Commit 5514ae72 authored by Han-Wen Nienhuys's avatar Han-Wen Nienhuys

Go style receivers for unionfs/ and zipfs/

parent 7fc85869
......@@ -76,31 +76,31 @@ func NewAutoUnionFs(directory string, options AutoUnionFsOptions) *AutoUnionFs {
return a
func (me *AutoUnionFs) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("AutoUnionFs(%s)", me.root)
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("AutoUnionFs(%s)", fs.root)
func (me *AutoUnionFs) OnMount(nodeFs *fuse.PathNodeFs) {
me.nodeFs = nodeFs
if me.options.UpdateOnMount {
time.AfterFunc(100*time.Millisecond, func() { me.updateKnownFses() })
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) OnMount(nodeFs *fuse.PathNodeFs) {
fs.nodeFs = nodeFs
if fs.options.UpdateOnMount {
time.AfterFunc(100*time.Millisecond, func() { fs.updateKnownFses() })
func (me *AutoUnionFs) addAutomaticFs(roots []string) {
relative := strings.TrimLeft(strings.Replace(roots[0], me.root, "", -1), "/")
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) addAutomaticFs(roots []string) {
relative := strings.TrimLeft(strings.Replace(roots[0], fs.root, "", -1), "/")
name := strings.Replace(relative, "/", "-", -1)
if me.getUnionFs(name) == nil {
me.addFs(name, roots)
if fs.getUnionFs(name) == nil {
fs.addFs(name, roots)
func (me *AutoUnionFs) createFs(name string, roots []string) fuse.Status {
defer me.lock.Unlock()
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) createFs(name string, roots []string) fuse.Status {
defer fs.lock.Unlock()
for workspace, root := range me.nameRootMap {
for workspace, root := range fs.nameRootMap {
if root == roots[0] && workspace != name {
log.Printf("Already have a union FS for directory %s in workspace %s",
roots[0], workspace)
......@@ -108,44 +108,44 @@ func (me *AutoUnionFs) createFs(name string, roots []string) fuse.Status {
known := me.knownFileSystems[name]
known := fs.knownFileSystems[name]
if known.UnionFs != nil {
log.Println("Already have a workspace:", name)
return fuse.EBUSY
ufs, err := NewUnionFsFromRoots(roots, &me.options.UnionFsOptions, true)
ufs, err := NewUnionFsFromRoots(roots, &fs.options.UnionFsOptions, true)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Could not create UnionFs:", err)
return fuse.EPERM
log.Printf("Adding workspace %v for roots %v", name, ufs.String())
nfs := fuse.NewPathNodeFs(ufs, &me.options.PathNodeFsOptions)
code := me.nodeFs.Mount(name, nfs, &me.options.FileSystemOptions)
nfs := fuse.NewPathNodeFs(ufs, &fs.options.PathNodeFsOptions)
code := fs.nodeFs.Mount(name, nfs, &fs.options.FileSystemOptions)
if code.Ok() {
me.knownFileSystems[name] = knownFs{
fs.knownFileSystems[name] = knownFs{
me.nameRootMap[name] = roots[0]
fs.nameRootMap[name] = roots[0]
return code
func (me *AutoUnionFs) rmFs(name string) (code fuse.Status) {
defer me.lock.Unlock()
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) rmFs(name string) (code fuse.Status) {
defer fs.lock.Unlock()
known := me.knownFileSystems[name]
known := fs.knownFileSystems[name]
if known.UnionFs == nil {
return fuse.ENOENT
code = me.nodeFs.Unmount(name)
code = fs.nodeFs.Unmount(name)
if code.Ok() {
delete(me.knownFileSystems, name)
delete(me.nameRootMap, name)
delete(fs.knownFileSystems, name)
delete(fs.nameRootMap, name)
} else {
log.Printf("Unmount failed for %s. Code %v", name, code)
......@@ -153,15 +153,15 @@ func (me *AutoUnionFs) rmFs(name string) (code fuse.Status) {
return code
func (me *AutoUnionFs) addFs(name string, roots []string) (code fuse.Status) {
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) addFs(name string, roots []string) (code fuse.Status) {
if name == _CONFIG || name == _STATUS || name == _SCAN_CONFIG {
log.Println("Illegal name for overlay", roots)
return fuse.EINVAL
return me.createFs(name, roots)
return fs.createFs(name, roots)
func (me *AutoUnionFs) getRoots(path string) []string {
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) getRoots(path string) []string {
ro := filepath.Join(path, _READONLY)
fi, err := os.Lstat(ro)
fiDir, errDir := os.Stat(ro)
......@@ -177,30 +177,30 @@ func (me *AutoUnionFs) getRoots(path string) []string {
return nil
func (me *AutoUnionFs) visit(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) visit(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if fi != nil && fi.IsDir() {
roots := me.getRoots(path)
roots := fs.getRoots(path)
if roots != nil {
return nil
func (me *AutoUnionFs) updateKnownFses() {
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) updateKnownFses() {
log.Println("Looking for new filesystems")
// We unroll the first level of entries in the root manually in order
// to allow symbolic links on that level.
directoryEntries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(me.root)
directoryEntries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(fs.root)
if err == nil {
for _, dir := range directoryEntries {
if dir.IsDir() || dir.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 {
path := filepath.Join(me.root, dir.Name())
path := filepath.Join(fs.root, dir.Name())
dir, _ = os.Stat(path)
me.visit(path, dir, nil)
fs.visit(path, dir, nil)
func(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
return me.visit(path, fi, err)
return fs.visit(path, fi, err)
......@@ -208,58 +208,58 @@ func (me *AutoUnionFs) updateKnownFses() {
log.Println("Done looking")
func (me *AutoUnionFs) Readlink(path string, context *fuse.Context) (out string, code fuse.Status) {
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) Readlink(path string, context *fuse.Context) (out string, code fuse.Status) {
comps := strings.Split(path, string(filepath.Separator))
if comps[0] == _STATUS && comps[1] == _ROOT {
return me.root, fuse.OK
return fs.root, fuse.OK
if comps[0] != _CONFIG {
return "", fuse.ENOENT
name := comps[1]
defer me.lock.RUnlock()
defer fs.lock.RUnlock()
root, ok := me.nameRootMap[name]
root, ok := fs.nameRootMap[name]
if ok {
return root, fuse.OK
return "", fuse.ENOENT
func (me *AutoUnionFs) getUnionFs(name string) *UnionFs {
defer me.lock.RUnlock()
return me.knownFileSystems[name].UnionFs
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) getUnionFs(name string) *UnionFs {
defer fs.lock.RUnlock()
return fs.knownFileSystems[name].UnionFs
func (me *AutoUnionFs) Symlink(pointedTo string, linkName string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) Symlink(pointedTo string, linkName string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
comps := strings.Split(linkName, "/")
if len(comps) != 2 {
return fuse.EPERM
if comps[0] == _CONFIG {
roots := me.getRoots(pointedTo)
roots := fs.getRoots(pointedTo)
if roots == nil {
return fuse.Status(syscall.ENOTDIR)
name := comps[1]
return me.addFs(name, roots)
return fs.addFs(name, roots)
return fuse.EPERM
func (me *AutoUnionFs) Unlink(path string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) Unlink(path string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
comps := strings.Split(path, "/")
if len(comps) != 2 {
return fuse.EPERM
if comps[0] == _CONFIG && comps[1] != _SCAN_CONFIG {
code = me.rmFs(comps[1])
code = fs.rmFs(comps[1])
} else {
code = fuse.ENOENT
......@@ -267,11 +267,11 @@ func (me *AutoUnionFs) Unlink(path string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Sta
// Must define this, because ENOSYS will suspend all GetXAttr calls.
