Commit 77aa64eb authored by Mikael Ronstrom's avatar Mikael Ronstrom

Fixed test failure

parent f13989d6
...@@ -3,303 +3,303 @@ WHERE table_schema = 'information_schema' ...@@ -3,303 +3,303 @@ WHERE table_schema = 'information_schema'
AND table_name <> 'profiling' AND table_name not like 'innodb_%' AND table_name <> 'profiling' AND table_name not like 'innodb_%'
ORDER BY table_schema, table_name, column_name; ORDER BY table_schema, table_name, column_name;
NULL information_schema CHARACTER_SETS CHARACTER_SET_NAME 1 NO varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select def information_schema CHARACTER_SETS CHARACTER_SET_NAME 1 NO varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select
NULL information_schema CHARACTER_SETS DEFAULT_COLLATE_NAME 2 NO varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select def information_schema CHARACTER_SETS DEFAULT_COLLATE_NAME 2 NO varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select
NULL information_schema CHARACTER_SETS DESCRIPTION 3 NO varchar 60 180 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(60) select def information_schema CHARACTER_SETS DESCRIPTION 3 NO varchar 60 180 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(60) select
NULL information_schema CHARACTER_SETS MAXLEN 4 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(3) select def information_schema CHARACTER_SETS MAXLEN 4 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(3) select
NULL information_schema COLLATIONS CHARACTER_SET_NAME 2 NO varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select def information_schema COLLATIONS CHARACTER_SET_NAME 2 NO varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select
NULL information_schema COLLATIONS COLLATION_NAME 1 NO varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select def information_schema COLLATIONS COLLATION_NAME 1 NO varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select
NULL information_schema COLLATIONS ID 3 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(11) select def information_schema COLLATIONS ID 3 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(11) select
NULL information_schema COLLATIONS IS_COMPILED 5 NO varchar 3 9 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(3) select def information_schema COLLATIONS IS_COMPILED 5 NO varchar 3 9 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(3) select
NULL information_schema COLLATIONS IS_DEFAULT 4 NO varchar 3 9 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(3) select def information_schema COLLATIONS IS_DEFAULT 4 NO varchar 3 9 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(3) select
NULL information_schema COLLATIONS SORTLEN 6 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(3) select def information_schema COLLATIONS SORTLEN 6 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(3) select
NULL information_schema COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY CHARACTER_SET_NAME 2 NO varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select def information_schema COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY CHARACTER_SET_NAME 2 NO varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select
NULL information_schema COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY COLLATION_NAME 1 NO varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select def information_schema COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY COLLATION_NAME 1 NO varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select
NULL information_schema COLUMNS CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH 9 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select def information_schema COLUMNS CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH 9 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema COLUMNS CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH 10 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select def information_schema COLUMNS CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH 10 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema COLUMNS CHARACTER_SET_NAME 13 NULL YES varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select def information_schema COLUMNS CHARACTER_SET_NAME 13 NULL YES varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select
NULL information_schema COLUMNS COLLATION_NAME 14 NULL YES varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select def information_schema COLUMNS COLLATION_NAME 14 NULL YES varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select
NULL information_schema COLUMNS COLUMN_COMMENT 19 NO varchar 255 765 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(255) select def information_schema COLUMNS COLUMN_COMMENT 19 NO varchar 255 765 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(255) select
NULL information_schema COLUMNS COLUMN_DEFAULT 6 NULL YES longtext 4294967295 4294967295 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci longtext select def information_schema COLUMNS COLUMN_DEFAULT 6 NULL YES longtext 4294967295 4294967295 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci longtext select
NULL information_schema COLUMNS COLUMN_KEY 16 NO varchar 3 9 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(3) select def information_schema COLUMNS COLUMN_KEY 16 NO varchar 3 9 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(3) select
NULL information_schema COLUMNS COLUMN_NAME 4 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema COLUMNS COLUMN_NAME 4 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema COLUMNS COLUMN_TYPE 15 NULL NO longtext 4294967295 4294967295 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci longtext select def information_schema COLUMNS COLUMN_TYPE 15 NULL NO longtext 4294967295 4294967295 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci longtext select
NULL information_schema COLUMNS DATA_TYPE 8 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema COLUMNS DATA_TYPE 8 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema COLUMNS EXTRA 17 NO varchar 27 81 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(27) select def information_schema COLUMNS EXTRA 17 NO varchar 27 81 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(27) select
