Commit 6301c23f authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

go/neo/proto: Start (first draft)

Start NEO/go code with protocol package that defines message that NEO
nodes exchange in between each other. The definition is based on
neo/lib/ and is kept in sync with that file.

This commit brings only messages definition. Messages serialization will
come in the follow-up patch.
parent 49a9cdcc
// Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
// This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your
// option) any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// You can also Link and Combine this program with other software covered by
// the terms of any of the Free Software licenses or any of the Open Source
// Initiative approved licenses and Convey the resulting work. Corresponding
// source of such a combination shall include the source code for all other
// software used.
// This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
// See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
// See for rationale and options.
// Package proto provides definition of NEO messages.
// Two NEO nodes can exchange messages over underlying network link after
// performing NEO-specific handshake. A message is sent as a packet specifying
// ID of subconnection multiplexed on top of the underlying link, carried
// message code and message data.
// PktHeader describes packet header structure.
// Messages are represented by corresponding types.
// The proto packages provides only message definitions.
package proto
// This file defines everything that relates to messages on the wire.
// In particular every type that is included in a message is defined here as well.
// By default a structure defined in this file becomes a separate network message.
// If a structure is defined only to represent basic type that is e.g. included in
// several messages and does not itself denote a separate message, its
// definition is prefixed with `//neo:proto typeonly` comment.
// The order of message definitions is significant - messages will be assigned
// message codes in the same order they are defined.
// For compatibility with neo/py a message will have its code assigned with "answer"
// bit set if either message name starts with "Answer" or message definition is
// prefixed with `//neo:proto answer` comment.
// Packet structure and messages are the same as in neo/py (see
// TODO regroup messages definitions to stay more close to 1 communication topic
// TODO document protocol itself better (who sends who what with which semantic)
// NOTE for some packets it is possible to decode raw packet -> go version from
// PktBuf in place. E.g. for GetObject.
// TODO work this out
import (
const (
// The protocol version must be increased whenever upgrading a node may require
// to upgrade other nodes. It is encoded as a 4-bytes big-endian integer and
// the high order byte 0 is different from TLS Handshake (0x16).
Version = 1
// length of packet header
PktHeaderLen = 10 // = unsafe.Sizeof(PktHeader{}), but latter gives typed constant (uintptr)
// packets larger than PktMaxSize are not allowed.
// this helps to avoid out-of-memory error on packets with corrupt message len.
PktMaxSize = 0x4000000
// answerBit is set in message code in answer messages for compatibility with neo/py
answerBit = 0x8000
INVALID_TID zodb.Tid = 1<<64 - 1 // 0xffffffffffffffff
INVALID_OID zodb.Oid = 1<<64 - 1
// PktHeader represents header of a raw packet.
// A packet contains connection ID and message.
//neo:proto typeonly
type PktHeader struct {
ConnId packed.BE32 // NOTE is .msgid in py
MsgCode packed.BE16 // payload message code
MsgLen packed.BE32 // payload message length (excluding packet header)
// ---- messages ----
type ErrorCode uint32
const (
ACK ErrorCode = iota
type ClusterState int32
const (
// The cluster is initially in the RECOVERING state, and it goes back to
// this state whenever the partition table becomes non-operational again.
// An election of the primary master always happens, in case of a network
// cut between a primary master and all other nodes. The primary master:
// - first recovers its own data by reading it from storage nodes;
// - waits for the partition table be operational;
// - automatically switch to ClusterVerifying if the cluster can be safely started. XXX not automatic
ClusterRecovering ClusterState = iota
// Transient state, used to:
// - replay the transaction log, in case of unclean shutdown;
// - and actually truncate the DB if the user asked to do so.
// Then, the cluster either goes to ClusterRunning or STARTING_BACKUP state.
// Normal operation. The DB is read-writable by clients.
// Transient state to shutdown the whole cluster.
// Transient state, during which the master (re)connect to the upstream
// master.
// Backup operation. The master is notified of new transactions thanks to
// invalidations and orders storage nodes to fetch them from upstream.
// Because cells are synchronized independently, the DB is often
// inconsistent.
// Transient state, when the user decides to go back to RUNNING state.
// The master stays in this state until the DB is consistent again.
// In case of failure, the cluster will go back to backup mode.
type NodeType int32
const (
MASTER NodeType = iota
type NodeState int32
const (
UNKNOWN NodeState = iota //short: U // XXX tag prefix name ?
DOWN //short: D
RUNNING //short: R
PENDING //short: P
type CellState int32
const (
// Normal state: cell is writable/readable, and it isn't planned to drop it.
