Commit 868dc2c4 authored by Han-Wen Nienhuys's avatar Han-Wen Nienhuys

Deal with deletion directories which are removed from the backing


Add test.
parent c614b5b8
......@@ -101,14 +101,10 @@ func NewUnionFs(name string, fileSystems []fuse.FileSystem, options UnionFsOptio
writable := g.fileSystems[0]
fi, code := writable.GetAttr(options.DeletionDirName)
if code == fuse.ENOENT {
code = writable.Mkdir(options.DeletionDirName, 0755)
fi, code = writable.GetAttr(options.DeletionDirName)
if !code.Ok() || !fi.IsDirectory() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create deletion path %v: %v",
options.DeletionDirName, code))
code := g.createDeletionStore()
if !code.Ok() {
log.Printf("could not create deletion path %v: %v", options.DeletionDirName, code)
return nil
g.deletionCache = NewDirCache(writable, options.DeletionDirName, int64(options.DeletionCacheTTLSecs*1e9))
......@@ -122,24 +118,41 @@ func NewUnionFs(name string, fileSystems []fuse.FileSystem, options UnionFsOptio
// Deal with all the caches.
func (me *UnionFs) isDeleted(name string) (deleted bool, accessError os.Error) {
func (me *UnionFs) isDeleted(name string) (deleted bool, code fuse.Status) {
marker := me.deletionPath(name)
haveCache, found := me.deletionCache.HasEntry(filepath.Base(marker))
if haveCache {
return found, nil
return found, fuse.OK
_, code := me.fileSystems[0].GetAttr(marker)
_, code = me.fileSystems[0].GetAttr(marker)
if code == fuse.OK {
return true, nil
return true, code
if code == fuse.ENOENT {
return false, nil
return false, fuse.OK
log.Println("error accessing deletion marker:", marker)
return false, os.EROFS
return false, syscall.EROFS
func (me *UnionFs) createDeletionStore() (code fuse.Status) {
writable := me.fileSystems[0]
fi, code := writable.GetAttr(me.options.DeletionDirName)
if code == fuse.ENOENT {
code = writable.Mkdir(me.options.DeletionDirName, 0755)
if code.Ok() {
fi, code = writable.GetAttr(me.options.DeletionDirName)
if !code.Ok() || !fi.IsDirectory() {
code = syscall.EROFS
return code
func (me *UnionFs) getBranch(name string) branchResult {
......@@ -209,6 +222,11 @@ func (me *UnionFs) removeDeletion(name string) {
func (me *UnionFs) putDeletion(name string) (code fuse.Status) {
code = me.createDeletionStore()
if !code.Ok() {
return code
marker := me.deletionPath(name)
......@@ -557,9 +575,9 @@ func (me *UnionFs) GetAttr(name string) (a *os.FileInfo, s fuse.Status) {
if name == me.options.DeletionDirName {
return nil, fuse.ENOENT
isDel, err := me.isDeleted(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, fuse.OsErrorToErrno(err)
isDel, s := me.isDeleted(name)
if !s.Ok() {
return nil, s
if isDel {
......@@ -627,8 +645,13 @@ func (me *UnionFs) OpenDir(directory string) (stream chan fuse.DirEntry, status
if deletions == nil {
_, code := me.fileSystems[0].GetAttr(me.options.DeletionDirName)
if code == fuse.ENOENT {
deletions = map[string]bool{}
} else {
return nil, syscall.EROFS
results := entries[0]
......@@ -119,6 +119,20 @@ func remove(path string) {
func TestAutocreateDeletionDir(t *testing.T) {
wd, clean := setupUfs(t)
defer clean()
err := os.Remove(wd+"/rw/DELETIONS")
err = os.Mkdir(wd+"/mount/dir", 0755)
_, err = ioutil.ReadDir(wd+"/mount/dir")
func TestSymlink(t *testing.T) {
wd, clean := setupUfs(t)
defer clean()
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