, sid);
tprint(tracef, "Transaction long_trid %s short_trid %u committed", llbuf, sid);
if (gslsn != LSN_IMPOSSIBLE)
It's not an error, it may be that trn got a disk error when writing to a
table, so an unfinished group staid in the log.
fprintf(tracef, ", with group at LSN (%lu,0x%lx) short_trid %u aborted\n",
tprint(tracef, ", with group at LSN (%lu,0x%lx) short_trid %u aborted\n",
LSN_IN_PARTS(gslsn), sid);
all_active_trans[sid].group_start_lsn= LSN_IMPOSSIBLE;
fprintf(tracef, "\n");
tprint(tracef, "\n");
bzero(&all_active_trans[sid], sizeof(all_active_trans[sid]));
......@@ -1293,11 +1300,11 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(CLR_END)
const LOG_DESC *log_desc= &log_record_type_descriptor[undone_record_type];
set_undo_lsn_for_active_trans(rec->short_trid, previous_undo_lsn);
fprintf(tracef, " CLR_END was about %s, undo_lsn now LSN (%lu,0x%lx)\n",
tprint(tracef, " CLR_END was about %s, undo_lsn now LSN (%lu,0x%lx)\n",
log_desc->name, LSN_IN_PARTS(previous_undo_lsn));
if (cmp_translog_addr(rec->lsn, info->s->state.is_of_horizon) >= 0)
fprintf(tracef, " state older than record, updating rows' count\n");
tprint(tracef, " state older than record, updating rows' count\n");
switch (undone_record_type) {
......@@ -1313,7 +1320,7 @@ prototype_redo_exec_hook(CLR_END)
info->s->state.changed|= STATE_CHANGED | STATE_NOT_ANALYZED |
fprintf(tracef, " rows' count %lu\n", (ulong)info->s->state.state.records);
tprint(tracef, " rows' count %lu\n", (ulong)info->s->state.state.records);
return 0;
......@@ -1343,8 +1350,8 @@ prototype_undo_exec_hook(UNDO_ROW_INSERT)
info->trn= 0;
/* trn->undo_lsn is updated in an inwrite_hook when writing the CLR_END */
fprintf(tracef, " rows' count %lu\n", (ulong)info->s->state.state.records);
fprintf(tracef, " undo_lsn now LSN (%lu,0x%lx)\n",
tprint(tracef, " rows' count %lu\n", (ulong)info->s->state.state.records);
tprint(tracef, " undo_lsn now LSN (%lu,0x%lx)\n",
return error;
......@@ -1368,7 +1375,7 @@ prototype_undo_exec_hook(UNDO_ROW_DELETE)
log_record_buffer.str, NULL) !=
fprintf(tracef, "Failed to read record\n");
tprint(tracef, "Failed to read record\n");
return 1;
......@@ -1385,8 +1392,8 @@ prototype_undo_exec_hook(UNDO_ROW_DELETE)
info->trn= 0;
fprintf(tracef, " rows' count %lu\n", (ulong)info->s->state.state.records);
fprintf(tracef, " undo_lsn now LSN (%lu,0x%lx)\n",
tprint(tracef, " rows' count %lu\n undo_lsn now LSN (%lu,0x%lx)\n",
return error;
......@@ -1410,7 +1417,7 @@ prototype_undo_exec_hook(UNDO_ROW_UPDATE)
log_record_buffer.str, NULL) !=
fprintf(tracef, "Failed to read record\n");
tprint(tracef, "Failed to read record\n");
return 1;
......@@ -1421,7 +1428,7 @@ prototype_undo_exec_hook(UNDO_ROW_UPDATE)
rec->record_length -
info->trn= 0;
fprintf(tracef, " undo_lsn now LSN (%lu,0x%lx)\n",
tprint(tracef, " undo_lsn now LSN (%lu,0x%lx)\n",
return error;
......@@ -1464,7 +1471,7 @@ static int run_redo_phase(LSN lsn, my_bool apply)
if (unlikely(lsn == LSN_IMPOSSIBLE || lsn == translog_get_horizon()))
fprintf(tracef, "checkpoint address refers to the log end log or "
tprint(tracef, "checkpoint address refers to the log end log or "
"log is empty, nothing to do.\n");
return 0;
......@@ -1474,13 +1481,13 @@ static int run_redo_phase(LSN lsn, my_bool apply)
/** @todo EOF should be detected */
fprintf(tracef, "Failed to read header of the first record.\n");
tprint(tracef, "Failed to read header of the first record.\n");
return 1;
struct st_translog_scanner_data scanner;
if (translog_init_scanner(lsn, 1, &scanner))
fprintf(tracef, "Scanner init failed\n");
tprint(tracef, "Scanner init failed\n");
return 1;
uint i;
......@@ -1506,7 +1513,7 @@ static int run_redo_phase(LSN lsn, my_bool apply)
can happen if the transaction got a table write error, then
unlocked tables thus wrote a COMMIT record.
