Commit 009b9fb9 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

Merge remote-tracking branch 'nxd/master' into t

* nxd/master:
  bigarray: RAMArray
  bigarray/tests: Factor out a way to spcify on which BigFile/BigFileH an array is tested into fixture parameter
parents fbebef94 99b91c84
......@@ -692,8 +692,9 @@ class ArrayRef(object):
# 2) or it is a VMA created from under BigArray which will be
# treated as top-level too, and corrected for in the end.
basetype = type(base)
if basetype.__module__ + "." + basetype.__name__ == "_bigfile.VMA":
#if isinstance(base, _bigfile.VMA): XXX _bigfile does not expose VMA
basepath = basetype.__module__ + "." + basetype.__name__
if basepath in ("_bigfile.VMA", "wendelin.bigarray.array_ram._VMA"):
#if isinstance(base, (_bigfile.VMA, array_ram._VMA)): XXX _bigfile does not expose VMA
bigvma = base
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Wendelin.bigarray | RAM Array
# Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
# Klaus Wölfel <>
# Kirill Smelkov <>
# This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your
# option) any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# You can also Link and Combine this program with other software covered by
# the terms of any of the Free Software licenses or any of the Open Source
# Initiative approved licenses and Convey the resulting work. Corresponding
# source of such a combination shall include the source code for all other
# software used.
# This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
# See for rationale and options.
"""Module array_ram provides RAMArray that mimics ZBigArray, but keeps data in RAM.
RAMArray mimics ZBigArray API and semantic, but keeps data in RAM.
RAMArray should be used for temporary objects only - its data is not
persisted in any way.
from wendelin import bigarray
import mmap, os, threading, tempfile, errno
import numpy as np
# RAMArray mimics ZBigArray API and semantic, but keeps data in RAM.
class RAMArray(bigarray.BigArray):
def __init__(self, shape, dtype, order='C'):
# the whole functionality of RAMArray is in _RAMFileH
super(RAMArray, self).__init__(shape, dtype, _RAMFileH(), order)
# _RAMFileH mimics _ZBigFileH with data kept in RAM in /dev/shm.
# ( we have to use mmap from a file in /dev/shm, not e.g. plain ndarray, because
# BigArray append semantic is to keep aliasing the data from previously-created
# views, and since ndarray.resize copies data, that property would not be preserved. )
class _RAMFileH(object):
# we mmap data as read/write by default.
# tests can overwrite this to be e.g. only PROT_READ to catch incorrect modifications.
_prot = mmap.PROT_READ | mmap.PROT_WRITE
def __init__(self):
# create temporary file in dev/shm and unlink it.
# ._fh keeps opened file descriptor to it.
fh, path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir="/dev/shm", prefix="ramfile.")
self._fh = fh
# mmap(2) allows mmaping past the end, but python's mmap does not.
# we workaround it with explicitly growing file as needed.
# however we need to protect against races between concurrent .mmap() calls.
# ._mmapmu is used for this.
self._mmapmu = threading.Lock()
def mmap(self, pgoffset, pglen):
offset = pgoffset * bigarray.pagesize
length = pglen * bigarray.pagesize
with self._mmapmu:
# grow file, if needed, to cover mmaped range
needsize = offset + length
st = os.fstat(self._fh)
if st.st_size < needsize:
os.ftruncate(self._fh, needsize)
except OverflowError as e:
# OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long
raise MemoryError(e)
# create requested mmap
return _VMA(self._fh, pgoffset, pglen, bigarray.pagesize, self._prot)
# ENOMEM -> MemoryError (similarly to BigFile)
except mmap.error as e:
if e.errno == errno.ENOMEM:
raise MemoryError(e)
def __del__(self):
