Commit bd919e2c authored by Konstantin Osipov's avatar Konstantin Osipov

Backport of revid 2617.69.21, 2617.69.22, 2617.29.23:

revno: 2617.69.21
committer: Konstantin Osipov <>
branch nick: 5.4-4284-1-assert
timestamp: Thu 2009-08-13 20:13:55 +0400
  A fix and a test case for Bug#46610 "MySQL 5.4.4: MyISAM MRG engine crash
  on auto-repair of child".
  Also fixes Bug#42862 "Crash on failed attempt to open a children of a
  merge table".

  MERGE engine needs to extend the global table list
  with TABLE_LIST elements for child tables,
  so that they are opened and locked.
  Previously these table list elements were allocated
  in memory of ha_myisammrg object (MERGE engine handler).
  That would lead to access to freed memory in
  recover_from_failed_open_table_attempt(), which would
  try to recover a MERGE table child (MyISAM table)
  and use for that TABLE_LIST of that child.
  But by the time recover_from_failed_open_table_attempt()
  is invoked, ha_myisammrg object that owns this
  TABLE_LIST may be destroyed, and thus TABLE_LIST
  memory freed.

  The fix is to ensure that TABLE_LIST elements
  that are added to the global table list (lex->query_tables)
  are always allocated in thd->mem_root, which is not
  destroyed until end of execution.

  If previously TABLE_LIST elements were allocated
  at ha_myisammrg::open() (i.e. when the TABLE
  object was created and added to the table cache),
  now they are allocated in ha_myisammrg::add_chidlren_list()
  (i.e. right after "open" of the merge parent in
  We still create a list of children names
  at ha_myisammrg::open() to use as a basis
  for creation of TABLE_LISTs, that allows
  to avoid reading the merge handler data
  file on every execution.

  Test results for Bug#46610.
  Option file for Bug#46610 test (need a new test because
  of that option, which is not tested anywhere else).
  Add a test case for Bug#46610.
  MERGE child child_def_version is now moved from TABLE_LIST
  to MERGE engine specific data structure.
  Introduce an auxiliary structure to keep MERGE child name
  and definition version. A list of Mrg_child_def is created
  in ha_myisammrg::open() and reused in ha_myisammrg::add_children_list().
parent 6d86b560
# Test of MyISAM MRG tables with corrupted children.
# Run with --myisam-recover=force option.
# Preparation: we need to make sure that the merge parent
# is never left in the table cache when closed, since this may
# have effect on merge children.
# For that, we set the table cache to minimal size and populate it
# in a concurrent connection.
# Switching to connection con1
# Minimal values.
call mtr.add_suppression("Got an error from thread_id=.*");
call mtr.add_suppression("MySQL thread id .*, query id .* localhost.*root Checking table");
call mtr.add_suppression(" '\..test.t1'");
set global table_open_cache=256;
set global table_definition_cache=400;
drop procedure if exists p_create;
create procedure p_create()
declare i int default 1;
set @lock_table_stmt="lock table ";
set @drop_table_stmt="drop table ";
while i < @@global.table_definition_cache + 1 do
set @table_name=concat("t_", i);
set @opt_comma=if(i=1, "", ", ");
set @lock_table_stmt=concat(@lock_table_stmt, @opt_comma,
@table_name, " read");
set @drop_table_stmt=concat(@drop_table_stmt, @opt_comma, @table_name);
set @create_table_stmt=concat("create table if not exists ",
@table_name, " (a int)");
prepare stmt from @create_table_stmt;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
set i= i+1;
end while;
call p_create();
drop procedure p_create;
# Switching to connection 'default'
# We have to disable the ps-protocol, to avoid
# "Prepared statement needs to be re-prepared" errors
# -- table def versions change all the time with full table cache.
drop table if exists t1, t1_mrg, t1_copy;
# Prepare a MERGE engine table, that refers to a corrupted
# child.
create table t1 (a int, key(a)) engine=myisam;
create table t1_mrg (a int) union (t1) engine=merge;