fprintf(tracef, "\nDiscarding unfinished group before this record\n");
tprint(tracef, "\nDiscarding unfinished group before this record\n");
all_active_trans[sid].group_start_lsn= LSN_IMPOSSIBLE;
......@@ -1516,19 +1523,19 @@ static int run_redo_phase(LSN lsn, my_bool apply)
There is a complete group for this transaction, containing more
than this event.
fprintf(tracef, " ends a group:\n");
tprint(tracef, " ends a group:\n");
struct st_translog_scanner_data scanner2;
translog_read_record_header(all_active_trans[sid].group_start_lsn, &rec2);
if (len < 0) /* EOF or error */
fprintf(tracef, "Cannot find record where it should be\n");
tprint(tracef, "Cannot find record where it should be\n");
return 1;
if (translog_init_scanner(rec2.lsn, 1, &scanner2))
fprintf(tracef, "Scanner2 init failed\n");
tprint(tracef, "Scanner2 init failed\n");
return 1;
current_group_end_lsn= rec.lsn;
......@@ -1544,7 +1551,7 @@ static int run_redo_phase(LSN lsn, my_bool apply)
len= translog_read_next_record_header(&scanner2, &rec2);
if (len < 0) /* EOF or error */
fprintf(tracef, "Cannot find record where it should be\n");
tprint(tracef, "Cannot find record where it should be\n");
return 1;
......@@ -1574,10 +1581,10 @@ static int run_redo_phase(LSN lsn, my_bool apply)
switch (len)
fprintf(tracef, "EOF on the log\n");
tprint(tracef, "EOF on the log\n");
fprintf(tracef, "Error reading log\n");
tprint(tracef, "Error reading log\n");
return 1;
......@@ -1611,7 +1618,7 @@ static uint end_of_redo_phase(my_bool prepare_for_undo_phase)
dirty_pages_pool= NULL;
llstr(max_long_trid, llbuf);
fprintf(tracef, "Maximum transaction long id seen: %s\n", llbuf);
tprint(tracef, "Maximum transaction long id seen: %s\n", llbuf);
if (prepare_for_undo_phase && trnman_init(max_long_trid))
return -1;
......@@ -1622,7 +1629,7 @@ static uint end_of_redo_phase(my_bool prepare_for_undo_phase)
TRN *trn;
if (gslsn != LSN_IMPOSSIBLE)
fprintf(tracef, "Group at LSN (%lu,0x%lx) short_trid %u aborted\n",
tprint(tracef, "Group at LSN (%lu,0x%lx) short_trid %u aborted\n",
LSN_IN_PARTS(gslsn), sid);
......@@ -1630,7 +1637,7 @@ static uint end_of_redo_phase(my_bool prepare_for_undo_phase)
char llbuf[22];
llstr(long_trid, llbuf);
fprintf(tracef, "Transaction long_trid %s short_trid %u unfinished\n",
tprint(tracef, "Transaction long_trid %s short_trid %u unfinished\n",
llbuf, sid);
/* dummy_transaction_object serves only for DDLs */
DBUG_ASSERT(long_trid != 0);
......@@ -1676,14 +1683,22 @@ static uint end_of_redo_phase(my_bool prepare_for_undo_phase)
#if 0 /* will be enabled soon */
if (prepare_for_undo_phase)
We could take a checkpoint here, in case of a crash during the UNDO
phase. The drawback is that a page which got a REDO (thus, flushed
by this would-be checkpoint) is likely to have an UNDO executed on it
soon. And so, the flush was probably lost time.
So for now we prefer to do recovery with maximum speed and take a
checkpoint only at the end of the UNDO phase.
