Commit cd04979f authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 513ef608
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
from ZODB.DB import DB
from BTrees.LOBTree import LOBucket, LOBTree
from BTrees.check import check as bcheck
from ZODB.utils import u64
from zodbtools.test.gen_testdata import run_with_zodb4py2_compat
import os, os.path, transaction
......@@ -52,8 +53,32 @@ def main2():
root['B3'] = B3 = LOBTree(dict([(_, _) for _ in range(10000)]))
# T4/T2-T/B1-B2-T7,9/B5-B8-B10
# TODO use when gimport works through modules
v1 = LOBucket([(1,"a")])
v2 = LOBucket([(2,"b")])
v5 = LOBucket([(5,"c")])
v8 = LOBucket([(8,"d")])
v9 = LOBucket([(9,"e")])
T2, T79, T, T4 = LOBTree(), LOBTree(), LOBTree(), LOBTree()
T2.__setstate__ (((v1, 2, v2), v1)) # (child, key, child, ...), firstbucket
T79.__setstate__(((v5, 7, v8, 9, v9), v5))
T.__setstate__ (((T79,), v5))
T4.__setstate__ (((T2, 4, T), v1))
root['Bv'] = Bv = T4
assert Bv[1] == "a"
assert Bv[2] == "b"
assert Bv[5] == "c"
assert Bv[8] == "d"
assert Bv[9] == "e"
with open("ztestdata_expect_test.go", "w") as f:
def emit(v):
print >>f, v
......@@ -83,6 +108,26 @@ def main2():
emit("\nconst B3_oid = %s" % u64(B3._p_oid))
emit("const B3_maxkey = %d" % B3.maxKey())
emit("\nconst Bv_oid = %s" % u64(Bv._p_oid))
emit("var Bvdict = map[int64][]tVisit{")
noo = "_LKeyMin"
oo = "_LKeyMax"
def emitVisit(key, *visitv): # visitv = [](node, lo,hi)
vstr = []
for node, lo,hi in visitv:
if isinstance(hi, str):
hi_ = hi
hi_ = hi-1
vstr.append("{%d, LKeyRange{%s, %s}}" % (u64(node._p_oid), lo, hi_))
emit("\t%d: []tVisit{%s}," % (key, ", ".join(vstr)))
emitVisit(1, (T4, noo,oo), (T2, noo,4), (v1, noo,2))
emitVisit(2, (T4, noo,oo), (T2, noo,4), (v2, 2,4))
emitVisit(5, (T4, noo,oo), (T, 4,oo), (T79, 4,oo), (v5, 4,7))
emitVisit(8, (T4, noo,oo), (T, 4,oo), (T79, 4,oo), (v8, 7,9))
emitVisit(9, (T4, noo,oo), (T, 4,oo), (T79, 4,oo), (v9, 9,oo))
......@@ -3,13 +3,22 @@ package btree
var smallTestv = [...]testEntry{
testEntry{oid: 6, kind: kindBucket, itemv: []kv{}},
testEntry{oid: 3, kind: kindBucket, itemv: []kv{{10, int64(17)}, }},
testEntry{oid: 7, kind: kindBucket, itemv: []kv{}},
testEntry{oid: 4, kind: kindBucket, itemv: []kv{{10, int64(17)}, }},
testEntry{oid: 1, kind: kindBucket, itemv: []kv{{15, int64(1)}, {23, "hello"}, }},
testEntry{oid: 2, kind: kindBTree, itemv: []kv{}},
testEntry{oid: 7, kind: kindBTree, itemv: []kv{{5, int64(4)}, }},
testEntry{oid: 4, kind: kindBTree, itemv: []kv{{7, int64(3)}, {9, "world"}, }},
testEntry{oid: 3, kind: kindBTree, itemv: []kv{}},
testEntry{oid: 8, kind: kindBTree, itemv: []kv{{5, int64(4)}, }},
testEntry{oid: 5, kind: kindBTree, itemv: []kv{{7, int64(3)}, {9, "world"}, }},
const B3_oid = 5
const B3_oid = 6
const B3_maxkey = 9999
const Bv_oid = 2
var Bvdict = map[int64][]tVisit{
1: []tVisit{{2, LKeyRange{_LKeyMin, _LKeyMax}}, {342, LKeyRange{_LKeyMin, 3}}, {344, LKeyRange{_LKeyMin, 1}}},
2: []tVisit{{2, LKeyRange{_LKeyMin, _LKeyMax}}, {342, LKeyRange{_LKeyMin, 3}}, {349, LKeyRange{2, 3}}},
5: []tVisit{{2, LKeyRange{_LKeyMin, _LKeyMax}}, {343, LKeyRange{4, _LKeyMax}}, {345, LKeyRange{4, _LKeyMax}}, {346, LKeyRange{4, 6}}},
8: []tVisit{{2, LKeyRange{_LKeyMin, _LKeyMax}}, {343, LKeyRange{4, _LKeyMax}}, {345, LKeyRange{4, _LKeyMax}}, {347, LKeyRange{7, 8}}},
9: []tVisit{{2, LKeyRange{_LKeyMin, _LKeyMax}}, {343, LKeyRange{4, _LKeyMax}}, {345, LKeyRange{4, _LKeyMax}}, {348, LKeyRange{9, _LKeyMax}}},
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