Commit 5bfa8cf8 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

X wcfs: Add start to spawn a Server that can be later stopped (draft)

Implement Server.stop using most of the functionality that was
previously living in tWCFS test part.
parent 4188ea9e
......@@ -46,8 +46,18 @@ def transaction_reset():
# nothing to run after test
# Before pytest exits, teardown WCFS(s) that we automatically spawned during
# test runs in bigfile/bigarray/...
# enable log_cli on no-capture
# (output during a test is a mixture of print and log)
def pytest_configure(config):
if config.option.capture == "no":
config.inicfg['log_cli'] = "true"
assert config.getini("log_cli") is True
if config.option.verbose:
config.inicfg['log_cli_level'] = "INFO"
# Before pytest exits, teardown WCFS server(s) that we automatically spawned
# during test runs in bigfile/bigarray/...
# If we do not do this, spawned wcfs servers are left running _and_ connected
# by stdout to nxdtest input - which makes nxdtest to wait for them to exit.
......@@ -58,18 +68,13 @@ def pytest_unconfigure(config):
from wendelin import wcfs
for wc in wcfs._wcstarted:
if wc._proc.poll() is not None:
continue # this wcfs server already exited
for wc in wcfs._wcautostarted:
# NOTE: defer instead of direct call - to call all wc.close if there
# was multiple wc spawned, and proceeding till the end even if any
# particular call raises exception.
defer(partial(_wcclose, wc))
defer(partial(_wcclose_and_stop, wc))
def _wcclose(wc):
from wendelin.wcfs.wcfs_test import tWCFS
print("# unmount/stop wcfs pid%d @ %s" % (, wc.mountpoint))
twc = tWCFS(wc=wc)
def _wcclose_and_stop(wc):
......@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ represents filesystem-level connection to joined wcfs server. If wcfs server
for zurl is not yet running, it will be automatically started if join is given
`autostart=True` option.
Serve(zurl) starts and runs WCFS server for ZODB at zurl.
Start(zurl) starts WCFS server for ZODB at zurl and returns corresponding Server object.
The rest of merely wraps C++ wcfs client package:
- `WCFS` represents filesystem-level connection to wcfs server.
......@@ -58,18 +61,20 @@ The following environment variables can be used to control client:
no join: don't spawn wcfs server unless explicitly requested via autostart=True
"" additional options to pass to wcfs server when spawned it
"" join/start: additional options to pass to wcfs server when spawning it
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import os, sys, hashlib, subprocess, time, stat
import os, sys, hashlib, subprocess, stat
import logging as log
from os.path import dirname
from stat import S_ISDIR
from errno import ENOENT, ENOTCONN, EEXIST
from signal import SIGQUIT, SIGKILL
from golang import chan, select, default, func, defer
from golang import sync, context
from golang import context, errors, sync, time
from golang.gcompat import qq
from persistent import Persistent
......@@ -98,7 +103,18 @@ class WCFS(_WCFS):
# ._fwcfs /.wcfs/zurl opened to keep the server from going away (at least cleanly)
# ._njoin this connection was returned for so many joins
# ._proc wcfs process if it was opened by this WCFS | None
# ._wcsrv wcfs Server if it was opened by this WCFS | None
# Server represents running wcfs server.
# Use start to create it.
class Server:
# .mountpoint path to wcfs mountpoint
# ._proc wcfs process
# ._fuseabort opened /sys/fs/fuse/connections/X/abort for this server
# ._stopOnce
......@@ -144,14 +160,14 @@ def _open(wc, obj, mode='rb', at=None):
_wcmu = sync.Mutex()
_wcregistry = {} # mntpt -> WCFS
_wcstarted = [] # of WCFS for wcfs we ever _start'ed (for tests)
_wcautostarted = [] # of WCFS, with ._wcsrv != None, for wcfs we ever autostart'ed (for tests)
def __init__(wc, mountpoint, fwcfs, proc):
def __init__(wc, mountpoint, fwcfs, wcsrv):
wc.mountpoint = mountpoint
wc._fwcfs = fwcfs
wc._njoin = 1
wc._proc = proc
wc._wcsrv = wcsrv
# close must be called to release joined connection after it is no longer needed.
......@@ -216,14 +232,28 @@ def join(zurl, autostart=_default_autostart()): # -> WCFS
# TODO -> fs-level locking
if unclean:
return _start(zurl, "-autoexit")
wcsrv, fwcfs = _start(zurl, "-autoexit")
wc = WCFS(mntpt, fwcfs, wcsrv)
