Commit 87d4a421 authored by's avatar

Merge mwagner@work:/home/bk/mysql

parents 6bf90eb7 7f62884b
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -334,6 +334,14 @@ show variables;
show variables like "p%";
show table status from ok like "station%";
##################### END `ok' TESTS ######################################
# numerical functions
1+1 1-1 1+1*2 8/5 8%5 MOD(8,5) MOD(8,5)|0 -(1+1)*-2 SIGN(-5)
2 0 3 1.60 3 3 3 4 -1
FLOOR(5.5) FLOOR(-5.5) CEILING(5.5) CEILING(-5.5) ROUND(5.5) ROUND(-5.5)
5 -6 6 -5 6 -6
ROUND(5.64,1) ROUND(5.64,2) ROUND(5.64,-1) ROUND(5.64,-2)
5.6 5.64 10 0
TRUNCATE(52.64,1) TRUNCATE(52.64,2) TRUNCATE(52.64,-1) TRUNCATE(52.64,-2)
52.6 52.64 50 0
ABS(-10) LOG(EXP(10)) EXP(LOG(SQRT(10))*2) POW(10,LOG10(10)) RAND(999999) RAND() POWER(2,4)
10 10.000000 10.000000 10.000000 0.18435012473199 0.76373626176616 16.000000
PI() SIN(PI()/2) COS(PI()/2) TAN(PI()) COT(1) ASIN(1) ACOS(0) ATAN(1)
3.141593 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000000 0.64209262 1.570796 1.570796 0.785398
1 | (1+1) 5 & 3 BIT_COUNT(7)
3 1 3
1 << 32 1 << 63 1 << 64 4 >> 2 4 >> 63 1<< 63 >> 60
4294967296 -9223372036854775808 0 1 0 8
10 10.0 10. .1e+2 100.0e-1
10 10.0 10 10 10
6e-05 -6e-05 --6e-05 -6e-05+1.000000
6e-05 -6e-05 6e-05 0.99994
0 256 00000000000000065536 2147483647 -2147483648 2147483648 +4294967296
0 256 65536 2147483647 -2147483648 2147483648 0
922337203685477580 92233720368547758000
922337203685477580 92233720368547758080
-922337203685477580 -92233720368547758000
-922337203685477580 -92233720368547758080
9223372036854775807 -009223372036854775808
9223372036854775807 -9223372036854775808
+9999999999999999999 -9999999999999999999
10000000000000000000 -10000000000000000000
180 6.2831853071796
0=0 1>0 1>=1 1<0 1<=0 1!=0 STRCMP("abc","abcd") STRCMP("b","a") STRCMP("a","a")
1 1 1 0 0 1 -1 1 0
"a"<"b" "a"<="b" "b">="a" "b">"a" "a"="A" "a"<>"b"
1 1 1 1 1 1
"a "="A" "A "="a" "a " <= "A b"
1 1 1
"abc" LIKE "a%" "abc" NOT LIKE "%d%" "a%" LIKE "a\%" "abc%" LIKE "a%\%" "abcd" LIKE "a%b_%d" "a" LIKE "%%a" "abcde" LIKE "a%_e" "abc" LIKE "abc%"
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
"a" LIKE "%%b" "a" LIKE "%%ab" "ab" LIKE "a\%" "ab" LIKE "_" "ab" LIKE "ab_" "abc" LIKE "%_d" "abc" LIKE "abc%d"
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
'?' LIKE '|%' '?' LIKE '|%' ESCAPE '|' '%' LIKE '|%' '%' LIKE '|%' ESCAPE '|' '%' LIKE '%'
0 0 0 1 1
'abc' LIKE '%c' 'abcabc' LIKE '%c' "ab" LIKE "" "ab" LIKE "a" "ab" LIKE "ab"
1 1 0 0 1
"Det här är svenska" REGEXP "h[[:alpha:]]+r" "aba" REGEXP "^(a|b)*$"
1 1
"aba" REGEXP CONCAT("^","a")
!0 NOT 0=1 !(0=0) 1 AND 1 1 && 0 0 OR 1 1 || NULL 1=1 OR 1=1 AND 1=0
1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
IF(0,"ERROR","this") IF(1,"is","ERROR") IF(NULL,"ERROR","a") IF(1,2,3)|0 IF(1,2.0,3.0)+0
this is a 2 2.0
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000004">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Simple arithmetic.</description>
<description>Testing MOD(), SIGN(), and arithmetic grouping.</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000004.result">
<sql>SELECT 1+1,1-1,1+1*2,8/5,8%5,MOD(8,5),MOD(8,5)|0,-(1+1)*-2,SIGN(-5)</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000005">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Numeric functions.</description>
<description>Testing FLOOR(), CEILING(), ROUND().</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000005.result">
<sql>SELECT FLOOR(5.5),FLOOR(-5.5),CEILING(5.5),CEILING(-5.5),ROUND(5.5),ROUND(-5.5)</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000006">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Numeric functions.</description>
<description>Testing ROUND(); hundreths precision.</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000006.result">
<sql>SELECT ROUND(5.64,1),ROUND(5.64,2),ROUND(5.64,-1),ROUND(5.64,-2)</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000007">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Numeric functions.</description>
<description>Testing TRUNCATE().</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000007.result">
<sql>SELECT TRUNCATE(52.64,1),TRUNCATE(52.64,2),TRUNCATE(52.64,-1),TRUNCATE(52.64,-2)</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000008">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Numeric functions.</description>
<description>Testing ABS(), LOG(), LOG10(), EXP(), SQRT(), POW(), RAND(), POWER().</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000008.result">
<sql>SELECT ABS(-10),LOG(EXP(10)),EXP(LOG(SQRT(10))*2),POW(10,LOG10(10)),RAND(999999),RAND(),POWER(2,4)</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000009">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Numeric functions.</description>
<description>Testing PI(), SIN(), COS(), TAN(), COT(), ASIN(), ACOS(), ATAN().</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000009.result">
<sql>SELECT PI(),SIN(PI()/2),COS(PI()/2),TAN(PI()),COT(1),ASIN(1),ACOS(0),ATAN(1)</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000010">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Numeric bitwise comparisons.</description>
<description>Testing |, &amp;, BIT_COUNT().</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000010.result">
<sql>SELECT 1 | (1+1),5 &amp; 3,BIT_COUNT(7)</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000011">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Numeric bitmoving comparisons.</description>
<description>Testing &lt;&lt;, >>.</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000011.result">
<sql>SELECT 1 &lt;&lt; 32,1 &lt;&lt; 63, 1 &lt;&lt; 64, 4 >> 2, 4 >> 63, 1&lt;&lt; 63 >> 60</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000012">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Numeric floating point.</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000012.result">
