Commit 918455e7 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

go/zodb: DB: handle invalidations

Implement invalidation handling to teach DB to reuse Connections from
connection pool: after connection is returned to the pool on transaction
completion, we can use this connection for next DB.Open(at) request, by
seeing which objects we changed in range and invalidating
those objects in connection live cache.

To know which objects were changed, DB adds watch on its storage and
maintains some history tail (using ΔTail - see previous commit).

Finally add test for both DB and Connection, and also for Persistent,
LiveCache, ... - as all those application-level components are tightly
parent d8e9d7a9
This diff is collapsed.
...@@ -20,12 +20,18 @@ ...@@ -20,12 +20,18 @@
package zodb package zodb
import ( import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"reflect" "reflect"
"testing" "testing"
"" ""
"" assert ""
) )
// test Persistent type. // test Persistent type.
...@@ -35,6 +41,10 @@ type MyObject struct { ...@@ -35,6 +41,10 @@ type MyObject struct {
value string value string
} }
func NewMyObject(jar *Connection) *MyObject {
return NewPersistent(reflect.TypeOf(MyObject{}), jar).(*MyObject)
type myObjectState MyObject type myObjectState MyObject
func (o *myObjectState) DropState() { func (o *myObjectState) DropState() {
...@@ -122,9 +132,9 @@ func tCheckObj(t testing.TB) func(IPersistent, *Connection, Oid, Tid, ObjectStat ...@@ -122,9 +132,9 @@ func tCheckObj(t testing.TB) func(IPersistent, *Connection, Oid, Tid, ObjectStat
} }
} }
// basic Persistent tests without storage.
func TestPersistent(t *testing.T) { func TestPersistentBasic(t *testing.T) {
assert := require.New(t) assert := assert.New(t)
checkObj := tCheckObj(t) checkObj := tCheckObj(t)
// unknown type -> Broken // unknown type -> Broken
...@@ -179,11 +189,292 @@ func TestPersistent(t *testing.T) { ...@@ -179,11 +189,292 @@ func TestPersistent(t *testing.T) {
obj.PDeactivate() obj.PDeactivate()
}() }()
// ---- TestPersistentDB ----
// zcacheControl is simple live cache control that prevents specified objects
// to be evicted from live cache.
type zcacheControl struct {
keep []Oid // objects that must not be evicted
func (cc *zcacheControl) WantEvict(obj IPersistent) bool {
for _, oid := range cc.keep {
if obj.POid() == oid {
return false
return true
// tPersistentDB represents one testing environment inside TestPersistentDB.
type tPersistentDB struct {
// a transaction and DB connection opened under it
txn transaction.Transaction
ctx context.Context
conn *Connection
// Get gets oid from t.conn and asserts its type.
func (t *tPersistentDB) Get(oid Oid) *MyObject {
xobj, err := t.conn.Get(t.ctx, oid)
if err != nil {
zclass := ClassOf(xobj)
zmy := "t.zodb.MyObject"
if zclass != zmy {
t.Fatalf("get %d: got %s; want %s", oid, zclass, zmy)
return xobj.(*MyObject)
// PActivate activates obj in t environment.
func (t *tPersistentDB) PActivate(obj IPersistent) {
err := obj.PActivate(t.ctx)
if err != nil {
// checkObj checks state of obj and that obj ∈ t.conn.
// if object is !GHOST - it also verifies its value.
func (t *tPersistentDB) checkObj(obj *MyObject, oid Oid, serial Tid, state ObjectState, refcnt int32, valueOk ...string) {
// any object with live pointer to it must be also in conn's cache.
cache := t.conn.Cache()
connObj := cache.Get(oid)
if obj != connObj {
t.Fatalf("cache.get %s -> not same object:\nhave: %#v\nwant: %#v", oid, connObj, oid)
// and conn.Get must return exactly obj.
connObj, err := t.conn.Get(t.ctx, oid)
if err != nil {
if obj != connObj {
t.Fatalf("conn.get %s -> not same object:\nhave: %#v\nwant: %#v", oid, connObj, oid)
checkObj(t.T, obj, t.conn, oid, serial, state, refcnt)
if state == GHOST {
if len(valueOk) != 0 {
panic("t.checkObj(GHOST) must come without value")
if len(valueOk) != 1 {
panic("t.checkObj(!GHOST) must come with one value")
value := valueOk[0]
if obj.value != value {
t.Fatalf("obj.value mismatch: have %q; want %q", obj.value, value)
// Abort aborts t's connection and verifies it becomes !live.
func (t *tPersistentDB) Abort() {
assert.Same(t, t.conn.txn, t.txn)
assert.Equal(t, t.conn.txn, nil)
// Persistent tests with storage.
// this test covers everything at application-level: Persistent, DB, Connection, LiveCache.
func TestPersistentDB(t *testing.T) {
// perform tests without and with raw data cache.
// (rawcache=y verifies how raw cache handles invalidations)