assert mntpt not in _wcregistry
_wcregistry[mntpt] = wc
return wc
# _start starts wcfs server for ZODB @ zurl.
# start starts wcfs server for ZODB @ zurl.
# optv can be optionally given to pass flags to wcfs.
# called under _wcmu.
def _start(zurl, *optv): # -> WCFS
def start(zurl, *optv): # -> Server
# XXX check already started?
wcsrv, fwcfs = _start(zurl, *optv)
return wcsrv
# _start serves start and join.
def _start(zurl, *optv): # -> Server, fwcfs
mntpt = _mntpt_4zurl(zurl)"wcfs: starting for %s ...", zurl)
......@@ -233,8 +263,7 @@ def _start(zurl, *optv): # -> WCFS
# XXX errctx "wcfs: start"
# spawn wcfs and wait till filesystem-level access to it is ready
wc = WCFS(mntpt, None, None)
wcsrv = Server(mntpt, None, None)
wg = sync.WorkGroup(context.background())
fsready = chan(dtype='C.structZ')
def _(ctx):
......@@ -256,24 +285,36 @@ def _start(zurl, *optv): # -> WCFS
raise ctx.err()
if _ == 1:
# startup was ok - don't monitor spawned wcfs any longer
wc._proc = proc
wcsrv._proc = proc
def _(ctx):
# XXX errctx "waitmount"
fwcfs = _waitmount(ctx, zurl, mntpt)
wc._fwcfs = fwcfs
wcsrv._fwcfs = fwcfs
wg.wait()"wcfs: started pid%d @ %s",, mntpt)
assert mntpt not in _wcregistry
_wcregistry[mntpt] = wc
return wc
fwcfs = wcsrv._fwcfs
del wcsrv._fwcfs
# open fuse abort control file
# shutdown wcsrv if that open fails
x = os.minor(os.stat(wcsrv.mountpoint).st_dev)
wcsrv._fuseabort = open("/sys/fs/fuse/connections/%d/abort" % x, "wb")
return wcsrv, fwcfs
# _waitmount waits for wcfs filesystem for zurl @mntpt to become ready.
def _waitmount(ctx, zurl, mntpt): # -> fwcfs
......@@ -298,7 +339,97 @@ def _waitmount(ctx, zurl, mntpt): # -> fwcfs
if _ == 0:
raise ctx.err()
def __init__(wcsrv, mountpoint, proc, ffuseabort):
wcsrv.mountpoint = mountpoint
wcsrv._proc = proc
wcsrv._fuseabort = ffuseabort
wcsrv._stopOnce = sync.Once()
# stop shutdowns the server.
def stop(wcsrv, ctx=None):
if ctx is None:
ctx, cancel = context.with_timeout(context.background(), 10*time.second)
def _stop(wcsrv, ctx, _onstuck=None):
def _():
wcsrv.__stop(ctx, _onstuck)
def __stop(wcsrv, ctx, _onstuck):"wcfs: unmount/stop wcfs pid%d @ %s",, wcsrv.mountpoint)
deadline = ctx.deadline()
if deadline is None:
deadline = float('inf')
timeoutTotal = (deadline -
if timeoutTotal < 0:
timeoutTotal = 0.
# timeoutFrac returns ctx with `timeout ~= fraction·totalTimeout`
# however if the context is already cancelled, returned timeout is 0.1s to
# give chance for an operation to complete.
def timeoutFrac(fraction):
if _ready(ctx.done()):
tctx, _ = context.with_timeout(context.background(), 0.1*time.second)
tctx, _ = context.with_timeout(ctx, fraction*timeoutTotal)
return tctx
# unmount and wait for wcfs to exit
def _():
if wcsrv._fuseabort is not None:
def _():
# kill wcfs.go in case it is deadlocked and does not exit by itself
if _procwait_(timeoutFrac(0.5), wcsrv._proc):
log.warn("\nC: wcfs.go does not exit")
log.warn("-> kill -QUIT wcfs.go ...\n")
os.kill(, SIGQUIT)
if _procwait_(timeoutFrac(0.25), wcsrv._proc):
log.warn("\nC: wcfs.go does not exit (after SIGQUIT)")
log.warn("-> kill -KILL wcfs.go ...\n")
os.kill(, SIGKILL)
if _procwait_(timeoutFrac(0.25), wcsrv._proc):
log.warn("\nC: wcfs.go does not exit (after SIGKILL; probably it is stuck in kernel)")
log.warn("-> nothing we can do...\n") # XXX dump /proc/pid/task/*/stack instead (ignore EPERM)
if _onstuck is not None:
_procwait(context.background(), wcsrv._proc)
def _():
if _is_mountpoint(wcsrv.mountpoint): # could be unmounted from outside
# if clean unmount failed -> force abort of fuse connection
def _():
if wcsrv._fuseabort is not None:
log.warn("aborting FUSE connection ...")