UP_TO_DATE CellState = iota //short: U // XXX tag prefix name ?
// Write-only cell. Last transactions are missing because storage is/was down
// for a while, or because it is new for the partition. It usually becomes
// UP_TO_DATE when replication is done.
OUT_OF_DATE //short: O
// Same as UP_TO_DATE, except that it will be discarded as soon as another
// node finishes to replicate it. It means a partition is moved from 1 node
// to another.
FEEDING //short: F
// Not really a state: only used in network messages to tell storages to drop
// partitions.
DISCARDED //short: D
// A check revealed that data differs from other replicas. Cell is neither
// readable nor writable.
CORRUPTED //short: C
// NodeUUID is a node identifier, 4-bytes signed integer
// High-order byte:
// 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
// | | | | +-+-+-+-- reserved (0)
// | +-+-+---------- node type
// +---------------- temporary if negative
// UUID namespaces are required to prevent conflicts when the master generate
// new uuid before it knows uuid of existing storage nodes. So only the high
// order bit is really important and the 31 other bits could be random.
// Extra namespace information and non-randomness of 3 LOB help to read logs.
// 0 is invalid NodeUUID XXX correct?
// TODO -> back to 16-bytes randomly generated UUID
type NodeUUID int32
// TODO NodeType -> base NodeUUID
// Address represents host:port network endpoint.
//neo:proto typeonly
type Address struct {
Host string
Port uint16
// Checksum is a SHA1 hash.
type Checksum [20]byte
// PTid is Partition Table identifier.
// Zero value means "invalid id" (<-> None in py.PPTID)
type PTid uint64
// IdTime represents time of identification.
type IdTime float64
// NodeInfo is information about a node.
//neo:proto typeonly
type NodeInfo struct {
Type NodeType
Addr Address // serving address
State NodeState
IdTime IdTime // XXX clarify semantic where it is used
//neo:proto typeonly
type CellInfo struct {
State CellState
//neo:proto typeonly
type RowInfo struct {
Offset uint32 // PNumber XXX -> Pid
CellList []CellInfo
// Error is a special type of message, because this can be sent against
// any other message, even if such a message does not expect a reply
// usually. Any -> Any.
//neo:proto answer
type Error struct {
Code ErrorCode // PNumber
Message string
// Request a node identification. This must be the first message for any
// connection. Any -> Any.
type RequestIdentification struct {
NodeType NodeType // XXX name
Address Address // where requesting node is also accepting connections
ClusterName string
IdTime IdTime
//neo:proto answer
type AcceptIdentification struct {
NodeType NodeType // XXX name
NumPartitions uint32 // PNumber
NumReplicas uint32 // PNumber
// Check if a peer is still alive. Any -> Any.
type Ping struct{}
//neo:proto answer
type Pong struct{}
// Tell peer it can close the connection if it has finished with us. Any -> Any
type CloseClient struct {
// Ask current primary master's uuid. CTL -> A.
type PrimaryMaster struct {
type AnswerPrimary struct {
PrimaryNodeUUID NodeUUID
// Send list of known master nodes. SM -> Any.
type NotPrimaryMaster struct {
Primary NodeUUID // XXX PSignedNull in py
KnownMasterList []struct {
// Notify information about one or more nodes. PM -> Any.
type NotifyNodeInformation struct {
// NOTE in py this is monotonic_time() of call to broadcastNodesInformation() & friends
IdTime IdTime
NodeList []NodeInfo
// Ask all data needed by master to recover. PM -> S, S -> PM.
type Recovery struct {
type AnswerRecovery struct {
BackupTid zodb.Tid
TruncateTid zodb.Tid
// Ask the last OID/TID so that a master can initialize its TransactionManager.
// PM -> S, S -> PM.
type LastIDs struct {
type AnswerLastIDs struct {
LastOid zodb.Oid
LastTid zodb.Tid
// Ask the full partition table. PM -> S.
// Answer rows in a partition table. S -> PM.
type AskPartitionTable struct {
type AnswerPartitionTable struct {
RowList []RowInfo
// Send whole partition table to update other nodes. PM -> S, C.
type SendPartitionTable struct {
RowList []RowInfo
// Notify a subset of a partition table. This is used to notify changes.
// PM -> S, C.
type NotifyPartitionChanges struct {
CellList []struct {
Offset uint32 // PNumber XXX -> Pid
CellInfo CellInfo
// Tell a storage nodes to start an operation. Until a storage node receives
// this message, it must not serve client nodes. PM -> S.
type StartOperation struct {
// XXX: Is this boolean needed ? Maybe this
// can be deduced from cluster state.
