Commit de567b67 authored by unknown's avatar unknown


parents f3002920 d989f303
......@@ -294,6 +294,21 @@ grp
select group_concat(c order by (select mid(group_concat(c order by a),1,5) from t2 where t2.a=t1.a) desc) as grp from t1;
select t1.a, group_concat(c order by (select c from t2 where t2.a=t1.a limit 1)) as grp from t1 group by 1;
a grp
1 2
2 4,3
3 5
select t1.a, group_concat(c order by (select mid(group_concat(c order by a),1,5) from t2 where t2.a=t1.a)) as grp from t1 group by 1;
a grp
1 2
2 4,3
3 5
select t1.a, group_concat(c order by (select mid(group_concat(c order by a),1,5) from t2 where t2.a=t1.a) desc) as grp from t1 group by 1;
a grp
1 2
2 4,3
3 5
select a,c,(select group_concat(c order by a) from t2 where a=t1.a) as grp from t1 order by grp;
a c grp
3 5 3,3
......@@ -1912,3 +1912,54 @@ a
drop table t1,t2;
CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `aid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `bid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`aid`,`bid`));
CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `aid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `bid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`aid`,`bid`));
insert into t1 values (1,1),(1,2),(2,1),(2,2);
insert into t2 values (1,2),(2,2);
select * from t1 where t1.aid not in (select aid from t2 where;
aid bid
1 1
2 1
alter table t2 drop primary key;
alter table t2 add key KEY1 (aid, bid);
select * from t1 where t1.aid not in (select aid from t2 where;
aid bid
1 1
2 1
alter table t2 drop key KEY1;
alter table t2 add primary key (bid, aid);
select * from t1 where t1.aid not in (select aid from t2 where;
aid bid
1 1
2 1
drop table t1,t2;
CREATE TABLE t1 (howmanyvalues bigint, avalue int);
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 1),(2, 1),(2, 2),(3, 1),(3, 2),(3, 3),(4, 1),(4, 2),(4, 3),(4, 4);
SELECT howmanyvalues, count(*) from t1 group by howmanyvalues;
howmanyvalues count(*)
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
SELECT a.howmanyvalues, (SELECT count(*) from t1 b where b.howmanyvalues = a.howmanyvalues) as mycount from t1 a group by a.howmanyvalues;
howmanyvalues mycount
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
CREATE INDEX t1_howmanyvalues_idx ON t1 (howmanyvalues);
SELECT a.howmanyvalues, (SELECT count(*) from t1 b where b.howmanyvalues+1 = a.howmanyvalues+1) as mycount from t1 a group by a.howmanyvalues;
howmanyvalues mycount
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
SELECT a.howmanyvalues, (SELECT count(*) from t1 b where b.howmanyvalues = a.howmanyvalues) as mycount from t1 a group by a.howmanyvalues;
howmanyvalues mycount
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
SELECT a.howmanyvalues, (SELECT count(*) from t1 b where b.howmanyvalues = a.avalue) as mycount from t1 a group by a.howmanyvalues;
ERROR 42S22: Unknown column 'a.avalue' in 'where clause'
drop table t1;
......@@ -169,9 +169,11 @@ create table t2 (a int, c int);
insert into t2 values (1, 5), (2, 4), (3, 3), (3,3);
select group_concat(c) from t1;
select group_concat(c order by (select c from t2 where t2.a=t1.a limit 1)) as grp from t1;
select group_concat(c order by (select mid(group_concat(c order by a),1,5) from t2 where t2.a=t1.a)) as grp from t1;
select group_concat(c order by (select mid(group_concat(c order by a),1,5) from t2 where t2.a=t1.a) desc) as grp from t1;
select t1.a, group_concat(c order by (select c from t2 where t2.a=t1.a limit 1)) as grp from t1 group by 1;
select t1.a, group_concat(c order by (select mid(group_concat(c order by a),1,5) from t2 where t2.a=t1.a)) as grp from t1 group by 1;
select t1.a, group_concat(c order by (select mid(group_concat(c order by a),1,5) from t2 where t2.a=t1.a) desc) as grp from t1 group by 1;
# The following returns random results as we are sorting on blob addresses
# select group_concat(c order by (select group_concat(c order by a) from t2 where t2.a=t1.a)) as grp from t1;
......@@ -1234,4 +1234,32 @@ select a,b from t1 where match(b) against ('Ball') > 0;
select a from t2 where a in (select a from t1 where match(b) against ('Ball') > 0);
drop table t1,t2;