func (me *AutoUnionFs) GetXAttr(name string, attr string, context *fuse.Context) ([]byte, fuse.Status) {
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) GetXAttr(name string, attr string, context *fuse.Context) ([]byte, fuse.Status) {
return nil, fuse.ENODATA
func (me *AutoUnionFs) GetAttr(path string, context *fuse.Context) (*fuse.Attr, fuse.Status) {
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) GetAttr(path string, context *fuse.Context) (*fuse.Attr, fuse.Status) {
if path == "" || path == _CONFIG || path == _STATUS {
a := &fuse.Attr{
Mode: fuse.S_IFDIR | 0755,
......@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ func (me *AutoUnionFs) GetAttr(path string, context *fuse.Context) (*fuse.Attr,
if path == filepath.Join(_STATUS, _DEBUG) {
a := &fuse.Attr{
Mode: fuse.S_IFREG | 0644,
Size: uint64(len(me.DebugData())),
Size: uint64(len(fs.DebugData())),
return a, fuse.OK
......@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ func (me *AutoUnionFs) GetAttr(path string, context *fuse.Context) (*fuse.Attr,
comps := strings.Split(path, string(filepath.Separator))
if len(comps) > 1 && comps[0] == _CONFIG {
fs := me.getUnionFs(comps[1])
fs := fs.getUnionFs(comps[1])
if fs == nil {
return nil, fuse.ENOENT
......@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ func (me *AutoUnionFs) GetAttr(path string, context *fuse.Context) (*fuse.Attr,
return nil, fuse.ENOENT
func (me *AutoUnionFs) StatusDir() (stream chan fuse.DirEntry, status fuse.Status) {
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) StatusDir() (stream chan fuse.DirEntry, status fuse.Status) {
stream = make(chan fuse.DirEntry, 10)
stream <- fuse.DirEntry{
......@@ -347,51 +347,51 @@ func (me *AutoUnionFs) StatusDir() (stream chan fuse.DirEntry, status fuse.Statu
// SetMountState stores the MountState, which is necessary for
// retrieving debug data.
func (me *AutoUnionFs) SetMountState(state *fuse.MountState) {
me.mountState = state
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) SetMountState(state *fuse.MountState) {
fs.mountState = state
func (me *AutoUnionFs) SetFileSystemConnector(conn *fuse.FileSystemConnector) {
me.connector = conn
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) SetFileSystemConnector(conn *fuse.FileSystemConnector) {
fs.connector = conn
func (me *AutoUnionFs) DebugData() string {
if me.mountState == nil {
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) DebugData() string {
if fs.mountState == nil {
return "AutoUnionFs.mountState not set"
setting := me.mountState.KernelSettings()
setting := fs.mountState.KernelSettings()
msg := fmt.Sprintf(
"Version: %v\n"+
"Bufferpool: %v\n"+
"Kernel: %v\n",
lat := me.mountState.Latencies()
lat := fs.mountState.Latencies()
if len(lat) > 0 {
msg += fmt.Sprintf("Latencies: %v\n", lat)
counts := me.mountState.OperationCounts()
counts := fs.mountState.OperationCounts()
if len(counts) > 0 {
msg += fmt.Sprintf("Op counts: %v\n", counts)
if me.connector != nil {
msg += fmt.Sprintf("Live inodes: %d\n", me.connector.InodeHandleCount())
if fs.connector != nil {
msg += fmt.Sprintf("Live inodes: %d\n", fs.connector.InodeHandleCount())
return msg
func (me *AutoUnionFs) Open(path string, flags uint32, context *fuse.Context) (fuse.File, fuse.Status) {
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) Open(path string, flags uint32, context *fuse.Context) (fuse.File, fuse.Status) {
if path == filepath.Join(_STATUS, _DEBUG) {
if flags&fuse.O_ANYWRITE != 0 {
return nil, fuse.EPERM
return fuse.NewDataFile([]byte(me.DebugData())), fuse.OK
return fuse.NewDataFile([]byte(fs.DebugData())), fuse.OK
if path == filepath.Join(_STATUS, _VERSION) {
if flags&fuse.O_ANYWRITE != 0 {
......@@ -401,14 +401,14 @@ func (me *AutoUnionFs) Open(path string, flags uint32, context *fuse.Context) (f
if path == filepath.Join(_CONFIG, _SCAN_CONFIG) {
if flags&fuse.O_ANYWRITE != 0 {
return fuse.NewDevNullFile(), fuse.OK
return nil, fuse.ENOENT
func (me *AutoUnionFs) Truncate(name string, offset uint64, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) Truncate(name string, offset uint64, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
if name != filepath.Join(_CONFIG, _SCAN_CONFIG) {
log.Println("Huh? Truncating unsupported write file", name)
return fuse.EPERM
......@@ -416,10 +416,10 @@ func (me *AutoUnionFs) Truncate(name string, offset uint64, context *fuse.Contex
return fuse.OK
func (me *AutoUnionFs) OpenDir(name string, context *fuse.Context) (stream chan fuse.DirEntry, status fuse.Status) {
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) OpenDir(name string, context *fuse.Context) (stream chan fuse.DirEntry, status fuse.Status) {
switch name {
case _STATUS:
return me.StatusDir()
return fs.StatusDir()
case _CONFIG:
case "/":
name = ""
......@@ -429,12 +429,12 @@ func (me *AutoUnionFs) OpenDir(name string, context *fuse.Context) (stream chan
return nil, fuse.ENOSYS
defer me.lock.RUnlock()
defer fs.lock.RUnlock()
stream = make(chan fuse.DirEntry, len(me.knownFileSystems)+5)
stream = make(chan fuse.DirEntry, len(fs.knownFileSystems)+5)
if name == _CONFIG {
for k := range me.knownFileSystems {
for k := range fs.knownFileSystems {
stream <- fuse.DirEntry{
Name: k,
Mode: syscall.S_IFLNK | 0644,
......@@ -456,6 +456,6 @@ func (me *AutoUnionFs) OpenDir(name string, context *fuse.Context) (stream chan
return stream, status
func (me *AutoUnionFs) StatFs(name string) *fuse.StatfsOut {
func (fs *AutoUnionFs) StatFs(name string) *fuse.StatfsOut {
return &fuse.StatfsOut{}
......@@ -107,36 +107,36 @@ func NewCachingFileSystem(fs fuse.FileSystem, ttl time.Duration) *CachingFileSys
return c
func (me *CachingFileSystem) DropCache() {
for _, c := range []*TimedCache{me.attributes, me.dirs, me.links, me.xattr} {
func (fs *CachingFileSystem) DropCache() {
for _, c := range []*TimedCache{fs.attributes, fs.dirs, fs.links, fs.xattr} {
func (me *CachingFileSystem) GetAttr(name string, context *fuse.Context) (*fuse.Attr, fuse.Status) {
func (fs *CachingFileSystem) GetAttr(name string, context *fuse.Context) (*fuse.Attr, fuse.Status) {
if name == _DROP_CACHE {
return &fuse.Attr{
Mode: fuse.S_IFREG | 0777,
}, fuse.OK
r := me.attributes.Get(name).(*attrResponse)
r := fs.attributes.Get(name).(*attrResponse)
return r.Attr, r.Status
func (me *CachingFileSystem) GetXAttr(name string, attr string, context *fuse.Context) ([]byte, fuse.Status) {
func (fs *CachingFileSystem) GetXAttr(name string, attr string, context *fuse.Context) ([]byte, fuse.Status) {
key := name + _XATTRSEP + attr
r := me.xattr.Get(key).(*xattrResponse)
r := fs.xattr.Get(key).(*xattrResponse)
return, r.Status
func (me *CachingFileSystem) Readlink(name string, context *fuse.Context) (string, fuse.Status) {
r := me.links.Get(name).(*linkResponse)
func (fs *CachingFileSystem) Readlink(name string, context *fuse.Context) (string, fuse.Status) {
r := fs.links.Get(name).(*linkResponse)
return r.linkContent, r.Status
func (me *CachingFileSystem) OpenDir(name string, context *fuse.Context) (stream chan fuse.DirEntry, status fuse.Status) {
r := me.dirs.Get(name).(*dirResponse)
func (fs *CachingFileSystem) OpenDir(name string, context *fuse.Context) (stream chan fuse.DirEntry, status fuse.Status) {
r := fs.dirs.Get(name).(*dirResponse)
if r.Status.Ok() {
stream = make(chan fuse.DirEntry, len(r.entries))
for _, d := range r.entries {
......@@ -149,14 +149,14 @@ func (me *CachingFileSystem) OpenDir(name string, context *fuse.Context) (stream
return nil, r.Status
func (me *CachingFileSystem) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("CachingFileSystem(%v)", me.FileSystem)
func (fs *CachingFileSystem) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("CachingFileSystem(%v)", fs.FileSystem)
func (me *CachingFileSystem) Open(name string, flags uint32, context *fuse.Context) (f fuse.File, status fuse.Status) {
func (fs *CachingFileSystem) Open(name string, flags uint32, context *fuse.Context) (f fuse.File, status fuse.Status) {
if flags&fuse.O_ANYWRITE != 0 && name == _DROP_CACHE {
log.Println("Dropping cache for", me)
log.Println("Dropping cache for", fs)
return me.FileSystem.Open(name, flags, context)
return fs.FileSystem.Open(name, flags, context)
......@@ -42,57 +42,57 @@ type DirCache struct {
updateRunning bool
func (me *DirCache) setMap(newMap map[string]bool) {
defer me.lock.Unlock()
me.names = newMap
me.updateRunning = false
_ = time.AfterFunc(me.ttl,
func() { me.DropCache() })
func (c *DirCache) setMap(newMap map[string]bool) {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
c.names = newMap
c.updateRunning = false
_ = time.AfterFunc(c.ttl,
func() { c.DropCache() })
func (me *DirCache) DropCache() {
defer me.lock.Unlock()
me.names = nil
func (c *DirCache) DropCache() {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
c.names = nil
// Try to refresh: if another update is already running, do nothing,
// otherwise, read the directory and set it.