# Create a table with a corrupted index file:
# save an old index file, insert more rows,
# overwrite the new index file with the old one.
insert into t1 (a) values (1), (2), (3);
flush table t1;
insert into t1 (a) values (4), (5), (6);
flush table t1;
# check table is needed to mark the table as crashed.
check table t1;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t1 check warning Size of datafile is: 42 Should be: 21
test.t1 check error Record-count is not ok; is 6 Should be: 3
test.t1 check warning Found 6 key parts. Should be: 3
test.t1 check error Corrupt
# At this point we have a merge table t1_mrg pointing to t1,
# and t1 is corrupted, and will be auto-repaired at open.
# Check that this doesn't lead to memory corruption.
select * from t1_mrg;
Error 145 Table 't1' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error 1194 Table 't1' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error 1034 Number of rows changed from 3 to 6
# Cleanup
drop table t1, t1_mrg;
# Switching to connection con1
unlock tables;
prepare stmt from @drop_table_stmt;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
set @@global.table_definition_cache=default;
set @@global.table_open_cache=default;
--echo #
--echo # Test of MyISAM MRG tables with corrupted children.
--echo # Run with --myisam-recover=force option.
--echo #
--echo # Preparation: we need to make sure that the merge parent
--echo # is never left in the table cache when closed, since this may
--echo # have effect on merge children.
--echo # For that, we set the table cache to minimal size and populate it
--echo # in a concurrent connection.
--echo #
--echo # Switching to connection con1
--echo #
connection con1;
--echo #
--echo # Minimal values.
--echo #
call mtr.add_suppression("Got an error from thread_id=.*");
call mtr.add_suppression("MySQL thread id .*, query id .* localhost.*root Checking table");
call mtr.add_suppression(" '\..test.t1'");
set global table_open_cache=256;
set global table_definition_cache=400;
drop procedure if exists p_create;
delimiter |;
create procedure p_create()
declare i int default 1;
set @lock_table_stmt="lock table ";
set @drop_table_stmt="drop table ";
while i < @@global.table_definition_cache + 1 do
set @table_name=concat("t_", i);
set @opt_comma=if(i=1, "", ", ");
set @lock_table_stmt=concat(@lock_table_stmt, @opt_comma,
@table_name, " read");
set @drop_table_stmt=concat(@drop_table_stmt, @opt_comma, @table_name);
set @create_table_stmt=concat("create table if not exists ",
@table_name, " (a int)");
prepare stmt from @create_table_stmt;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
set i= i+1;
end while;
delimiter ;|
call p_create();
drop procedure p_create;
let $lock=`select @lock_table_stmt`;
eval $lock;
--echo #
--echo # Switching to connection 'default'
--echo #
connection default;
--echo #
--echo # We have to disable the ps-protocol, to avoid
--echo # "Prepared statement needs to be re-prepared" errors
--echo # -- table def versions change all the time with full table cache.
--echo #
drop table if exists t1, t1_mrg, t1_copy;
let $MYSQLD_DATADIR=`select @@datadir`;
--echo #
--echo # Prepare a MERGE engine table, that refers to a corrupted
--echo # child.
--echo #
create table t1 (a int, key(a)) engine=myisam;
create table t1_mrg (a int) union (t1) engine=merge;
--echo #
--echo # Create a table with a corrupted index file:
--echo # save an old index file, insert more rows,
--echo # overwrite the new index file with the old one.
--echo #
insert into t1 (a) values (1), (2), (3);
flush table t1;
--copy_file $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/t1.MYI $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/t1_copy.MYI
insert into t1 (a) values (4), (5), (6);
flush table t1;
--remove_file $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/t1.MYI
--copy_file $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/t1_copy.MYI $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/t1.MYI
--remove_file $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/t1_copy.MYI
--echo # check table is needed to mark the table as crashed.
check table t1;
--echo #
--echo # At this point we have a merge table t1_mrg pointing to t1,
--echo # and t1 is corrupted, and will be auto-repaired at open.
--echo # Check that this doesn't lead to memory corruption.
