Commit a7d8ac2b authored by Sergey Petrunya's avatar Sergey Petrunya

Variable/function renames

parent 131aa889
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ class Value_dep : public Sql_alloc
Value_dep(): bound(FALSE), next(NULL) {}
virtual void now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Module_dep **bound_modules)=0;
virtual void now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *fda, Module_dep **bound_modules)=0;
virtual ~Value_dep() {} /* only to shut up compiler warnings */
bool bound;
......@@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ public:
- unique keys we belong to
- expressions that depend on us.
void now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Module_dep **bound_modules);
void signal_from_field_to_exprs(Func_dep_analyzer* te,
void now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *fda, Module_dep **bound_modules);
void signal_from_field_to_exprs(Func_dep_analyzer* fda,
Module_dep **bound_modules);
......@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ public:
Field_value *fields; /* Ordered list of fields that belong to this table */
Key_module *keys; /* Ordered list of Unique keys in this table */
//Outer_join_module *outer_join_dep;
void now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Module_dep **bound_modules);
void now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *fda, Module_dep **bound_modules);
......@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ public:
} type; /* Type of the object */
virtual bool now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Value_dep **bound_modules)=0;
virtual bool now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *fda, Value_dep **bound_modules)=0;
virtual ~Module_dep(){}
Used to make a linked list of elements that became bound and thus can
......@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ public:
/* Used during condition analysis only, similar to KEYUSE::level */
uint level;
bool now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Value_dep **bound_values);
bool now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *fda, Value_dep **bound_values);
......@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ public:
uint keyno;
/* Unique keys form a linked list, ordered by keyno */
Key_module *next_table_key;
bool now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Value_dep **bound_values);
bool now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *fda, Value_dep **bound_values);
......@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ public:
unknown_args= n_children;
bool now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Value_dep **bound_values);
bool now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *fda, Value_dep **bound_values);
......@@ -301,9 +301,9 @@ public:
table_map usable_tables;
/* Array of equality dependencies */
Equality_module *equality_deps;
uint n_equality_deps; /* Number of elements in the array */
uint n_equality_deps_alloced;
Equality_module *equality_mods;
uint n_equality_mods; /* Number of elements in the array */
uint n_equality_mods_alloced;
/* tablenr -> Table_value* mapping. */
Table_value *table_deps[MAX_KEY];
......@@ -331,10 +331,10 @@ bool check_func_dependency(JOIN *join,
Item* cond);
bool build_eq_deps_for_cond(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Equality_module **fdeps,
void build_eq_mods_for_cond(Func_dep_analyzer *fda, Equality_module **fdeps,
uint *and_level, Item *cond);
bool add_eq_dep(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Equality_module **eq_dep,
void add_eq_mod(Func_dep_analyzer *fda, Equality_module **eq_mod,
uint and_level,
Item_func *cond, Item *left, Item *right);
......@@ -342,14 +342,14 @@ Equality_module *merge_func_deps(Equality_module *start,
Equality_module *new_fields,
Equality_module *end, uint and_level);
static Table_value *get_table_value(Func_dep_analyzer *te, TABLE *table);
static Field_value *get_field_value(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Field *field);
static Table_value *get_table_value(Func_dep_analyzer *fda, TABLE *table);
static Field_value *get_field_value(Func_dep_analyzer *fda, Field *field);
static void mark_as_eliminated(JOIN *join, TABLE_LIST *tbl);
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
static void dbug_print_deps(Func_dep_analyzer *te);
static void dbug_print_deps(Func_dep_analyzer *fda);
......@@ -358,17 +358,18 @@ static void dbug_print_deps(Func_dep_analyzer *te);
Produce Eq_dep elements for given condition.
