Commit 67a1f05d authored by unknown's avatar unknown

wl2240 - ndb partitioning,

  fix scan take over

  remove deprecated bits
  removed deprecated parameters
  moved never implemented to Unimplemented
  removed deprecated parameters
  moved never implemented to Unimplemented
  removed deprecated parameters
  moved never implemented to Unimplemented
  removed deprecated parameters
  moved never implemented to Unimplemented
  removed deprecated parameters
  moved never implemented to Unimplemented
  Do scan take over via distribution key code
parent 0478125e
......@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ private:
static void setDGroup(Uint32 &, Uint32 dgroup);
static void setDKey(Uint32 &, Uint32 dkey);
static void setPrimaryKey(Uint32 &, Uint32 dkey);
static void setStoredInTup(Uint32 &, Uint32 storedInTup);
static void setDynamic(Uint32 &, Uint32 dynamicInd);
static Uint32 getType(const Uint32 &);
......@@ -44,10 +43,8 @@ private:
static Uint32 getArraySize(const Uint32 &);
static Uint32 getOriginal(const Uint32 &);
static Uint32 getNullable(const Uint32 &);
static Uint32 getDGroup(const Uint32 &);
static Uint32 getDKey(const Uint32 &);
static Uint32 getPrimaryKey(const Uint32 &);
static Uint32 getStoredInTup(const Uint32 &);
static Uint32 getDynamic(const Uint32 &);
......@@ -58,18 +55,15 @@ private:
* s = Attribute size - 3 Bits -> Max 7 (Bit 4-6)
* o = Original attribute - 1 Bit 7
* n = Nullable - 1 Bit 8
* ? = Stored in tup - 1 Bit 9
* d = Disk based - 1 Bit 10
* g = Distribution Group Ind- 1 Bit 11
* k = Distribution Key Ind - 1 Bit 12
* r = Distribution group sz - 1 Bit 13
* p = Primary key attribute - 1 Bit 14
* y = Dynamic attribute - 1 Bit 15
* z = Array size - 16 Bits -> Max 65535 (Bit 16-31)
* 1111111111222222222233
* 01234567890123456789012345678901
* aattsss n dgkrpyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
* aattsss n d k pyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
......@@ -89,11 +83,8 @@ private:
#define AD_DISTR_KEY_SHIFT (12)
#define AD_DISTR_GROUP_SZ (13)
#define AD_PRIMARY_KEY (14)
#define AD_DYNAMIC (15)
......@@ -140,13 +131,6 @@ AttributeDescriptor::setOriginal(Uint32 & desc, Uint32 original){
desc |= (original << AD_ORIGINAL_SHIFT);
AttributeDescriptor::setDGroup(Uint32 & desc, Uint32 dgroup){
ASSERT_BOOL(dgroup, "AttributeDescriptor::setDGroup");
desc |= (dgroup << AD_DISTR_GROUP_SHIFT);
AttributeDescriptor::setDKey(Uint32 & desc, Uint32 dkey){
......@@ -161,13 +145,6 @@ AttributeDescriptor::setPrimaryKey(Uint32 & desc, Uint32 dkey){
desc |= (dkey << AD_PRIMARY_KEY);
AttributeDescriptor::setStoredInTup(Uint32 & desc, Uint32 storedInTup){
ASSERT_BOOL(storedInTup, "AttributeDescriptor::setStoredInTup");
desc |= (storedInTup << AD_TUP_STORED_SHIFT);
AttributeDescriptor::setDynamic(Uint32 & desc, Uint32 dynamic){
......@@ -229,12 +206,6 @@ AttributeDescriptor::getOriginal(const Uint32 & desc){
return (desc >> AD_ORIGINAL_SHIFT) & 1;
AttributeDescriptor::getDGroup(const Uint32 & desc){
return (desc >> AD_DISTR_GROUP_SHIFT) & 1;
AttributeDescriptor::getDKey(const Uint32 & desc){
......@@ -253,10 +224,4 @@ AttributeDescriptor::getDynamic(const Uint32 & desc){
return (desc >> AD_DYNAMIC) & 1;
AttributeDescriptor::getStoredInTup(const Uint32 & desc){