func (me *DirCache) maybeRefresh() {
defer me.lock.Unlock()
if me.updateRunning {
func (c *DirCache) maybeRefresh() {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
if c.updateRunning {
me.updateRunning = true
c.updateRunning = true
go func() {
newmap := newDirnameMap(me.fs, me.dir)
newmap := newDirnameMap(c.fs, c.dir)
func (me *DirCache) RemoveEntry(name string) {
defer me.lock.Unlock()
if me.names == nil {
go me.maybeRefresh()
func (c *DirCache) RemoveEntry(name string) {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
if c.names == nil {
go c.maybeRefresh()
delete(me.names, name)
delete(c.names, name)
func (me *DirCache) AddEntry(name string) {
defer me.lock.Unlock()
if me.names == nil {
go me.maybeRefresh()
func (c *DirCache) AddEntry(name string) {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
if c.names == nil {
go c.maybeRefresh()
me.names[name] = true
c.names[name] = true
func NewDirCache(fs fuse.FileSystem, dir string, ttl time.Duration) *DirCache {
......@@ -103,14 +103,14 @@ func NewDirCache(fs fuse.FileSystem, dir string, ttl time.Duration) *DirCache {
return dc
func (me *DirCache) HasEntry(name string) (mapPresent bool, found bool) {
defer me.lock.RUnlock()
func (c *DirCache) HasEntry(name string) (mapPresent bool, found bool) {
defer c.lock.RUnlock()
if me.names == nil {
go me.maybeRefresh()
if c.names == nil {
go c.maybeRefresh()
return false, false
return true, me.names[name]
return true, c.names[name]
......@@ -42,79 +42,79 @@ func NewTimedCache(fetcher TimedCacheFetcher, ttl time.Duration) *TimedCache {
return l
func (me *TimedCache) Get(name string) interface{} {
info, ok := me.cacheMap[name]
func (c *TimedCache) Get(name string) interface{} {
info, ok := c.cacheMap[name]
valid := ok && (me.ttl <= 0 || info.expiry.After(time.Now()))
valid := ok && (c.ttl <= 0 || info.expiry.After(time.Now()))
if valid {
return me.GetFresh(name)
return c.GetFresh(name)
func (me *TimedCache) Set(name string, val interface{}) {
defer me.cacheMapMutex.Unlock()
func (c *TimedCache) Set(name string, val interface{}) {
defer c.cacheMapMutex.Unlock()
me.cacheMap[name] = &cacheEntry{
c.cacheMap[name] = &cacheEntry{
data: val,
expiry: time.Now().Add(me.ttl),
expiry: time.Now().Add(c.ttl),
func (me *TimedCache) DropEntry(name string) {
defer me.cacheMapMutex.Unlock()
func (c *TimedCache) DropEntry(name string) {
defer c.cacheMapMutex.Unlock()
delete(me.cacheMap, name)
delete(c.cacheMap, name)
func (me *TimedCache) GetFresh(name string) interface{} {
data, ok := me.fetch(name)
func (c *TimedCache) GetFresh(name string) interface{} {
data, ok := c.fetch(name)
if ok {
me.Set(name, data)
c.Set(name, data)
return data
// Drop all expired entries.
func (me *TimedCache) Purge() {
keys := make([]string, 0, len(me.cacheMap))
func (c *TimedCache) Purge() {
keys := make([]string, 0, len(c.cacheMap))
now := time.Now()
defer me.cacheMapMutex.Unlock()
for k, v := range me.cacheMap {
defer c.cacheMapMutex.Unlock()
for k, v := range c.cacheMap {
if now.After(v.expiry) {
keys = append(keys, k)
for _, k := range keys {
delete(me.cacheMap, k)
delete(c.cacheMap, k)
func (me *TimedCache) RecurringPurge() {
if me.ttl <= 0 {
func (c *TimedCache) RecurringPurge() {
if c.ttl <= 0 {
me.PurgeTimer = time.AfterFunc(me.ttl*5,
func() { me.RecurringPurge() })
c.PurgeTimer = time.AfterFunc(c.ttl*5,
func() { c.RecurringPurge() })
func (me *TimedCache) DropAll(names []string) {
defer me.cacheMapMutex.Unlock()
func (c *TimedCache) DropAll(names []string) {
defer c.cacheMapMutex.Unlock()
if names == nil {
me.cacheMap = make(map[string]*cacheEntry, len(me.cacheMap))
c.cacheMap = make(map[string]*cacheEntry, len(c.cacheMap))
} else {
for _, nm := range names {
delete(me.cacheMap, nm)
delete(c.cacheMap, nm)
......@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ func NewUnionFs(fileSystems []fuse.FileSystem, options UnionFsOptions) *UnionFs
return g
func (me *UnionFs) OnMount(nodeFs *fuse.PathNodeFs) {
me.nodeFs = nodeFs
func (fs *UnionFs) OnMount(nodeFs *fuse.PathNodeFs) {
fs.nodeFs = nodeFs
......@@ -119,14 +119,14 @@ func (me *UnionFs) OnMount(nodeFs *fuse.PathNodeFs) {
// The isDeleted() method tells us if a path has a marker in the deletion store.
