Commit 55b45932 authored by Sebastien Robin's avatar Sebastien Robin

make it working with no variations

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent c9694d40
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ from Products.ERP5.Document.DeliveryCell import DeliveryCell
from Acquisition import Explicit, Implicit
from Products.PythonScripts.Utility import allow_class
from DateTime import DateTime
#from Products.ERP5.ERP5Globals import movement_type_list, draft_order_state, planned_order_state
from zLOG import LOG
......@@ -231,70 +232,6 @@ class Delivery(XMLObject):
, PropertySheet.Reference
# CMF Factory Type Information
factory_type_information = \
{ 'id' : portal_type
, 'meta_type' : meta_type
, 'description' : """\
une liste de mouvements..."""
, 'icon' : 'delivery_icon.gif'
, 'product' : 'ERP5'
, 'factory' : 'addDelivery'
, 'immediate_view' : 'delivery_view'
, 'allow_discussion' : 1
, 'allowed_content_types': ('Movement',
, 'filter_content_types' : 1
, 'global_allow' : 1
, 'actions' :
( { 'id' : 'view'
, 'name' : 'View'
, 'category' : 'object_view'
, 'action' : 'delivery_view'
, 'permissions' : (
Permissions.View, )
, { 'id' : 'list'
, 'name' : 'Object Contents'
, 'category' : 'object_action'
, 'action' : 'folder_contents'
, 'permissions' : (
Permissions.View, )
, { 'id' : 'print'
, 'name' : 'Print'
, 'category' : 'object_print'
, 'action' : 'delivery_print'
, 'permissions' : (
Permissions.View, )
, { 'id' : 'metadata'
, 'name' : 'Metadata'
, 'category' : 'object_view'
, 'action' : 'metadata_edit'
, 'permissions' : (
Permissions.View, )
, { 'id' : 'translate'
, 'name' : 'Translate'
, 'category' : 'object_action'
, 'action' : 'translation_template_view'
, 'permissions' : (
Permissions.TranslateContent, )
# security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCausalitySate')
# def getCausalityState(self, id_only=1):
# """
# Returns the current state in causality
# """
# portal_workflow = getToolByName(self, 'portal_workflow')
# wf = portal_workflow.getWorkflowById('causality_workflow')
# return wf._getWorkflowStateOf(self, id_only=id_only)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getSimulationState')
def getSimulationState(self, id_only=1):
......@@ -393,6 +330,8 @@ une liste de mouvements..."""
This method is called whenever a packing list is being invoiced
# We will make sure that everything is well generated into the
# simulation, then we will be able to buid the invoice list.
# we create an invoice for this delivery
......@@ -400,59 +339,158 @@ une liste de mouvements..."""
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'buildInvoiceList')
def buildInvoiceList(self):
invoice = self.facture_vente.newContent(portal_type='Sale Invoice Transaction',
incoterm = self.getIncoterm(),
delivery_mode = self.getDeliveryMode(),
description = 'Vente'
invoice.setCausalityValue(self) # create causality relation
# Copy specific trade conditions (discount, payment)
order = self.getDefaultCausalityValue() # we only copy a single set of trade conditions
if order is not None :
if len(to_copy)>0 :
copy_data = order.manage_copyObjects(ids=to_copy)
new_id_list = invoice.manage_pasteObjects(copy_data)
# copy some properties from order
for key in ('payment_amount', 'payment_ratio', 'payment_term', 'payment_end_of_month', 'payment_additional_term', 'payment_mode', 'trade_date', 'price_currency', 'destination_administration', 'destination_decision', 'destination_payment', 'source_payment'):
invoice.setProperty(key, order.getProperty(key))
# Define VAT recoverability
if invoice.getDestinationSectionValue().getDefaultAddress() is not None :
if invoice.getDestinationSectionValue().getDefaultAddress().getRegion() in ('Europe/Nord/France',None,'') :
vat_ratio = 0.196
vat_recoverable = 1
else :
vat_ratio = 0
vat_recoverable = 0
else :
vat_ratio = 0
vat_recoverable = 0
# Set start_date
invoice_start_date = self.getTargetStartDate()
invoice.edit(value_added_tax_recoverable = vat_recoverable, value_added_tax_ratio = vat_ratio, start_date = invoice_start_date)
# Add Invoice lines for each resource/variation
movement_list = self.getMovementList()
movement_group = invoice.collectMovement(movement_list)
invoice_line_list = invoice.buildInvoiceLineList(movement_group) # This method should be able to calculate price for each line
# Set local_roles
# what's the gestionaire of this order
user_name = ''
