Commit f1f89328 authored by Jiri Popelka's avatar Jiri Popelka

netstat -s reports negative octet counts

(RHBZ #579854, Debian #561161)

original patch from Sami Farin
parent c8d4f437
......@@ -64,115 +64,115 @@ static enum State state;
struct entry Iptab[] =
{"Forwarding", N_("Forwarding is %s"), i_forward | I_STATIC},
{"DefaultTTL", N_("Default TTL is %u"), number | I_STATIC},
{"InReceives", N_("%u total packets received"), number},
{"InHdrErrors", N_("%u with invalid headers"), opt_number},
{"InAddrErrors", N_("%u with invalid addresses"), opt_number},
{"ForwDatagrams", N_("%u forwarded"), number},
{"InUnknownProtos", N_("%u with unknown protocol"), opt_number},
{"InDiscards", N_("%u incoming packets discarded"), number},
{"InDelivers", N_("%u incoming packets delivered"), number},
{"OutRequests", N_("%u requests sent out"), number}, /*? */
{"OutDiscards", N_("%u outgoing packets dropped"), opt_number},
{"OutNoRoutes", N_("%u dropped because of missing route"), opt_number},
{"ReasmTimeout", N_("%u fragments dropped after timeout"), opt_number},
{"ReasmReqds", N_("%u reassemblies required"), opt_number}, /* ? */
{"ReasmOKs", N_("%u packets reassembled ok"), opt_number},
{"ReasmFails", N_("%u packet reassembles failed"), opt_number},
{"FragOKs", N_("%u fragments received ok"), opt_number},
{"FragFails", N_("%u fragments failed"), opt_number},
{"FragCreates", N_("%u fragments created"), opt_number}
{"DefaultTTL", N_("Default TTL is %llu"), number | I_STATIC},
{"InReceives", N_("%llu total packets received"), number},
{"InHdrErrors", N_("%llu with invalid headers"), opt_number},
{"InAddrErrors", N_("%llu with invalid addresses"), opt_number},
{"ForwDatagrams", N_("%llu forwarded"), number},
{"InUnknownProtos", N_("%llu with unknown protocol"), opt_number},
{"InDiscards", N_("%llu incoming packets discarded"), number},
{"InDelivers", N_("%llu incoming packets delivered"), number},
{"OutRequests", N_("%llu requests sent out"), number}, /*? */
{"OutDiscards", N_("%llu outgoing packets dropped"), opt_number},
{"OutNoRoutes", N_("%llu dropped because of missing route"), opt_number},
{"ReasmTimeout", N_("%llu fragments dropped after timeout"), opt_number},
{"ReasmReqds", N_("%llu reassemblies required"), opt_number}, /* ? */
{"ReasmOKs", N_("%llu packets reassembled ok"), opt_number},
{"ReasmFails", N_("%llu packet reassembles failed"), opt_number},
{"FragOKs", N_("%llu fragments received ok"), opt_number},
{"FragFails", N_("%llu fragments failed"), opt_number},
{"FragCreates", N_("%llu fragments created"), opt_number}
struct entry Ip6tab[] =
{"Ip6InReceives", N_("%u total packets received"), number},
{"Ip6InHdrErrors", N_("%u with invalid headers"), opt_number},
{"Ip6InTooBigErrors", N_("%u with packets too big"), opt_number},
{"Ip6InNoRoutes", N_("%u incoming packets with no route"), opt_number},
{"Ip6InAddrErrors", N_("%u with invalid addresses"), opt_number},
{"Ip6InUnknownProtos", N_("%u with unknown protocol"), opt_number},
{"Ip6InTruncatedPkts", N_("%u with truncated packets"), opt_number},
{"Ip6InDiscards", N_("%u incoming packets discarded"), number},
{"Ip6InDelivers", N_("%u incoming packets delivered"), number},
{"Ip6OutForwDatagrams", N_("%u forwarded"), number},
{"Ip6OutRequests", N_("%u requests sent out"), number}, /*? */
{"Ip6OutDiscards", N_("%u outgoing packets dropped"), opt_number},
{"Ip6OutNoRoutes", N_("%u dropped because of missing route"), opt_number},
{"Ip6ReasmTimeout", N_("%u fragments dropped after timeout"), opt_number},
{"Ip6ReasmReqds", N_("%u reassemblies required"), opt_number}, /* ? */
{"Ip6ReasmOKs", N_("%u packets reassembled ok"), opt_number},
{"Ip6ReasmFails", N_("%u packet reassembles failed"), opt_number},
{"Ip6FragOKs", N_("%u fragments received ok"), opt_number},
{"Ip6FragFails", N_("%u fragments failed"), opt_number},
{"Ip6FragCreates", N_("%u fragments created"), opt_number},
{"Ip6InMcastPkts", N_("%u incoming multicast packets"), opt_number},
{"Ip6OutMcastPkts", N_("%u outgoing multicast packets"), opt_number}
{"Ip6InReceives", N_("%llu total packets received"), number},
{"Ip6InHdrErrors", N_("%llu with invalid headers"), opt_number},
{"Ip6InTooBigErrors", N_("%llu with packets too big"), opt_number},
{"Ip6InNoRoutes", N_("%llu incoming packets with no route"), opt_number},
{"Ip6InAddrErrors", N_("%llu with invalid addresses"), opt_number},
{"Ip6InUnknownProtos", N_("%llu with unknown protocol"), opt_number},