te Table elimination context
fda Table elimination context
fdeps INOUT Put produced equality conditions here
and_level INOUT AND-level (like in add_key_fields)
cond Condition to process
This function is modeled after add_key_fields()
bool build_eq_deps_for_cond(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Equality_module **fdeps,
void build_eq_mods_for_cond(Func_dep_analyzer *fda, Equality_module **fdeps,
uint *and_level, Item *cond)
if (cond->type() == Item_func::COND_ITEM)
......@@ -381,34 +382,29 @@ bool build_eq_deps_for_cond(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Equality_module **fdeps,
Item *item;
while ((item=li++))
if (build_eq_deps_for_cond(te, fdeps, and_level, item))
return TRUE;
build_eq_mods_for_cond(fda, fdeps, and_level, item);
for (; org_key_fields != *fdeps ; org_key_fields++)
org_key_fields->level= *and_level;
if (build_eq_deps_for_cond(te, fdeps, and_level, li++))
return TRUE;
Item *item;
build_eq_mods_for_cond(fda, fdeps, and_level, li++);
while ((item=li++))
Equality_module *start_key_fields= *fdeps;
if (build_eq_deps_for_cond(te, fdeps, and_level, item))
return TRUE;
build_eq_mods_for_cond(fda, fdeps, and_level, item);
*fdeps= merge_func_deps(org_key_fields, start_key_fields, *fdeps,
return FALSE;
if (cond->type() != Item::FUNC_ITEM)
return FALSE;
Item_func *cond_func= (Item_func*) cond;
Item **args= cond_func->arguments();
......@@ -418,10 +414,10 @@ bool build_eq_deps_for_cond(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Equality_module **fdeps,
if (cond_func->argument_count() == 2)
if (add_eq_dep(te, fdeps, *and_level, cond_func, args[0], args[1]) ||
add_eq_dep(te, fdeps, *and_level, cond_func, args[1], args[0]))
return TRUE;
add_eq_mod(fda, fdeps, *and_level, cond_func, args[0], args[1]);
add_eq_mod(fda, fdeps, *and_level, cond_func, args[1], args[0]);
case Item_func::BETWEEN:
......@@ -430,24 +426,23 @@ bool build_eq_deps_for_cond(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Equality_module **fdeps,
(fld= args[0]->real_item())->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM &&
args[1]->eq(args[2], ((Item_field*)fld)->field->binary()))
if (add_eq_dep(te, fdeps, *and_level, cond_func, args[0], args[1]) ||
add_eq_dep(te, fdeps, *and_level, cond_func, args[1], args[0]))
return TRUE;
add_eq_mod(fda, fdeps, *and_level, cond_func, args[0], args[1]);
add_eq_mod(fda, fdeps, *and_level, cond_func, args[1], args[0]);
case Item_func::EQ_FUNC:
case Item_func::EQUAL_FUNC:
add_eq_dep(te, fdeps, *and_level, cond_func, args[0], args[1]);
add_eq_dep(te, fdeps, *and_level, cond_func, args[1], args[0]);
add_eq_mod(fda, fdeps, *and_level, cond_func, args[0], args[1]);
add_eq_mod(fda, fdeps, *and_level, cond_func, args[1], args[0]);
case Item_func::ISNULL_FUNC:
Item *tmp=new Item_null;
if (!tmp || add_eq_dep(te, fdeps, *and_level, cond_func, args[0], args[1]))
return TRUE;
if (tmp)
add_eq_mod(fda, fdeps, *and_level, cond_func, args[0], args[1]);
case Item_func::MULT_EQUAL_FUNC:
......@@ -464,10 +459,7 @@ bool build_eq_deps_for_cond(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Equality_module **fdeps,
with field1 by the keys value of field1.