# are we on a sales order or puchase order ?
if order is not None :
if order.getPortalType() == 'Sales Order' :
user_name = order.getSourceAdministrationTitle().replace(' ','_')
elif order.getPortalType() == 'Purchase Order' :
user_name = order.getDestinationAdministrationPersonTitle().replace(' ','_')
# update local_roles
invoice.assign_gestionaire_designe_roles(user_name = user_name)
# Retrieve all invoices lines into the simulation
LOG('buildInvoiceList on',0,self.getPath())
simulation_invoice_line_list = []
LOG('buildInvoiceList self.objectIds()',0,self.objectIds())
#delivery_rule = self.getCausalityRelatedValueList()[0]
#simulation_invoice_line_list = delivery_rule.objectValues()
parent_simulation_line_list = []
for o in self.objectValues():
LOG('buildInvoiceList line.getDeliveryRelated',0,o.getDeliveryRelatedValueList())
parent_simulation_line_list += [x for x in o.getDeliveryRelatedValueList() \
if x.getPortalType()=='Simulation Movement']
simulation_line_list = []
LOG('buildInvoiceList parent_simulation_line_list',0,parent_simulation_line_list)
for o in parent_simulation_line_list:
LOG('buildInvoiceList rule_list',0,o.objectValues())
for rule in o.objectValues():
LOG('buildInvoiceList rule.objectValues()',0,rule.objectValues())
simulation_line_list += rule.objectValues()
# for rule in o.getDeliveryRelatedValueList(portal_type='Simulation Movement'):
# simulation_invoice_line_list += rule.objectValues()
LOG('buildInvoiceList simulation_invoice_line_list',0,simulation_invoice_line_list)
from Products.ERP5.MovementGroup import OrderMovementGroup
from Products.ERP5.MovementGroup import PathMovementGroup
from Products.ERP5.MovementGroup import DateMovementGroup
from Products.ERP5.MovementGroup import ResourceMovementGroup
from Products.ERP5.MovementGroup import VariantMovementGroup
#class_list = [OrderMovementGroup,PathMovementGroup,DateMovementGroup,ResourceMovementGroup,VariantMovementGroup]
class_list = [OrderMovementGroup,PathMovementGroup,DateMovementGroup,ResourceMovementGroup]
root_group = self.portal_simulation.collectMovement(simulation_invoice_line_list,class_list=class_list)
invoice_list = []
LOG('buildInvoiceList root_group',0,root_group)
if root_group is not None:
LOG('buildInvoiceList root_group.group_list',0,root_group.group_list)
for order_group in root_group.group_list:
LOG('buildInvoiceList order_group.order',0,order_group.order)
#if order_group.order is None: # How to check, order is actually the packing list line ???
if 1:
# Only build if there is not order yet
LOG('buildInvoiceList order_group.group_list',0,order_group.group_list)
for path_group in order_group.group_list :
invoice_module = self.accounting
invoice_type = 'Sale Invoice Transaction'
invoice_line_type = 'Invoice Line'
LOG('buildInvoiceList path_group.group_list',0,path_group.group_list)
for date_group in path_group.group_list :
invoice = invoice_module.newContent(portal_type = invoice_type)
invoice.edit( target_start_date = date_group.start_date,
target_stop_date = date_group.stop_date,
start_date = date_group.start_date,
stop_date = date_group.stop_date,
source = path_group.source,
destination = path_group.destination,
source_section = path_group.source_section,
destination_section = path_group.destination_section,
target_source = path_group.source,
target_destination = path_group.destination,
target_source_section = path_group.source_section,
target_destination_section = path_group.destination_section)
for resource_group in date_group.group_list :
# Create a new Sale Invoice Transaction Line for each resource
resource = resource_group.resource
simulation_line_list = resource_group.movement_list
simulation_line = simulation_line_list[0]
invoice_line = invoice.newContent(portal_type = invoice_line_type)
invoice_line.edit( resource=resource)
resource_movement_list = resource_group.movement_list
quantity = sum([x.getTargetQuantity() for x in resource_movement_list \
if x.getTargetQuantity() is not None])
price = resource_movement_list[0].getPrice()
# the new delivery is added to the order_list
#line_variation_category_list = []
#line_variation_base_category_dict = {}