{"Ip6InTruncatedPkts", N_("%llu with truncated packets"), opt_number},
{"Ip6InDiscards", N_("%llu incoming packets discarded"), number},
{"Ip6InDelivers", N_("%llu incoming packets delivered"), number},
{"Ip6OutForwDatagrams", N_("%llu forwarded"), number},
{"Ip6OutRequests", N_("%llu requests sent out"), number}, /*? */
{"Ip6OutDiscards", N_("%llu outgoing packets dropped"), opt_number},
{"Ip6OutNoRoutes", N_("%llu dropped because of missing route"), opt_number},
{"Ip6ReasmTimeout", N_("%llu fragments dropped after timeout"), opt_number},
{"Ip6ReasmReqds", N_("%llu reassemblies required"), opt_number}, /* ? */
{"Ip6ReasmOKs", N_("%llu packets reassembled ok"), opt_number},
{"Ip6ReasmFails", N_("%llu packet reassembles failed"), opt_number},
{"Ip6FragOKs", N_("%llu fragments received ok"), opt_number},
{"Ip6FragFails", N_("%llu fragments failed"), opt_number},
{"Ip6FragCreates", N_("%llu fragments created"), opt_number},
{"Ip6InMcastPkts", N_("%llu incoming multicast packets"), opt_number},
{"Ip6OutMcastPkts", N_("%llu outgoing multicast packets"), opt_number}
struct entry Icmptab[] =
{"InMsgs", N_("%u ICMP messages received"), number},
{"InErrors", N_("%u input ICMP message failed."), number},
{"InDestUnreachs", N_("destination unreachable: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"InTimeExcds", N_("timeout in transit: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"InParmProbs", N_("wrong parameters: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE}, /*? */
{"InSrcQuenchs", N_("source quenches: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"InRedirects", N_("redirects: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"InEchos", N_("echo requests: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"InEchoReps", N_("echo replies: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"InTimestamps", N_("timestamp request: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"InTimestampReps", N_("timestamp reply: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"InAddrMasks", N_("address mask request: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE}, /*? */
{"InAddrMaskReps", N_("address mask replies: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE}, /*? */
{"OutMsgs", N_("%u ICMP messages sent"), number},
{"OutErrors", N_("%u ICMP messages failed"), number},
{"OutDestUnreachs", N_("destination unreachable: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"OutTimeExcds", N_("time exceeded: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"OutParmProbs", N_("wrong parameters: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE}, /*? */
{"OutSrcQuenchs", N_("source quench: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"OutRedirects", N_("redirect: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"OutEchos", N_("echo request: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"OutEchoReps", N_("echo replies: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"OutTimestamps", N_("timestamp requests: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"OutTimestampReps", N_("timestamp replies: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"OutAddrMasks", N_("address mask requests: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"OutAddrMaskReps", N_("address mask replies: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"InMsgs", N_("%llu ICMP messages received"), number},
{"InErrors", N_("%llu input ICMP message failed."), number},
{"InDestUnreachs", N_("destination unreachable: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"InTimeExcds", N_("timeout in transit: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"InParmProbs", N_("wrong parameters: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE}, /*? */
{"InSrcQuenchs", N_("source quenches: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"InRedirects", N_("redirects: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"InEchos", N_("echo requests: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"InEchoReps", N_("echo replies: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"InTimestamps", N_("timestamp request: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"InTimestampReps", N_("timestamp reply: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"InAddrMasks", N_("address mask request: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE}, /*? */