while ((item= it++))
if (add_eq_dep(te, fdeps, *and_level, cond_func, item, const_item))
return TRUE;
add_eq_mod(fda, fdeps, *and_level, cond_func, item, const_item);
......@@ -485,10 +477,7 @@ bool build_eq_deps_for_cond(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Equality_module **fdeps,
while ((item2= it++))
if (!field->eq(item2->field))
if (add_eq_dep(te, fdeps, *and_level, cond_func, item, item2))
return TRUE;
add_eq_mod(fda, fdeps, *and_level, cond_func, item, item2);
......@@ -498,7 +487,6 @@ bool build_eq_deps_for_cond(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Equality_module **fdeps,
return FALSE;
......@@ -624,8 +612,8 @@ Equality_module *merge_func_deps(Equality_module *start, Equality_module *new_fi
Add an Equality_module element for left=right condition
te Table elimination context
fda Table elimination context
eq_mod INOUT Store created Equality_module here and increment ptr if
you do so
and_level AND-level ()
......@@ -645,10 +633,10 @@ Equality_module *merge_func_deps(Equality_module *start, Equality_module *new_fi
bool add_eq_dep(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Equality_module **eq_mod,
void add_eq_mod(Func_dep_analyzer *fda, Equality_module **eq_mod,
uint and_level, Item_func *cond, Item *left, Item *right)
if ((left->used_tables() & te->usable_tables) &&
if ((left->used_tables() & fda->usable_tables) &&
!(right->used_tables() & RAND_TABLE_BIT) &&
left->real_item()->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM)
......@@ -658,7 +646,7 @@ bool add_eq_dep(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Equality_module **eq_mod,
if (right->result_type() != STRING_RESULT)
if (field->cmp_type() != right->result_type())
return FALSE;
......@@ -668,17 +656,33 @@ bool add_eq_dep(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Equality_module **eq_mod,
if (field->cmp_type() == STRING_RESULT &&
((Field_str*)field)->charset() != cond->compare_collation())
return FALSE;
if (*eq_mod == fda->equality_mods + fda->n_equality_mods_alloced)
We've filled the entire equality_mods array. Replace it with a bigger
one. We do it somewhat inefficiently but it doesn't matter.
Equality_module *new_arr;
if (!(new_arr= new Equality_module[fda->n_equality_mods_alloced *2]))
fda->n_equality_mods_alloced *= 2;
for (int i= 0; i < *eq_mod - fda->equality_mods; i++)
new_arr[i]= fda->equality_mods[i];
fda->equality_mods= new_arr;
*eq_mod= new_arr + (*eq_mod - fda->equality_mods);
if (!((*eq_mod)->field= get_field_value(te, field)))
return TRUE;
if (!((*eq_mod)->field= get_field_value(fda, field)))
(*eq_mod)->expression= right;
(*eq_mod)->level= and_level;
return FALSE;
......@@ -686,7 +690,7 @@ bool add_eq_dep(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Equality_module **eq_mod,
Get a Table_value object for the given table, creating it if necessary.
static Table_value *get_table_value(Func_dep_analyzer *te, TABLE *table)
static Table_value *get_table_value(Func_dep_analyzer *fda, TABLE *table)
Table_value *tbl_dep;
if (!(tbl_dep= new Table_value(table)))
......@@ -704,7 +708,7 @@ static Table_value *get_table_value(Func_dep_analyzer *te, TABLE *table)
key_list= &(key_dep->next_table_key);
return te->table_deps[table->tablenr]= tbl_dep;
return fda->table_deps[table->tablenr]= tbl_dep;
......@@ -712,15 +716,15 @@ static Table_value *get_table_value(Func_dep_analyzer *te, TABLE *table)
Get a Field_value object for the given field, creating it if necessary
static Field_value *get_field_value(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Field *field)
static Field_value *get_field_value(Func_dep_analyzer *fda, Field *field)
TABLE *table= field->table;
Table_value *tbl_dep;
/* First, get the table*/
if (!(tbl_dep= te->table_deps[table->tablenr]))
if (!(tbl_dep= fda->table_deps[table->tablenr]))
if (!(tbl_dep= get_table_value(te, table)))
if (!(tbl_dep= get_table_value(fda, table)))
return NULL;
......@@ -750,13 +754,13 @@ static Field_value *get_field_value(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Field *field)
class Field_dependency_recorder : public Field_enumerator
Field_dependency_recorder(Func_dep_analyzer *te_arg): te(te_arg)
Field_dependency_recorder(Func_dep_analyzer *te_arg): fda(te_arg)
void see_field(Field *field)
Table_value *tbl_dep;
if ((tbl_dep= te->table_deps[field->table->tablenr]))
if ((tbl_dep= fda->table_deps[field->table->tablenr]))
for (Field_value *field_dep= tbl_dep->fields; field_dep;
field_dep= field_dep->next_table_field)
......@@ -764,9 +768,9 @@ public:
if (field->field_index == field_dep->field->field_index)
uint offs= field_dep->bitmap_offset + expr_offset;
if (!bitmap_is_set(&te->expr_deps, offs))
bitmap_set_bit(&te->expr_deps, offs);
if (!bitmap_is_set(&fda->expr_deps, offs))
bitmap_set_bit(&fda->expr_deps, offs);
......@@ -776,11 +780,11 @@ public:
Bump the dependency anyway, this will signal that this dependency
cannot be satisfied.