--echo #
--replace_regex /'.*[\/\\]/'/
select * from t1_mrg;
--echo #
--echo # Cleanup
--echo #
drop table t1, t1_mrg;
--echo #
--echo # Switching to connection con1
--echo #
connection con1;
unlock tables;
prepare stmt from @drop_table_stmt;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
set @@global.table_definition_cache=default;
set @@global.table_open_cache=default;
disconnect con1;
connection default;
......@@ -1486,20 +1486,6 @@ struct TABLE_LIST
bool process_index_hints(TABLE *table);
/* Access MERGE child def version. See top comment in */
inline ulong get_child_def_version()
return child_def_version;
inline void set_child_def_version(ulong version)
child_def_version= version;
inline void init_child_def_version()
child_def_version= ~0UL;
Compare the version of metadata from the previous execution
(if any) with values obtained from the current table
......@@ -1522,9 +1508,14 @@ struct TABLE_LIST
void set_table_ref_id(TABLE_SHARE *s)
{ set_table_ref_id(s->get_table_ref_type(), s->get_table_ref_version()); }
void set_table_ref_id(enum_table_ref_type table_ref_type_arg,
ulong table_ref_version_arg)
m_table_ref_type= s->get_table_ref_type();
m_table_ref_version= s->get_table_ref_version();
m_table_ref_type= table_ref_type_arg;
m_table_ref_version= table_ref_version_arg;
......@@ -1550,13 +1541,6 @@ struct TABLE_LIST
bool prep_check_option(THD *thd, uint8 check_opt_type);
bool prep_where(THD *thd, Item **conds, bool no_where_clause);
Cleanup for re-execution in a prepared statement or a stored
/* Remembered MERGE child def version. See top comment in */
ulong child_def_version;
/** See comments for set_metadata_id() */
enum enum_table_ref_type m_table_ref_type;
/** See comments for set_metadata_id() */
......@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ static handler *myisammrg_create_handler(handlerton *hton,
ha_myisammrg::ha_myisammrg(handlerton *hton, TABLE_SHARE *table_arg)
:handler(hton, table_arg), file(0), is_cloned(0)
init_sql_alloc(&children_mem_root, max(4 * sizeof(TABLE_LIST), FN_REFLEN) +
......@@ -220,10 +220,11 @@ static int myisammrg_parent_open_callback(void *callback_param,
const char *filename)
ha_myisammrg *ha_myrg= (ha_myisammrg*) callback_param;
TABLE_LIST *child_l;
const char *db;
const char *table_name;
size_t dirlen;
Mrg_child_def *mrg_child_def;
char *db;
char *table_name;
uint dirlen;
uint table_name_length;
char dir_path[FN_REFLEN];
......@@ -237,7 +238,7 @@ static int myisammrg_parent_open_callback(void *callback_param,
/* purecov: end */
table_name= filename + dirlen;
table_name= (char*) filename + dirlen;
dirlen--; /* Strip off trailing '/'. */
memcpy(dir_path, filename, dirlen);
dir_path[dirlen]= '\0';
......@@ -245,49 +246,33 @@ static int myisammrg_parent_open_callback(void *callback_param,
dirlen-= db - dir_path; /* This is now the length of 'db'. */
DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("open: '%s'.'%s'", db, table_name));
/* Get a TABLE_LIST object. */
if (!(child_l= (TABLE_LIST*) alloc_root(&ha_myrg->children_mem_root,
/* purecov: begin inspected */
DBUG_PRINT("error", ("my_malloc error: %d", my_errno));
/* purecov: end */
bzero((char*) child_l, sizeof(TABLE_LIST));
/* Set database (schema) name. */
child_l->db_length= dirlen;
child_l->db= strmake_root(&ha_myrg->children_mem_root, db, dirlen);
db= strmake_root(&ha_myrg->children_mem_root, db, dirlen);
/* Set table name. */
child_l->table_name_length= strlen(table_name);
child_l->table_name= strmake_root(&ha_myrg->children_mem_root, table_name,
table_name_length= strlen(table_name);
table_name= strmake_root(&ha_myrg->children_mem_root, table_name,
if (! db || ! table_name)
/* Convert to lowercase if required. */
if (lower_case_table_names && child_l->table_name_length)
if (lower_case_table_names && table_name_length)
/* purecov: begin tested */
child_l->table_name_length= my_casedn_str(files_charset_info,
table_name_length= my_casedn_str(files_charset_info, table_name);
/* purecov: end */
