Commit 501f5dc8 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent bcab861c
......@@ -107,16 +107,17 @@ $@
# XXX neo/py, wendelin.core, ... - must be pip install'ed
# XXX neo/py: run via relative path to neomaster? (../../neo/neomaster) so we do not need to `pip install -e` ?
# local IPv6 address
myaddr6=$(getent hosts `hostname` |awk '{print $1}')
# port allocations
# XXX -> `hostname`? (or `hostname -i`)? or use @addr option? (-> -bindif=...)
Abind= # NEO admin
Mbind= # NEO master
Zbind= # ZEO
Abind=[$myaddr6]:5551 # NEO admin
Mbind=[$myaddr6]:5552 # NEO master
Zbind=[$myaddr6]:5553 # ZEO
# NEO storage. bind not strictly needed but we make sure no 2 storages are
# started at the same time
# disk allocation
log=`pwd`/log; mkdir -p $log
......@@ -367,7 +368,7 @@ pyver() {
# show data/versions
header() {
echo -n "# "; date --rfc-2822
echo "# `whoami`@`hostname --fqdn`";
echo "# `whoami`@`hostname --fqdn` ($myaddr6)";
echo -n "# "; grep "^model name" /proc/cpuinfo |head -1 |sed -e 's/model name\s*: //'
echo -n "# "; uname -a
echo -n "# "; python --version
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