NULL information_schema COLUMNS IS_NULLABLE 7 NO varchar 3 9 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(3) select def information_schema COLUMNS IS_NULLABLE 7 NO varchar 3 9 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(3) select
NULL information_schema COLUMNS NUMERIC_PRECISION 11 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select def information_schema COLUMNS NUMERIC_PRECISION 11 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema COLUMNS NUMERIC_SCALE 12 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select def information_schema COLUMNS NUMERIC_SCALE 12 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema COLUMNS ORDINAL_POSITION 5 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select def information_schema COLUMNS ORDINAL_POSITION 5 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema COLUMNS PRIVILEGES 18 NO varchar 80 240 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(80) select def information_schema COLUMNS PRIVILEGES 18 NO varchar 80 240 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(80) select
NULL information_schema COLUMNS TABLE_CATALOG 1 NULL YES varchar 512 1536 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(512) select def information_schema COLUMNS TABLE_CATALOG 1 NO varchar 512 1536 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(512) select
NULL information_schema COLUMNS TABLE_NAME 3 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema COLUMNS TABLE_NAME 3 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema COLUMNS TABLE_SCHEMA 2 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema COLUMNS TABLE_SCHEMA 2 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema COLUMN_PRIVILEGES COLUMN_NAME 5 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema COLUMN_PRIVILEGES COLUMN_NAME 5 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema COLUMN_PRIVILEGES GRANTEE 1 NO varchar 81 243 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(81) select def information_schema COLUMN_PRIVILEGES GRANTEE 1 NO varchar 81 243 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(81) select
NULL information_schema COLUMN_PRIVILEGES IS_GRANTABLE 7 NO varchar 3 9 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(3) select def information_schema COLUMN_PRIVILEGES IS_GRANTABLE 7 NO varchar 3 9 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(3) select
NULL information_schema COLUMN_PRIVILEGES PRIVILEGE_TYPE 6 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema COLUMN_PRIVILEGES PRIVILEGE_TYPE 6 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema COLUMN_PRIVILEGES TABLE_CATALOG 2 NULL YES varchar 512 1536 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(512) select def information_schema COLUMN_PRIVILEGES TABLE_CATALOG 2 NO varchar 512 1536 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(512) select
NULL information_schema COLUMN_PRIVILEGES TABLE_NAME 4 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema COLUMN_PRIVILEGES TABLE_NAME 4 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema COLUMN_PRIVILEGES TABLE_SCHEMA 3 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema COLUMN_PRIVILEGES TABLE_SCHEMA 3 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema ENGINES COMMENT 3 NO varchar 80 240 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(80) select def information_schema ENGINES COMMENT 3 NO varchar 80 240 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(80) select
NULL information_schema ENGINES ENGINE 1 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema ENGINES ENGINE 1 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema ENGINES SAVEPOINTS 6 NULL YES varchar 3 9 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(3) select def information_schema ENGINES SAVEPOINTS 6 NULL YES varchar 3 9 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(3) select
NULL information_schema ENGINES SUPPORT 2 NO varchar 8 24 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(8) select def information_schema ENGINES SUPPORT 2 NO varchar 8 24 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(8) select
NULL information_schema ENGINES TRANSACTIONS 4 NULL YES varchar 3 9 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(3) select def information_schema ENGINES TRANSACTIONS 4 NULL YES varchar 3 9 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(3) select
NULL information_schema ENGINES XA 5 NULL YES varchar 3 9 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(3) select def information_schema ENGINES XA 5 NULL YES varchar 3 9 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(3) select
NULL information_schema EVENTS CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT 22 NO varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select def information_schema EVENTS CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT 22 NO varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select
NULL information_schema EVENTS COLLATION_CONNECTION 23 NO varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select def information_schema EVENTS COLLATION_CONNECTION 23 NO varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select
NULL information_schema EVENTS CREATED 17 0000-00-00 00:00:00 NO datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select def information_schema EVENTS CREATED 17 0000-00-00 00:00:00 NO datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select
NULL information_schema EVENTS DATABASE_COLLATION 24 NO varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select def information_schema EVENTS DATABASE_COLLATION 24 NO varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select
NULL information_schema EVENTS DEFINER 4 NO varchar 77 231 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(77) select def information_schema EVENTS DEFINER 4 NO varchar 77 231 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(77) select
NULL information_schema EVENTS ENDS 14 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select def information_schema EVENTS ENDS 14 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select