# Optimized IN with compound index
CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `aid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `bid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`aid`,`bid`));
CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `aid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `bid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`aid`,`bid`));
insert into t1 values (1,1),(1,2),(2,1),(2,2);
insert into t2 values (1,2),(2,2);
select * from t1 where t1.aid not in (select aid from t2 where;
alter table t2 drop primary key;
alter table t2 add key KEY1 (aid, bid);
select * from t1 where t1.aid not in (select aid from t2 where;
alter table t2 drop key KEY1;
alter table t2 add primary key (bid, aid);
select * from t1 where t1.aid not in (select aid from t2 where;
drop table t1,t2;
# resolving fields of grouped outer SELECT
CREATE TABLE t1 (howmanyvalues bigint, avalue int);
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 1),(2, 1),(2, 2),(3, 1),(3, 2),(3, 3),(4, 1),(4, 2),(4, 3),(4, 4);
SELECT howmanyvalues, count(*) from t1 group by howmanyvalues;
SELECT a.howmanyvalues, (SELECT count(*) from t1 b where b.howmanyvalues = a.howmanyvalues) as mycount from t1 a group by a.howmanyvalues;
CREATE INDEX t1_howmanyvalues_idx ON t1 (howmanyvalues);
SELECT a.howmanyvalues, (SELECT count(*) from t1 b where b.howmanyvalues+1 = a.howmanyvalues+1) as mycount from t1 a group by a.howmanyvalues;
SELECT a.howmanyvalues, (SELECT count(*) from t1 b where b.howmanyvalues = a.howmanyvalues) as mycount from t1 a group by a.howmanyvalues;
-- error 1054
SELECT a.howmanyvalues, (SELECT count(*) from t1 b where b.howmanyvalues = a.avalue) as mycount from t1 a group by a.howmanyvalues;
drop table t1;
......@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ Item::Item():
if (thd->lex->current_select)
SELECT_LEX_NODE::enum_parsing_place place=
enum_parsing_place place=
if (place == SELECT_LIST ||
place == IN_HAVING)
......@@ -1233,12 +1233,25 @@ bool Item_field::fix_fields(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, Item **ref)
table_list= (last= sl)->get_table_list();
if (sl->resolve_mode == SELECT_LEX::INSERT_MODE && table_list)
// it is primary INSERT st_select_lex => skip first table resolving
it is primary INSERT st_select_lex => skip first table
table_list= table_list->next;
Item_subselect *prev_subselect_item= prev_unit->item;
if ((tmp= find_field_in_tables(thd, this,
enum_parsing_place place=
check table fields only if subquery used somewhere out of HAVING
or SELECT list or outer SELECT do not use groupping (i.e. tables
are accessable)
if (((place != IN_HAVING &&
place != SELECT_LIST) ||
(sl->with_sum_func == 0 && sl->group_list.elements == 0)) &&
(tmp= find_field_in_tables(thd, this,
table_list, &where,
0)) != not_found_field)
......@@ -1906,7 +1919,17 @@ bool Item_ref::fix_fields(THD *thd,TABLE_LIST *tables, Item **reference)
// it is primary INSERT st_select_lex => skip first table resolving
table_list= table_list->next;
if ((tmp= find_field_in_tables(thd, this,
enum_parsing_place place=
check table fields only if subquery used somewhere out of HAVING
or SELECT list or outer SELECT do not use groupping (i.e. tables
are accessable)
if (((place != IN_HAVING &&
place != SELECT_LIST) ||
(sl->with_sum_func == 0 && sl->group_list.elements == 0)) &&
(tmp= find_field_in_tables(thd, this,
table_list, &where,
0)) != not_found_field)
......@@ -1914,7 +1937,6 @@ bool Item_ref::fix_fields(THD *thd,TABLE_LIST *tables, Item **reference)
prev_subselect_item->const_item_cache= 0;
// Reference is not found => depend from outer (or just error)
prev_subselect_item->used_tables_cache|= OUTER_REF_TABLE_BIT;
prev_subselect_item->const_item_cache= 0;
......@@ -63,12 +63,21 @@ void Item_subselect::init(st_select_lex *select_lex,
=> we do not copy old_engine here
engine= unit->item->engine;
parsing_place= unit->item->parsing_place;
unit->item->engine= 0;
unit->item= this;
engine->change_item(this, result);
SELECT_LEX *outer_select= unit->outer_select();
do not take into account expression inside aggregate functions because
they can access original table fields
parsing_place= (outer_select->in_sum_expr ?