<sql>SELECT 10,10.0,10.,.1e+2,100.0e-1</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000013">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Numeric floating point.</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000013.result">
<sql>SELECT 6e-05, -6e-05, --6e-05, -6e-05+1.000000</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000014">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Testing pos/neg and zero padding.</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000014.result">
<sql>SELECT 0,256,00000000000000065536,2147483647,-2147483648,2147483648,+4294967296</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000015">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Testing big numbers.</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000015.result">
<sql>SELECT 922337203685477580,92233720368547758000</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000016">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Testing big negative numbers.</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000016.result">
<sql>SELECT -922337203685477580,-92233720368547758000</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000017">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Testing big pos/neg numbers.</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000017.result">
<sql>SELECT 9223372036854775807,-009223372036854775808</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000018">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Testing big pos/neg numbers.</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000018.result">
<sql>SELECT +9999999999999999999,-9999999999999999999</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000019">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Testing DEGREES(), RADIANS().</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000019.result">
<sql>SELECT DEGREES(PI()),RADIANS(360)</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000020">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Testing string comparisons; STRCMP(), =, >, >=, &lt;=, !=.</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000020.result">
<sql>SELECT 0=0,1>0,1>=1,1&lt;0,1&lt;=0,1!=0,STRCMP("abc","abcd"),STRCMP("b","a"),STRCMP("a","a")</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000021">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Testing string comparisons; =, >, >=, &lt;=, &lt;>.</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000021.result">
<sql>SELECT "a"&lt;"b","a"&lt;="b","b">="a","b">"a","a"="A","a"&lt;>"b"</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000022">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Testing string comparisons; =, >, &lt;=.</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000022.result">
<sql>SELECT "a "="A", "A "="a", "a " &lt;= "A b"</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000023">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Testing string comparisons; LIKE, NOT LIKE, '%'.</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000023.result">
<sql>SELECT "abc" LIKE "a%", "abc" NOT LIKE "%d%", "a%" LIKE "a\%","abc%" LIKE "a%\%","abcd" LIKE "a%b_%d", "a" LIKE "%%a","abcde" LIKE "a%_e","abc" LIKE "abc%"</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000024">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Testing string comparisons; LIKE, '%'.</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000024.result">
<sql>SELECT "a" LIKE "%%b","a" LIKE "%%ab","ab" LIKE "a\%", "ab" LIKE "_", "ab" LIKE "ab_", "abc" LIKE "%_d", "abc" LIKE "abc%d"</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000025">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Testing string comparisons; LIKE, ESCAPE, '%'.</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000025.result">
<sql>SELECT '?' LIKE '|%', '?' LIKE '|%' ESCAPE '|', '%' LIKE '|%', '%' LIKE '|%' ESCAPE '|', '%' LIKE '%'</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000026">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Testing string comparisons; LIKE, '%'.</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000026.result">
<sql>SELECT 'abc' LIKE '%c','abcabc' LIKE '%c', "ab" LIKE "", "ab" LIKE "a", "ab" LIKE "ab"</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000027">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Testing string comparisons; REGEXP.</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000027.result">
<sql>SELECT "Det hr r svenska" REGEXP "h[[:alpha:]]+r", "aba" REGEXP "^(a|b)*$"</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000028">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Testing string comparisons; REGEXP, CONCAT().</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000028.result">
<sql>SELECT "aba" REGEXP CONCAT("^","a")</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000029">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Testing string comparisons; NOT, AND, OR, !, &amp;&amp;, ||.</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000029.result">
<sql>SELECT !0,NOT 0=1,!(0=0),1 AND 1,1 &amp;&amp; 0,0 OR 1,1 || NULL, 1=1 OR 1=1 AND 1=0</sql>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- This file is maintained by -->
<test name="sel000030">
<version value="3.22"/>
<version value="3.23"/>
<description>Control flow.</description>
<description>Testing control flow; IF()</description>
<resultfile name="r/3.23/sel000030.result">
<sql>SELECT IF(0,"ERROR","this"),IF(1,"is","ERROR"),IF(NULL,"ERROR","a"),IF(1,2,3)|0,IF(1,2.0,3.0)+0</sql>
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