Backup bool
// Tell a storage node to stop an operation. Once a storage node receives
// this message, it must not serve client nodes. PM -> S.
type StopOperation struct {
// Ask unfinished transactions S -> PM.
// Answer unfinished transactions PM -> S.
type UnfinishedTransactions struct {
RowList []struct {
Offset uint32 // PNumber XXX -> Pid
type AnswerUnfinishedTransactions struct {
MaxTID zodb.Tid
TidList []struct {
UnfinishedTID zodb.Tid
// Ask locked transactions PM -> S.
// Answer locked transactions S -> PM.
type LockedTransactions struct {
type AnswerLockedTransactions struct {
TidDict map[zodb.Tid]zodb.Tid // ttid -> tid
// Return final tid if ttid has been committed. * -> S. C -> PM.
type FinalTID struct {
TTID zodb.Tid
type AnswerFinalTID struct {
Tid zodb.Tid
// Commit a transaction. PM -> S.
type ValidateTransaction struct {
TTID zodb.Tid
Tid zodb.Tid
// Ask to begin a new transaction. C -> PM.
// Answer when a transaction begin, give a TID if necessary. PM -> C.
type BeginTransaction struct {
Tid zodb.Tid
type AnswerBeginTransaction struct {
Tid zodb.Tid
// Report storage nodes for which vote failed. C -> M
// True is returned if it's still possible to finish the transaction.
type FailedVote struct {
Tid zodb.Tid
NodeList []NodeUUID
// answer = Error
// Finish a transaction. C -> PM.
// Answer when a transaction is finished. PM -> C.
type FinishTransaction struct {
Tid zodb.Tid // XXX this is ttid
OIDList []zodb.Oid
CheckedList []zodb.Oid
type AnswerTransactionFinished struct {
TTid zodb.Tid
Tid zodb.Tid
// Lock information on a transaction. PM -> S.
// Notify information on a transaction locked. S -> PM.
type LockInformation struct {
Ttid zodb.Tid
Tid zodb.Tid
type AnswerInformationLocked struct {
Ttid zodb.Tid
// Invalidate objects. PM -> C.
type InvalidateObjects struct {
Tid zodb.Tid
OidList []zodb.Oid
// Unlock information on a transaction. PM -> S.
// XXX -> InformationUnlocked?
type NotifyUnlockInformation struct {
TTID zodb.Tid
// Ask new object IDs. C -> PM.
// Answer new object IDs. PM -> C.
type AskNewOIDs struct {
NumOIDs uint32 // PNumber
type AnswerNewOIDs struct {
OidList []zodb.Oid
// Ask master to generate a new TTID that will be used by the client
// to rebase a transaction. S -> PM -> C
// XXX -> Deadlocked?
type NotifyDeadlock struct {
TTid zodb.Tid
LockingTid zodb.Tid
// Rebase transaction. C -> S.
type RebaseTransaction struct {
TTid zodb.Tid
LockingTid zodb.Tid
type AnswerRebaseTransaction struct {
OidList []zodb.Oid
// Rebase object. C -> S.
// XXX: It is a request packet to simplify the implementation. For more
// efficiency, this should be turned into a notification, and the
// RebaseTransaction should answered once all objects are rebased
// (so that the client can still wait on something).
type RebaseObject struct {
TTid zodb.Tid
Oid zodb.Oid
type AnswerRebaseObject struct {
// FIXME POption('conflict')
Serial zodb.Tid
ConflictSerial zodb.Tid
// FIXME POption('data')
Compression bool
Checksum Checksum
Data *mem.Buf
// Ask to store an object. Send an OID, an original serial, a current
// transaction ID, and data. C -> S.
// As for IStorage, 'serial' is ZERO_TID for new objects.
type StoreObject struct {
Oid zodb.Oid
Serial zodb.Tid
Compression bool
Checksum Checksum
Data []byte // TODO -> msg.Buf, separately (for writev)
DataSerial zodb.Tid
Tid zodb.Tid
type AnswerStoreObject struct {
Conflict zodb.Tid
// Abort a transaction. C -> S and C -> PM -> S.
type AbortTransaction struct {
Tid zodb.Tid
NodeList []NodeUUID // unused for * -> S
// Ask to store a transaction. C -> S.
// Answer if transaction has been stored. S -> C.
type StoreTransaction struct {
Tid zodb.Tid
User string
Description string
Extension string
OidList []zodb.Oid
type AnswerStoreTransaction struct{}
// Ask to store a transaction. C -> S.
