Commit 5ab01b64 authored by Sergey Petrunya's avatar Sergey Petrunya

MWL#17: Table elimination

- Last fixes

  MWL#17: Table elimination
  - Don't make multiple calls of ::walk(check_column_usage_processor),
    call once and cache the value
  MWL#17: Table elimination
  - s/KEYUSE::usable/KEYUSE::type/, more comments
  MWL#17: Table elimination
  - Don't make multiple calls of ::walk(check_column_usage_processor),
    call once and cache the value
  MWL#17: Table elimination
  - s/KEYUSE::usable/KEYUSE::type/, more comments
  MWL#17: Table elimination
  - s/KEYUSE::usable/KEYUSE::type/, more comments
  MWL#17: Table elimination
  - Better comments
parent 618442de
......@@ -1920,10 +1920,6 @@ bool Item_field::check_column_usage_processor(uchar *arg)
Field_processor_info* info=(Field_processor_info*)arg;
/* It is ok if this is a column of an allowed table: */
if (used_tables() & ~info->allowed_tables)
return FALSE;
if (field->table == info->table)
/* It is not ok to use columns that are not part of the key of interest: */
......@@ -1936,18 +1932,17 @@ bool Item_field::check_column_usage_processor(uchar *arg)
if (field->field_index == key->key_part[part].field->field_index)
if (part == info->forbidden_part)
return TRUE;
info->needed_key_parts |= key_part_map(1) << part;
return FALSE;
We get here when this refers to a table that's neither the table of
interest, nor one of the allowed tables.
return TRUE;
info->used_tables |= this->used_tables();
return FALSE;
......@@ -1020,9 +1020,12 @@ public:
/* Data for Item::check_column_usage_processor */
typedef struct
table_map allowed_tables;
TABLE *table;
uint keyno;
TABLE *table; /* Table of interest */
uint keyno; /* Index of interest */
uint forbidden_part; /* key part which one is not allowed to refer to */
/* [Set by processor] used tables, besides the table of interest */
table_map used_tables;
/* [Set by processor] Parts of index of interest that expression refers to */
uint needed_key_parts;
} Field_processor_info;
......@@ -166,9 +166,8 @@ void eliminate_tables(JOIN *join)
Number of base tables left after elimination. 0 means everything was
eliminated. Tables that belong to the
children of this join nest are also counted.
Number of children left after elimination. 0 means everything was
// TRUE The entire join list can be eliminated (caller should remove)
// FALSE Otherwise
......@@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ eliminate_tables_for_list(JOIN *join, TABLE **leaves_arr,
table_map tables_used_on_left= 0;
TABLE **cur_table= leaves_arr;
bool children_have_multiple_matches= FALSE;
uint base_tables= 0;
uint remaining_children= 0;
while ((tbl= it++))
......@@ -209,8 +208,9 @@ eliminate_tables_for_list(JOIN *join, TABLE **leaves_arr,
mark_as_eliminated(join, tbl);
tbl->nested_join->n_tables= n;
base_tables += n;
......@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ eliminate_tables_for_list(JOIN *join, TABLE **leaves_arr,
mark_as_eliminated(join, tbl);
tables_used_on_left |= tbl->on_expr->used_tables();
children_have_multiple_matches= children_have_multiple_matches ||
......@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ eliminate_tables_for_list(JOIN *join, TABLE **leaves_arr,
if (tbl->table)
......@@ -271,10 +271,10 @@ eliminate_tables_for_list(JOIN *join, TABLE **leaves_arr,
This join_list can be eliminated. Signal about this to the caller by
returning number of tables.
