Commit 89d9105d authored by Michael Widenius's avatar Michael Widenius

Fixed failing tests

  Don't run test if utf8_unicode_ci is not available
  Don't run test if utf8_unicode_ci is not available
  Update result
  Don't run test if utf8_unicode_ci is not available
  Don't run test if utf8_unicode_ci is not available
parent 156832f0
......@@ -2,4 +2,6 @@
# For both statement and row based bin logs 9/19/2005 [jbm]
-- source include/
-- source extra/binlog_tests/binlog.test
let collation=utf8_unicode_ci;
--source include/
--source extra/binlog_tests/binlog.test
-- source include/
-- source include/
let collation=utf8_unicode_ci;
--source include/
drop table if exists t1;
......@@ -113,34 +113,34 @@ NULL information_schema GLOBAL_STATUS VARIABLE_NAME 1 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NU
NULL information_schema GLOBAL_STATUS VARIABLE_VALUE 2 NULL YES varchar 1024 3072 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(1024) select
NULL information_schema GLOBAL_VARIABLES VARIABLE_NAME 1 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema GLOBAL_VARIABLES VARIABLE_VALUE 2 NULL YES varchar 1024 3072 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(1024) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES fix_count 5 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES flush_type 6 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES lru_position 4 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES page_no 3 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES fix_count 5 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES flush_type 6 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES lru_position 4 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES page_no 3 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES page_type 1 NULL YES varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES space_id 2 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_BLOB compressed 3 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_BLOB fix_count 7 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_BLOB flush_type 8 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_BLOB lru_position 6 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_BLOB next_page_no 5 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_BLOB page_no 2 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_BLOB part_len 4 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_BLOB space_id 1 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX access_time 9 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX data_size 7 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX dirty 11 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX fix_count 14 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX flush_type 15 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX hashed 8 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES space_id 2 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_BLOB compressed 3 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_BLOB fix_count 7 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_BLOB flush_type 8 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_BLOB lru_position 6 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_BLOB next_page_no 5 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_BLOB page_no 2 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_BLOB part_len 4 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_BLOB space_id 1 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX access_time 9 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX data_size 7 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX dirty 11 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX fix_count 14 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX flush_type 15 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX hashed 8 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX index_name 3 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX lru_position 13 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX modified 10 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX n_recs 6 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX old 12 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX page_no 5 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX lru_position 13 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX modified 10 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX n_recs 6 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX old 12 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX page_no 5 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX schema_name 1 NULL YES varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX space_id 4 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX space_id 4 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_PAGES_INDEX table_name 2 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_CMP compress_ops 2 0 NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL int(11) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_CMP compress_ops_ok 3 0 NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL int(11) select
......@@ -164,10 +164,10 @@ NULL information_schema INNODB_CMP_RESET compress_time 4 0 NO int NULL NULL 10 0
NULL information_schema INNODB_CMP_RESET page_size 1 0 NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL int(5) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_CMP_RESET uncompress_ops 5 0 NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL int(11) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_CMP_RESET uncompress_time 6 0 NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL int(11) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_INDEX_STATS fields 4 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_INDEX_STATS fields 4 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_INDEX_STATS index_name 3 NO varchar 192 576 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(192) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_INDEX_STATS index_size 6 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_INDEX_STATS leaf_pages 7 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_INDEX_STATS index_size 6 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_INDEX_STATS leaf_pages 7 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_INDEX_STATS row_per_keys 5 NO varchar 256 768 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(256) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_INDEX_STATS table_name 2 NO varchar 192 576 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(192) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_INDEX_STATS table_schema 1 NO varchar 192 576 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(192) select
......@@ -175,9 +175,9 @@ NULL information_schema INNODB_LOCKS lock_data 10 NULL YES varchar 8192 24576 NU
