Commit de4c4f48 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent f951b01c
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ import (
// Client talks to NEO cluster and exposes access to it via ZODB interfaces.
type Client struct {
node neo.NodeApp
node *neo.NodeApp
talkMasterCancel func()
......@@ -77,17 +77,7 @@ func (c *Client) StorageName() string {
// It will connect to master @masterAddr and identify with sepcified cluster name.
func NewClient(clusterName, masterAddr string, net xnet.Networker) *Client {
cli := &Client{
node: neo.NodeApp{
MyInfo: neo.NodeInfo{Type: neo.CLIENT, Addr: neo.Address{}},
ClusterName: clusterName,
Net: net,
MasterAddr: masterAddr,
NodeTab: &neo.NodeTable{},
PartTab: &neo.PartitionTable{},
ClusterState: -1, // invalid
node: neo.NewNodeApp(net, neo.CLIENT, clusterName, masterAddr, ""),
mlinkReady: make(chan struct{}),
......@@ -918,6 +918,7 @@ func DialLink(ctx context.Context, net xnet.Networker, addr string) (nl *NodeLin
// ListenLink starts listening on laddr for incoming connections and wraps them as NodeLink.
// The listener accepts only those connections that pass handshake.
func ListenLink(net xnet.Networker, laddr string) (LinkListener, error) {
rawl, err := net.Listen(laddr)
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import (
......@@ -68,32 +68,62 @@ type NodeApp struct {
ClusterState ClusterState // master idea about cluster state
// Dial connects to another node in the cluster
// NewNodeApp creates new node application
func NewNodeApp(net xnet.Networker, typ NodeType, clusterName, masterAddr, serveAddr string) *NodeApp {
// convert serveAddr into neo format
addr, err := AddrString(net.Network(), serveAddr)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // XXX
app := &NodeApp{
MyInfo: NodeInfo{Type: typ, Addr: addr},
ClusterName: clusterName,
Net: net,
MasterAddr: masterAddr,
NodeTab: &NodeTable{},
PartTab: &PartitionTable{},
ClusterState: -1, // invalid
app.NodeTab.nodeApp = app
return app
// Dial connects to another node in the cluster.
// It handshakes, requests identification and checks peer type. If successful returned are:
// - established link
// - accept identification reply
func (n *NodeApp) Dial(ctx context.Context, peerType NodeType, addr string) (_ *NodeLink, _ *AcceptIdentification, err error) {
link, err := DialLink(ctx, n.Net, addr)
// Dial does not update .NodeTab or its node entries in any way.
// For establishing links to peers present in .NodeTab use Node.Dial.
func (app *NodeApp) Dial(ctx context.Context, peerType NodeType, addr string) (_ *NodeLink, _ *AcceptIdentification, err error) {
link, err := DialLink(ctx, app.Net, addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
defer xerr.Contextf(&err, "%s: request identification", link)
// close link on error or ctx cancel
cleanup := xio.CloseWhenDone(ctx, link)
// close link on error or FIXME: ctx cancel
//cleanup := xio.CloseWhenDone(ctx, link)
defer func() {
if err != nil {
// FIXME wrong - err=nil -> goroutine still left hanging waiting
// for ctx and will close link if dial ctx closes
// cleanup()
lclose(ctx, link)
req := &RequestIdentification{
NodeType: n.MyInfo.Type,
UUID: n.MyInfo.UUID,
Address: n.MyInfo.Addr,
ClusterName: n.ClusterName,
IdTimestamp: n.MyInfo.IdTimestamp, // XXX ok?
NodeType: app.MyInfo.Type,
UUID: app.MyInfo.UUID,
Address: app.MyInfo.Addr,
ClusterName: app.ClusterName,
IdTimestamp: app.MyInfo.IdTimestamp, // XXX ok?
accept := &AcceptIdentification{}
// FIXME error if peer sends us something with another connID
......@@ -120,7 +150,7 @@ func (n *NodeApp) Dial(ctx context.Context, peerType NodeType, addr string) (_ *
// XXX accept.MyUUID, link // XXX register .NodeTab? (or better LinkTab as NodeTab is driven by M)
// XXX accept.YourUUID // XXX M can tell us to change UUID -> take in effect
// XXX accept.NumPartitions, ... wrt n.node.PartTab
// XXX accept.NumPartitions, ... wrt app.node.PartTab
return link, accept, nil
......@@ -130,9 +160,9 @@ func (n *NodeApp) Dial(ctx context.Context, peerType NodeType, addr string) (_ *
// If the address is empty one new free is automatically selected.
// The node information about where it listens at is appropriately updated.
func (n *NodeApp) Listen() (Listener, error) {
func (app *NodeApp) Listen() (Listener, error) {
// start listening
ll, err := ListenLink(n.Net, n.MyInfo.Addr.String())
ll, err := ListenLink(app.Net, app.MyInfo.Addr.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err // XXX err ctx
......@@ -148,7 +178,7 @@ func (n *NodeApp) Listen() (Listener, error) {
return nil, err // XXX err ctx
n.MyInfo.Addr = addr
app.MyInfo.Addr = addr
l := &listener{
l: ll,
......@@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ import (
// NodeTable zero value is valid empty node table.
type NodeTable struct {
// XXX for Node.Dial to work. see also comments vvv near "peer link"
nodeApp *NodeApp
// users have to care locking explicitly
//sync.RWMutex XXX needed ?