{"InAddrMaskReps", N_("address mask replies: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE}, /*? */
{"OutMsgs", N_("%llu ICMP messages sent"), number},
{"OutErrors", N_("%llu ICMP messages failed"), number},
{"OutDestUnreachs", N_("destination unreachable: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"OutTimeExcds", N_("time exceeded: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"OutParmProbs", N_("wrong parameters: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE}, /*? */
{"OutSrcQuenchs", N_("source quench: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"OutRedirects", N_("redirect: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"OutEchos", N_("echo request: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"OutEchoReps", N_("echo replies: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"OutTimestamps", N_("timestamp requests: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"OutTimestampReps", N_("timestamp replies: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"OutAddrMasks", N_("address mask requests: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"OutAddrMaskReps", N_("address mask replies: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
struct entry Icmp6tab[] =
{"Icmp6InMsgs", N_("%u ICMP messages received"), number},
{"Icmp6InErrors", N_("%u input ICMP message failed."), number},
{"Icmp6InDestUnreachs", N_("destination unreachable: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InPktTooBigs", N_("packets too big: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InTimeExcds", N_("received ICMPv6 time exceeded: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InParmProblems", N_("parameter problem: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InEchos", N_("echo requests: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InEchoReplies", N_("echo replies: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InGroupMembQueries", N_("group member queries: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InGroupMembResponses", N_("group member responses: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InGroupMembReductions", N_("group member reductions: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InRouterSolicits", N_("router solicits: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InRouterAdvertisements", N_("router advertisement: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InNeighborSolicits", N_("neighbour solicits: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InNeighborAdvertisements", N_("neighbour advertisement: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InRedirects", N_("redirects: %u"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutMsgs", N_("%u ICMP messages sent"), number},
{"Icmp6OutDestUnreachs", N_("destination unreachable: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutPktTooBigs", N_("packets too big: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutTimeExcds", N_("sent ICMPv6 time exceeded: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutParmProblems", N_("parameter problem: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutEchos", N_("echo requests: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutEchoReplies", N_("echo replies: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutGroupMembQueries", N_("group member queries: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutGroupMembResponses", N_("group member responses: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutGroupMembReductions", N_("group member reductions: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutRouterSolicits", N_("router solicits: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutRouterAdvertisements ", N_("router advertisement: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutNeighborSolicits", N_("neighbor solicits: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutNeighborAdvertisements", N_("neighbor advertisements: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutRedirects", N_("redirects: %u"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InMsgs", N_("%llu ICMP messages received"), number},
{"Icmp6InErrors", N_("%llu input ICMP message failed."), number},