# compute line_variation_base_category_list and
# line_variation_category_list for new delivery_line
# for variant_group in resource_group.group_list :
# for variation_item in variant_group.category_list :
# if not variation_item in line_variation_category_list :
# line_variation_category_list.append(variation_item)
# variation_base_category_items = variation_item.split('/')
# if len(variation_base_category_items) > 0 :
# line_variation_base_category_dict[variation_base_category_items[0]] = 1
# update variation_base_category_list and line_variation_category_list for delivery_line
#line_variation_base_category_list = line_variation_base_category_dict.keys()
# IMPORTANT : delivery cells are automatically created during setVariationCategoryList
# update target_quantity for each delivery_cell
# for variant_group in resource_group.group_list :
# #LOG('Variant_group examin',0,str(variant_group.category_list))
# object_to_update = None
# # if there is no variation of the resource, update delivery_line with quantities and price
# if len(variant_group.category_list) == 0 :
# object_to_update = delivery_line
# # else find which delivery_cell is represented by variant_group
# else :
# categories_identity = 0
# #LOG('Before Check cell',0,str(delivery_cell_type))
# #LOG('Before Check cell',0,str(delivery_line.contentValues()))
# for delivery_cell in delivery_line.contentValues(filter={'portal_type':'Delivery Cell'}) :
# #LOG('Check cell',0,str(delivery_cell))
# #LOG('Check cell',0,str(variant_group.category_list))
# #LOG('Check cell',0,str(delivery_cell.getVariationCategoryList()))
# if len(variant_group.category_list) == len(delivery_cell.getVariationCategoryList()) :
# #LOG('Parse category',0,str(delivery_cell.getVariationCategoryList()))
# for category in delivery_cell.getVariationCategoryList() :
# if not category in variant_group.category_list :
# #LOG('Not found category',0,str(category))
# break
# else :
# categories_identity = 1
# if categories_identity :
# object_to_update = delivery_cell
# break
# # compute target_quantity, quantity and price for delivery_cell or delivery_line and
# # build relation between simulation_movement and delivery_cell or delivery_line
# if object_to_update is not None :
# cell_target_quantity = 0
# for movement in variant_group.movement_list :
# cell_target_quantity += movement.getConvertedTargetQuantity()
# # We do not create a relation or modifu anything
# # since planification of this movement will create new applied rule
# object_to_update.edit(target_quantity = cell_target_quantity,
# quantity = cell_target_quantity,
# force_update = 1)
return invoice_list
# Pricing methods
def _getTotalPrice(self, context):
......@@ -635,8 +673,13 @@ une liste de mouvements..."""
Returns 1 if all movements have a delivery or order counterpart
in the simulation
LOG('Delivery.isSimulated getMovementList',0,self.getMovementList())
for m in self.getMovementList():
LOG('Delivery.isSimulated m',0,m.getPhysicalPath())
LOG('Delivery.isSimulated m.isSimulated',0,m.isSimulated())
if not m.isSimulated():
LOG('Delivery.isSimulated m.getQuantity',0,m.getQuantity())
LOG('Delivery.isSimulated m.getTargetQuantity',0,m.getTargetQuantity())
if m.getQuantity() != 0.0 or m.getTargetQuantity() != 0:
return 0
# else Do we need to create a simulation movement ? XXX probably not
......@@ -672,6 +715,11 @@ une liste de mouvements..."""
Destination is divergent if simulated and target values differ
or if multiple destinations are defined
LOG('Delivery.isDestinationDivergent, self.getPath()',0,self.getPath())
LOG('Delivery.isDestinationDivergent, self.getDestination()',0,self.getDestination())
LOG('Delivery.isDestinationDivergent, self.getTargetDestination()',0,self.getTargetDestination())
LOG('Delivery.isDestinationDivergent, self.getDestinationList()',0,self.getDestinationList())
LOG('Delivery.isDestinationDivergent, self.getTargetDestinationList()',0,self.getTargetDestinationList())
if self.getDestination() != self.getTargetDestination() \
or len(self.getDestinationList()) > 1 \
or len(self.getTargetDestinationList()) > 1:
......@@ -704,6 +752,10 @@ une liste de mouvements..."""
def isDateDivergent(self):
LOG("isDivergent getStartDate", 0, repr(self.getStartDate()))
LOG("isDivergent getTargetStartDate", 0, repr(self.getTargetStartDate()))
LOG("isDivergent getStopDate", 0, repr(self.getStopDate()))
LOG("isDivergent getTargetStopDate", 0, repr(self.getTargetStopDate()))
from DateTime import DateTime
if self.getStartDate() is None or self.getTargetStartDate() is None \
or self.getStopDate() is None or self.getTargetStopDate() is None:
......@@ -1216,7 +1268,10 @@ une liste de mouvements..."""
