Commit 1d9b44e5 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent fd6de09e
......@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@
from ZODB.DB import DB
from ZODB.utils import u64
from wendelin.bigfile.file_zodb import ZBlk0, ZBlk1, ZBigFile
from BTrees.IOBTree import IOBTree, IOBucket
from numpy import arange
import os, os.path, transaction
import zodbtools.test.gen_testdata # to make time predictable
from zodbtools.test.gen_testdata import run_with_zodb3py2_compat
blksize = 2*1024*1024 # XXX hardcoded
blksize32 = blksize // 4
K = 1024
def rm_f(path):
if os.path.exists(path):
......@@ -47,20 +47,28 @@ def main2():
conn =
root = conn.root()
# 0, 1, 2, ... as u32
# XXX also include hole inside and at tail.
data = arange(0, blksize32, dtype='>u4').tobytes()
root['zblk0'] = z0 = ZBlk0()
root['zblk1'] = z1 = ZBlk1() # also covers ZData
root['zbigf'] = zf = ZBigFile(blksize)
root['zbigf'] = zf = ZBigFile(2*1024*K)
# zblk0 with small data
# zblk1 with head + large hole + tail.
# head and tail are 128K because if smaller, z1.chunktab would serialize without buckets.
z1ht = 128*K
z1.setblkdata(brange32(z1ht) + bzeros(zf.blksize - 2*z1ht) + breverse(brange32(z1ht)))
zf.blktab[0] = z0
zf.blktab[1] = z1
# make sure there is at least one bucket in Z1's chunktab
# we need at least one bucket to verify how zblk.go handles chunktab bucket loading;
# more than 1 bucket just wastes space, however with only 1 bucket a tree
# is serialized to have leaf nodes diectly in the tree state.
# -> verify for ==2 buckets.
with open("ztestdata_zblk_test.go", "w") as f:
......@@ -70,17 +78,50 @@ def main2():
emit("package main\n")
emit('import ""\n')
emit("const blksize = %s" % blksize)
emit("const z0_oid = %s" % u64(z0._p_oid))
emit("const z1_oid = %s" % u64(z1._p_oid))
emit("const zf_oid = %s" % u64(zf._p_oid))
emit("const zf_blksize = %d" % zf.blksize)
emit("const z0_oid = zodb.Oid(%d)" % u64(z0._p_oid))
emit("const z1_oid = zodb.Oid(%d)" % u64(z1._p_oid))
emit("const zf_oid = zodb.Oid(%d)" % u64(zf._p_oid))
emit("const z0_rev = zodb.Tid(0x%x)" % u64(z0._p_serial))
emit("const z1_rev = zodb.Tid(0x%x)" % u64(z1._p_serial))
emit("const z0_len = %d" % len(z0.loadblkdata()))
emit("const z1_htlen = %d" % z1ht)
# brange32 returns bytes with big-endian uint32 seqence filling them.
# returned bytes has len == size.
def brange32(size):
# 0, 1, 2, ... as u32
return arange(0, size//4, dtype='>u4').tobytes()
# bzeros returns bytes of requested size with 0 filling them.
def bzeros(size):
return b'\0'*size
# breverse returns bytes in the reverse order.
def breverse(b):
assert isinstance(b, bytes)
_ = bytearray(b)
return bytes(_)
# assertIOBTreeHas2Buckets asserts that IOBTree has 2 buckets.
def assertIOBTreeHas2Buckets(t):
assert isinstance(t, IOBTree)
_ = t.__getstate__()
assert len(_) == 2, (len(_), _)
assert len(_[0]) == 3, _[0] # (bucket0, key1, bucket1)
assert isinstance(_[0][0], IOBucket), _[0][0] # bucket0
assert isinstance(_[0][1], int), _[0][2] # key1
assert isinstance(_[0][2], IOBucket), _[0][2] # bucket1
assert isinstance(_[1], IOBucket), _[1] # .firstbucket
if __name__ == '__main__':
......@@ -21,11 +21,8 @@ package main
//go:generate ./testdata/
// XXX do not commit 4MB (ZBlk*) to testdata - generate them at test runtime.
// XXX save into git only small-sized ZBlk0 and ZBlk1 so that we can be sure
// their format does not change.
import (
......@@ -38,6 +35,8 @@ import (
const K = 1024
// TestZBlk verifies that ZBlk* and ZBigFile saved by Python can be read correctly by Go.
func TestZBlk(t *testing.T) {
X := exc.Raiseif
......@@ -81,25 +80,24 @@ func TestZBlk(t *testing.T) {
// data that must be stored in ZBlk*
data := make([]byte, blksize)
for i := uint32(0); i < blksize / 4; i++ {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[i*4:], i)
z0Data, z0Rev, err := z0.loadBlkData(ctx); X(err)
assert.Equal(z0Data, data, "ZBlk0 data wrong")
assert.Equal(z0Data, brange32(z0_len), "ZBlk0 data wrong")
assert.Equal(z0Rev, z0_rev, "ZBlk0 rev wrong")
z1Data, z1Rev, err := z1.loadBlkData(ctx); X(err)
assert.Equal(z1Data, data, "ZBlk1 data wrong")
z1DataOK := make([]byte, zf_blksize) // zeros
copy(z1DataOK[0:], brange32(z1_htlen)) // head
copy(z1DataOK[len(z1DataOK)-z1_htlen:], breverse(brange32(z1_htlen))) // tail
z1DataOK = bytes.TrimRight(z1DataOK, "\x00") // strip trailing 0 as they are not persisted
assert.Equal(z1Data, z1DataOK, "ZBlk1 data wrong")
assert.Equal(z1Rev, z1_rev, "ZBlk1 rev wrong")
if zf.blksize != blksize {
t.Fatalf("zf: blksize=%d; want %d", zf.blksize, blksize)
if zf.blksize != zf_blksize {
t.Fatalf("zf: blksize=%d; want %d", zf.blksize, zf_blksize)
z0_, ok, err := zf.blktab.Get(ctx, 0); X(err)
......@@ -117,3 +115,23 @@ func TestZBlk(t *testing.T) {
// XXX check zf.LoadBlk()
// XXX PyGetState vs PySetState
// brange32 returns bytes with big-endian uint32 seqence filling them.
// returned bytes has len == size.
func brange32(size int) []byte {
data := make([]byte, size)
for i := 0; i < size / 4; i++ {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[i*4:], uint32(i))
return data
// breverse returns bytes in the reverse order.
func breverse(b []byte) []byte {
r := make([]byte, len(b))
for i := range(b) {
r[i] = b[len(b)-i-1]
return r
......@@ -3,9 +3,11 @@ package main
import ""
const blksize = 2097152
const z0_oid = 2
const z1_oid = 3
const zf_oid = 1
const zf_blksize = 2097152
const z0_oid = zodb.Oid(2)
const z1_oid = zodb.Oid(3)
const zf_oid = zodb.Oid(1)
const z0_rev = zodb.Tid(0x285cbac3851eb99)
const z1_rev = zodb.Tid(0x285cbac3851eb99)
const z0_len = 16384
const z1_htlen = 131072
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