/* Set alias. */
child_l->alias= child_l->table_name;
/* Initialize table map to 'undefined'. */
mrg_child_def= new (&ha_myrg->children_mem_root)
Mrg_child_def(db, dirlen, table_name, table_name_length);
/* Link TABLE_LIST object into the children list. */
if (ha_myrg->children_last_l)
child_l->prev_global= ha_myrg->children_last_l;
if (! mrg_child_def ||
/* Initialize ha_myrg->children_last_l when handling first child. */
ha_myrg->children_last_l= &ha_myrg->children_l;
*ha_myrg->children_last_l= child_l;
ha_myrg->children_last_l= &child_l->next_global;
......@@ -297,7 +282,7 @@ static int myisammrg_parent_open_callback(void *callback_param,
@param[in] name MERGE table path name
@param[in] mode read/write mode, unused
@param[in] test_if_locked open flags
@param[in] test_if_locked_arg open flags
@return status
@retval 0 OK
......@@ -309,17 +294,17 @@ static int myisammrg_parent_open_callback(void *callback_param,
int ha_myisammrg::open(const char *name, int mode __attribute__((unused)),
uint test_if_locked)
uint test_if_locked_arg)
DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("name: '%s' table: 0x%lx", name, (long) table));
DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("test_if_locked: %u", test_if_locked));
DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("test_if_locked: %u", test_if_locked_arg));
/* Must not be used when table is open. */
/* Save for later use. */
this->test_if_locked= test_if_locked;
test_if_locked= test_if_locked_arg;
/* In case this handler was open and closed before, free old data. */
free_root(&this->children_mem_root, MYF(MY_MARK_BLOCKS_FREE));
......@@ -334,6 +319,7 @@ int ha_myisammrg::open(const char *name, int mode __attribute__((unused)),
children_l= NULL;
children_last_l= NULL;
my_errno= 0;
/* retrieve children table list. */
......@@ -379,7 +365,7 @@ int ha_myisammrg::open(const char *name, int mode __attribute__((unused)),
When a MERGE parent table has just been opened, insert the
TABLE_LIST chain from the MERGE handle into the table list used for
TABLE_LIST chain from the MERGE handler into the table list used for
opening tables for this statement. This lets the children be opened
......@@ -387,7 +373,9 @@ int ha_myisammrg::open(const char *name, int mode __attribute__((unused)),
int ha_myisammrg::add_children_list(void)
TABLE_LIST *parent_l= this->table->pos_in_table_list;
TABLE_LIST *child_l;
THD *thd= table->in_use;
List_iterator_fast<Mrg_child_def> it(child_def_list);
Mrg_child_def *mrg_child_def;
DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("table: '%s'.'%s' 0x%lx", this->table->s->db.str,
this->table->s->table_name.str, (long) this->table));
......@@ -406,7 +394,7 @@ int ha_myisammrg::add_children_list(void)
/* Must not call this with children list in place. */
DBUG_ASSERT(parent_l->next_global != this->children_l);
DBUG_ASSERT(this->children_l == NULL);
Prevent inclusion of another MERGE table, which could make infinite
......@@ -418,40 +406,103 @@ int ha_myisammrg::add_children_list(void)
/* Fix children. */
for (child_l= this->children_l; ; child_l= child_l->next_global)
while ((mrg_child_def= it++))
TABLE_LIST *child_l;
char *db;
char *table_name;
child_l= (TABLE_LIST*) thd->alloc(sizeof(TABLE_LIST));
db= (char*) thd->memdup(mrg_child_def->db.str, mrg_child_def->db.length+1);
table_name= (char*) thd->memdup(mrg_child_def->name.str,
/* Set lock type. */
child_l->lock_type= parent_l->lock_type;
if (child_l == NULL || db == NULL || table_name == NULL)
child_l->init_one_table(db, mrg_child_def->db.length,
table_name, mrg_child_def->name.length,
table_name, parent_l->lock_type);
/* Set parent reference. Used to detect MERGE in children list. */
child_l->parent_l= parent_l;
/* Copy select_lex. Used in unique_table() at least. */
child_l->select_lex= parent_l->select_lex;
/* Break when this was the last child. */
if (&child_l->next_global == this->children_last_l)
Set the expected table version, to not cause spurious re-prepare.