return (desc >> AD_TUP_STORED_SHIFT) & 1;
......@@ -85,10 +85,6 @@ public:
MaxLoadFactor = 11, //Default 80
KeyLength = 12, //Default 1 (No of words in primary key)
FragmentTypeVal = 13, //Default AllNodesSmallTable
TableStorageVal = 14, //Default StorageType::MainMemory
ScanOptimised = 15, //Default updateOptimised
FragmentKeyTypeVal = 16, //Default PrimaryKey
SecondTableId = 17, //Mandatory between DICT's otherwise not allowed
TableTypeVal = 18, //Default TableType::UserTable
PrimaryTable = 19, //Mandatory for index otherwise RNIL
PrimaryTableId = 20, //ditto
......@@ -110,10 +106,7 @@ public:
AttributeKeyFlag = 1006, //Default noKey
AttributeStorage = 1007, //Default MainMemory
AttributeNullableFlag = 1008, //Default NotNullable
AttributeDGroup = 1009, //Default NotDGroup
AttributeDKey = 1010, //Default NotDKey
AttributeStoredInd = 1011, //Default NotStored
AttributeGroup = 1012, //Default 0
AttributeExtType = 1013, //Default 0 (undefined)
AttributeExtPrecision = 1014, //Default 0
AttributeExtScale = 1015, //Default 0
......@@ -127,12 +120,7 @@ public:
// have a default value. Thus the default values are part of the protocol.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// FragmentKeyType constants
enum FragmentKeyType {
PrimaryKey = 0,
DistributionKey = 1,
DistributionGroup = 2
// FragmentType constants
enum FragmentType {
......@@ -142,12 +130,6 @@ public:
SingleFragment = 3
// TableStorage AND AttributeStorage constants
enum StorageType {
MainMemory = 0,
DiskMemory = 1
// TableType constants + objects
enum TableType {
UndefTableType = 0,
......@@ -219,10 +201,6 @@ public:
StorePermanent = 2
// ScanOptimised constants
STATIC_CONST( updateOptimised = 0 );
STATIC_CONST( scanOptimised = 1 );
// AttributeType constants
STATIC_CONST( SignedType = 0 );
STATIC_CONST( UnSignedType = 1 );
......@@ -237,23 +215,10 @@ public:
STATIC_CONST( a64Bit = 6 );
STATIC_CONST( a128Bit = 7 );
// AttributeDGroup constants
STATIC_CONST( NotDGroup = 0 );
STATIC_CONST( DGroup = 1 );
// AttributeDKey constants
STATIC_CONST( NotDKey = 0 );
// AttributeStoredInd constants
STATIC_CONST( NotStored = 0 );
STATIC_CONST( Stored = 1 );
// Table data interpretation
struct Table {
char TableName[MAX_TAB_NAME_SIZE];
Uint32 TableId;
Uint32 SecondTableId;
char PrimaryTable[MAX_TAB_NAME_SIZE]; // Only used when "index"
Uint32 PrimaryTableId;
Uint32 TableLoggedFlag;
......@@ -267,8 +232,6 @@ public:
Uint32 KeyLength;
Uint32 FragmentType;
Uint32 TableStorage;
Uint32 ScanOptimised;
Uint32 FragmentKeyType;
Uint32 TableType;
Uint32 TableVersion;
Uint32 IndexState;
......@@ -323,12 +286,8 @@ public:
Uint32 AttributeSize;
Uint32 AttributeArraySize;
Uint32 AttributeKeyFlag;
Uint32 AttributeStorage;
Uint32 AttributeNullableFlag;
Uint32 AttributeDGroup;
Uint32 AttributeDKey;
Uint32 AttributeStoredInd;
Uint32 AttributeGroup;
Uint32 AttributeExtType;
Uint32 AttributeExtPrecision;
Uint32 AttributeExtScale;
......@@ -460,9 +419,7 @@ public:
fprintf(out, "AttributeKeyFlag = %d\n", AttributeKeyFlag);
fprintf(out, "AttributeStorage = %d\n", AttributeStorage);
fprintf(out, "AttributeNullableFlag = %d\n", AttributeNullableFlag);
fprintf(out, "AttributeDGroup = %d\n", AttributeDGroup);
fprintf(out, "AttributeDKey = %d\n", AttributeDKey);