// It may return an error code if the store could not be accessed.
func (me *UnionFs) isDeleted(name string) (deleted bool, code fuse.Status) {
marker := me.deletionPath(name)
haveCache, found := me.deletionCache.HasEntry(filepath.Base(marker))
func (fs *UnionFs) isDeleted(name string) (deleted bool, code fuse.Status) {
marker := fs.deletionPath(name)
haveCache, found := fs.deletionCache.HasEntry(filepath.Base(marker))
if haveCache {
return found, fuse.OK
_, code = me.fileSystems[0].GetAttr(marker, nil)
_, code = fs.fileSystems[0].GetAttr(marker, nil)
if code == fuse.OK {
return true, code
......@@ -139,13 +139,13 @@ func (me *UnionFs) isDeleted(name string) (deleted bool, code fuse.Status) {
return false, fuse.Status(syscall.EROFS)
func (me *UnionFs) createDeletionStore() (code fuse.Status) {
writable := me.fileSystems[0]
fi, code := writable.GetAttr(me.options.DeletionDirName, nil)
func (fs *UnionFs) createDeletionStore() (code fuse.Status) {
writable := fs.fileSystems[0]
fi, code := writable.GetAttr(fs.options.DeletionDirName, nil)
if code == fuse.ENOENT {
code = writable.Mkdir(me.options.DeletionDirName, 0755, nil)
code = writable.Mkdir(fs.options.DeletionDirName, 0755, nil)
if code.Ok() {
fi, code = writable.GetAttr(me.options.DeletionDirName, nil)
fi, code = writable.GetAttr(fs.options.DeletionDirName, nil)
......@@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ func (me *UnionFs) createDeletionStore() (code fuse.Status) {
return code
func (me *UnionFs) getBranch(name string) branchResult {
func (fs *UnionFs) getBranch(name string) branchResult {
name = stripSlash(name)
r := me.branchCache.Get(name)
r := fs.branchCache.Get(name)
return r.(branchResult)
......@@ -168,11 +168,11 @@ type branchResult struct {
branch int
func (me branchResult) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("{%v %v branch %d}", me.attr, me.code, me.branch)
func (fs branchResult) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("{%v %v branch %d}", fs.attr, fs.code, fs.branch)
func (me *UnionFs) getBranchAttrNoCache(name string) branchResult {
func (fs *UnionFs) getBranchAttrNoCache(name string) branchResult {
name = stripSlash(name)
parent, base := path.Split(name)
......@@ -180,9 +180,9 @@ func (me *UnionFs) getBranchAttrNoCache(name string) branchResult {
parentBranch := 0
if base != "" {
parentBranch = me.getBranch(parent).branch
parentBranch = fs.getBranch(parent).branch
for i, fs := range me.fileSystems {
for i, fs := range fs.fileSystems {
if i < parentBranch {
......@@ -210,35 +210,35 @@ func (me *UnionFs) getBranchAttrNoCache(name string) branchResult {
// Deletion.
func (me *UnionFs) deletionPath(name string) string {
return filepath.Join(me.options.DeletionDirName, filePathHash(name))
func (fs *UnionFs) deletionPath(name string) string {
return filepath.Join(fs.options.DeletionDirName, filePathHash(name))
func (me *UnionFs) removeDeletion(name string) {
marker := me.deletionPath(name)
func (fs *UnionFs) removeDeletion(name string) {
marker := fs.deletionPath(name)
// os.Remove tries to be smart and issues a Remove() and
// Rmdir() sequentially. We want to skip the 2nd system call,
// so use syscall.Unlink() directly.
code := me.fileSystems[0].Unlink(marker, nil)
code := fs.fileSystems[0].Unlink(marker, nil)
if !code.Ok() && code != fuse.ENOENT {
log.Printf("error unlinking %s: %v", marker, code)
func (me *UnionFs) putDeletion(name string) (code fuse.Status) {
code = me.createDeletionStore()
func (fs *UnionFs) putDeletion(name string) (code fuse.Status) {
code = fs.createDeletionStore()
if !code.Ok() {
return code
marker := me.deletionPath(name)
marker := fs.deletionPath(name)
// Is there a WriteStringToFileOrDie ?
writable := me.fileSystems[0]
writable := fs.fileSystems[0]
fi, code := writable.GetAttr(marker, nil)
if code.Ok() && fi.Size == uint64(len(name)) {
return fuse.OK
......@@ -268,12 +268,12 @@ func (me *UnionFs) putDeletion(name string) (code fuse.Status) {
// Promotion.
func (me *UnionFs) Promote(name string, srcResult branchResult, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
writable := me.fileSystems[0]
sourceFs := me.fileSystems[srcResult.branch]
func (fs *UnionFs) Promote(name string, srcResult branchResult, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
writable := fs.fileSystems[0]
sourceFs := fs.fileSystems[srcResult.branch]
// Promote directories.
if srcResult.attr.IsRegular() {
code = fuse.CopyFile(sourceFs, writable, name, name, context)
......@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ func (me *UnionFs) Promote(name string, srcResult branchResult, context *fuse.Co
srcResult.attr.Mtimens(), context)
files := me.nodeFs.AllFiles(name, 0)
files := fs.nodeFs.AllFiles(name, 0)
for _, fileWrapper := range files {
if !code.Ok() {
......@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ func (me *UnionFs) Promote(name string, srcResult branchResult, context *fuse.Co
if uf.layer > 0 {
uf.layer = 0
f := uf.File
uf.File, code = me.fileSystems[0].Open(name, fileWrapper.OpenFlags, context)
uf.File, code = fs.fileSystems[0].Open(name, fileWrapper.OpenFlags, context)
......@@ -329,12 +329,12 @@ func (me *UnionFs) Promote(name string, srcResult branchResult, context *fuse.Co
if !code.Ok() {
return code
} else {
r := me.getBranch(name)
r := fs.getBranch(name)
r.branch = 0
me.branchCache.Set(name, r)
fs.branchCache.Set(name, r)
return fuse.OK
......@@ -343,11 +343,11 @@ func (me *UnionFs) Promote(name string, srcResult branchResult, context *fuse.Co
// Below: implement interface for a FileSystem.
func (me *UnionFs) Link(orig string, newName string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
origResult := me.getBranch(orig)
func (fs *UnionFs) Link(orig string, newName string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
origResult := fs.getBranch(orig)
code = origResult.code
if code.Ok() && origResult.branch > 0 {
code = me.Promote(orig, origResult, context)
code = fs.Promote(orig, origResult, context)
if code.Ok() && origResult.branch > 0 {
// Hairy: for the link to be hooked up to the existing
......@@ -355,25 +355,25 @@ func (me *UnionFs) Link(orig string, newName string, context *fuse.Context) (cod
// original. We force a refresh of the attribute (so
// the Ino is filled in.), and then force PathNodeFs
// to see the Inode number.
inode := me.nodeFs.Node(orig)
inode := fs.nodeFs.Node(orig)
inode.FsNode().GetAttr(nil, nil)
if code.Ok() {
code = me.promoteDirsTo(newName)
code = fs.promoteDirsTo(newName)
if code.Ok() {
code = me.fileSystems[0].Link(orig, newName, context)
code = fs.fileSystems[0].Link(orig, newName, context)
if code.Ok() {
return code
func (me *UnionFs) Rmdir(path string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
r := me.getBranch(path)
func (fs *UnionFs) Rmdir(path string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
r := fs.getBranch(path)
if r.code != fuse.OK {
return r.code
......@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ func (me *UnionFs) Rmdir(path string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status)
return fuse.Status(syscall.ENOTDIR)
stream, code := me.OpenDir(path, context)
stream, code := fs.OpenDir(path, context)
found := false
for _ = range stream {
found = true
......@@ -391,115 +391,115 @@ func (me *UnionFs) Rmdir(path string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status)
if r.branch > 0 {
code = me.putDeletion(path)
code = fs.putDeletion(path)
return code
code = me.fileSystems[0].Rmdir(path, context)
code = fs.fileSystems[0].Rmdir(path, context)
if code != fuse.OK {
return code
r = me.branchCache.GetFresh(path).(branchResult)
r = fs.branchCache.GetFresh(path).(branchResult)
if r.branch > 0 {
code = me.putDeletion(path)
code = fs.putDeletion(path)
return code
func (me *UnionFs) Mkdir(path string, mode uint32, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
deleted, code := me.isDeleted(path)
func (fs *UnionFs) Mkdir(path string, mode uint32, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
deleted, code := fs.isDeleted(path)
if !code.Ok() {
return code
if !deleted {
r := me.getBranch(path)
r := fs.getBranch(path)
if r.code != fuse.ENOENT {
return fuse.Status(syscall.EEXIST)
code = me.promoteDirsTo(path)
code = fs.promoteDirsTo(path)
if code.Ok() {
code = me.fileSystems[0].Mkdir(path, mode, context)
code = fs.fileSystems[0].Mkdir(path, mode, context)
if code.Ok() {
attr := &fuse.Attr{
Mode: fuse.S_IFDIR | mode,
me.branchCache.Set(path, branchResult{attr, fuse.OK, 0})
fs.branchCache.Set(path, branchResult{attr, fuse.OK, 0})
var stream chan fuse.DirEntry
stream, code = me.OpenDir(path, context)
stream, code = fs.OpenDir(path, context)
if code.Ok() {
// This shouldn't happen, but let's be safe.