Func_dep_analyzer *te;
Func_dep_analyzer *fda;
/* Offset of the expression we're processing in the dependency bitmap */
uint expr_offset;
......@@ -791,7 +795,7 @@ public:
te Table elimination context
fda Table elimination context
bound_deps_list OUT Start of linked list of elements that were found to
be bound (caller will use this to see if that
allows to declare further elements bound)
......@@ -807,7 +811,7 @@ public:
bool setup_equality_modules_deps(Func_dep_analyzer *te,
bool setup_equality_modules_deps(Func_dep_analyzer *fda,
Module_dep **bound_deps_list)
......@@ -817,8 +821,8 @@ bool setup_equality_modules_deps(Func_dep_analyzer *te,
uint offset= 0;
for (Table_value **tbl_dep=te->table_deps;
tbl_dep < te->table_deps + MAX_TABLES;
for (Table_value **tbl_dep=fda->table_deps;
tbl_dep < fda->table_deps + MAX_TABLES;
if (*tbl_dep)
......@@ -828,39 +832,39 @@ bool setup_equality_modules_deps(Func_dep_analyzer *te,
field_dep= field_dep->next_table_field)
field_dep->bitmap_offset= offset;
offset += te->n_equality_deps;
offset += fda->n_equality_mods;
void *buf;
if (!(buf= current_thd->alloc(bitmap_buffer_size(offset))) ||
bitmap_init(&te->expr_deps, (my_bitmap_map*)buf, offset, FALSE))
bitmap_init(&fda->expr_deps, (my_bitmap_map*)buf, offset, FALSE))
Analyze all "field=expr" dependencies, and have te->expr_deps encode
Analyze all "field=expr" dependencies, and have fda->expr_deps encode
dependencies of expressions from fields.
Also collect a linked list of equalities that are bound.
Module_dep *bound_dep= NULL;
Field_dependency_recorder deps_recorder(te);
for (Equality_module *eq_dep= te->equality_deps;
eq_dep < te->equality_deps + te->n_equality_deps;
deps_recorder.expr_offset= eq_dep - te->equality_deps;
eq_dep->unknown_args= 0;
eq_dep->expression->walk(&Item::check_column_usage_processor, FALSE,
Field_dependency_recorder deps_recorder(fda);
for (Equality_module *eq_mod= fda->equality_mods;
eq_mod < fda->equality_mods + fda->n_equality_mods;
deps_recorder.expr_offset= eq_mod - fda->equality_mods;
eq_mod->unknown_args= 0;
eq_mod->expression->walk(&Item::check_column_usage_processor, FALSE,
if (!eq_dep->unknown_args)
if (!eq_mod->unknown_args)
eq_dep->next= bound_dep;
bound_dep= eq_dep;
eq_mod->next= bound_dep;
bound_dep= eq_mod;
*bound_deps_list= bound_dep;
......@@ -968,7 +972,7 @@ void eliminate_tables(JOIN *join)
te Table elimination context
fda Table elimination context
join_list Join list to work on
list_tables Bitmap of tables embedded in the join_list.
on_expr ON expression, if the join list is the inner side
......@@ -1053,7 +1057,7 @@ eliminate_tables_for_list(JOIN *join, List<TABLE_LIST> *join_list,
te Table elimination context
fda Table elimination context
tables Set of tables we want to be functionally dependent
cond Condition to use
......@@ -1073,24 +1077,25 @@ bool check_func_dependency(JOIN *join,
TABLE_LIST *oj_tbl,
Item* cond)
uint and_level=0;
Module_dep *bound_modules;
//psergey-todo: move allocs to somewhere else.