// Answer if transaction has been stored. S -> C.
type VoteTransaction struct {
Tid zodb.Tid
type AnswerVoteTransaction struct{}
// Ask a stored object by its OID and a serial or a TID if given. If a serial
// is specified, the specified revision of an object will be returned. If
// a TID is specified, an object right before the TID will be returned. C -> S.
// Answer the requested object. S -> C.
type GetObject struct {
Oid zodb.Oid
Serial zodb.Tid
Tid zodb.Tid
type AnswerObject struct {
Oid zodb.Oid
Serial zodb.Tid
NextSerial zodb.Tid
Compression bool
Checksum Checksum
Data *mem.Buf // TODO encode -> separately (for writev)
DataSerial zodb.Tid
// Ask for TIDs between a range of offsets. The order of TIDs is descending,
// and the range is [first, last). C -> S.
// Answer the requested TIDs. S -> C.
type AskTIDs struct {
First uint64 // PIndex [first, last) are offsets that define
Last uint64 // PIndex range in tid list on remote.
Partition uint32 // PNumber
type AnswerTIDs struct {
TIDList []zodb.Tid
// Ask information about a transaction. Any -> S.
// Answer information (user, description) about a transaction. S -> Any.
type TransactionInformation struct {
Tid zodb.Tid
type AnswerTransactionInformation struct {
Tid zodb.Tid
User string
Description string
Extension string
Packed bool
OidList []zodb.Oid
// Ask history information for a given object. The order of serials is
// descending, and the range is [first, last]. C -> S.
// Answer history information (serial, size) for an object. S -> C.
type ObjectHistory struct {
Oid zodb.Oid
First uint64 // PIndex
Last uint64 // PIndex
type AnswerObjectHistory struct {
Oid zodb.Oid
HistoryList []struct {
Serial zodb.Tid
Size uint32 // PNumber
// All the following messages are for neoctl to admin node
// Ask information about partition
// Answer information about partition
type PartitionList struct {
MinOffset uint32 // PNumber
MaxOffset uint32 // PNumber
type AnswerPartitionList struct {
RowList []RowInfo
// Ask information about nodes
// Answer information about nodes
// XXX neoctl -> A (A just extracts data from its nodetab)
type NodeList struct {
type AnswerNodeList struct {
NodeList []NodeInfo
// Set the node state
type SetNodeState struct {
// answer = Error
// Ask the primary to include some pending node in the partition table
type AddPendingNodes struct {
NodeList []NodeUUID
// answer = Error
// Ask the primary to optimize the partition table. A -> PM.
type TweakPartitionTable struct {
NodeList []NodeUUID
// answer = Error
// Set the cluster state
type SetClusterState struct {
State ClusterState
// answer = Error
//neo:proto typeonly
type repairFlags struct {
DryRun bool
// pruneOrphan bool
// answer = Error
// Ask storage nodes to repair their databases. ctl -> A -> M
type Repair struct {
NodeList []NodeUUID
// See Repair. M -> S
type RepairOne struct {
// Notify information about the cluster state
type NotifyClusterState struct {
State ClusterState
// Ask state of the cluster
// Answer state of the cluster
type AskClusterState struct {
type AnswerClusterState struct {
State ClusterState
// Ask storage the serial where object data is when undoing given transaction,
// for a list of OIDs.
// C -> S
// Answer serials at which object data is when undoing a given transaction.
// object_tid_dict has the following format:
// key: oid
// value: 3-tuple
// current_serial (TID)
// The latest serial visible to the undoing transaction.
// undo_serial (TID)
// Where undone data is (tid at which data is before given undo).
// is_current (bool)
// If current_serial's data is current on storage.
// S -> C
type ObjectUndoSerial struct {
Tid zodb.Tid
LTID zodb.Tid
UndoneTID zodb.Tid
OidList []zodb.Oid
type AnswerObjectUndoSerial struct {
ObjectTIDDict map[zodb.Oid]struct {
CurrentSerial zodb.Tid
UndoSerial zodb.Tid
IsCurrent bool
// Ask for length TIDs starting at min_tid. The order of TIDs is ascending.
// C -> S.
// Answer the requested TIDs. S -> C
type AskTIDsFrom struct {
MinTID zodb.Tid
MaxTID zodb.Tid
Length uint32 // PNumber
Partition uint32 // PNumber
type AnswerTIDsFrom struct {
TidList []zodb.Tid
// Request a pack at given TID.
// C -> M
// M -> S
// Inform that packing it over.
