Commit a87adb49 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent c744c005
......@@ -21,21 +21,24 @@ package neo
import (
// NEOSrv represents running NEO server.
type NEOSrv interface {
ClusterName() string // name of the cluster
MasterAddr() string // address of the master
// XXX +ClusterName
// NEOPySrv represents running NEO/py server.
......@@ -130,6 +133,10 @@ func StartNEOPySrv(workdir string, opt NEOPyOptions) (_ *NEOPySrv, err error) {
return n, nil
func (n *NEOPySrv) ClusterName() string {
return "xxx" // FIXME stub
func (n *NEOPySrv) MasterAddr() string {
return n.masterAddr
......@@ -148,10 +155,24 @@ func (n *NEOPySrv) Close() (err error) {
// ----------------
// tOptions represents options for testing.
// XXX dup in ZEO
type tOptions struct {
Preload string // preload database with data from this location
// withNEOSrv tests f with all kind of NEO servers.
func withNEOSrv(t *testing.T, f func(t *testing.T, nsrv NEOSrv)) { // XXX +optv ?
func withNEOSrv(t *testing.T, f func(t *testing.T, nsrv NEOSrv), optv ...tOptions) {
opt := tOptions{}
if len(optv) > 1 {
panic("multiple tOptions not allowed")
if len(optv) == 1 {
opt = optv[0]
// inWorkDir runs f under dedicated work directory.
inWorkDir := func(t *testing.T, f func(workdir string)) {
......@@ -159,6 +180,10 @@ func withNEOSrv(t *testing.T, f func(t *testing.T, nsrv NEOSrv)) { // XXX +optv
work, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "neo"); X(err)
defer os.RemoveAll(work)
if opt.Preload != "" {
panic("TODO: preload")
......@@ -184,10 +209,40 @@ func withNEOSrv(t *testing.T, f func(t *testing.T, nsrv NEOSrv)) { // XXX +optv
// TODO NEO/go
// XXX withNeo
// withNEO tests f on all kinds of NEO servers connected to by NEO client.
func withNEO(t *testing.T, f func(t *testing.T, nsrv NEOSrv, ndrv *Client), optv ...tOptions) {
withNEOSrv(t, func(t *testing.T, nsrv NEOSrv) {
X := xtesting.FatalIf(t)
ndrv, _, err := neoOpen(fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", nsrv.ClusterName(), nsrv.MasterAddr()),
&zodb.DriverOptions{ReadOnly: true}); X(err)
defer func() {
err := ndrv.Close(); X(err)
f(t, nsrv, ndrv)
}, optv...)
func TestEmptyDB(t *testing.T) {
withNEO(t, func(t *testing.T, nsrv NEOSrv, n *Client) {
xtesting.DrvTestEmptyDB(t, n)
func neoOpen(zurl string, opt *zodb.DriverOptions) (_ *Client, at0 zodb.Tid, err error) {
defer xerr.Contextf(&err, "openneo %s", zurl)
u, err := url.Parse(zurl)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
n, at0, err := openClientByURL(context.Background(), u, opt)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
return n.(*Client), at0, nil
......@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@ func (z *ZEOPySrv) Encoding() encoding {
// ----------------
// tOptions represents options for testing.
// XXX dup in NEO
type tOptions struct {
Preload string // preload database with data from this location
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