Func_dep_analyzer pte(join);
Func_dep_analyzer *te= &pte;
uint m= max(join->thd->lex->current_select->max_equal_elems,1);
uint max_elems= ((join->thd->lex->current_select->cond_count+1)*2 +
join->thd->lex->current_select->between_count)*m + 1 + 10;
if (!(te->equality_deps= new Equality_module[max_elems]))
Func_dep_analyzer fda(join);
/* Start value */
join->thd->lex->current_select->max_equal_elems +
(join->thd->lex->current_select->cond_count+1)*2 +
if (!(fda.equality_mods= new Equality_module[fda.n_equality_mods_alloced]))
return FALSE;
Equality_module* eq_dep= te->equality_deps;
Equality_module* last_eq_mod= fda.equality_mods;
/* Create Table_value objects for all tables we're trying to eliminate */
if (oj_tbl)
if (!get_table_value(te, oj_tbl->table))
if (!get_table_value(&fda, oj_tbl->table))
return FALSE;
......@@ -1100,30 +1105,29 @@ bool check_func_dependency(JOIN *join,
if (tbl->table && (tbl->table->map & dep_tables))
if (!get_table_value(te, tbl->table))
if (!get_table_value(&fda, tbl->table))
return FALSE;
te->usable_tables= dep_tables;
fda.usable_tables= dep_tables;
Analyze the the ON expression and create Equality_module objects and
Field_value objects for their left parts.
if (build_eq_deps_for_cond(te, &eq_dep, &and_level, cond) ||
eq_dep == te->equality_deps)
return FALSE;
te->n_equality_deps= eq_dep - te->equality_deps;
uint and_level=0;
build_eq_mods_for_cond(&fda, &last_eq_mod, &and_level, cond);
if (!(fda.n_equality_mods= last_eq_mod - fda.equality_mods))
return FALSE; /* No useful conditions */
if (!(te->outer_join_dep= new Outer_join_module(my_count_bits(dep_tables))) ||
setup_equality_modules_deps(te, &bound_modules))
if (!(fda.outer_join_dep= new Outer_join_module(my_count_bits(dep_tables))) ||
setup_equality_modules_deps(&fda, &bound_modules))
return FALSE; /* OOM, default to non-dependent */
DBUG_EXECUTE("test", dbug_print_deps(te); );
DBUG_EXECUTE("test", dbug_print_deps(&fda); );
/* The running wave algorithm itself: */
Value_dep *bound_values= NULL;
......@@ -1131,11 +1135,11 @@ bool check_func_dependency(JOIN *join,
for (;bound_modules; bound_modules= bound_modules->next)
if (bound_modules->now_bound(te, &bound_values))
if (bound_modules->now_bound(&fda, &bound_values))
return TRUE; /* Dependent! */
for (;bound_values; bound_values=bound_values->next)
bound_values->now_bound(te, &bound_modules);
bound_values->now_bound(&fda, &bound_modules);
return FALSE; /* Not dependent */
......@@ -1147,7 +1151,7 @@ bool check_func_dependency(JOIN *join,
- all its fields are known
void Table_value::now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *te,
void Table_value::now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *fda,
Module_dep **bound_modules)
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("table %s is now bound", table->alias));
......@@ -1159,21 +1163,21 @@ void Table_value::now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *te,
/* Mark as bound and add to the list */
field_dep->bound= TRUE;
field_dep->signal_from_field_to_exprs(te, bound_modules);
field_dep->signal_from_field_to_exprs(fda, bound_modules);
if (te->outer_join_dep->unknown_args &&
if (fda->outer_join_dep->unknown_args &&
/* Mark as bound and add to the list */
te->outer_join_dep->next= *bound_modules;
*bound_modules= te->outer_join_dep;
fda->outer_join_dep->next= *bound_modules;
*bound_modules= fda->outer_join_dep;
void Field_value::now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *te,
void Field_value::now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *fda,
Module_dep **bound_modules)
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("field %s.%s is now bound", field->table->alias,
......@@ -1193,7 +1197,7 @@ void Field_value::now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *te,
*bound_modules= key_dep;
signal_from_field_to_exprs(te, bound_modules);
signal_from_field_to_exprs(fda, bound_modules);
......@@ -1201,25 +1205,25 @@ void Field_value::now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *te,
Walk through expressions that depend on this field and 'notify' them
that this field is no longer unknown.