for entry := range stream {
me.putDeletion(filepath.Join(path, entry.Name))
fs.putDeletion(filepath.Join(path, entry.Name))
return code
func (me *UnionFs) Symlink(pointedTo string, linkName string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
code = me.promoteDirsTo(linkName)
func (fs *UnionFs) Symlink(pointedTo string, linkName string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
code = fs.promoteDirsTo(linkName)
if code.Ok() {
code = me.fileSystems[0].Symlink(pointedTo, linkName, context)
code = fs.fileSystems[0].Symlink(pointedTo, linkName, context)
if code.Ok() {
return code
func (me *UnionFs) Truncate(path string, size uint64, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
func (fs *UnionFs) Truncate(path string, size uint64, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
if path == _DROP_CACHE {
return fuse.OK
r := me.getBranch(path)
r := fs.getBranch(path)
if r.branch > 0 {
code = me.Promote(path, r, context)
code = fs.Promote(path, r, context)
r.branch = 0
if code.Ok() {
code = me.fileSystems[0].Truncate(path, size, context)
code = fs.fileSystems[0].Truncate(path, size, context)
if code.Ok() {
r.attr.Size = size
now := time.Now()
r.attr.SetTimes(nil, &now, &now)
me.branchCache.Set(path, r)
fs.branchCache.Set(path, r)
return code
func (me *UnionFs) Utimens(name string, atime int64, mtime int64, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
func (fs *UnionFs) Utimens(name string, atime int64, mtime int64, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
name = stripSlash(name)
r := me.getBranch(name)
r := fs.getBranch(name)
code = r.code
if code.Ok() && r.branch > 0 {
code = me.Promote(name, r, context)
code = fs.Promote(name, r, context)
r.branch = 0
if code.Ok() {
code = me.fileSystems[0].Utimens(name, atime, mtime, context)
code = fs.fileSystems[0].Utimens(name, atime, mtime, context)
if code.Ok() {
r.attr.SetNs(atime, mtime, time.Now().UnixNano())
me.branchCache.Set(name, r)
fs.branchCache.Set(name, r)
return code
func (me *UnionFs) Chown(name string, uid uint32, gid uint32, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
func (fs *UnionFs) Chown(name string, uid uint32, gid uint32, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
name = stripSlash(name)
r := me.getBranch(name)
r := fs.getBranch(name)
if r.attr == nil || r.code != fuse.OK {
return r.code
......@@ -510,25 +510,25 @@ func (me *UnionFs) Chown(name string, uid uint32, gid uint32, context *fuse.Cont
if r.attr.Uid != uid || r.attr.Gid != gid {
if r.branch > 0 {
code := me.Promote(name, r, context)
code := fs.Promote(name, r, context)
if code != fuse.OK {
return code
r.branch = 0
me.fileSystems[0].Chown(name, uid, gid, context)
fs.fileSystems[0].Chown(name, uid, gid, context)
r.attr.Uid = uid
r.attr.Gid = gid
now := time.Now()
r.attr.SetTimes(nil, nil, &now)
me.branchCache.Set(name, r)
fs.branchCache.Set(name, r)
return fuse.OK
func (me *UnionFs) Chmod(name string, mode uint32, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
func (fs *UnionFs) Chmod(name string, mode uint32, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
name = stripSlash(name)
r := me.getBranch(name)
r := fs.getBranch(name)
if r.attr == nil {
return r.code
......@@ -543,55 +543,55 @@ func (me *UnionFs) Chmod(name string, mode uint32, context *fuse.Context) (code
if oldMode != mode {
if r.branch > 0 {
code := me.Promote(name, r, context)
code := fs.Promote(name, r, context)
if code != fuse.OK {
return code
r.branch = 0
me.fileSystems[0].Chmod(name, mode, context)
fs.fileSystems[0].Chmod(name, mode, context)
r.attr.Mode = (r.attr.Mode &^ permMask) | mode
now := time.Now()
r.attr.SetTimes(nil, nil, &now)
me.branchCache.Set(name, r)
fs.branchCache.Set(name, r)
return fuse.OK
func (me *UnionFs) Access(name string, mode uint32, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
func (fs *UnionFs) Access(name string, mode uint32, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
// We always allow writing.
mode = mode &^ raw.W_OK
if name == "" {
return fuse.OK
r := me.getBranch(name)
r := fs.getBranch(name)
if r.branch >= 0 {
return me.fileSystems[r.branch].Access(name, mode, context)
return fs.fileSystems[r.branch].Access(name, mode, context)
return fuse.ENOENT
func (me *UnionFs) Unlink(name string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
r := me.getBranch(name)
func (fs *UnionFs) Unlink(name string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
r := fs.getBranch(name)
if r.branch == 0 {
code = me.fileSystems[0].Unlink(name, context)
code = fs.fileSystems[0].Unlink(name, context)
if code != fuse.OK {
return code
r = me.branchCache.GetFresh(name).(branchResult)
r = fs.branchCache.GetFresh(name).(branchResult)
if r.branch > 0 {
// It would be nice to do the putDeletion async.