@todo: revise after the fix for Bug#36171
/* Link TABLE_LIST object into the children list. */
if (this->children_last_l)
child_l->prev_global= this->children_last_l;
/* Initialize children_last_l when handling first child. */
this->children_last_l= &this->children_l;
*this->children_last_l= child_l;
this->children_last_l= &child_l->next_global;
/* Insert children into the table list. */
if (parent_l->next_global)
parent_l->next_global->prev_global= this->children_last_l;
*this->children_last_l= parent_l->next_global;
parent_l->next_global= this->children_l;
this->children_l->prev_global= &parent_l->next_global;
We have to update LEX::query_tables_last if children are added to
the tail of the table list in order to be able correctly add more
elements to it (e.g. as part of prelocking process).
if (thd->lex->query_tables_last == &parent_l->next_global)
thd->lex->query_tables_last= this->children_last_l;
A context of myrg_attach_children() callback.
class Mrg_attach_children_callback_param
'need_compat_check' is set by myisammrg_attach_children_callback()
if a child fails the table def version check.
bool need_compat_check;
/** TABLE_LIST identifying this merge parent. */
TABLE_LIST *parent_l;
/** Iterator position, the current child to attach. */
TABLE_LIST *next_child_attach;
List_iterator_fast<Mrg_child_def> def_it;
Mrg_child_def *mrg_child_def;
Mrg_attach_children_callback_param(TABLE_LIST *parent_l_arg,
TABLE_LIST *first_child,
List<Mrg_child_def> &child_def_list)
void next()
next_child_attach= next_child_attach->next_global;
if (next_child_attach && next_child_attach->parent_l != parent_l)
next_child_attach= NULL;
if (mrg_child_def)
mrg_child_def= def_it++;
Callback function for attaching a MERGE child table.
......@@ -470,48 +521,38 @@ end:
static MI_INFO *myisammrg_attach_children_callback(void *callback_param)
ha_myisammrg *ha_myrg= (ha_myisammrg*) callback_param;
TABLE *parent= ha_myrg->table_ptr();
Mrg_attach_children_callback_param *param=
(Mrg_attach_children_callback_param*) callback_param;
TABLE *parent= param->parent_l->table;
TABLE *child;
TABLE_LIST *child_l;
MI_INFO *myisam;
TABLE_LIST *child_l= param->next_child_attach;
Mrg_child_def *mrg_child_def= param->mrg_child_def;
MI_INFO *myisam= NULL;
my_errno= 0;
/* Get child list item. */
child_l= ha_myrg->next_child_attach;
if (!child_l)
DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("No more children to attach"));
my_errno= 0; /* Ok, no more child tables. */
goto end;
child= child_l->table;
Prepare for next child. Used as child_l in next call to this function.
We cannot rely on a NULL-terminated chain.
if (&child_l->next_global == ha_myrg->children_last_l)
DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("attaching last child"));
ha_myrg->next_child_attach= NULL;
ha_myrg->next_child_attach= child_l->next_global;
/* Prepare for next child. */
Do a quick compatibility check. The table def version is set when
the table share is created. The child def version is copied
from the table def version after a sucessful compatibility check.
from the table def version after a successful compatibility check.