fprintf(out, "AttributeStoredInd = %d\n", AttributeStoredInd);
fprintf(out, "AttributeGroup = %d\n", AttributeGroup);
fprintf(out, "AttributeAutoIncrement = %d\n", AttributeAutoIncrement);
fprintf(out, "AttributeExtType = %d\n", AttributeExtType);
......@@ -496,6 +453,22 @@ private:
Uint32 tabInfoData[DataLength];
enum Depricated
AttributeDGroup = 1009, //Default NotDGroup
AttributeStoredInd = 1011, //Default NotStored
SecondTableId = 17, //Mandatory between DICT's otherwise not allowed
FragmentKeyTypeVal = 16 //Default PrimaryKey
enum Unimplemented
TableStorageVal = 14, //Default StorageType::MainMemory
ScanOptimised = 15, //Default updateOptimised
AttributeGroup = 1012 //Default 0
......@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ SimpleProperties::SP2StructMapping
DictTabInfo::TableMapping[] = {
DTIMAPS(Table, TableName, TableName, 0, MAX_TAB_NAME_SIZE),
DTIMAP(Table, TableId, TableId),
DTIMAP(Table, SecondTableId, SecondTableId),
DTIMAPS(Table, PrimaryTable, PrimaryTable, 0, MAX_TAB_NAME_SIZE),
DTIMAP(Table, PrimaryTableId, PrimaryTableId),
DTIMAP2(Table, TableLoggedFlag, TableLoggedFlag, 0, 1),
......@@ -32,8 +31,6 @@ DictTabInfo::TableMapping[] = {
DTIMAP2(Table, MaxLoadFactor, MaxLoadFactor, 25, 110),
DTIMAP2(Table, FragmentTypeVal, FragmentType, 0, 3),
DTIMAP2(Table, TableStorageVal, TableStorage, 0, 0),
DTIMAP2(Table, ScanOptimised, ScanOptimised, 0, 0),
DTIMAP2(Table, FragmentKeyTypeVal, FragmentKeyType, 0, 2),
DTIMAP2(Table, TableTypeVal, TableType, 1, 3),
DTIMAP(Table, NoOfKeyAttr, NoOfKeyAttr),
DTIMAP2(Table, NoOfAttributes, NoOfAttributes, 1, MAX_ATTRIBUTES_IN_TABLE),
......@@ -66,12 +63,8 @@ DictTabInfo::AttributeMapping[] = {
DTIMAP2(Attribute, AttributeSize, AttributeSize, 3, 7),
DTIMAP2(Attribute, AttributeArraySize, AttributeArraySize, 0, 65535),
DTIMAP2(Attribute, AttributeKeyFlag, AttributeKeyFlag, 0, 1),
DTIMAP2(Attribute, AttributeStorage, AttributeStorage, 0, 0),
DTIMAP2(Attribute, AttributeNullableFlag, AttributeNullableFlag, 0, 1),
DTIMAP2(Attribute, AttributeDGroup, AttributeDGroup, 0, 1),
DTIMAP2(Attribute, AttributeDKey, AttributeDKey, 0, 1),
DTIMAP2(Attribute, AttributeStoredInd, AttributeStoredInd, 0, 1),
DTIMAP2(Attribute, AttributeGroup, AttributeGroup, 0, 0),
DTIMAP(Attribute, AttributeExtType, AttributeExtType),
DTIMAP(Attribute, AttributeExtPrecision, AttributeExtPrecision),
DTIMAP(Attribute, AttributeExtScale, AttributeExtScale),
......@@ -104,7 +97,6 @@ void
memset(TableName, 0, sizeof(TableName));//TableName[0] = 0;
TableId = ~0;
SecondTableId = ~0;
memset(PrimaryTable, 0, sizeof(PrimaryTable));//PrimaryTable[0] = 0; // Only used when "index"
PrimaryTableId = RNIL;
TableLoggedFlag = 1;
......@@ -118,8 +110,6 @@ DictTabInfo::Table::init(){
KeyLength = 0;
FragmentType = DictTabInfo::AllNodesSmallTable;
TableStorage = 0;
ScanOptimised = 0;
FragmentKeyType = DictTabInfo::PrimaryKey;
TableType = DictTabInfo::UndefTableType;
TableVersion = 0;
IndexState = ~0;
......@@ -140,12 +130,8 @@ DictTabInfo::Attribute::init(){
AttributeSize = DictTabInfo::a32Bit;
AttributeArraySize = 1;
AttributeKeyFlag = 0;
AttributeStorage = 1;
AttributeNullableFlag = 0;
AttributeDGroup = 0;
AttributeDKey = 0;
AttributeStoredInd = 1;
AttributeGroup = 0;
AttributeExtType = 0,
AttributeExtPrecision = 0,
AttributeExtScale = 0,
