Commit 0fb3d795 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

go/neo/t/benchplot: New program to visualise neotest benchmarks (draft)

Add the program that reads results from either bench-local or bench-cluster
neotest output and visualizes it. It uses module to read data
in Go benchmark format(*), processes them and plots scalability and other
graphs via matplotlib.

There are lots of hacks and rough edges, and in particular callout coordinate
calculation is completely wrong. However even in this state benchplot was used
to prepare the graphs in and·P4.html .

Some draft history related to this patch:        X move benchlib to ->        X benchplot: Teach it to understand benchmark names for partitioned NEO clusters        X deco-rio timings        X normalize/convert units, so that disk and ping/tcp latencies could be plotted too        X switch node info to labels; start adding that to plot        X neotest: Move cluster / node out fro benchmark name to label in environment        X benchplot: Start of automated plotting for neotest benchmark data        X benchlib/benchstat: Emit label:value info for several labels on one line, similary to go version        X benchlib: Python module to read & work with data in Go benchmark format

(*) is now part of pygolang: .
parent 92a30ef1
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2018 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
# Kirill Smelkov <>
# This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your
# option) any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# You can also Link and Combine this program with other software covered by
# the terms of any of the Free Software licenses or any of the Open Source
# Initiative approved licenses and Convey the resulting work. Corresponding
# source of such a combination shall include the source code for all other
# software used.
# This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
# See for rationale and options.
"""benchplot - make scalability & difference plots from neotest benchmarks"""
import sys, re
from collections import OrderedDict
from golang.x.perf.benchlib import xload_file, Unit, Benchmark, BenchLine
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import zoomed_inset_axes, mark_inset, \
TransformedBbox, BboxPatch, BboxConnectorPatch
from scipy.stats import ttest_ind_from_stats
usop = Unit(u'µs/op')
# BenchSeries represents several runs of a benchmark with different "·<n>".
# .series is [] of (n, Stats)
class BenchSeries(object):
def __init__(self, name, series): = name
self.series = series
# SeriesSet is a collection of benchmark series.
# it is represented by {} name -> BenchSeries.
# all series have the same unit.
class SeriesSet(OrderedDict):
def __init__(self, unit):
super(SeriesSet, self).__init__()
self.unit = unit
_n_re = re.compile(ur'.*(·\d+)$')
# seriesof extracts "·<n>" series from benchmark B.
# all values must have the same unit.
# returns -> SeriesSet | None.
def seriesof(B):
S = SeriesSet(unit=None)
Bn = B.byname()
for name in Bn:
m = _n_re.match(name)
if m is None:
continue # no ·<n>
name_ = name[:m.start(1)] # without ·<n>
n =
n = n[1:]
n = int(n)
bs = S.get(name_)
if bs is None:
S[name_] = bs = BenchSeries(name_, [])
stats = Bn[name].stats()
if S.unit is None:
S.unit = stats.unit
if S.unit != stats.unit:
raise ValueError('seriesof: different units: (%s, %s)' % (S.unit, stats.unit))
bs.series.append((n, stats))
if S.unit is None:
return None # nothing found
return S
# xseriesof, similarly to seriesof, extracts series from benchmark B, but omits non-interesting ones.
def xseriesof(B):
S = seriesof(B)
if S is None:
return None
# working directly with fs1 is very fast and makes seeing other variants hard.
S.pop('fs1-zwrk.go', None) # discard (not present in networked benchmarks)
# only show !log for neo/py as this are faster
for k in S.keys():
m = re.match(r'.*(\(!log\)).*$', k)
if m is None:
k_ = k[:m.start(1)] + k[m.end(1):] # without "(!log)"
#print 'hide %s (have %s)' % (k_, k)
