Commit 736d6e41 authored by Jean-Paul Smets's avatar Jean-Paul Smets

Added transition method for user actions.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 6623eb1f
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ from Products.CMFCore.PortalContent import PortalContent
from Products.CMFCore.Expression import Expression
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName, _getViewFor
from Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions import TRIGGER_WORKFLOW_METHOD
from Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions import TRIGGER_WORKFLOW_METHOD, TRIGGER_USER_ACTION
from Products.ERP5Type import _dtmldir
from Products.ERP5Type import PropertySheet
......@@ -122,6 +122,19 @@ class WorkflowMethod(Method):
(instance,) + args, kw)
return res
class ActionMethod(Method):
def __init__(self, method, action_id, reindex=1):
self._m = method
self._id = action_id
def __call__(self, instance, *args, **kw):
Invoke the wrapped method, and deal with the results.
wf = getToolByName(instance, 'portal_workflow', None)
return wf.doActionFor(instance, self._id)
def _aq_reset():
Base.aq_method_generated = {}
Base.aq_portal_type = {}
......@@ -265,7 +278,32 @@ def initializePortalTypeDynamicWorkflowMethods(self, klass, prop_holder):
if wf.__class__.__name__ in ('DCWorkflowDefinition', ):
for tr_id in wf.transitions.objectIds():
tdef = wf.transitions.get(tr_id, None)
if tdef.trigger_type == TRIGGER_WORKFLOW_METHOD:
if tdef.trigger_type == TRIGGER_USER_ACTION:
method_id = convertToMixedCase(tr_id)
# We have to make a difference between a method which is on
# the prop_holder or on the klass, if the method is on the
# klass, then the WorkflowMethod created also need to be on the klass
if (not hasattr(prop_holder, method_id)) and \
(not hasattr(klass, method_id)):
method = ActionMethod(klass._doNothing, tr_id)
# Attach to portal_type
setattr(prop_holder, method_id, method)
method_id )
# Wrap method into WorkflowMethod is needed
method = getattr(klass, method_id)
except AttributeError:
method = getattr(prop_holder, method_id)
work_method_holder = prop_holder
work_method_holder = klass
LOG('initializePortalTypeDynamicWorkflowMethods', 100,
'WARNING! Can not initialize %s on %s' % \
(method_id, str(work_method_holder)))
elif tdef.trigger_type == TRIGGER_WORKFLOW_METHOD:
method_id = convertToMixedCase(tr_id)
# We have to make a difference between a method which is on
# the prop_holder or on the klass, if the method is on the
......@@ -840,6 +878,9 @@ class Base( CopyContainer,
defined on this object.
If an accessor exists for this property, the accessor will be called,
default value will be passed to the accessor as first positional argument.
XXX Usage of getProperty is BAD. It should either be removed
or reused
accessor_name = 'get' + UpperCase(key)
aq_self = aq_base(self)
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