Commit 361e8595 authored by Ash Caire's avatar Ash Caire

Add EBS snapshot tags

parent 1b07d7eb
......@@ -19,7 +19,28 @@ func (s *StepCreateTags) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
if len(s.Tags) > 0 {
for region, ami := range amis {
ui.Say(fmt.Sprintf("Adding tags to AMI (%s)...", ami))
ui.Say(fmt.Sprintf("Preparing tags for AMI (%s) and related snapshots", ami))
// Declare list of resources to tag
resourceIds := []string{ami}
// Retrieve image list for given AMI
imageResp, err := ec2conn.Images([]string{ami}, ec2.NewFilter())
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving details for AMI (%s): %s", ami, err)
state.Put("error", err)
return multistep.ActionHalt
image := &imageResp.Images[0]
// Add only those with a Snapshot ID, i.e. not Ephemeral
for _, device := range image.BlockDevices {
if device.SnapshotId != "" {
ui.Say(fmt.Sprintf("Tagging snapshot: %s", device.SnapshotId))
resourceIds = append(resourceIds, device.SnapshotId)
var ec2Tags []ec2.Tag
for key, value := range s.Tags {
......@@ -28,7 +49,7 @@ func (s *StepCreateTags) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
regionconn := ec2.New(ec2conn.Auth, aws.Regions[region])
_, err := regionconn.CreateTags([]string{ami}, ec2Tags)
_, err = regionconn.CreateTags(resourceIds, ec2Tags)
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("Error adding tags to AMI (%s): %s", ami, err)
state.Put("error", err)
......@@ -15,6 +15,18 @@ aws_ami_region_copy_count() {
| wc -l
# This verifies AMI tags are correctly applied to relevant snapshots
aws_ami_snapshot_tags_count() {
aws ec2 describe-images --region $1 --owners self --output text \
--filters "$filter" \
--query "Images[*].BlockDeviceMappings[*].Ebs.SnapshotId" \
| aws ec2 describe-snapshots --region $1 --owners self --output text \
--filters "$filter" \
--snapshot-ids \
| wc -l
teardown() {
aws_ami_cleanup 'us-east-1'
aws_ami_cleanup 'us-west-1'
......@@ -34,3 +46,9 @@ teardown() {
[ "$(aws_ami_region_copy_count 'us-west-1')" -eq "1" ]
[ "$(aws_ami_region_copy_count 'us-west-2')" -eq "1" ]
@test "amazon-ebs: AMI snapshot tags" {
run packer build $FIXTURE_ROOT/ami_snapshot_tags.json
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[ "$(aws_ami_snapshot_tags)" -eq "2" ]
"builders": [{
"type": "amazon-ebs",
"ami_name": "packer-test {{timestamp}}",
"instance_type": "m1.small",
"region": "us-east-1",
"ssh_username": "ubuntu",
"source_ami": "ami-0568456c",
"tags": {
"packer-test": "true",
"packer-id": "ami_snapshot_tags"
"ami_block_device_mappings": [
"device_name": "/dev/sde",
"volume_type": "standard"
......@@ -146,7 +146,8 @@ each category, the available configuration keys are alphabetized.
* `subnet_id` (string) - If using VPC, the ID of the subnet, such as
"subnet-12345def", where Packer will launch the EC2 instance.
* `tags` (object of key/value strings) - Tags applied to the AMI.
* `tags` (object of key/value strings) - Tags applied to the AMI and
relevant snapshots.
* `temporary_key_pair_name` (string) - The name of the temporary keypair
to generate. By default, Packer generates a name with a UUID.
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