S.pop(k_, None) # discard
return S
# mergepygo merges <bench>/py/... with <bench>/go/... if their benchmark values
# are close enough.
# returns -> Benchmark.
_bench_py_re = re.compile(r'.*/(py|go)/.*$')
_pygoswap = {'py': 'go', 'go': 'py'}
class _pygomerger:
def candidates(self, name):
# ex: unzlib/py/null-1K
# ex: disk/randread/direct/4K-avg
m = _bench_py_re.match(name)
if m is None:
return None
name_ = name[:m.start(1)] + _pygoswap[] + name[m.end(1):]
return [name, name_]
def mergedname(self, name, namev):
m = _bench_py_re.match(name)
assert m is not None
# XXX should be actually checking namev
# XXX 'py,go' <-> '*' ?
return name[:m.start(1)] + '*' + name[m.end(1):]
def mergepygo(B):
return Bmerge(B, _pygomerger())
# mergebynode merges <bench> on several nodes into one if benchmark values on
# several nodes are close enough.
# Bnode - ordered {} node -> Benchmark
# returns -> Benchmark with either '<node>/' or '*/' prefix prepended to benchmark names.
class _prefixmerger:
def __init__(self, prefixv):
self.prefixv = prefixv
def candidates(self, name):
namev = name.split('/')
if len(namev) < 2:
return None
if namev[0] not in self.prefixv:
return None
tail = '/'.join(namev[1:])
return ['%s/%s' % (_, tail) for _ in self.prefixv]
def mergedname(self, name, namev):
# extract prefixes from namev
prefixv = []
tail = '/'.join(name.split('/')[1:])
for _ in namev:
_v = _.split('/')
_prefix = _v[0]
_tail = '/'.join(_v[1:])
assert tail == _tail, (tail, _tail)
if set(prefixv) == set(self.prefixv):
prefix = '*'
prefix = ','.join(prefixv)
return '%s/%s' % (prefix, tail)
def mergebynode(Bnode):
# first get benchmarks on all nodes into one Benchmark with '<node>/' prefix.
B = Benchmark()
for node in Bnode:
for b in Bnode[node]:
B.append(BenchLine('%s/%s' % (node,, b.niter, b.measurev, b.labels))
return Bmerge(B, _prefixmerger(Bnode.keys()))
# Bmerge merges benchmarks in B according to merger if so selected
# benchmark values are close enough.
class merger:
# .candidates(name) -> []name* (reports names of candidate benchmarks to consider to be merged)
# .mergedname(name, namev) -> name (benchmark name should have mergedname when merged as part of namev)
def Bmerge(B, merger):
Bmerge = Benchmark()
Bname = B.byname()
for name in Bname.keys():
bv = Bname.get(name)
if bv is None:
continue # was merged/deleted
name_v = merger.candidates(name)
if name_v:
bmerge = bv[:] # merged BenchLines
namev = [name] # merged names
s = bv.stats()
if name in name_v:
name_v.remove(name) # already handled ^^^
for name_ in name_v:
b_ = Bname.get(name_)
if b_ is not None:
# ok to merge if either probably same or the difference is < 0.5µs
# XXX allow to merge if e.g. 1-2 µs if value > 10µs (ex 26 and 27 for unzlib/py,go/wczdata)
s_ = b_.stats()
assert s.unit == s_.unit, (s.unit, s_.unit)
t = ttest_ind_from_stats(s.avg, s.std, s.ninliers, s_.avg, s_.std, s_.ninliers)
if t.pvalue >= 0.3 or (s.unit == usop and abs(s.avg - s_.avg) < 0.5):
#print 'merging %s (%s)\t+ %s (%s) (%s)' % (name, s, name_, s_, t)
# if something was merged we need to fixup benchline names
if len(namev) > 1:
bmerge = [BenchLine(, _.niter, _.measurev, _.labels) for _ in bmerge] # clone BenchLines
for _ in bmerge: = merger.mergedname(, namev)
bv = bmerge
# so we never try to look again at something ahead that was merged
for name in namev:
del Bname[name]
return Bmerge
# add_yvalueticks adds small yticks for values in yv.
def add_yvalueticks(ax, yv, fmt='%d'):
ys0 = set(ax.get_yticks())
ys = ys0.copy()
yv = list(ys)
ylabv = []
_, ycutoff = ax.get_ylim()
#print 'ycutoff:', ycutoff
yv = [y for y in yv if y <= ycutoff]# don't add ticks above ylim XXX explain
for i, y in enumerate(yv):
if y in ys0:
l = '%d' % y
# choose ytick label for this to particular value.
# it is a bit smaller in size and cares not to overlap with neighbours.
yprev = (yv[i-1] if i > 0 else 0)
ynext = (yv[i+1] if i + 1 < len(yv) else float('inf'))
if y - yprev > ynext - y:
d = '_' # shift a bit down
#d = '_^' # shift a bit down
d = '^' # shift a bit up
#d = '^_' # shift a bit up
if isinstance(fmt, (str, unicode)):
ytext = fmt % y
ytext = fmt(y)
l = r'${}%s{%s}$' % (d, ytext)
#l = r'${}%s{{}%s{%d}}$' % (d[0], d[1], y)
# _stylefor is {} name -> Line2D style kw, so that we can always use e.g. the
# same colors for plots for the same server.
def _(**kw): return kw
_stylefor_re = [(re.compile(_), sty) for _,sty in [
(ur'neo/go/fs1(·P.*)?-zwrk.go', _(color='C0')),
(ur'neo/go/fs1\(!sha1\)(·P.*)?-zwrk.go\(!sha1\)', _(color='C0', ls='dashed')),
(ur'neo/go/sqlite(·P.*)?-zwrk.go', _(color='C1')),
(ur'neo/go/sqlite(·P.*)?-zwrk.go\(!sha1\)', _(color='C1', ls='dashed')),
(ur'zeo/py/fs1-zwrk.go', _(color='C2')),
(ur'neo/py\(!log\)/sqlite(·P.*)?-zwrk.go', _(color='C3')), # ls='dashed'), # XXX dashed?
(ur'neo/py\(!log\)/sql(·P.*)?-zwrk.go', _(color='C4')), # ls='dashed'), # XXX dashed?
(ur'crc32/(py|\*)/4K', _(color='C5')),
(ur'crc32/go/4K', _(color='C5', ls='dashed')),
(ur'sha1/(py|\*)/4K', _(color='C6')),
(ur'sha1/go/4K', _(color='C6', ls='dashed')),
(ur'unzlib/(py|\*)/wczdata', _(color='C7')),
(ur'unzlib/go/wczdata', _(color='C7', ls='dashed')),
(ur'unzlib/(py|\*)/prod1-avg', _(color='C8')),
(ur'unzlib/go/prod1-avg', _(color='C8', ls='dashed')),
(ur'disk/randread/direct/4K-avg', _(color='C9')),
(ur'disk/randread/pagecache/4K-avg', _(color='C9', ls='dashed')),
del _
def stylefor(name):
for namere, sty in _stylefor_re:
return sty
#print 'stylefor(%s) -> ?' % name
#return {}
raise RuntimeError('stylefor(%s) -> ?' % name)
# r0 is invisible something
# (useful as e.g. proxy in text-only legend)
r0 = Rectangle((0,0), 1, 1, fill=False, edgecolor='none', visible=False)