{"Icmp6InDestUnreachs", N_("destination unreachable: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InPktTooBigs", N_("packets too big: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InTimeExcds", N_("received ICMPv6 time exceeded: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InParmProblems", N_("parameter problem: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InEchos", N_("echo requests: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InEchoReplies", N_("echo replies: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InGroupMembQueries", N_("group member queries: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InGroupMembResponses", N_("group member responses: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InGroupMembReductions", N_("group member reductions: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InRouterSolicits", N_("router solicits: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InRouterAdvertisements", N_("router advertisement: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InNeighborSolicits", N_("neighbour solicits: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InNeighborAdvertisements", N_("neighbour advertisement: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6InRedirects", N_("redirects: %llu"), i_inp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutMsgs", N_("%llu ICMP messages sent"), number},
{"Icmp6OutDestUnreachs", N_("destination unreachable: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutPktTooBigs", N_("packets too big: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutTimeExcds", N_("sent ICMPv6 time exceeded: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutParmProblems", N_("parameter problem: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutEchos", N_("echo requests: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutEchoReplies", N_("echo replies: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutGroupMembQueries", N_("group member queries: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutGroupMembResponses", N_("group member responses: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutGroupMembReductions", N_("group member reductions: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutRouterSolicits", N_("router solicits: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutRouterAdvertisements ", N_("router advertisement: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutNeighborSolicits", N_("neighbor solicits: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutNeighborAdvertisements", N_("neighbor advertisements: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
{"Icmp6OutRedirects", N_("redirects: %llu"), i_outp_icmp | I_TITLE},
struct entry Tcptab[] =
......@@ -181,122 +181,122 @@ struct entry Tcptab[] =
{"RtoMin", "", number},
{"RtoMax", "", number},
{"MaxConn", "", number},
{"ActiveOpens", N_("%u active connections openings"), number},
{"PassiveOpens", N_("%u passive connection openings"), number},
{"AttemptFails", N_("%u failed connection attempts"), number},
{"EstabResets", N_("%u connection resets received"), number},
{"CurrEstab", N_("%u connections established"), number},
{"InSegs", N_("%u segments received"), number},
{"OutSegs", N_("%u segments send out"), number},
{"RetransSegs", N_("%u segments retransmited"), number},
{"InErrs", N_("%u bad segments received."), number},
{"OutRsts", N_("%u resets sent"), number},
{"ActiveOpens", N_("%llu active connections openings"), number},
{"PassiveOpens", N_("%llu passive connection openings"), number},
{"AttemptFails", N_("%llu failed connection attempts"), number},
{"EstabResets", N_("%llu connection resets received"), number},
{"CurrEstab", N_("%llu connections established"), number},
{"InSegs", N_("%llu segments received"), number},
{"OutSegs", N_("%llu segments send out"), number},
{"RetransSegs", N_("%llu segments retransmited"), number},
{"InErrs", N_("%llu bad segments received."), number},
{"OutRsts", N_("%llu resets sent"), number},
struct entry Udptab[] =
{"InDatagrams", N_("%u packets received"), number},
{"NoPorts", N_("%u packets to unknown port received."), number},
{"InErrors", N_("%u packet receive errors"), number},
{"OutDatagrams", N_("%u packets sent"), number},
{"RcvbufErrors", N_("%u receive buffer errors"), number},
{"SndbufErrors", N_("%u send buffer errors"), number},
{"InDatagrams", N_("%llu packets received"), number},
{"NoPorts", N_("%llu packets to unknown port received."), number},
{"InErrors", N_("%llu packet receive errors"), number},
{"OutDatagrams", N_("%llu packets sent"), number},