......@@ -256,7 +256,6 @@ Dbdict::packTableIntoPagesImpl(SimpleProperties::Writer & w,
w.add(DictTabInfo::MaxLoadFactor, tablePtr.p->maxLoadFactor);
w.add(DictTabInfo::TableKValue, tablePtr.p->kValue);
w.add(DictTabInfo::FragmentTypeVal, tablePtr.p->fragmentType);
w.add(DictTabInfo::FragmentKeyTypeVal, tablePtr.p->fragmentKeyType);
w.add(DictTabInfo::TableTypeVal, tablePtr.p->tableType);
w.add(DictTabInfo::FragmentCount, tablePtr.p->fragmentCount);
......@@ -289,17 +288,13 @@ Dbdict::packTableIntoPagesImpl(SimpleProperties::Writer & w,
const Uint32 attrSize = AttributeDescriptor::getSize(desc);
const Uint32 arraySize = AttributeDescriptor::getArraySize(desc);
const Uint32 nullable = AttributeDescriptor::getNullable(desc);
const Uint32 DGroup = AttributeDescriptor::getDGroup(desc);
const Uint32 DKey = AttributeDescriptor::getDKey(desc);
const Uint32 attrStoredInd = AttributeDescriptor::getStoredInTup(desc);
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeType, attrType);
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeSize, attrSize);
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeArraySize, arraySize);
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeNullableFlag, nullable);
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeDGroup, DGroup);
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeDKey, DKey);
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeStoredInd, attrStoredInd);
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeExtType, attrPtr.p->extType);
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeExtPrecision, attrPtr.p->extPrecision);
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeExtScale, attrPtr.p->extScale);
......@@ -1340,10 +1335,8 @@ void Dbdict::initialiseTableRecord(TableRecordPtr tablePtr)
tablePtr.p->tableVersion = (Uint32)-1;
tablePtr.p->tabState = TableRecord::NOT_DEFINED;
tablePtr.p->tabReturnState = TableRecord::TRS_IDLE;
tablePtr.p->storageType = DictTabInfo::MainMemory;
tablePtr.p->myConnect = RNIL;
tablePtr.p->fragmentType = DictTabInfo::AllNodesSmallTable;
tablePtr.p->fragmentKeyType = DictTabInfo::PrimaryKey;
memset(tablePtr.p->tableName, 0, sizeof(tablePtr.p->tableName));
tablePtr.p->gciTableCreated = 0;
tablePtr.p->noOfAttributes = ZNIL;
......@@ -4698,7 +4691,6 @@ void Dbdict::handleTabInfoInit(SimpleProperties::Reader & it,
tablePtr.p->minLoadFactor = tableDesc.MinLoadFactor;
tablePtr.p->maxLoadFactor = tableDesc.MaxLoadFactor;
tablePtr.p->fragmentType = (DictTabInfo::FragmentType)tableDesc.FragmentType;
tablePtr.p->fragmentKeyType = (DictTabInfo::FragmentKeyType)tableDesc.FragmentKeyType;
tablePtr.p->tableType = (DictTabInfo::TableType)tableDesc.TableType;
tablePtr.p->kValue = tableDesc.TableKValue;
tablePtr.p->fragmentCount = tableDesc.FragmentCount;
......@@ -4854,11 +4846,8 @@ void Dbdict::handleTabInfo(SimpleProperties::Reader & it,
AttributeDescriptor::setSize(desc, attrDesc.AttributeSize);
AttributeDescriptor::setArray(desc, attrDesc.AttributeArraySize);
AttributeDescriptor::setNullable(desc, attrDesc.AttributeNullableFlag);
AttributeDescriptor::setDGroup(desc, attrDesc.AttributeDGroup);
AttributeDescriptor::setDKey(desc, attrDesc.AttributeDKey);
AttributeDescriptor::setPrimaryKey(desc, attrDesc.AttributeKeyFlag);