void Field_value::signal_from_field_to_exprs(Func_dep_analyzer* te,
void Field_value::signal_from_field_to_exprs(Func_dep_analyzer* fda,
Module_dep **bound_modules)
for (uint i=0; i < te->n_equality_deps; i++)
for (uint i=0; i < fda->n_equality_mods; i++)
if (bitmap_is_set(&te->expr_deps, bitmap_offset + i) &&
te->equality_deps[i].unknown_args &&
if (bitmap_is_set(&fda->expr_deps, bitmap_offset + i) &&
fda->equality_mods[i].unknown_args &&
/* Mark as bound and add to the list */
Equality_module* eq_dep= &te->equality_deps[i];
eq_dep->next= *bound_modules;
*bound_modules= eq_dep;
Equality_module* eq_mod= &fda->equality_mods[i];
eq_mod->next= *bound_modules;
*bound_modules= eq_mod;
bool Outer_join_module::now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *te,
bool Outer_join_module::now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *fda,
Value_dep **bound_values)
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Outer join eliminated"));
......@@ -1227,7 +1231,7 @@ bool Outer_join_module::now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *te,
bool Equality_module::now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *te,
bool Equality_module::now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *fda,
Value_dep **bound_values)
/* For field=expr and we got to know the expr, so we know the field */
......@@ -1242,7 +1246,7 @@ bool Equality_module::now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *te,
/* Unique key is known means its table is known */
bool Key_module::now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *te, Value_dep **bound_values)
bool Key_module::now_bound(Func_dep_analyzer *fda, Value_dep **bound_values)
if (!table->bound)
......@@ -1294,7 +1298,7 @@ static void mark_as_eliminated(JOIN *join, TABLE_LIST *tbl)
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
void dbug_print_deps(Func_dep_analyzer *te)
void dbug_print_deps(Func_dep_analyzer *fda)
......@@ -1302,18 +1306,18 @@ void dbug_print_deps(Func_dep_analyzer *te)
fprintf(DBUG_FILE,"deps {\n");
/* Start with printing equalities */
for (Equality_module *eq_dep= te->equality_deps;
eq_dep != te->equality_deps + te->n_equality_deps; eq_dep++)
for (Equality_module *eq_mod= fda->equality_mods;
eq_mod != fda->equality_mods + fda->n_equality_mods; eq_mod++)
char buf[128];
String str(buf, sizeof(buf), &my_charset_bin);
eq_dep->expression->print(&str, QT_ORDINARY);
eq_mod->expression->print(&str, QT_ORDINARY);
fprintf(DBUG_FILE, " equality%d: %s -> %s.%s\n",
eq_dep - te->equality_deps,
eq_mod - fda->equality_mods,
......@@ -1321,7 +1325,7 @@ void dbug_print_deps(Func_dep_analyzer *te)
for (uint i=0; i < MAX_TABLES; i++)
Table_value *table_dep;
if ((table_dep= te->table_deps[i]))
if ((table_dep= fda->table_deps[i]))
/* Print table */
fprintf(DBUG_FILE, " table %s\n", table_dep->table->alias);
......@@ -1332,9 +1336,9 @@ void dbug_print_deps(Func_dep_analyzer *te)
fprintf(DBUG_FILE, " field %s.%s ->", table_dep->table->alias,
uint ofs= field_dep->bitmap_offset;
for (uint bit= ofs; bit < ofs + te->n_equality_deps; bit++)
for (uint bit= ofs; bit < ofs + fda->n_equality_mods; bit++)
if (bitmap_is_set(&te->expr_deps, bit))
if (bitmap_is_set(&fda->expr_deps, bit))
fprintf(DBUG_FILE, " equality%d ", bit - ofs);
fprintf(DBUG_FILE, "\n");
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