{"RcvbufErrors", N_("%llu receive buffer errors"), number},
{"SndbufErrors", N_("%llu send buffer errors"), number},
struct entry Udp6tab[] =
{"Udp6InDatagrams", N_("%u packets received"), number},
{"Udp6NoPorts", N_("%u packets to unknown port received."), number},
{"Udp6InErrors", N_("%u packet receive errors"), number},
{"Udp6OutDatagrams", N_("%u packets sent"), number},
{"Udp6InDatagrams", N_("%llu packets received"), number},
{"Udp6NoPorts", N_("%llu packets to unknown port received."), number},
{"Udp6InErrors", N_("%llu packet receive errors"), number},
{"Udp6OutDatagrams", N_("%llu packets sent"), number},
struct entry Tcpexttab[] =
{"SyncookiesSent", N_("%u SYN cookies sent"), opt_number},
{"SyncookiesRecv", N_("%u SYN cookies received"), opt_number},
{"SyncookiesFailed", N_("%u invalid SYN cookies received"), opt_number},
{"SyncookiesSent", N_("%llu SYN cookies sent"), opt_number},
{"SyncookiesRecv", N_("%llu SYN cookies received"), opt_number},
{"SyncookiesFailed", N_("%llu invalid SYN cookies received"), opt_number},
{ "EmbryonicRsts", N_("%u resets received for embryonic SYN_RECV sockets"),
{ "EmbryonicRsts", N_("%llu resets received for embryonic SYN_RECV sockets"),
opt_number },
{ "PruneCalled", N_("%u packets pruned from receive queue because of socket"
{ "PruneCalled", N_("%llu packets pruned from receive queue because of socket"
" buffer overrun"), opt_number },
/* obsolete: 2.2.0 doesn't do that anymore */
{ "RcvPruned", N_("%u packets pruned from receive queue"), opt_number },
{ "OfoPruned", N_("%u packets dropped from out-of-order queue because of"
{ "RcvPruned", N_("%llu packets pruned from receive queue"), opt_number },
{ "OfoPruned", N_("%llu packets dropped from out-of-order queue because of"
" socket buffer overrun"), opt_number },
{ "OutOfWindowIcmps", N_("%u ICMP packets dropped because they were "
{ "OutOfWindowIcmps", N_("%llu ICMP packets dropped because they were "
"out-of-window"), opt_number },
{ "LockDroppedIcmps", N_("%u ICMP packets dropped because"
{ "LockDroppedIcmps", N_("%llu ICMP packets dropped because"
" socket was locked"), opt_number },
{ "TW", N_("%u TCP sockets finished time wait in fast timer"), opt_number },
{ "TWRecycled", N_("%u time wait sockets recycled by time stamp"), opt_number },
{ "TWKilled", N_("%u TCP sockets finished time wait in slow timer"), opt_number },
{ "PAWSPassive", N_("%u passive connections rejected because of"
{ "TW", N_("%llu TCP sockets finished time wait in fast timer"), opt_number },
{ "TWRecycled", N_("%llu time wait sockets recycled by time stamp"), opt_number },
{ "TWKilled", N_("%llu TCP sockets finished time wait in slow timer"), opt_number },
{ "PAWSPassive", N_("%llu passive connections rejected because of"
" time stamp"), opt_number },
{ "PAWSActive", N_("%u active connections rejected because of "
{ "PAWSActive", N_("%llu active connections rejected because of "
"time stamp"), opt_number },
{ "PAWSEstab", N_("%u packets rejects in established connections because of"
{ "PAWSEstab", N_("%llu packets rejects in established connections because of"
" timestamp"), opt_number },
{ "DelayedACKs", N_("%u delayed acks sent"), opt_number },
{ "DelayedACKLocked", N_("%u delayed acks further delayed because of"
{ "DelayedACKs", N_("%llu delayed acks sent"), opt_number },
{ "DelayedACKLocked", N_("%llu delayed acks further delayed because of"
" locked socket"), opt_number },
{ "DelayedACKLost", N_("Quick ack mode was activated %u times"), opt_number },
{ "ListenOverflows", N_("%u times the listen queue of a socket overflowed"),
{ "DelayedACKLost", N_("Quick ack mode was activated %llu times"), opt_number },
{ "ListenOverflows", N_("%llu times the listen queue of a socket overflowed"),
opt_number },
{ "ListenDrops", N_("%u SYNs to LISTEN sockets dropped"), opt_number },
{ "TCPPrequeued", N_("%u packets directly queued to recvmsg prequeue."),
{ "ListenDrops", N_("%llu SYNs to LISTEN sockets dropped"), opt_number },
{ "TCPPrequeued", N_("%llu packets directly queued to recvmsg prequeue."),
opt_number },
{ "TCPDirectCopyFromBacklog", N_("%u bytes directly in process context from backlog"), opt_number },
{ "TCPDirectCopyFromPrequeue", N_("%u bytes directly received in process context from prequeue"),
{ "TCPDirectCopyFromBacklog", N_("%llu bytes directly in process context from backlog"), opt_number },