We need to repeat the compatibility check only if a child is opened
from a different share than last time it was used with this MERGE
DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("table_def_version last: %lu current: %lu",
(ulong) child_l->get_child_def_version(),
(ulong) mrg_child_def->get_child_def_version(),
(ulong) child->s->get_table_def_version()));
if (child_l->get_child_def_version() != child->s->get_table_def_version())
ha_myrg->need_compat_check= TRUE;
if (mrg_child_def->get_child_def_version() != child->s->get_table_def_version())
param->need_compat_check= TRUE;
If parent is temporary, children must be temporary too and vice
......@@ -527,7 +568,7 @@ static MI_INFO *myisammrg_attach_children_callback(void *callback_param)
DBUG_PRINT("error", ("temporary table mismatch parent: %d child: %d",
parent->s->tmp_table, child->s->tmp_table));
goto err;
goto end;
/* Extract the MyISAM table structure pointer from the handler object. */
......@@ -542,8 +583,8 @@ static MI_INFO *myisammrg_attach_children_callback(void *callback_param)
DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("MyISAM handle: 0x%lx my_errno: %d",
(long) myisam, my_errno));
DBUG_RETURN(my_errno ? NULL : myisam);
......@@ -625,7 +666,9 @@ int ha_myisammrg::attach_children(void)
MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo;
uint recs;
uint keys= table->s->keys;
TABLE_LIST *parent_l= table->pos_in_table_list;
int error;
Mrg_attach_children_callback_param param(parent_l, this->children_l, child_def_list);
DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("table: '%s'.'%s' 0x%lx", table->s->db.str,
table->s->table_name.str, (long) table));
......@@ -652,25 +695,15 @@ int ha_myisammrg::attach_children(void)
DBUG_ASSERT(this->table->pos_in_table_list->next_global == this->children_l);
Initialize variables that are used, modified, and/or set by
'next_child_attach' traverses the chain of TABLE_LIST objects
that has been compiled during myrg_parent_open(). Every call
to myisammrg_attach_children_callback() moves the pointer to
the next object.
'need_compat_check' is set by myisammrg_attach_children_callback()
if a child fails the table def version check.
'my_errno' is set by myisammrg_attach_children_callback() in
case of an error.
next_child_attach= this->children_l;
need_compat_check= FALSE;
my_errno= 0;
if (myrg_attach_children(this->file, this->test_if_locked |
myisammrg_attach_children_callback, this,
(my_bool *) &need_compat_check))
myisammrg_attach_children_callback, &param,
(my_bool *) &param.need_compat_check))
error= my_errno;
goto err;
......@@ -690,8 +723,8 @@ int ha_myisammrg::attach_children(void)
always happen at the first attach because the reference child def
version is initialized to 'undefined' at open.
DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("need_compat_check: %d", need_compat_check));
if (need_compat_check)
DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("need_compat_check: %d", param.need_compat_check));
if (param.need_compat_check)
TABLE_LIST *child_l;
......@@ -744,11 +777,13 @@ int ha_myisammrg::attach_children(void)
goto err; /* purecov: inspected */
/* All checks passed so far. Now update child def version. */
List_iterator_fast<Mrg_child_def> def_it(child_def_list);
for (child_l= this->children_l; ; child_l= child_l->next_global)
Mrg_child_def *mrg_child_def= def_it++;
if (&child_l->next_global == this->children_last_l)
......@@ -804,48 +839,63 @@ int ha_myisammrg::detach_children(void)
goto end;
/* Clear TABLE references. */
for (child_l= this->children_l; ; child_l= child_l->next_global)
if (this->children_l)
THD *thd= table->in_use;
/* Clear TABLE references. */
for (child_l= this->children_l; ; child_l= child_l->next_global)
Do not DBUG_ASSERT(child_l->table); open_tables might be
Clear the table reference.
child_l->table= NULL;
/* Similarly, clear the ticket reference. */
child_l->mdl_request.ticket= NULL;
/* Break when this was the last child. */
if (&child_l->next_global == this->children_last_l)
Do not DBUG_ASSERT(child_l->table); open_tables might be
Remove children from the table list. This won't fail if called
twice. The list is terminated after removal.