We take a checkpoint as it can save future recovery work if we crash
soon. But we don't flush pages, as UNDOs would change them again
if (ma_checkpoint_init(FALSE))
return -1;
int res= ma_checkpoint_execute(CHECKPOINT_INDIRECT, FALSE);
if (res)
unfinished= -1;
return unfinished;
......@@ -1693,14 +1708,23 @@ static int run_undo_phase(uint unfinished)
if (unfinished > 0)
fprintf(tracef, "%u transactions will be rolled back\n", unfinished);
for( ; unfinished-- ; )
if (tracef != stdout)
/** @todo RECOVERY BUG all prints to stderr should go to error log */
fprintf(stderr, " 100%%; transactions to roll back:");
tprint(tracef, "%u transactions will be rolled back\n", unfinished);
for( ; ; )
if (tracef != stdout)
fprintf(stderr, " %u", unfinished);
if ((unfinished--) == 0)
char llbuf[22];
TRN *trn= trnman_get_any_trn();
llstr(trn->trid, llbuf);
fprintf(tracef, "Rolling back transaction of long id %s\n", llbuf);
tprint(tracef, "Rolling back transaction of long id %s\n", llbuf);
/* Execute all undo entries */
while (trn->undo_lsn)
......@@ -1714,7 +1738,7 @@ static int run_undo_phase(uint unfinished)
display_record_position(log_desc, &rec, 0);
if (log_desc->record_execute_in_undo_phase(&rec, trn))
fprintf(tracef, "Got error when executing undo\n");
tprint(tracef, "Got error when executing undo\n");
return 1;
......@@ -1766,7 +1790,7 @@ static MARIA_HA *get_MARIA_HA_from_REDO_record(const
MARIA_HA *info;
char llbuf[22];
sid= fileid_korr(rec->header);
page= page_korr(rec->header + FILEID_STORE_SIZE);
......@@ -1777,14 +1801,14 @@ static MARIA_HA *get_MARIA_HA_from_REDO_record(const
i_am_about_index_file, none }.
llstr(page, llbuf);
fprintf(tracef, " For page %s of table of short id %u", llbuf, sid);
tprint(tracef, " For page %s of table of short id %u", llbuf, sid);
info= all_tables[sid].info;
if (info == NULL)
fprintf(tracef, ", table skipped, so skipping record\n");
tprint(tracef, ", table skipped, so skipping record\n");
return NULL;
fprintf(tracef, ", '%s'", info->s->open_file_name);
tprint(tracef, ", '%s'", info->s->open_file_name);
if (cmp_translog_addr(rec->lsn, info->s->lsn_of_file_id) <= 0)
......@@ -1796,7 +1820,7 @@ static MARIA_HA *get_MARIA_HA_from_REDO_record(const
table was).
DBUG_ASSERT(cmp_translog_addr(rec->lsn, checkpoint_start) < 0);
fprintf(tracef, ", table's LOGREC_FILE_ID has LSN (%lu,0x%lx) more recent"
tprint(tracef, ", table's LOGREC_FILE_ID has LSN (%lu,0x%lx) more recent"
" than record, skipping record",
return NULL;
......@@ -1817,7 +1841,7 @@ static MARIA_HA *get_MARIA_HA_from_REDO_record(const
if ((dirty_page == NULL) ||
cmp_translog_addr(rec->lsn, dirty_page->rec_lsn) < 0)
fprintf(tracef, ", ignoring because of dirty_pages list\n");
tprint(tracef, ", ignoring because of dirty_pages list\n");
return NULL;
......@@ -1826,7 +1850,7 @@ static MARIA_HA *get_MARIA_HA_from_REDO_record(const
So we are going to read the page, and if its LSN is older than the
record's we will modify the page
fprintf(tracef, ", applying record\n");
tprint(tracef, ", applying record\n");
_ma_writeinfo(info, WRITEINFO_UPDATE_KEYFILE); /* to flush state on close */
return info;
......@@ -1838,26 +1862,25 @@ static MARIA_HA *get_MARIA_HA_from_UNDO_record(const
uint16 sid;
MARIA_HA *info;
sid= fileid_korr(rec->header + LSN_STORE_SIZE);
fprintf(tracef, " For table of short id %u", sid);
tprint(tracef, " For table of short id %u", sid);
info= all_tables[sid].info;
if (info == NULL)
fprintf(tracef, ", table skipped, so skipping record\n");
tprint(tracef, ", table skipped, so skipping record\n");
return NULL;
fprintf(tracef, ", '%s'", info->s->open_file_name);
tprint(tracef, ", '%s'", info->s->open_file_name);
if (cmp_translog_addr(rec->lsn, info->s->lsn_of_file_id) <= 0)
fprintf(tracef, ", table's LOGREC_FILE_ID has LSN (%lu,0x%lx) more recent"
tprint(tracef, ", table's LOGREC_FILE_ID has LSN (%lu,0x%lx) more recent"
" than record, skipping record",
return NULL;