NULL information_schema EVENTS EVENT_BODY 6 NO varchar 8 24 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(8) select def information_schema EVENTS EVENT_BODY 6 NO varchar 8 24 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(8) select
NULL information_schema EVENTS EVENT_CATALOG 1 NULL YES varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema EVENTS EVENT_CATALOG 1 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema EVENTS EVENT_COMMENT 20 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema EVENTS EVENT_COMMENT 20 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema EVENTS EVENT_DEFINITION 7 NULL NO longtext 4294967295 4294967295 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci longtext select def information_schema EVENTS EVENT_DEFINITION 7 NULL NO longtext 4294967295 4294967295 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci longtext select
NULL information_schema EVENTS EVENT_NAME 3 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema EVENTS EVENT_NAME 3 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema EVENTS EVENT_SCHEMA 2 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema EVENTS EVENT_SCHEMA 2 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema EVENTS EVENT_TYPE 8 NO varchar 9 27 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(9) select def information_schema EVENTS EVENT_TYPE 8 NO varchar 9 27 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(9) select
NULL information_schema EVENTS EXECUTE_AT 9 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select def information_schema EVENTS EXECUTE_AT 9 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select
NULL information_schema EVENTS INTERVAL_FIELD 11 NULL YES varchar 18 54 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(18) select def information_schema EVENTS INTERVAL_FIELD 11 NULL YES varchar 18 54 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(18) select
NULL information_schema EVENTS INTERVAL_VALUE 10 NULL YES varchar 256 768 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(256) select def information_schema EVENTS INTERVAL_VALUE 10 NULL YES varchar 256 768 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(256) select
NULL information_schema EVENTS LAST_ALTERED 18 0000-00-00 00:00:00 NO datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select def information_schema EVENTS LAST_ALTERED 18 0000-00-00 00:00:00 NO datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select
NULL information_schema EVENTS LAST_EXECUTED 19 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select def information_schema EVENTS LAST_EXECUTED 19 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select
NULL information_schema EVENTS ON_COMPLETION 16 NO varchar 12 36 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(12) select def information_schema EVENTS ON_COMPLETION 16 NO varchar 12 36 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(12) select
NULL information_schema EVENTS ORIGINATOR 21 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(10) select def information_schema EVENTS ORIGINATOR 21 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(10) select
NULL information_schema EVENTS SQL_MODE 12 NO varchar 8192 24576 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(8192) select def information_schema EVENTS SQL_MODE 12 NO varchar 8192 24576 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(8192) select
NULL information_schema EVENTS STARTS 13 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select def information_schema EVENTS STARTS 13 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select
NULL information_schema EVENTS STATUS 15 NO varchar 18 54 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(18) select def information_schema EVENTS STATUS 15 NO varchar 18 54 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(18) select
NULL information_schema EVENTS TIME_ZONE 5 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema EVENTS TIME_ZONE 5 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema FILES AUTOEXTEND_SIZE 19 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select def information_schema FILES AUTOEXTEND_SIZE 19 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema FILES AVG_ROW_LENGTH 28 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select def information_schema FILES AVG_ROW_LENGTH 28 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema FILES CHECKSUM 36 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select def information_schema FILES CHECKSUM 36 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema FILES CHECK_TIME 35 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select def information_schema FILES CHECK_TIME 35 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select
NULL information_schema FILES CREATE_TIME 33 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select def information_schema FILES CREATE_TIME 33 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select
NULL information_schema FILES CREATION_TIME 20 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select def information_schema FILES CREATION_TIME 20 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select
NULL information_schema FILES DATA_FREE 32 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select def information_schema FILES DATA_FREE 32 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema FILES DATA_LENGTH 29 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select def information_schema FILES DATA_LENGTH 29 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema FILES DELETED_ROWS 12 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(4) select def information_schema FILES DELETED_ROWS 12 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(4) select
NULL information_schema FILES ENGINE 10 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema FILES ENGINE 10 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema FILES EXTENT_SIZE 16 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(4) select def information_schema FILES EXTENT_SIZE 16 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(4) select
