Commit 812e7ed7 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

golang/x/perf/benchlib: New module to load & work with data in Go benchmark format

Go benchmark format is described here:

Additionally we support extension to that format:

	- a line starting with `*** neotest:` denotes start of neotest extension block.
	  The block consists of labels describing e.g. hardware and software on a node.
	  The block ends with a blank line.
	  Labels in the block are not added to benchmarking lines from main stream.
	  The block itself should not contain benchmark lines.

and upon processing benchmark units are normalized to common base,
similarly to

Orignally implemented here:

parent afa46cf5
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2018 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
# Kirill Smelkov <>
# This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your
# option) any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# You can also Link and Combine this program with other software covered by
# the terms of any of the Free Software licenses or any of the Open Source
# Initiative approved licenses and Convey the resulting work. Corresponding
# source of such a combination shall include the source code for all other
# software used.
# This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
# See for rationale and options.
"""benchlib - module to load & work with data in Go benchmark format
from __future__ import print_function
import re, io, numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
from golang import method
# Benchmark is a collection of benchmark lines.
class Benchmark(list):
# BenchLine represents one benchmarking line.
# it has name, niter and list of measurements with at least one measure.
# it also has labels attached to it.
class BenchLine(object):
def __init__(self, name, niter, measurev, labels=None): = name
self.niter = niter
self.measurev = measurev
if labels is None:
labels = OrderedDict()
self.labels = labels
def set_labels(self, labels):
self.labels = labels
# Measure is a value with symbolic unit.
class Measure(object):
def __init__(self, value, unit):
self.value = value
self.unit = unit
# Unit is a symbolic unit, like "ns/op", "µs/object" or "L1-miss-ns/op"
class Unit(object):
def __init__(self, unit):
self.unit = unit
# eq, hash - so that Unit can be used as key in dict or set
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, Unit) and self.unit == other.unit)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.unit)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
# Stats is a base statistic about Benchmark.
class Stats(object):
def __init__(self, unit, avg, min, max, std, ninliers, noutliers):
self.unit = unit
self.avg = avg
self.min = min
self.max = max
self.std = std
self.ninliers = ninliers
self.noutliers = noutliers
def nsamples(self):
return self.ninliers + self.noutliers
# ----------------------------------------
_sp_re = re.compile(r'\s')
# parse_label tries to parse line as label.
# returns (key, value).
# if line does not match - (None, None) is returned.
def parse_label(line):
colon = line.find(':')
if colon == -1:
return None, None
key, value = line[:colon], line[colon+1:]
# key must not contain space
return None, None
# FIXME key must be unicode lower
# FIXME key must not contain upper or space
# XXX also support 'WARNING'
value = value.strip() # leading and traling \s XXX for trailing - rstrip only \n ?
return key, value
# parse_benchline tries to parse line as benchmarking line.
# returns BenchLine on success.
# if line does not match - None is returned.
def parse_benchline(line):
if not line.startswith('Benchmark'):
return None
line = line[9:]
linev = line.split()
if len(linev) < 4:
return None
return _parse_benchline(linev)
except Exception:
# FIXME -> more fine-grained catch, not to skip programming mistakes
return None
def _parse_benchline(linev):
name = linev[0] # FIXME name must start with upper
niter = int(linev[1])
# line already matches benchline start. let's try to extract "<value> <unit>" pairs
tailv = linev[2:]
measurev = []
while len(tailv) > 0:
if tailv[0].startswith('#'): # tail comment
if len(tailv) < 2: # <value> without <unit>
return None
value, unit = tailv[:2]
tailv = tailv[2:]
value = float(value)
unit = Unit(unit)
unit, scale = unit.normalize()
