Commit bcf4afa0 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

Drop ability to build packets with keyword arguments

The removed tests only covered this.
parent 0e06d906
......@@ -236,14 +236,10 @@ class Packet(object):
_id = None
poll_thread = False
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
def __init__(self, *args):
assert self._code is not None, "Packet class not registered"
if args or kw:
args = list(args)
if args:
buf = StringIO()
# load named arguments
for item in self._fmt._items[len(args):]:
self._fmt.encode(buf.write, args)
self._body = buf.getvalue()
......@@ -14,10 +14,9 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import threading
import unittest
from mock import Mock, ReturnValues
from ZODB.POSException import StorageTransactionError, UndoError, ConflictError
from mock import Mock
from ZODB.POSException import StorageTransactionError, ConflictError
from .. import NeoUnitTestBase, buildUrlFromString
from import Application
from neo.client.cache import test as testCache
......@@ -25,14 +24,6 @@ from neo.client.exception import NEOStorageError, NEOStorageNotFoundError
from neo.lib.protocol import NodeTypes, Packets, Errors, UUID_NAMESPACES
from neo.lib.util import makeChecksum
class Dispatcher(object):
def pending(self, queue):
return not queue.empty()
def forget_queue(self, queue, flush_queue=True):
def _getMasterConnection(self):
if self.master_conn is None:
self.last_tid = None
......@@ -43,11 +34,6 @@ def _getMasterConnection(self):
self.master_conn = Mock()
return self.master_conn
def getConnection(kw):
conn = Mock(kw)
conn.lock = threading.RLock()
return conn
def _ask(self, conn, packet, handler=None, **kw):
conn.ask(packet, **kw)
......@@ -95,11 +81,6 @@ class ClientApplicationTests(NeoUnitTestBase):
app.dispatcher = Mock({ })
return app
def getConnectionPool(self, conn_list):
return Mock({
'iterateForObject': conn_list,
def makeOID(self, value=None):
from random import randint
if value is None:
......@@ -107,24 +88,6 @@ class ClientApplicationTests(NeoUnitTestBase):
return '\00' * 7 + chr(value)
makeTID = makeOID
def getNodeCellConn(self, index=1, address=('', 10000), uuid=None):
conn = getConnection({
'getAddress': address,
'__repr__': 'connection mock',
'getUUID': uuid,
node = Mock({
'__repr__': 'node%s' % index,
'__hash__': index,
'getConnection': conn,
cell = Mock({
'getAddress': 'FakeServer',
'getState': 'FakeState',
'getNode': node,
return (node, cell, conn)
def makeTransactionObject(self, user='u', description='d', _extension='e'):
class Transaction(object):
......@@ -134,22 +97,8 @@ class ClientApplicationTests(NeoUnitTestBase):
txn._extension = _extension
return txn
def beginTransaction(self, app, tid):
packet = Packets.AnswerBeginTransaction(tid=tid)
app.master_conn = Mock({ 'fakeReceived': packet, })
txn = self.makeTransactionObject()
app.tpc_begin(txn, tid=tid)
return txn
# common checks
def checkDispatcherRegisterCalled(self, app, conn):
calls = app.dispatcher.mockGetNamedCalls('register')
#self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1)
#self.assertEqual(calls[0].getParam(0), conn)
#self.assertTrue(isinstance(calls[0].getParam(2), Queue))
testCache = testCache
def test_load(self):
......@@ -207,47 +156,6 @@ class ClientApplicationTests(NeoUnitTestBase):
self.assertEqual(len(cache._oid_dict[oid]), 2)
def test_tpc_begin(self):
app = self.getApp()
tid = self.makeTID()
txn = Mock()
# first, tid is supplied
self.assertRaises(StorageTransactionError, app._txn_container.get, txn)
packet = Packets.AnswerBeginTransaction(tid=tid)
app.master_conn = Mock({
'getNextId': 1,
'fakeReceived': packet,
app.tpc_begin(transaction=txn, tid=tid)
txn_context = app._txn_container.get(txn)
self.assertTrue(txn_context['txn'] is txn)