DBUG_ASSERT(info->s->last_version != 0);
_ma_writeinfo(info, WRITEINFO_UPDATE_KEYFILE); /* to flush state on close */
fprintf(tracef, ", applying record\n");
tprint(tracef, ", applying record\n");
return info;
......@@ -1878,13 +1901,13 @@ static LSN parse_checkpoint_record(LSN lsn)
uint i;
fprintf(tracef, "Loading data from checkpoint record at LSN (%lu,0x%lx)\n",
tprint(tracef, "Loading data from checkpoint record at LSN (%lu,0x%lx)\n",
int len= translog_read_record_header(lsn, &rec);
fprintf(tracef, "Cannot find checkpoint record where it should be\n");
tprint(tracef, "Cannot find checkpoint record where it should be\n");
......@@ -1894,7 +1917,7 @@ static LSN parse_checkpoint_record(LSN lsn)
log_record_buffer.str, NULL) !=
fprintf(tracef, "Failed to read record\n");
tprint(tracef, "Failed to read record\n");
......@@ -1905,7 +1928,7 @@ static LSN parse_checkpoint_record(LSN lsn)
/* transactions */
uint nb_active_transactions= uint2korr(ptr);
ptr+= 2;
fprintf(tracef, "%u active transactions\n", nb_active_transactions);
tprint(tracef, "%u active transactions\n", nb_active_transactions);
LSN minimum_rec_lsn_of_active_transactions= lsn_korr(ptr);
......@@ -1930,7 +1953,7 @@ static LSN parse_checkpoint_record(LSN lsn)
uint nb_committed_transactions= uint4korr(ptr);
ptr+= 4;
fprintf(tracef, "%lu committed transactions\n",
tprint(tracef, "%lu committed transactions\n",
/* no purging => committed transactions are not important */
ptr+= (6 + LSN_STORE_SIZE) * nb_committed_transactions;
......@@ -1938,7 +1961,7 @@ static LSN parse_checkpoint_record(LSN lsn)
/* tables */
uint nb_tables= uint4korr(ptr);
ptr+= 4;
fprintf(tracef, "%u open tables\n", nb_tables);
tprint(tracef, "%u open tables\n", nb_tables);
for (i= 0; i< nb_tables; i++)
char name[FN_REFLEN];
......@@ -1961,7 +1984,7 @@ static LSN parse_checkpoint_record(LSN lsn)
/* dirty pages */
uint nb_dirty_pages= uint4korr(ptr);
ptr+= 4;
fprintf(tracef, "%u dirty pages\n", nb_dirty_pages);
tprint(tracef, "%u dirty pages\n", nb_dirty_pages);
if (hash_init(&all_dirty_pages, &my_charset_bin, nb_dirty_pages,
offsetof(struct st_dirty_page, file_and_page_id),
sizeof(((struct st_dirty_page *)NULL)->file_and_page_id),
......@@ -1994,7 +2017,7 @@ static LSN parse_checkpoint_record(LSN lsn)
if (ptr != (log_record_buffer.str + log_record_buffer.length))
fprintf(tracef, "checkpoint record corrupted\n");
tprint(tracef, "checkpoint record corrupted\n");
set_if_smaller(checkpoint_start, minimum_rec_lsn_of_dirty_pages);
......@@ -2020,7 +2043,13 @@ static int close_all_tables(void)
if (maria_open_list == NULL)
goto end;
fprintf(tracef, "Closing all tables\n");
tprint(tracef, "Closing all tables\n");
if (tracef != stdout && redo_phase_message_printed)
/** @todo RECOVERY BUG all prints to stderr should go to error log */
fprintf(stderr, "; flushing tables");
Since the end of end_of_redo_phase(), we may have written new records
(if UNDO phase ran) and thus the state is newer than at
......@@ -2041,6 +2070,41 @@ end:
return error;
static void print_redo_phase_progress(TRANSLOG_ADDRESS addr)
static int end_logno= FILENO_IMPOSSIBLE, end_offset, percentage_printed= 0;
static ulonglong initial_remainder= -1;
if (tracef == stdout)
if (!redo_phase_message_printed)
/** @todo RECOVERY BUG all prints to stderr should go to error log */
fprintf(stderr, "Maria engine: starting recovery; recovered pages: 0%%");
redo_phase_message_printed= TRUE;
if (end_logno == FILENO_IMPOSSIBLE)
LSN end_addr= translog_get_horizon();
end_logno= LSN_FILE_NO(end_addr);
end_offset= LSN_OFFSET(end_addr);
int cur_logno= LSN_FILE_NO(addr);
int cur_offset= LSN_OFFSET(addr);
ulonglong remainder;
remainder= (cur_logno == end_logno) ? (end_offset - cur_offset) :
(TRANSLOG_FILE_SIZE - cur_offset +
max(end_logno - cur_logno - 1, 0) * TRANSLOG_FILE_SIZE + end_offset);
if (initial_remainder == (ulonglong)(-1))
initial_remainder= remainder;
int percentage_done=