{ "TCPDirectCopyFromPrequeue", N_("%llu bytes directly received in process context from prequeue"),
opt_number },
{ "TCPPrequeueDropped", N_("%u packets dropped from prequeue"), opt_number },
{ "TCPHPHits", N_("%u packet headers predicted"), number },
{ "TCPHPHitsToUser", N_("%u packets header predicted and "
{ "TCPPrequeueDropped", N_("%llu packets dropped from prequeue"), opt_number },
{ "TCPHPHits", N_("%llu packet headers predicted"), number },
{ "TCPHPHitsToUser", N_("%llu packets header predicted and "
"directly queued to user"), opt_number },
{ "SockMallocOOM", N_("Ran %u times out of system memory during "
{ "SockMallocOOM", N_("Ran %llu times out of system memory during "
"packet sending"), opt_number },
{ "TCPPureAcks", N_("%u acknowledgments not containing data payload received"), opt_number },
{ "TCPHPAcks", N_("%u predicted acknowledgments"), opt_number },
{ "TCPRenoRecovery", N_("%u times recovered from packet loss due to fast retransmit"), opt_number },
{ "TCPSackRecovery", N_("%u times recovered from packet loss by selective acknowledgements"), opt_number },
{ "TCPSACKReneging", N_("%u bad SACK blocks received"), opt_number },
{ "TCPFACKReorder", N_("Detected reordering %u times using FACK"), opt_number },
{ "TCPSACKReorder", N_("Detected reordering %u times using SACK"), opt_number },
{ "TCPTSReorder", N_("Detected reordering %u times using time stamp"), opt_number },
{ "TCPRenoReorder", N_("Detected reordering %u times using reno fast retransmit"), opt_number },
{ "TCPFullUndo", N_("%u congestion windows fully recovered without slow start"), opt_number },
{ "TCPPartialUndo", N_("%u congestion windows partially recovered using Hoe heuristic"), opt_number },
{ "TCPDSackUndo", N_("%u congestion window recovered without slow start using DSACK"), opt_number },
{ "TCPLossUndo", N_("%u congestion windows recovered without slow start after partial ack"), opt_number },
{ "TCPLostRetransmits", N_("%u retransmits lost"), opt_number },
{ "TCPRenoFailures", N_("%u timeouts after reno fast retransmit"), opt_number },
{ "TCPSackFailures", N_("%u timeouts after SACK recovery"), opt_number },
{ "TCPLossFailures", N_("%u timeouts in loss state"), opt_number },
{ "TCPFastRetrans", N_("%u fast retransmits"), opt_number },
{ "TCPForwardRetrans", N_("%u forward retransmits"), opt_number },
{ "TCPSlowStartRetrans", N_("%u retransmits in slow start"), opt_number },
{ "TCPTimeouts", N_("%u other TCP timeouts"), opt_number },
{ "TCPRenoRecoveryFailed", N_("%u reno fast retransmits failed"), opt_number },
{ "TCPSackRecoveryFail", N_("%u SACK retransmits failed"), opt_number },
{ "TCPSchedulerFailed", N_("%u times receiver scheduled too late for direct processing"), opt_number },
{ "TCPRcvCollapsed", N_("%u packets collapsed in receive queue due to low socket buffer"), opt_number },
{ "TCPDSACKOldSent", N_("%u DSACKs sent for old packets"), opt_number },
{ "TCPDSACKOfoSent", N_("%u DSACKs sent for out of order packets"), opt_number },
{ "TCPDSACKRecv", N_("%u DSACKs received"), opt_number },
{ "TCPDSACKOfoRecv", N_("%u DSACKs for out of order packets received"), opt_number },
{ "TCPAbortOnSyn", N_("%u connections reset due to unexpected SYN"), opt_number },
{ "TCPAbortOnData", N_("%u connections reset due to unexpected data"), opt_number },
{ "TCPAbortOnClose", N_("%u connections reset due to early user close"), opt_number },
{ "TCPAbortOnMemory", N_("%u connections aborted due to memory pressure"), opt_number },
{ "TCPAbortOnTimeout", N_("%u connections aborted due to timeout"), opt_number },
{ "TCPAbortOnLinger", N_("%u connections aborted after user close in linger timeout"), opt_number },
{ "TCPAbortFailed", N_("%u times unabled to send RST due to no memory"), opt_number },
{ "TCPMemoryPressures", N_("TCP ran low on memory %u times"), opt_number },
{ "TCPLoss", N_("%u TCP data loss events"), opt_number },
{ "TCPDSACKUndo", N_("%u congestion windows recovered without slow start by DSACK"),
{ "TCPPureAcks", N_("%llu acknowledgments not containing data payload received"), opt_number },
{ "TCPHPAcks", N_("%llu predicted acknowledgments"), opt_number },
{ "TCPRenoRecovery", N_("%llu times recovered from packet loss due to fast retransmit"), opt_number },
{ "TCPSackRecovery", N_("%llu times recovered from packet loss by selective acknowledgements"), opt_number },
{ "TCPSACKReneging", N_("%llu bad SACK blocks received"), opt_number },