# plotseries makes plot of benchmark series how they change by "·<n>"
# S should be {} name -> BenchSeries.
# The whole plot is labeled as labkey. XXX <- no longer so
def plotseries(ax, labkey, S):
#plt.title("ZODB server handling read requests")
#plt.title("----") # XXX don't use vspace
# order plots (and thus their order in legend automatically) by value at "·1"
namev = S.keys()
namev.sort(key = lambda _: S[_].series[0][1].avg, reverse=True)
xticks = set()
yticks0 = set()
yticks_ = set()
for name in namev:
bs = S[name]
x = [n for n,_ in bs.series]
y = [s.avg for _,s in bs.series]
err1 = [s.avg - s.min for _,s in bs.series]
err2 = [s.max - s.avg for _,s in bs.series]
# XXX ecolor='black'
ax.errorbar(x, y, yerr=[err1, err2], capsize=2, label=name, **stylefor(name))
# XXX fmt for line
# XXX always use the same colors for the same lines (e.g. picking by hash)
# remember n we saw in xticks
for _ in x:
# remember first and last values
for _ in y[:1]: # XXX with [:2] it becomes too noisy
# first legend showing labels from labkey
lh = [r0] * len(labkey)
ltext = ['%s: %s' % (k,v) for k,v in labkey]
#lablegend = plt.legend(lh, ltext, handlelength=0, handletextpad=0, loc="upper right")
#ax = plt.gca().add_artist(lablegend)
# main legend about lines
ax.legend(loc='upper left')
#plt.ylabel('%s (higher is better)' % S.unit) # XXX
#plt.xlabel("XXX number of clients running simultaneously")
# mark every n we saw in xticks. we don't need other xticks besides that.
xtickv = list(xticks)
# mark first values with dedicated y ticks.
add_yvalueticks(ax, yticks0)
# always start y from 0 (it goes to -500 for latencies if auto)
# show on the right ticks for last y values
ax2 = ax.twinx()
ax2.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()) # same y scale as on ax
ax2.set_yticks([]) # no other ticks except for values
add_yvalueticks(ax2, yticks_)
# plotlat1 makes plot of benchmark latencies for serial (1 client) case.
# S - latency-µs/object series
def plotlat1(ax, S):
yticks0 = set()
for name in S:
b = S[name].series[0]
if b[0] != 1: # n
s = b[1] # stats
# 1 hand-made error bar (cannot control line styles of cap lines with errorbar)
w = 0.15
lw = None
ax.plot([1-w, 1+w], [s.min]*2, lw=lw, **stylefor(name))
ax.plot([1-w, 1+w], [s.max]*2, lw=lw, **stylefor(name))
ax.plot([1]*2, [s.min, s.max], lw=lw, **stylefor(name))
# mark first values with dedicated y ticks
add_yvalueticks(ax, yticks0)
# plotnode1 plots latencies of base CPU/disk operations on the nodes.
def plotnode1(ax, B, w=0.05, details=False):
Bu = B.byunit()
Bn = Bu[Unit("s/op")].convert_unit(u"µs/op").byname()
S = dict((_, Bn[_].stats()) for _ in Bn) # {} name -> stats
yticks = set()
yticknames = {} # ytick -> []name
# order plots (and thus their order in legend) by value
namev = S.keys()
namev.sort(key = lambda _: S[_].avg, reverse=True)
for name in namev:
if _lat1_skipname(name):
s = S[name]
#if details:
# print '%s:\t%s' % (name, s)
node, xname = name.split('/', 1)
yticknames.setdefault(s.avg, []).append(node) # XXX name
c = 1.1
lw = 0.5
if details:
lw = 1.5
ax.plot([c-w, c+w], [s.min]*2, lw=lw, label=xname, **stylefor(name))
ax.plot([c-w, c+w], [s.max]*2, lw=lw, **stylefor(name))
ax.plot([c]*2, [s.min, s.max], lw=lw, **stylefor(name))
# mark node-local values with ticks at right
ax2 = ax.twinx()
if details:
def fmt(y):
namev = yticknames[y]
return r'%.1f\ %s' % (y, ', '.join(namev))
add_yvalueticks(ax2, yticks, fmt=fmt)
if details:
ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize='x-small', #markerfirst=False,
bbox_transform=ax.transAxes, bbox_to_anchor=(1.4, 1), borderaxespad=0) # XXX hack to shift right
# benchmarks not to show
_lat1_skipre_v = [re.compile(_) for _ in [
def _lat1_skipname(name):
for skipre in _lat1_skipre_v:
if skipre.match(name):
