# BUG#14157: utf8 encoding in binlog without set character_set_client
# BUG:
# This test only works on the MySQL-internal rpl machines.
# Needs to be fixed. Problem is that koi8r is not installed
# on many machines.
#BUG#14157: utf8 encoding in binlog without set character_set_client
# --exec $MYSQL --character-sets-dir=../sql/share/charsets/ --default-character-set=koi8r test -e 'create table if not exists t5 (a int); set names koi8r; create temporary table `` (a int); insert into `` values (1); insert into t5 select * from ``'
--exec$MYSQLtest-e'create table if not exists t5 (a int); set names latin1; create temporary table `` (a int); insert into `` values (1); insert into t5 select * from ``'
# resulted log is client charset insensitive (latin1 not koi8r) as it must be