self.assertEqual(txn_context['ttid'], tid)
# next, the transaction already begin -> raise
self.assertRaises(StorageTransactionError, app.tpc_begin,
transaction=txn, tid=None)
txn_context = app._txn_container.get(txn)
self.assertTrue(txn_context['txn'] is txn)
self.assertEqual(txn_context['ttid'], tid)
# start a transaction without tid
txn = Mock()
# no connection -> NEOStorageError (wait until connected to primary)
#self.assertRaises(NEOStorageError, app.tpc_begin, transaction=txn, tid=None)
# ask a tid to pmn
packet = Packets.AnswerBeginTransaction(tid=tid)
app.master_conn = Mock({
'getNextId': 1,
'fakeReceived': packet,
app.tpc_begin(transaction=txn, tid=None)
self.checkDispatcherRegisterCalled(app, app.master_conn)
# check attributes
txn_context = app._txn_container.get(txn)
self.assertTrue(txn_context['txn'] is txn)
self.assertEqual(txn_context['ttid'], tid)
def test_store1(self):
app = self.getApp()
oid = self.makeOID(11)
......@@ -265,111 +173,6 @@ class ClientApplicationTests(NeoUnitTestBase):
calls ='getCellList')
self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1)
def test_store2(self):
app = self.getApp()
oid = self.makeOID(11)
tid = self.makeTID()
txn = self.makeTransactionObject()
# build conflicting state
txn_context = self._begin(app, txn, tid)
packet = Packets.AnswerStoreObject(conflicting=1, oid=oid, serial=tid)
storage_address = ('', 10020)
node, cell, conn = self.getNodeCellConn(address=storage_address) = Mock()
app.cp = self.getConnectionPool([(node, conn)])
app.dispatcher = Dispatcher()
data_dict = txn_context['data_dict']
data_dict[oid] = 'BEFORE', tid, '', None, txn)
txn_context['queue'].put((conn, packet, {}))
self.assertRaises(ConflictError, app.waitStoreResponses, txn_context,
self.assertTrue(oid not in data_dict)
self.assertEqual(txn_context['object_stored_counter_dict'][oid], {})
def test_store3(self):
app = self.getApp()
uuid = self.getStorageUUID()
oid = self.makeOID(11)
tid = self.makeTID()
txn = self.makeTransactionObject()
# case with no conflict
txn_context = self._begin(app, txn, tid)
packet = Packets.AnswerStoreObject(conflicting=0, oid=oid, serial=tid)
storage_address = ('', 10020)
node, cell, conn = self.getNodeCellConn(address=storage_address,
app.cp = self.getConnectionPool([(node, conn)]) = Mock()
app.dispatcher = Dispatcher()
app.nm.createStorage(address=storage_address), tid, 'DATA', None, txn)
txn_context['queue'].put((conn, packet, {}))
app.waitStoreResponses(txn_context, None) # no conflict in this test
{tid: {uuid}})
self.assertEqual(txn_context['cache_dict'][oid], 'DATA')
self.assertFalse(oid in txn_context['data_dict'])
self.assertFalse(oid in txn_context['conflict_serial_dict'])
def test_tpc_abort3(self):
""" check that abort is sent to all nodes involved in the transaction """
app = self.getApp()
# three partitions/storages: one per object/transaction
app.num_partitions = num_partitions = 3
app.num_replicas = 0
tid = self.makeTID(num_partitions) # on partition 0
oid1 = self.makeOID(num_partitions + 1) # on partition 1, conflicting
oid2 = self.makeOID(num_partitions + 2) # on partition 2
# storage nodes
address1 = ('', 10000); uuid1 = self.getMasterUUID()
address2 = ('', 10001); uuid2 = self.getStorageUUID()
address3 = ('', 10002); uuid3 = self.getStorageUUID()
app.nm.createMaster(address=address1, uuid=uuid1)
app.nm.createStorage(address=address2, uuid=uuid2)
app.nm.createStorage(address=address3, uuid=uuid3)
# answer packets
packet1 = Packets.AnswerStoreTransaction(tid=tid)
packet2 = Packets.AnswerStoreObject(conflicting=1, oid=oid1, serial=tid)
packet3 = Packets.AnswerStoreObject(conflicting=0, oid=oid2, serial=tid)
[p.setId(i) for p, i in zip([packet1, packet2, packet3], range(3))]
conn1 = getConnection({'__repr__': 'conn1', 'getAddress': address1,