return True
return False
# labtext returns text representation of ordered label {}.
def labtext(labels, nowarnings=False):
textv = []
for k,v in labels.items():
if k == 'WARNING':
if not nowarnings:
for warn in v:
textv.append('WARNING: ' + warn)
textv.append('%s: %s' % (k, v))
return '\n'.join(textv)
# labwarn returns warning text, if any.
def labwarn(labels):
warnv = labels.get('WARNING')
if not warnv:
return ''
textv = []
for warn in warnv:
textv.append('WARNING: ' + warn)
return '\n'.join(textv)
def main():
B, _, extv = xload_file(sys.argv[1])
# nodemap: neotest extension blocks with nodes
# extv -> node {}, date
nodemap = OrderedDict()
date = None
for ext in extv:
if 'xnode' not in ext:
raise RuntimeError('ext block without xnode:\n%s' % labtext(ext))
xnode = ext['xnode']
# (... XXX vvv hacky, not robust
_ = xnode.split()[0] #
_ = _.split('@')[1] #
node = _.split('.')[0]
nodemap[node] = ext
if 'date' in ext:
if date is None:
date = ext['date']
# XXX also check dates on client/server are close enough to each other?
del ext['date']
if date is None:
date = "date: ?"
# Bnode: {} node -> node-local benchmarks
Bnode = OrderedDict()
_ = B.bylabel(['node'])
for labkey in _:
if labkey == ():
continue # benchmarks with no `node: ...`
node = labkey[0][1] # labkey = ('node', node)
Bnode[node] = _[labkey]
Bl = B.bylabel(['dataset', 'cluster'])
for labkey in Bl:
# FIXME hack
if labkey == (): # cpu benchmarks
_ = dict(labkey)
cluster = _['cluster']
clusterv = cluster.split('-') # nodes in cluster
if 'dataset' not in _:
continue # networking benchmarks XXX show them too in plotnode1
# check we have node info or nodes in cluster
for node in clusterv:
if node not in nodemap:
raise RuntimeError('%s: node %s: no node info' % (labkey, node))
if node not in Bnode:
raise RuntimeError('%s: node %s: no node-local benchmarks' % (labkey, node))
Bu = Bl[labkey].byunit()
#fig = plt.figure(figsize=(2*7.5,10)) # XXX figsize - temp?
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,11)) # XXX figsize - temp?
fig.suptitle("ZODB server handling read requests", y=0.995)
#fig.text(0.5, 0.04, "XXX number of clients running simultaneously", ha='center')
fig.text(0.5, 0.204, "XXX number of clients running simultaneously", ha='center')
ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((7,2), (0,0), rowspan=6)
ax1.set_title(u'#requests, object/s (↑ is better)') # XXX add vspace between title and plot
# XXX req/s hardcoded. XXX other units?
Sreq = xseriesof(Bu[Unit('req/s')])
if Sreq is None:
raise RuntimeError('%s: req/s: series not found' % (labkey,))
plotseries(ax1, labkey, Sreq)
ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((7,2), (0,1), rowspan=6)
ax2.set_title(u'latency, µs/object (↓ is better)')
Slat = xseriesof(Bu[Unit(u'latency-s/object')].convert_unit(u'latency-µs/object'))
if Slat is None:
raise RuntimeError('%s: latency-s/object: series not found' % (labkey,))
plotseries(ax2, labkey, Slat)
# don't show legend in latency plot - instead show latency details for client=1
#ax21 = zoomed_inset_axes(ax2, 8, loc='upper left', borderpad=3.0)
ax21 = zoomed_inset_axes(ax2, 8, loc='upper left', borderpad=1.0, bbox_to_anchor=(0.06, 1), bbox_transform=ax2.transAxes)
zlatmax = 200 # XXX hardcoded
zxmin, zxmax = 0.8, 1.2 # XXX adjust?