If the parent is LEX::query_tables_own_last and pre-locked tables
follow (tables used by stored functions or triggers), the children
are inserted behind the parent and before the pre-locked tables. But
we do not adjust LEX::query_tables_own_last. The pre-locked tables
could have chopped off the list by clearing
*LEX::query_tables_own_last. This did also chop off the children. If
we would copy the reference from *this->children_last_l in this
case, we would put the chopped off pre-locked tables back to the
list. So we refrain from copying it back, if the destination has
been set to NULL meanwhile.
if (this->children_l->prev_global && *this->children_l->prev_global)
*this->children_l->prev_global= *this->children_last_l;
if (*this->children_last_l)
(*this->children_last_l)->prev_global= this->children_l->prev_global;
Clear the table reference.
If table elements being removed are at the end of table list we
need to adjust LEX::query_tables_last member to point to the
new last element of the list.
child_l->table= NULL;
/* Similarly, clear the ticket reference. */
child_l->mdl_request.ticket= NULL;
if (thd->lex->query_tables_last == this->children_last_l)
thd->lex->query_tables_last= this->children_l->prev_global;
/* Break when this was the last child. */
if (&child_l->next_global == this->children_last_l)
/* Terminate child list. So it cannot be tried to remove again. */
*this->children_last_l= NULL;
this->children_l->prev_global= NULL;
Remove children from the table list. This won't fail if called
twice. The list is terminated after removal.
If the parent is LEX::query_tables_own_last and pre-locked tables
follow (tables used by stored functions or triggers), the children
are inserted behind the parent and before the pre-locked tables. But
we do not adjust LEX::query_tables_own_last. The pre-locked tables
could have chopped off the list by clearing
*LEX::query_tables_own_last. This did also chop off the children. If
we would copy the reference from *this->children_last_l in this
case, we would put the chopped off pre-locked tables back to the
list. So we refrain from copying it back, if the destination has
been set to NULL meanwhile.
if (this->children_l->prev_global && *this->children_l->prev_global)
*this->children_l->prev_global= *this->children_last_l;
if (*this->children_last_l)
(*this->children_last_l)->prev_global= this->children_l->prev_global;
/* Terminate child list. So it cannot be tried to remove again. */
*this->children_last_l= NULL;
this->children_l->prev_global= NULL;
/* Forget about the children, we don't own their memory. */
this->children_l= NULL;
this->children_last_l= NULL;
if (!this->file->children_attached)
......@@ -22,18 +22,62 @@
#include <myisammrg.h>
Represents one name of a MERGE child.
@todo: Add MYRG_SHARE and store chlidren names in the
class Mrg_child_def: public Sql_alloc
/* Remembered MERGE child def version. See top comment in */
enum_table_ref_type m_child_table_ref_type;
ulong m_child_def_version;
/* Access MERGE child def version. See top comment in */
inline enum_table_ref_type get_child_table_ref_type()
return m_child_table_ref_type;
inline ulong get_child_def_version()
return m_child_def_version;
inline void set_child_def_version(enum_table_ref_type child_table_ref_type,
ulong version)
m_child_table_ref_type= child_table_ref_type;
m_child_def_version= version;
Mrg_child_def(char *db_arg, size_t db_len_arg,
char *table_name_arg, size_t table_name_len_arg)
db.str= db_arg;
db.length= db_len_arg;
name.str= table_name_arg;
name.length= table_name_len_arg;
m_child_def_version= ~0UL;
m_child_table_ref_type= TABLE_REF_NULL;
class ha_myisammrg: public handler
MYRG_INFO *file;
my_bool is_cloned; /* This instance has been cloned */
MEM_ROOT children_mem_root; /* mem root for children list */
List<Mrg_child_def> child_def_list;
TABLE_LIST *children_l; /* children list */
TABLE_LIST **children_last_l; /* children list end */
TABLE_LIST *next_child_attach; /* next child to attach */
uint test_if_locked; /* flags from ::open() */
bool need_compat_check; /* if need compatibility check */
ha_myisammrg(handlerton *hton, TABLE_SHARE *table_arg);
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