{ "TCPFACKReorder", N_("Detected reordering %llu times using FACK"), opt_number },
{ "TCPSACKReorder", N_("Detected reordering %llu times using SACK"), opt_number },
{ "TCPTSReorder", N_("Detected reordering %llu times using time stamp"), opt_number },
{ "TCPRenoReorder", N_("Detected reordering %llu times using reno fast retransmit"), opt_number },
{ "TCPFullUndo", N_("%llu congestion windows fully recovered without slow start"), opt_number },
{ "TCPPartialUndo", N_("%llu congestion windows partially recovered using Hoe heuristic"), opt_number },
{ "TCPDSackUndo", N_("%llu congestion window recovered without slow start using DSACK"), opt_number },
{ "TCPLossUndo", N_("%llu congestion windows recovered without slow start after partial ack"), opt_number },
{ "TCPLostRetransmits", N_("%llu retransmits lost"), opt_number },
{ "TCPRenoFailures", N_("%llu timeouts after reno fast retransmit"), opt_number },
{ "TCPSackFailures", N_("%llu timeouts after SACK recovery"), opt_number },
{ "TCPLossFailures", N_("%llu timeouts in loss state"), opt_number },
{ "TCPFastRetrans", N_("%llu fast retransmits"), opt_number },
{ "TCPForwardRetrans", N_("%llu forward retransmits"), opt_number },
{ "TCPSlowStartRetrans", N_("%llu retransmits in slow start"), opt_number },
{ "TCPTimeouts", N_("%llu other TCP timeouts"), opt_number },
{ "TCPRenoRecoveryFailed", N_("%llu reno fast retransmits failed"), opt_number },
{ "TCPSackRecoveryFail", N_("%llu SACK retransmits failed"), opt_number },
{ "TCPSchedulerFailed", N_("%llu times receiver scheduled too late for direct processing"), opt_number },
{ "TCPRcvCollapsed", N_("%llu packets collapsed in receive queue due to low socket buffer"), opt_number },
{ "TCPDSACKOldSent", N_("%llu DSACKs sent for old packets"), opt_number },
{ "TCPDSACKOfoSent", N_("%llu DSACKs sent for out of order packets"), opt_number },
{ "TCPDSACKRecv", N_("%llu DSACKs received"), opt_number },
{ "TCPDSACKOfoRecv", N_("%llu DSACKs for out of order packets received"), opt_number },
{ "TCPAbortOnSyn", N_("%llu connections reset due to unexpected SYN"), opt_number },
{ "TCPAbortOnData", N_("%llu connections reset due to unexpected data"), opt_number },
{ "TCPAbortOnClose", N_("%llu connections reset due to early user close"), opt_number },
{ "TCPAbortOnMemory", N_("%llu connections aborted due to memory pressure"), opt_number },
{ "TCPAbortOnTimeout", N_("%llu connections aborted due to timeout"), opt_number },
{ "TCPAbortOnLinger", N_("%llu connections aborted after user close in linger timeout"), opt_number },
{ "TCPAbortFailed", N_("%llu times unabled to send RST due to no memory"), opt_number },
{ "TCPMemoryPressures", N_("TCP ran low on memory %llu times"), opt_number },
{ "TCPLoss", N_("%llu TCP data loss events"), opt_number },
{ "TCPDSACKUndo", N_("%llu congestion windows recovered without slow start by DSACK"),
opt_number },
{ "TCPRenoRecoveryFail", N_("%u classic Reno fast retransmits failed"), opt_number },
{ "TCPRenoRecoveryFail", N_("%llu classic Reno fast retransmits failed"), opt_number },
struct tabtab {
......@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ int cmpentries(const void *a, const void *b)
return strcmp(((struct entry *) a)->title, ((struct entry *) b)->title);
void printval(struct tabtab *tab, char *title, int val)
void printval(struct tabtab *tab, char *title, unsigned long long val)
struct entry *ent = NULL, key;
int type;
......@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ void printval(struct tabtab *tab, char *title, int val)
sizeof(struct entry), cmpentries);
if (!ent) { /* try our best */
if (val)
printf("%*s%s: %d\n", states[state].indent, "", title, val);
printf("%*s%s: %llu\n", states[state].indent, "", title, val);
type = ent->type;
......@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ int process_fd(FILE *f, int all, char *filter)
*p = '\0';
if (*sp != '\0' && *(tab->flag))
printval(tab, sp, strtoul(np, &np, 10));
printval(tab, sp, strtoull(np, &np, 10));
sp = p + 1;
......@@ -481,12 +481,12 @@ void cpytitle(char *original, char *new)
void process6_fd(FILE *f)
char buf1[1024],buf2[50],buf3[1024];
unsigned long val;
unsigned long long val;
struct tabtab *tab = NULL;
int cpflg = 0;
while (fgets(buf1, sizeof buf1, f)) {
sscanf(buf1, "%s %lu", buf2, &val);
sscanf(buf1, "%s %llu", buf2, &val);
if(!cpflg) {
cpytitle(buf2, buf3);
tab = newtable(snmp6tabs, buf3);
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