Commit ef076d3a authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

golang_test.pyx: Switch to cimport pychan

Change `from golang import chan` to `from golang cimport pychan`; add
type annotations where pychan is used. Using pychan at C level will be
needed when test code will need to access C-level pychan attributes.
parent 1bcb8297
......@@ -26,28 +26,28 @@
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from golang cimport go, panic, pypanic, topyexc
from golang import chan, nilchan
from golang cimport go, pychan, panic, pypanic, topyexc
from golang import nilchan
from golang import time
# pylen_{recv,send}q returns len(ch._{recv,send}q)
def pylen_recvq(ch):
def pylen_recvq(pychan ch not None): # -> int
if ch is nilchan:
raise AssertionError('len(.recvq) on nil channel')
return len(ch._recvq)
def pylen_sendq(ch):
def pylen_sendq(pychan ch not None): # -> int
if ch is nilchan:
raise AssertionError('len(.sendq) on nil channel')
return len(ch._sendq)
# pywaitBlocked waits till a receive or send channel operation blocks waiting on the channel.
# pywaitBlocked waits till a receive or send pychan operation blocks waiting on the channel.
# For example `pywaitBlocked(ch.send)` waits till sender blocks waiting on ch.
def pywaitBlocked(chanop):
if chanop.__self__.__class__ is not chan:
if chanop.__self__.__class__ is not pychan:
pypanic("wait blocked: %r is method of a non-chan: %r" % (chanop, chanop.__self__.__class__))
ch = chanop.__self__
cdef pychan ch = chanop.__self__
recv = send = False
if chanop.__name__ == "recv": # XXX better check PyCFunction directly
recv = True
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