# ---- misc ----
......@@ -355,9 +486,97 @@ def _mkdir_p(path, mode=0o777): # -> created(bool)
return False
return True
# fusermount -u.
# _fuse_unmount calls `fusermount -u` + logs details if unmount failed.
def _fuse_unmount(mntpt):
subprocess.check_call(["fusermount", "-u", mntpt])
subprocess.check_call(["fusermount", "-u", mntpt], close_fds=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
# unmount failed, usually due to "device is busy".
# Log which files are still opened and reraise
def _():
log.warn("fuse_unmount %s failed", mntpt)
log.warn("# lsof %s" % mntpt)
# -w to avoid lots of
# lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.wcfs file system /tmp/wcfs/X
# Output information may be incomplete.
# if there are other uncleaned wcfs mountpoints.
# (lsof stats all filesystems on startup)
# XXX -> better use `fuser -m <mntpt>` (it says it will limit search to files only under mntpt) ?
lsof = subprocess.Popen(["lsof", "-w", "+D", mntpt],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
out, _ = lsof.communicate()
if lsof.returncode:
log.warn("(lsof failed)")
# _is_mountpoint returns whether path is a mountpoint
def _is_mountpoint(path): # -> bool
# NOTE we don't call mountpoint directly on path, because if FUSE
# fileserver failed, the mountpoint will also fail and print ENOTCONN
_ = os.lstat(path)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == ENOENT:
return False
# "Transport endpoint is not connected" -> it is a failed FUSE server
# (XXX we can also grep /proc/mounts)
if e.errno == ENOTCONN:
return True
if not S_ISDIR(_.st_mode):
return False
mounted = (0 ==["mountpoint", "-q", path]))
return mounted
# _procwait waits for a process (subprocess.Popen) to terminate.
def _procwait(ctx, proc):
_waitfor(ctx, lambda: proc.poll() is not None)
# _procwait_, similarly to _procwait, waits for a process (subprocess.Popen) to terminate.
# it returns bool whether process terminated or not - e.g. due to context being canceled.
def _procwait_(ctx, proc): # -> ok
return _waitfor_(ctx, lambda: proc.poll() is not None)
# _waitfor waits for condf() to become true.
def _waitfor(ctx, condf):
wg = sync.WorkGroup(ctx)
def _(ctx):
while 1:
if _ready(ctx.done()):
raise ctx.err()
if condf():
# _waitfor_, similarly to _waitfor, waits for condf() to become true.
# it returns bool whether target condition was reached or not - e.g. due to
# context being canceled.
def _waitfor_(ctx, condf): # -> ok
_waitfor(ctx, condf)
except Exception as e:
if errors.Is(e, context.canceled) or errors.Is(e, context.deadlineExceeded):
return False
return True
# _ready reports whether chan ch is ready.
def _ready(ch):
_, _rx = select(
default, # 0
ch.recv, # 1
return bool(_)
# serve starts and runs wcfs server for ZODB @ zurl.
......@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from golang import func, defer, error, b
from wendelin.bigfile.file_zodb import ZBigFile
from wendelin.wcfs.wcfs_test import tDB, tAt, timeout, waitfor_, eprint
from wendelin.wcfs.wcfs_test import tDB, tAt, timeout, eprint
from wendelin.wcfs import _waitfor_ as waitfor_
from wendelin.wcfs import wcfs_test
from wendelin.wcfs.internal.wcfs_test import read_mustfault
from wendelin.wcfs.internal import mm
......@@ -53,9 +53,8 @@ cdef class _tWCFS:
# but pin handler is failing one way or another - select will wake-up
# but, if _abort_ontimeout uses GIL, won't continue to run trying to lock
# GIL -> deadlock.
def _abort_ontimeout(_tWCFS t, double dt, pychan nogilready not None):
def _abort_ontimeout(_tWCFS t, int fdabort, double dt, pychan nogilready not None):
cdef chan[double] timeoutch = time.after(dt)
cdef int fdabort = t._wcfuseabort.fileno()
emsg1 = "\nC: test timed out after %.1fs\n" % (dt / time.second)
cdef char *_emsg1 = emsg1
with nogil:
......@@ -43,9 +43,7 @@ from ZODB.utils import z64, u64, p64
import sys, os, os.path, subprocess
from thread import get_ident as gettid
from time import gmtime
from errno import EINVAL, ENOENT, ENOTCONN
from stat import S_ISDIR
from signal import SIGQUIT, SIGKILL
from errno import EINVAL, ENOTCONN
from resource import setrlimit, getrlimit, RLIMIT_MEMLOCK
from golang import go, chan, select, func, defer, default, error, b
from golang import context, errors, sync, time
......@@ -55,6 +53,7 @@ from pytest import raises, fail
from wendelin.wcfs.internal import io, mm
from wendelin.wcfs.internal.wcfs_test import _tWCFS, read_nogil, install_sigbus_trap, fadvise_dontneed
from wendelin.wcfs.client._wcfs import _tpywlinkwrite as _twlinkwrite
from wendelin.wcfs import _is_mountpoint as is_mountpoint, _procwait as procwait, _ready as ready
# setup:
......@@ -113,26 +112,9 @@ def teardown_function(f):
# fuse_unmount unmounts FUSE filesystem mounted @ mntpt.
def fuse_unmount(mntpt):
assert is_mountpoint(mntpt)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
# unmount failed, usually due to "device is busy".
# Print which files are still opened and reraise
def _():
print("# lsof %s" % mntpt)
# -w to avoid lots of
# lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.wcfs file system /tmp/wcfs/X
# Output information may be incomplete.
# if there are other uncleaned wcfs mountpoints.
# (lsof stats all filesystems on startup)
# XXX -> better use `fuser -m <mntpt>` (it says it will limit search to files only under mntpt) ?
subprocess.check_call(["lsof", "-w", "+D", mntpt])
# ---- test join/autostart/serve ----
......@@ -149,13 +131,18 @@ def test_join():
assert wcfs._wcregistry == {}
wc = wcfs._start(zurl)
wcsrv = wcfs.start(zurl)
assert wcsrv.mountpoint == testmntpt
assert readfile(wcsrv.mountpoint + "/.wcfs/zurl") == zurl
assert os.path.isdir(wcsrv.mountpoint + "/head")
assert os.path.isdir(wcsrv.mountpoint + "/head/bigfile")
wc = wcfs.join(zurl, autostart=False)
assert wc.mountpoint == testmntpt
assert wc.mountpoint == wcsrv.mountpoint
assert wc._njoin == 1
assert readfile(wc.mountpoint + "/.wcfs/zurl") == zurl
assert os.path.isdir(wc.mountpoint + "/head")
assert os.path.isdir(wc.mountpoint + "/head/bigfile")
assert wc._wcsrv is None
wc2 = wcfs.join(zurl, autostart=False)
......@@ -239,6 +226,9 @@ def test_serve_after_crash():
assert procmounts_lookup_wcfs(zurl) == mntpt
# XXX test_start_after_crash?
# start_and_crash_wcfs starts wcfs and then kills it.
# it returns closed WCFS connection that was connected to the killed WCFS server.
def start_and_crash_wcfs(zurl, mntpt): # -> WCFS
......@@ -247,7 +237,11 @@ def start_and_crash_wcfs(zurl, mntpt): # -> WCFS
# start the server with attached client
wc = wcfs._start(zurl)
wcsrv = wcfs.start(zurl)
assert wcsrv.mountpoint == mntpt
assert mntpt not in wcfs._wcregistry
wc = wcfs.join(zurl, autostart=False)
assert wcfs._wcregistry[mntpt] is wc
assert wc.mountpoint == mntpt
assert readfile(mntpt + "/.wcfs/zurl") == zurl
......@@ -257,8 +251,8 @@ def start_and_crash_wcfs(zurl, mntpt): # -> WCFS
# kill the server
wc._proc.kill() # sends SIGKILL
assert wc._proc.wait() != 0
wcsrv._proc.kill() # sends SIGKILL
assert wcsrv._proc.wait() != 0
# access to filesystem should raise "Transport endpoint not connected"
with raises(IOError) as exc:
......@@ -335,9 +329,7 @@ class DFile:
# XXX print -> t.trace/debug() + t.verbose depending on py.test -v -v ?
class tWCFS(_tWCFS):
def __init__(t, wc=None):
# `wc != None` is used to create tWCFS on existing WCFS connection
if wc is None:
def __init__(t):
assert not os.path.exists(testmntpt)
wc = wcfs.join(testzurl, autostart=True)
assert wc.mountpoint == testmntpt
......@@ -351,60 +343,35 @@ class tWCFS(_tWCFS):