t.Run("rawcache=n", func(t *testing.T) { testPersistentDB(t, false) })
t.Run("rawcache=y", func(t *testing.T) { testPersistentDB(t, true) })
func testPersistentDB(t0 *testing.T, rawcache bool) {
X := exc.Raiseif
assert := assert.New(t0)
work, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "t-persistent"); X(err)
defer func() {
err := os.RemoveAll(work); X(err)
zurl := work + "/1.fs"
// create test db via py with 2 objects
// XXX hack as _objX go without jar.
_obj1 := NewMyObject(nil); _obj1.oid = 101; _obj1.value = "init"
_obj2 := NewMyObject(nil); _obj2.oid = 102; _obj2.value = "db"
at0, err := ZPyCommit(zurl, 0, _obj1, _obj2); X(err)
_obj1.value = "hello"
_obj2.value = "world"
at1, err := ZPyCommit(zurl, at0, _obj1, _obj2); X(err)
// open connection to it via zodb/go
ctx := context.Background()
stor, err := OpenStorage(ctx, zurl, &OpenOptions{ReadOnly: true, NoCache: !rawcache}); X(err)
db := NewDB(stor)
defer func() {
err := db.Close(); X(err)
// testopen opens new db transaction/connection and wraps it with tPersistentDB.
testopen := func(opt *ConnOptions) *tPersistentDB {
txn, ctx := transaction.New(context.Background())
conn, err := db.Open(ctx, opt); X(err)
assert.Same(conn.db, db)
assert.Same(conn.txn, txn)
return &tPersistentDB{
T: t0,
txn: txn,
ctx: ctx,
conn: conn,
// TODO activate - jar has to load, state changes t1 := testopen(&ConnOptions{})
// TODO activate again - refcnt++ t := t1
// TODO deactivate - refcnt-- assert.Equal(t.conn.At(), at1)
// TODO deactivate - state dropped assert.Equal(db.pool, []*Connection(nil))
// δtail coverage is (at1, at1] (at0 not included)
assert.Equal(db.δtail.Tail(), at1)
assert.Equal(db.δtail.Head(), at1)
// do not evict obj2 from live cache. obj1 is ok to be evicted.
zcache1 := t.conn.Cache()
// get objects
obj1 := t.Get(101)
obj2 := t.Get(102)
t.checkObj(obj1, 101, InvalidTid, GHOST, 0)
t.checkObj(obj2, 102, InvalidTid, GHOST, 0)
// activate: jar has to load, state changes -> uptodate
t.checkObj(obj1, 101, at1, UPTODATE, 1, "hello")
t.checkObj(obj2, 102, at1, UPTODATE, 1, "world")
// activate again: refcnt++
t.checkObj(obj1, 101, at1, UPTODATE, 2, "hello")
t.checkObj(obj2, 102, at1, UPTODATE, 2, "world")
// deactivate: refcnt--
t.checkObj(obj1, 101, at1, UPTODATE, 1, "hello")
t.checkObj(obj2, 102, at1, UPTODATE, 1, "world")
// deactivate: state dropped for obj1, obj2 stays in live cache
t.checkObj(obj1, 101, InvalidTid, GHOST, 0)
t.checkObj(obj2, 102, at1, UPTODATE, 0, "world")
// invalidate: obj2 state dropped
t.checkObj(obj1, 101, InvalidTid, GHOST, 0)
t.checkObj(obj2, 102, InvalidTid, GHOST, 0)
// commit change to obj2 from external process
_obj2.value = "kitty"
at2, err := ZPyCommit(zurl, at1, _obj2); X(err)
// new db connection should see the change
t2 := testopen(&ConnOptions{})
assert.Equal(t2.conn.At(), at2)
assert.Equal(db.pool, []*Connection(nil))
// δtail coverage is (at1, at2]
assert.Equal(db.δtail.Tail(), at1)
assert.Equal(db.δtail.Head(), at2)
c2obj1 := t2.Get(101)
c2obj2 := t2.Get(102)
t2.checkObj(c2obj1, 101, InvalidTid, GHOST, 0)
t2.checkObj(c2obj2, 102, InvalidTid, GHOST, 0)
t2.checkObj(c2obj1, 101, at1, UPTODATE, 1, "hello")
t2.checkObj(c2obj2, 102, at2, UPTODATE, 1, "kitty")
// conn1 stays at older view for now
t1.checkObj(obj1, 101, InvalidTid, GHOST, 0)
t1.checkObj(obj2, 102, InvalidTid, GHOST, 0)
t1.checkObj(obj1, 101, at1, UPTODATE, 1, "hello")
t1.checkObj(obj2, 102, at1, UPTODATE, 1, "world")
// conn1 deactivate: obj2 stays in conn1 live cache with old state
t1.checkObj(obj1, 101, InvalidTid, GHOST, 0)
t1.checkObj(obj2, 102, at1, UPTODATE, 0, "world")
// txn1 completes - conn1 goes back to db pool
assert.Equal(db.pool, []*Connection{t1.conn})
// open new connection - it should be conn1 but at updated database view
t3 := testopen(&ConnOptions{})
assert.Same(t3.conn, t1.conn)
t = t3
assert.Equal(t.conn.At(), at2)
assert.Equal(db.pool, []*Connection{})
// obj2 should be invalidated
t.checkObj(obj1, 101, InvalidTid, GHOST, 0)
t.checkObj(obj2, 102, InvalidTid, GHOST, 0)
// obj2 data should be new
t.checkObj(obj1, 101, at1, UPTODATE, 1, "hello")
t.checkObj(obj2, 102, at2, UPTODATE, 1, "kitty")
t.checkObj(obj1, 101, InvalidTid, GHOST, 0)
t.checkObj(obj2, 102, at2, UPTODATE, 0, "kitty")
// finish tnx3 and txn2 - conn1 and conn2 go back to db pool
assert.Equal(db.pool, []*Connection{t1.conn, t2.conn})
} }
// TODO Map & List tests. // TODO Map & List tests.
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