(initial_remainder - remainder) * ULL(100) / initial_remainder;
if ((percentage_done - percentage_printed) >= 10)
percentage_printed= percentage_done;
fprintf(stderr, " %d%%", percentage_done);
#error Maria's Checkpoint and Recovery are really not ready for it
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ do
for test_undo in 1 2 3
# first iteration tests rollback of insert, second tests rollback of delete
set -- "ma_test1 $silent -M -T -c -N $blobs" "--testflag=1" "--testflag=2 --test-undo=" "ma_test1 $silent -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace $blobs" "--testflag=3" "--testflag=4 --test-undo=" "ma_test1 $silent -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace $blobs" "--testflag=2" "--testflag=3 --test-undo=" "ma_test2 $silent -L -K -W -P -M -T -c $blobs" "-t1" "-t2 -u"
set -- "ma_test1 $silent -M -T -c -N $blobs" "--testflag=1" "--testflag=2 --test-undo=" "ma_test1 $silent -M -T -c -N $blobs" "--testflag=3" "--testflag=4 --test-undo=" "ma_test1 $silent -M -T -c -N $blobs" "--testflag=2" "--testflag=3 --test-undo=" "ma_test2 $silent -L -K -W -P -M -T -c $blobs" "-t1" "-t2 -u"
# -N (create NULL fields) is needed because --test-undo adds it anyway
while [ $# != 0 ]
......@@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ Differences in maria_chk -dvv, recovery not yet perfect !
> 1 2 6 unique number NULL 0 8192
========DIFF END=======
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace --testflag=3 (commit at end)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --testflag=3 (commit at end)
Terminating after updates
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace --testflag=4 --test-undo=1 (additional aborted work)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --testflag=4 --test-undo=1 (additional aborted work)
Terminating after deletes
Dying on request without maria_commit()/maria_close()
applying log
......@@ -150,9 +150,9 @@ Differences in maria_chk -dvv, recovery not yet perfect !
> 1 2 6 unique number NULL 0 8192
========DIFF END=======
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace --testflag=2 (commit at end)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --testflag=2 (commit at end)
Terminating after inserts
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace --testflag=3 --test-undo=1 (additional aborted work)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --testflag=3 --test-undo=1 (additional aborted work)
Terminating after updates
Dying on request without maria_commit()/maria_close()
applying log
......@@ -300,9 +300,9 @@ Differences in maria_chk -dvv, recovery not yet perfect !
> 1 2 6 unique number NULL 0 8192
========DIFF END=======
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace --testflag=3 (commit at end)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --testflag=3 (commit at end)
Terminating after updates
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace --testflag=4 --test-undo=2 (additional aborted work)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --testflag=4 --test-undo=2 (additional aborted work)
Terminating after deletes
Dying on request without maria_commit()/maria_close()
applying log
......@@ -325,9 +325,9 @@ Differences in maria_chk -dvv, recovery not yet perfect !
> 1 2 6 unique number NULL 0 8192
========DIFF END=======
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace --testflag=2 (commit at end)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --testflag=2 (commit at end)
Terminating after inserts
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace --testflag=3 --test-undo=2 (additional aborted work)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --testflag=3 --test-undo=2 (additional aborted work)
Terminating after updates
Dying on request without maria_commit()/maria_close()
applying log
......@@ -475,9 +475,9 @@ Differences in maria_chk -dvv, recovery not yet perfect !