# cases, when wcfs, even after receiving `kill -9`, will be stuck in kernel.
# ( makes in-kernel FUSE client to
# still wait for request completion even after fatal signal )
t._wcfuseabort = open("/sys/fs/fuse/connections/%d/abort" % os.minor(os.stat(t.wc.mountpoint).st_dev), "w")
nogilready = chan(dtype='C.structZ')
go(t._abort_ontimeout, 10*time.second, nogilready) # NOTE must be: with_timeout << · << wcfs_pin_timeout
t._wcfuseabort = os.dup(wc._wcsrv._fuseabort.fileno())
go(t._abort_ontimeout, t._wcfuseabort, 10*time.second, nogilready) # NOTE must be: with_timeout << · << wcfs_pin_timeout
nogilready.recv() # wait till _abort_ontimeout enters nogil
# close closes connection to wcfs, unmounts the filesystem and makes sure
# that wcfs server exits.
def close(t):
def _():
# unmount and wait for wcfs to exit
def _():
# run `fusermount -u` the second time after if wcfs was killed to
# cleanup /proc/mounts.
if is_mountpoint(t.wc.mountpoint):
assert not is_mountpoint(t.wc.mountpoint)
def _():
# kill wcfs.go in case it is deadlocked and does not exit by itself
if procwait_(timeout(), t.wc._proc):
# run `fusermount -u` the second time after we kill wcfs to cleanup
# /proc/mounts and avoid `assert not is_mountpoint` above.
def _():
if is_mountpoint(t.wc.mountpoint):
eprint("\nC: wcfs.go does not exit")
eprint("-> kill -QUIT wcfs.go ...\n")
os.kill(, SIGQUIT)
if procwait_(timeout(), t.wc._proc):
eprint("\nC: wcfs.go does not exit (after SIGQUIT)")
eprint("-> kill -KILL wcfs.go ...\n")
os.kill(, SIGKILL)
if procwait_(timeout(), t.wc._proc):
eprint("\nC: wcfs.go does not exit (after SIGKILL; probably it is stuck in kernel)")
eprint("-> nothing we can do...\n") # XXX dump /proc/pid/task/*/stack instead (ignore EPERM)
def onstuck():
fail("wcfs.go does not exit even after SIGKILL")
t.wc._wcsrv._stop(timeout(), _onstuck=onstuck)
def _():
#if not ready(t._wcfuseaborted): XXX kill _wcfuseaborted ?
# assert 0 ==["mountpoint", "-q", t.wc.mountpoint])
assert is_mountpoint(t.wc.mountpoint)
class tDB(tWCFS):
......@@ -1971,72 +1938,6 @@ def dump_history(t):
# ready reports whether chan ch is ready.
def ready(ch):
_, _rx = select(
default, # 0
ch.recv, # 1
return bool(_)
# procwait waits for a process (subprocess.Popen) to terminate.
def procwait(ctx, proc):
waitfor(ctx, lambda: proc.poll() is not None)
# procwait_, similarly to procwait, waits for a process (subprocess.Popen) to terminate.
# it returns bool whether process terminated or not - e.g. due to context being canceled.
def procwait_(ctx, proc): # -> ok
return waitfor_(ctx, lambda: proc.poll() is not None)
# waitfor waits for condf() to become true.
def waitfor(ctx, condf):
wg = sync.WorkGroup(ctx)
def _(ctx):
while 1:
if ready(ctx.done()):
raise ctx.err()
if condf():
# waitfor_, similarly to waitfor, waits for condf() to become true.
# it returns bool whether target condition was reached or not - e.g. due to
# context being canceled.
def waitfor_(ctx, proc): # -> ok
waitfor(ctx, proc)
except Exception as e:
if errors.Is(e, context.canceled) or errors.Is(e, context.deadlineExceeded):
return False
return True
# is_mountpoint returns whether path is a mountpoint
def is_mountpoint(path): # -> bool
# NOTE we don't call mountpoint directly on path, because if FUSE
# fileserver failed, the mountpoint will also fail and print ENOTCONN
_ = os.lstat(path)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == ENOENT:
return False
# "Transport endpoint is not connected" -> it is a failed FUSE server
# (XXX we can also grep /proc/mounts)
if e.errno == ENOTCONN:
return True
if not S_ISDIR(_.st_mode):
return False
mounted = (0 ==["mountpoint", "-q", path]))
return mounted
# procmounts_lookup_wcfs returns /proc/mount entry for wcfs mounted to serve zurl.
def procmounts_lookup_wcfs(zurl): # -> mountpoint | KeyError
for line in readfile('/proc/mounts').splitlines():
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