measurev.append(Measure(value*scale, unit))
return BenchLine(name, niter, measurev)
# normalize converts unit into normalized Unit & scale.
# It returns base unit and scaling factor to convert values from original
# unit to base one.
# For example
# "µs" -> "s", 1E-6
# "ms/op" -> "s/op", 1E-3
# "user-s/op" -> "user-s/op", 1
# returns -> Unit, scale.
def normalize(self):
# split unit string into prefix and just unit
unit = self.unit
unitv = unit.rsplit('-', 1) # "L1-miss-ns/op" -> "L1-miss-", "ns/op"
unit = unitv[-1]
# unit -> nom/denom/... ; scale nom to base
fracv = unit.split('/', 1)
rescale = 1
_ = _unitTab.get(fracv[0])
if _ is not None:
fracv[0] = _[0]
rescale = _[1]
# rebuild whole unit string
unitv[-1] = '/'.join(fracv)
unit = '-'.join(unitv)
return Unit(unit), rescale
# {} unit -> (base_unit, rescale)
_unitTab = {
"ns": ("s", 1E-9),
u"µs": ("s", 1E-6),
"us": ("s", 1E-6),
"ms": ("s", 1E-3),
# load loads benchmark data from a reader.
# r is required to implement `.readlines()`.
# returns -> Benchmark, exit_labels.
# (exit_labels is ordered {} with labels state at end of reading)
def load(r):
labels = OrderedDict()
benchv = Benchmark() # of BenchLine
for line in r.readlines():
# label
key, value = parse_label(line)
if key is not None:
labels = labels.copy()
if value:
if key == 'WARNING':
# warnings accumulate, not replace previous ones
labels[key] = labels.get(key, ()) + (value,)
labels[key] = value
labels.pop(key, None) # discard
# benchmark line
bl = parse_benchline(line)
if bl is not None:
return benchv, labels
# load_file loads benchmark data from file @ path.
# returns -> Benchmark, exit_labels.
def load_file(path):
with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
return load(f)
# xload loads benchmark data from a reader with neotest extensions handling.
# neotest extensions:
# - a line starting with `*** neotest:` denotes start of neotest extension block.
# The block consists of labels describing e.g. hardware and software on a node.
# The block ends with a blank line.
# Labels in the block are not added to benchmarking lines from main stream.
# The block itself should not contain benchmark lines.
# returns -> Benchmark, exit_labels, []extlab.
# (extlab is ordered {} with labels from an extension block)
def xload(r):
xr = _neotestExtReader(r)
b, l = load(xr)
extv = []
for lineno, text in xr.extblockv:
bext, lext = load(io.StringIO(text))
if len(bext) != 0:
raise RuntimeError("%s:%d: neotest extension block contains benchmark line" \
% (getattr(r, name, '?'), lineno))
return b, l, extv
# _neotestExtReader is a reader that splits neotest extension data from
# benchmarking data stream.
# A reader reading from _neotestExtReader sees original data stream with
# extensions filtered-out. The list of extension blocks found can be accessed
# at .extblockv.
class _neotestExtReader(object):
def __init__(self, r):
self.r = r
self.extblockv = [] # of (lineno, text)
self._lineno = 0
def _readline(self):
l = self.r.readline()
if l:
self._lineno += 1
return l
def readline(self):
l = self._readline()
if not l.startswith('*** neotest:'):
return l # EOF='' so also match here
# new extension block - read up to empty line or EOF
lineno, ext = self._lineno, [l]
while 1:
l = self._readline()
if l.strip() == "":
self.extblockv.append((lineno, ''.join(ext)))
return l
def readlines(self):
while 1:
l = self.readline()
yield l
if not l:
break # EOF
# xload_file loads benchmark data from file @ path with neotest extensions.
# returns -> Benchmark, exit_labels, []extlab.
def xload_file(path):
with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
return xload(f)
# bylabel splits Benchmark into several groups of Benchmarks with specified
# labels having same values across a given group.
# returns ordered {} labelkey -> Benchmark.
# labelkey = () of (k,v) with k from label_list.
def bylabel(self, label_list):
bylabel = OrderedDict() # labelkey -> Benchmark
for bench in self:
labelkey = ()
for k in label_list:
v = bench.labels.get(k)
if v is not None:
labelkey += ((k,v),)
bb = bylabel.get(labelkey)
if bb is None:
bylabel[labelkey] = bb = Benchmark([])
return bylabel
# byname splits Benchmark into several Benchmarks each representing BenchLines
# with the same name.
# returns ordered {} name -> Benchmark.
def byname(self):
