Commit a1dde3c9 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

X deco-rio timings

Latency is awful (> 500µs) because RX coalescing is not disabled on rio.
parent 2d0b54ad
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ def xseriesof(B):
return None
# working directly with fs1 is very fast and makes seeing other variants hard.
del S['fs1-zwrk.go']
S.pop('fs1-zwrk.go', None) # discard (not present in networked benchmarks)
# only show !log for neo/py as this are faster
for k in S.keys():
......@@ -213,6 +213,7 @@ def Bmerge(B, merger):
b_ = Bname.get(name_)
if b_ is not None:
# ok to merge if either probably same or the difference is < 0.5µs
# XXX allow to merge if e.g. 1-2 µs if value > 10µs (ex 26 and 27 for unzlib/py,go/wczdata)
s_ = b_.stats()
assert s.unit == s_.unit, (s.unit, s_.unit)
t = ttest_ind_from_stats(s.avg, s.std, s.ninliers, s_.avg, s_.std, s_.ninliers)
......@@ -469,7 +470,7 @@ def plotnode1(ax, B, w=0.05, details=False):
if details:
ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize='x-small', #markerfirst=False,
bbox_transform=ax.transAxes, bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, 1), borderaxespad=0) # XXX hack to shift right
bbox_transform=ax.transAxes, bbox_to_anchor=(1.4, 1), borderaxespad=0) # XXX hack to shift right
......@@ -561,10 +562,12 @@ def main():
_ = dict(labkey)
dataset = _['dataset']
cluster = _['cluster']
clusterv = cluster.split('-') # nodes in cluster
if 'dataset' not in _:
continue # networking benchmarks XXX show them too in plotnode1
# check we have node info or nodes in cluster
for node in clusterv:
if node not in nodemap:
......@@ -670,8 +673,6 @@ def main():
# text about nodes
assert len(nodemap) <= 2 # XXX fragile
nodemap['rio'] = nodemap['deco'] # FIXME temp
Bnode['rio'] = Bnode['deco'] # XXX temp
for i, node in enumerate(nodemap):
ax = plt.subplot2grid((7,2), (6,i), rowspan=1) # XXX 7,6 hardcoded
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