NULL information_schema FILES EXTRA 38 NULL YES varchar 255 765 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(255) select def information_schema FILES EXTRA 38 NULL YES varchar 255 765 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(255) select
NULL information_schema FILES FILE_ID 1 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(4) select def information_schema FILES FILE_ID 1 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(4) select
NULL information_schema FILES FILE_NAME 2 NULL YES varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema FILES FILE_NAME 2 NULL YES varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema FILES FILE_TYPE 3 NO varchar 20 60 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(20) select def information_schema FILES FILE_TYPE 3 NO varchar 20 60 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(20) select
NULL information_schema FILES FREE_EXTENTS 14 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(4) select def information_schema FILES FREE_EXTENTS 14 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(4) select
NULL information_schema FILES FULLTEXT_KEYS 11 NULL YES varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema FILES FULLTEXT_KEYS 11 NULL YES varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema FILES INDEX_LENGTH 31 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select def information_schema FILES INDEX_LENGTH 31 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema FILES INITIAL_SIZE 17 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select def information_schema FILES INITIAL_SIZE 17 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema FILES LAST_ACCESS_TIME 22 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select def information_schema FILES LAST_ACCESS_TIME 22 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select
NULL information_schema FILES LAST_UPDATE_TIME 21 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select def information_schema FILES LAST_UPDATE_TIME 21 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select
NULL information_schema FILES LOGFILE_GROUP_NAME 8 NULL YES varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema FILES LOGFILE_GROUP_NAME 8 NULL YES varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema FILES LOGFILE_GROUP_NUMBER 9 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(4) select def information_schema FILES LOGFILE_GROUP_NUMBER 9 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(4) select
NULL information_schema FILES MAXIMUM_SIZE 18 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select def information_schema FILES MAXIMUM_SIZE 18 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema FILES MAX_DATA_LENGTH 30 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select def information_schema FILES MAX_DATA_LENGTH 30 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema FILES RECOVER_TIME 23 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(4) select def information_schema FILES RECOVER_TIME 23 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(4) select
NULL information_schema FILES ROW_FORMAT 26 NULL YES varchar 10 30 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(10) select def information_schema FILES ROW_FORMAT 26 NULL YES varchar 10 30 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(10) select
NULL information_schema FILES STATUS 37 NO varchar 20 60 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(20) select def information_schema FILES STATUS 37 NO varchar 20 60 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(20) select
NULL information_schema FILES TABLESPACE_NAME 4 NULL YES varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema FILES TABLESPACE_NAME 4 NULL YES varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema FILES TABLE_CATALOG 5 NULL YES varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema FILES TABLE_CATALOG 5 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema FILES TABLE_NAME 7 NULL YES varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema FILES TABLE_NAME 7 NULL YES varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema FILES TABLE_ROWS 27 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select def information_schema FILES TABLE_ROWS 27 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema FILES TABLE_SCHEMA 6 NULL YES varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema FILES TABLE_SCHEMA 6 NULL YES varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema FILES TOTAL_EXTENTS 15 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(4) select def information_schema FILES TOTAL_EXTENTS 15 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(4) select
NULL information_schema FILES TRANSACTION_COUNTER 24 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(4) select def information_schema FILES TRANSACTION_COUNTER 24 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(4) select
NULL information_schema FILES UPDATE_COUNT 13 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(4) select def information_schema FILES UPDATE_COUNT 13 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(4) select
NULL information_schema FILES UPDATE_TIME 34 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select def information_schema FILES UPDATE_TIME 34 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select
NULL information_schema FILES VERSION 25 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select def information_schema FILES VERSION 25 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema GLOBAL_STATUS VARIABLE_NAME 1 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema GLOBAL_STATUS VARIABLE_NAME 1 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema GLOBAL_STATUS VARIABLE_VALUE 2 NULL YES varchar 1024 3072 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(1024) select def information_schema GLOBAL_STATUS VARIABLE_VALUE 2 NULL YES varchar 1024 3072 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(1024) select
