Commit 7792a133 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

go/zodb/fs1: Actual FileStorage ZODB driver

Build FileStorage ZODB driver out of format record loading/decoding
and index routines we just added in previous patches.

The driver supports only read-only mode so far.

Promised tests for data format interoperability with ZODB/py are added.
parent d3bf6538
This diff is collapsed.
// Copyright (C) 2017 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
// Kirill Smelkov <>
// This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your
// option) any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// You can also Link and Combine this program with other software covered by
// the terms of any of the Free Software licenses or any of the Open Source
// Initiative approved licenses and Convey the resulting work. Corresponding
// source of such a combination shall include the source code for all other
// software used.
// This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
// See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
// See for rationale and options.
package fs1
import (
// one database transaction record
type dbEntry struct {
Header TxnHeader
Entryv []txnEntry
// one entry inside transaction
type txnEntry struct {
Header DataHeader
rawData []byte // what is on disk, e.g. it can be backpointer
userData []byte // data client should see on load; `sameAsRaw` means same as RawData
DataTidHint zodb.Tid // data tid client should see on iter
var sameAsRaw = []byte{0}
// Data returns data a client should see
func (txe *txnEntry) Data() []byte {
data := txe.userData
if len(data) > 0 && &data[0] == &sameAsRaw[0] {
data = txe.rawData
return data
// state of an object in the database for some particular revision
type objState struct {
tid zodb.Tid
data []byte // nil if obj was deleted
// checkLoad verifies that fs.Load(xid) returns expected result
func checkLoad(t *testing.T, fs *FileStorage, xid zodb.Xid, expect objState) {
buf, tid, err := fs.Load(context.Background(), xid)
// deleted obj - it should load with "no data"
if == nil {
errOk := &zodb.OpError{
URL: fs.URL(),
Op: "load",
Args: xid,
Err: &zodb.NoDataError{Oid: xid.Oid, DeletedAt: expect.tid},
if !reflect.DeepEqual(err, errOk) {
t.Errorf("load %v: returned err unexpected: %v ; want: %v", xid, err, errOk)
if tid != 0 {
t.Errorf("load %v: returned tid unexpected: %v ; want: %v", xid, tid, expect.tid)
if buf != nil {
t.Errorf("load %v: returned buf != nil", xid)
// regular load
} else {
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("load %v: returned err unexpected: %v ; want: nil", xid, err)
if tid != expect.tid {
t.Errorf("load %v: returned tid unexpected: %v ; want: %v", xid, tid, expect.tid)
switch {
case buf == nil:
t.Errorf("load %v: returned buf = nil", xid)
case !reflect.DeepEqual(buf.Data, // NOTE reflect to catch nil != ""
t.Errorf("load %v: different data:\nhave: %q\nwant: %q", xid, buf.Data,
func xfsopen(t testing.TB, path string) *FileStorage {
fs, err := Open(context.Background(), path)
if err != nil {
return fs
func TestLoad(t *testing.T) {
fs := xfsopen(t, "testdata/1.fs") // TODO open read-only
defer exc.XRun(fs.Close)
// current knowledge of what was "before" for an oid as we scan over
// data base entries
before := map[zodb.Oid]objState{}
for _, dbe := range _1fs_dbEntryv {
for _, txe := range dbe.Entryv {
txh := txe.Header
// XXX check Load finds data at correct .Pos / etc ?
// ~ loadSerial
xid := zodb.Xid{txh.Tid, txh.Oid}
checkLoad(t, fs, xid, objState{txh.Tid, txe.Data()})
// ~ loadBefore
xid = zodb.Xid{txh.Tid - 1, txh.Oid}
expect, ok := before[txh.Oid]
if ok {
checkLoad(t, fs, xid, expect)
before[txh.Oid] = objState{txh.Tid, txe.Data()}
// load at ∞ with TidMax
// XXX should we get "no such transaction" with at > head?