ax21.set_ylim(0, zlatmax)
ax21.set_xlim(zxmin, zxmax)
# vvv a bit adjusted mark_inset(ax2, ax21, ...) - to connect box'es the way we need
rect = TransformedBbox(ax21.viewLim, ax2.transData)
ax2.add_patch(BboxPatch(rect, fill=False, fc="none", ec="0.5", lw=0.5))
ax2.add_patch(BboxConnectorPatch(ax21.bbox, rect, 3,2, 4,1, ec="0.5", lw=0.5))
plotlat1(ax21, Slat)
# also show sha1, unzip, ... latencies
B = mergebynode(Bnode)
B = mergepygo(B)
plotnode1(ax21, B)
# and same in detail
bb = ax2.bbox.translated(0,0) # .anchored((0,0)) #.anchored((3000,50))
ax211 = zoomed_inset_axes(ax2, 14*8, loc='upper left', borderpad=1.0, bbox_to_anchor=(0.33, 1), bbox_transform=ax2.transAxes)
#zlatmax = 25 # XXX hardcoded
zlatmax = 10 # XXX hardcoded
zxmin, zxmax = 1.09, 1.11 # XXX adjust?
ax211.set_ylim(0, zlatmax)
ax211.set_xlim(zxmin, zxmax)
plotnode1(ax211, B, w=0.007, details=True)
# small title for ax211
#ax211.text(0.5, 1.005, 'basic ops, µs', ha='center', fontsize='x-small', transform=ax211.transAxes)
bb = ax211.get_legend().get_bbox_to_anchor()
xc, ymax = ax211.transAxes.inverted().transform(((bb.xmin + bb.xmax) / 2., bb.ymax))
xc += 1.5 # FIXME because bb.xmax = xmin
ax211.text(xc, ymax + 0.005, 'basic ops, µs/op', ha='center', fontsize='x-small', transform=ax211.transAxes)
# mark_inset(ax21, ax211, ...)
rect = TransformedBbox(ax211.viewLim, ax21.transData)
ax21.add_patch(BboxPatch(rect, fill=False, fc="none", ec="0.5", lw=0.5))
ax21.add_patch(BboxConnectorPatch(ax211.bbox, rect, 3,2, 4,1, ec="0.5", lw=0.5, clip_on=False))
# figure-global legend showing labels from labkey
lh = [r0] * len(labkey)
ltext = ['%s: %s' % (k,v) for k,v in labkey]
fig.legend(lh, ltext, handlelength=0, handletextpad=0, loc="upper right")
# reduce margins
left=0.05, # no big marging on the left
right=0.95, # ----//---- r
# date
fig.text(0.003, 0.995, date, ha='left', va='top', fontsize=8) # XXX fs -> 7
# text about nodes
assert len(nodemap) <= 2 # XXX fragile
for i, node in enumerate(nodemap):
ax = plt.subplot2grid((7,2), (6,i), rowspan=1) # XXX 7,6 hardcoded
ax.text(-0.01, -0.10, node, rotation='vertical', ha='right', va='top', fontsize='large') # XXX font size?
# include pystone in ylabel XXX good place?
pys = Bnode[node].byunit()[Unit(u'pystone/s')].stats()
pydelta = max(pys.max - pys.avg, pys.avg - pys.min)
ax.text(-0.01, -0.10, ' (%.1fk ±%2.0f%% pystone/s)' % (pys.avg / 1E3, 100. *pydelta / pys.avg),
rotation='vertical', ha='right', va='bottom', fontsize=6)
h = 1.00 - 0.10
hmargin = 0.01
tsty = {'fontsize': 6, 'linespacing': 0.9, 'ha': 'left', 'va': 'top'}
warn = labwarn(nodemap[node])
if warn:
t = ax.text(0.01, h-hmargin, warn, color='red', **tsty)
#print t.get_position(), t.get_unitless_position()
#print t.get_window_extent(renderer=fig.canvas.get_renderer())
#print t.axes
h -= 0.08 * len(warn.split('\n')) # XXX hack
ax.text(0.01, h-hmargin, labtext(nodemap[node], nowarnings=True), **tsty)
#return # XXX temp to show only first
if __name__ == '__main__':
# XXX hack, so that unicode -> str works out of the box
import sys; reload(sys)
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