// S -> M
// M -> C
type Pack struct {
Tid zodb.Tid
type AnswerPack struct {
Status bool
// ctl -> A
// A -> M
type CheckReplicas struct {
PartitionDict map[uint32]NodeUUID // partition -> source (PNumber)
MinTID zodb.Tid
MaxTID zodb.Tid
// answer = Error
// M -> S
type CheckPartition struct {
Partition uint32 // PNumber
Source struct {
UpstreamName string
Address Address
MinTID zodb.Tid
MaxTID zodb.Tid
// Ask some stats about a range of transactions.
// Used to know if there are differences between a replicating node and
// reference node.
// S -> S
// Stats about a range of transactions.
// Used to know if there are differences between a replicating node and
// reference node.
// S -> S
type CheckTIDRange struct {
Partition uint32 // PNumber
Length uint32 // PNumber
MinTID zodb.Tid
MaxTID zodb.Tid
type AnswerCheckTIDRange struct {
Count uint32 // PNumber
Checksum Checksum
MaxTID zodb.Tid
// Ask some stats about a range of object history.
// Used to know if there are differences between a replicating node and
// reference node.
// S -> S
// Stats about a range of object history.
// Used to know if there are differences between a replicating node and
// reference node.
// S -> S
type CheckSerialRange struct {
Partition uint32 // PNumber
Length uint32 // PNumber
MinTID zodb.Tid
MaxTID zodb.Tid
MinOID zodb.Oid
type AnswerCheckSerialRange struct {
Count uint32 // PNumber
TidChecksum Checksum
MaxTID zodb.Tid
OidChecksum Checksum
MaxOID zodb.Oid
// S -> M
type PartitionCorrupted struct {
Partition uint32 // PNumber
CellList []NodeUUID
// Notify that node is ready to serve requests.
// S -> M
type NotifyReady struct {
// Ask last committed TID.
// C -> M
// Answer last committed TID.
// M -> C
type LastTransaction struct {
type AnswerLastTransaction struct {
Tid zodb.Tid
// Verifies if given serial is current for object oid in the database, and
// take a write lock on it (so that this state is not altered until
// transaction ends).
// Answer to AskCheckCurrentSerial.
// Same structure as AnswerStoreObject, to handle the same way, except there
// is nothing to invalidate in any client's cache.
type CheckCurrentSerial struct {
Tid zodb.Tid
Oid zodb.Oid
Serial zodb.Tid
type AnswerCheckCurrentSerial struct {
// was _answer = StoreObject._answer in py
// XXX can we do without embedding e.g. `type AnswerCheckCurrentSerial AnswerStoreObject` ?
// Notify that a transaction blocking a replication is now finished
// M -> S
type NotifyTransactionFinished struct {
TTID zodb.Tid
MaxTID zodb.Tid
// replication
// Notify a storage node to replicate partitions up to given 'tid'
// and from given sources.
// M -> S
// - upstream_name: replicate from an upstream cluster
// - address: address of the source storage node, or None if there's no new
// data up to 'tid' for the given partition
type Replicate struct {
Tid zodb.Tid
UpstreamName string
SourceDict map[uint32/*PNumber*/]string // partition -> address FIXME string -> Address
// Notify the master node that a partition has been successfully replicated
// from a storage to another.
// S -> M
type ReplicationDone struct {
Offset uint32 // PNumber
Tid zodb.Tid
// S -> S
type FetchTransactions struct {
Partition uint32 // PNumber
Length uint32 // PNumber
MinTid zodb.Tid
MaxTid zodb.Tid
TxnKnownList []zodb.Tid // already known transactions
type AnswerFetchTransactions struct {
PackTid zodb.Tid
NextTid zodb.Tid
TxnDeleteList []zodb.Tid // transactions to delete
// S -> S
type FetchObjects struct {
Partition uint32 // PNumber
Length uint32 // PNumber
MinTid zodb.Tid
MaxTid zodb.Tid
MinOid zodb.Oid
// already known objects
ObjKnownDict map[zodb.Tid][]zodb.Oid // serial -> []oid
type AnswerFetchObjects struct {
PackTid zodb.Tid
NextTid zodb.Tid
NextOid zodb.Oid
// objects to delete
ObjDeleteDict map[zodb.Tid][]zodb.Oid // serial -> []oid
// S -> S
type AddTransaction struct {
Tid zodb.Tid
User string
Description string
Extension string
Packed bool
TTid zodb.Tid
OidList []zodb.Oid
// S -> S
type AddObject struct {
Oid zodb.Oid
Serial zodb.Tid
Compression bool
Checksum Checksum
Data *mem.Buf
DataSerial zodb.Tid
// Request DB to be truncated. Also used to leave backup mode.
type Truncate struct {
Tid zodb.Tid
// answer = Error
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