for oid, expect := range before {
xid := zodb.Xid{zodb.TidMax, oid}
checkLoad(t, fs, xid, expect)
// iterate tidMin..tidMax and expect db entries in expectv
func testIterate(t *testing.T, fs *FileStorage, tidMin, tidMax zodb.Tid, expectv []dbEntry) {
ctx := context.Background()
iter := fs.Iterate(ctx, tidMin, tidMax)
fsi, ok := iter.(*zIter)
if !ok {
_, _, err := iter.NextTxn(ctx)
t.Errorf("iterating %v..%v: iter type is %T ; want zIter\nNextTxn gives: _, _, %v", tidMin, tidMax, iter, err)
for k := 0; ; k++ {
txnErrorf := func(format string, a ...interface{}) {
subj := fmt.Sprintf("iterating %v..%v: step %v#%v", tidMin, tidMax, k, len(expectv))
msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, a...)
t.Errorf("%v: %v", subj, msg)
txni, dataIter, err := iter.NextTxn(ctx)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
if k != len(expectv) {
txnErrorf("steps underrun")
txnErrorf("%v", err)
if k >= len(expectv) {
txnErrorf("steps overrun")
dbe := expectv[k]
// assert txni points to where we expect - this will allow us
// not only to check .TxnInfo but also .Pos, .LenPrev, .Len etc in
// whole expected TxnHeader
if txni != &fsi.iter.Txnh.TxnInfo {
t.Fatal("unexpected txni pointer")
// compare transaction headers modulo .workMem
// (workMem is not initialized in _1fs_dbEntryv)
txnh1 := fsi.iter.Txnh
txnh2 := dbe.Header
txnh1.workMem = nil
txnh2.workMem = nil
if !reflect.DeepEqual(txnh1, txnh2) {
txnErrorf("unexpected txn entry:\nhave: %q\nwant: %q", txnh1, txnh2)
for kdata := 0; ; kdata++ {
dataErrorf := func(format string, a ...interface{}) {
dsubj := fmt.Sprintf("dstep %v#%v", kdata, len(dbe.Entryv))
msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, a...)
txnErrorf("%v: %v", dsubj, msg)
datai, err := dataIter.NextData(ctx)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
if kdata != len(dbe.Entryv) {
dataErrorf("dsteps underrun")
dataErrorf("%v", err)
if kdata > len(dbe.Entryv) {
dataErrorf("dsteps overrun")
txe := dbe.Entryv[kdata]
dh := txe.Header
// assert datai points to where we expect - this will allow us
// not only to check oid/tid/data but also to check whole data header.
if datai != &fsi.datai {
t.Fatal("unexpected datai pointer")
// compare data headers modulo .workMem
// (workMem is not initialized in _1fs_dbEntryv)
fsi.iter.Datah.workMem = dh.workMem
if !reflect.DeepEqual(fsi.iter.Datah, dh) {
dataErrorf("unexpected data entry:\nhave: %q\nwant: %q", fsi.iter.Datah, dh)
// check what was actually returned - since it is not in ^^^ data structure
if datai.Oid != dh.Oid {
dataErrorf("oid mismatch: have %v; want %v", datai.Oid, dh.Oid)
if datai.Tid != dh.Tid {
dataErrorf("tid mismatch: have %v; want %v", datai.Tid, dh.Tid)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(datai.Data, txe.Data()) { // NOTE reflect to catch nil != ""
dataErrorf("data mismatch:\nhave %q\nwant %q", datai.Data, txe.Data())
if datai.DataTidHint != txe.DataTidHint {
dataErrorf("data tid hint mismatch: have %v; want %v", datai.DataTidHint, txe.DataTidHint)
func TestIterate(t *testing.T) {
fs := xfsopen(t, "testdata/1.fs") // TODO open ro
defer exc.XRun(fs.Close)
// all []tids in test database
tidv := []zodb.Tid{}
for _, dbe := range _1fs_dbEntryv {
tidv = append(tidv, dbe.Header.Tid)
// check all i,j pairs in tidv
// for every tid also check ±1 to test edge cases
for i, tidMin := range tidv {
for j, tidMax := range tidv {
minv := []zodb.Tid{tidMin-1, tidMin, tidMin+1}
maxv := []zodb.Tid{tidMax-1, tidMax, tidMax+1}
for ii, tmin := range minv {
for jj, tmax := range maxv {
// expected number of txn iteration steps
