Commit adb2ada3 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

go/zodb: Cosmetics

More comments, typos, ...
parent 1e6aeeee
......@@ -125,7 +125,10 @@ type LiveCache struct {
// LiveCacheControl is the interface that allows applications to influence
// Connection's decisions with respect to Connection's live cache.
// Connection's decisions with respect to Connection's LiveCache.
// See Connection.Cache and LiveCache.SetControl for how to install
// LiveCacheControl on a connection's live cache.
type LiveCacheControl interface {
// PCacheClassify is called to classify an object and returns live
// cache policy that should be used for this object.
......@@ -210,6 +213,7 @@ func (e *wrongClassError) Error() string {
// Get lookups object corresponding to oid in the cache.
// If object is found, it is guaranteed to stay in live cache while the caller keeps reference to it.
// LiveCacheControl can be used to extend that guarantee.
func (cache *LiveCache) Get(oid Oid) IPersistent {
// 1. lookup in pinned objects (likely hottest ones)
obj := cache.pinned[oid]
......@@ -597,8 +597,8 @@ func testPersistentDB(t0 *testing.T, rawcache bool) {
t.checkObj(obj2, 102, InvalidTid, GHOST, 0)
// obj2 data should be new
t.checkObj(obj1, 101, at1, UPTODATE, 1, "hello")
t.checkObj(obj2, 102, at2, UPTODATE, 1, "kitty")
......@@ -613,6 +613,9 @@ func testPersistentDB(t0 *testing.T, rawcache bool) {
assert.Equal(db.pool, []*Connection{t1.conn, t2.conn})
// ---- Resync ----
// open new connection in nopool mode to verify resync
t4 := tdb.Open(&ConnOptions{NoPool: true})
t = t4
......@@ -685,7 +688,7 @@ func testPersistentDB(t0 *testing.T, rawcache bool) {
t.checkObj(robj1, 101, InvalidTid, GHOST, 0)
t.checkObj(robj2, 102, at2, UPTODATE, 0, "kitty")
// Resync ↓ (at1 -> at0; to outside δtail coverage)
// Resync ↓ (at2 -> at0; to outside δtail coverage)
assert.Equal(db.pool, []*Connection{t1.conn, t2.conn})
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ func Open(ctx context.Context, zurl string, opt *OpenOptions) (IStorage, error)
cache = NewCache(storDriver, 128 * 4*1024)
// FIXME teach cache for watching and remove vvv
log.Printf("zodb: FIXME: open %s: cache is not ready for invalidations" +
log.Printf("zodb: FIXME: open %s: raw cache is not ready for invalidations" +
" -> NoCache forced", zurl)
cache = nil
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ func Open(ctx context.Context, zurl string, opt *OpenOptions) (IStorage, error)
watchCancel: make(map[chan<- Event]chan struct{}),
go stor.watcher() // stoped on close
go stor.watcher() // stopped on close
return stor, nil
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ func Open(ctx context.Context, zurl string, opt *OpenOptions) (IStorage, error)
// storage represents storage opened via Open.
// it provides a small cache on top of raw storage driver to implement prefetch
// and other storage-independed higher-level functionality.
// and other storage-independent higher-level functionality.
type storage struct {
driver IStorageDriver
l1cache *Cache // can be =nil, if opened with NoCache
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ func (s *storage) _watcher() error {
req.ack <- s.head
// close all subscribers's watchq on watcher shutdow
// close all subscribers's watchq on watcher shutdown
defer func() {
for watchq := range s.watchTab {
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