NULL information_schema GLOBAL_VARIABLES VARIABLE_NAME 1 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema GLOBAL_VARIABLES VARIABLE_NAME 1 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema GLOBAL_VARIABLES VARIABLE_VALUE 2 NULL YES varchar 1024 3072 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(1024) select def information_schema GLOBAL_VARIABLES VARIABLE_VALUE 2 NULL YES varchar 1024 3072 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(1024) select
NULL information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE COLUMN_NAME 7 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE COLUMN_NAME 7 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE CONSTRAINT_CATALOG 1 NULL YES varchar 512 1536 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(512) select def information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE CONSTRAINT_CATALOG 1 NO varchar 512 1536 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(512) select
NULL information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE CONSTRAINT_NAME 3 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE CONSTRAINT_NAME 3 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA 2 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA 2 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE ORDINAL_POSITION 8 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(10) select def information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE ORDINAL_POSITION 8 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(10) select
NULL information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE POSITION_IN_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT 9 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(10) select def information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE POSITION_IN_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT 9 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(10) select
NULL information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME 12 NULL YES varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME 12 NULL YES varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME 11 NULL YES varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME 11 NULL YES varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA 10 NULL YES varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA 10 NULL YES varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE TABLE_CATALOG 4 NULL YES varchar 512 1536 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(512) select def information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE TABLE_CATALOG 4 NO varchar 512 1536 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(512) select
NULL information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE TABLE_NAME 6 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE TABLE_NAME 6 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE TABLE_SCHEMA 5 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE TABLE_SCHEMA 5 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema PARTITIONS AVG_ROW_LENGTH 14 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select def information_schema PARTITIONS AVG_ROW_LENGTH 14 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
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NULL information_schema USER_PRIVILEGES GRANTEE 1 NO varchar 81 243 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(81) select def information_schema USER_PRIVILEGES GRANTEE 1 NO varchar 81 243 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(81) select
NULL information_schema USER_PRIVILEGES IS_GRANTABLE 4 NO varchar 3 9 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(3) select def information_schema USER_PRIVILEGES IS_GRANTABLE 4 NO varchar 3 9 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(3) select
NULL information_schema USER_PRIVILEGES PRIVILEGE_TYPE 3 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema USER_PRIVILEGES PRIVILEGE_TYPE 3 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
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NULL information_schema VIEWS CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT 9 NO varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select def information_schema VIEWS CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT 9 NO varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select
NULL information_schema VIEWS CHECK_OPTION 5 NO varchar 8 24 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(8) select def information_schema VIEWS CHECK_OPTION 5 NO varchar 8 24 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(8) select
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NULL information_schema VIEWS DEFINER 7 NO varchar 77 231 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(77) select def information_schema VIEWS DEFINER 7 NO varchar 77 231 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(77) select
NULL information_schema VIEWS IS_UPDATABLE 6 NO varchar 3 9 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(3) select def information_schema VIEWS IS_UPDATABLE 6 NO varchar 3 9 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(3) select
NULL information_schema VIEWS SECURITY_TYPE 8 NO varchar 7 21 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(7) select def information_schema VIEWS SECURITY_TYPE 8 NO varchar 7 21 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(7) select
NULL information_schema VIEWS TABLE_CATALOG 1 NULL YES varchar 512 1536 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(512) select def information_schema VIEWS TABLE_CATALOG 1 NO varchar 512 1536 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(512) select
NULL information_schema VIEWS TABLE_NAME 3 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema VIEWS TABLE_NAME 3 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema VIEWS TABLE_SCHEMA 2 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select def information_schema VIEWS TABLE_SCHEMA 2 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema VIEWS VIEW_DEFINITION 4 NULL NO longtext 4294967295 4294967295 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci longtext select def information_schema VIEWS VIEW_DEFINITION 4 NULL NO longtext 4294967295 4294967295 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci longtext select
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