# _VMA mimics PyVMA.
# it is just mmap.mmap, but, similarly to PyVMA, allows to set .pyuser and
# exposes other PyVMA compatible attributes.
class _VMA(mmap.mmap):
__slots__ = ['_pgoffset', '_pglen', '_pagesize', 'pyuser']
def __new__(cls, fh, pgoffset, pglen, pagesize, prot):
vma = mmap.mmap.__new__(cls,
length = pglen * pagesize,
flags = mmap.MAP_SHARED,
prot = prot,
offset = pgoffset * pagesize)
vma._pgoffset = pgoffset
vma._pglen = pglen
vma._pagesize = pagesize
return vma
def pagesize(self):
return self._pagesize
def filerange(self):
return (self._pgoffset, self._pglen)
def addr_start(self):
# find out address where we are mmapped
a = np.ndarray(shape=(len(self),), dtype=np.uint8, buffer=self)
adata = a.__array_interface__.get('data')
assert adata is not None, "TODO = None"
assert isinstance(adata, tuple), "TODO is %r" % (adata,)
# adata is (data, readonly)
return adata[0]
def addr_stop(self):
return self.addr_start + len(self)
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
# See for rationale and options.
from wendelin.bigarray import BigArray, ArrayRef, _flatbytev
from wendelin.bigarray.array_ram import _RAMFileH
from wendelin.bigfile import BigFile
from wendelin.lib.mem import memcpy
from wendelin.lib.calc import mul
......@@ -28,7 +29,8 @@ from numpy import ndarray, dtype, int64, int32, uint32, int16, uint8, all, zeros
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
import numpy
from pytest import raises
import os, mmap
from pytest import raises, fixture
# Synthetic bigfile that just loads zeros, and ignores writes (= a-la /dev/zero)
......@@ -59,19 +61,49 @@ class BigFile_Data(BigFile):
memcpy(self.datab[self.blksize * blk : self.blksize * (blk+1)], buf)
# synthetic bigfile that only loads data from numpy array
class BigFile_Data_RO(BigFile_Data):
def storeblk(self, blk, buf):
PS = 2*1024*1024 # FIXME hardcoded, TODO -> ram.pagesize
# tBigFile provides .fopen() to fileh_open a big file handle via ^^^ BigFile_*
class tBigFile:
def fopen(self, data=None, readonly=False):
if data is None:
bigf = BigFile_Zero(PS)
bigf = BigFile_Data(data, PS)
if readonly:
def _(self, blk, buf):
raise RuntimeError('tests should not try to change test data')
bigf.storeblk = _
return bigf.fileh_open()
# tRAM provides .fopen() to open a file handle via _RAMFileH.
class tRAM:
def fopen(self, data=None, readonly=False):
fh = _RAMFileH()
if data is not None:
fh2 = os.dup(fh._fh) # fdopen takes ownershipf of fd and closes it
with os.fdopen(fh2, 'wb') as f:
if readonly:
fh._prot = mmap.PROT_READ
return fh
# testbig is fixture that provides .fopen(...) to open a big file handle from
# ^^^ BigFile_* or correspondingly from RAM.
@fixture(scope="module", params=[tBigFile, tRAM])
def testbig(request):
cls = request.param
yield cls()
PS = 2*1024*1024 # FIXME hardcoded, TODO -> ram.pagesize
# make sure we don't let dtype with object to be used with BigArray
def test_bigarray_noobject():
Z = BigFile_Zero(PS)
Zh = Z.fileh_open()
def test_bigarray_noobject(testbig):
Zh = testbig.fopen()
# NOTE str & unicode are fixed-size types - if size is not explicitly given
# it will become S0 or U0
......@@ -81,9 +113,8 @@ def test_bigarray_noobject():
# basic ndarray-compatibility attributes of BigArray
def test_bigarray_basic():
Z = BigFile_Zero(PS)
Zh = Z.fileh_open()
def test_bigarray_basic(testbig):
Zh = testbig.fopen()
A = BigArray((10,3), int32, Zh)
......@@ -143,9 +174,8 @@ class DoubleCheck(DoubleGet):
# getitem/setitem (1d case)
def test_bigarray_indexing_1d():
Z = BigFile_Zero(PS)
Zh = Z.fileh_open()
def test_bigarray_indexing_1d(testbig):
Zh = testbig.fopen()
A = BigArray((10*PS,), uint8, Zh)
......@@ -303,12 +333,11 @@ def test_bigarray_indexing_1d():
# indexing where accessed element overlaps edge between pages
def test_bigarray_indexing_pageedge():
def test_bigarray_indexing_pageedge(testbig):
shape = (10, PS-1)
data = arange(mul(shape), dtype=uint32).view(uint8) # NOTE 4 times bigger than uint8
f = BigFile_Data_RO(data, PS)
fh = f.fileh_open()
fh = testbig.fopen(data, readonly=True)
A = BigArray(shape, uint8, fh) # bigarray with test data and shape
A_ = data[:mul(shape)].reshape(shape) # ndarray ----//----
......@@ -325,8 +354,7 @@ def test_bigarray_indexing_pageedge():
shape = (10, PS+1)
f = BigFile_Data_RO(data, PS)
fh = f.fileh_open()
fh = testbig.fopen(data, readonly=True)
A = BigArray(shape, uint8, fh)
A_ = data[:mul(shape)].reshape(shape)
......@@ -371,7 +399,7 @@ def idx_to_test(shape, idx_prefix=()):
# getitem/setitem (Nd case)
def test_bigarray_indexing_Nd():
def test_bigarray_indexing_Nd(testbig):
