Commit 838fad7c authored by Konstantin Osipov's avatar Konstantin Osipov

Backport of:

revno: 2617.23.19
committer: Konstantin Osipov <>
branch nick: mysql-6.0-runtime
timestamp: Tue 2009-03-03 01:20:44 +0300
  Metadata locking: realign comments. No semantical changes,
  only enforce a bit of the coding style.
This is a review fix for WL#4284 "Transactional DDL locking".

  Realign doxygen comments.
  Realign doxygen comments.
parent 0e080c9a
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ struct MDL_LOCK
MDL_KEY key;
/** List of granted tickets for this lock. */
Ticket_list granted;
There can be several upgraders and active exclusive
belonging to the same context.
......@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ void mdl_request_init(MDL_LOCK_REQUEST *lock_req, unsigned char type,
@note The allocated lock request will have MDL_SHARED type.
@retval 0 Error
@retval 0 Error if out of memory
@retval non-0 Pointer to an object representing a lock request
......@@ -1399,7 +1399,6 @@ void mdl_ticket_release_all(MDL_CONTEXT *context)
@param context Context containing lock in question
@param ticket Lock to be released
void mdl_ticket_release(MDL_CONTEXT *context, MDL_LOCK_TICKET *ticket)
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