NULL information_schema INNODB_LOCKS lock_id 1 NO varchar 81 243 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(81) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_LOCKS lock_index 6 NULL YES varchar 1024 3072 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(1024) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_LOCKS lock_mode 3 NO varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_LOCKS lock_page 8 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_LOCKS lock_rec 9 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_LOCKS lock_space 7 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_LOCKS lock_page 8 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_LOCKS lock_rec 9 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_LOCKS lock_space 7 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_LOCKS lock_table 5 NO varchar 1024 3072 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(1024) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_LOCKS lock_trx_id 2 NO varchar 18 54 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(18) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_LOCKS lock_type 4 NO varchar 32 96 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(32) select
......@@ -185,42 +185,42 @@ NULL information_schema INNODB_LOCK_WAITS blocking_lock_id 4 NO varchar 81 243
NULL information_schema INNODB_LOCK_WAITS blocking_trx_id 3 NO varchar 18 54 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(18) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_LOCK_WAITS requested_lock_id 2 NO varchar 81 243 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(81) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_LOCK_WAITS requesting_trx_id 1 NO varchar 18 54 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(18) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_RSEG curr_size 6 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_RSEG max_size 5 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_RSEG page_no 4 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_RSEG rseg_id 1 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_RSEG space_id 2 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_RSEG zip_size 3 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_INDEXES ID 2 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_RSEG curr_size 6 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_RSEG max_size 5 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_RSEG page_no 4 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_RSEG rseg_id 1 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_RSEG space_id 2 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_RSEG zip_size 3 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_INDEXES ID 2 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_INDEXES NAME 3 NO varchar 192 576 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(192) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_INDEXES N_FIELDS 4 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_INDEXES PAGE_NO 7 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_INDEXES SPACE 6 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_INDEXES TABLE_ID 1 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_INDEXES TYPE 5 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_INDEXES N_FIELDS 4 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_INDEXES PAGE_NO 7 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_INDEXES SPACE 6 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_INDEXES TABLE_ID 1 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_INDEXES TYPE 5 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_TABLES CLUSTER_NAME 8 NO varchar 192 576 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(192) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_TABLES ID 3 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_TABLES MIX_ID 6 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_TABLES MIX_LEN 7 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_TABLES ID 3 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_TABLES MIX_ID 6 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_TABLES MIX_LEN 7 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_TABLES NAME 2 NO varchar 192 576 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(192) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_TABLES N_COLS 4 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_TABLES N_COLS 4 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_TABLES SCHEMA 1 NO varchar 192 576 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(192) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_TABLES SPACE 9 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_TABLES TYPE 5 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_TABLE_STATS clust_size 4 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_TABLE_STATS modified 6 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_TABLE_STATS other_size 5 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_TABLE_STATS rows 3 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_TABLES SPACE 9 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_SYS_TABLES TYPE 5 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_TABLE_STATS clust_size 4 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_TABLE_STATS modified 6 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_TABLE_STATS other_size 5 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_TABLE_STATS rows 3 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_TABLE_STATS table_name 2 NO varchar 192 576 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(192) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_TABLE_STATS table_schema 1 NO varchar 192 576 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(192) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_TRX trx_id 1 NO varchar 18 54 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(18) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_TRX trx_mysql_thread_id 7 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_TRX trx_mysql_thread_id 7 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_TRX trx_query 8 NULL YES varchar 1024 3072 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(1024) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_TRX trx_requested_lock_id 4 NULL YES varchar 81 243 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(81) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_TRX trx_started 3 0000-00-00 00:00:00 NO datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select
NULL information_schema INNODB_TRX trx_state 2 NO varchar 13 39 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(13) select
NULL information_schema INNODB_TRX trx_wait_started 5 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime select
NULL information_schema INNODB_TRX trx_weight 6 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema INNODB_TRX trx_weight 6 0 NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select
NULL information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE COLUMN_NAME 7 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
NULL information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE CONSTRAINT_CATALOG 1 NULL YES varchar 512 1536 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(512) select
NULL information_schema KEY_COLUMN_USAGE CONSTRAINT_NAME 3 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select
......@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
-- source include/
let collation=utf8_unicode_ci;
--source include/
let $MYSQLD_DATADIR= `select @@datadir`;
......@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
# Slow test, don't run during staging part
-- source include/
-- source include/
-- source include/
let $engine_type= InnoDB;
let $other_engine_type= MEMORY;
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