base_tables= 0;
remaining_children= 0;
return base_tables;
return remaining_children;
......@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ static bool table_has_one_match(TABLE *table, table_map bound_tables,
do /* For each keypart and each way to read it */
if (keyuse->usable == 1)
if (keyuse->type == KEYUSE_USABLE)
if(!(keyuse->used_tables & ~bound_tables) &&
!(keyuse->optimize & KEY_OPTIMIZE_REF_OR_NULL))
......@@ -400,12 +400,56 @@ extra_keyuses_bind_all_keyparts(table_map bound_tables, TABLE *table,
uint n_keyuses, table_map bound_parts)
Current implementation needs some keyparts to be already bound to start
We need
- some 'unusable' KEYUSE elements to work on
- some keyparts to be already bound to start inferences:
if (n_keyuses && bound_parts)
KEY *keyinfo= table->key_info + key_start->key;
bool bound_more_parts;
bound_more_parts= FALSE;
for (KEYUSE *k= key_start; k!=key_end; k++)
if (k->type == KEYUSE_UNKNOWN)
Field_processor_info fp= {table, k->key, k->keypart, 0, 0};
if (k->val->walk(&Item::check_column_usage_processor, FALSE,
k->type= KEYUSE_NO_BIND;
k->used_tables= fp.used_tables;
k->keypart_map= fp.needed_key_parts;
k->type= KEYUSE_BIND;
if (k->type == KEYUSE_BIND)
If this is a binding keyuse, such that
- all tables it refers to are bound,
- all parts it refers to are bound
- but the key part it binds is not itself bound
if (!(k->used_tables & ~bound_tables) &&
!(k->keypart_map & ~bound_parts) &&
!(bound_parts & key_part_map(1) << k->keypart))
bound_parts|= key_part_map(1) << k->keypart;
if (bound_parts == PREV_BITS(key_part_map, keyinfo->key_parts))
return TRUE;
bound_more_parts= TRUE;
} while (bound_more_parts);
return FALSE;
#if 0
Keyuse_w_needed_reg *uses;
if (!(uses= (Keyuse_w_needed_reg*)my_alloca(sizeof(Keyuse_w_needed_reg)*
......@@ -450,8 +494,7 @@ extra_keyuses_bind_all_keyparts(table_map bound_tables, TABLE *table,
return TRUE;
} while (n_bounded != 0);
return FALSE;
......@@ -2762,7 +2762,7 @@ make_join_statistics(JOIN *join, TABLE_LIST *tables_arg, COND *conds,
if (keyuse->usable == 1)
if (keyuse->type == KEYUSE_USABLE)
s->keys.set_bit(key); // QQ: remove this ?
......@@ -2770,8 +2770,8 @@ make_join_statistics(JOIN *join, TABLE_LIST *tables_arg, COND *conds,
if (keyuse->usable==1 && keyuse->val->type() != Item::NULL_ITEM &&
if (keyuse->type == KEYUSE_USABLE &&
keyuse->val->type() != Item::NULL_ITEM && !keyuse->optimize)
if (!((~found_const_table_map) & keyuse->used_tables))
......@@ -2971,7 +2971,7 @@ typedef struct key_field_t {
bool null_rejecting;
bool *cond_guard; /* See KEYUSE::cond_guard */
bool usable; /* See KEYUSE::usable */
enum keyuse_type type; /* See KEYUSE::type */
......@@ -3069,7 +3069,7 @@ merge_key_fields(KEY_FIELD *start,KEY_FIELD *new_fields,KEY_FIELD *end,
be, too (TODO: shouldn't that apply to the above
null_rejecting and optimize attributes?)