nsteps := j - i + 1
nsteps -= ii / 2 // one less point for tidMin+1
nsteps -= (2 - jj) / 2 // one less point for tidMax-1
if nsteps < 0 {
nsteps = 0 // j < i and j == i and ii/jj
//fmt.Printf("%d%+d .. %d%+d\t -> %d steps\n", i, ii-1, j, jj-1, nsteps)
testIterate(t, fs, tmin, tmax, _1fs_dbEntryv[i + ii/2:][:nsteps])
// also check 0..tidMax
testIterate(t, fs, 0, zodb.TidMax, _1fs_dbEntryv[:])
func BenchmarkIterate(b *testing.B) {
fs := xfsopen(b, "testdata/1.fs") // TODO open ro
defer exc.XRun(fs.Close)
ctx := context.Background()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
iter := fs.Iterate(ctx, zodb.Tid(0), zodb.TidMax)
for {
txni, dataIter, err := iter.NextTxn(ctx)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
// use txni
_ = txni.Tid
for {
datai, err := dataIter.NextData(ctx)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
// use datai
_ = datai.Data
...@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ def main(): ...@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ def main():
print >>f, v print >>f, v
emit("// Code generated by %s; DO NOT EDIT." % __file__) emit("// Code generated by %s; DO NOT EDIT." % __file__)
emit("package fs1\n") emit("package fs1\n")
emit("import \"\"\n")
# index # index
emit("const _1fs_indexTopPos = %i" % stor._pos) emit("const _1fs_indexTopPos = %i" % stor._pos)
...@@ -56,6 +57,83 @@ def main(): ...@@ -56,6 +57,83 @@ def main():
emit("\t{%8i, %8i}," % (unpack64(k), v)) emit("\t{%8i, %8i}," % (unpack64(k), v))
emit("}") emit("}")
# database records
emit("\nvar _1fs_dbEntryv = [...]dbEntry{")
txnLenPrev = 0
for txn in stor.iterator(): # txn is TransactionRecord
# txn.extension is already depickled dict - we want to put raw data from file
# also we need to access txn record length which is not provided by higher-level iterator
# do deep-dive into FileStorage
th = stor._read_txn_header(txn._tpos)
assert th.tid == txn.tid
assert th.tlen == txn._tend - txn._tpos
# fs1/go keeps in RAM whole txn length, not len-8 as it is on disk
txnLen = th.tlen + 8
# -> TxnHeader
emit("\t\t\tPos:\t %i," % txn._tpos)
emit("\t\t\tLenPrev: %i," % txnLenPrev)
emit("\t\t\tLen:\t %i," % txnLen)
emit("\t\t\t\tTid:\t%s," % hex64(txn.tid))
emit("\t\t\t\tStatus:\t'%s'," % txn.status)
emit("\t\t\t\tUser:\t\t[]byte(%s)," % escapeqq(txn.user))
emit("\t\t\t\tDescription:\t[]byte(%s)," % escapeqq(txn.description))
emit("\t\t\t\tExtension:\t[]byte(%s)," % escapeqq(th.ext))
txnLenPrev = txnLen
# -> DataHeader + payload
for drec in txn: # drec is itemof(TransactionRecordIterator) = Record
# same as with txn - not everything is possible to get via
# higher-level api
dh = stor._read_data_header(drec.pos)
assert dh.oid == drec.oid
assert dh.tid == drec.tid
assert dh.tloc == txn._tpos
emit("\t\t\t\t\tPos:\t%i," % drec.pos)
emit("\t\t\t\t\tOid:\t%i," % unpack64(drec.oid))
emit("\t\t\t\t\tTid:\t%s," % hex64(drec.tid))
emit("\t\t\t\t\tPrevRevPos:\t%i," % dh.prev)
emit("\t\t\t\t\tTxnPos:\t%i," % txn._tpos)
assert drec.version == ''
emit("\t\t\t\t\tDataLen:\t%i," % dh.plen)
plen = dh.plen
if plen == 0:
rawdata = p64(dh.back) # back-pointer or 0 (= delete)
if is None:
data = "/* deleted */ nil"
datatid = "/* deleted */ 0"
data = "[]byte(%s)" % escapeqq(
datatid = "/* copy from */ " + hex64(drec.data_txn)
rawdata =
data = "/* same as ^^^ */ sameAsRaw"
datatid = "/* no copy */ 0"
emit("\t\t\t\t[]byte(%s)," % escapeqq(rawdata))
emit("\t\t\t\t%s," % data)
emit("\t\t\t\t%s," % datatid)
if __name__ == '__main__': if __name__ == '__main__':
main() main()
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