byname = OrderedDict() # name -> Benchmark
for bench in self:
bb = byname.get(
if bb is None:
byname[] = bb = Benchmark([])
return byname
# byunit splits Benchmark into several Benchmarks each having BenchLines with
# the same measurements unit.
# returns ordered {} unit -> Benchmark.
def byunit(self):
byunit = OrderedDict() # unit -> Benchmark
for bench in self:
# there can be several measurements with same unit in the same line.
# (this represents just several measurements of the same thing as part of one line)
units = OrderedDict() # just ordered set
for m in bench.measurev:
units[m.unit] = 1
for u in units.keys():
bb = byunit.get(u)
if bb is None:
byunit[u] = bb = Benchmark([])
mv = [_ for _ in bench.measurev if _.unit == u]
b = BenchLine(, bench.niter, mv)
return byunit
# convert_unit converts benchmark values to be in specified unit.
# all original values must have units compatible with the conversion.
# returns -> new Benchmark with converted units.
def convert_unit(self, unit):
B = Benchmark()
U = Unit(unit)
u, uscale = U.normalize()
for b in self:
measurev = []
for m in b.measurev:
mu, muscale = m.unit.normalize()
if mu != u:
raise ValueError('convert unit: units are not convertible: (%s, %s)' % (unit, m.unit))
measurev.append(Measure(m.value * muscale / uscale, U))
B.append(BenchLine(, b.niter, measurev, b.labels))
return B
# stats returns statistics about values in benchmark collection.
# all values must have the same units (use .byunit() to prepare).
# returns Stats.
def stats(self):
unit = None
vv = []
for b in self:
for m in b.measurev:
if unit is None:
unit = m.unit
if m.unit != unit:
raise ValueError('stats: different units: (%s, %s)' % (unit, m.unit))
vv, nout = _reject_outliers(vv)
return Stats(unit, avg=np.mean(vv), min=np.amin(vv), max=np.amax(vv),
std=np.std(vv), ninliers=len(vv), noutliers=nout)
# ----------------------------------------
def __repr__(self):
# XXX +labels
return 'BenchLine(%r, %d, %r)' % (, self.niter, self.measurev)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Measure(%r, %r)' % (self.value, self.unit)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Unit(%r)' % (self.unit)
def __str__(self):
return self.unit
def __str__(self):
delta = max(self.max - self.avg, self.avg - self.min)
return '%.2f ±%2.0f%%' % (self.avg, 100. * delta / self.avg)
# benchstat produces output similar to go benchstat program working on one benchmark.
# w - writer where to print output.
# B - Benchmark object # XXX support multiple benchmarks (to print many columns) ?
# split - label names to split on.
def benchstat(w, B, split=[]):
def emit(text):
print(text, file=w)
Bu = B.byunit()
for i, unit in enumerate(Bu):
if i != 0: # not first
emit("name\t\t\t\t%s" % unit)
Bl = Bu[unit].bylabel(split)
for labkey in Bl:
emit(' '.join(['%s:%s' % (k, v) for k,v in labkey]))
Bn = Bl[labkey].byname()
for name in Bn:
s = Bn[name].stats()
text = '%-30s\t%20s' % (name, s)
if s.noutliers != 0:
# XXX too many outliers.
text += '\t(%d/%d)' % (s.ninliers, s.nsamples)
#def benchdiff(B1, B2):
# ----------------------------------------
# _reject_outliers filters out outliers from data.
# returns inliers data, and N(filtered-outliers).
# uses the same algorithm as go benchstat:
def _reject_outliers(data):
data = np.asarray(data)
q1, q3 = np.percentile(data, 25), np.percentile(data, 75)
lo, hi = q1-1.5*(q3-q1), q3+1.5*(q3-q1)
inliers = data[np.logical_and(lo <= data, data <= hi)]
return inliers, len(data) - len(inliers)
# another version based on: (by Benjamin Bannier).
def _reject_outliers(data, m = 2.):
data = np.asarray(data)
d = np.abs(data - np.median(data))
mdev = np.median(d)
s = d/mdev if mdev else 0.
q = s < m
inliers = data[s<m]
return inliers, len(data) - len(inliers)
# if invoked as main just print statistics
def main():
import sys, argparse
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Print benchmark statistic.")
p.add_argument("file", help="input file with benchmark data")
p.add_argument("--split", default="", help="split benchmarks by labels (default no split)")
args = p.parse_args()
B, _ = load_file(args.file)
benchstat(sys.stdout, B, split=args.split.split(","))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# XXX hack, so that unicode -> str works out of the box
import sys; reload(sys)
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