# This recipe will try to "exec" the command-line after separating parameters.
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
# Notice that there is only one $ at ${dash:location}, it is because it comes from the Software Release buildout profile.
command-line = ${dash:location}/bin/dash -c 'echo "Hello $${instance-parameter:configuration.name}, it is $(date). If I were a TCP server, I would be listening on [$${instance-parameter:ipv6-random}] or $${instance-parameter:ipv4-random}" > $${directory:log}/log.log; sleep 1000000;'
command-line = ${dash:location}/bin/dash -c 'echo "Hello $${instance-parameter:configuration.name}, it is $(date). If I were a server application, you would reach me at $${instance-parameter:global-ipv6}" > $${directory:log}/log.log; sleep 1000000;'
# Put this shell script in the "etc/service" directory. Each executable of this
# repository will be started and monitored by supervisord. If a service
# exits/crashes, it will trigger a "bang" and cause a re-run of the instance.