Commit 58b696b1 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Fix for Bug#3796 "Prepared statement, select concat(<parameter>,<column>), wrong

result": new Item_param member for use in val_str()

  Fix for Bug#3796:
  - return str_value_ptr from val_str to prevent modifications of parameter 
  Fix for bug#3796:
  - Item::val_str() method semantics documented
  - new member of Item_param
  Test case for bug #3796 added. A few compile-time warnings removed.
parent a9389a6d
......@@ -753,9 +753,10 @@ void Item_param::reset();
We must prevent all charset conversions unless data of str_value
has been written to the binary log.
We must prevent all charset conversions untill data has been written
to the binary log.
state= NO_VALUE;
......@@ -866,7 +867,7 @@ String *Item_param::val_str(String* str)
switch (state) {
return &str_value;
return &str_value_ptr;
str->set(value.real, NOT_FIXED_DEC, &my_charset_bin);
return str;
......@@ -980,6 +981,12 @@ bool Item_param::convert_str_value(THD *thd)
max_length= str_value.length();
decimals= 0;
str_value_ptr is returned from val_str(). It must be not alloced
to prevent it's modification by val_str() invoker.
str_value_ptr.set(str_value.ptr(), str_value.length(),
return rc;
......@@ -160,6 +160,31 @@ public:
/* valXXX methods must return NULL or 0 or 0.0 if null_value is set. */
virtual double val()=0;
virtual longlong val_int()=0;
Return string representation of this item object.
The argument to val_str() is an allocated buffer this or any
nested Item object can use to store return value of this method.
This buffer should only be used if the item itself doesn't have an
own String buffer. In case when the item maintains it's own string
buffer, it's preferrable to return it instead to minimize number of
The caller of this method can modify returned string, but only in
case when it was allocated on heap, (is_alloced() is true). This
allows the caller to efficiently use a buffer allocated by a child
without having to allocate a buffer of it's own. The buffer, given
to val_str() as agrument, belongs to the caller and is later used
by the caller at it's own choosing.
A few implications from the above:
- unless you return a string object which only points to your buffer
but doesn't manages it you should be ready that it will be
- even for not allocated strings (is_alloced() == false) the caller
can change charset (see Item_func_{typecast/binary}. XXX: is this
a bug?
- still you should try to minimize data copying and return internal
object whenever possible.
virtual String *val_str(String*)=0;
virtual Field *get_tmp_table_field() { return 0; }
virtual Field *tmp_table_field(TABLE *t_arg) { return 0; }
......@@ -390,6 +415,9 @@ public:
void print(String *str) { str->append("NULL", 4); }
/* Item represents one placeholder ('?') of prepared statement */
class Item_param :public Item
......@@ -399,6 +427,17 @@ public:
} state;
A buffer for string and long data values. Historically all allocated
values returned from val_str() were treated as eligible to
modification. I. e. in some cases Item_func_concat can append it's
second argument to return value of the first one. Because of that we
can't return the original buffer holding string data from val_str(),
and have to have one buffer for data and another just pointing to
the data. This is the latter one and it's returned from val_str().
Can not be declared inside the union as it's not a POD type.
String str_value_ptr;
longlong integer;
......@@ -9670,12 +9670,12 @@ static void test_union_param()
/* bind parameters */
bind[0].buffer_type= FIELD_TYPE_STRING;
bind[0].buffer= &my_val;
bind[0].buffer= (char*) &my_val;
bind[0].buffer_length= 4;
bind[0].length= &my_length;
bind[0].is_null= (char*)&my_null;
bind[1].buffer_type= FIELD_TYPE_STRING;
bind[1].buffer= &my_val;
bind[1].buffer= (char*) &my_val;
bind[1].buffer_length= 4;
bind[1].length= &my_length;
bind[1].is_null= (char*)&my_null;
......@@ -9872,7 +9872,90 @@ static void test_ps_i18n()
stmt_text= "DROP TABLE t1";
mysql_real_query(mysql, stmt_text, strlen(stmt_text));
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, stmt_text, strlen(stmt_text));
stmt_text= "SET NAMES DEFAULT";
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, stmt_text, strlen(stmt_text));
static void test_bug3796()
MYSQL_BIND bind[1];
const char *concat_arg0= "concat_with_";
const int OUT_BUFF_SIZE= 30;
char out_buff[OUT_BUFF_SIZE];
char canonical_buff[OUT_BUFF_SIZE];
ulong out_length;
const char *stmt_text;
int rc;
/* Create and fill test table */
stmt_text= "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1";
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, stmt_text, strlen(stmt_text));
stmt_text= "CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b VARCHAR(30))";
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, stmt_text, strlen(stmt_text));
stmt_text= "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1,'ONE'), (2,'TWO')";
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, stmt_text, strlen(stmt_text));
/* Create statement handle and prepare it with select */
stmt = mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
stmt_text= "SELECT concat(?, b) FROM t1";
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, stmt_text, strlen(stmt_text));
check_execute(stmt, rc);
/* Bind input buffers */
bzero(bind, sizeof(bind));
bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
bind[0].buffer= (char*) concat_arg0;
bind[0].buffer_length= strlen(concat_arg0);
mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, bind);
/* Execute the select statement */
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_execute(stmt, rc);
bind[0].buffer= (char*) out_buff;
bind[0].buffer_length= OUT_BUFF_SIZE;
bind[0].length= &out_length;
mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, bind);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
printf("Concat result: '%s'\n", out_buff);
check_execute(stmt, rc);
strcpy(canonical_buff, concat_arg0);
strcat(canonical_buff, "ONE");
assert(strlen(canonical_buff) == out_length &&
strncmp(out_buff, canonical_buff, out_length) == 0);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
check_execute(stmt, rc);
strcpy(canonical_buff + strlen(concat_arg0), "TWO");
assert(strlen(canonical_buff) == out_length &&
strncmp(out_buff, canonical_buff, out_length) == 0);
printf("Concat result: '%s'\n", out_buff);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
assert(rc == MYSQL_NO_DATA);
stmt_text= "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1";
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, stmt_text, strlen(stmt_text));
......@@ -10164,6 +10247,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
test_order_param(); /* ORDER BY with parameters in select list
(Bug #3686 */
test_ps_i18n(); /* test for i18n support in binary protocol */
test_bug3796(); /* test for select concat(?, <string>) */
end_time= time((time_t *)0);
total_time+= difftime(end_time, start_time);
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