'fakeReceived': packet1, 'getUUID': uuid1})
conn2 = getConnection({'__repr__': 'conn2', 'getAddress': address2,
'fakeReceived': packet2, 'getUUID': uuid2})
conn3 = getConnection({'__repr__': 'conn3', 'getAddress': address3,
'fakeReceived': packet3, 'getUUID': uuid3})
node1 = Mock({'__repr__': 'node1', '__hash__': 1, 'getConnection': conn1})
node2 = Mock({'__repr__': 'node2', '__hash__': 2, 'getConnection': conn2})
node3 = Mock({'__repr__': 'node3', '__hash__': 3, 'getConnection': conn3})
# fake environment
app.cp = Mock({'getConnForCell': ReturnValues(conn2, conn3, conn1)})
app.cp = Mock({
'getConnForNode': ReturnValues(conn2, conn3, conn1),
'iterateForObject': [(node2, conn2), (node3, conn3), (node1, conn1)],
app.master_conn = Mock({'__hash__': 0})
txn = self.makeTransactionObject()
txn_context = self._begin(app, txn, tid)
app.dispatcher = Dispatcher()
# conflict occurs on storage 2, tid, 'DATA', None, txn), tid, 'DATA', None, txn)
queue = txn_context['queue']
queue.put((conn2, packet2, {}))
queue.put((conn3, packet3, {}))
# vote fails as the conflict is not resolved, nothing is sent to storage 3
self.assertRaises(ConflictError, app.tpc_vote, txn, failing_tryToResolveConflict)
# abort must be sent to storage 1 and 2
def test_undo1(self):
# invalid transaction
app = self.getApp()
......@@ -383,169 +186,6 @@ class ClientApplicationTests(NeoUnitTestBase):
def _getAppForUndoTests(self, oid0, tid0, tid1, tid2):
app = self.getApp()
cell = Mock({
'getAddress': 'FakeServer',
'getState': 'FakeState',
}) = Mock({'getCellList': [cell]})
transaction_info = Packets.AnswerTransactionInformation(tid1, '', '',
'', False, (oid0, ))
conn = getConnection({
'getNextId': 1,
'fakeReceived': transaction_info,
'getAddress': ('', 10020),
node = app.nm.createStorage(address=conn.getAddress())
app.cp = Mock({
'iterateForObject': [(node, conn)],
'getConnForCell': conn,
app.dispatcher = Dispatcher()
def load(oid, tid=None, before_tid=None):
self.assertEqual(oid, oid0)
return ({tid0: 'dummy', tid2: 'cdummy'}[tid], None, None)
app.load = load
store_marker = []
def _store(txn_context, oid, serial, data, data_serial=None,
store_marker.append((oid, serial, data, data_serial))
app._store = _store
app.last_tid = self.getNextTID()
return app, conn, store_marker
def test_undoWithResolutionSuccess(self):
Try undoing transaction tid1, which contains object oid.
Object oid previous revision before tid1 is tid0.
Transaction tid2 modified oid (and contains its data).
Undo is accepted, because conflict resolution succeeds.
oid0 = self.makeOID(1)
tid0 = self.getNextTID()
tid1 = self.getNextTID()
tid2 = self.getNextTID()
tid3 = self.getNextTID()
app, conn, store_marker = self._getAppForUndoTests(oid0, tid0, tid1,
undo_serial = Packets.AnswerObjectUndoSerial({
oid0: (tid2, tid0, False)})
conn.ask = lambda p, queue=None, **kw: \
isinstance(p, Packets.AskObjectUndoSerial) and \
queue.put((conn, undo_serial, kw))
marker = []
def tryToResolveConflict(oid, conflict_serial, serial, data,
marker.append((oid, conflict_serial, serial, data, committedData))
return 'solved'
# The undo
txn = self.beginTransaction(app, tid=tid3)
app.undo(tid1, txn, tryToResolveConflict)
# Checking what happened
moid, mconflict_serial, mserial, mdata, mcommittedData = marker[0]
self.assertEqual(moid, oid0)
self.assertEqual(mconflict_serial, tid2)
self.assertEqual(mserial, tid1)
self.assertEqual(mdata, 'dummy')
self.assertEqual(mcommittedData, 'cdummy')
moid, mserial, mdata, mdata_serial = store_marker[0]
self.assertEqual(moid, oid0)
self.assertEqual(mserial, tid2)
self.assertEqual(mdata, 'solved')
self.assertEqual(mdata_serial, None)
def test_undoWithResolutionFailure(self):
Try undoing transaction tid1, which contains object oid.