DBUG_ASSERT(old->usable == new_fields->usable);
DBUG_ASSERT(old->type == new_fields->type);
else if (old->eq_func && new_fields->eq_func &&
......@@ -3085,12 +3085,13 @@ merge_key_fields(KEY_FIELD *start,KEY_FIELD *new_fields,KEY_FIELD *end,
old->null_rejecting= (old->null_rejecting &&
// "t.key_col=const" predicates are always usable
DBUG_ASSERT(old->usable && new_fields->usable);
new_fields->type == KEYUSE_USABLE);
else if (old->eq_func && new_fields->eq_func &&
((new_fields->usable && old->val->const_item() &&
old->val->is_null()) ||
((old->usable && new_fields->val->is_null()))))
((new_fields->type == KEYUSE_USABLE &&
old->val->const_item() && old->val->is_null()) ||
((old->type == KEYUSE_USABLE && new_fields->val->is_null()))))
/* TODO ^ why is the above asymmetric, why const_item()? */
/* field = expression OR field IS NULL */
......@@ -3181,9 +3182,6 @@ add_key_field(KEY_FIELD **key_fields,uint and_level, Item_func *cond,
if (!((value[i])->used_tables() & (field->table->map | RAND_TABLE_BIT)))
// psergey-tbl-elim:
// if (!optimizable)
// return;
if (!(usable_tables & field->table->map))
if (!eq_func || (*value)->type() != Item::NULL_ITEM ||
......@@ -3290,7 +3288,7 @@ add_key_field(KEY_FIELD **key_fields,uint and_level, Item_func *cond,
(*key_fields)->val= *value;
(*key_fields)->level= and_level;
(*key_fields)->optimize= exists_optimize;
(*key_fields)->usable= optimizable;
(*key_fields)->type= optimizable? KEYUSE_USABLE : KEYUSE_UNKNOWN;
If the condition has form "tbl.keypart = othertbl.field" and
othertbl.field can be NULL, there will be no matches if othertbl.field
......@@ -3602,12 +3600,7 @@ add_key_part(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *keyuse_array,KEY_FIELD *key_field)
keyuse.optimize= key_field->optimize & KEY_OPTIMIZE_REF_OR_NULL;
keyuse.null_rejecting= key_field->null_rejecting;
keyuse.cond_guard= key_field->cond_guard;
if (!(keyuse.usable= key_field->usable))
/* The following will have special meanings: */
keyuse.keypart_map= 0;
keyuse.used_tables= 0;
keyuse.type= key_field->type;
VOID(insert_dynamic(keyuse_array,(uchar*) &keyuse));
......@@ -3674,7 +3667,7 @@ add_ft_keys(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *keyuse_array,
keyuse.optimize= 0;
keyuse.keypart_map= 0;
keyuse.usable= 1;
keyuse.type= KEYUSE_USABLE;
VOID(insert_dynamic(keyuse_array,(uchar*) &keyuse));
......@@ -3691,8 +3684,10 @@ sort_keyuse(KEYUSE *a,KEYUSE *b)
return (int) (a->keypart - b->keypart);
// Usable ones go before the unusable
if (a->usable != b->usable)
return (int)b->usable - (int)a->usable;
int a_ok= test(a->type == KEYUSE_USABLE);
int b_ok= test(b->type == KEYUSE_USABLE);
if (a_ok != b_ok)
return a_ok? -1 : 1;
// Place const values before other ones
if ((res= test((a->used_tables & ~OUTER_REF_TABLE_BIT)) -
......@@ -3904,7 +3899,7 @@ update_ref_and_keys(THD *thd, DYNAMIC_ARRAY *keyuse,JOIN_TAB *join_tab,
for (i=0 ; i < keyuse->elements-1 ; i++,use++)
if (use->usable == 1 && !use->used_tables &&
if (use->type == KEYUSE_USABLE && !use->used_tables &&
use->optimize != KEY_OPTIMIZE_REF_OR_NULL)
use->table->const_key_parts[use->key]|= use->keypart_map;
if (use->keypart != FT_KEYPART)
......@@ -3929,7 +3924,7 @@ update_ref_and_keys(THD *thd, DYNAMIC_ARRAY *keyuse,JOIN_TAB *join_tab,
/* Save ptr to first use */
if (!use->table->reginfo.join_tab->keyuse)
if (use->usable == 1)
if (use->type == KEYUSE_USABLE)
......@@ -3960,7 +3955,7 @@ static void optimize_keyuse(JOIN *join, DYNAMIC_ARRAY *keyuse_array)
To avoid bad matches, we don't make ref_table_rows less than 100.