# shape of tested array - all primes, total size for uint32 ~ 7 2M pages
# XXX even less dimensions (to speed up tests)?
shape = tuple(reversed( (17,23,101,103) ))
......@@ -381,8 +409,7 @@ def test_bigarray_indexing_Nd():
# (else data slice will be smaller than buf)
data = arange(mul(shape) + PS, dtype=uint32)
f = BigFile_Data_RO(data, PS)
fh = f.fileh_open()
fh = testbig.fopen(data, readonly=True)
for order in ('C', 'F'):
A = BigArray(shape, uint32, fh, order=order) # bigarray with test data and shape
......@@ -440,10 +467,9 @@ def test_bigarray_indexing_Nd():
def test_bigarray_resize():
def test_bigarray_resize(testbig):
data = zeros(8*PS, dtype=uint32)
f = BigFile_Data(data, PS)
fh = f.fileh_open()
fh = testbig.fopen(data)
# set first part & ensure it is set correctly
A = BigArray((10,3), uint32, fh)
......@@ -507,11 +533,10 @@ def arange32_f(start, stop, dtype=None):
return arange(start*3*2, stop*3*2, dtype=dtype).reshape(2,3,(stop-start), order='F')
#return arange(start*3*2, stop*3*2, dtype=dtype).reshape(2,3,(stop-start))
def test_bigarray_append():
def test_bigarray_append(testbig):
for order in ('C', 'F'):
data = zeros(8*PS, dtype=uint32)
f = BigFile_Data(data, PS)
fh = f.fileh_open()
fh = testbig.fopen(data)
arange32 = {'C': arange32_c, 'F': arange32_f} [order]
......@@ -552,9 +577,8 @@ def test_bigarray_append():
def test_bigarray_list():
Z = BigFile_Zero(PS)
Zh = Z.fileh_open()
def test_bigarray_list(testbig):
Zh = testbig.fopen()
A = BigArray((10,), uint8, Zh)
# the IndexError for out-of-bound scalar access should allow, though
......@@ -564,9 +588,8 @@ def test_bigarray_list():
assert l == [0]*10
def test_bigarray_to_ndarray():
Z = BigFile_Zero(PS)
Zh = Z.fileh_open()
def test_bigarray_to_ndarray(testbig):
Zh = testbig.fopen()
A = BigArray((10,), uint8, Zh)
# without IndexError on out-of-bound scalar access, the following
......@@ -594,7 +617,7 @@ def test_bigarray_to_ndarray():
def test_arrayref():
def test_arrayref(testbig):
# test data - all items are unique - so we can check array by content
data = zeros(PS, dtype=uint8)
data32 = data.view(uint32)
......@@ -683,8 +706,7 @@ def test_arrayref():
# data_ is the same as data but shifted to exercise vma and vma->broot offsets calculation.
data_ = zeros(8*PS, dtype=uint8)
data_[2*PS-1:][:PS] = data
f = BigFile_Data_RO(data_, PS)
fh = f.fileh_open()
fh = testbig.fopen(data_, readonly=True)
A = BigArray(data_.shape, data_.dtype, fh)
assert array_equal(A[2*PS-1:][:PS], data)
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