code = me.putDeletion(name)
code = fs.putDeletion(name)
return code
func (me *UnionFs) Readlink(name string, context *fuse.Context) (out string, code fuse.Status) {
r := me.getBranch(name)
func (fs *UnionFs) Readlink(name string, context *fuse.Context) (out string, code fuse.Status) {
r := fs.getBranch(name)
if r.branch >= 0 {
return me.fileSystems[r.branch].Readlink(name, context)
return fs.fileSystems[r.branch].Readlink(name, context)
return "", fuse.ENOENT
......@@ -605,14 +605,14 @@ func stripSlash(fn string) string {
return strings.TrimRight(fn, string(filepath.Separator))
func (me *UnionFs) promoteDirsTo(filename string) fuse.Status {
func (fs *UnionFs) promoteDirsTo(filename string) fuse.Status {
dirName, _ := filepath.Split(filename)
dirName = stripSlash(dirName)
var todo []string
var results []branchResult
for dirName != "" {
r := me.getBranch(dirName)
r := fs.getBranch(dirName)
if !r.code.Ok() {
log.Println("path component does not exist", filename, dirName)
......@@ -634,43 +634,43 @@ func (me *UnionFs) promoteDirsTo(filename string) fuse.Status {
j := len(todo) - i - 1
d := todo[j]
r := results[j]
code := me.fileSystems[0].Mkdir(d, r.attr.Mode&07777|0200, nil)
code := fs.fileSystems[0].Mkdir(d, r.attr.Mode&07777|0200, nil)
if code != fuse.OK {
log.Println("Error creating dir leading to path", d, code, me.fileSystems[0])
log.Println("Error creating dir leading to path", d, code, fs.fileSystems[0])
return fuse.EPERM
me.fileSystems[0].Utimens(d, r.attr.Atimens(), r.attr.Mtimens(), nil)
fs.fileSystems[0].Utimens(d, r.attr.Atimens(), r.attr.Mtimens(), nil)
r.branch = 0
me.branchCache.Set(d, r)
fs.branchCache.Set(d, r)
return fuse.OK
func (me *UnionFs) Create(name string, flags uint32, mode uint32, context *fuse.Context) (fuseFile fuse.File, code fuse.Status) {
writable := me.fileSystems[0]
func (fs *UnionFs) Create(name string, flags uint32, mode uint32, context *fuse.Context) (fuseFile fuse.File, code fuse.Status) {
writable := fs.fileSystems[0]
code = me.promoteDirsTo(name)
code = fs.promoteDirsTo(name)
if code != fuse.OK {
return nil, code
fuseFile, code = writable.Create(name, flags, mode, context)
if code.Ok() {
fuseFile = me.newUnionFsFile(fuseFile, 0)
fuseFile = fs.newUnionFsFile(fuseFile, 0)
now := time.Now()
a := fuse.Attr{
Mode: fuse.S_IFREG | mode,
a.SetTimes(nil, &now, &now)
me.branchCache.Set(name, branchResult{&a, fuse.OK, 0})
fs.branchCache.Set(name, branchResult{&a, fuse.OK, 0})
return fuseFile, code
func (me *UnionFs) GetAttr(name string, context *fuse.Context) (a *fuse.Attr, s fuse.Status) {
_, hidden := me.hiddenFiles[name]
func (fs *UnionFs) GetAttr(name string, context *fuse.Context) (a *fuse.Attr, s fuse.Status) {
_, hidden := fs.hiddenFiles[name]
if hidden {
return nil, fuse.ENOENT
......@@ -679,10 +679,10 @@ func (me *UnionFs) GetAttr(name string, context *fuse.Context) (a *fuse.Attr, s
Mode: fuse.S_IFREG | 0777,
}, fuse.OK
if name == me.options.DeletionDirName {
if name == fs.options.DeletionDirName {
return nil, fuse.ENOENT
isDel, s := me.isDeleted(name)
isDel, s := fs.isDeleted(name)
if !s.Ok() {
return nil, s
......@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ func (me *UnionFs) GetAttr(name string, context *fuse.Context) (a *fuse.Attr, s
if isDel {
return nil, fuse.ENOENT
r := me.getBranch(name)
r := fs.getBranch(name)
if r.branch < 0 {
return nil, fuse.ENOENT
......@@ -700,20 +700,20 @@ func (me *UnionFs) GetAttr(name string, context *fuse.Context) (a *fuse.Attr, s
return &fi, r.code
func (me *UnionFs) GetXAttr(name string, attr string, context *fuse.Context) ([]byte, fuse.Status) {
func (fs *UnionFs) GetXAttr(name string, attr string, context *fuse.Context) ([]byte, fuse.Status) {
if name == _DROP_CACHE {
return nil, fuse.ENODATA
r := me.getBranch(name)
r := fs.getBranch(name)
if r.branch >= 0 {
return me.fileSystems[r.branch].GetXAttr(name, attr, context)
return fs.fileSystems[r.branch].GetXAttr(name, attr, context)
return nil, fuse.ENOENT
func (me *UnionFs) OpenDir(directory string, context *fuse.Context) (stream chan fuse.DirEntry, status fuse.Status) {
dirBranch := me.getBranch(directory)
func (fs *UnionFs) OpenDir(directory string, context *fuse.Context) (stream chan fuse.DirEntry, status fuse.Status) {
dirBranch := fs.getBranch(directory)
if dirBranch.branch < 0 {
return nil, fuse.ENOENT
......@@ -725,17 +725,17 @@ func (me *UnionFs) OpenDir(directory string, context *fuse.Context) (stream chan
go func() {
deletions = newDirnameMap(me.fileSystems[0], me.options.DeletionDirName)
deletions = newDirnameMap(fs.fileSystems[0], fs.options.DeletionDirName)
entries := make([]map[string]uint32, len(me.fileSystems))
for i := range me.fileSystems {
entries := make([]map[string]uint32, len(fs.fileSystems))
for i := range fs.fileSystems {
entries[i] = make(map[string]uint32)
statuses := make([]fuse.Status, len(me.fileSystems))
for i, l := range me.fileSystems {
statuses := make([]fuse.Status, len(fs.fileSystems))
for i, l := range fs.fileSystems {
if i >= dirBranch.branch {
go func(j int, pfs fuse.FileSystem) {
......@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ func (me *UnionFs) OpenDir(directory string, context *fuse.Context) (stream chan
if deletions == nil {
_, code := me.fileSystems[0].GetAttr(me.options.DeletionDirName, context)
_, code := fs.fileSystems[0].GetAttr(fs.options.DeletionDirName, context)
if code == fuse.ENOENT {
deletions = map[string]bool{}
} else {
......@@ -789,8 +789,8 @@ func (me *UnionFs) OpenDir(directory string, context *fuse.Context) (stream chan
if directory == "" {
delete(results, me.options.DeletionDirName)
for name, _ := range me.hiddenFiles {
delete(results, fs.options.DeletionDirName)
for name, _ := range fs.hiddenFiles {
delete(results, name)
......@@ -809,10 +809,10 @@ func (me *UnionFs) OpenDir(directory string, context *fuse.Context) (stream chan
// recursivePromote promotes path, and if a directory, everything
// below that directory. It returns a list of all promoted paths, in
// full, including the path itself.
func (me *UnionFs) recursivePromote(path string, pathResult branchResult, context *fuse.Context) (names []string, code fuse.Status) {
func (fs *UnionFs) recursivePromote(path string, pathResult branchResult, context *fuse.Context) (names []string, code fuse.Status) {
names = []string{}
if pathResult.branch > 0 {
code = me.Promote(path, pathResult, context)
code = fs.Promote(path, pathResult, context)
if code.Ok() {
......@@ -821,15 +821,15 @@ func (me *UnionFs) recursivePromote(path string, pathResult branchResult, contex
if code.Ok() && pathResult.attr != nil && pathResult.attr.IsDir() {
var stream chan fuse.DirEntry
stream, code = me.OpenDir(path, context)
stream, code = fs.OpenDir(path, context)
for e := range stream {
if !code.Ok() {
subnames := []string{}
p := filepath.Join(path, e.Name)
r := me.getBranch(p)
subnames, code = me.recursivePromote(p, r, context)
r := fs.getBranch(p)
subnames, code = fs.recursivePromote(p, r, context)
names = append(names, subnames...)