for c in l.contentValues(filter={'portal_type':self.getPortalDeliveryMovementTypeList()}):
delivery_cell_related_list = c.getDeliveryRelatedValueList()
delivery_cell_related_list = [x for x in delivery_cell_related_list if (x.getId()!='produced_resource')]
source_list.extend(map(lambda x: x.getSource(),delivery_cell_related_list))
LOG('Delivery.updateFromSimulation, source_list:',0,source_list)
LOG('Delivery.updateFromSimulation, delivery_cell_related_list:',0,[x.getPhysicalPath() for x in delivery_cell_related_list])
target_source_list.extend(map(lambda x: x.getTargetSource(),delivery_cell_related_list))
destination_list.extend(map(lambda x: x.getDestination(),delivery_cell_related_list))
......@@ -1240,12 +1295,23 @@ une liste de mouvements..."""
simulation_target_quantity = sum(map(lambda x: x.getTargetQuantity(),delivery_line_related_list))
# Update source list
self._setSourceSet(source_list) # Set should make sure each item is only once
LOG('Delivery.updateFromSimulation, source_list:',0,source_list)
LOG('Delivery.updateFromSimulation, destination_list:',0,destination_list)
LOG('Delivery.updateFromSimulation, target_source_list:',0,target_source_list)
LOG('Delivery.updateFromSimulation, target_destination_list:',0,target_destination_list)
if not None in source_list:
self._setSourceSet(source_list) # Set should make sure each item is only once
if not None in destination_list:
if update_target:
self._setTargetSourceSet(target_source_list) # Set should make sure each item is only once
if not None in target_source_list:
LOG('Delivery.updateFromSimulation, update_target_source:',0,target_source_list)
self._setTargetSourceSet(target_source_list) # Set should make sure each item is only once
if not None in target_destination_list:
LOG('Delivery.updateFromSimulation, update_target_destination:',0,target_destination_list)
self.edit() # so that we may go to converged state
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'propagateResourceToSimulation')
def propagateResourceToSimulation(self):
......@@ -1300,3 +1366,55 @@ une liste de mouvements..."""
LOG('propagateResourceToSimulation, list_to_merge:',0,list_to_merge)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'propagateArrowToSimulation')
def propagateArrowToSimulation(self):
Propagates any changes on arrow to the simulation
propagateArrowToSimulation has priority (ie. must be executed before) over updateFromSimulation
LOG('propagateArrowToSimulation, ',0,'starting')
for l in self.contentValues(filter={'portal_type':delivery_movement_type_list}):
LOG('propagateArrowToSimulation, l.getPhysicalPath()',0,l.getPhysicalPath())
LOG('propagateArrowToSimulation, l.objectValues()',0,l.objectValues())
LOG('propagateArrowToSimulation, l.hasCellContent()',0,l.hasCellContent())
LOG('propagateArrowToSimulation, l.showDict()',0,l.showDict())
if l.hasCellContent():
for c in l.contentValues(filter={'portal_type':delivery_movement_type_list}):
LOG('propagateArrowToSimulation, c.getPhysicalPath()',0,c.getPhysicalPath())
for s in c.getDeliveryRelatedValueList():
LOG('propagateArrowToSimulation, s.getPhysicalPath()',0,s.getPhysicalPath())
LOG('propagateArrowToSimulation, c.getDestination()',0,c.getDestination())
LOG('propagateArrowToSimulation, s.getDestination()',0,s.getDestination())
if c.getTargetSource() != s.getSource() \
or c.getTargetDestination() != s.getDestination() \
or c.getTargetSourceSection() != s.getSourceSection() \
or c.getTargetDestinationSection() != s.getDestinationSection():
for s in l.getDeliveryRelatedValueList():
if l.getTargetSource() != s.getSource() \
or l.getTargetDestination() != s.getDestination() \
or l.getTargetSourceSection() != s.getSourceSection() \
or l.getTargetDestinationSection() != s.getDestinationSection():
security.declarePrivate( '_edit' )
def _edit(self, REQUEST=None, force_update = 0, **kw):
call propagateArrowToSimulation
# We must expand our applied rule only if not confirmed
#if self.getSimulationState() in planned_order_state:
# self.updateAppliedRule() # This should be implemented with the interaction tool rather than with this hard coding
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