......@@ -264,6 +267,16 @@ func (nt *NodeTable) SubscribeBuffered() (ch chan []NodeInfo, unsubscribe func()
// ---- peer link ----
// TODO review peer link dialing / setting / accepting.
// Keep in mind that in NEO in general case it is not client/server but peer-to-perr
// e.g. when two S establish a link in between then to exchange/sync data.
// Also the distinction beetween S and M should go away as every S should
// be taught to also become M (and thus separate M nodes go away
// completely) with constant reelection being happenningin the background
// like in raft.
// SetLink sets link to peer node.
// XXX
......@@ -307,6 +320,38 @@ func (p *Node) CloseLink(ctx context.Context) {
// dial does low-level work to dial peer
// XXX p.* reading without lock - ok?
// XXX app.MyInfo without lock - ok?
func (p *Node) dial(ctx context.Context) (*NodeLink, error) {
app := p.nodeTab.nodeApp
link, accept, err := app.Dial(ctx, p.Type, p.Addr.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// verify peer identifies as what we expect
switch {
// type is already checked by app.Dial
case accept.MyUUID != p.UUID:
err = fmt.Errorf("connected, but peer's uuid is not %v (identifies as %v)", p.UUID, accept.MyUUID)
case accept.YourUUID != app.MyInfo.UUID:
err = fmt.Errorf("connected, but peer gives us uuid %v (our is %v)", accept.YourUUID, app.MyInfo.UUID)
case !(accept.NumPartitions == 1 && accept.NumReplicas == 1):
err = fmt.Errorf("connected but TODO peer works with ! 1x1 partition table.")
if err != nil {
//log.Errorif(ctx, link.Close())
lclose(ctx, link)
link = nil
return link, err
// even if dialing a peer failed, we'll attempt redial after this timeout
const δtRedial = 3 * time.Second
......@@ -447,38 +492,3 @@ func (p *Peer) PutConn(c *Conn) {
// dial does low-level work to dial peer
// XXX p.* reading without lock - ok?
func (p *Node) dial(ctx context.Context) (*NodeLink, error) {
var me *NodeApp // XXX bad -> crashes
link, accept, err := me.Dial(ctx, p.Type, p.Addr.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// verify peer identifies as what we expect
// XXX move to Dial?
switch {
case accept.NodeType != p.Type:
err = fmt.Errorf("connected, but peer is not %v (identifies as %v)", p.Type, accept.NodeType)
case accept.MyUUID != p.UUID:
err = fmt.Errorf("connected, but peer's uuid is not %v (identifies as %v)", p.UUID, accept.MyUUID)
case accept.YourUUID != me.MyInfo.UUID:
err = fmt.Errorf("connected, but peer gives us uuid %v (our is %v)", accept.YourUUID, me.MyInfo.UUID)
case !(accept.NumPartitions == 1 && accept.NumReplicas == 1):
err = fmt.Errorf("connected but TODO peer works with ! 1x1 partition table.")
if err != nil {
//log.Errorif(ctx, link.Close())
lclose(ctx, link)
link = nil
return link, err
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ import (
// Master is a node overseeing and managing how whole NEO cluster works
type Master struct {
node neo.NodeApp
node *neo.NodeApp
// master manages node and partition tables and broadcast their updates
// to all nodes in cluster
......@@ -83,24 +83,8 @@ type nodeLeave struct {
// NewMaster creates new master node that will listen on serveAddr.
// Use Run to actually start running the node.
func NewMaster(clusterName, serveAddr string, net xnet.Networker) *Master {
// convert serveAddr into neo format
addr, err := neo.AddrString(net.Network(), serveAddr)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // XXX
m := &Master{
node: neo.NodeApp{
MyInfo: neo.NodeInfo{Type: neo.MASTER, Addr: addr},
ClusterName: clusterName,
Net: net,
MasterAddr: serveAddr, // XXX ok?
NodeTab: &neo.NodeTable{},
PartTab: &neo.PartitionTable{},
ClusterState: -1, // invalid
node: neo.NewNodeApp(net, neo.MASTER, clusterName, serveAddr, serveAddr),
ctlStart: make(chan chan error),
ctlStop: make(chan chan struct{}),
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import (
// Storage is NEO node that keeps data and provides read/write access to it
type Storage struct {
node neo.NodeApp
node *neo.NodeApp
// context for providing operational service
// it is renewed every time master tells us StartOpertion, so users
......@@ -59,25 +59,9 @@ type Storage struct {
// NewStorage creates new storage node that will listen on serveAddr and talk to master on masterAddr.
// The storage uses zstor as underlying backend for storing data.
// Use Run to actually start running the node.
func NewStorage(cluster, masterAddr, serveAddr string, net xnet.Networker, zstor zodb.IStorage) *Storage {
// convert serveAddr into neo format
// XXX -> new.NewNode() ?
addr, err := neo.AddrString(net.Network(), serveAddr)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // XXX
func NewStorage(clusterName, masterAddr, serveAddr string, net xnet.Networker, zstor zodb.IStorage) *Storage {
stor := &Storage{
node: neo.NodeApp{
MyInfo: neo.NodeInfo{Type: neo.STORAGE, Addr: addr},
ClusterName: cluster,
Net: net,
MasterAddr: masterAddr,
PartTab: &neo.PartitionTable{}, // empty - TODO read from disk
NodeTab: &neo.NodeTable{},
node: neo.NewNodeApp(net, neo.STORAGE, clusterName, masterAddr, serveAddr),
zstor: zstor,
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