......@@ -840,17 +840,17 @@ func (me *UnionFs) recursivePromote(path string, pathResult branchResult, contex
return names, code
func (me *UnionFs) renameDirectory(srcResult branchResult, srcDir string, dstDir string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
func (fs *UnionFs) renameDirectory(srcResult branchResult, srcDir string, dstDir string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
names := []string{}
if code.Ok() {
names, code = me.recursivePromote(srcDir, srcResult, context)
names, code = fs.recursivePromote(srcDir, srcResult, context)
if code.Ok() {
code = me.promoteDirsTo(dstDir)
code = fs.promoteDirsTo(dstDir)
if code.Ok() {
writable := me.fileSystems[0]
writable := fs.fileSystems[0]
code = writable.Rename(srcDir, dstDir, context)
......@@ -858,65 +858,65 @@ func (me *UnionFs) renameDirectory(srcResult branchResult, srcDir string, dstDir
for _, srcName := range names {
relative := strings.TrimLeft(srcName[len(srcDir):], string(filepath.Separator))
dst := filepath.Join(dstDir, relative)
srcResult := me.getBranch(srcName)
srcResult := fs.getBranch(srcName)
srcResult.branch = 0
me.branchCache.Set(dst, srcResult)
fs.branchCache.Set(dst, srcResult)
srcResult = me.branchCache.GetFresh(srcName).(branchResult)
srcResult = fs.branchCache.GetFresh(srcName).(branchResult)
if srcResult.branch > 0 {
code = me.putDeletion(srcName)
code = fs.putDeletion(srcName)
return code
func (me *UnionFs) Rename(src string, dst string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
srcResult := me.getBranch(src)
func (fs *UnionFs) Rename(src string, dst string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
srcResult := fs.getBranch(src)
code = srcResult.code
if code.Ok() {
code = srcResult.code
if srcResult.attr.IsDir() {
return me.renameDirectory(srcResult, src, dst, context)
return fs.renameDirectory(srcResult, src, dst, context)
if code.Ok() && srcResult.branch > 0 {
code = me.Promote(src, srcResult, context)
code = fs.Promote(src, srcResult, context)
if code.Ok() {
code = me.promoteDirsTo(dst)
code = fs.promoteDirsTo(dst)
if code.Ok() {
code = me.fileSystems[0].Rename(src, dst, context)
code = fs.fileSystems[0].Rename(src, dst, context)
if code.Ok() {
// Rename is racy; avoid racing with unionFsFile.Release().
srcResult := me.branchCache.GetFresh(src)
srcResult := fs.branchCache.GetFresh(src)
if srcResult.(branchResult).branch > 0 {
code = me.putDeletion(src)
code = fs.putDeletion(src)
return code
func (me *UnionFs) DropBranchCache(names []string) {
func (fs *UnionFs) DropBranchCache(names []string) {
func (me *UnionFs) DropDeletionCache() {
func (fs *UnionFs) DropDeletionCache() {
func (me *UnionFs) DropSubFsCaches() {
for _, fs := range me.fileSystems {
func (fs *UnionFs) DropSubFsCaches() {
for _, fs := range fs.fileSystems {
a, code := fs.GetAttr(_DROP_CACHE, nil)
if code.Ok() && a.IsRegular() {
f, _ := fs.Open(_DROP_CACHE, uint32(os.O_WRONLY), nil)
......@@ -928,18 +928,18 @@ func (me *UnionFs) DropSubFsCaches() {
func (me *UnionFs) Open(name string, flags uint32, context *fuse.Context) (fuseFile fuse.File, status fuse.Status) {
func (fs *UnionFs) Open(name string, flags uint32, context *fuse.Context) (fuseFile fuse.File, status fuse.Status) {
if name == _DROP_CACHE {
if flags&fuse.O_ANYWRITE != 0 {
log.Println("Forced cache drop on", me)
log.Println("Forced cache drop on", fs)
return fuse.NewDevNullFile(), fuse.OK
r := me.getBranch(name)
r := fs.getBranch(name)
if r.branch < 0 {
// This should not happen, as a GetAttr() should have
// already verified existence.
......@@ -947,32 +947,32 @@ func (me *UnionFs) Open(name string, flags uint32, context *fuse.Context) (fuseF
return nil, fuse.ENOENT
if flags&fuse.O_ANYWRITE != 0 && r.branch > 0 {
code := me.Promote(name, r, context)
code := fs.Promote(name, r, context)
if code != fuse.OK {
return nil, code
r.branch = 0
now := time.Now()
r.attr.SetTimes(nil, &now, nil)
me.branchCache.Set(name, r)
fs.branchCache.Set(name, r)
fuseFile, status = me.fileSystems[r.branch].Open(name, uint32(flags), context)
fuseFile, status = fs.fileSystems[r.branch].Open(name, uint32(flags), context)
if fuseFile != nil {
fuseFile = me.newUnionFsFile(fuseFile, r.branch)
fuseFile = fs.newUnionFsFile(fuseFile, r.branch)
return fuseFile, status
func (me *UnionFs) String() string {
func (fs *UnionFs) String() string {
names := []string{}
for _, fs := range me.fileSystems {
for _, fs := range fs.fileSystems {
names = append(names, fs.String())
return fmt.Sprintf("UnionFs(%v)", names)
func (me *UnionFs) StatFs(name string) *fuse.StatfsOut {
return me.fileSystems[0].StatFs("")
func (fs *UnionFs) StatFs(name string) *fuse.StatfsOut {
return fs.fileSystems[0].StatFs("")
type unionFsFile struct {
......@@ -982,37 +982,37 @@ type unionFsFile struct {
layer int
func (me *unionFsFile) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("unionFsFile(%s)", me.File.String())
func (fs *unionFsFile) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("unionFsFile(%s)", fs.File.String())
func (me *UnionFs) newUnionFsFile(f fuse.File, branch int) *unionFsFile {
func (fs *UnionFs) newUnionFsFile(f fuse.File, branch int) *unionFsFile {
return &unionFsFile{
File: f,
ufs: me,
ufs: fs,
layer: branch,
func (me *unionFsFile) InnerFile() (file fuse.File) {
return me.File
func (fs *unionFsFile) InnerFile() (file fuse.File) {
return fs.File
// We can't hook on Release. Release has no response, so it is not
// ordered wrt any following calls.
func (me *unionFsFile) Flush() (code fuse.Status) {
code = me.File.Flush()
path := me.ufs.nodeFs.Path(me.node)
func (fs *unionFsFile) Flush() (code fuse.Status) {
code = fs.File.Flush()
path := fs.ufs.nodeFs.Path(fs.node)
return code
func (me *unionFsFile) SetInode(node *fuse.Inode) {
me.node = node
func (fs *unionFsFile) SetInode(node *fuse.Inode) {
fs.node = node
func (me *unionFsFile) GetAttr() (*fuse.Attr, fuse.Status) {
fi, code := me.File.GetAttr()
func (fs *unionFsFile) GetAttr() (*fuse.Attr, fuse.Status) {
fi, code := fs.File.GetAttr()
if fi != nil {
f := *fi
fi = &f
......@@ -30,24 +30,24 @@ func NewMemTreeFs() *MemTreeFs {
return d
func (me *MemTreeFs) OnMount(conn *fuse.FileSystemConnector) {
for k, v := range me.files {
me.addFile(k, v)
func (fs *MemTreeFs) OnMount(conn *fuse.FileSystemConnector) {
for k, v := range fs.files {
fs.addFile(k, v)
me.files = nil
fs.files = nil
func (me *MemTreeFs) Root() fuse.FsNode {
return &me.root
func (fs *MemTreeFs) Root() fuse.FsNode {
return &fs.root
func (me *memNode) Print(indent int) {
func (n *memNode) Print(indent int) {
s := ""
for i := 0; i < indent; i++ {
s = s + " "
children := me.Inode().Children()
children := n.Inode().Children()
for k, v := range children {
if v.IsDir() {
fmt.Println(s + k + ":")
......@@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ func (me *memNode) Print(indent int) {
// We construct the tree at mount, so we never need to look anything up.