> 1 2 6 unique number NULL 0 8192
========DIFF END=======
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace --testflag=3 (commit at end)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --testflag=3 (commit at end)
Terminating after updates
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace --testflag=4 --test-undo=3 (additional aborted work)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --testflag=4 --test-undo=3 (additional aborted work)
Terminating after deletes
Dying on request without maria_commit()/maria_close()
applying log
......@@ -500,9 +500,9 @@ Differences in maria_chk -dvv, recovery not yet perfect !
> 1 2 6 unique number NULL 0 8192
========DIFF END=======
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace --testflag=2 (commit at end)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --testflag=2 (commit at end)
Terminating after inserts
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace --testflag=3 --test-undo=3 (additional aborted work)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --testflag=3 --test-undo=3 (additional aborted work)
Terminating after updates
Dying on request without maria_commit()/maria_close()
applying log
......@@ -650,9 +650,9 @@ Differences in maria_chk -dvv, recovery not yet perfect !
> 1 2 6 unique varchar BLOB NULL 0 8192
========DIFF END=======
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace -b --testflag=3 (commit at end)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N -b --testflag=3 (commit at end)
Terminating after updates
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace -b --testflag=4 --test-undo=1 (additional aborted work)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N -b --testflag=4 --test-undo=1 (additional aborted work)
Terminating after deletes
Dying on request without maria_commit()/maria_close()
applying log
......@@ -675,9 +675,9 @@ Differences in maria_chk -dvv, recovery not yet perfect !
> 1 2 6 unique varchar BLOB NULL 0 8192
========DIFF END=======
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace -b --testflag=2 (commit at end)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N -b --testflag=2 (commit at end)
Terminating after inserts
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace -b --testflag=3 --test-undo=1 (additional aborted work)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N -b --testflag=3 --test-undo=1 (additional aborted work)
Terminating after updates
Dying on request without maria_commit()/maria_close()
applying log
......@@ -825,9 +825,9 @@ Differences in maria_chk -dvv, recovery not yet perfect !
> 1 2 6 unique varchar BLOB NULL 0 8192
========DIFF END=======
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace -b --testflag=3 (commit at end)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N -b --testflag=3 (commit at end)
Terminating after updates
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace -b --testflag=4 --test-undo=2 (additional aborted work)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N -b --testflag=4 --test-undo=2 (additional aborted work)
Terminating after deletes
Dying on request without maria_commit()/maria_close()
applying log
......@@ -850,9 +850,9 @@ Differences in maria_chk -dvv, recovery not yet perfect !
> 1 2 6 unique varchar BLOB NULL 0 8192
========DIFF END=======
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace -b --testflag=2 (commit at end)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N -b --testflag=2 (commit at end)
Terminating after inserts
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace -b --testflag=3 --test-undo=2 (additional aborted work)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N -b --testflag=3 --test-undo=2 (additional aborted work)
Terminating after updates
Dying on request without maria_commit()/maria_close()
applying log
......@@ -1000,9 +1000,9 @@ Differences in maria_chk -dvv, recovery not yet perfect !
> 1 2 6 unique varchar BLOB NULL 0 8192
========DIFF END=======
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace -b --testflag=3 (commit at end)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N -b --testflag=3 (commit at end)
Terminating after updates
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace -b --testflag=4 --test-undo=3 (additional aborted work)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N -b --testflag=4 --test-undo=3 (additional aborted work)
Terminating after deletes
Dying on request without maria_commit()/maria_close()
applying log
......@@ -1025,9 +1025,9 @@ Differences in maria_chk -dvv, recovery not yet perfect !
> 1 2 6 unique varchar BLOB NULL 0 8192
========DIFF END=======
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace -b --testflag=2 (commit at end)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N -b --testflag=2 (commit at end)
Terminating after inserts
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N --debug=d:t:i:o,/tmp/ma_test1.trace -b --testflag=3 --test-undo=3 (additional aborted work)
TEST WITH ma_test1 -s -M -T -c -N -b --testflag=3 --test-undo=3 (additional aborted work)
Terminating after updates
Dying on request without maria_commit()/maria_close()
applying log
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