if (select_lex->next_select())
engine= new subselect_union_engine(unit, result, this);
......@@ -76,7 +85,7 @@ void Item_subselect::init(st_select_lex *select_lex,
SELECT_LEX *upper= unit->outer_select();
if (upper->parsing_place == SELECT_LEX_NODE::IN_HAVING)
if (upper->parsing_place == IN_HAVING)
upper->subquery_in_having= 1;
......@@ -1245,13 +1254,15 @@ int subselect_uniquesubquery_engine::exec()
int error;
TABLE *table= tab->table;
if ((tab->ref.key_err= (*tab->ref.key_copy)->copy()))
for (store_key **copy=tab->ref.key_copy ; *copy ; copy++)
if (tab->ref.key_err= (*copy)->copy())
table->status= STATUS_NOT_FOUND;
error= -1;
if (!table->file->inited)
error= table->file->index_read(table->record[0],
......@@ -1267,7 +1278,7 @@ int subselect_uniquesubquery_engine::exec()
(!cond || cond->val_int()) ? 1 :
DBUG_RETURN(error != 0);
......@@ -1295,13 +1306,15 @@ int subselect_indexsubquery_engine::exec()
((Item_in_subselect *) item)->was_null= 0;
if ((*tab->ref.key_copy) && (tab->ref.key_err= (*tab->ref.key_copy)->copy()))
for (store_key **copy=tab->ref.key_copy ; *copy ; copy++)
if (tab->ref.key_err= (*copy)->copy())
table->status= STATUS_NOT_FOUND;
error= -1;
if (!table->file->inited)
error= table->file->index_read(table->record[0],
......@@ -1346,7 +1359,6 @@ int subselect_indexsubquery_engine::exec()
DBUG_RETURN(error != 0);
......@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ protected:
table_map used_tables_cache;
/* allowed number of columns (1 for single value subqueries) */
uint max_columns;
/* where subquery is placed */
enum_parsing_place parsing_place;
/* work with 'substitution' */
bool have_to_be_excluded;
/* cache of constant state */
......@@ -293,6 +293,13 @@ void debug_sync_point(const char* lock_name, uint lock_timeout);
enum enum_parsing_place
struct st_table;
class THD;
class Item_arena;
......@@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@ void st_select_lex::init_query()
select_n_having_items= 0;
prep_where= 0;
subquery_in_having= explicit_limit= 0;
parsing_place= SELECT_LEX_NODE::NO_MATTER;
parsing_place= NO_MATTER;
void st_select_lex::init_select()
......@@ -220,12 +220,6 @@ protected:
*master, *slave, /* vertical links */
*link_next, **link_prev; /* list of whole SELECT_LEX */
enum enum_parsing_place
ulong options;
......@@ -1113,11 +1113,11 @@ create_select:
lex->sql_command= SQLCOM_REPLACE_SELECT;
lex->current_select->parsing_place= SELECT_LEX_NODE::SELECT_LIST;
lex->current_select->parsing_place= SELECT_LIST;
select_options select_item_list
Select->parsing_place= SELECT_LEX_NODE::NO_MATTER;
Select->parsing_place= NO_MATTER;
{ Lex->current_select->table_list.push_front(&Lex->save_list); }
......@@ -2376,11 +2376,11 @@ select_part2:
lex->lock_option= TL_READ;
if (sel->linkage != UNION_TYPE)
lex->current_select->parsing_place= SELECT_LEX_NODE::SELECT_LIST;
lex->current_select->parsing_place= SELECT_LIST;
select_options select_item_list
Select->parsing_place= SELECT_LEX_NODE::NO_MATTER;
Select->parsing_place= NO_MATTER;
select_into select_lock_type;
......@@ -3444,11 +3444,11 @@ select_derived:
lex->current_select->linkage= DERIVED_TABLE_TYPE;
lex->current_select->parsing_place= SELECT_LEX_NODE::SELECT_LIST;
lex->current_select->parsing_place= SELECT_LIST;
select_options select_item_list
Select->parsing_place= SELECT_LEX_NODE::NO_MATTER;
Select->parsing_place= NO_MATTER;
opt_select_from union_opt
......@@ -3578,13 +3578,13 @@ having_clause:
/* empty */
Select->parsing_place= SELECT_LEX_NODE::IN_HAVING;
Select->parsing_place= IN_HAVING;
SELECT_LEX *sel= Select;
sel->having= $3;
sel->parsing_place= SELECT_LEX_NODE::NO_MATTER;
sel->parsing_place= NO_MATTER;
if ($3)
......@@ -4819,7 +4819,7 @@ simple_ident:
SELECT_LEX *sel=Select;
$$= (sel->parsing_place != SELECT_LEX_NODE::IN_HAVING ||
$$= (sel->parsing_place != IN_HAVING ||
sel->get_in_sum_expr() > 0) ?
(Item*) new Item_field(NullS,NullS,$1.str) :
(Item*) new Item_ref(0,0, NullS,NullS,$1.str);
......@@ -4835,7 +4835,7 @@ simple_ident:
MYF(0), $1.str, thd->where);
$$= (sel->parsing_place != SELECT_LEX_NODE::IN_HAVING ||
$$= (sel->parsing_place != IN_HAVING ||
sel->get_in_sum_expr() > 0) ?
(Item*) new Item_field(NullS,$1.str,$3.str) :
(Item*) new Item_ref(0,0,NullS,$1.str,$3.str);
......@@ -4851,7 +4851,7 @@ simple_ident:
MYF(0), $2.str, thd->where);
$$= (sel->parsing_place != SELECT_LEX_NODE::IN_HAVING ||
$$= (sel->parsing_place != IN_HAVING ||
sel->get_in_sum_expr() > 0) ?
(Item*) new Item_field(NullS,$2.str,$4.str) :
(Item*) new Item_ref(0,0,NullS,$2.str,$4.str);
......@@ -4867,7 +4867,7 @@ simple_ident:
MYF(0), $3.str, thd->where);
$$= (sel->parsing_place != SELECT_LEX_NODE::IN_HAVING ||
$$= (sel->parsing_place != IN_HAVING ||
sel->get_in_sum_expr() > 0) ?
(Item*) new Item_field((YYTHD->client_capabilities &
CLIENT_NO_SCHEMA ? NullS : $1.str),
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