Commit 2aad64bb authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

golang: Add support for nil channel

Send/recv on the nil channel block forever; close panics.
If a nil channel is used in select - corresponding case is never selected.

Setting channel to nil is a usual idiom in Go to disable processing some
cases in select. Nil channel is also used as "done" for e.g.
context.Background() - for contexts that can be never canceled.
parent 262f8986
......@@ -51,8 +51,9 @@ Goroutines and channels
`go` spawns a coroutine, or thread if gevent was not activated. It is possible to
exchange data in between either threads or coroutines via channels. `chan`
creates a new channel with Go semantic - either synchronous or buffered. Use
`chan.recv`, `chan.send` and `chan.close` for communication. `select` can be
used to multiplex on several channels. For example::
`chan.recv`, `chan.send` and `chan.close` for communication. `nilchan`
stands for the nil channel. `select` can be used to multiplex on several
channels. For example::
ch1 = chan() # synchronous channel
ch2 = chan(3) # channel with buffer of size 3
......@@ -65,22 +66,28 @@ used to multiplex on several channels. For example::
ch1.recv() # will give 'a'
ch2.recv_() # will give ('b', True)
ch2 = nilchan # rebind ch2 to nil channel
_, _rx = select(
ch1.recv, # 0
ch2.recv_, # 1
(ch2.send, obj2), # 2
default, # 3
ch1.recv_, # 1
(ch1.send, obj), # 2
ch2.recv, # 3
default, # 4
if _ == 0:
# _rx is what was received from ch1
if _ == 1:
# _rx is (rx, ok) of what was received from ch2
# _rx is (rx, ok) of what was received from ch1
if _ == 2:
# we know obj2 was sent to ch2
# we know obj was sent to ch1
if _ == 3:
# this case will be never selected because
# send/recv on nil channel block forever.
if _ == 4:
# default case
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
__version__ = "0.0.0.dev8"
__all__ = ['go', 'chan', 'select', 'default', 'defer', 'panic', 'recover', 'func', 'gimport']
__all__ = ['go', 'chan', 'select', 'default', 'nilchan', 'defer', 'panic', 'recover', 'func', 'gimport']
from golang._gopath import gimport # make gimport available from golang
import inspect, threading, collections, random, sys
......@@ -332,6 +332,9 @@ class chan(object):
# .send(obj)
def send(self, obj):
if self is nilchan:
if 1:
ok = self._trysend(obj)
......@@ -356,6 +359,9 @@ class chan(object):
# .recv_() -> (rx, ok)
def recv_(self):
if self is nilchan:
if 1:
rx_, ok = self._tryrecv()
......@@ -449,6 +455,9 @@ class chan(object):
# close closes sending side of the channel.
def close(self):
if self is nilchan:
panic("close of nil channel")
recvv = []
sendv = []
......@@ -481,6 +490,18 @@ class chan(object):
def __len__(self):
return len(self._dataq)
def __repr__(self):
if self is nilchan:
return "nilchan"
return super(chan, self).__repr__()
# nilchan is the nil channel.
# On nil channel: send/recv block forever; close panics.
nilchan = chan(None) # TODO -> <chan*>(NULL) after move to Cython
# default represents default case for select.
default = object()
......@@ -523,9 +544,6 @@ if six.PY2:
# # default case
# ...
def select(*casev):
# XXX select on nil chan?
# XXX select{} -> block forever
# select promise: if multiple cases are ready - one will be selected randomly
ncasev = list(enumerate(casev))
......@@ -550,6 +568,7 @@ def select(*casev):
panic("select: send expected: %r" % (send,))
ch = send.__self__
if ch is not nilchan: # nil chan is never ready
if 1:
ok = ch._trysend(tx)
......@@ -572,6 +591,7 @@ def select(*casev):
panic("select: recv expected: %r" % (recv,))
ch = recv.__self__
if ch is not nilchan: # nil chan is never ready
if 1:
rx_, ok = ch._tryrecv()
......@@ -588,6 +608,10 @@ def select(*casev):
if ndefault is not None:
return ndefault, None
# select{} or with nil-channels only -> block forever
if len(recvv) + len(sendv) == 0:
# second pass: subscribe and wait on all rx/tx cases
g = _WaitGroup()
......@@ -660,3 +684,13 @@ def select(*casev):
# unsubscribe not-succeeded waiters
# _blockforever blocks current goroutine forever.
def _blockforever():
# take a lock twice. It will forever block on the second lock attempt.
# Under gevent, similarly to Go, this raises "LoopExit: This operation
# would block forever", if there are no other greenlets scheduled to be run.
dead = threading.Lock()
......@@ -18,11 +18,12 @@
# See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
# See for rationale and options.
from golang import go, chan, select, default, _PanicError, func, panic, defer, recover
from golang import go, chan, select, default, nilchan, _PanicError, func, panic, defer, recover
from pytest import raises
from os.path import dirname
import os, sys, time, threading, inspect, subprocess
import golang
from golang import _chan_recv, _chan_send
from golang._pycompat import im_class
......@@ -313,6 +314,50 @@ def test_select():
assert len(ch2._sendq) == len(ch2._recvq) == 0
# blocking send + nil channel
z = nilchan
for i in range(N):
ch = chan()
done = chan()
def _():
assert len(z._sendq) == len(z._recvq) == 0
assert ch.recv() == 'c'
_, _rx = select(
(z.send, 0),
(ch.send, 'c'),
assert (_, _rx) == (2, None)
assert len(ch._sendq) == len(ch._recvq) == 0
# blocking recv + nil channel
for i in range(N):
ch = chan()
done = chan()
def _():
assert len(z._sendq) == len(z._recvq) == 0
_, _rx = select(
(z.send, 0),
assert (_, _rx) == (2, 'd')
assert len(ch._sendq) == len(ch._recvq) == 0
# buffered ping-pong
ch = chan(1)
for i in range(N):
......@@ -406,6 +451,33 @@ def test_select():
assert len(ch2._sendq) == len(ch2._recvq) == 0
# BlocksForever is used in "blocks forever" tests where golang._blockforever
# is patched to raise instead of block.
class BlocksForever(Exception):
def test_blockforever():
B = golang._blockforever
def _(): raise BlocksForever()
golang._blockforever = _
golang._blockforever = B
def _test_blockforever():
z = nilchan
with raises(BlocksForever): z.send(0)
with raises(BlocksForever): z.recv()
with raises(_PanicError): z.close() # to fully cover nilchan ops
# select{} & nil-channel only
with raises(BlocksForever): select()
with raises(BlocksForever): select((z.send, 0))
with raises(BlocksForever): select(z.recv)
with raises(BlocksForever): select((z.send, 1), z.recv)
def test_method():
# test how @func(cls) works
# this also implicitly tests just @func, since @func(cls) uses that.
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