func (me *memNode) Lookup(name string, c *fuse.Context) (fi *fuse.Attr, node fuse.FsNode, code fuse.Status) {
func (n *memNode) Lookup(name string, c *fuse.Context) (fi *fuse.Attr, node fuse.FsNode, code fuse.Status) {
return nil, nil, fuse.ENOENT
func (me *memNode) OpenDir(context *fuse.Context) (stream chan fuse.DirEntry, code fuse.Status) {
children := me.Inode().Children()
func (n *memNode) OpenDir(context *fuse.Context) (stream chan fuse.DirEntry, code fuse.Status) {
children := n.Inode().Children()
stream = make(chan fuse.DirEntry, len(children))
for k, v := range children {
mode := fuse.S_IFREG | 0666
......@@ -83,32 +83,32 @@ func (me *memNode) OpenDir(context *fuse.Context) (stream chan fuse.DirEntry, co
return stream, fuse.OK
func (me *memNode) Open(flags uint32, context *fuse.Context) (fuseFile fuse.File, code fuse.Status) {
func (n *memNode) Open(flags uint32, context *fuse.Context) (fuseFile fuse.File, code fuse.Status) {
if flags&fuse.O_ANYWRITE != 0 {
return nil, fuse.EPERM
return fuse.NewDataFile(me.file.Data()), fuse.OK
return fuse.NewDataFile(n.file.Data()), fuse.OK
func (me *memNode) Deletable() bool {
func (n *memNode) Deletable() bool {
return false
func (me *memNode) GetAttr(file fuse.File, context *fuse.Context) (*fuse.Attr, fuse.Status) {
if me.Inode().IsDir() {
func (n *memNode) GetAttr(file fuse.File, context *fuse.Context) (*fuse.Attr, fuse.Status) {
if n.Inode().IsDir() {
return &fuse.Attr{
Mode: fuse.S_IFDIR | 0777,
}, fuse.OK
return me.file.Stat(), fuse.OK
return n.file.Stat(), fuse.OK
func (me *MemTreeFs) addFile(name string, f MemFile) {
func (n *MemTreeFs) addFile(name string, f MemFile) {
comps := strings.Split(name, "/")
node := me.root.Inode()
node := n.root.Inode()
for i, c := range comps {
child := node.GetChild(c)
if child == nil {
......@@ -42,19 +42,19 @@ func NewMultiZipFs() *MultiZipFs {
return m
func (me *MultiZipFs) String() string {
func (fs *MultiZipFs) String() string {
return "MultiZipFs"
func (me *MultiZipFs) OnMount(nodeFs *fuse.PathNodeFs) {
me.nodeFs = nodeFs
func (fs *MultiZipFs) OnMount(nodeFs *fuse.PathNodeFs) {
fs.nodeFs = nodeFs
func (me *MultiZipFs) OpenDir(name string, context *fuse.Context) (stream chan fuse.DirEntry, code fuse.Status) {
defer me.lock.RUnlock()
func (fs *MultiZipFs) OpenDir(name string, context *fuse.Context) (stream chan fuse.DirEntry, code fuse.Status) {
defer fs.lock.RUnlock()
stream = make(chan fuse.DirEntry, len(me.zips)+2)
stream = make(chan fuse.DirEntry, len(fs.zips)+2)
if name == "" {
var d fuse.DirEntry
d.Name = "config"
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ func (me *MultiZipFs) OpenDir(name string, context *fuse.Context) (stream chan f
if name == "config" {
for k := range me.zips {
for k := range fs.zips {
var d fuse.DirEntry
d.Name = k
d.Mode = fuse.S_IFLNK
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ func (me *MultiZipFs) OpenDir(name string, context *fuse.Context) (stream chan f
return stream, fuse.OK
func (me *MultiZipFs) GetAttr(name string, context *fuse.Context) (*fuse.Attr, fuse.Status) {
func (fs *MultiZipFs) GetAttr(name string, context *fuse.Context) (*fuse.Attr, fuse.Status) {
a := &fuse.Attr{}
if name == "" {
// Should not write in top dir.
......@@ -97,11 +97,11 @@ func (me *MultiZipFs) GetAttr(name string, context *fuse.Context) (*fuse.Attr, f
submode = fuse.S_IFLNK | 0600
defer me.lock.RUnlock()
defer fs.lock.RUnlock()
a.Mode = submode
_, hasDir := me.zips[base]
_, hasDir := fs.zips[base]
if hasDir {
return a, fuse.OK
......@@ -109,20 +109,20 @@ func (me *MultiZipFs) GetAttr(name string, context *fuse.Context) (*fuse.Attr, f
return nil, fuse.ENOENT
func (me *MultiZipFs) Unlink(name string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
func (fs *MultiZipFs) Unlink(name string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
dir, basename := filepath.Split(name)
if dir == CONFIG_PREFIX {
defer me.lock.Unlock()
defer fs.lock.Unlock()
zfs, ok := me.zips[basename]
zfs, ok := fs.zips[basename]
if ok {
code = me.nodeFs.UnmountNode(zfs.Root().Inode())
code = fs.nodeFs.UnmountNode(zfs.Root().Inode())
if !code.Ok() {
return code
delete(me.zips, basename)
delete(me.dirZipFileMap, basename)
delete(fs.zips, basename)
delete(fs.dirZipFileMap, basename)
return fuse.OK
} else {
return fuse.ENOENT
......@@ -131,48 +131,48 @@ func (me *MultiZipFs) Unlink(name string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Stat
return fuse.EPERM
func (me *MultiZipFs) Readlink(path string, context *fuse.Context) (val string, code fuse.Status) {
func (fs *MultiZipFs) Readlink(path string, context *fuse.Context) (val string, code fuse.Status) {
dir, base := filepath.Split(path)
if dir != CONFIG_PREFIX {
return "", fuse.ENOENT
defer me.lock.Unlock()
defer fs.lock.Unlock()
zipfile, ok := me.dirZipFileMap[base]
zipfile, ok := fs.dirZipFileMap[base]
if !ok {
return "", fuse.ENOENT
return zipfile, fuse.OK
func (me *MultiZipFs) Symlink(value string, linkName string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
func (fs *MultiZipFs) Symlink(value string, linkName string, context *fuse.Context) (code fuse.Status) {
dir, base := filepath.Split(linkName)
if dir != CONFIG_PREFIX {
return fuse.EPERM
defer me.lock.Unlock()
defer fs.lock.Unlock()
_, ok := me.dirZipFileMap[base]
_, ok := fs.dirZipFileMap[base]
if ok {
return fuse.EBUSY
fs, err := NewArchiveFileSystem(value)
afs, err := NewArchiveFileSystem(value)
if err != nil {
log.Println("NewZipArchiveFileSystem failed.", err)
return fuse.EINVAL
code = me.nodeFs.Mount(base, fs, nil)
code = fs.nodeFs.Mount(base, afs, nil)
if !code.Ok() {
return code
me.dirZipFileMap[base] = value
me.zips[base] = fs
fs.dirZipFileMap[base] = value
fs.zips[base] = afs
return fuse.OK
......@@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ type TarFile struct {
func (me *TarFile) Stat() *fuse.Attr {
fi, _ := HeaderToFileInfo(&me.Header)
func (f *TarFile) Stat() *fuse.Attr {
fi, _ := HeaderToFileInfo(&f.Header)
fi.Mode |= syscall.S_IFREG
return fi
func (me *TarFile) Data() []byte {
func (f *TarFile) Data() []byte {
func NewTarTree(r io.Reader) map[string]MemFile {
......@@ -19,23 +19,23 @@ type ZipFile struct {
func (me *ZipFile) Stat() *fuse.Attr {
func (f *ZipFile) Stat() *fuse.Attr {
// TODO - do something intelligent with timestamps.
return &fuse.Attr{
Mode: fuse.S_IFREG | 0444,
Size: uint64(me.File.UncompressedSize),
Size: uint64(f.File.UncompressedSize),
func (me *ZipFile) Data() []byte {
zf := (*me)
func (f *ZipFile) Data() []byte {
zf := (*f)
rc, err := zf.Open()
if err != nil {
dest := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, me.UncompressedSize))
dest := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, f.UncompressedSize))
_, err = io.CopyN(dest, rc, int64(me.UncompressedSize))
_, err = io.CopyN(dest, rc, int64(f.UncompressedSize))
if err != nil {
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