AttributeDescriptor::setStoredInTup(desc, attrDesc.AttributeStoredInd);
attrPtr.p->attributeDescriptor = desc;
attrPtr.p->autoIncrement = attrDesc.AttributeAutoIncrement;
strcpy(attrPtr.p->defaultValue, attrDesc.AttributeDefaultValue);
......@@ -6416,7 +6405,6 @@ Dbdict::createIndex_toCreateTable(Signal* signal, OpCreateIndexPtr opPtr)
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeKeyFlag, (Uint32)false);
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeNullableFlag, (Uint32)isNullable);
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeStoredInd, (Uint32)DictTabInfo::Stored);
// ext type overrides
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeExtType, aRec->extType);
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeExtPrecision, aRec->extPrecision);
......@@ -6431,7 +6419,6 @@ Dbdict::createIndex_toCreateTable(Signal* signal, OpCreateIndexPtr opPtr)
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeName, "NDB$PK");
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeId, opPtr.p->;
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeKeyFlag, (Uint32)false);
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeStoredInd, (Uint32)DictTabInfo::Stored);
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeNullableFlag, (Uint32)false);
// ext type overrides
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeExtType, (Uint32)DictTabInfo::ExtUnsigned);
......@@ -6444,7 +6431,6 @@ Dbdict::createIndex_toCreateTable(Signal* signal, OpCreateIndexPtr opPtr)
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeName, "NDB$TNODE");
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeId, opPtr.p->;
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeKeyFlag, (Uint32)true);
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeStoredInd, (Uint32)DictTabInfo::Stored);
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeNullableFlag, (Uint32)false);
// ext type overrides
w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeExtType, (Uint32)DictTabInfo::ExtUnsigned);
......@@ -86,15 +86,9 @@ public:
/* Primary table of index otherwise RNIL */
Uint32 primaryTableId;
/* Type of storage (memory/disk, not used) */
DictTabInfo::StorageType storageType;
/* Type of fragmentation (small/medium/large) */
DictTabInfo::FragmentType fragmentType;
/* Key type of fragmentation (pk/dist key/dist group) */
DictTabInfo::FragmentKeyType fragmentKeyType;
/* Global checkpoint identity when table created */
Uint32 gciTableCreated;
......@@ -1525,9 +1525,7 @@ NdbDictInterface::createOrAlterTable(Ndb & ndb,
tmpAttr.AttributeId = i;
tmpAttr.AttributeKeyFlag = col->m_pk;
tmpAttr.AttributeNullableFlag = col->m_nullable;
tmpAttr.AttributeStoredInd = 1;
tmpAttr.AttributeDKey = col->m_distributionKey;
tmpAttr.AttributeDGroup = 0;
tmpAttr.AttributeExtType =
......@@ -919,6 +919,8 @@ NdbScanOperation::takeOverScanOp(OperationType opType, NdbConnection* pTrans){
TcKeyReq::setTakeOverScanFragment(scanInfo, tTakeOverFragment);
TcKeyReq::setTakeOverScanInfo(scanInfo, tScanInfo);
newOp->theScanInfo = scanInfo;
newOp->theDistrKeyIndicator_ = 1;
newOp->theDistributionKey = tTakeOverFragment;
// Copy the first 8 words of key info from KEYINF20 into TCKEYREQ
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