keyuse->ref_table_rows= ~(ha_rows) 0; // If no ref
if (keyuse->usable == 1 && keyuse->used_tables &
if (keyuse->type == KEYUSE_USABLE && keyuse->used_tables &
(map= (keyuse->used_tables & ~join->const_table_map &
......@@ -4152,7 +4147,7 @@ best_access_path(JOIN *join,
if 1. expression doesn't refer to forward tables
2. we won't get two ref-or-null's
if (keyuse->usable == 1&&
if (keyuse->type == KEYUSE_USABLE &&
!(remaining_tables & keyuse->used_tables) &&
!(ref_or_null_part && (keyuse->optimize &
......@@ -5607,7 +5602,8 @@ static bool create_ref_for_key(JOIN *join, JOIN_TAB *j, KEYUSE *org_keyuse,
if (!(~used_tables & keyuse->used_tables) && keyuse->usable == 1)
if (!(~used_tables & keyuse->used_tables) &&
keyuse->type == KEYUSE_USABLE)
if (keyparts == keyuse->keypart &&
!(found_part_ref_or_null & keyuse->optimize))
......@@ -5658,7 +5654,7 @@ static bool create_ref_for_key(JOIN *join, JOIN_TAB *j, KEYUSE *org_keyuse,
for (i=0 ; i < keyparts ; keyuse++,i++)
while (keyuse->keypart != i || ((~used_tables) & keyuse->used_tables) ||
!(keyuse->usable == 1))
!(keyuse->type == KEYUSE_USABLE))
keyuse++; /* Skip other parts */
......@@ -16709,9 +16705,9 @@ static void print_join(THD *thd,
the fact that the first table can't be inner table of an outer join.
DBUG_ASSERT(!eliminated_tables ||
!((*table)->table && ((*table)->table->map & eliminated_tables) ||
(*table)->nested_join && !((*table)->nested_join->used_tables &
!(((*table)->table && ((*table)->table->map & eliminated_tables)) ||
((*table)->nested_join && !((*table)->nested_join->used_tables &
(*table)->print(thd, eliminated_tables, str, query_type);
TABLE_LIST **end= table + tables->elements;
......@@ -33,6 +33,40 @@
/* KEYUSE element types */
enum keyuse_type
val refers to the same table, this is either KEYUSE_BIND or KEYUSE_NO_BIND
type, we didn't determine which one yet.
'regular' keyuse, i.e. it represents one of the following
* t.keyXpartY = func(constants, other-tables)
* t.keyXpartY IS NULL
* t.keyXpartY = func(constants, other-tables) OR t.keyXpartY IS NULL
and can be used to construct ref acces
The keyuse represents a condition in form:
t.uniq_keyXpartY = func(other parts of uniq_keyX)
This can't be used to construct uniq_keyX but we could use it to determine
that the table will produce at most one match.
Keyuse that's not usable for ref access and doesn't meet the criteria of
KEYUSE_BIND. Examples:
t.keyXpartY = func(t.keyXpartY)
t.keyXpartY = func(column of t that's not covered by keyX)
typedef struct keyuse_t {
TABLE *table;
Item *val; /**< or value if no field */
......@@ -64,7 +98,7 @@ typedef struct keyuse_t {
This equality cannot be used for index access but is useful
for table elimination.
int usable;
enum keyuse_type type;
class store_key;
......@@ -1618,7 +1618,8 @@ typedef struct st_nested_join
List<TABLE_LIST> join_list; /* list of elements in the nested join */
Bitmap of tables within this nested join (including those embedded within
its children). Eliminated tables are still in the bitmap */
its children), including tables removed by table elimination.
table_map used_tables;
table_map not_null_tables; /* tables that rejects nulls */
struct st_join_table *first_nested;/* the first nested table in the plan */
......@@ -1628,11 +1629,12 @@ typedef struct st_nested_join
2. check_interleaving_with_nj/restore_prev_nj_state (these are called
by the join optimizer.
Before each use the counters are zeroed by reset_nj_counters.
Meaning, in both cases: number of base tables within this nested join and
its children. Eliminated tables are not counted.
uint counter;
/* Tables left after elimination */
Number of elements in join_list that were not (or contain table(s) that
weren't) removed by table elimination.
uint n_tables;
nested_join_map nj_map; /* Bit used to identify this nested join*/
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