Object oid previous revision before tid1 is tid0.
Transaction tid2 modified oid (and contains its data).
Undo is rejected with a raise, because conflict resolution fails.
oid0 = self.makeOID(1)
tid0 = self.getNextTID()
tid1 = self.getNextTID()
tid2 = self.getNextTID()
tid3 = self.getNextTID()
undo_serial = Packets.AnswerObjectUndoSerial({
oid0: (tid2, tid0, False)})
app, conn, store_marker = self._getAppForUndoTests(oid0, tid0, tid1,
conn.ask = lambda p, queue=None, **kw: \
type(p) is Packets.AskObjectUndoSerial and \
queue.put((conn, undo_serial, kw))
marker = []
def tryToResolveConflict(oid, conflict_serial, serial, data,
marker.append((oid, conflict_serial, serial, data, committedData))
raise ConflictError
# The undo
txn = self.beginTransaction(app, tid=tid3)
self.assertRaises(UndoError, app.undo, tid1, txn, tryToResolveConflict)
# Checking what happened
moid, mconflict_serial, mserial, mdata, mcommittedData = marker[0]
self.assertEqual(moid, oid0)
self.assertEqual(mconflict_serial, tid2)
self.assertEqual(mserial, tid1)
self.assertEqual(mdata, 'dummy')
self.assertEqual(mcommittedData, 'cdummy')
self.assertEqual(len(store_marker), 0)
# Likewise, but conflict resolver raises a ConflictError.
# Still, exception raised by undo() must be UndoError.
marker = []
def tryToResolveConflict(oid, conflict_serial, serial, data,
marker.append((oid, conflict_serial, serial, data, committedData))
raise ConflictError
# The undo
self.assertRaises(UndoError, app.undo, tid1, txn, tryToResolveConflict)
# Checking what happened
moid, mconflict_serial, mserial, mdata, mcommittedData = marker[0]
self.assertEqual(moid, oid0)
self.assertEqual(mconflict_serial, tid2)
self.assertEqual(mserial, tid1)
self.assertEqual(mdata, 'dummy')
self.assertEqual(mcommittedData, 'cdummy')
self.assertEqual(len(store_marker), 0)
def test_undo(self):
Try undoing transaction tid1, which contains object oid.
Object oid previous revision before tid1 is tid0.
Undo is accepted, because tid1 is object's current revision.
oid0 = self.makeOID(1)
tid0 = self.getNextTID()
tid1 = self.getNextTID()
tid2 = self.getNextTID()
tid3 = self.getNextTID()
transaction_info = Packets.AnswerTransactionInformation(tid1, '', '',
'', False, (oid0, ))
undo_serial = Packets.AnswerObjectUndoSerial({
oid0: (tid1, tid0, True)})
app, conn, store_marker = self._getAppForUndoTests(oid0, tid0, tid1,
conn.ask = lambda p, queue=None, **kw: \
type(p) is Packets.AskObjectUndoSerial and \
queue.put((conn, undo_serial, kw))
# The undo
txn = self.beginTransaction(app, tid=tid3)
app.undo(tid1, txn, None) # no conflict resolution in this test
# Checking what happened
moid, mserial, mdata, mdata_serial = store_marker[0]
self.assertEqual(moid, oid0)
self.assertEqual(mserial, tid1)
self.assertEqual(mdata, None)
self.assertEqual(mdata_serial, tid0)
def test_connectToPrimaryNode(self):
# here we have three master nodes :
# the connection to the first will fail
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